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413 · Sep 2017
Phantom Poet Sep 2017
I have a problem,
I trust people easily and too much,
I believe every word spoken by them,
My heart every word touch,
For me love is to trust a person blindly,
Knowing they will not harm you,
And be there from you like family,
But now I have trusted one to many,
And each and everyone has broken me,
Now the harsh reality I see,
I can never trust anyone,
Not even me.
409 · Mar 2016
Phantom Poet Mar 2016
I'm hurting,
I'm crying,
I'm dying,
I'm in a corner,
Thinking about you,
Everything is blue,
I'm cursing,
at you,
To sell my soul,
I'm sinking in this cold,
Dark place,
I can see a face,
It's mine,
With a smile,
That was time,
When u loved me,
Or that's what I had in mind,
I'm engulfed in this void of darkness,
I don't know where I came from,
I don't know where to go,
I have entered the limbo
402 · Feb 2016
A sleepy tale
Phantom Poet Feb 2016
Go to bed to sleep,
Sleep to dream,
Dreams that u cannot keep,
A lovely place as it may seem,
Counting sheep that leap,
Over the moon in colour of cream,
Mountains and valleys that peep,
Amidst them flows a sparkling stream,
Now we fall asleep,
And dream,
Dreams we cannot keep
399 · Apr 2016
Phantom Poet Apr 2016
I grew up watching cartoons,
Reading fairy tales,
Believing they existed like the moon,
I thought the world was like these tales,
Fun,  magic and love,
Castles, princesses and magic doves,
But something hit me,
What happens in reality is tragic,
As I grew,
I lost hope,
We are walking on a tight rope,
Walking over insanity,
No excitement,
Life is ,
My biggest disappointment
386 · Feb 2016
A story of a breakup
Phantom Poet Feb 2016
I sat gazing at the empty Sky,
The Sun falling on my face,
one lonely cloud passed by,
It was an ordinary cloud,
But it's beauty swept me away,
I followed the cloud,
It lead the way,
Without a doubt,
It was magnificent,
Until one fine day,
It stormed over me,
It struck the innocence within me,
That day I cursed the cloud rashly,
And God,
And all for appreciating beauty? ,
I always ask God why?,
Why did he put within my heart,
a scar,
And all the almighty says,
Everything is fair in love,
And war
380 · Nov 2017
Russian roulette
Phantom Poet Nov 2017
Snap open the Smith and Wesson,
Model 19 six gun,
Empty the barrel, sound of bullets is fun,
I place a single bullet,
Along my sleeve the barrel I run,
And snap it back to place,
I ask myself with a straight face,
Did she really love me?click,
A blank,
Will I ever find love again?click
Another blank,
Will I ever be set free?click
A blank,
Losing love has made me lose fear!click
Another blank,
the sound made me see stars,
But I was not dead,
I did not feel,
Warm blood trickle down my head,
No pain,
What if this is death?,
I look at the vintage gun,
Smoke rises from the chamber,
The hammer was rammed,
The bullet was jammed,
I down a glass of whiskey single malt,
I have my answers now,
It never was my fault!
Just some casual writing
376 · Jan 2017
Phantom Poet Jan 2017
I am frustrated,
Because every little thing,
Bothers me in some way,
I get frustrated,
When I cannot find a book,
By an author who is my favourite,
It troubles me,
When I cannot get words to rhyme,
And when things do not,
Work at the perfect time,
I worry a lot,
From making music,
To being communicative,
My hands pain,
From punching the walls,
My arms burns from,
Scratching with my claws,
The happiest day,
The day I am set free,
Is when frustration,
Will be the death of me.
373 · Apr 2016
Phantom Poet Apr 2016
Demons come from fairy tales,
They are neither male,
Nor female,
They come from religions,
And are found,
In every different region,
Anybody can become a demon,
It's about how one thinks,
When they lose hope,
And is on Insanity's brink,
And they tie the noose on the rope,
To get away from these demons,
Or will one meet them again?,
This ends ,
These demons I am talking about,
Are none other then my so called "friends"!
I'm done with the devil and his dealing,
Where are they now,
When I'm swinging from the ceiling
Losing hope
372 · Dec 2016
Phantom Poet Dec 2016
It's had the power,
To make a person enthusiastic,
Or even nourish a beautiful flower,
There is music all around us,
Every tune and every beat,
Can please us,
The rhythmic tapping to feet,
Follows the beat,
One may be listening to,
Music take a person,
To a whole new world,
A pleasant beautiful one,
A song can be sung,
Or just plain instrumental,
Bells can be rung,
Beats can be made,
And tunes can be sung,
And i give you,
A beautiful song,
Songs helps us survive,
Keeps us alive,
Fine beats and tunes we strive,
And music is the elixir,
Of life!
I love music, and i love all kinds from trap to oldies, from skrillex to beegees
366 · Sep 2017
Phantom Poet Sep 2017
Parties are fun,
But then I don't like them,
An introvert does not like it because,
They have no one to walk beside them,
No one to follow,
Strangers face all around,
No groups to join,
No one I trust,
And it eats me up from inside,
To watch others have fun,
Laugh and dance with loved ones,
And I feel jealous,
Angry and sad,
To them I envy,
Sit alone in a corner,
And be polite,
And not scream out of,
Utter frustration,
People everywhere,
Not a single friend there.
365 · Feb 2016
Phantom Poet Feb 2016
I love someone,
But I never told her that ,
My love was brighter than the sun,
When I try to tell her that.... I love her,
I become silent like a cat,
I know  that if I tell her,
She will say,
"Let's just be friends everyday ",
I know that I can't be with her forever ,
All the way ,
But how much I wanted to look in her  brown eyes and say,
" I love you" ,
How much I wanted to tell her that,
" I always want to be alongside you",
How much I wanted to take her soft innocent hand in mine,
And just pass the time,
How much I wanted to make her smile,
And admire how she puts back her Chestnut brown hair,
And I am just sitting across her ,
Right there,
How much I wanted to give her a kiss,
And she'll pretend not to notice,
And I'll be embarrassed a lot,
How much I wanted to see her face turn pink,
Like the shade of her lips,
When our arms link,
But no matter how much I wanted,
I could never have it,
Because I love her,
But I could not say it,
To her.
363 · Mar 2020
Dutch countryside
Phantom Poet Mar 2020
I am in Netherlands,
Through my university course,
Has allowed me to travel across the lands,
Of the beautiful Europe,
Me and a friend have come to lend a hand,
To farmers for voluntary work,
Which is also a school on the farmland,
For kids who can't achieve the mark,
Who can't study in the normal system,
I am in the pure countryside,
And it is beautiful and majestic,
There are fields wide,
Long clean canals blue,
It is a beautiful sight,
I cycle looking at this view,
The sun shining golden bright,
The wind blowing past you,
The dim villages at night,
It feels nice to be away,
Away from the fright,
This is what I like,
This is,
The Dutch countryside
Hello, it has been 2 years since I have been on here, and been on a terrible path, I am writing again, to become normal and get my life together
363 · Mar 2017
Phantom Poet Mar 2017
What is it?,
Gaining information,
But what i see,
Is memorizing textbooks,
Forgetting after exams,
Or that's what happens,
In my country,
This is suffering,
How is this teaching,
How is someone supposed,
To grow and live with this?,
I'm grateful i get education,
I'm fortunate,
But I'm still in a cage,
I'm not yet free,
Burden of studies,
Burden from parents,
Burden from grades,
Why judge someone strongly,
With grades,
Grades, marks, point is assessment,
Of skill,
Not the whole life,
I personally don't understand,
How this world works.
I have realized i can't do anything in my last poem i made, not that its impossible, but there is a huge iron cast gate stopping me!
360 · Apr 2016
Phantom Poet Apr 2016
We have the power to make,
We have Power to create,
We have the power to destroy,
The power to demolish,
The power to give hope,
The power to cope,
Power to walk a tightrope,
Power to ****,
Power to fill,
Power to save,
To crave,
Power of rage,
And power of strong words,
On a blank page.
Personally the best of my work
360 · Oct 2017
Phantom Poet Oct 2017
Why must it be like this,
Why is the person,
That used to be my cause a happiness,
Now the sole reason for my sadness,
I can never look into those eyes,
That I blindly trusted,
Pieces of my heart u pick,
Everytime I see you I feel sick,
What made me happy the most,
Now kills me from inside,
And the pain of seeing you everyday is the worst.
359 · Jan 2018
Phantom Poet Jan 2018
Come with me,
Let us just runaway,
To some place far away,
Hop on the midnight Train,
Leave behind all the pain,
The fresh smell of rain,
Don't know where,
But we will know,
When we get there,
Struggle for living,
Jobs one after another,
But all that won't affect us,
As long as we have each other,
Live in a peaceful village,
By the forest,
Farm for the best,
Every Morning,
Smell the fresh air,
Birds chirping here and there,
Life is brought another,
A happy mother,
Remember the day,
Together We ran away,
On the midnight Train,
With the aesthetic smell of rain,
So I ask you,
Take my hand,
Let's runaway,
And catch the midnight Train,
During the rain.
Was kinda fast paced, but it feels so aesthetic
356 · Dec 2018
Phantom Poet Dec 2018
I wake up,
Open Instagram,
And I began to tear up,
The first post is a ram to my heart,
It's hers...,
With someone else,
Always with someone else,
All happy and cheery,
And I'm suffering and misery,
The first thing in the morning I see,
Makes me cry,
Makes me angry,
Makes me wanna die..
353 · Jun 2017
Phantom Poet Jun 2017
I'm out at some cool joint,
With golden oldies playing,
I may not know the songs but u get the point,
I close my eyes and listen to the songs,
And dance in my mind,
I don't know to dance,
But I just like to sway to the tune,
And nibble on light food,
It's the perfect mood
I'm to drunk to rhyme
353 · Sep 2017
Phantom Poet Sep 2017
Every night when I close my eyes,
My body becomes cold as ice,
And I find myself in a boat,
Rowing towards the coast,
Awaiting my arrival was she,
Standing there with unimaginable beauty,
She was not from the human world,
She was from mine,
A figment of imagination come alive,
I beach upon this lovely land,
She greets me by her hand,
And she takes me away,
To show me what lay,
There was music,
There were animals,
There was peace and serenity,
There was deserts,
Trees that glow,
It was the perfect world,
I sat with her and talked and talked,
All about my world,
And then she stopped,
For time was up,
I had to go back,
She walked me back to the shore,
And there was the boat,
Upon the water it sway,
I stood in it,
And it drifted me away,
And I woke up.

Another night I close my eyes,
And again my skin turns to ice,
And i am back to paradise,
But followed me was hell,
A girl from the human world,
She could follow me because,
She used to be my world,
And along with her she wrought despair,
And sadness to this paradise,
I pushed her in the water,
And watched her sink with a smile,
The sun shone again,
Brighter than ever,
And there never was no pain,
Time was up,
I woke up,

The next night,
I fell asleep,
And the wooden boat creaked,
And I was back to my kingdom,
And there was my queen,
Beautiful as ever,
She was smart and clever,
We spent the whole time,
In each others company,
By eventually,
Time came finally,
At the beach,
She said innocently,
'you don't need to go back ',
And I realised she was right,
I didn't have anything in the human world,
All I did was fight,
With myself,
And so the boat drifted away,
Alone and empty,
For I decided to stay,
Not that I wished to return,
But never again,
Was the boat noticed,
From across the plain,
Years went by,
Spent with the girl named Sophia,
And I have finally found,
This has been in the back of my head for the past month,I just never got around to penning it down,I is somewhat long, but I'll appreciate if you read the whole thing
351 · Apr 2019
Phantom Poet Apr 2019
I was sitting with her at the port,
A sunny day,
Some are practising water sport,
And we were chilling away,
We were eating ice cream,
The one with cones with a seam,
And I look at her sway,
I lean in and kiss her cheek,
She looks at me with shock,
I tell her I really like her,
She says I know,
And I say, that you don't share the same feelings,
She says I've been thinking about that,
And I'm like let's find out,
I lean in closer to her,
Press my lips against hers,
And kiss her,
And when we broke away,
I gazed into her eyes,
That looked like pools of honey,
When the sun hits right,
And I whispered,
I'll take that as a yes,



Beep beep beep beep
Beep beep beep beep
350 · Oct 2017
Phantom Poet Oct 2017
Every little sound seems loud,
Sounds of footsteps pounding in my head,
Everyone is talking loudly,
Even if I don't want to,
I can still hear what they say,
I bite my nails,
Always fidgeting like a dogs tail,
I grit my teeth,
Keep tapping my feet,
I feel uncomfortable talking on the phone,
I can  hear leaves being blown,
I am nervous in a crowd,
Afraid of sounds so loud,
Fireworks scare me,
Movie halls scare me,
I wake up sweating always,
Carrying a coin with me always,
I feel safe with it,
When tensed I bite the back of my hands,
I feel calm,
I listen to music all the time,
I like to be silent like a mime,
I feel calm by the sea,
Or in the rain,
The sound of water is soothing,
The waves rolling,
Hitting the rocks,
I get distracted easily,
But can focus like crazy,
I have something called,
Based on true experience,
349 · Feb 2016
Best friend
Phantom Poet Feb 2016
When I fall,
U take ur time to enjoy it,
And joke about it,
But eventually u help me on my feet,
Together when we eat,
I steal from ur treat,
But u just pretend u didn't see,
Cause later u'll get back at me,
When I'm in trouble,
U mock me,
But in the end ur standing beside me,
When u know I'm about to lose,
U accept defeat,
Just to get my hopes high,
But overall in the end its me who you beat,
We share moments and memories,
Helping each other,
During times of worries,
But we enjoy together,
Wishing we could live forever,
And all the crazy things we could do,
But in the end,
Ur my best friend.
347 · Feb 2018
To steal
Phantom Poet Feb 2018
Why do people steal,
Some to provide their family,
With a meal,
Some just to prove,
They are better than the security,
Some kleptomaniacs,
Fulfilling their desire,
I see this cute thing on the aisle,
Take it and shove it in my pocket,
Or in one of many pockets in my jacket,
Someone left their Starbucks unattended,
The taste of fresh coffee blended,
"Oh excuse me sir "!
"You dropped your wallet!",
Within my pocket crumpled money stir,
The thrill of stealing,
And the reward gleaming,
Life is unjust,
I cannot change it,
Might as well be part of it.
342 · Jun 2017
Phantom Poet Jun 2017
I have been changing schools,
For many years,
Before I never cared,
But on my last year and change,
I feel scared,
And I find it strange,
It's not like I'm leaving,
a loved one,
But I'm having some feeling,
I'm feeling sad,
Sad to realise,
I didn't have a friend,
All those I make,
In their minds,
Over time,
I fade away,
And this is how my schooling years,
I feel very sad,
And there is nothing I can do about it,
And with tears,
It makes me mad.
341 · Dec 2017
Help her
Phantom Poet Dec 2017
Everyday I help her,
Help her mend her broken heart,
Someone else broke it,
And she wants him back,
And I try to help her,
But she never know the fact,
That while others were breaking her heart,
I was always ready to peice it,
But she always went behind him again,
She loves him,
And I love her,
She won't notice what she wanted,
Was right there,
And I am silent and helping her,
Get back with someone who hurt her.
339 · Oct 2016
The moon
Phantom Poet Oct 2016
I am sitting at one of my favourite places,
The beach,
And above me a lamp blazes,
A cool breeze blows,
Past many silent faces,
I look up and see the moon,
Large and cream,
With a hint of orange,
I realise that the moon,
Is like my crush!,
She stands there like a boon,
I admire her beauty,
But I cannot make her mine....fully,
I see her,
But I cannot reach for her,
So close yet so far,
I try to embrace her,
But she is someone else's,
She was my dear,
And not getting her was my fear,
And she is there everyday,
From heaven a boon,
Beautiful as ever,
But I cannot get her,
Just like the moon.
I personally think this is my best
333 · Nov 2017
Phantom Poet Nov 2017
The eyes depict emotions,
The face may hide those notions,
But the eyes show the truth as whole,
They called Windows to the soul,
Everytime I looked into her eyes,
I know she loves me,
But never did her lips smile,
And into my heart never did she see,
Or maybe she learnt to use her eyes,
To deceive me.
I saw it in her eyes but she never admitted it it said those words
333 · Jul 2021
Old friend
Phantom Poet Jul 2021
Hello old friend....
We meet once again,
I thought it was the end,
But I came crawling in vain,
More words are to be penned,
To write away the pain,
A soul to mend,
Speaking to you feels like solace in the rain,
The construct is nearly at the end,
Have  to get on the reality train,
Our time has come to an end,
We'll meet again,
Until then,
Goodbye old friend
325 · Jul 2018
This is what you get
Phantom Poet Jul 2018
When you make a friend,
Someone who knows you,
And feel like she will stay till the end,
A feeling develops within you,
The more we talk,
The more this love is there for you,
A friend who would mock,
A friend who would talk,
About endless dreaming with you,
Make plans with you,
Always talking over text,
Everything is perfect,
And everything blinds you,
Cuz you love her,
She never loved you,
You imagined a life with her,
U can't leave her,
And she loves someone else,
She will be with her lover,
And you can't even talk to anyone,
Cuz you loved her,
And she was your best friend too,
You have no one to talk to,
You don't know what to do,
Feel this familiar pain,
A pain you are used to,
This is what you get,
For being kind,
And good,
To someone so much,
Just pain,
Just tearstains,
And sleepless nights,
And empty stomach,
And broken heart,
You are not ready to smile again,
To try yet,
Cuz everytime,
This is what you get.
324 · Mar 2016
Phantom Poet Mar 2016
Something that does not make sense,
Hey it is the core of our survival,
It tells us about,  
How we once were  an animal,
And how we have the advantage of doubt,
It explains gravity,
And einsteins theory of relativity,
It also explains,
About chemicals that cause pain,
Or make artificial rain,
But if it weren't for science,
We'd still be apes,
Losing our minds
Well I'm losing my mind anyway
323 · Oct 2017
No regrets
Phantom Poet Oct 2017
There was a time,
I cried and cried,
Because I had a dream,
That my parents died,
So realistic it seemed,
And I thought,
How long would they live,
They won't be there all the time,
At one point I must leave them,
At one point I'll never see them,

For four years,
I have had these great friends,
But then suddenly a rolling tear,
They won't be there for long,
They will go their own way,
They will move on,
I feel this guilty pain,
In a few months I may,
Never see them again,
Just memories,
All the fun memories,
Oh the crazy memories,
The happy memories,
The struggle memories,
The jokes and chats,
The stories and back pats,
All those will be missed,

My parents have years to live on,
And those years,
I must make the most of it,
Play with them,
Laugh and joke,
Everyday just be there for them,
So when death parts them from me,
I will not regret it,
I will smile,
Behind the smiles all the memories,

In a few months,
My friends will go their separate ways,
Till then we have days,
And we play like crazy,
Spend as much time with them,
Joke & laugh like never before,
Do crazy stuff,
To be remembered by,
The nicknames,
The arguement,
The debates,
So when they leave for their future,
I will see them off with a smile,
Behind it every single joke and games,
Over the years,
The favours and mistakes,
The laughs and craze,
I will not regret it,

I don't want to leave anyone I've met,
Within my heart,
With regret.
My friends will be leaving and am sad cuz I don't want them to and be with them forever
322 · Feb 2016
Phantom Poet Feb 2016
I used to,
Think I Have greater problems than you,
But when I learned the truth,
I am nothing compared to you,
For you are the modern youth,
And we live in a world of suffering,
And life keeps buffering ,
Now who am I to complain,
That I have suffered more pain,
Than you
This does not rhyme
321 · Feb 2017
Phantom Poet Feb 2017
The pressure is on,
The temperature suddenly rises,
People guessing choices at their wisest,
The shoe shuffles,
On the green grass,
The shot can make,
His future or even break,
Everybody depending on him,
The crowd cheering for him,
The goalie staring at him,
His body says go left,
But his eyes depict mischief,
A head of sweat trickles,
By the temple,
Decisions are made,
Chances are taken,
Risks to take,
He goes for it,
Silence at its roots,
He shoots!
310 · Mar 2016
Her power
Phantom Poet Mar 2016
When u pass by,
U give me a glance ,
And my heart  would shoot up the sky,
And I smell the rose flavored shampoo in ur hair,
And I'm stuck in time there,
U grin at my reaction,
Ur white teeth peek,
Between ur cherry lips,
And when u walk u sway ur hip,
And u wear a clip,
With a rose,
I'm stunned by the force,
Of ur astounding beauty,
U chuckle,
And my knees buckle,
My voice is muffled,
My mind is  shuffled,
And all u did is pass by,
And make me believe I can touch the sky!!!!
I'm trying to bring out a picture here
308 · Jul 2017
Phantom Poet Jul 2017
A little unique thought in your mind,
Can change the world,
The hidden potential you are trying to find,
Can change how clouds twirl,
Rich or poor,
It can change lives,
It is the future,
The greatest,
To solve any dilemma,
All you need,
Is an idea.
My observstio
308 · Apr 2019
Go be a hero
Phantom Poet Apr 2019
There are heroes,
Who are people who fight evil,
To save lives,
They have the will,
To stay alive,
But now we have a new villain,
Depression, anxiety,panic,OCD,
And many other pain,
And all it takes,
Is a smile,
Or a 'hi',
Ull see people shine,
Just a moment of happiness,
In their troubled life,
No matter how much Ur broken,
Always make people smile,
And a smile so genuine,
So anyone can be a hero,
So go out there,
No matter what,
Go be a hero.
Inspired by many cool video games
306 · Dec 2018
Day 2 - second Life
Phantom Poet Dec 2018
2 and half days I have been high,
Went to an internship interview high,
I woke up that day and smoked,
Told everyone bye,
And walked out feeling stoked,
Walked in the rain all the way home,
I was lost many times,
But then I just wanted to roam,
Bought a bunch of food,
Went climbing Everest,
The experience is just to good,
When it wears off,
It's the scariest,
I feel lost,
Empty and broken,
When high,
I have everything I need in life,
I go on dates in my mind,
Fight bad guys,
Get stabbed,
And I'm just lying on the bed,
I wish I could stay high forever,
I can just get the person I want,
As my wife,
This is reality,
This is the second Life
I ran out of supply and am busy so had to stop the experience
306 · Feb 2016
A dogs life
Phantom Poet Feb 2016
I was nothing  but a pup,
When u brought me home,
And put in  front of me a cup,
Engraved on it my name,
You groom me like a lions mane,
And teach me how to be tame,
I see u leave outside the door,
And I wait,
By the door,
I'm sitting on the floor,
I hear u approach the door,
And I leap off the floor,
For I have  awaited your arrival,
For hours many more,
When I go out,
And roam about,
I cannot see the colour,
But I can feel my surrounding,
And smell the flower,
I sit beside you,
Whining when I need some love,
From you,
And bark "I love you too "
I stay alert,
Till I can no more stay awake,
And tomorrow again is a another same day.
Well I tried something different for once.
305 · May 2016
Hand to hold
Phantom Poet May 2016
I wanted to hold her hand,
They were smooth,
And a little cream bland,
Her nails were pink,
Purple and all the colors,
One could think,
Her hand was like a flower,
Colorful and wavy,
I longed to take her hand in mine,
And just spend the time,
And when I greet her,
I kiss her hand,
Like an English gentleman!
305 · Jan 2019
Phantom Poet Jan 2019
I am making a video game,
a chatting game,
conversations are familiar and same,
you get to talk to me,
Save me from shadows chasing me,
running towards a changing exit,
get to the exit and a decision awaits,
There is a deeper meaning to it,
To do the right thing as a human,
or the right thing someone else wants,
and then the game ends.
probably take a couple of months for the game to come out, i have started working on it, its the darkest part of  my mind embedded and you have to make a decision, i will never need to again
305 · Feb 2018
Phantom Poet Feb 2018
I lay in bed,
My had dangling off the edge,
I don't have any fear,
Of the monster under,
On my face is a tear,
I wish the monster would grab my hand,
And take me to Neverland,
Away from the demons in my life,
I'm not scared of ghosts,
Or titans or ghouls,
I'm scared of people,
People who break my heart,
People who tear me apart,
I'd rather cherish the company,
Of ghosts and monsters,
Cuz they try to scare or **** you,
They **** your mortal vessel,
But people I knew,
They **** me from inside,
They **** my soul,
They will lead me,
To **** myself,
A slit on my wrist,
In pain my body twists,
The warm blood gushing out,
The light fading out,
Finally I can sleep,
Only time safe it keeps,
No one can hurt me when I sleep,
I drift to the dreamland,
Finally I can be here forever,
And on earth my corpse lay on the sand,
Nobody can harm me,
Nobody can break me,
Not another tear,
Across my cheek,
Or within my heart.
305 · Apr 2016
Dark soul
Phantom Poet Apr 2016
I was innocent,
Thinking life was magnificent,
But then I met these ghouls,
They said they were,
friendly souls,
I befriended them,
Overtime They were precious to me,
Like a prized gem,
But when I needed them the most,
They just left me hanging like ghosts,
These ghouls,
Have ignited,
My inner dark soul!
304 · Feb 2016
A mid summer dream
Phantom Poet Feb 2016
I had a dream,
No worries and problems,
Having some cake with chocolate cream,
On a picnic,
Sitting by the stream,
Under that shade of a tree,
With a cool wind,
Blowing past me,
I hear the rustling of leaves,
And the flowing of the stream,
Some buzzing of bees,
And chirping of birds,
Living in trees,
And a crunch of twigs,
By some critters running here and there,
I'm sipping on some cold drink,
Writing poems I'm the wind,
Without any ink,
After all I had a dream,
Having some cake with chocolate cream,
By the stream!
Phantom Poet Jun 2017
It's okay,
It will be alright,
It's okay,
It will be alright,
It's okay,
It will be alright,
I say these lines,
Everyday day and night
Not much
296 · Feb 2018
Phantom Poet Feb 2018
I rest on the couch,
And somebody knocks aloud,
I answer the door,
And there stands she,
And white dress all the way to the floor,
Dark black hair,
Dark as the night sky,
And black wings folded behind her,
death has arrived at my doorstep,
She  puts out her hand,
And utters words in a melodic voice,
"Come with me",
"You were never supposed to be alive",
"U have a choice",
"Stay here among this generation",
"Or wait until your actual creation",
"Your mind is far too advanced"
As it hit me, the realisation,
It made all sense now,
Why is hate everything,
Why i don't like the system,
The education system,
The political system,
Why everything was wrong,
Why there was always something off,
I had thoughts about a different reality,
Thoughts of a new family,
I don't hesitate and take her warm hand,
And step out the door,
And around me is suddenly black sand,
She says this is the gateway to heaven,
A gift from God for all your struggles,
Till your actual birth,
You can live in heaven,
Do whatever you want,
And wait for your actual life.
295 · May 2017
Phantom Poet May 2017
I met a friend,
For what may be the last,
I longed to hold her hand,
But dare I,
Just admire her while she rants,
I longed to embrace her,
But I couldn't,
Cause I can't,
Watched her walk back all alone,
Anything I would do,
To meet her again,
All alone,
With all the time,
But now sitting amongst strangers,
I write this piece,
Feeling the breeze,
My mind not at peace,
Even though I achieved,
What desired the most,
Buzzed by a fly,
Or did I?
294 · Nov 2017
Phantom Poet Nov 2017
I feel happy when I hear your voice,
I fell in love with you,
I did not have a choice,
And when I told you,
I could never hear your voice,
Your eyes would never meet mine too,
My heart felt like broken toys,
You became a ghost,
For you I was just another boy,
You are what my heart desires the most,
For you to play with I was not a toy,
I was just a boy,
Whose happiness was your voice,
And he fell in love with you,
He did not have a choice.
I'm really not paying much attention to my poems lately I just write what comes to mind
293 · Feb 2017
Phantom Poet Feb 2017
There was a girl,
Answers to the name calypso,
She lives since the Greek world,
And before was a goddess,
Daughter of atlas,
A God who lifts the world,
She was exiled to an island,
For all eternal time,
For her crime,
Supporting her father,
At the Titans and Olympians war,
She stood by the sea,
Her Greek gown flowing,
Her hair,
The colour of golden tee,
Her skin is white,
With a shade of pale,
Her eyes hold sorrow,
Unmatched with her face,
Upon her she holds a curse,
Many heroes were sent there,
If she fell for them,
They would be sailed away,
This was the curse of love,
Many warriors,
Came across her,
Even Odysseus,
And all of them,
Left her heart in pieces,
It is rumoured that,
This island,
Is not far from Croatia,
And its name is,
I typed fast and did not proof read it so please excuse any mistakes
291 · Oct 2016
Phantom Poet Oct 2016
Today is 19th of the month October,
Today was a little cold,
Winter is around the corner,
The sky is dark bold,
I relate to an Eskimo,
I fight the cold,
And onto my life I hold,
But when I stand next to her,
Warmth flows through me,
Her presence is like a flame,
And warm love,
Flows through my veins,
The Eskimo absorbs the heat,
To get rid of cold feet,
He uses fire,
All day cold I will be,
My soul is frozen,
And melts when she looks at me,
Her eyes are warm embers,
Her soul is a flame,
She is my ultimate desire,
She is what I admire,
She is..... My fire.
I felt cold today :p
291 · Oct 2016
Phantom Poet Oct 2016
What is it,
Fear of dogs,
Fear of getting bit,
Fear of spiders,
Fear of liars,
Fear of people breaking your heart,
Fear of remembering the past,
Fear of dying,
Fear of flying,
Fear of buying,
Fear of ghosts,
Fear of monsters,
A wise man told me,
The monster is not under your bed,
It's inside your head,
So is this fear,
And so is everything else,
Now don't fall and drop a tear,
Stand tall and face yourself,
Face the fear,
Hidden within your mind,
Stand near,
Your fear,
And push him off,
From your mind,
You may be weak,
But u have a strong mind,
Just remember,
The monster is not under your bed,
It is in your head!
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