Aching, and angry and almost alive
Beaten, and battered and broken of bone
Callous, and cruel, and cruising off course
Deceived, and ******, and dealing with demons
Erected, and exploded, and eaten by erosion
Fractured, and fused, and falling to fast
Gaps, and gorgeous and glistening red gouges
Hellish, and harmful, and hurting my heart
Idiots, and idols, and invisible but insane
Justice and jolted and jade into jumping
Knights, and Kings, and killing of kinsman
Longing, and loathing, and living in lust
Media, and manipulation, and mind that's maddening
Nature, and night, and native in nothing
Opened, and ordered, obviously an orphan
Pungent, and putrid, and praying for perseverance
Quartered, and queued, and quietly is questioned
Rolling, and ready, and recently been released
Soulful, and sorry, and story of sorrow
Terrorist, and target, and
terrifying in truth
Unique, and united and using the universe
******, and victims, and validating the vice
Windows, and watching, weathering the winter
Xmas, and x-box, and
Xavier of X-Men
Yesterdays, and years, and yearning for youth
Zealous, and zones,
And zip of zero