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Passive aggressive, can't be too firm,
This anger inside me I've carried since birth.
I say what I mean but then laugh at the end
You don't think I'm serious, and my mind starts to bend.
Can't be too forward,
Sarcasm my favorite weapon, maybe if I said it straight I wouldn't always end up mad again.

Aggressively passive, I've given up hope, no point in giving a **** when you're taken as a joke.
Why argue my point when you're blind to my mind?
I get better and better at keeping the anger inside.
Go with the flow is too gentle a phrase, for the ***** I don't give the more that I age.
People will come and those people will go, no longer will I cry and let my soul feel hope.
And I'm ****** if I do
Definitely ****** if I don't,
But I can handle being ******
Simply because I won't
Oct 11 · 292
Kalliope Oct 11
Another year living, another day gone,
The past isn't giving the wisdom I want.

I'm searching for answers, I lay in the rain, I stare at the moon while I'm begging for change.

My face is now creased, from years of worry, I laugh at my young wish to grow up in a hurry.

The right answers never come, I grieve over wrong choices, I'll stay in my bed berated by these voices.

And it's October, but the leaves are still green, the seasons aren't seasons and I am not me.

Twenty seven I might be, but fourteen I still feel, I look at the life I've built but none of it seems real.
Happy Birthday to you, they shout in my room, but it's just a Friday, and I'm losing my youth.
Oct 2 · 141
Kalliope Oct 2
It's the first snow during the last year you believe in Christmas magic,
It's the desire to watch the tornado form even though the storm is heavy,
It's 9 am on the first fall morning of your freshman year of high-school,
It's your favorite sweater fresh out of the dryer,
It's the warmth from your mug of coffee radiating to your palms at 5 am,
It's the last laugh at your first slumber party before you fall asleep,
It's the sun creeping over the trees,
It's the sound of your Playstation starting up after a 3 month hiatus,
It's Thursday,
It's orange sun rays warming my skin,
It's a thick navy blue university that you never went to sweater,
It's fuzzy slippers,
It's Holiday themed squishmallows,
It's potato soup that your mom makes on Sunday,
It's cookie dough ice cream at midnight,
It's a warm cinnamon roll in the morning,
It's the number 22,
It's the way that when I close my eyes all I think of is you.
My feelings for you I can't describe,
But reading these instances you'll get the vibe,
It's just too simple to say I feel safe,
But in your arms I've found my place.
Sep 13 · 341
Star Reader
Kalliope Sep 13
And I'll look at the sky and search through the stars for validation of this feeling, and when I find the moon I'll think of you and suddenly my heart is reeling,
Do you look to cosmos and wonder where my mind goes when suddenly I am silent?
I'm just lost in your brown eyes hoping you realize that maybe you want this too.
But maybe you won't and I study stars all alone, finding signs that were never really there.
But I've read them constellation for constellation,
Searching for the love we share.
Some nights I find it and others I don't, but I blame that on the clouds, if we can't see it I promise you'll hear it,
My love for you is quite loud.
If you look at the moon
When I look at the moon
Can you feel me?
Sep 10 · 429
Bus Stopped
Kalliope Sep 10
I hang onto your every last word like it's the last bus home at midnight but the driver is inconsistent and now I'm stranded.
Do I wait under the flickering lights
Do I start my walk home alone
Sep 9 · 248
Kalliope Sep 9
These feelings flow out of the corners of my eyes like river rapids and pool all around me. Every time I think I can come up for air I start to drown again. And I'm searching for anything to keep me afloat but all I see is you, and the waves come crashing again.
A place once so safe,
A person made a home,
Now cold as a wraith,
Leaving me alone.
Kalliope Sep 8
I'm not good with money, a budget never could manage me, I hate when it's sunny, I prefer rain and a breeze.

I can be silent for days on end, can't even bring myself to sing, easily broken yet hard to bend, my mind is a stubborn thing.

Sometimes I get lost way too deep in my thoughts, have fun trying to guide me away, and I'm sensitive too don't yell in my room, it'll just activate the rage.

And God I get mean, inconsiderate and spiteful, with nowhere to lean, I'll feel my anger is rightful.

My hair clogs the drain, it's long and disarray, you won't get my brain, I cry like every other day.

I can't do my makeup, my eyelids don't shine gold, I'll threaten a break up, the second I feel you're cold.

I'll have the last word, everytime we disagree, I don't know if you've heard, but you shouldn't love me.
And Sweet boy I love you
But I'm a real mess
If I focus on the bad
It causes less distress
I can't focus on our good
When I'm trying to lay us to rest
Sep 8 · 112
27 Temporal Lane
Kalliope Sep 8
I day dream you know,
Of better days and other ways conversations should have went. I say words with passion that will never leave my lips, spend money I'll never make, experience a life I'll never live, all from my head. I've built the same house since I was 14 looking out rainy windows, so real I can smell the fresh coat of paint on the living room walls. I've planned the same wedding since I was 16 at midnight staring up at my ceiling, so real I can feel the tears on my cheek while reciting my vows. But I'm 26 and I'm scared of failure so I don't try, the fear so real I can feel myself daydreaming my life away.
And everything goes right in my head
And I don't make mistakes
My front door's painted red
And I succeed at every risk I take
Sep 7 · 546
Kalliope Sep 7
Your sun has set,
And my butterflies flew away
But even under your moon,
I'm drawn to you like a moth to a flame
Your flame so bright,
With a purplish hue,
I'll try every night,
To get closer to you
Sep 6 · 313
Fever Dream
Kalliope Sep 6
It was all real
For a moment
And I was sad
When I woke
But happy to have
Spent an hour with you
Even in the shortest naps
I live lifetimes with you
Sep 6 · 169
Not Hungry
Kalliope Sep 6
You ask me to get dinner
So casually I almost didn't hear it
And the chemistry is there
And you're waiting for my yes
But all I do is stare
In my head he tells me to go
But my heart is screaming no

You asked me to get dinner
So casually I chose not to hear it
And the chemistry is there
And yeah we could be a match
But I wouldn't dare
In my head he tells me to go
But his heart is all I want to know
I can't open this door with you
The previous door isn't closed
And maybe that door will slam in my face
But the decision to wait is mine to make
And at the end of the day
You're not him
Sep 5 · 1.4k
Kalliope Sep 5
Carefully removing posters from the wall
But the tape always catches
And rips at the edges,
Never careful enough
And like the tape
I never escape
Without a piece of them
Always with me
Sep 5 · 164
Kalliope Sep 5
I don't give up
It's not in my nature
Even when it burns to hold

I don't give up
I ponder and wonder
If you're supposed to feel like home

I don't give up
I tend my wounds carefully
And return to fire once more

I don't give up
I wait around and prepare
For them to come back through the door

I don't give up
But maybe I should
It seems like they always do

I don't give up
Delusions fill my head
And my heart really still loves you
So I'll tend to this fire
And burn with desire
With hopes you'll come around
And try my best to love you without sound
Sep 4 · 157
Kalliope Sep 4
A constant reminder of the love we once shared,
That's no longer there
Personified in the form of a little person,
A little bit of me and a lot a bit of you,
I love watching her figure out what all she can do
Stubborn and curious ,
I wonder if she'll grow to be like you, always furious
So I shower her with love and affection and attention
And shield her from our past, the things we do not mention
You find fault in every role I take,
As a partner you ******, but as a dad I think you're great
A confusing place to be, to hate the man your daughter adores
But I push through and only cry behind closed doors
The greatest gift you gave me
Was our daughter for sure
But the permanent connection with you
I could've gone without
Sep 3 · 166
Kalliope Sep 3
Somewhere between yes and no
Where the sky is purple
And the water so still
The grass grows tall
And it sways in the wind
I could stay here forever
My dress flowing in the breeze
Your gaze holding mine
But I can't build a life on maybe
And neither can you
But who's going to
Look away first
Maybe we grow old together
And preach forgiveness to our grandchildren
But maybe I never see you again
And you're just a story I tell my daughters
Sep 3 · 363
Kalliope Sep 3
I've begged for you for so long
There's a hole in my carpet
And bruises on my knees
But it doesn't feel wrong
If I bled out for you
You'd only see a mess
Sep 2 · 142
Kalliope Sep 2
I see brown eyes when I close mine
And messy dark hair,
Your hand in mine while the sun rises,
Tired from 3 am deep dives into eachothers minds,
Kept awake only by the desire of your presence,
And the electricity from your touch,
A touch not felt but so soft just the same,
But my eyes will open,
As the sun creeps over the trees,
Right when you're about to kiss me
And my brain will curse my heart for allowing such tantalizing visions
To creep in again
I'm more of a sunset girl
But you make me want to watch
The sun rise
Sep 1 · 202
What's Today Again?
Kalliope Sep 1
Yesterday's here again
Tomorrow never comes
I lay around and daydream about old love
Yesterday seduces me
Day after day
Soon I'll see the future
But probably not til the grave
Yesterday loves me
And has a grasp on me so tight
I'd give Tomorrow a chance
But it doesn't feel right
Yesterday is unfinished
A story untold
An ending I'll rewrite
Until I'm grey and old
But tomorrow could love me
It's trying it's best
It's waiting so patiently
For me to put Yesterday to rest.
But Yesterday was certain
Tomorrow is new
Yesterday was comfort
And Today?
Well it's blue
Aug 30 · 285
Carve It
Kalliope Aug 30
I trace your name on my collar bone,
It feels good on my skin.
Craving you this badly,
Will be my lifelong sin.
It feels so good
To hurt this bad
Aug 30 · 278
Midwest Crazy
Kalliope Aug 30
What if I loved
But didn't get obsessed
You like em crazy
And let me undress
But I got too comfy
So blessed in your presence
Now I feel like I'm dying
Drowned in your absence
And I'll call and I'll call
You don't even care
The love you claimed to feel
Was never ******* there
But I fell for you anyway
You became the moon
An all consuming enigma
Gone way too soon
But you'll give me breadcrumbs
And I'll wait here for dinner
You laugh at my pain
I guess at least heartbreak makes me thinner
(To be read as an aggressively long run on sentence btw)
I adore you
You can't stand me
You made me feel love
And then left me to rot
Aug 30 · 276
Kalliope Aug 30
And like a kid clumsily sneaking through the house in the dark,
you awakened all of my senses,
turned on every light of my heart,
making messes all along your path.
I'm turning the lights off
And cleaning up after you
It's a slow process
But I swear the lights
Keep coming back on
Aug 29 · 126
Kalliope Aug 29
Only good enough to be spoken to in the dark, I try not to think about it.
You consume all of my daylight hours,
Always present in my mind, how long will that last? If I'm only thought of when the stars come out, at least I'm thought of at all.
I'll play my music loud
But nothing drowns out the sound
Of missing you.
Aug 29 · 307
Sweet Nightmares
Kalliope Aug 29
When I close my eyes tightly,
And I do this nightly,
I can hear your voice.
You speak to me softly,
And I think ungodly,
Now I can feel your presence.
A touch I'll never know,
You already let me go,
Doesn't mean I don't miss you.
I wish I didn't
Because you don't
Aug 27 · 241
By a Thread
Kalliope Aug 27
You say I avoid love but really I crave it, a fearful heart unknowingly doomed,
But I'd rearrange the stars and leash the moon, at the chance for another lifetime with you.
But the Oracle has spoke, and the Fates don't change their mind. Bold of me to assume Lachesis would be kind.
I don't believe in fate, spent my life running away, Clotho finds it funny,
Atropos ready for my dying day.
And with the blanket woven
A destiny set in stone
I denounce the Fates
I will not end up alone
Aug 27 · 351
April Eclipse
Kalliope Aug 27
I wasn't meant to love you, no I don't believe in fate. But here I am anyway, convincing myself it wasn't great.
I'm failing, you know, to see you in any other light, I just lay here wishing we could've had one more night.
Your voice was always soothing, and coaxed words out of me unsaid, and now I'm left here desperately trying to pull you from my head.
Your touch I never felt, but my skin will swear I did, your soul reached out to hug me while mine ran and hid.
You don't do second chances, and I never win on the first try, your words are always cold now and all I do is cry.  
My heart breaks that we got here, even though it's my fault, and as I erase our memories, there are a few I'll store in my vault
I think this is goodbye my sweet boy
Aug 26 · 287
Comfort Show Quality
Kalliope Aug 26
I've been a thousand women
For a handful of men,
Each act greater than the last
But never enough for an encore.

At the end of the night
When I take off my mask,
Ready to be the one they fall for,
It's only emotional baggage left.

So I'll pack it up
And put it away neatly,
In case they ever return,
And I'll yearn
And I'll wish
And I'll dream
For someone to WANT to
Want to be with me
I want to be wanted
But scared to be seen
I think truly I know
What that means in the end for me
Aug 26 · 173
Morning Misery
Kalliope Aug 26
The world is awake
My eyelids are heavy
I make my coffee
But don't want to get ready
Another day without you
24 hours I'm dreading
I miss your sleepy good morning
But I know it's not happening
Well it is
Just without me
Aug 26 · 189
Deja Vu
Kalliope Aug 26
Familiar but distant
Different yet the same
I can't believe you still have that t-shirt,
What's made you come around again?
Time has aged your face
But your eyes haven't changed
And I can't look away
Aug 26 · 406
Frozen Coals
Kalliope Aug 26
My heart a hearth with endless fire,
They always return when they're cold
And I'll give and I'll give,
I have heat to share
But now I feel ice in my bones
Can someone get me a lighter?
Aug 25 · 225
Kalliope Aug 25
On the verge of yes,
More likely I'll say no
Constantly increasing the distance,
Never quite letting go
Always wearing a tight lipped smile,
Even when I'm feeling blue
No sense in letting them know,
There's nothing anyone can do
Feeling my feelings
Just not too much
Is the struggle
Aug 25 · 286
Why Today?
Kalliope Aug 25
You brought me flowers
But what does it mean?
I can ponder for hours
But I still want you to leave

And this wine is my favorite
I'm surprised you remembered,
I don't know what you expect of it
The man I once loved, you almost resembled

But you haven't been him for a long while
And I know you'll never be him again
Sure, these gestures make me smile
But to say I still love you would be pretend
My skin was black and blue
At the hands of you
A time I won't forget so soon
Aug 25 · 309
Kalliope Aug 25
Would the glass still have shattered had you not used it for wine?

Would the blanket still have caught fire had you not lit a cigarette?

Would your rent still be late had you not went to the casino?

Would I still have this pit in my stomach had you never said hello?
Some things are best left alone
Aug 25 · 140
Kalliope Aug 25
I grab a brush,
Just to ruin the painting

And with my pen,
I'll disrupt the flow

When I open my mouth,
I butcher the chorus

And I only spew facts,
Everyone already knows

A walking disaster,
Filled with good intent

Busting through walls,
Instead of being let in

Happy to be here,
Not knowing when to leave

Mistake after mistake,
Never stopping to just breathe
I wouldn't hold my hand either
Aug 23 · 329
Watercolor Ink
Kalliope Aug 23
I'll write you a letter
That you'll never see,
I hope to feel better,
Go back to being me
It's written in invisible ink
With tears splattered on the pages
So I can never go back and think
I could have made all the right changes
Aug 22 · 293
To Love a Poet
Kalliope Aug 22
My essence written down on paper
Ever so eloquently described,
Feelings I can always read later,
Written there forever this time.

A constant reminder of the love you once felt,
I can always go back and feel it,
Rereading them continues to make my heart melt,
But my soul knows this isn't realistic.

Ever so deeply that you were in love
But now you cannot feel the same,
I felt it, I'm READING it, I'll take all the blame!
             Come back to me again
And words are just words
No matter the pen
No matter the paper
No matter the writer
Words are just words
And I shouldn't have taken them to heart
Aug 22 · 139
Whisper Me
Kalliope Aug 22
Can you say my name one more time?
Softly, like the fog in the early morning
I just want to see if it still gives me goosebumps
Can you tell me my favorite color?
Quietly, like nighttime rain
I just want to remember how it felt to be remembered
I can only speak of you in whispers
Full volume, saying your name, gives me shivers
I hope that if you do think about me
You'll remember me in whispers
Aug 22 · 399
Kalliope Aug 22
Heart is racing, skin on fire
Jittering buzzing pacing cussing
Hair is wild, eyes look crazy
Shaking crying mumbling breathing
Face is wet, chest is pounding
Screaming running hiding sobbing
Keep it all inside
The best I can
Aug 22 · 260
Lover Girl
Kalliope Aug 22
I don't know where she went
But she took the silliest things with her
The glimmer in my eyes,
The giggles from excitement,
The rose tint from my cheeks,

I don't know where she went
But she took the wildest things with her
The amber glow I viewed you in,
The flutter in my heart when you said my name,
The peace I felt in your presence,

I don't know where she went
But the things that she left?
The lack of trust for people,
The fear of getting close?
I'll hold them tight until she returns
I don't know where she went
But I wish she'd come back home
Or maybe I hope she found a new home
And she stays far away from here.
Aug 21 · 215
Kalliope Aug 21
I cannot pour myself into you,
And expect to receive myself back
I cannot pour myself into you,
If you are not there anymore
I cannot pour myself into you,
And for the next 12 hours I won't
I cannot pour myself into you,
But I want to
I love you, I'm sorry
Aug 21 · 169
Kalliope Aug 21
Everywhere I look for you
I find you
Pull you out of thin air
Bringing you back to me
In all my activities
I find you
A username on a screen
A fleck of purple where it shouldn't be
Your phrases through strangers lips
In and out my heart while it beats
And worst part of it all,
I'm not even searching anymore
Aug 21 · 156
Sit with It
Kalliope Aug 21
What if the bad thing didn't happen?
If we erased that day,
Forgot the feelings too
Would I be this sad right now?

What if the good thing didn't happen?
If we erased that night,
Forgot those feelings too
Would I be this sad right now?
I want the pain to go away
But without this hurt
Then how would I know
What we felt was real?
Aug 21 · 508
Chemical Nonetheless
Kalliope Aug 21
I can't tell if you're the
Sustaining my life
Or maybe you're the
Trying to take it
Either way
It's time to get you out my system
Aug 21 · 102
Words and Phrases
Kalliope Aug 21
You don't want me
But hush now don't say it
I don't know if the words ache
Because I know it's true
Or because you won't admit it
You don't want me
The phrase that beats me black and blue,
Pours out of my eyes like summer rain,
Aches my bones like a cold winter morning,
And I let it
You don't want me entirely, just nearby
Aug 20 · 182
Kalliope Aug 20
If I linger in our favorite spots,
One day you'll find me.
The longer I stay,
I realize you're not coming.
But what if you show up just as I round the corner?
Aug 19 · 164
Kalliope Aug 19
You're an hour behind
And I'm an hour ahead
We never could meet at the right time
I'll bust my clock to wait for you tho
Aug 19 · 266
No Contact Contact
Kalliope Aug 19
My fingers swipe away
Every instinct telling me to text you
Your fingers swipe away
Every instinct telling you not to respond
And every response takes longer
And I can hold out a little more
But I wonder if I'm in your head
Cause I can't do this anymore
I miss you
Aug 17 · 343
Favorite Mug
Kalliope Aug 17
The best mug in the cabinet
Sits on the middle shelf
Everyone always grabs it
Rarely left to itself
The handle fits perfect
Though increasingly worn
Held in palms to reflect
With liquid so warm
A once beautiful design now a chipped away after thought
Aug 17 · 228
Too Much
Kalliope Aug 17
Too much talking
Too much noise
Too much kissing
Too much touching
Too much laughing
Too much crying
Too much fighting
Too much typing
Too much calling
Too much singing
You were never too much for me
This silence is though
Aug 17 · 185
Chai Latte
Kalliope Aug 17
I poured out my heart
But your cup was gone
Now I'm left all over the floor
I'm always too late
Aug 17 · 139
327 Characters
Kalliope Aug 17
I'm restless
I'm aching
I want you to text me

I'm texting
I'm pacing
I want you to text me

I'm staring
I'm crying
I want you to text me

I'm shaking
I'm numb
You're not gonna text me
Yet I keep texting you
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