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Tehreem Apr 2016
His eyes wide open
Mind a haunted alley
A shadow that swallowed light
Day crumbled at his darkness
Burning with fuel of coldness
Frozen in medieval times
Lurking under umbrella of madness
Wild smoke meeting match
Numb in the cycle of pain
With razors sharp edges of actions
Masquerading like a ghost halo
Bleeding fire in solace of night
U've stolen moments of my time
Because minutes won't tick by without thoughts of u

U've stolen parts of me
Because a part of me yearns for u
I hear tiny whispers of ur voice lurkin' within my head
I see images of u everywhere I look
I tell myself it isn't love
I don't know how love feels
but this couldn't be it
Nagging. Lurking. _Whispering. _Calling.
This isn't love

_I hope.
Ami Shae May 2015
in the twilight
i saw your shadow
as if waiting
to capture me
and in my fear
and anxious state of mind
all I could do was flee.

i wonder now
what if you were someone
i could have shared a moment or two
what if i had stayed
and got acquainted
with you?

fear eats at me,
rules my world
so many times
each and every day
and oh, i wish, i wish, i wish
i knew how to just stay

and be a part of this life
that so many others
seem to so easily do
but reaching out,
touching, talking to others
just makes me
shiver and tremble all the way through...
how do others do it? how do people make friends and find others who care? i constantly seem to live in fear... :(
guess i will have to keep trying though...(wish me luck!)
-- Jan 2015
Silence fills my ears

Silence fills my head

Silence fills my entire being

But I'm constantly drawn to it

It consumes me

Although it's not the silence itself  

It's what lies within it

Im being pulled into the darkness that comes along with the peircing silence

Whatever is lurking througout the darkness and the silence is luring me in

But the darkness slowly starts to become one with me

The silnce slowly fades away as the dark over powers it

Soon enough the beautiful silence is gone and all I am left with is the darkness that will soon over power me as well

But I soon realize that there was never any silcence, only darkness

And the darkness was me.
Michelle Oag Nov 2014
Their is something out there
Lurking in the shadows
Planing the perfect time to strike;
We know it's out there..
We can feel its eyes
Painting a bullseye on our backs
We think we are ready to face it...
We think that we can win...
But we will never be ready...
For it is already ahead in this...
It's already five steps ahead
Because it lurks in the shadows...
waiting.. Watching... planing...
We can't win because we can never catch up to it.
We know nothing..
Only that it watches from a distance..
It knows our biggest fears..
Our greatest weakness...
And our strengths...
It has already won...
Because it has planed this from the beginning..
It was always in control..
And it will stay in control...
It will determine our fate
We will have to accept that..
Accept that our lives..
Are in the hands of something that lurks in the shadows.
Waiting for the perfect time to strike..
And claim our souls as it's prize.
Mark Steigerwald Nov 2014
The beast terrible
the beast great.
Its claws like swords
it's mind bent on hate.

It's teeth like daggers
and its eyes glazed,
its strength incredible
and its heart ablaze.

Fear ye traveler
of this fearsome beast.
Fear ye wanderer
lest ye become its next feast

It's treachery brilliant
it's deception resilient,
it's lust for blood
far greater than a mighty flood.

The fear it brings
stretches far across the vast seas.
The horror it beholds
brings the faithful
too their praying knees.

It cannot be caught
this fearsome beast
It cannot die
and never sleeps.

It's always moving
always searching
always hunting
ever lurking.

It smells fear
from miles away.
It brings death to all,
and many each day.

So tread ye careful
step lightly
and be on guard.

Walk briskly
through the darkened forests
ever be wary
of this fearsome
unbreakable beast.
Martin Narrod May 2014
Gold crown of Olympus, hair crown and
Skin gown. First we throw our bodies at
One another. Heaping piles of human soup.
Bold maneuvers, hands and mouths and
Boy meets girl lying down, on top, intertwined.
Skittish moves on a tryst. Wet fingers of freshly
Tendered infinite decibel pleasure screams.
Streamers above a long rooting movement.

Overture of Aphrodite. Sparkling, glitter woman,
Legs pressed tightly to the chest,
Loose appendages intertwined. Intersticed dactyls
In rapture, soothing. Bodies build to one heart's beat.
Two muses fused together. If I wasn't afraid I'd wake you up
I'd slip on my shoes and make a tropical fruit fondue.

Stage two:

Ice cream lover's delight. Opus to brown sugar.
To swimming again, a pursed lurking of lips
In the academy of the pastoral commonwealth.
We eat at our stations of the sublime. Today which was
A day of discord- you nursed me back to the land of the living.

Stage three:


Stage four.


Stage five:

As we earn our pageantry to take
Stride on this Earth, and string a
Great bow of eager success among all of us,
You, me, them. While I continue to
Gaze at you. If not dinner, perhaps a
Cup of tea instead.

— The End —