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RC Jan 2014
Borderline Personality Disorder.

1. The other day I woke up and thought I knew who I was
I fell asleep and somewhere in between I lost myself
I lost the feeling in my stomach too
but we're still talking about how much we have in common.

2. My sweater got stuck on the hanger this morning
I started to rip it down
eventually I broke plastic and skin.
I haven't been back in my room since.

3. 12:06 PM Today my best friend came home and took most of our makeup
12:07 PM I messaged her and mocked our friendship.
12:07 PM She was in trouble with her grandma and had to hurry. She didn't know.
12:08 PM I broke down crying.

4. I woke up at 7:32 AM and took 4 shots
drank 2 beers
smoked four bowls
drank half a bottle of NyQuil and woke up the next day.
I have yet to figure out why.

5. I wanted to be a horse trainer for 9 years
then I decided I wanted to be an artist
worked on becoming a tattoo artist
matured into a writer
fell in love with photography
now I'm not even sure if I like school.

6. First scars appeared at 9
worst scars at 15.
First attempt at 10
almost wasn't an attempt at 14.

7. I've been happy the past few days
but I still want to **** myself
because soon I'll be drowning in depression
and succumbing to anxiety.

9. Once I got so bored
I thought myself into sorrow.
I didn't come out for a few hours
but by dinner I was laughing.

10. I used to be in love with a boy
but I didn't know
so I used whatever I could get
and now I'm alone.
I don't blame him.

11. I've mentally lost myself
as I screamed into the mirror
and it wasn't me talking to myself.
I don't really remember being there
but I was.
4.4k · May 2016
RC May 2016
With hands around my neck
I smiled as he pulled up my dress
year after year
the taste of fear
became a flavor of pain I knew best
Laid me down
turned me around
held my breath as he left whispers down my back
but I'd already drifted away
behind closed eyes
my mind kept trying
to disassociate  
Snapped back to reality with a slap on the ***
I giggled as he
did these things
because something about it filled in the cracks
The lace he'd given me
hid a stretch of scars
distracted from my arms
and I knew he'd say
"You look good in black"
wearing lingerie
that he could unsnap
just like he asked
2.2k · Dec 2014
RC Dec 2014
How do I convey myself in the hobbies I've kept close
How am I supposed to fabricate originality if I keep needing a higher dose
of the drug that keeps waters calm and skies clear
my dear
I feel a storm coming
about noon of every day
thoughts begin constricting in unnoticeable ways
strangling hope and taunting fear
I swear I hear
the scream I can't make
or maybe it's the doubt I couldn't shake
the existence that I fake
or the pieces I let people take
And I'm sorry now for realizing how I made them believe I'm the same
but I'm so wise for my age
I've torn down my own way.
About the of effect of " what they're supposed to do." But I use them to my advantage.
2.2k · Dec 2014
Campfire Eyes
RC Dec 2014
Your eyes burn in eager greens
hazel upon inspection
little strokes of fire in between
Your lips part with intention
always standing by every word
I can feel sparks illuminate our contentions
but it was deviations of feeling we always seemed to have heard
Hands that want to hold but search for answers on my skin
kindled comfort in passion
felt their way in
You intoxicate every cell
and I'd rather not explain
how each excessive thought is a sweeter taste of hell
a simpler dose of pain.
2.0k · Dec 2014
Broken Toy
RC Dec 2014
Sleeves of scars
and a garter of silver lines and burns
oh the hurt I've endured
Seated by the fire as a child
Lord knows I've had thoughts like this for a while
I'd dwell on the discretion I took
brooding over every hook that snagged my flesh
made a mess
of the little girl I never was
and they who shook me
pet me from the inside out
must have forgotten to what degree
their consumptive hands made me bleed
God how I wish they could see
every stain left with or without cause
was provoked by their nostalgic applause
but I don't even blame them
It was a conscious disease
perniciously eating
still chewing at me.
RC May 2015
"I have some really nice words
He gave me really nice words."
She said
1.3k · Feb 2021
Colors of Contempt
RC Feb 2021
I wore necklaces of bruises when you felt so prompted to gift them
slipped me into sleeves of black and blue
watched my skin turn every hue of human
I remember one night I got brave
and painted you too

There were times you'd say you loved my eyes
so much so
you could never look at the stains your anger left behind
Who knew familiar hands would create the very reasons
I had to hide

There were entire days you spent trying to wash away the colors
attempting to convince me of the superficiality of my wounds
as secrets added up between the four walls of your room
Mornings were for recovery
but you'd see red if I couldn't forget by afternoon
RC Apr 2015
Beautiful things fell out of his mouth.
I miss the way they felt
as I'd wear them around for days,
like necklaces of gold,
rings of silver
adorned on my mind.
1.0k · Dec 2014
RC Dec 2014
There are certain things you hear in the peak of night moments
the creak of a swing set as snow falls in pools of still around you
her eyes crinkling from the in to the outside when she smiles
crisp as the wind biting your lips
so you step towards her
tucking strands of hair behind her ears and under her cap
leaning towards those fragile wanting eyes
and tilting her head back
kissing more than a smile
but a someone who personifies the meaning of art
creating scenes  of meaning in the city scapes where we rest our hearts
in the pockets of a secret places where forest splits the sky
I've repeatedly fell in love with this girl
this girl with art in her glittering eyes.
Sorry for poem overload.
1.0k · Jan 2024
Son of Venus
RC Jan 2024
You have the kind of beauty that inspires
and lovers
Venus gifted you with more than you know what to do with

Truth be told
I don't know
who couldn't handle who

You melted every part of me
and I let you

You could do it again
just like in every lifetime I've met you
I wonder if we'll talk again.
959 · May 2016
Love at Face Value
RC May 2016
You've bruised parts of myself that even I can't reach
I know the pain is there but it's hard to see
beneath the flesh, it's become a part of me
I thought I was supposed to tolerate the hurt
smiled whenever you struck a nerve
but now I'm losing sight of who I used to be

I let destructive words find their way in
they broke more than just bones
they scarred more than my skin
I no longer trust the things I touch
with a taste of what humans can do
I can't believe love is worth that much

My body looks foreign yet the flaws so familiar
Coming to terms with my reflection
has started to feel like confession and I hate looking in the mirror
You studied my skin and broke down my value
limb for limb not enough
and you made sure I knew

Because of you connection tastes like lust
speaking my mind is scrutiny
trusting is new to me
and not something I'm willing to try
You exposed who I want to be in the worst way
I have no more time for apologies
I'm rebuilding all the things you taught me to hate
I can finally admit he hurt me without breaking my heart.
946 · Dec 2017
I am a choice.
RC Dec 2017
He was a good man when he could be but love is not about convenience.
been cheated on for almost two years, so there's that.
935 · Jan 2014
RC Jan 2014
It was excruciation.
Shrunken chest
depleted lungs
perturbed mind
and a covetous heart.
He had stripped me.

In a way I became flammable.
Anything that
set fire to my insides
and consumed me.

Flames fractured and ignited bone
sluiced through my veins
splintered my ribs
and I became the martyr
to every

And to think about you
is oppressive.
How I hurt you
how I burned you
and how I fell in love with you
you had left.
906 · Apr 2015
Astral Bodies
RC Apr 2015
Trying to describe what happened to us
is like fumbling to forge stars from
the evanescent remains
ever fluent in our veins
of astral bodies drifting further away.

Translunar thoughts extort my orbit around you
regardless of your eyes, their contained gravity
despite your lucid voice and it's fervid pull,
how they all hold me in place.
You are your own universe
and I am lost in your space.

Asteroids of presentimental wounds cratered my trust
you eclipsed unhindered through my life
and flared into hers;
our syzygy was over
but I never noticed our declination occur,
with your ephemeral attention
and I, rapt in limerence,
stayed a sidereal fragment to your sky.

I never did and still don't mind...
Definitions just in case, and because I'm addicted to learning new words.
trans·lu·nar - adj. of, relating to, or denoting the trajectory of a spacecraft traveling between the earth and the moon.
ex·tort - v. obtain (something) by force, threats, or other unfair means.
pre·sen·ti·ment - n. an intuitive feeling about the future, especially one of foreboding.
syz·y·gy - n. a conjunction or opposition, especially of the moon with the sun. "the planets were aligned in syzygy"
e·phem·er·al - adj. lasting for a very short time.
lim·er·ence n. - the state of being infatuated or obsessed with another person, typically experienced involuntarily and characterized by a strong desire for reciprocation of one's feelings but not primarily for a ****** relationship.
si·de·re·al - adj. of or with respect to the distant stars (i.e., the constellations or fixed stars, not the sun or planets).
862 · Dec 2014
Little Bird
RC Dec 2014
Like a bird flying high
coasting over her whole life
she knows she has to make it
Her eyes have opened wide
she's singing over her old lies
chance is here and it's time for her to take it
She faked her smile for a while
danced around fear and kicked up denial
but she never let anyone break her
never let a storm shake her
never let soiled hands cause her heart to ache.
847 · Jan 2014
RC Jan 2014
What if I just let him go?
I can do that
What if I just inhaled everything I had been missing?
I should feel that
What if I can cry again and not have him lacing my thoughts?
It's possible
What if I forgot to keep time again?
It's not something I'd need to worry about
with you else where
and your shadow not guiltily sipping
any chance I have
of recovering from this
way of life.
I want to flirt with the freedoms
I've so often tasted on my tongue.
I don't want to care
about anything
and I want to be sober
and indulge in the same pleasures.
I want to leave behind the pain
of my mental cage
and no longer want to be considered
on the absolute
of a
This sort of turned into an emotional purge. It felt great.
I did not go back and edit this so...
829 · Apr 2015
RC Apr 2015
I still love you.
I caught myself searching for those
lingering stares;
like your eyes don't want to leave.
You still glance at me too intensely
to be considered
just a figment of background
in each other's presence
but I still harbor every memory
in the shores of my mind,
always greeting my thoughts
when I don't want to swim too deep.
770 · Feb 2014
Two Exxtremes
RC Feb 2014
It's this inner craving to be different that hurts
this impulsive fire
so desirous
so ravenous
so disastrous
I feel I've no chance at not reducing myself to ash.

Then there are those times where my fire blazes wildly
and blissfully.
It radiates, spilling light on anyone near
embers encapsulating and holding them there
and a certain grace falls over me
over us.
766 · May 2016
Lessons in Letting Go
RC May 2016
Let me listen
I can feel what's on your mind
but you don't want to give in
I can see the strain on your shoulders
just behind that halfhearted grin
holding up the world only got worse as you got older
and you've got the proof on your skin
Used to hiding in bar chords and cigarettes
whenever your tolerance wore thin
I'd let you lean on me if you let me in
I'd be what you were missing
if you could've moved on from where you'd been
758 · Jun 2015
Who I Was
RC Jun 2015
Lately, I've been missing so many old pieces of myself
wondering where those parts went
and along what road I lost them
why I forgot them
and who saw me drop them.
747 · Apr 2015
Away from the City
RC Apr 2015
Like the city
there's always the constant buzz of your existence in the background
reminding me you're still here
polluting my thoughts

Your lights are too brilliant to disentangle from my mind
burning bright like neon signs in your eyes
prompting me towards you
and your vacant streets

Empty words hang on brick
crumbling graffiti of the walls we used to call shelter;
we built houses on comfort
but always needed something better

When I left, you phoned
I told you I had found home
though I wanted to hear the lonely in your voice
match the lonely I still know
745 · Jun 2015
New Addiction
RC Jun 2015
With you here it's easier to convince myself I don't need the high.
You're holding me together where I used to fill my cracks
and breathing
and breathing me in
and still managing to keep us both feeling alright.
RC Apr 2015
It was like dousing myself in gasoline
and waiting for sparks to fall from our lips
anticipating the moment our bodies reached such a high degree
our proximity glowed red.

Craving the spread of your feelings
from limb to clambering limb
flames leaping from fingertips
and burning the places I falsely called love.

But I eat your ash with a smile
fan the cinders still presiding in my heart
with your brimming words;
ignore the fact I'm still cold
and it looks like you're running out of matches.
690 · May 2024
Liquid Memory
RC May 2024
The cans in my room clang like church bells on a Sunday
waking me from a slumber as I roll in my blankets
the wind sweeps my cheek
my minds still asleep
but my eyes flutter anyway

I can taste last nights regrets on my tongue
like I spilled so many words
my mouth has nothing left to taste

Beer still rolls in my belly
holds me like an apology
as I reach for more water
I want to reach for something more
680 · Feb 2014
six minutes
RC Feb 2014
My favorite time of the day is the majority of six minutes that his attention becomes mine.
He's something I'd love to wrap around myself
and I'd imagine a warm feeling
cooling the burnt edges and rough breaks
easing the incessant aching that has become my life.

Something about the way he talks makes the world dissipate around us
and for once I'm not drowning in myself
but in him.

When he's here there aren't words beating my mind
or feelings strangling me with bloodied fingers
there isn't that urge to burn myself down
and the sense that I'm not okay doesn't exist to him
because I don't let him ask.

I'd much rather spend our time listening to him
and always walking on his right side
because I love to look up at him and see how the sun plays shadows on the creases of his mouth
and the infrequent freckles that play in lines on his cheek
the familiarity of his eyes that tell stories of ever changing blues and greens
how he always tilts his head towards me when we talk.

When he crosses my mind (all too often)
butterflies don't shift and shake
they begin to awaken and tremble delicately
nostalgia creeping in every crevice
and I'm consumed in his essence.

And it's funny because he always tells me about her
but I always ask.
How he's never felt like this and how different everything is.
It hurts me when he speaks of how unsteady they are
upsets me how she won't love him like she should
like I could.

In those six minutes something normal flickers inside me
something reassuring.

Usually in our six minutes I ignore the irony that while he's falling for her
I'm falling for him.
more catharsis. not really any editing, my apologies.
673 · Jan 2014
RC Jan 2014
I don't recall truly living the past
2 or 3
I concede only to you
that I used to be found just floating by
and out the window
along with the film of smoke
folding out of my lungs.
It's strange really
how tight I've held time
viewed it and rolled it in my palms
for hours on end
and when I reminisce on the details
they make sense
but the fabric itself has stretched so far
months had passed like weeks
days like hours.
The amount accomplished
when gazing eagerly over the threads
is depressing.
I soothe myself with friends
but still stay tacit
because my thoughts are too loud
too deafening
too self absorbed.
663 · Dec 2014
RC Dec 2014
I'm trying to bleed
running from scar to scar
searching for a rip
a trip in the seams
I'm fumbling with locks
and not enough keys
attempting to untie the knots
watching rotted stitches pop as I grip taut cuts and pull...
There's nothing there...
How the **** am I supposed to care
when I can barely bleed
But the chemicals rush too good
flush through my veins
leaving me breathless where I stood
and now I've left
too numb to sort feelings from the mess
But everything is so on track
every lesion every tear every hidden crack
fills in with pills
focus on the thrill
don't bother with the chills
I've gotta keep my head low.
Lost journal entry. PS bleeding does not always mean self harm. Interpret.
651 · Feb 2014
The Sculptor
RC Feb 2014
There is nothing beautiful inside me, anticipating its chance to bloom.
There is no reality behind the person
no girl waiting to be saved.
All that's destitute is left:
this shell of human skin that refuses to shed
my collapsing, one-track mind, wasting in its skull
the untried rawness in my heart, and its impotent beat.
I've tried my hand at molding my thoughts
just to see them harden and fracture
just to watch parts of myself leak
seep through every tense pore
and boil back down to nothing.
Sooner or later
these worn hands will grow weak from so much sculpting
and I will grow tired of my trade.
642 · Feb 2017
RC Feb 2017
I'd take endless casualties to stand by your side
even if the gun's always in your hand
when it comes down to ride or die
638 · Dec 2013
RC Dec 2013
I wish there were words
or pictures
or sounds
that could convey how I feel inside
but no matter how much I try
or how many nights I waste
with pen in hand and paper not far
I end in a teary eyed fury
because the creativity that leaks
from the outside world
into my skin
seethes within my bloodstream
and blankets my being
and it gets stuck
and no matter how much I write
or draw
it just seems to multiply
and I sicken with sadness
unable to share what I have within me.
So I smoke
and pop pills
and somehow
it releases this creative pressure
or seems to display it in my feelings
and I am alive again.
601 · May 2024
a moment
RC May 2024
This fleeting moment with him was so sweet
looking back on this in ten years I could probably name so many
just know it was sweet
and you were understood
and right now you are happy and warm
and the sun looks like the guitar riffs floating through your bedroom
and the dog is sleeping
and your room is messy but it's okay
because we'll take care of it later
and you are alive
and you are alive
and you are still alive
599 · Apr 2015
How I Feel.
RC Apr 2015
It just hurts.

I feel like nothing
no numb or pain
or rush to leave
I'm nothing;
intangibly here.

and restless
like the smoke
evanescing from
depleted lungs.

constantly pressures
my mind.
My thoughts
compress my body.
I can feel them
crawling up my throat
strangling me.
I'm lost
in muted asphyxiation.

I'm always high now
pills or ****
alcohol or pills
it's not for the thrill
Yet, I'm
always clambering
to get higher.
Reaching further
too high
too far
I'm gonna burn in the stars
and wash up
like the sky
on the shore.

There are
traces of love
diverged in
this outer space.
But who do the stars favor
if they're
indigenous to night?
To adore the Moon
and his
myriads of
wavering light?
When I'm
in love with the Sun,
his devoted passion
and dynamic love.
But the Earth...
he keeps me grounded
and we
don't even speak,
he's the dream
that keeps me up
at night
the tongue in my cheek.

Of all the
astral bodies
owns what's left
of my heart.
She's a void
a frozen star.
I'm sure
she knows
the distance I'd go
to maintain
our gravity.
Forgive her for
stolen star
don't question why
she became a
black hole
though I'm quite sure
she doesn't even know.
Sorry it's long. Just need to write. Can't focus on anything else.
597 · Mar 2014
RC Mar 2014
Lights dazzled like frozen fireworks on the horizon
The night air wrapped around my fragile bones
And you were shown how life had stripped me bare.
But I rose above you
Laughed as misery tore the sides of my mouth into a frown
And I surprised you like I always used to.
Reveled in the controversy your thoughts were having
As the stitches I had once sewn in your heart un-knotted and fell apart.
I heard your veins screaming
Writhing as I stole their air
But for once I didn't care.
I hoped you drowned in your despair.
594 · Sep 2016
RC Sep 2016
You're all I think about.
Right now I'm a cigarette and two beers down;
I always speak more when I'm drinking.
Besides, I don't think you'd believe me when I'm sober.
Then, you'd be able to see through me
if I was trying to ******* over.

But I see you
hiding girls up your sleeve.
Just because you're my everything
doesn't mean I'm afraid to leave.
Being stuck inside your gravity may be addicting,
you know I love giving in to my sensitivities,
however, I'm not as naive as it may seem.

Am I stupid or in love?
Is the above synonymous?
I guess this is me trying to blame our problems on ideas.
Maybe if you had met who I'm supposed to be
instead of a hurt version of who I was
we would've worked out differently.
I wouldn't need so much time
and you might've been who I need you to be.

I'm still gonna love you with all that I've got
yet you think it's all talk.
I'm just asking for your patience in exchange for my stability,
expecting your loyalty
even though dishonesty's nothing new to me.
I'd rather hold us down
than lose out to possibility.
Rather fall first with you
than trip over bad timing.
586 · Dec 2015
Shaky Resolutions
RC Dec 2015
Windy day meets hurricane

Open book meets barricade

Line of fire meets up in smoke

Solid faith meets blind hope
585 · Jul 2015
3:23 am
RC Jul 2015
You're sleeping downstairs on the couch
and I'm cursing at myself at 3:23 am
promising to set an alarm every hour until ten in the morning
so I can catch you on your way out
i love you
581 · Feb 2015
Colder Inhibitions
RC Feb 2015
Today our eyes caught the fog cradling the trees
step by step we glided over asphalt
your arm kept the chill from nipping at me
pulling me closer your warmth melted the cold slipping
under my sweatshirt and down my sleeves
but your touch permeates just below my skin
that's not saying much, it's always been so paper thin
and I can still feel winter in my bones
the more you try the less strain you show
the colder I get, the need to make your love my home
melts in my fingers and to tell you the truth
I think I preferred the snow.
we're breaking up tomorrow.
574 · Dec 2014
RC Dec 2014
He unsettles the deepest parts of me
tremors reverberate through my bones
awaken unfamiliar motives
spit dusky intentions into my skull.
His taste lingers with a burn on my lips
and I can still see the darkening bruises
his fingertips coaxed onto my skin.
They intensify by the day.
He planted seeds in my mouth
bouts of lurid need growing south
and he knows  they're  there.
I swear, his eyes drill holes in my lungs
where the cattails are tearing through
too fragile tissue
clinging to and pressing up against my chest
I think he sees their impressions on my flesh
but I can't break his gaze
I'm a moth and his eyes are ablaze
he's tracing my visible strain to look away
he wants me to miss the warmth of his flame
and I do.
I hope he never sees this dear lord. He won't.. but ****.
570 · May 2015
Rhyme Scheme
RC May 2015
I'm tired as hell of the life I've been given
Can't escape now
should've pushed the blade farther
but somehow I didn't.
Still disappointed
it's no longer a decision
Can't escape now
from the life I've been given.
566 · May 2016
I Wanna Stop Waiting
RC May 2016
There's no confidence in your voice when you make a promise already broken
the noise wavers in the air and I can taste your lies
a stale mix of cigarettes and lonely nights
but I wait for you to call
You know I'd be okay with being used
if you gave me the time of day to tolerate your abuse
but you won't call
those songs about me are getting bigger
but you still don't call
you made me too many promises to leave
but you never call.
565 · Jan 2014
Room With a View
RC Jan 2014
Silently I sat
transfixed on the deeply layered smoke
straying from my lips
and rolling towards the open window's lure
of a rather enveloping
and icy night.
City lights hummed in the wake of my house
across the road
brilliant under the street lamp
dancing far from the trail
and behind the stroke of trees
over the hill
out of my reach
and knotted in my veins.
555 · Dec 2017
RC Dec 2017
It's like I'm fighting time
never have enough but always wasting too much
waiting on time to fix the broken parts of "us"
wondering when things will feel right if they ever will

I'm still stuck on moments people said would heal
been struck by the realization that learning how to accept
is to learn how to deal
but acceptance comes with time
and through time wounds have been revealed

These days my words ring empty, my voice remains low
I've been made of broken promises
over the months it's started to show
Commitment to my future is all too rooted in my past
I need to let go of comfort
this time around I have to make the changes last
Just needed to get it out.
552 · Feb 2015
Cigarette Stains
RC Feb 2015
To this day I smoke cigarettes in their names
a collection of men
admittedly women
that after settling too long
sit somewhere between memories and strain.
I don't burden myself with the weight of their names
though a few of their impressions have become deepening stains
bruising, blemishing the favorite spots on my brain.
Earliest versions of the story have found personal inches on my skin
before I grew up I learned to let it leak in
sluicing through veins
burning the moments of where I had been
in attempts to remind myself of what remains.
533 · Jan 2014
RC Jan 2014
And if there is anger enticing your argument
For I know that
it really was my fault and
you really did care.
I've even gone to such lengths
as to blame the chemical imbalance
that manifests in literally
I do.
But am I shallow for that?
Am I shallow for placing the blame on our dissolution
on the core of my rupture?
So in a sense I blame myself.
How humble.
527 · May 2024
Real Friends
RC May 2024
I sometimes wonder what it's like to have real friends
and I realize the reason I don't think I have them
is because I'm not one
I'm selfish
and I don't want to know what you're going through
because I'm going through enough
and if I care I care too much
so I'm absent
and I'm convinced that one day
I will be able to fill my cup
so I can healthily pour over
but until then I am not a friend.
518 · Jun 2015
RC Jun 2015
"–and in the angst of being so lost in the depths of my head
I saw words bubbling through to the surface
keeping me afloat when feelings of safety had long ago drowned."
516 · Apr 2015
RC Apr 2015
I want you
I just want you.
It's like I'm in this constant struggle with myself
and your subconscious
to bring you closer to me
to harbor you like I need you to harbor me
to listen to my head like I know you try
to show me you care
instead of handing over fistfuls of words
that I can't feel
no matter how many times you layer promise
after promise
over old wounds.
im like throwing up words rn
494 · Aug 2017
RC Aug 2017
When do you think we'll stop drawing swords
and stitch the others wounds?
Would you fall for me again
if I fell for you?
After everything we've said and didn't do?

I'll stop crying
when I stop bleeding
and you'll stop leaving
when I start listening
And you'll restart your loyalty
like it's something you can play with
but this pain can be crippling
we're just raising inhibitions
and I can see my ego leaving blisters on your heart.

Why do we keep tearing each other apart?
Don't you get tired of burning each other down
while insisting that it's building each other up?
479 · Feb 2015
Who Really Won
RC Feb 2015
His hands are static
livening burning trails of goosebumps across my naked skin
hand print after hand print
dragged through every drunken pore
I begin to let him in.
He breathes deeper than I remember
holds me closer than before
from the highs we used to offer
we've learned to offer more
I can smell his *** on my sheets
crumpled under the bed, now their at his feet
it's funny how this time it's so much easier to let him leave.
463 · May 2024
Ocean View
RC May 2024
Everything is that deep for me
I have oceans inside
swells in my chest
the tides have been beating
I can't keep waves in my hand
but I have handfuls of what I can keep

Why does everything feel like it's going to pull me under?
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