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beyza kaya
these songs are dedicated to those hours late into the night; when the sky gravitates towards the end of the colour spectrum, in which the hues collide, to create an illusion as mesmerising as the look in her eyes when he smiles. because the way the notes grazed her ear drums, as they lift themselves hazily off of the sheet, is one way to describe how it feels when she hears his voice; his laugh encompassing her whole being, enclosing her in a tight embrace.

i sincerely apologise to all the songs i've ruined and stained with the ****** memory of you.
inspired by a playlist made for my then-bf, these songs will never sound the same to me.
You'll text me, right?
Please say there won't be a day you won't respond
You'll text me, right?
You don't know how important you are
To me and my life
You'll text me, right?
I just want you to be alright
You'll text me, right?
You know I'm always here if you need me
You'll text me, right?
I'd do anything you could ask of me
You'll text me, right?
I love our late night, early morning talks
You'll text me, right?
You don't have to hide from me
Not from me
Never from me
You'll text me, right?
SG Holter
Even as dying, I have no time
For bitterness.

Life was too short,
Even before.

Each step holds gratitude for the sound
Of snow beneath it.


I carry my passenger

Say no to nothing. Not
Even the cancer.

Even tomorrow's mother's tears,
Father's clenched fists upon casket;

Flowers; loss. Inevitability.
Death grows inside me.

The opposite of a
My friend told me he found the one.
She is everything he wants in a girl.
He said she was his soulmate and they gave each other a ring as a deal.
I shook my head with a sigh. Sorry buddy, I remember that feel.
But then I remembered, true love isn't real.
Druzzayne Rika
many days I feel it isn't worth it
it is better I end it
I just do not fit

Small disappointments
unfilled expectations
make my daily lessons
I am no longer surprised

gifted with so many unused liberties
armed with many facilities
having all basic amenities
why still unsatisfied?

my thirst for what?

but compare it to so many of them
where do my problems stand
should my opinions even matter

God still has to hear my many complaints
every other day
No wonder he doesn't listen,
I wouldn't too.

Blessed with so much
wasted it all
on being this bitter self I hate
my present state draws the ugly future
and the only cure
is to feel gratitude
on the things I still have
on my conscience who still cares
My heart feels like
it's about to shut down
from all the truths
that only I know

People view me
as kind
with empathy

Yet once they witness
my darker side
this inner demon
that is always
a few steps behind me

Once they see
the ashes and smeared blood
tainted within my mind and heart

I am once again alone
alone to pick up the pieces 
of a love that never was
I had forgotten where I was,

Looking up from my fantasy book,

Reality was such a sight to see,

I dare not give too long a look,

I'd rather live in denial and lies,

Turn away and overlook,

The truth will never go away,

Life is not a storybook,

And it's my choice to leave or stay.
What if I could believed
All those impossible stories
All those brilliant miracles
Majestic in their glories
The proverbs
You teach your children
The comfort of your gift
What if it were true
That destinies were some how fixed

Where is this place
Where truth is hidden
For only the chosen few
The gathering of angels
The conversion of the Jews
Where are your invisible deities
The miracles of their love
If they’re real, then no big deal
They can stop the wars
From above  

Sea of gold
Trees of knowledge and life
A ****** heart
Becomes god's wife
Bowing down
Forever more
Before the judgmental
Blood stained floor
Answering questions like
Did you support the war
I'm afraid you'll need
To convince me more...
Traveler Tim

Thought of my morn.
Doesnt that make you sad
Doesn't that make weep
Or does that blank stare on your face identify you as a freak

Why are you crying
Why do you look so bleak
As far as I know this is the best day you've had all week

Are you ever smiling
Do you ever laugh
Are all the ones I hear fake, you're a sociopath
Chin up sweetie
Sitting in the living room while you’re on the computer
What are you looking at?
Leaning closer and you turn off the monitor
Are you hiding something?
What could it be?

Knocking on the door everyday
Oh no, who’s that other woman?
That’s not mother.
Mother doesn’t look like that.
That’s not mother’s voice.

Why is she in our house?
Why are you taking her to your bedroom?
Don’t understand.

Too young to understand
Got older
Realized what he had done

Filled with hatred because of you
You’ll never be forgiven
Not from me, not from mother
Disappear from my life.
I’m just a fading echo
of my younger self,
an empty shadow
who performs
a preordained
with a broken leg
red and inflamed.

I’m just a broken
ceramic figurine
that is beautiful
but barely seen
and seldom
for the quality
I bring.

I’m just a Poe
and Van Gogh
longing to connect
to world
that forgets
its humanity

I’m just tired.
my grip is slipping,
and falling scares me.
my world is fading away.

                          ­     p

writing was an escape but even now words slip off the paper like tear drops.
why does it have to be like this?
If there was one word
One word, isolated by itself
That I cannot stand above all others
It would have to be "Okay"
I despise "Okay"
Is how your millionth day at work went
Is off-brand raisin bran
Is how you say life is going
When you don't want to admit you spend
Every second of it
Wanting to die

Is packed to the brim with
Hidden implications
Like a treasure chest
Filled with bottles
With little subliminal hatreds
Written on tiny slips of paper
Passively aggressively pushed inside
To discover later
As I pull out a treasure map
And try to decipher
Where I went wrong

Is a one word dismissal
That feels like an essay a thousand pages long
Is a poison dripping with disinterest
When I dared to share with you
Something I thought might make you smile
Is like trying to talk to a wall
While watching the paint on it dry
Takes two seconds to write
Yet I waited days
For that dreaded word
To grace my notifications
Should be used sparingly
As if each time you send it
You **** the receiver just a little bit
Should not be said so often that
I know what you're about to say
Like I saw it in a crystal ball
Is not looking up from your phone
When I tell you about my day
Is not the proper response
To "I love you"

They say that the opposite of love isn't hatred
It's indifference
And I can't think of a response
More indifferent to pouring out
My heart into your hands
Than "Okay"
At least the last thing you said to me
Before we parted ways
Showed that you cared
At least a little bit
"I hate you"
Stung less
Than the thousands of times
Over our countless conversations
You responded
Mother gave
me a blade

Mine was pink,
hers was purple

It was a useless sharp thing
that’s always in my drawer

One night,
I reached for the blade,
and it felt like my
mother’s embrace  

Every time I used it,
I was being released
from all my pains

Thank you, mother
I just realized while cutting my arms that I only use the blade she gave me years ago. I used it the first time I ever cut myself how ironic.
one second everything was perfect
and then the next it feels like we’re drowning

suffocating under the stomach of a whale
and frantically weaving through the teeth of a shark
and feeling the kelp entangle on your arms
and the faults burn you up
and your feet sink towards the mud at the bottom
your tears just dissolve into the ocean
almost as if you never cried
but you can still feel it in the back of your throat
all as you watch the light over you become less and less visible
and your lungs compress
and finally you lie still at the bottom mustering the strength to rise again

you’re drowning to death
but you’ll never exactly die
and that’s the most painful part
Hey I am dying
Because I am still living
I have this privilege
One of many livings
Still believing
that there is happiness
Not disguised sadness
In every part of life.

Still not dying breed
But there is flood of greed
Increasing with great speed
Last second swimming
I go in on the tenth
Drowning this moment
I am breathing
The end of air.
When you keep on compromising
      forgo something for someone
          you are building someone's expectation
        and a slightly false picture of you
  because they will make you let go of everything
thinking it is natural for you.
She's smiling
Someone made her eyes glow
I've tried, I guess I can't be that reason

Mine is gone
She's my reason
Yet  I can't smile for them
hays la na gid?
Someone asked me to draw
Draw what heartbreak looks like
I finally got tired of drawing a broken heart
And I started drawing you

by the fireplace
watching our ghosts
burn before our eyes.

A doomed relationship..
I didn’t know
That when you left
I wouldn’t see you
Ever again.

I waved goodbye
I smiled bright
Until they called me
Late at night.

Sometimes I think
When light has gone
You were a lost cause
All along.

But then when rays
Of light arrive
Tears of betrayal
Leave my eyes.
Someday, somewhere
we'd meet
you'd see my face
and ignore me.
Like those who know me do.
Druzzayne Rika
The chances are never perfect
I am disappointed
because the world has never stood up to
what is ideal
what is right is hidden behind the veil
Innocents are tested each time
and the fight goes on.

Bending the rule,
using people as tool
dead and alive
making every fool
and the normalcy
spreading this sickness
over what is going on
so wrong.

Moving on
getting over it
forgetting every little bit,
we stick to our lives
protecting us
what possibly how
we can also be duped
and save ourselves
from becoming the national news.
Melissa S
One would think that I got
This thing called life figured out...
But that would be wrong
I’ve been in this world for 43 years
And the only thing I’ve figured out
Is I haven’t figured anything out

Sometimes I think I would just float away
If my son wasn’t holding the strings
He grounds me in a good way
With all the light that he brings

Most days I can hold it together
Other days I want to float out to sea
Would anyone miss me?
Yeah some days I am just getting by
Other days...who knows? I can just lie
17 years since 911
Safety has never returned
To the free world
School shootings now rule
Our headlines...
Saudi Arabia still
Our closes allies...
Police still shooting
Our unarmed black men...
The industrial military complex
Bigger than ever
President still doing
The bidding of the 1%
Innocent people died
We were blind sighted
We came together
Only to become
Completely undone!
Traveler Tim
Meghan Cruse
Nightmares are always there
Behind my eyes, everywhere.
They are not fictional;
Nor are they mystical.
They have no dungeon-lair.

Nightmares each time I sleep
In my mind, they lurk and creep.
Suffocatingly real;
Non-fiction ordeals.
Too much to bear, awake I weep.
maybe people are meant
to fall in love
but not meant
to be together.

i was coming to terms with this
only to find out
we werent in love.
i was.
you never loved me
you didnt feel anything for me
you tried to,
but loving someone isnt something
you can make happen.

we always said we were meant to be, right?
perfect for each other
you said our love was pure
and real
and unbreakable.
look at it now,
its shattered.

falling in love with you
was the easiest thing
ive ever done.
falling out of love
will be the hardest.
i guess the [lovers] code has been cracked.
Despair drips
from my lips,
don't kiss me

My sorrowful soul
awaits death’s kiss,
don’t miss me
keila skie
I know
You care about me
10 more people do
Yet I can't get rid
Of this feeling
Of doom

I know
I have you
10 more people too
Yet I can't find a person
To talk to
late at night
After all this.
I was only meant to die.

not even a speck of dust,
in this entire universe,
I am an indistinct part of the dark night sky
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