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say it to my face
set the record straight
instead of letting me postulate
but, no, you're just gonna walk away

and let me sit here and debate
if i should choose love or hate
when if you could just mean what you say
there'd be a set of truths on which i could operate

instead you're proud of your cruelty
finding enjoyment in the ****** up **** you do to me
closing in on my already shrinking sense of community
knowing just how much it will ***** with me

reveling in the mutiny
disappoint isn't new to me
but man you played the part beautifully
i really had no preception of this outcome truthfully

funny enough today i was just cursing your name
someone mentioned you and reminded me of the pain
i pushed aside and bury everyday
even now i feel the venom in my veins

i tell the story again through my strain
how you abandoned me and left me to hang
how you have nothing to say to me so you say
how it wasn't supposed to be this way

but then you 'run into' all my 'friends'
and say it's nice to see them
sighing my how long it's been

but i don't to that to you
promptly mailed your stuff back too
you're the one who started acting brand new

and you know what's just peachy
after five months of chances to reach me
two and half to do **** civilly

there was a package on my porch when i got home
it was smashed and ugly and so overdue it is gross

you truly let us go
but you'll never say so
how ******* rich is that
Life is but a whisper,
The volume is built in the heart,
Long before it enters the mouth, and
Henceforth carried by the atmosphere.
HOW I FOUND OUT THAT MY BOSS IS A LAZY ALCOHOLIC - I was eating a chicken sandwich in my swimming trunks on a pier in Lake Michigan when a helicopter crashed 200 feet away. There were 3 fat guys in it and they died terrible helicopter-related deaths a month later in totally different helicopter crashes somewhere else.
I never asked you to fall in love
Never begged to own heart
Chose to share your life for free
You want to be apart
I believe you are making a mistake
Something horrible you will regret
I assumed that what we shared was special
You passed up kinda love people rarely get
Me and you head over heels
I admit that much to be true
You're not who you made yourself out to be
I trust that the authentic version no one knew
Need to understand reasons
I imagine that if you explain why
Ran away from the world we built
My tears would slowly dry
Lydia 23m
does everyone get this unhappy?
like the kind that just takes you out
changes your whole mood
the entire fiber of your being just goes
to ash and void
sometimes I wonder if the only times
I’ll ever get to know true happiness will be when I’m old and alone
maybe those will be the days I get to really truly do what I want
the way I’ve wanted to my entire young life
somehow, have always ******* left it behind for…
someone else’s dreams
someone else’s life
someone else’s needs
I’ve spent my entire life giving to others
and yet have never really seemed to give a **** what I actually want
It’s official. What I want today, I hate tomorrow

In my M.L.K.-inspired junior dream I felt more like a
Corsican nationalist than an Iberian terrorist as Miss
America buttered my toast on both sides just like
aunt June used to before she jumped off the
Empire State Building like she was Evelyn
McHale's Siamese twin sister
on a lunch break.
Traveler 42m
Do you know who’s on this site? People you don’t even personally know!!
Are you sure you can trust them?Β Β 

Well of course you can
After all they’re poets and poetess exposing their true self through their Art
Traveler Tim
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