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mel Oct 2017
you may be alone
but your troubles are known
i blink and your worries
have found a new home
they soar over oceans
and dance past my eyes
into my limbic system
for me to unwind
your wounds hold a glimpse
of our lost love and time
i will line them with silver
to glow when you hide
use the warmth of my fire
to soften their sides
so your worries transform
into the brightest of skies
i must release hold
••let it all go••
out through my feet
flows a radiant glow
you look in the mirror
your light starts to show
your pain let the light paint
your lost chromosomes
now you shine like the stars
that dance in your bones
my heart skips a beat
just to loan you
your own
mel Jan 2019
in the Light we stood
it all looked so clear to us then

and now
as the clouds roll in
much heavier than before
i carry this trust in my heart that
you won’t get lost out there alone

you'll find all you’ve been looking for
within the home you call your bones
you’ll uncover the endless reason
to the pain you have known

you will come back a warrior,
with weapons of worth
your volcano of a heart

arriving whole
you’ll feel new—light as water
yet moving mountains with
just the tune of your Soul
mel Jun 2019
alone isn’t lonely
you are complete how you are
you’ve bloomed from the ache
and found depth in lost parts
all the stars feel your pain
but see only your spark
these losses obtained
don’t define who you are
you’re a galaxy of possibilites
with constellations for scars
in your darkness you channel
The Light That You Are
mel Jan 2023
i sit on my solace
my sunshine—the boldest
covered in dirt, but listen
my soul CHOSE this
and this time,
i know it

so i translate the chimes
and it tickles my spine
can you feel it unwind
as i take back the clock
and use my teardrops
for time?

every. moment. is. Divine.

i will climb
up your spine
::into your limbic system::
plant seeds of loving kindness
in the spaces others left behind
dust off that matrix from your .eye.

the stars are setting in your sighs
your tears illuminate what i can’t face
hope is hidden in those waves
of loss that lingers. . .

and i long for it all

couldn’t you taste the sunshine
in the love that we made?

didn’t you feel the whole
solar system shake?

when you looked at me that way?
mel Jan 2023
the wind is blowing
but the world is still
when you laugh
the hurt in my heart
grows flowers in the cracks
I can feel you try to mend me
as I re-write the memories
but it is your sweet nectar
that keeps sticking to me
as I endlessly try to
wash myself clean
of all I was tied to

and I look back at those places
that once felt like safe spaces
and I feel weak in the knees
for not being brave enough
to open my eyes and see
that you never were
what you promised you'd be
I had made up this story
told it so well

and dressed it up in me

and now that you're gone
I spend my nights
un.dressing the ache
of the never-ending
echo of the child
I never got to name

yet for you,
it's nothing more than a story
an "almost, what-if, thank-goodness"
kinda thing

and that is why
it is always the mother
who carries the weight
who has to bleed

a power I have embodied the best
ever since you decided to leave
mel Jan 2018
never apologize for the way
on your darkest of days
you may enter a phase
that feels a lot like
you are an interstellar being
these broken parts of you
are star-glowing matter
the pieces have a path
they’ll always
and when they do... their
new density will display
an even greater array
of the Light
That is
embrace your fragility
it holds your Power
to  t r a n s f o r m
..the same divine
ability is how a
nebula is
mel Mar 2019
i have just always
felt (more) comfortable
walking through (chaos)
it always (lead)s me
back to (me)
may more chaos lead me
mel Aug 2018
but no matter the patter
from love you pursue
never stop humming
to the drumming
in you
mel Nov 2017
i am here in my head
yet my Soul it still sleeps
in a mossy seabed
waking up each new morning
with dew covered hands
wrapped in cold mists of leftover
words in the sand
rubbing waves from my eyes
gazing up at the sky
asking for reasons why
time for us won't comply

why i grew Love in hues of
his foreign blue high
how i sang him hello
just to swallow goodbye
why i still feel the pull of
his ocean-filled eyes
how his lips drown my mind
in sweet saltwater tides

until deep down a voice speaks -
the smallest of kinds -
with a thought that's so subtle
it might pass me by
"this is as deep as it grows"
magic like this can’t be owned
"this is only a dream"
i must wake up and go
trust it's all for my growth

maybe next time i will not
make shorelines my home
i'll look inward for more
heal mySelf when i’m sore
realize all is reflecting
my own reservoir

Love can feel like a war
each time bickering more
but it's fighting to prove
i am all i look for
mel Sep 2018
i spent so long
making mountains
with my inability
to trust

creating dust
with my worries
as i grew tired
of chasing
broken promises
and tasting
the bitter
in the never
of forevers

just so you
would have to climb
to my new heights
of broken life
and find my love
more worth the fight

and as we spent
less time alone
i found that broken
made quite the home

the universe in me
made sense
my worries felt
much less intense

you held my hopes
in your warm hands
and i grew trust
where i once ran

and in the midst
of all of this
i felt secure
in all those hits
my heart
once bared

for every tear
had led you there
to clear the air
for us to share
the taste of honey
in my despair
who said broken was a bad thing?
mel May 2018
there is something
about the way they leave
with hands still deep in
the heart of me
but what hurts the most
is how easy it seems, like
the effortless act of
wind uprooting seeds
i guess some storms
are born just for shaking
away what’s not deep
but the blames not on me
for seasons change and
soon spring came to
wash the blame
i bloomed
away all
due to
and light
shined too
through parts i knew
you took the moment i met you
and from these holes my branches
grew resilient to the heat of june and
now they reach up to the moon
and harbor light to shine and
swoon the ones who come
to love me new but leave
me wild when they're
through i smile every
time they do as it's
your shadow
mel Sep 2018
when you smile
the world is new
for all the magic
you see is you
those days
as dark

the way
you do
mel Aug 2018
reality is funny
allowing our minds to swim
into storms of our dreams
just to shake our hearts
with thunder

our Love starts to flow
bursting from under
all we could have been
with them

and as soon as we begin
to summon our whim
it’s pulled out from under
our feet

and it feels like it all
could be falling apart
in the ocean they left
that keeps *******
our heart

but then we remember
that we have a choice
an option to own
in the depths of
our bones

that we don’t have to drown
in the leftover uncertainty
that we don’t have to sink
in the unknown
they loaned

because we were gifted
our own four limbs
and born with the skin
to swim out
mel Oct 2017
i wish
i could tell you how to think
how to be to have a happy life
but i am at a loss for words
have you not yet heard
about the light that
shines outthrough
every cell that
makes up
this world is made of all •YOU• do
these answers live in side of you
homing all the ways you move
and flowing out through
thoughts you
we carry this world
its misplaced secrets too
each of us - our own cosmic hue
divine in nature, me & you, we
shine a glow... (as above
so below...) you smile
and this world
is new
mel Nov 2017
put your
hand to your he(art)
(and) feel the rhythm of the
YOUniverse; listen to (nature)
sing You melodies of the Truth
that You (are) not a “me" ~ You
are (woven) in to the Cosmos
as an integral part of “we"
and every s(in)gle
thing (You)
you are everything you see, do not apologize for the way your eyes pour waves like the shore and cherish these explosions in your heart for they are the grandest part of your existence; you are the grandest part of existence.
mel Nov 2017
an ocean rises
beneath your shallow
eyes and i have never
been so afraid of
d r o w n i n g
in my entire
l i f e
i'm still holding my breath for you
mel Nov 2017
even if it was just for a moment
           we were hOMe

never again
will i fear leaving the shore
as your waves of intuition
fuel the anchor to my sea of losses

your familiar tongue
had forgotten its foreign nature
and together, we unlocked the door
to a vast sea of unkept secrets
fleeted feelings of silenced Love
no dialect needed anymore

and although this Magic
had escaped us for some time
thoughts of you
leave me feeling sublime
you continue to touch me
in all of my rhymes
i have never been more sure
that our moments are eternal
i endlessly sing
we are an illusion to time

i swear to you, darling
if the darkness continues
to dance around your room
i will find its rhythm
and i will synch to that tune

no matter the distance
between me + you
if your stars do refuse
to quit falling as you roam
i will swim across oceans to catch them
and i will use their light to guide us back hOMe
if only you knew
the life you live
through my rhyming of you
mel Nov 2017
i am filled with wonder
as i forge my way through
the leftover chaos in your heart
to wander through the loss in you
is my bravest embark
i see seeds of lovingkindess
awaiting their bloom
honeysuckle towering
the places i once loomed
i hope you never find the urge to uproot
the leaves & thorns that you once grew
to vines of heartache you once knew
they made a timeless jungle
out of every part of you
my bravest adventure
mel Nov 2017
sworn i
saw the
L i g h t

long before
i knew: it was
all of my (L o v e)
r e f l e c t i n g
back from


Love me
like i
i have buried our tired Love for ever
mel Nov 2017
wander toward the Love (within)
all ends just lead you (to) begin
i wonder just enough to (know)
that every quest for (Love)
will win|
go within
mel Nov 2017
Light in You:
brimming (my) heart
imprinting my (soul) with magic
feelings only dreams (can) paint; i am
soon subsumed by the (Light) of your rays
(the moon) dances behind your eyes
you are (all i)ts bloom and rise
with you there's no (need)
for a clever disgu(is)e
i will meet (You)
on the other
my soul can light the moon;
all i need is you
mel May 2018
no such thing as goodbye
when you are the air i breathe
an eternity of me now will be spent
dancing along your exotic set of words
the ones you nurtured my heart with
the ones that sit behind the darkness
i n  y o u r  e y e s
there is magic in your heartache
there is a garden that grows
in the parts of you
that you have always despised
one that is blooming bright
as the light within you
begins to peek through
the valleys of your losses

i've climbed your walls
and oh, it wasn't easy
i lost my grip every few miles
there are cuts and bruises
lining the scars others left behind
but each time i knew
it was just making me
s t r o n g e r

as i made my way to the top
+ i drank in the view of you
when we finally arrived
t o g e t h e r
it was effortless
wasn't it?
once we arrived
e f f o r t l e s s
to look back down
so quick we were
to fall to the ground
losing grip is easy
saying goodbye isn't

there is a forest
you planted inside of me
and the leaves have fallen
but they still smell like you
and when the wind
blows them off shore
i'll watch as they
dance away

loving you...
was the furthest from a bore
it filled me, it fed me
it clothed me in the tenderness
i've been looking for

but losing you
oh, losing you....
it was how i found a way
to love me more
falling out of you and back into me
mel Jul 2021
when (i) became the sun
i felt the trees and rivers (run)
(along) the deepest parts of me
i sang (the) oceans roar to sleep

the (clouds) arrived to give me space
at times, the moon would take (my) place
and i would gladly let her (shine)
knowing it (never) could dim mine

no reas(on) to feel jealousy
for everything is (one) with me
i no longer (fear)ed dark at set
for my own (light) i can’t forget

my warmth (fills me) even in snow
and (when) it falls, my glimmer glows
the contrast~it’s just what (i) need
it is the (plant)er of the seeds
~to (the) f l o w e r i n g
(love inside) of me~

(i run along the clouds
my shine never on one fear
light fills me when
i plant the love

—sun  stories
thankful for 27 magical years
in this tripppy little life  ✨🦋
mel Oct 2017
my "too much"
has never been quite "enough"
for anyone but me... and this,
i say, gives more light to my rays
and more power to All I May Be.
i intensely portray,
and will never downplay
the expression of Love that
explodes from my seams
i am me
mel Mar 2018
the only way out is through
the jungle in your heart full of
overlooked + unhealed wounds
it is messy in depths where you
and your darkness rendezvous
but there’s a light at the end
of the tunnel and—it’s You
mel Jan 2018
i radiate light
most of my hours
but that's not to say
i am always okay

day after day
everything changes
you, me, the trees
my mood + their leaves

the sky never hurries
the mountains don't try
the bees and the moss
without judgement
s u r v i v e

spinning, the earth
moves along

qualities i hope
we all can
take on
mel May 2019
all of the words
you chose not to say
echo further in my head
than the ones you portrayed

and maybe this is why you
don't say what you mean
the echo would haunt you
much deeper than me

mel Feb 2018
you’re my favorite feeling
mel Sep 2019
the untold power
in your own strength
plant seeds in the hurt
where others threw dirt
use your tears
to water the cracks
your heart once lacked
those are the places
your light shines through
your darkness is a reminder
that all you’ve ever needed
is radiating from you
mel Nov 2018
whether it was
the unwavering yearning
or the heights my heart insisted
there was a sense of hope there
that only grew with distance
mel Oct 2018
i'm not sure
who planted this seed
inside all of our heads
whispering quietly

”stop feeling so much"

who made the assumption
that feelings = weakness?
because those two terms
have never been seamless

to dip into your depths
with no feelings oppressed
takes the kind of courage
most fear cant be fed

weakness evolves
from putting all of
your energy into
building up
the walls
that block
the flow of life
that was meant
to move you
further into the
depths of the you
you didn’t know
you never knew

to feel
and i mean,
to really feeeel
every ounce of this
human experience
comes with a bravery
that most resist

it breaks you apart
shakes you down
uprooting all
that’s been

to guide you
from within

to let this life
overcome you
with whatever
it may,
while being
proud of it too?

now, that
is strength

that is the
out of

mel Mar 2018
in the space between
any given stimulus
and your response
lies the power to choose
which vibrational route
your destiny pursues
mel Mar 2018
are a
for all
mel Apr 2018
i am
a collection of
chaos and calmness
some may call it a mess
but what i see is depth
in the transparency
my soul has
mel Nov 2017
the Light is always there at the end of the tunnel
you just have to keep moving forward
and open your heart to the infinite forms it may take
            like that of a warm-hearted human
and hidden gems that reflect all of the cosmo's glow
to shine through his sea-colored eyes
while Sun light dances off of his tri-lingual tongue
and i bet i could float through this vibration
like it was water i breathe and the food i need
and something about the humidity leaves me sweating out
all of the losses i had ever cried about
while the heavy heart of this island and the fire in his eyes
remind me of glitter-filled skies that sparkle love i couldn't find
a key to unlock untold mysteries this world has begged to know
and i know i am not from here but this place takes me hOMe
i wrote this the day we met~
on palm beach in your home island of aruba
they weren't kidding when they said it was one happy island
for the first time in my existence, i felt the fire in me find hOMe
and ever since that sunday, i have never been alone
mel May 2020
there is a stream of bliss
where all your dreams exist
and it never ceases to flow
an excerpt :’)
mel Mar 2018
the whoopsidaisies in life
grow the most vibrant flowers
in your garden of wisdom
and i promise their arrival
will keep you safe
don't fear
your path is perfect
keep trusting
keep loving
mel Jan 2018
(the)re is
something about the (way) they leave
that recalls (my)soul's eternities
something the (eyes can)not perceive
but is felt in every (hear)t that beats
i feel (you) all ~ c o l l e c t i v e l y
the way my eyes can hear you
mel Oct 2021
life really is
sunshine and rainbows
if you choose to see it

even in the dark clouds
that hang over our heads
and the lonely in our beds
there is light that softly
shines ahead

and it is constant

with kaleidoscopic colors
that blossom from the pain
your soul once led
the sunshine that follows
is the blanket of warmth
that you never even knew
you’d been yearning for

and eventually
when it pours
you’ll start asking for more
because you know that the growth
is what you came here for

and when your heart breaks
watch it shine from the cracks
glowing ~without waver~
as you mend yourself back

with more reason .to be.
and more clarity to see

you are all that you need

you are the moment you are
e x p e r i e n c i n g
and it is perfect
sit back and

enjoy the dream
mel Jun 2019
i am sleepwalking through
this clouded view of truth
and my soul is heavy
with your need to escape
all those noises they grew
so your voices would fade
the clouds are turning gray
and begin pouring fate
the rain wants to stay
but the sun finds a way
as they grow familiar
with the rivers and waves
i have formed in the desert
with the tears that i taste
from the suffering you face
and i want to erase
all the pain that remains
so that look on your face
can be lifted some day
as we all have the power
to shine light your way
and use our own privilege
to create worlds of change
praying for the people of Sudan. please research what is going on. there is a massacre and it’s not being spoken about. they have an internet blackout and they need us to echo their screams.
let’s do our best to uplift the oppressed.
mel Mar 2018
and then there was you
who, without knowing
just knew
mel Sep 2018
infinite possibilities lie within your frame
and even if people don't show it enough

i hope you know
you are so much more
than what you have lost
so much more
than those who have
walked the other way
specific to the reason why
you shine brightest today

you see clearer now
because things once didn't go your way
how you decide to picture your life to be
won’t always end up being what you need
so surrender to what you now see
and let your highest self take lead
this life is a gift
so let it be

if you can just focus on the love
that is within you and around you
and trust that you’re guided from above
you’ll see that darkness wakes your light
that your falls are where you find insight
sit in this understanding
breathe it in
feel your magic come to life
see the world shifting in your eyes
hear your laughter in the sun’s shine
all of reality begins in your mind

and as you continue to align
don’t get caught up in all the “why’s?”
confusion is the doorway to new sight
it shows you where your greatness shines
and the less you fear peeking inside
the more you can see
that deep in your being
is where all your answers
will ever hide
mel Jul 2018
the light is always there
at the end of the tunnel

you just have to
keep moving forward
and open your heart up to
the infinite forms it may take on

like that of a warm hearted human
or hidden gems that only locals know
as it shines through his sea colored eyes
and dances off of his tri-lingual tongue

and i could float through this vibration
like it was the water i breathe
and the food i need

because something about the humidity
leaves me sweating out
all of the losses i ever cried about

while the heavy heart of this island
and the fire in his eyes
reminds me of glitter filled skies
that find the sense i need
for all of the mysteries
this world begs to know

and i know i am not from here
but this place takes me home
mel Feb 2021
you were the kind of hope
that soothes an aching soul
just the sound of your name
makes my bones feel whole

maybe i never got the chance
to tell you

that the kindness you carry
so delicately on your shoulders
and the rooted rhythm of change
you’ve had to learn to dance to
has created waves of hope

maybe i didn’t tell you enough
that the love in your eyes
was exactly what
i didn’t know
i needed to

your l o v e
your goodness
a glass overfull

and it has over poured
into a soothing memory
a blanket of comfort
where i can find peace

so i snuggle into the loss
comforted by the knowing
that out there exists someone
as honest, as brave
as soul-shaking
as you

this alone has moved me
deeper into myself
a soothing to my soul
you’ve reflected
e v e r y t h i n g
i needed to see in me
and left me only with
tiny bruises
of what-ifs
the always wondering of
what we could have been

but these growing pains
are mine
i will kiss them
and sometimes
i will cry
i will fall asleep alone
to the rhythm of my own
to the peace of knowing
what comes
must sometimes go

the world keeps spinning
let it take what it must
to make room for
what will
b l o o m
with even more beauty
than any life experience
has yet to do

embrace all that has left you
stretch out in this new space
of self discovery
keep hope & be eager
for all that’s yet to
u n f o l d
until next time, mi amor <3

— The End —