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Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
I'm here in the Red Light District of town
But I'm not here to feast on the cheap flesh
I'm looking for something here, hiding in the open
There's escorts on every corner, men and women trying to make some money. Through open doorways I catch glimpses of strippers and live *** shows. I move on.

I found it nestled in between two abandoned buildings
A small warehouse, for a long time dormant, but holding a gathering this night
I step through the doors and am greeted by a sight I'd never seen before: prostitutes and strippers, both male and female; pimps, gangsters, loan sharks, all kinds of deplorable characters. Except the man at the front speaking.

Wearing a simple long sleeve T-shirt, battered jeans and sneakers, the pastor opened the Bible to the book of Hosea.
The words he spoke I'd heard before, but I was moved by them like never before. He spoke of God's love like I'd never heard it. So many were brought to tears, myself included.

When he had finished, we all sung "Amazing Grace." It was sung like it was a brand new song. I looked around at the people gathered this night and I thought to myself that this is the most real church I'd ever seen. Every person knew what we all were and that was okay; we're all humans.
This is the Red Light Church.
Written 6 February 2016
Jack Jenkins Aug 2017
I sit here
wonder why
I slowly die inside
giving my all
I sit here
Jack Jenkins Jun 2016
A summer solace wind storm,
Blowing against my face, ripping against my clothes,
Out here, on the edge, thinking of you,
Imagining your face, in this abyss trying to swallow me.

It creeps against me, holding me to the ground,
I didn't want to move anyway.
But the shards of rain and ice pelting my skin,
Causes pain, causes me to tear up.

I hold your memories in my arms,
I hold your gentleness in my breath,
One last time, I hold you close to me,
Then I let you go.
Jack Jenkins Apr 2016
For a time my world was in vibrant colors,
All the oceans were in blue and green,
The deserts were in red and caramel brown,
And all the grass and trees were glittering emeralds,
The flowers were a myriad of colors, like rainbows,
And the snowy mountains were a deep purple, capped with twinkling snow.

But frosts came.
The oceans were frozen solid killing all life in them,
The deserts were like a sheet of ice was rolled over them,
The grass withered and died away; the trees were stripped of their leaves.
The pedals of the flowers fell and decayed into nothing,
And the sun is covered in black clouds that the snow twinkles no longer.

I'm cold and frozen.
My eyes only processes in black and white,
As my mind has forgotten what colors are.
Fire has since become extinct,
And light flees this forsaken world.
I endure it, though. I endure.
Because I love you,
And with you I remember color.
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Ripped to smithereens
Supernova in this mind
Too frail to not change
Written 21 March 2016... not sure of the meaning of this one...
Jack Jenkins Jul 2016
You are the rain falling from the sky,
Serenading yourself off the shingled roof.
Though I have shelter, walls and a ceiling,
You trickle your way through the cracks.

An empty room gathers dust;
Snow collects in corners of windows;
And my resistance to you
Suffers from your irresistibility.
Jack Jenkins Jan 2020
2019 hit me hard like most years
but i finally started to hit back
i let myself embrace the pain
said it was okay
and started to heal
i made my peace with a lot of my past
wrongdoings i can't undo
but can forgive
both myself and others
i decided to stay in love with someone not in my life anymore
and that's okay
because she's always had my heart
most importantly i made a resolution for the first time
for 2020 i will not be suicidal
or entertain such thoughts
i will tell my demons
"how dare you think you can scare me into death"
and i will mock the voices that say there is nothing for me here
i am loved
even by myself
//on myself and life//

If you've ever struggled in life, and feel like things never will change... they may not... but you can.
Love you all, and best wishes for 2020
Jack Jenkins Jun 2016
Stop the earth from spinning,
   I will seek you beyond dawn.
'Til I find your delicate face,
   Held in my loving embrace.

The journey our hearts undertake,
   A lesson in dedication and sacrifice.
Whether you've given me all your heart,
   Or never given me a second glance.

Know this is the truth from me,
   Never leaving or failing.
I will be your reliability,
   Rest easy in my arms.
Jack Jenkins Jun 2016
A poet with vibrant soul
Eloquence within every word
Departure for Heaven's gate
An eternal rest is his fate

Inspired many such writers
And beloved by many more
Family always close to his heart
A heart larger than it's size
A poet from this site is gone. It seems Mr. Chris Vaillancourt has passed away. Though I never got to speak with him personally, I fell in love with his wonderful works. I'll be glad to see him when I pass from this world and maybe get to know him, then. :)

This is where I found out.
Jack Jenkins Jan 2017
Though I have lost you from my life,
  You dwell forever in my heart;
Scars borne from being torn away,
  I shall wear as a badge of honor;
An unjust separation, too quick and harsh,
  Cut to my core, separated heart from flesh.

You were so much more than friendship and lust;
  You were true love, true love, oh you are true love!
You are my friend, you dwell in my thoughts;
  You are my love, you dwell in my heart.

I will endure for you these hardships.
Love torn away is far worse than love unrequited. I have suffered both in my lifetime.
Jack Jenkins Jun 2016
Watching weary travelers on the beaten path,
Dirt kicked up with every step and dissipates,
Just like the weary travelers with their beaten lives.
Just a little three lines poem. :)
Jack Jenkins May 2017
I am shaking uncontrollably
All these feelings aren't mine
I want to fade into sleep
Everything is so wrong
I'm a tormented soul
My cry is unheard
I'm deaf and blind
Mute and crippled
I say not my own words
For I have no words left
I am broken
I am dead
I'm certain Rock Bottom's Basement has a sub-level...
Jack Jenkins Oct 2017
the clouds rolling in
silence the sun's countenance
as light fades to grey
Saw clouds coming over the hills where I live and knew it was going to turn into an overcast day. So this haiku came out. :)

Reposted, since I saw it wasn't showing up in the stream. :/
Jack Jenkins Jul 2022
clouds are rolling in
from the west
leaving their shadows
in their wake
a darkness that
isn't dark
but only robs
my life of light
oh clouds go away soon
the sun has set
and none care to see
how monolithic
your judgements are
let the flowers grow again
and the animals are cold
Jack Jenkins Apr 2016
Slice slice slice
All over my arm.
Slash slash slash
All over my thighs
Cut cut cut
All over my hips

Making Roman numerals all over my skin
Hoping it will silence the voices within
Letting the blood run down and around
Hoping agony will drown and run aground.

My skin will mend
My bleeding will stop
But scars will remain
Penned onto my heart.
I, myself, do not cut or inflict self-harm. But after meeting so many people who do, I wrote this for them in January of 2016. It's my tribute, my love for those who do.
Jack Jenkins Jul 2016
Hues of yellow sun
Blankets the rocky shoreline
You and I in love
//On love//
Jack Jenkins Oct 2024
when i look at you,
the world softens,
as if everything around us
was made to frame your light.

there’s a quiet peace
in the way you move through life,
a gentle hum that steadies me.

storms may come,
and time may lay its hands
on our skin,
but i find no fear in what’s ahead,
because every breath,
every glance,
ties me deeper into you.

i have wandered before,
adrift in places without meaning,
but now,
with your love, i am grounded
rooted in the soil of your kindness,
wrapped in the warmth of your gaze.

no wind can carry me away,
for i am planted here,
growing toward the sun
that shines in your heart.

let the seasons change,
let the years whisper softly away
you will always be
my home.
Jack Jenkins Dec 2019
when people look me in the eye
for just a fleeting moment
i feel as if i will die
or fight
i feel as if i will die
for just a fleeting moment
when people look me in the eye
//On trust//
Jack Jenkins Apr 2019
Run away//
Run away//
From the alarm clock that breaks your rest//
Run away//
From the pains held in your chest//
A life unblessed//
From blessings you subvert//
Run away//
From the love you invert//
Run away//
Run away//
//On life//
Running being the wrong choice is only dependant on the direction you choose to run...
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link.
But if all links are eroded and rusted, what happens?
You break free.
Written 25 January 2016
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
I now know what's best;
I don't know what's worse:
The certainty that I love you,
Or the certainty that you can't know.

I know it's what I must do,
You'll never know my affection.
I would've given you the world,
But our story won't be written.

I'm sorry, so sorry...
Love isn't worth it.
These tears...
I'm sorry.
Written 31 March 2016... what a waste...
Jack Jenkins Dec 2018
Quiet breathing overshadowed by a pounding heart
leaves my ears deafened and I slowly fall apart

Weakened with extra haste to die and find peace
clay ankles weren't meant to hold a heart of stone

A heart selfless at one time but given too freely
to the wolves that desire only the flesh

Now I sit with loneliness and reminisce
about the lovers that were eventually a lie

Now I sit with loneliness and confess
there is no more heart for me to give
//On anxiety//
Jack Jenkins May 2017
I still hold
     untold scars
     I still smile
when I see your face
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Can't you see,
These blood stains,
From my heart,
To your heart?

Are you blind,
To my love,
That's not subtle,
Only for you?

How do I,
Make you fall,
In love with,
My poor self?

Can it be,
That you would,
Fall for me?
I love you.

It's true.
Written 30 March 2016... one of my favorite poems
Jack Jenkins Nov 2016
I am a vulture.
I'll tear your bloated remains apart with my beak.

I am a raven.
I'll pick you apart when you are tossed away.

I am a piranha.
I'll devour you to the bone in under a minute.

I am a jackal.
I'm crafty and sneaky and I steal the lion's ****.

I am the face in the mirror.
I'll always keep you from being your best.
Written 9 January 2016
Jack Jenkins Oct 2017
it's been so long since i drank in the words of poets

i haven't touched the ink in weeks

my muse has been still and quiet

no more than a whisper

just in the peripheral of my mind's eye

i have a desperate yearning

words that won't leave my fingers

emotions chained within me

locked in the paper prison of my mind

i haven't touched the ink in weeks

it's been so long since i drank in the words of poets
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Scream my heart, and let her go.
Let her go, and don't look back.
But you always look back.
Why do you always look back?
Why can't you just scream...
And let her go?
Written 22 March 2016... finally let her go...
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Screaming until I bleed,
Screaming until I lose hearing.

Bleeding until I die,
Bleeding until I stop this pain.

Dying so I won't hurt,
Dying didn't solve the problem.
Written 18 March 2016
Jack Jenkins Apr 2016
Rustling of the leaves
As they await their fate
To descend from the branches
And whisp away to the ground

Reds and oranges
Yellows and browns
Truly under appreciated
Once they hit the ground

Those that remain green
They're always marveled
And cherished so well
They're evergreen,
and always remain strong

The leaves that fall are so vulnerable
Torn up and crunched
By the feet that walk by
Without a second thought

Take a moment
Admire the view
It appears once a year
It really should mean more to you
This was written by my friend, Kayla, but I have permission from her to post it. :)
Jack Jenkins May 2016
The way you hold his hand I
                   Look down at mine and I
              Know you could never
                       Hold my hand that way.

You chose to love him over me
       Breaking my heart yet another time
    Bleeding me out for another rhyme
But no, I'm just raging in jealousy.

We are so compatible
       You and

But again, again, and again;
      You don't see how true I am for you,
   How much I have dedicated myself for you,
All the sacrifice I make for you.

Perhaps love is, indeed, blind.
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
This is my coffin
I dug the hole six feet deep
It's actually quite comfortable
Except soon I can't breathe

I laid down in it
Then nailed it shut with headless nails
Pulled the string to let the dirt bury me
Ignited a glow stick so I won't be in the dark

Except now I'm reconsidering
The life of the afterlife
I'm thinking I signed my death warrant
A little bit too hastily

So now I'm six feet under
Dying and wanting to live
Looks like I'm in need of a savior
But nobody knows where I am
Written 3 February 2016... schizophrenia...
Jack Jenkins Jun 2019
Open the cuts on my soul again//
to make sure the pain hurts the way I remember it//
Darling it's all I have left//
You a̶r̶e̶  were my addiction//

I tried to erase y̶o̶u̶  it but I just//
scratched the vinyl & carved your name on the walls//
so I'd never forget but//
always need//
//On her//
Jack Jenkins Apr 2016
I think the cost was too much..
Too much... too much...
This isn't who I am...
It isn't... it isn't...

Echoes speak through the clouds of my agony
And the violence in me rears its bladed head
The blood falls in walls of showers
And the roar of guilt is overwhelming!

I whisper... set me free...
Jack Jenkins Jun 2016
Bodies unite and collide together
Pleasurable bliss intertwined by flesh
Sweat soaked sheets and rhythmic movements
Gentle tenderness and ***** fetishism alike
Soft candlelight dancing on the wallpaper
Hands exploring the warmth of bodies
Rose petals spread all across the floor
Beauty in its purest form in this act
This act meant to be hallowed
Has become so hollow
Not my usual subject of poetry, but why not?
Jack Jenkins Apr 2017
find the peace
in the seas of shadow
seasons shadow me
winter in my shadows
rise above
find myself where i am
find the peace
pieces of my soul
sold away
for a few piano keys
a melody of love
sickness and love
find me in the shadows
Jack Jenkins Jun 2019
Well these days I'm not fine
Sitting and staring at flowers that aren't mine
Breathing a breeze that smells of seawater
Thinking of my heart beneath those distant waves

I need someone but no one can help me
Everyone says to "get some help please"
What does that look like through my lenses?I

Help for you is not help for me
Help for them is not help you you
Help for me is a mystery

Shrouded and ambiguous
It flies like migrating birds far beyond my reach
//On anxiety//
Jack Jenkins Apr 2016
Let your tattered heart rest in My arms
I will hold you through this storm
Your body will not turn to bones yet
Look into My eyes and see your hope met
Jack Jenkins May 2017
You clipped her wings so she would fall,
but she learned to fly without your voice
to soar into the atmosphere.

You were her morning and evening star,
the guiding lighthouse on the shore;
you were her adoration.

You didn't understand that she truly loved you,
how much of her heart she gave to you that you
trampled on and discarded for your own pleasure.

Now she's going to fly
be free
while you're still in your chains
of heart games and misleading.

In short, she's always going to
**be better
than you...
//On friends//
Wrote this for a friend I love very much, who got cheated on. If the ex ever reads this, *******. :D
Jack Jenkins Apr 2016
I forgot when I
Plucked you
From the rose bush
You had thorns

The blood dripping
From my heart
Reminded me
You still hurt
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Pig headed stud you are
Loving all the girls you collect
Like they're pokemon or baseball cards
You don't love any of them at all, do you?

You just put them in plastic like a trophy
And you display them luxuriously
So everyone sees how well you fish
But guess what, bud? You are owned by them.

You could've had the best love ever
But you had to keep collecting
And now she's dying inside
But you're already dead to her

So when you're broken and alone
She'll be happy and free
You lost a treasure
She just lost a dime
Written 15 February 2016... for a friend
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
A sickly mind,
Embraces a broken past,
Trying to hide,
Her prickly thorns,
Clinging to her.

Sprinting forth,
To uneven roads,
Running from wolves,
Gobbling at her long hair,
Feet carry her far away.

Tattered cloth hangs,
From empty tree branches,
Marking the journey she took,
From her sickly mind,
To her broken past.

Will someone help her?
Written 15 March 2016... for a really awesome friend and person in my life. :) Navessa, you. ;)
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
Like putting one foot in front of the other;
When you've lost both your legs.

Like inhaling and exhaling air;
When your lungs have collapsed.

Like falling asleep and dreaming sweet dreams;
When you're terrified of sleep because of the nightmares.

Like drinking a glass of water, or eating a meal;
When you're in a desert place, vultures overhead.

Like being warmly embraced by your loving mother;
When your mother is a skeleton in the ground, bottle still in her boney hand.

Like riding a bicycle after years of walking;
When a tire is flat and the brakes are cut.

Like standing on a mountain and breathing the freshness;
When the avalanche comes and wipes you out.

Like falling in love and living happily ever after;
When she doesn't love you one ounce...

Like repeating yourself in so many different ways;
When your repetitive mind drives you over the edge.

Yeah, life is real simple sometimes.
Written 3 March 2016... one of my most popular writes
Jack Jenkins Jun 2016
The depths of your heart,
  Which I have so valiantly besieged.
Holds such beauty without limit,
  Overwhelming love overflowing.

Could your heart be mine?
  I would give you my life, gladly.
Jack Jenkins Feb 2020
Is what I carry
In my pockets
In my heart
Weighted like sand
Filling my throat
The fear under my eyelids
Cracks of light that creep in
Thoughts under my skin
Dying just to be let out
But I stay only silent
Let the fog rapture me
The pain can sink in
Past my skin
to the bone
to new days
from the same me
//On life and control, or lack thereof...//
Jack Jenkins Apr 2017
lay in impassioned throes,
bodies pressed with one another,
tracing sins with our fingers
on each other's creamy skin.

i want your taste to linger in
my mouth just a little longer.
to hold the fullness of your *******
in the palms of my hands.

to lay together in sweat and
ecstasy, full of pleasure.
//On lust//
Not my usual to write an ******, (or at least, post it publicly. Haha) but figured what the heck! lol
Jack Jenkins Apr 2016
We sit here, you and I, at this table of unconfirmed love.
How I wish you could read this heart of mine! You would see your name, your face, your heart, your soul burned within me.
You have branded and smote me with your dazzling beauty!

I would sensually whisper to you every word I have left locked inside my love for you. How every time I see you my breath staggers in my lungs and my eyes are awash in your harmonious grace.
That I dream of you nightly and we are together, yet you are stolen away from me every time dawn shines her morn light.

If you would know of this secret locked away passion I have for you, would you entice your desire for me? Would you pursue the calling of your heart for me?
Jack Jenkins Nov 2017
i'm a frozen tempest
there's nothing left to bleed
my body is hollowed
emptied of it's essence
a frozen burn from my touch
fire turned to cold ash
spin me
out of control
for i am cold and weary
a broken sculpture
i cannot hear your whispers
my head is split
the veins trail to my heart
where you left your mark
oh how you killed me
with torture
before the killing blow
you said you would grow old with me
but that turned to a lie
you're a desolate soul
looking for hope & love
yet you killed me
i turned to ice
frozen solid
but melting
i still miss you
i still love you
i still hate you
what can i do?
poetry is the only place
i can speak to you
your face reminds me
not to trust so much
keep my love at a limit
say "fine" when i'm not
i locked you out of my life
but there's still a draft
that carries your scent
& it lets me know
i'm still hurting
from you
you were my best friend
oh you killed me...
For all my words, I'm still speechless when people ask me why she left...
Jack Jenkins Apr 2019
\ His name was Nobody /
\ When he met her /
\ He named her Everything /
\ And became her Somebody /
//On her//
Out of the ordinary for me, but whatever. It's midnight, I had to climb out of bed and write this on my tablet, and I don't care.
Jack Jenkins Feb 2017
Sixty days straight you've been on my mind;
  sixty days straight is a helluva lot of time
  to go without seeing your face, beautiful face;
  Time's a race and I just want it to be erased!

If I have to be honest let me say:
  I'm angry about losing you, today.
No more of pining for what I lost;
  today's the day I'm angry of the cost!

Babe, I hope you're feeling the same way.
We melted into each other's
                                     cracks and crevices.

We intertwined in love like it was a design
  and our hearts aligned, our souls combined,
  torn apart, unkind; now all that's left is a
                                                               ­  chalk outline!

I know you'd probably want me to move on and be happy;
All I know is  I was happy when I was with you, so happy.
Our story shouldn't be over, why'd it get torn apart?
Like a trilogy cancelled halfway through part 2...
I can't imagine a day without you. Reality's giving me everyday without you. ****...
Jack Jenkins Dec 2016
This small empty bed
I miss you against my flesh
Sleeping alone, sad
Written 18 March 2016
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