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Apr 2021 · 1.4k
love dream
Esridersi Apr 2021
you are the very same delight
of the fading dreams sobering perfume.
like the cover of cloud against unyielding starlight,
you are. the very same delight
known when, asleep beneath a cypress,  
heavens whispers did gossip about a beloved sagacious tigress
and I eavesdropped too her scent and knew
you were the very same. delight
be your gift this year and all to be.
like ecstasies of joyous reverie, to me
you are the very same delight.
Oct 2020 · 1.6k
Orwellian Times
Esridersi Oct 2020
Free Speech is dead,
Kamala ain’t black -  
Joe Biden is hidin’
while Hunter’s on crack.
May 2020 · 326
Janell H.
Esridersi May 2020
Hovering clouds by her face
La Lanae hides like a space

    Lazy and open she sighs
  Evoking grace from the skies

  Nothing perturbs her ocean
All she tries steals no motion

   Janell, a dry rain puddle
Apr 2020 · 157
Esridersi Apr 2020
i am that thing there.
rolled between your lips
to blow out your sounds.
Feb 2020 · 727
Esridersi Feb 2020
your chilled remembrance
soothes my charred indian burns
from love neglected.
Dec 2019 · 300
Esridersi Dec 2019
some nights ago I fell to dream
your face in frost completely -
from head to toe in fact, you strolled
towards me - your silk-paved march,
my winter beauty.

I grazed your cheek confused in fear,
you blazed my chest, your eyes so near
"my dear?" I said, "why do I cry | why do we die
so faintly?".
"such love" you say, "rebirths in tears."
words sung in C succinctly.

some moments fade in our embrace
they melt like flakes of snow, longed to
we too so melt in boundless trust,
our blessed friendship to

I ask "what if this ship gets lost to sea,
how will I find my sweetie?".
you just hum in me, a song I knew
so soft & sweet -
so saintly.
Dec 2019 · 308
what lies in front of you
Esridersi Dec 2019
There's so little to say for
what lies in front of you
I tip your glass eyes for pride to pour,
there is so little. to say for
tomorrows sake does grace and beauty radiate your pores
blasphemes the christ who dwells inside you -
theres so little to say; for
what lies in front of you?
Nov 2019 · 431
Esridersi Nov 2019
i see
in each curve of each cloud,
your smiles and frowns
silk silver-stiched shrouds
undressed in my eyes
sketched sharp and freely
Sep 2019 · 296
no see
Esridersi Sep 2019
who knew hello from the blue
could redden me so softly --
just steal three thoughts from you
I’m     colored, gay and lofty
Sep 2019 · 314
Esridersi Sep 2019
the same do your eyes
stretch my heart until he smiles
like sunshine in disguise
           your gaze lights me hot &
Sep 2019 · 691
Thing's Thoughts
Esridersi Sep 2019
said the Thing alone in his head
“how many steps must i stay ahead  
of fear and self-doubt
lest they figure me out
and peel the skin I’ve twice shed?”
we share much more in common with monsters than we'd dare consider.
Aug 2019 · 157
Esridersi Aug 2019
Your sightly sweet smile
stole my seeing sense some
Saturdays since first you
crossed my sights.
You jaywalked the straits of
my peripherals like a perp
who stole a heart and two eyes.
I'd have cuffed you to a pole
if steel could hold diamond,
but your sparkled grin'd subdued
me and I was too lame to reach you.
Jun 2019 · 294
dé dreams
Esridersi Jun 2019
i thought about one thousand things
when lying with the sun
each thought a dampen cloud
each cloud a Tattooed fish with wings
of words red one by one.

two-hundred-twenty words of Dread
and sorrow bled drippy through the sky.
red tears of dreams unsung had spread
so blinding past their eyes.

the other seven-hundred-eighty
sought sun spots sealed so sweetly
such Skies in haiti these fishes seek
eyes pour out dried completely

they splatter across all over my face
i taste musicical patterns and poetry and maths
their nebulous purpose encased like Gifts
opened too slowly to lie still in place.
Mar 2019 · 291
blew ashes
Esridersi Mar 2019
dear, your lazy lips
-  like two eclipses
and a sphere,
bisected by puffs
Mar 2019 · 236
Esridersi Mar 2019
I am the son
of a man whose
impotence in love
sought refuge in lust.
Feb 2019 · 2.9k
unpaid attention
Esridersi Feb 2019
water-slicked concrete
won't deter the idiots
from Snapchat selfies
Feb 2019 · 346
Gray Ham
Esridersi Feb 2019
falling in love
with love is like
searching frantically
for your iPhone
in 1847.
Feb 2019 · 686
Esridersi Feb 2019
dead roses
to violets,
our hate,
a watered glass
Feb 2019 · 260
Esridersi Feb 2019
if light weighed like lead
and your smiles were cheap
we'd ignite Manhattan
with some cents and a sheep
crushing them all, dead.
atomic number
Feb 2019 · 242
well worn beauty
Esridersi Feb 2019
your stretch marks, my dear
like cascading ripples of rose, or
wrinkled dryer sheets.
Feb 2019 · 572
philosophy of language
Esridersi Feb 2019
strictly speaking,
there exist no
for Yesterdays Aches
or Tomorrows Concerns
in the Real World -
quaint tongue dances
and groans
of the throat.
"worry is preposterous" - Wi Po Yang
Feb 2019 · 307
life is a verb; not a noun.
Esridersi Feb 2019
what Lightning "flashes"?
why, aren't we all the Weather
raining and sighing?
Feb 2019 · 284
Hugs aren't gay.
Esridersi Feb 2019
What such luck struck the
head of man
That he should be made softer than any feather,
warmer than any
Yet never embrace his
fellow man;
his unmet friends?
Jan 2019 · 457
Negative Signs
Esridersi Jan 2019
A single sighting
defiles our vision. White
clouds cross-dyed Drear

and Unfulfilled bleed through-in
all over our day; mucky.
Jan 2019 · 423
we estranged
Esridersi Jan 2019
Does anyone else think it queer,
with plentiful humans so near
that we bury our faces
avoid friendly gazes
to blindly pursue lone careers?
Jan 2019 · 272
Esridersi Jan 2019
happiness evades; joy fades.

life is a rhythm of changes.

  sorrow decays, peace is delayed.

  But not a moment out of place.
Jan 2019 · 306
our forgotten gifts
Esridersi Jan 2019
head fit for wonder
heart to fight and will wisely
hands meant to create
Jan 2019 · 303
Esridersi Jan 2019
raindrops and puddles
pitter patter playfully
on friend-ships at sea
"she a thot thot"
Jan 2019 · 276
quiet soli
Esridersi Jan 2019
browning leaf fallen
ripples bleeding lake alone
distorting our world
even just one parchment-dry leaf can shake our vision
Dec 2018 · 965
to forgive is to see
Esridersi Dec 2018
Coerced by Delusion, how could he
remember? To wake up
cursed by Her lies stained his mind. Love seemed forgotten and  
coerced by delusion. How could he  
traverse that fine line of truth he wept so silently on?  
Condemn her? Awoken, he saw True love can’t be
coerced by delusion; how could he?
Remember to wake up.
Dec 2018 · 409
Esridersi Dec 2018
I saw Christmas sun dancing with Eve sky,
like our words at night, swaying over the bed -
Glorious and merry, but just not as high.
Dec 2018 · 300
never give up. give in
Esridersi Dec 2018
so much to inscribe
it takes time to write haiku
and oh... never-mind.
Dec 2018 · 1.3k
time management
Esridersi Dec 2018
Spend less time...
Clinging onto whatif branches .
They’re frail & sapless.

When happiness breezes by, it can’t be contained in a bottle.
If you don’t understand the breeze,
you’ll climb desperately
tumbling from broken branches & broken spirits, only to be plopped where you started, but sorer.

Let go completely and fall, the wind will catch you,
toss you up and around
and gently set you down
on the dirt
Dec 2018 · 857
Esridersi Dec 2018
                  into shore,        
Nov 2018 · 225
high night thoughts
Esridersi Nov 2018
are we just as clouds;
shrouds of magic smoke through air -
soaring so proud?
Nov 2018 · 257
Esridersi Nov 2018
Think what pains
a flame must endure:

trapped in a lantern

Inexorable gusts misshapes its form
like dead clay in uncaring hands -
pure self-found victim,
so surely estranged.

****** to winds and shimmers,
alone in the dark;
Bright auburn eyes that seek
stares itself apart.

A million souls to a flame
sharing warmth in vast night

each too blind to the others light.

and worst of all
they blame themselves,
Insecure and in doubt,
pretending they're alone.

Arrogance plays second to their
greatest offense -

ignoring love, their truest sin.
Concept for longer narrative form
Nov 2018 · 368
Esridersi Nov 2018
Our hugs -  such subtle soft candlelight;
The wick roots deeper still into our navel
One waft, we flicker -
Sharing supple warmth
in shadowy night.
Oct 2018 · 332
Esridersi Oct 2018
Should dead trees lay uninked in vain
Death shall come to skin my mane
They’ll drain me dry to paint thin corpses
Bloodstained sheets bounds and warps
What truths I kept locked up and caged

I must not waste another page.

Should Passions press their plans to gain
What pleasures tease them; thrashed by chains
Bruised, disconcerted, they’d cut my tongue
Ring it dry to wipe words unsung
While I pillage and drown my house in rampage

I must not burn engulfed in rage.

That once known pure now  lies down ****
And submits its flesh to be tattooed
This holds my heart, unyielding to change
Its fire and fervor forever estranged
With thistles and thorns we nourish our sage

I fear not death, desire, nor age.
Oct 2018 · 926
messy greetings
Esridersi Oct 2018
I racked my head for a poem;
some stack of words to say "good morning, pray you are well", but stacks swell and topple messily on my hands to your eyes, so

    to wake to
  one star,
and not
Sep 2018 · 3.0k
Esridersi Sep 2018
It's been so many a day,
we last laid gaze on our face.
Yours as mine to see,
Mine as yours to share
Without a care, laughing.
Aug 2018 · 5.2k
Beauty sleeps.
Esridersi Aug 2018
Beauty wears a short, black dress of olive silk skin.

    She lies poised on the couch, drained of her special sleep.

    Yet still, light pours His fingers down her figure, sleek and thin.

    The face of her dress smiles behind the glasses guarding her deep brown eyes.

    Beauty chose the slender sweet slits for her lips.
    They match the dips her hips outline on her gown.

    Her legs sit dainty off the side, but her flushed-red scarf wraps her cheeks,
And hides quietly in the back.

    She sleeps soundly dressed true black, with her small eyes cracked.
Jul 2018 · 207
chin up
Esridersi Jul 2018
Though your stressors be vile,
they'll never defile your style,
never darken your day,
for there's no bright like the bright from the light of your smile.
Jun 2018 · 265
caught feelings feel crazy
Esridersi Jun 2018
tired you must be
running, rolling - red, ablazed
all around my mind.
Jun 2018 · 272
Esridersi Jun 2018
With my hands stretched East
and my toes yanked to the West,
I'm all bend; no break.
haiku are deceptively difficult
Jun 2018 · 261
something like a haiku
Esridersi Jun 2018
Something compels me
forcibly, fervently, pulled
to write a poem.
Apr 2018 · 397
Your lips
Esridersi Apr 2018
The humming of the birds
inside the butterflies of my heart and tummy
start AFTER
the blueberry-peppermint scents
of your hair tickle and dance in my nose, but BEFORE
the streams of amber and yellow rush
to drown the still forest living on your face, in warmth and peace,
so that I might see your lips,
acquaint my hand
with your hips,
to hush and silence these birds...
that's when I kiss you~!
Mar 2018 · 431
before I forget...
Esridersi Mar 2018
You are the twinkle twinkle in my eye, the moonlit path that connects the sky,
a marvel - a story to be told.
Beauty so astral, a folded celebratory quilt, built to last past
All the shames of the world.
I love you
Good night ~
Send to anyone you think you haven't told this to whom you love. You may not get the chance tomorrow, seize the now.  :3
Mar 2018 · 383
Esridersi Mar 2018
Swirls of decadence dance in and about the nose of the bear,
who smells the baker's excellence.
"Her absence is my pestilence" thinks the bear.
"Those sweet scents would do me away in an ambulance" he thinks.

Given the chance, he'd take the brush from her hand into his meager claws,
and paint a portrait of him in her.
He'd accentuate his smile to show his bright grin.
He'd color his face outside the bounds to show his messiness.
Left up to him, the dim, grim hymn in his head would change the chorus from self doubt
to harmonies of carelessness and confidence.

Suspended, his thoughts diminish to silence.
"I do intend to forge a friend" he says.
"I'll ask to spend our time together in Zen".
What will she say to him then?
Jan 2018 · 457
Esridersi Jan 2018
Luck is when the fruits off one’s labors don’t spoil before harvest – when life doesn’t pluck the buck from your pocket,
or the orbs from your eye sockets.
To be lucky means all the yucky, mucky misfortune simply grazes the hairs on your nose.
Brevity says “I am not lucky to know you”.
It's miraculous to me that you held the key to my heart from the start.
You are not chance, cause, nor coincidence.
You are rarity.
You are pleasantry.
You are necessity.
So as the day must become the night,
so too the rays of my heart must return
to rest in dusk with you
~ and for that
I am forever grateful.
Dec 2017 · 468
Esridersi Dec 2017
Like a ship -
at the bottom of the sea.
A scene of forgotten debris;
by the pressure
of the cerulean expanse,
without a chance
against the piercing
blades of the sun,
undone and washed up
by the water of the sea,
- are the memories of you and me.
i detest cliches
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