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25.7k · Apr 2019
I love you.
Dhimss Apr 2019
You're the past I craved for.
The present I adore.
The future I want.
I love you.
It s better than anything I ve written so... Here goes.
2.0k · Nov 2021
Dhimss Nov 2021
I Remember, I was twelve.
It was the first time I stayed up the whole night.
Not because I could but because my friend said I couldn't.
Curled with a book, stifling yawn after yawn.
I watched the sun rise
So elated. So naive.
Afterall who'd willingly pass up on sleep if not a child.

I remember I was twelve
Escaping clutches of sweet sleep.
Six years later I lay in bed,
Struggling to call the sleep I pushed away.
Staring aimlessly, frustrated,
screaming into a pillow, clutching it tightly.
6:40am IST
My eyes sting and relentless tears stream from them falling like caresses on my cheek.
I twist, I turn.
I try and try some more,
Then slowly succumb to boredom,
Seeking the sleep I hid from.
I m not sure if this is a poem.
2.0k · Apr 2019
Dhimss Apr 2019
She looked me in the eye and gave me a grin.
She held me by my arms and said listen.
I pressed my ear to her tummy and heard a weird rhythm.
I looked up with wide eyes as if to question.
She hugged me and said "say hello you're having a sister!"
I remember squealing in joy,
here we are six years later,
she s grown up so much,
to be an imp now,
May I add?
the most entertaining one.
Dhimss Jan 17
I think I understand hookups and one-night stands now.

The key to moving on is to replace all that stood before
until there stands nothing that may cause you to unravel.

Moment by moment,
conversation by conversation,  
I replace the replays,
I can't bear the thought
of another touching me, like I'm not yours.

I got another ring today, all big and loose.
It's funny how I picked this one,
it keeps slipping off my fingers like you did.
It's been two months since I last wore your ring.
I don't see a difference between them,
it feels the same on my thumb.
and that should be the end of it,
but oh well, I guess it isn't.

I walked to the grocery store, paused at an aisle,
took my time frowning over chocolate bars.
You used to get me Munch, and so I picked the Mars bar.

I don't skip meals now, (well, most days I don't)
and in place of our routine conversations,
I play a random show.

I drown noise with noise.

My days are decent.
I'm surrounded by mindless jibber jabber.
I participate.
I paste a bright smile.

“You look well now,” they say,
“Well, I am” I reply.
And I am fine. (I think I am?)
9/10 times I am.

Then in a random mundane moment,
memories of you resurface like a ring light and
in that single moment,
I let myself crumble.

“I don't want him back.
He's changed now.
So have you and so what?
If it's meant to be, it'll be.
He's the love of my life.
Well don't let him in,
when (not if) he comes back.

Do it from love, not for it.
You deserve happiness.
Both of you do.

You want love.
You are love.
The ocean doesn't look for its water,
Why will you look for what you have?

It is what it is.
and this too shall pass.”

So on and so forth my inner monologue goes on,
and I stare at my phone wondering if I can conjure you from my thoughts.

I am kinder now.
With myself, and everyone around.
I wish I were kinder to you, but I was just a child.

I know you're proud,
and I am of you too.

Do you think I can sculpt my favourite version of you?
Wait, no.
I already did that,
I loved all of you
and then everything fell apart.

My thoughts swirl and I let them play.
Incantations in my head
Obligatory 3 am, weary sighs, contempt and rage.
Oh, so much rage.
Where is the calming lull of sleep, when you need it to sedate your despair?

Resignation sets in, I play a familiar game.
I ask the universe and unbiasedly it delivers the same day.

"Universe, give me a sign, I'm really done this time.
Yellow flowers if he's coming back,
Dandelions if he's not.
Universe let me move on. This is the last time, "

In my version of He loves me, he loves me not
I break flowers, not petals.

I look for answers in colours and not action,
And then I saw a dozen Dandelions.
Hi, I hope your well. Know that I'm extremely proud of you and you're in my thoughts.
All my love to you,
1.7k · Sep 2022
Red ❤️
Dhimss Sep 2022
Soulmates and twin flames were lost on me
But I remember telling you about a red string,
A line that tied your toe to mine.

I heard a snip, then a snap.
Efforts to mend, always end in knots.

We're done
We're done.

We're done now.
Back at it again.
1.4k · Jun 2023
Dhimss Jun 2023
The Human hair holds emotional weight the way one’s heart does.

Understandably so,
you’ve claimed every strand of mine, yours.
1.4k · Jul 2019
Dhimss Jul 2019
It was embarrassment sometimes,
And, blush in some others.
Both times she was pink,
the latter was because of him.
he just adored it.
Those who can relate, lemme know
1.3k · Jan 2021
Dhimss Jan 2021
If our tongues were blades,
They'd be hiraeth lulling me to sleep.
An exotic dance, a battlefield
haiku attempt 101
1.1k · Apr 2019
Dhimss Apr 2019
She falls like caress on the ground.
Washing the bad,
spreading joy.
Each speck of her speaks of love.
She was gifted perhaps from the moon,
dearest monsoon.
950 · Apr 2019
Dhimss Apr 2019
Perhaps we re all diamonds.
Hurt to beauty,
breath-taking eventually.
943 · Jun 2019
Dhimss Jun 2019
Scent of perfume stops me dead.
I stand there frozen unaware,
I turn around hoping
It's you who is here.
882 · Jul 2019
Dhimss Jul 2019
I knew I was looking, It took me time to realise I was searching.
My eyes now have a brain of its own, they look for nothing but you.
I missed you.
881 · Apr 2021
So, I did a Thing
871 · Dec 2019
A pane of glass
Dhimss Dec 2019
The story of two lives,
intertwined with eternity.
She his bride,
He the oasis to her insanity.
The veils of uncertainty lifted,
as threads of love strung them together,
sculpted as rings rested on their fingers.
Miles apart they love remained unscathed,
And when he finally saw his bride again,
she lay translucent, eyes closed,
Lips pale, their smile absent,
tucked safely,
beneath a pane of glass.
and only when you lose what you had you realise the feel of its presence
863 · Apr 2021
Dhimss Apr 2021
Panic and Perplex were angels,
                   Until God, grounded them
850 · Apr 2019
Dhimss Apr 2019
He was walking a little behind me.
"Hey" he called out for me to come back,
I look around, to find a serious, look in his eyes
I run back to him and asked " you okay?"
And he nodded then said,
" you got a little something there.."
I hid my face,
**** humiliation levels all time high!
He chuckled a little then held me tight  and said, "I meant me"
779 · Apr 2019
Dhimss Apr 2019
My mess,
somehow became ours.
I m glad you were along.
771 · Jul 2020
Dhimss Jul 2020
Can I be your old cardigan?
holding your scent,
your sweetest memories?

Can I be your cardigan?
the one you'd ditch
cool clothes for?

Can I be your cardigan?
The one who keeps that you warm,
even when the world keeps moving on?

Will you let me be that old cardigan of yours,
part of your unchangeable past
The solace, you keep asking for?
738 · Sep 2020
Lemme cry
Dhimss Sep 2020
My body shudders
as my hands shake.
I'm crying I'm crying.
I'm crying again.

My senses are flooding
as my eyes sting.
I'm crying, I'm crying.
I'm crying again.

My heart is screaming
limbs stay frozen.
I'm crying, I'm crying.
I'm crying again.

Set me on fire,
burn me down.
Do me a favour,
I want out.

I'm crying I'm crying.

I'm tired of crying again.
It really do be like that now.
738 · Sep 2019
Dhimss Sep 2019
Lonely each night,
lost in thoughts,
I have a gazillion wishes,
every single one
without fail asks for you.
hey, i miss you. i really do
733 · Apr 2019
Dhimss Apr 2019
Everything was bright but now I ain't  so sure.
I want you to know, no matter where I go, my heart is yours,
The moments we had were too beautiful to shatter,
Tell me you ve got my back,
Despite the facts.
Keep believing in me, no matter what, troubles come past.
This might not be an actual poem. The thing is, I owe an apology.. I m not sure what to do, And so I wrote like you all did.
724 · Apr 2019
Dhimss Apr 2019
I sit by the window of my train,
There's a sweet lullaby of screaming kids,
They keep me awake.
I look out, not stargazing, not seeing,
Unaware of what to look

There is one constant though, through the shifting scence.
The sway remains constant,
it keeps moving, all through the way.

Sweet enough to sway this dear train, she tried rocking me to sleep.
Failed to however lure me into sweet clutches of slumber.

Thus passed one other long trip where the surroundings smudged and smeared like memories from a summer dream.
Long train trips :)
680 · Jul 2020
Dhimss Jul 2020
Our bodies fit perfectly
hearts racing rapidly
lips harmonising ceaselessly

Nebula gawks
making asteroids stop
No evidences,
just stars,

No one but You and I

Gleaming stones dull
In comparison,
set aside to our
brewing passion

You light my day
like carousels do
to a carnival
developed from the verses of a close friend, Inspired from my life
678 · Apr 2019
Dhimss Apr 2019
My Life assume is like a thread that makes a dream catcher.
Most of the time I spend wondering if there will be enough to make the web,
But, when I m done making it'd be a splendid article.
For those who don't know what a dreamcatcher is, it was used by native American tribes. Believed to fend of bad dreams.. it's an intricate design made inside mainly a circular object. And it looks beautiful.
663 · Apr 2019
Dhimss Apr 2019
Best friend- you wanna **** her/him and then die for them
630 · Apr 2019
Dhimss Apr 2019
No matter what you'd have to say
Your heart ll eventually leap to the choices,
you missed to make.
truth in the irony
621 · Apr 2019
All the times.
Dhimss Apr 2019
For all the times I ran.
All the times I pushed you away,
All the times you were hurt
Here we are, just to begin all over again.
588 · Apr 2019
Dhimss Apr 2019
She stood before the mirror.
Her face had no scars as such.
Her heart did.
585 · Nov 2019
Dhimss Nov 2019
Our hearts drummed in harmony
Souls synced invariably,
If this is 'nt love
what could be?
we re in love(feeble reminders:))
560 · Jul 2019
Dhimss Jul 2019
I was meant to steal your heart,
Meant to make you smile real wide.
It was me all along.
Missed you
550 · Nov 2019
Dhimss Nov 2019
She called him, close to midnight,
his hello thawed her damp heart.
She stood silently, gripping it tight,
her knuckles, close to white.
She stood waiting some more,
unwilling to put the phone down, cut the call.
She heard a rattling breath followed by an "are you there?"
Tears fell fast as she said "forever and beyond"
She willed to give him,
a second chance.
i ve tried a narration within a poem... not very confident about it, a feeble effort, if it made you smile, please lemme know :)
542 · Jun 2019
Dhimss Jun 2019
I don't know how,
If the sound of my heart troubles me,
I believe,
yours will ease the fear
and soothe me.
For times where life made no sense but still continued invariably.
526 · Nov 2019
Dhimss Nov 2019
Drying tears,
healing scars,
Dark circles beneath sunken eyes,
Chapped lips from
biting hard,
Nightmares and panic in
abundant form
Of my broken heart.
For all the times we were hurt, and broken.
517 · Apr 2019
Dhimss Apr 2019
If being in pain is scary,
letting the world see what,'s on your head is worse.
A regular battle between the dearest brain and heart.
478 · Apr 2019
Down an isle
Dhimss Apr 2019
She opened the door and looked down an isle
There stood a little something
"Who are you?" she asked
The thing was small the size of her fist but seemed to smile, she wondered why.
"I m your heart" it replied.
"What are you doing outside me?" She pondered.
Now it laughed and said,
"I m looking for home my dear, i ve concluded that you, are'nt even close to it"
472 · Apr 2019
Too good to last.
Dhimss Apr 2019
Into the dense canopy of a bamboo forest.
It smelt of spring on the summer leaves.
A silence accompanied our little stroll,
Each word we spoke came back as an echo.
A full moon looked down on us, the breeze blew bringing hints of muted snow.
I leaned Onto your shoulder and thought "this was too good to last"
470 · Apr 2019
Dhimss Apr 2019
Glass and ice are pretty much the same.
When hard, and sculpted they seem flawless.
Only, one cuts, the other melts.
To me they are the same. Your opinions are yours.
456 · Jun 2020
No one but you
Dhimss Jun 2020
They all say "I love you"
No one does like you.
454 · Jan 2021
Dhimss Jan 2021
Mirror Mirror on the wall,
Tell no lies of who I am.

Mirror, mirror on the wall.
Stop showing my fragmented self.
A broken me, is perhaps all there is to see.
447 · May 2019
Dhimss May 2019
Stand or fall together,
I ll be yours forever.
And if there s beyond,
I ll be there too.
430 · Apr 2019
Dhimss Apr 2019
He was the first man in my life.
It was upto him to make me smile
I used squeal as he threw me up,
And when I swung away I was assured
I' d swing back.
Somehow, before I returned, he just went too far.
He was my dad.
428 · Jun 2019
Dhimss Jun 2019
It was never the night that scared me,
The trees hold the darkness,
that terrifies me.
Nothing is scary by itself. The by factors, aid the element of fear
406 · Jul 2023
Dhimss Jul 2023
I think I miss you more in the company of others.

Where silences have to be filled and middle-grounds need to be established.
Where triggers have to be explained and things have to be shared.
(You know I hate sharing when it's not you, I share with.)

Where memories have to be created and trust has to be forged and love will pave way but my heart is already yours, and you’ve broken it in multifolds.

We stand at crossroads,
You ask me to let go,
And I want to say no.

I miss you
And most of me knows we’re over now,
but stay a little longer, Just until tomorrow.

The tomorrows will keep coming and one day I will let go.
Without me having to convince you into staying and you wanting to leave,
Why leave just yet?

What’s one more day in the grand schematics when I’ve held it together for years before,
Why not stay for another day, before we finally let go?
404 · Jun 2019
Dhimss Jun 2019
I ll burn out in a minute or so,
I m just a part of a flickering star
398 · Jul 2019
Thank you.
Dhimss Jul 2019
Today d be there in my mind,
all life long
And for that, atheist me says,
"god, I thank you"
We re perfect.
394 · Jun 2019
Dhimss Jun 2019
I m ten foot beneath,
Far away from light,
drowning deeper,
Struggling for breath.
If feeling lost,
is like falling,
I ve reached the beds,
To the ocean of nowhere
Dhimss Sep 2020
Let me sit on your lap,
my legs around your

Your hands tracing
my back, tugging
at my hoodie.
Reaching my neck,
fingers tangled in my hair.

One palm cupping my
Your thumb leaving caresses,
on my lips, jaw,

Your eyes hold mine,
and my breaths come
in sharp bursts

Move in to kiss my lips
Adorn my neck instead.
Pepper me with kisses
Pamper me, into becoming
a spoilt brat

Hear me sigh into
your ears.
Hear me whisper,
"Can we do this
all the time?"
little fantasies
366 · Apr 2019
Dhimss Apr 2019
I whispered not to him but to myself,
"Your the best of what I have close to truth"
He heard me raised his eyebrows and replied
"Well, I love you"
352 · Apr 2019
Dhimss Apr 2019
She waxes, she wanes.
Grows and descends.
Such beauty such elegance.
The moon, really is the sun's descendant.
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