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350 · Jun 2019
Dhimss Jun 2019
Each click marks the beginning and the end.
Every one I see are in past continuous.
And I miss everything that has happened so far,
345 · Jul 2019
Dhimss Jul 2019
And once again,
I forgot to breathe looking at you,
Once again forgot all that I had to say,
then remembered it all,
But, you had left by then.
Happens, alot
342 · Jul 2019
It'd be you
Dhimss Jul 2019
The tomorrow l live  for,
The dream I strive for,
And the reason I smile.
It'd all be you.
You know who you are :)
338 · Feb 2021
Mass among Millions
Dhimss Feb 2021
We're millions out here
divided and split.
We keep hearing, we're ultimate,
all powerful.

Branded terrorists for being better citizens.
Powerless, Punished, Brutalised to succumb.
Stripped off honour for questioning,
for trying to right the wrongs against the masses.

We're out here in millions
running a blind race
Robbed of individuality.
Running, just to stay safe.

Standing in millions
counting days, taken for granted, number's sake.
We're many things
lassoed beneath many other names

Tomorrow's citizens, the growing population.
Votes to commemorate false promises of a power war.

I'm afraid our futures stand at stake, students, tomorrow's citizens, we sit in schools, cowering in fears.

We were trained to lie down in submission, how am I to fight you?
The reality of the student community
338 · Aug 2020
Love online
Dhimss Aug 2020
Stranger behind this digital veil,
I am assuming this is another one of
Cupid’s play
Tell me, is this just another summer fling
Or do I anticipate it to be a real thing?

Will you detest my individuality?
And try castigating my intellect?
Would you be my Prince Charming,
the ones only found in books?

Would I hear guitar strings strum,
As love crawls in to find its way,
Even then,
Would it, be love?

Could we possibly Make up to the distance?
The warmth, the fireworks of each other’s presence
Amidst the epidemic that has interfered

Would we  Rave endlessly?
Talking all night,
Choosing each other
Over Morpheus’s arms.
Obsessing over little that are suddenly cute

Would we look deranged, with a constant smile?
Hushed voices, muffled giggles,
Lost, chuckling into our phones.
The very type I’ve always made fun of.

Would it be a Disney movie?
Say, a tad more magical?
Could I really judge you,
with a mere photo?

It could be the a summer drizzle
Or go down the drain.
Farce and adherence
Have been my metier
Assuring amazement
To be mundane.

Dear new immigrant,
Enrolling for my heart,
Hoping you’re the yin,
To my yang.
one other poem
332 · Sep 2019
Dhimss Sep 2019
i need one more of that kiss
you've burned into my memory,
some more of the warmth,
accustomed from within your arms.
I need you, i really do.
326 · Oct 2019
Dhimss Oct 2019
And, the sky too shall cry   
The silent tears I can't scream.   
Each tear drop hence,    
Shall fall down as rain with the breeze.    
Silver spindles, bright and sharp.   
Pouring down soft and slow.   
Beautiful like fading a rainbow.
Rainy seasons
324 · Jul 2020
Dhimss Jul 2020
I morosely chew on my pencil top.
silently sigh at the damage done.

I look at him, my breath stops,

the bandage to my broken heart.
Drizzle of glitter from the stars

My version of pixie dust.
Hey... I miss you..
307 · Nov 2019
Dhimss Nov 2019
Sometimes its wishing you featured in my dreams,
And, Sometimes its wanting you real bad by my side...
i miss you
305 · Apr 2019
Dhimss Apr 2019
So much practice,
no use at all.
I hold on tight,
They still fall.
294 · Nov 2019
XO (hugs and kisses)
Dhimss Nov 2019
I thought hugs were beautiful,
until you pressed your lips against mine and said,
I love you.
293 · Apr 2019
No matter,
Dhimss Apr 2019
No matter how far I go, I d come back to you,
No matter who says no, I ll still belong to you,
No matter what, I m never letting go of you.
Happy year one, for the more to come.
291 · Jul 2020
The colours up my rainbow
Dhimss Jul 2020
Gradients of grey,
me in dismay.
Another random day
my heart had a harder day.

Tinges of teal
You keep walking over me.
After all I mean nothing,
mere fallen leaves.

Scarlet showers,
Scar my soul.
Was fear, a stupid confession,
Or you being the reason?

Blinding black nights,
engulfing bright lights.
Wish I could say,
a polite good bye.
Here's my poem. @sreeyasndilkumar there you go. Satisfied now?
290 · Jul 2020
The last Time we Met,
Dhimss Jul 2020
The last time we met,
I thought I hugged you tight enough.

Somehow it seems less now.
The stars suddenly dim,
the moon restless.
Hard to breathe, harder to pretend.
Pretense, because normal is non-existent
Pretense, because my happiness chose you over me.                                                                 ­              

I thought I kissed you enough.
That the world would implode if we kissed a little more.

I wouldn’t mind watching floating in the void space of darkness,
post the assumed explosion, for every night
my heart longs, aching in regret of not making the best of our time.              
The last time we met, I did hold you tight.                                      
Hoping to catch your scent, trying to memorize it and guard it with my memory.

That's all there is now, a mild scent.
Evidence, a reminder.
Of life before the pandemic.
Quarantine issues
287 · Jun 2022
Dhimss Jun 2022
I hold you in songs and stories I narrate,
Turns out I was right all along.
We now know I did love you more.

We’ve had arguments before.
On who’s hurt who the most.
You’d say I did you,
And I’d yell “oh please”

You’d bring up the one time I slipped up,
And I’d hold onto the million times you let me down.
Your secrets mine, your scars mine.

Not that I was a better person, we were both kids after all.
And then I heard. you’ve been telling people.
Versions that don't exist.
What can I say,

I know we’ve had arguments before.
There will be no more.
I know it hurts, trust me,
I do.

You did hurt me more.
And the price of it belongs to you.

And I’d rather walk away now,
Walk away and never come back
Irrespective of how much I miss you.
Irrespective of how it feels.
I’ll walk away, and never return.

Return to see how things could’ve been if I had stayed.

I hope in some time,
I would have moved on,
That you would replace me.

This is the way it is supposed to be.
This is the play we made to see.
It’s not our fault,
We were never meant to be.
well, that's a lot of damage
273 · Apr 2019
Dhimss Apr 2019
It was ticking when I got my heart broken.
It ticked as I found my way back.
It shall tick even if we all were to perish and die,
that old clock, counted days of my life.
Ticking seconds like heartbeats
as if to remind nothing last forever.
Time matches with the brook in an aspect.
"For me may come men and men may go, I go on forever."
271 · Apr 2019
Dhimss Apr 2019
I was good at being good.
Then somehow it all fell apart.
I either felt too tight
They thought I was'nt right.
Either way, I m no longer what I used to be.
270 · May 2019
In your arms.
Dhimss May 2019
In between your arms
Wrapped to your heart,
I heard it beat.
It went thud, thud, thud.
With each exhaling breath,
The rhythm played soft.
I smiled against your neck
Feeling your grip.
If I belonged,
It was here, close to you.
The rhythm was slow,
Our hearts synched.
I smiled some more hearing what I thought,
I heard you say,
"this is home"
266 · Oct 2019
Dhimss Oct 2019
I still feel your lips,
Pressing against mine.
It's slight pressure, erases the bad
Gives me hope to go through this night
Beautiful kisses
260 · Jul 2019
Dhimss Jul 2019
I was too comfortable,
My privillages we just oxygen.
I m losing it all now,
And I feel dead already.
I ll miss you crazy
258 · Apr 2019
Each night.
Dhimss Apr 2019
They moved along the expanse of my back,
Nipping my skin here and there.
No matter how hard I tried it happens each night.
Wait, I was talking about those
"Bed Bugs".
What'd you think?
Lol, I know. That just came out of nowhere
258 · Jul 25
Cherry lips
Dhimss Jul 25
I identify as the lipstick stain on your cigarette ****.
fun stuff.
251 · Apr 2019
Dhimss Apr 2019
I know forever is a longtime.
And that happy endings are for Disney,
But I really want you.
Just you, Forever
250 · Apr 2019
Dhimss Apr 2019
Like bright sunrises, scarlet roses and every star within our reach.
The world bustles with opportunities with each sip from my cup of coffee
coffee addict..
240 · Jul 2020
Dhimss Jul 2020
Sipping on Hennessy.
dripping with greed.

Every decision I made,
means to mess with me.

Don't need no shots,
Are n't you competent substitute.

You get me high
tripping with jealousy.

My little flask of poison,
why is thou,
so intoxicating?
recent try.
238 · Jun 2019
Fare thee well...
Dhimss Jun 2019
You fare thee well only to those you wanna see again.
I hope to come back soon enough.
This is, good bye.
235 · Aug 2019
Dhimss Aug 2019
It was supposed to be a game,
Turned out to be a curare,
Hit by the same dart,
Only I writhe in pain,
I m glad you got away.

It was supposed to be a game,
Turned out to be a curare,
The hunter became the hunted,
You are to be blamed.

It was supposed to be a game,
Turned out to be a curare,
Your footsteps left my side long ago,
The memories refuse to follow.

It was supposed to be a game,
Turned out to be a curare,
It's pulled me down i dont think there's any coming back,

It's supposed to be a game,
Turned out to be a curare,
Fare thee well dear one
Fare thee well.

This is worse than any snare known,
Fare thee well dear one,
Fare thee well.

After all
It isn't as bad as your absence.
I assumed it was a game
Turned  out to be a curare
The game called love.
223 · Jul 25
Mia & Sebastian's Theme
Dhimss Jul 25
Why must grief return in waves?
I can only hope,
It feels safe housed in me.
I'm just a poet/hj
218 · May 2020
MY fault.
Dhimss May 2020
I gave you a gun.

pressed it to my heart.

You held the trigger

to what was mine.

It should nt be surprising

that i got shot.

Rather hilarious all that was

I m delirious for thinking otherwise.
got hurt, rather surprised that i m not surprised
210 · Jun 2021
Without me.
Dhimss Jun 2021
I think you'll live without me.
Your hands will get used to resting on her hips.
The scent of her hair would become your safety.

I think you'll live without me.
You'd make breakfast for her,
see her in your tee-shirt.
You'll fall for her messy hair,
sleepy voice.
You'll brush away her tresses
just to sit staring into her eyes..

I think you'll live without me.  
You'll smile a little wider,
Laugh a little harder
and maybe finally,
learn to pose.
You'll have the cutest pictures,
Cuter than anyone's out there.

I think you'll live without me.
And this time,
She won't walk away.
She won't,
because you wouldn't hurt her.
You wouldn't let her.

You won't do it all wrong again
because she isn't me.

I was your first. Your learning curve.
She? She'd be your last. Your forever.
201 · Jan 2021
You and I
Dhimss Jan 2021
are the freshness to my wind rustling through trees,
are the essence of to my love song,
Like repeated falling of crashing waves.
are the intensity to my ocean,
Its depth and beauty immeasurable like the sky.
and I are the two halves,
of the same coin.
201 · Apr 2019
Dhimss Apr 2019
They say "you never know what you had unless it's gone."
That's not the thing.
You knew what you had.
What you did not know is
It was the main aspect of your life
And, that you can't possibly live without it.
You d survive. Not live.
There is a difference.
196 · Apr 2019
Dhimss Apr 2019
The sketches I drew on me,
were perhaps the ending lines of what we had.
But no matter what I did,
your steam grew back.
192 · Apr 2019
The game called love
Dhimss Apr 2019
We all play the game,
                   Quite a risky one.
This time it involved my heart
                    And someone's.
Once you hold on,
                     You never let go.
That's a rule, most don't know.
Sharing glances stolen, ceased moments of pride and glee,
These are times, one is forced to believe, in a magic, a miracle only those involved can see.
190 · Apr 2019
Dhimss Apr 2019
She was drowning she knew it.
But that was nt what hurt.
He pretended like he was nt the reason.
That was what did.
175 · Apr 2019
Dhimss Apr 2019
I know I m bound to fall.
And, when I fall I shall break.
But when I m up I m sure,
You ll be there.
172 · Apr 2019
Dhimss Apr 2019
The thing about being alone is,
That's exactly what you wanted.
And, When they leave you be,
You don't really like it.
171 · Apr 2020
Dhimss Apr 2020
Dear child. tucked in safety
of Morpheus's arms,
tell sweet sleep, I said "hi".
Been long since we've crossed paths
tell her, i' m willing to amend out past.
Tired and weary, restless
all night.
I' m thinking its time we met
made things right
sleep deprived since over a fortnight
169 · Apr 2019
Dhimss Apr 2019
She fell from the cliff,
Her heart drummed hard.
But something happened,
She was surprised!
When she fell, her wings
Flapped hard
Before she knew she glided past the vast ocean,
In the calm of the blue sky.
She found joy in her fall.
She had realised, you learn to fly,
Only when you
169 · Apr 2019
Dhimss Apr 2019
I was close, so close I smelled it on my hair.
It smelled like ash, not everyone likes it, but I did.
It's my element.
Part of who I am.
We re all fire.
Rather a match than the forest.
169 · Feb 2020
Little Things
Dhimss Feb 2020
Looking back, i realise i fell
not for those boy next door looks
nor for the smooth words,
it was for the little things he did,
little things that showed he cared,
little things that stole my breath
and left me asking for more.
It just struck me hard, counting stars,
i almost lost my moon
cant tell you how much today meant to me. Maybe you knew but does nt matter, i ll say it, i love you
162 · Apr 2019
Dhimss Apr 2019
She knew things were bad,
but insecurity just pulled her down.
She sure was scared,
In the end she did stand up.
158 · Apr 2019
Dhimss Apr 2019
Wild was her colour.
Freedom her attribute.
She was all chaos like a forest fire.
Somehow though,
he chose to stay
and decided burn himself down
157 · Apr 2019
Dhimss Apr 2019
I m not sure which is worse.
You lying because you can't say the truth and then getting judged for it
telling the truth and then getting burnt by the weight of it.
#truth #lie #confussed.
153 · Dec 2019
Dhimss Dec 2019
Its 11:11,
I close my eyes,
wishing your presence by my side
Holding in my tears,
tried a feeble smile,
I hope for miracles
That constantly happens,
to evade my eye.
make a wish!
149 · Apr 2019
Dhimss Apr 2019
Words might become dark.
They might fade.
They might blend in and may not.
But they remain forever, just like scars.
146 · Jul 2020
Quote of the day
Dhimss Jul 2020
Gravity, is matter's response to loneliness.

* ~Emily Chu 'The Half of It".
144 · Apr 2020
Milestones :)
Dhimss Apr 2020
Would'nt be long
before you tied the nuptial
chord around my neck,
we 'd walk around the fire
hearts brimming with happiness
I ve always bet  
lights were d be dim
compared to the
way you smiled.
That's how i'll
remember when i look back.
million times where I've
there's no way you'd be
Then i wondered
if we d last,
Two years since,
We 've come far
hey babes, (you know who you are) thank you so much for making my life a happier place, love you loads :)
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