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3.5k · Mar 2019
missing you
winter Mar 2019
i'm in the back of your car with your friends
i've watched your movie for the third time now
i text you that I miss you
although the last thing you want on your mind
is how to reply
to a girl of my kind
who you've avoided for this long
to say that you love me
to promise you'll see me
to never follow through
i text you that I miss you
the pissiest thing i've written and hopefully will ever write but my friends r tired of it so i had to put it somewhere
1.7k · Mar 2019
bilingual poem, para el
winter Mar 2019
he allows himself to rest,
forgetting his uncertainties
and just lets go
no mas puede llevar las cosas
que tiene que llevar
para vivir otro dia
to face the life of Everyman
challenged of his lusts
forsaken of companionship
oh hijo mio que vivía valiente
taking his first step into the void
duerme pa siempre
querido del mundo
and one of all man
1.3k · Oct 2022
There is no light
winter Oct 2022
There is no light,
I tried to find it.
Every day I spared my consciousness,
I searched and scavenged
to no avail.
There was only grey,
and it so happened,
that the brightest day
was the darkest of all.
The light of august
fated to fall
the minute morning came
so mourning goes
and all thereafter tarnished.
1.1k · Nov 2020
winter Nov 2020
death's arms around me
as if they've always been
they cradled me
in my childhood bedroom
the warmth I recognize still
they slow my pulse and calm me
they lull me
to my home, the empty
1.1k · Mar 2019
winter Mar 2019
succession in the act
one cannot be afraid
of making theirself a fool
cannot remain of ownself
strip and despoil of worry
my strongest desire to be a fool
shameless in integrity and condemnation
grasp the pure abyss
and be everything other
941 · Mar 2019
winter Mar 2019
my form has long left me
my eyes no more of my body
gone from my physical form
i praise the higher
let me be free of this earth
break the sky into little bits
and let me drift
for my roots have been plucked
and my principles stray
i dream of a place
where i can feel
739 · Nov 2019
winter Nov 2019
I reveal myself and I am lesser
I will never
be loved
by the likes of them
645 · Oct 2021
How to Travel Through Time
winter Oct 2021
a child approached me the other day
and said
"I just want someone to hold me"
this child
who didn't know me at all
who trusted too much and too fast
began to pour onto me their every sorrow
told me stories of the people who were hurting them
told me stories of their family
and the people they like
and the people they'd like to kiss
and I
was paralyzed
I wanted to say,
"You can't say these things to strangers,
You need to be careful,
You need to keep these things to yourself"
but instead,
I heard their words and I heard myself
at that age
crying out the same words
the same pleas
to strangers the same as I
and I saw an opportunity
to breach time
and talk to myself again
to save myself by
saving this child
I said
"I understand, and that's terrible
and I am so sorry that those people are hurting you
and I promise you it is not your fault
and I promise you it will get better
and I am here for you if you need to talk,
or to vent
and I am here
and I promise you
and I promise."

I know that I'm not dangerous
but still I
don't want this child to believe it's okay
to talk to anyone like this
so I
try to fulfill these wishes
try to help this person
without encouraging that behavior
even though I know
because I Was Them
that it will do nothing
to end the desperation
and the loneliness
that they will try
again and again
from one to another
and another
to fill that aching void that only wishes to be seen by someone
to be held

It is dangerous, to be so young and need to be held.

I feel so old, being for the first time on the receiving end of such an encounter.
It makes my blood boil
to think of the others
who've taken advantage of such

I have to
help them
before someone else
hurts them further

even though it is tricky

if I can help, at least one person

maybe I can be helped

that long ago


could be helped
638 · Mar 2019
the crescent; a fantasy
winter Mar 2019
the moon is gone
and the crescent my fantasy
for so long, never seeing you
the time has finally come
for me to have forgotten your face
when night is risen and moon is full
i imagine you there
your soft, beautiful face
gorgeously round and pointed and soft
the arch of your brow
and your wailing eyes
digging so deep into my own
that in my reflection yours are buried
formed from little craters and debris
historically indifferent
they must be your eyes
i was crying the last time i looked at you
you staring at me, indifferent, remorseful
i am crying now, looking at the moon
it must be you up there
eight months and twelve days
june twenty-eighth
july nineteenth
i hate that i can't remember your face
and i mourn you still
just by looking up
to that same moon
i fear the day that i might see you again
that i may be reminded of your gentleness
that i may hear the nectar of your voice
i can never stop myself from you
can never hold back from admiring you
in my entirety, you, the moon
my only beacon, beloved anchor
but the moon is gone
and the crescent only my fantasy
634 · Jun 2022
night terror
winter Jun 2022
as children we
look out at the world
with eyes so new and yet
so close were we
to the dark abyss
that hellfire crater
of consciousness

looking at the sun
for the first time
feeling the quick
fleeting flicker of life
before the dark creeps in,

it may be a nightmare
but it may be just a memory
an understanding of
what came before and
what will come after.
the spark is quick to fade
and the objects given form and
colored by light and pigment
fade with it into nothing
exactly as things
have always been
exactly how we
to remember
621 · Nov 2023
the recovery
winter Nov 2023
the world will never know brilliance
now that you are no longer in it

i, however, am all too used to change,
and impermanence,
and disaster

your strength gave way to me
i'll do it all
the pieces you left
shall stir and shatter
this earthly globe
and scar
to make
619 · Sep 2019
sup fam
winter Sep 2019
& after six years
put the same people
in the same room
and nothing will have changed
you reenter
and all of that growth is gone
for a moment, all progression
by their presence alone
604 · Dec 2019
Ghibli vibes
winter Dec 2019
I've decided to renounce the world
Build a walking house
And eat enchanted bacon
588 · May 2022
winter May 2022
"you can tell me anything"
you want me to
confess to
the wrong crimes
574 · Mar 2019
red woman
winter Mar 2019
god do i think i love her
lord do i want to hold her
feel everything that makes her so bold
striking and evil and red
where now she is so keenly radiating
a powerful and tiny joy
before she was so sharp
so dark
years crawl beneath primeval distances
still her scent remains prominent
i was eleven years old when i first saw her
a flower in her hair, a buttoned blouse
i sketched her every day
enigmatic attire
she adored
two years pass and i am in her basement
2am, face painted white and red
we watch Moulin Rouge
and we talk of moons and suns
and in the morning i use her shower
for the day, i would have her scent

she is deeply gone and will i remember
her gracious form
and flirtatious laughter
her glasses and her tap shoes
and her will
a girl who outreaches her own arms
she is soaring today
mythological in word
in her voice
in her skin
in her black nail polish and biker rings
in everything
that everyone hated her for doing

in her
562 · May 2019
cool air
winter May 2019
halo, halo
flooded by musky greens
that wipe out the bitterness
to your taste
hands tight on my waste
and lifting me
to sit on a shredded pillow
the window open
the walls damp
the chill once again comforts me
embracing an icy touch
you cut my hair
a head of bleach falls to the floor
my black roots remain
fragile breaths come from the trees
awakening once more
creeping their branches into the room
creeping under my tunic
the sky clears and I am soft
the pillow empties of its feathers
removing the inside
releasing the weight
558 · Oct 2019
winter Oct 2019
prevalence in the absence of light
I seek a remedy that may live without the sun
for the sun may never come
and I may never leave
if this journey I will to embark
moves in beams
and stalls for wake
532 · Dec 2023
universe gutted
winter Dec 2023
the universe, looking at itself
inside itself, looking at its guts
we might be gore
lacking in surgical precision-
the supernature of preserving life on the brink
530 · Jan 2021
winter Jan 2021
panic sits in my chest
and waits for privacy
everyday i can feel
myself erasing
i want to live without tears
permanently resting in my eyes
watching for that moment when
all else turn away
waiting to be unseen
until then it bottles up
until then i swallow
525 · Dec 2019
winter Dec 2019
I should have died
a long time ago
518 · Mar 2019
new moon
winter Mar 2019
unlikely friend
remorse of the swelling tensions
us risen from the affair
we muse together
of our greater imbalance
the spontaneous occurrence
of our bewicked empathies
we were not designated
yet this path our own will
tiding foreign bodies to his shore
of befriending the girl my ex left me for, and discovering an unexpected, new sort of love.
511 · Aug 2019
winter Aug 2019
I'm either dead
or in fear
the inbetween is nice
but still there are sides to the spectrum
509 · Jun 2022
winter Jun 2022
please please please
don't comment on my poetry
with a quote from the bible
490 · Mar 2019
winter Mar 2019
Weep me into an orbit
secure my warmth into it
Elevated, tremble me still
Lifting my legs into the air
And completely releasing the ground
Most comforting coldness
Welcomes me to a void
An inter-clashing of hollow and heart
I see nothing before me
I feel nothing beneath me
Moving only relatively to you
But the air between us bends
My bones feel crisp
When energy evolves into matter
Experiencing, for the first time,
Negative space
Seeing what nothingness lies before me
The acceptance
Ensuring calamity’s deference
I’ll be there
May I be still but I am moving
You see me here
Mightful in collision and clamour
Which rings so silently
That my breathing sounds greater
I long to be there
To dissipate into light
Become a pull in the tide
Warp everything inside
Regenerating my new birth
Fulfilled by the presence of lacuna
i want to be consumed by a black hole
481 · Jun 2019
dying bird
winter Jun 2019
my mother saved a dead bird
and dressed it in violets
she emptied a box
once filled with letters
her brother sent from his cell
to carry the bird down
from my bedroom
where the cat had placed it
a gift to his mother
leaving the feathers
while the bird rots in our yard
469 · Dec 2019
winter Dec 2019
I need to stop writing
poetry about boys
459 · Mar 2019
one more time
winter Mar 2019
release our tensions
and dispel of this worry
after all that we've been through
your words and my words
my hurt and your guilt
to reconcile our hands
and disprove every doubt
i lend you my hand
joyful and beautiful and miserable man
you're confused and i'm tired
i'm confused and you're tired
however many times it comes back
to you, to me
let's try this again
446 · Jul 2022
sentient speck
winter Jul 2022
by a strange
impossibly unique
sequence of events
the universe woke up
and saw itself
444 · Mar 2019
winter Mar 2019
.                   knowing you made me human
losing you doesn't mean i can't be
432 · Feb 2022
winter Feb 2022
if the days just keep on coming like this i might just have to actually give up 🤟
416 · Mar 2019
reality of whimsicality
winter Mar 2019
i wished to be whimsical
but my words remained bitter
a cold, guttural stinging
to be everything was to dream
to have something to prove
to love and be loved
i still cannot tell whether or not
it is greater to live in the fantasy
to wake and lift into your mind
to blur your vision, finding any reason
any reason by any means
to wake at all
is it better for one to wake if everyday
they have to envision candy-canes
as the railing on their staircase
if they insist on their futures
or pray to their God
"Don't let me suffer"
is it better for one to wake if everyday
they dye their hair a new colour
just to stop thinking of how they will rot
and how it will smell
and how long it will take
to completely crumble
so deep into the soil that the bone dissolves
do these thoughts make people "open"?
even if, every morning, it may as well nearly cost them their lives?
how severely should truth be praised?
do not medicate me for i can alter my vision
if it takes a fantasy to let me be real
then god bathe and drown me
in the worst of whimsicalities
416 · Mar 2019
obsessive moon
winter Mar 2019
youth in dying
heaving through childed lungs
to drink is to release in the barren
the tide of the moon's seed
depart of my planting
and live radiating the being
i see her there,
my love, my love
i am guided across our departure
my moon, my moon
the very first sight of my possessed infantry
infatuated with illuminated isolation
i felt it in you,
feel it in me
deceitful boldness to candy the night
i am obsessed
**** the light from the sun
and pour unto me
every of your unhinged desires
408 · Mar 2019
folk fest '17
winter Mar 2019
isolation and aroma
our tent was crowded and friendly
fires in the early morning
that never seemed to give out
phone died a week ago
and for once i am living
i jumped a cliff and got lost in the forest below it
i was bruised and cold but the music was loud
and their dancing brought me home
drunk singing and emphatic fiddling
i saw what the spirit meant
mine is still there
i haven't felt in a while
407 · Oct 2019
winter Oct 2019
If I can sing
however that may be
my soul as a poem
will never end
I will never die
for performance
is my eternal thread
when the conscience
descends into a string
the ring will still be there
402 · Mar 2019
winter Mar 2019
Feet don’t fail me now
She sings and sings and sings
Belting in the backyard
Humid and sweet and exciting
Skyborn burns that fill me with orange and blue
Sun-bleached skin in darkened strings
Of deep and burdening things
Mediating the cracks in the sidewalk
Burying the butterfly i once called “Vernus”
Rays of light and every bit of dust
Eyes wide and the noises loud
Small and running
Heated stoves ring me home
Before dark, i am alone
Me and the world
I feel the possibility in my fingertips
I witness myself again and again
I can feel
I am aware
Of what i am not, of who i will be
Infuriation and envy
I hold everything within and I let it release
Leaping across the streets in wedges
Power seeps into my heels
My beating heart shakes me
Into my bedroom window
Into the moon
Into my backyard
I left it there
396 · Nov 2019
winter Nov 2019
i’ve lived for so long already
feels like i’m already dead
388 · Aug 2019
winter Aug 2019
near midnight, hello again
I’ll be in no one’s company tonight
385 · Jun 2019
winter Jun 2019
forcing myself to accept
that this is all there is
and then its nothing
385 · Jun 2023
summer paranoia
winter Jun 2023
there's a head in every window
peaking through the blinds
and there's a man on every street
to follow you at night

there's a chip in your computer
and a dagger in your heart
and they're working side by side
to drag the guts into your art

every day I change the street I walk
every day I change town

but there are always tinted windows

and they are always slowing down
382 · Mar 2019
winter Mar 2019
drawn to my sister planet
we tear out our hairs
the fiery sorts of dissent
into the depths of my apathy
climactic orbit in yearning
pushed against your clamour
i long to be obliterated
dispel this feeling of unfeeling
remove me
371 · Jun 2019
winter Jun 2019
I am fully prepared
to lose everything
I've devoted my whole life
to preserve
369 · Oct 2019
winter Oct 2019
no one will ever find me
no one will ever know me
no one will ever see the sadness & stay
no one will ever find me
no one will ever hold me
or tell me I’m alive when I think that I’m dead
no eyes that are watching
no ears that are listening
no one will ever see me
no one might ever hear me
they leave me a puzzle unsolved
it’s not that I’m tricky
just not what they’re used to
but with me, they believe,
their efforts will be wasted
all I need is one person
and a person, I need
360 · Oct 2021
winter Oct 2021
its 71 degrees and mostly sunny in new york
which is 4 degrees warmer
than where you are
359 · Mar 2022
winter Mar 2022
im not supposed
to be here
359 · Jun 2023
Time is all at once
winter Jun 2023
incredible, i scrap for bits of you
you are dead and alive forever

i am on a bus looking at the sky out the window
clouds straight above me, moving slow, yet never same, always moving, always new
i'm looking up at the sky but i'm buried beneath millenias of rubble and sand
i am alive now as i write this
breathing and thinking every word through,
breath and write with me each of these words, one after the other, even those, even these,
yet i am permanently gone (and always have been), screaming into the future
"I am forgotten!"

for a while after my death this poem will be a portal
where you can speak to a 20 year old ******* a bus in ithaca, typing these words in my notes, listening to Mitski, mourning my mother, mourning the future, mourning you,
who is peering into this portal and speaking to me now
I can hear you
and as I'm underneath the sand, clawing uselessly for air, after eternity, and in an instant,
I will hear you screaming with me
We are all forgotten forever
Time and the universe will erase each other
After the final black whole
warps the remaining scraps of light
into an unfathomable nothing-strand, and we all evaporate with the bottom of eternity
if there is a way to escape
sing it to me
even after my eternal silence
my soul will be open
even if i am too far underneath the sand
even if you never read this poem
we are a portal
and I hear your call
and your heart is beating, and you are real
and all the dead can feel your pulse
and we are singing back to you.
356 · Oct 2021
winter Oct 2021
i've made it, i've made it
and i've still yet to see it for myself
353 · Oct 2022
winter Oct 2022
little room in new york
on a high floor
over looking these lights
this all came to me
in the form of many dreams
i can sense it
the end, an end
something sublime
the terror-ous kind
draws near
353 · Feb 16
feel the cold
winter Feb 16
I am that feeling
you’ve been searching for
I eat your dark, you ******* soul
pulled my heart from the ice
now I feel the cold
342 · Nov 2019
another everyman poem
winter Nov 2019
what is my pain
to another’s love
not that it was meant for me
but i like to peer upon it
from outside
why does their love
amplify the hurt
why do i envy
their comfort
341 · Apr 2022
winter Apr 2022
the mushroom council has deliberated
i think they think
its time to take me
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