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Ma Cherie Jun 2016
I hear you whispering to me
            it's alright my child
     I know you want this to be over
                 I am right here
             I will always be right here
            don't give up you hear me?
   As long as you can still grasp a breath
                          you fight
      You keep breathing.

          Your body...your soul
            may be fighting you
         It is older and has taken
     on many troubles and trauma
       but your spirit needs to stay
you have important work still to do here

        As they press on your throat
    Trying to check the last bit of air
      the Red tail Hawks Circle in the sky
                 we are here
               Do not be afraid

      You were born with white blood
        The ones who have dark blood
             are angry that it is
      still running through their veins
                are afraid of you
             Your light is so bright
           they fear getting burned

       Time may not be on your side
But you will know when the time is right
       you are the silvertip grizzly bear
   who smells from many miles away
who will rip flesh with your mighty    
            claws in seeming anger

                           His smell
seven times stronger than the Bloodhound
           your nose is a time traveler
      while they see someone's name
                            carved in
         a heart in the tree they will know
          this person loves someone else
       you know who made the carving
      what was on the soles of their feet
        what direction they walked in
   And to stay away if they are dangerous

        little Portia...jumping spider
        you can see in four dimensions
      Opening Our Eyes to history
as ancient Greek statues were painted
                        not white
         your evolutionary camouflage
     is useless against the death machine
          the black Emperor Scorpion
which to you glows in a bright blue green
you are also like the monarch butterfly
          waking from sleep cocooned
            living only a few months
      migration that spans Generations
born knowing exactly how to get to their  
           greatest grandfathers home
              who left six months ago
                not told by your Mother

You are the beautiful white bleeding heart
     that I planted outside your door
    you didn't know where it came from
  It will provide you ease from your pain    
           and calm  your nerves
      you must extract this from the root

         It all feels very important
             To speak the truth
             to get it all down
     It feels like it might be too late
                but it is not
   just remember to keep breathing
       As long as you have a breath
    as long as you can grasp a breath
                 you breathe
                 keep fighting
                     I am here
                 I am with you
           I will always be here.

Cherie Nolan© 2016
I don't know where all this is coming from part of my Native American studies things I am observing every day and trying to share when I can when I am able. Thank you for caring and reading I feel this is important for some reason so I guess I'll just keep writing and trying to read and absorb as much as I can of or creators work. The bleeding heart really is outside my door.... it might sound strange but I really feel that my native ancestors are speaking. :)
Jun 2016 · 333
"I'll Never Understand"
Ma Cherie Jun 2016
Today everything isn't quite so beautiful
The sun is shining
and there's a soft breeze flowing through a beautiful white tapestry with gold embossed threads..
I hung in my window
the birds sweetly woke me from my sleep
I was able to meditate for a little while and decrease some of my pain
and sickness
I still don't know where it's coming from

Then I hear the demanding of others
People asking me to help them when I'm the one who needs it
I asked them to call me...
I beg
I implore
still no answer

then I hear a dog barking
It just won't stop
I hear a child crying
and a mother yelling
she closes the window so I hear faded pieces of
her bellowing voice
the child's cries....
demanding apologies for things the child doesn't understand
and his heart that she cannot

consequences she's in enforcing consequences...
someone is snapping twigs
trees are falling
feels like it's her breaking a switch on him
I guess he's not having a slumber party after all
Now the child is just sitting on the stoop forced to be quiet with tears rolling down his cheeks
he still beautiful to me
I wish I could whisk him up
Take him to a happy place
See a smile upon his lonely...
saddened face

Everything isn't always so beautiful
I guess it just helps me to appreciate what I have all the more.....
And hope
and pray
have faith
that tomorrow will be a little bit better for all of us.

Cherie Nolan © 2016
I don't understand people sometimes :( don't worry if there was any real abuse I would call the police...just an unpleasant view tonight.
Jun 2016 · 1.8k
"I Put A Spell On You"
Ma Cherie Jun 2016
My creamy silken Irish skin
     looks ghostly white with full red lips
        freckled spots come out to play
        and belly coins dance on my hips

      The long and swinging skirt is pure
         entrancing you with dancing dips
           Dickla covers neck so modest
            you gently pull with fingertips

             We are getting close to fire  
     Dance 'round flames in hand a switch  
        Outstretched arm cast Spell on You          
            by a lovely Roma travelin' witch

           Dancing bells about my feet
           pounding in your **** heart
           drawing you nomadic beats
           that hit you like a poison dart

           Twilight time casts its glow
         Gypsy Moon hangs in the sky
            Cast a spell to be my beau
         You never ask the question why

          Come inside this Gypsy coven
                     Dark haired..
                         red lipped..
                          gypsy lovin'

           You'll forget you have a name
          My Gypsy love will be the blame
               better to be quite insane

               No one's going to believe

                  I Put A Spell On You...

                    Cherie Nolan © 2016
My Gypsy Heart trying to put a spell on someone but I think my mojo is broken LOL.... :)
Jun 2016 · 712
"A Simple Token"
Ma Cherie Jun 2016
My heart is like the broken glass
               there lying on the floor
        It shattered a few thousand times
           behind quick slamming doors

                 The ****** shards
                   that lay unbroken
       are all of that's left of love unspoken
          To you I give this simple token
               a piece of me in ****** ink

      This piece of glass I entrust to thee
        This little glass it holds the key
       Beachy glass washed from a sea
         from my waiting ...wanting tears

              I've tried to love though
                       it's been vain
                   My heart is fragile...
                       single paned
          I'll try to love...again with you
          liquid sand from praying pew

        I know my heart's a fragile mess
          my love for you I must confess
         the edges sharp my hands caress
             to make us whole again

          An hourglass I'll shape in time
         and strip away the ****** grime
       My heart is here to love once more
     A green glass piece lost on your Shores

        I am here...if you decide to try
   rebuild this heart from tears it cries
        I wonder in its silence sighs
             In you I feel at home

      you know I'll hold your heart safe too
        curing resin my hands will glue
        repairs rebuilding love anew
      a fracture fixed by love that's true

       build a bond that won't be broken
                  a smooth soft heart
                       your loving token.

Cherie Nolan © 2016
Was Wishing on a Star and this just came out of nowhere....:)
Ma Cherie Jun 2016
The world can be so cruel
on a poet's heart so frail
Sometimes it gets soaked
by the winds that come in Gale
Inspiration can come and go
it's bleeding out like time
Not everyone understands the words
especially if they don't rhyme

My heart is only protected by my Poet's Paper chest
bleeding ink
The words I'm writing down
they don't always make much sense
I keep scribbling

I really want to share
to feel that someone cares
that they understand my poetic plight
my words on winged flight
my tongue I cannot bite
My Gypsy Heart
my fight...
what I might hope...
..... is right

I write that which I seek
knowledge and wisdom deep
secrets that we keep
they crash upon this chest

like the oceans waves that pull me down and under
In clouds where Gods stand
and throw me out their Thunder
My Paper Heart asunder
I grab the lightning bolt

so I know these words they might ReSound
and be quite more profound
in the collective pages of our history

Like art
like all great art
sometimes not appreciated
till after we're gone
And even if someone doesn't know my words
I'm still singing you my song

I hope I do not offend
I don't try to pretend
My Paper Heart defends
by speaking what I am learning

I do not claim to know the answers
I just put some words on paper
and save it in this chest
covered by a vest
I feel I am so blessed
It might be just a guess
these words in ink put down

Soaked in the loving ground

like a time capsule to be opened
one day... if these words don't mean something today
then maybe they will tomorrow
Writing them brings me joy on the pages that I borrow
on my poets paper chest
my words of all my sorrow...and love.

Cherie Nolan © 2016
For my friend James :) I hope you see this
Ma Cherie Jun 2016
I sat inside a hospital bay
in the usual uncomfortable hospital beds
feeling exposed....and cold
as they brought in a woman
who was convulsing...
my fears shifted

She was on a moving stretcher
there must have been 12 people in tow
doctors nurses and others
It's hard to remember who was straddling her chest
as they pushed the rollaway gurney
trying to revive her
I think it was an EMT..
remember his sturdy legs in dark Navy pants &  shirt with some
sort of medical cross in white
above his heart...
I just really remember this look
of sheer panic on his face

From the amount of police officers
and security guards
I could only surmise that she
was in some kind of other trouble
than just her physical distress.

At the time I was having some difficulties
with my heart and this situation did not make it any better.
I kind of felt like I was having a serious panic attack...
or that I might even have a heart attack
I really hadn't heard anything about my own condition...or cause

I just tried to breathe
the sounds around me
of machines beeping and voices yelling
so many lights flashing
the doctor pounded on her chest
trying put a tube in her throat...
attempting to force open lips that remained sealed
I felt like they were  
trying to push that airway in me....

as they worked on her behind that curtain
like The Wizard of Oz
I really couldn't see
they were trying to get a line
her veins too thin and collapsed
the sound of drilling her bone....
in her thigh...
I cupped my ears
as the tears rolled from our eyes
unable to get the medicine in any other way
I had never heard of such a method
I really wasn't eavesdropping
but I was completely drawn in

Narcon I think that's what it was called ...
that's the medicine they gave her.
Apparently it can bring you back
from the brink of death....
I was grateful that they had it for her.

As it turns out she was holding some drugs in the prison for a controlling cellmate
It was coercion and extortion
This so-called drug dealing badass chick
who made her hold the drugs
knew she had money on the outside
and dearly made her pay for it
from the sounds of it
the girl bedside me knew that she was going to be caught with whatever she had been forced to hold...
she was trying to roll a joint in the bathroom...
innocent enough for Prison
when she heard a couple guards talking and coming
it seemed this ...getting caught,
each pill a seperate offense
would be a worse offense than death ...
I thought...for her
So she swallowed an entire wax encapsulated ball of pills
Barely able to choke it down....
knowing it had been brought in by a mule
desperation won

As she slowly stopped convulsing and became dimly awakened
somewhat, aware.... felt like we all finally started to breathe
Nurses and others applauded...relief veiled the room

She was up....then WAY up
I guess you would say she was high
From the drugs and from being out of the prison I suspect

She was scared and crying and my heart went out to her.
She was confused and rambling
unsure of all the different pills inside the Wax Ball trying to recount
asking if she was going to die
Begging not to
to the doctors ...the officers as they were asking her "what did you take honey...come on?"
Over and over....looking in her eyes with a flashlight... as her spirit tried to fade but her body and soul just would not let her go yet.

After a bit of time she started to be more coherent and my heart started to feel less like it was going to burst.

I was so upset by the turn of events
that I really wanted to move to another room  
my nerves were just so terrible
  but the nurse said that people were literally lined up in the hallways .
She asked if I'd prefer that in a snarky tone... I said "no, of course not"

I asked for help  to unplug my equipment
then I went to the bathroom
our eyes met ...hers and mine
for a moment...a quick glance
of some mutual pain and understanding
and we smiled at one another.
I don't think it was difficult
for either one of us
I was looking for an escape to go to the bathroom
from my pain and problems
and get away from this mess
this noise
and she definitely was looking for a way out of her situation
we found calm and comfort in sharing...connecting

She wasn't young enough to be my daughter ...
I think she might have been about 36 or 37
but I thought about that possibility....
she had no family there
and that made me sad
I too was alone
I believe she knew
that I had compassion and true empathy for her
I saw that in her kind and sad blue grey eyes
and I think she saw that in mine....or I hope so

She was not formally educated
but she was quite intelligent and articulate....
She was quite proud of her studies while doing time....
she had a wonderful plan and how she was going to get her children back and a job as a hair stylist.
She had long golden strawberry wheat colored hair

She told how she had been in prison for 7 years away from her children... drugs that got her into Prison and drugs brought her to this Hospital this night

She told over and over
the story of this controlling cellmate
and how this whole turn of events that happened.
All because of drugs mostly.... she owned it
she knew that she used drugs to escape her life before  
and she had taken so many wrong turns
the last charges she received were for "walking off"
from house arrest... she ran... with nowhere to really run.
Now there was this...

She was friendly with the guards
they knew her well and most of them treated her decently,
calling her by her last name only
The one guard was constantly by her side and joking,
reassuring her that she would be fine.
Well there was another guard who was not so friendly,
when she was convulsing he had a smile on his face...
chuckling even....maybe out of fear...
I hoped that.... more than hate
It troubled me in ways I can't really describe.
I think he thought she deserved it.
Maybe there's others that might read this
that might think the same thing...
I do not know.

For me....I don't know her whole truth...her story...
..and I don't know how she got there
I don't know what her childhood was like
or even her young adulthood before she ended up there... I know the complexities of my own life
and except for the broken shattered pieces that she started to share
I don't know what happened in that prison either ....
not really
and my Father told us that
we should love everyone unconditionally
and so that's how I practice and live my life.

You could see her deep sadness and true regret ...
in the lines on her face
yet I also saw hope.. in her eyes and I heard it in her voice

The hours that she spent there were like heaven to her.
She got drinks and food that she would not get in of new people and a chance to feel normal whatever she perceives normal to be

she laughed nervously with the guards but I could tell that she was sort of excited to be out.
Maybe she took the drugs just so she could get out and breathe the air for just a moment.
I wondered about all the motives one might have
She said that it was because she felt she was going to get caught
but as the story went on ....
she further detailed
after the guards came into the bathroom
and found nothing
she went back and sat at a table with a few other cellmates
and waited to see what was going to happen
maybe she didn't think the drugs would seep through the wax
Or maybe they would have a slow delivery and she would just be high again
or maybe she did know
I don't think she wanted to die but just desperately wanted out
She knew that this badass chick
was going to want money for those pills
she had asked to be moved back to Delta
where she liked it....
she said she was clean there
Apparently she complained over and over and even told them what this girl was doing
She told them that she was going to be a victim in this new unit
she did not want to be there
no one was listening

I was still lying in the bed when they finally strapped her in and decided to take her back to the prison
I was kind of sad to see her go to be honest
because she wasn't completely stable
Physically or emotionally
And I don't really think she belongs there
I guess they don't worry so much about prisoners
And as she left
she had this look of longing that she wished she could trade places with me and she didn't even know what was wrong
that I was there for something wrong with my heart
I think even if it was cancer she would have traded

We again exchanged warm smiles again, an acknowledging nod
and we both added a small wave...
I think knowing
we would probably never really see each other again

My friend who had been absent
Who finally decided to come
and see how I was doing
said "do you know that girl?" and I said "no I don't we haven't even talked." I think he was puzzled....

Actually we both were there with something wrong with our hearts...
and I will probably never forget her face
I will pray for her, her families and her children
her children's children
that they can break the cycle of abuse, dysfunction and unhappiness
I am 100% certain that it's possible
I've done it in my own life
and my family's life
though some things are not always so probable

I wish it was contagious...
that she could have caught it there at the hospital but it's really something you have to dig deep to find
You have to want it more than living
More than dying
I'm not sure we ever find our ideal life or blissful happiness...
Most of us endure a lot of suffering
I have let it grip me before
though I am satisfied with being content
in my life... grateful in every moment
anything more really is a true blessing

So upon reflection
I guess again it just helped me to reinforce that every single part of life cannot be taken for granted.
The air that we breathe
the food that we eat
the music that we listen to
and dance to
the kind smile of a stranger
in a hospital bed next to you
a sad poetic story
Or one of Hope
Being able to drive to the store or walk home if you would rather
Sharing time with your family and friends and everything else it's beautiful in the world.
If I ever think my life is too much
just so bad
I always try to think about those who have it so much worse than I do
Although sometimes if I do that it's too much to bare
To think of genocide and children starving
Even if I only have a few dollars sometimes

I do this not only to gain insight hindsight and if I'm lucky have some foresight in my future
or to protect myself from those potential tragedies happening in my life or in my family's life....

it is more about the fact
that I need
to be aware
all the time
the people around us are suffering
and there are little things we can do to make their days better like those smiles and the wave we shared....

I carry her smile with me and I hope she carries mine with her.
I was really pretty scared but somehow that smile and wave was comforting and I hope it comforted her too.
The irony was that she was due to get out within a couple months so I again pondered whether she was institutionalized and wanted to actually stay.
I hope not though because she seemed so kind and so optimistic under such distressing circumstances.
If she had to stay I'm glad she had a moment to breathe the air outside her Prison Walls again even if it was just for a moment
And I sure hope she got the hell away
from that bad *** chick
who just wanted to bring her down

Cherie Nolan © 2016
This was not a real recent visit to the hospital but it did happen just a true story I wanted to share it's all I could manage for today thanks for reading
Jun 2016 · 611
"Food For Thought"
Ma Cherie Jun 2016
"The smile on my face does not mean that everything is means that I appreciate what I have and what God has blessed me with" - Unknown author

" Holding onto anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else; you are the one that gets burned." - Budda

" Love is Like the Wind you can't see it but you can feel it"

"Life is not separate from Death it just seems that way"- Blackfoot Native American
Random thoughts to share, when having coffee at a local stop this morning I saw the top quote under a glass and it reminded me that there is poetry everywhere.
Jun 2016 · 481
"My Indigo Blue Daughter"
Ma Cherie Jun 2016
I need to tell the story
about how you came to me
you floated by the Milky Way
out past the galaxies

You  were playing with the Stars
when you heard me call your name
And in a lightning flash
my soul was not the same

You grabbed a shooting star
And hitchhiked past the Sun
and landed in my arms
in a blanket made of cotton
My sins and cares lost instantly
and everything forgotten

I look at you now
and you are the most beautiful of creatures
I'm glad we have the chance
to be one another's teachers

I wouldn't change a thing
my Indigo Blue Daughter
You're right where you belong
in my earthly living waters

I see you in the Springtime
in the Sunny Daffodils
The sun-drenched clouds above
and in the rolling pastured Hills

In see you in the mountains
of our home here in Vermont
In the passing vacant barns
that your Spirit seems to haunt

you're here in summer grass
that slips between my toes
and the crystal clear blue water
from the mountains that it flows

The birds that come to visit
in their lovely feathered styles
wink at me in passing
with familiar frozen smiles

You are the leaves that change
in fall time gloried color
In the faces of our neighbor
our sisters
and our brothers

You are the unique snowflakes
that kiss me on my face
You are everywhere I am
in every single place

We've had more than our share
of Earthly troubling woes
you always try to smile
and you barely let it show

I never have to wonder
we'll always be together
regardless where we are
no matter what the weather

This night I Lay My Earthly body
down to take a rest
to dream of all the things we've shared
inside my sleepy nest

I'll be waiting for you dear
my door is always there
A place for your sweet little heart
to rest your Earthly cares..

I Wait.

Cherie Nolan © 2016
For my daughter and for Steven Vallincourt even though I didn't know him. There are a lot of metaphors here....
Jun 2016 · 633
"My Anxiety"
Ma Cherie Jun 2016
I'm so tired
but you won't let me sleep

you are my constant companion
you've protected me
showed me the truth

you've lied to me
we've lost friends
and even Family for awhile
you always leave me wondering
about everything and everyone

I can't trust myself
I can't trust you
I can't trust them

The only thing I can do
is to accept things the way they are
trust in something bigger
turn it over

Try to be in the moment
and not back look at yesterday
It wouldn't do me any good anyway
Im trying not to look forward too much toward tomorrow
Try to hold it together
you're really racking my nerves
I wouldn't want to ever have a nervous break
I wouldn't want you to get back together with depression
The two of you together are nothing but trouble

I hear there's a pill that can make you go away
but really there's no such thing as selectivity dulling emotions
And who's to say anyway
this isn't supposed to be a part of who I am?

Cherie Nolan © 2016
Just thoughts on anxiety...what makes us tick.....
Jun 2016 · 1.7k
" Can't Find Crazy
Ma Cherie Jun 2016
"I can't find your Crazy
driving there in my car."

Cherie Nolan © 2016
A little humor :) not sure if it makes sense?
Jun 2016 · 342
"Everything Is Beautiful"
Ma Cherie Jun 2016
We should smile at strangers
        it may brighten up their day

       We should offer a hand to hold
          to  help along on their way
         Instead of seeing differences
      we should see we're all the same
            Everything Is Beautiful
      When there is no place to blame  
            We should never judge
         taking comfort in our sins
     and knowing there is more to life
          than the surface of our skin-

"It is hard to know what is really going on
in someone's life whether we believe we know or not"
Cherie Nolan © June 2016
A poem in a quote hopefully they make sense. :) random acts of kindness...
Jun 2016 · 498
"Blinded By The Light"
Ma Cherie Jun 2016
"You gotta have that heat
to get that sweet'"
My Father said this, in his colloquial Vermont accent
when he spoke about his gardening

Looking up and appreciating the Sun
wiping his brow with a red and white bandana
that it kept in his denim bib overalls pocket

He was simple in the way that he lived
but not simple in the way that he thought about life.

I especially loved  the tomatoes....
I haven't tasted a tomato like that since
it tasted just like the Sunshine

He'd worked our dreams,
gone 10 hours
and then drive an hour
to get there and back

We raise all our own meat
all our own vegetables
and we lived off the grid
we had lanterns for our light
though they weren't very bright I think it taught me a lot our little simplistic life
and I wouldn't trade the tastes
Of my bittersweet and long
loving memories for anything

He pointed out that this is true with love...
with raising our children
the sun makes everything grow
there is no wonder why it has been worshipped

It has destroyed man
and it has saved man

In a flood we are drowning
in a desert we are dying
We need just the right amount of sun for the balance in our lives

They say we cannot appreciate the sun without the rain
And that means learning from our pain
That is all right with me because I am literally...
Blinded by the Light

Cherie Nolan © 2016
Hard to sleep too so much in my head trying to get it out. :)
Jun 2016 · 335
Mirrors 10W
Ma Cherie Jun 2016
"Beauty is our mirror image
Reflection is our ugly truth "

Cherie Nolan © 2016
Ma Cherie Jun 2016
I see your pain
and it is beautiful
it's in the things you do
everything you say
the lines on your face
the things you know time just can't erase
I love those lines

It's the way you watch me when I dance
everything you risk you take
making me another chance
the distance that you keep
how you look when you're asleep
and dreaming
and even if your mind is screaming
I can hear you
I can see you
And your sorrow it touches me

Your tears they try to hide
somewhere very deep inside
but every now and then one comes out just show me ...
even if your broken
my love to you it is unspoken

I will be the love that liberates you
to fly away
regardless...of my darling ... whatever
you try to say
I'm not begging you let me stay
I'm just telling you that you're mine and I'm yours forever
and truly.

Cherie Nolan© June 2016
No idea if it's good :) wisdom from pain, lots of possible metaphors I think!
Ma Cherie Jun 2016
If heaven wasn't so far away
    If I could drive there in just one day
      I'd pack my car and get there fast
         Or fly there with a rocket blast

      Thank my God for hearing this plea
     And for letting your eternal soul go free

              I'd fight a thousand armies
                to a win a raging war
       Or paddle against the currents
                     with just a canoe
                   if I only had one oar
             Defending all your beauty
           and the light you gave us here
                 I am not too far,
              my heart is always near

          I'd walk a thousand miles
               just in my barest feet
Or hire a passing, ghostly shipping fleet
   and watch the troops of demons to their  
            grievous quick retreat

    I would walk through the hottest fires
           of a crazy burning hell
    Or surf the oceans fastest, highest
                  waiter, water swell

         I'd slingshot through the stars
             Or float up  on a bardge
           Just  ask the Man in Charge

                  I'm' waiting for the call
                  to bring you home again
                  I'm waiting here for you
                   back here ...
                    back in
                   your earthly Glen.

Cherie Nolan © June 2016
For my Father and all those in the skies.
Jun 2016 · 1.1k
"What Is Our Spirit Life?"
Ma Cherie Jun 2016
It is the spirit dragonfly, a nymph -
          the keeper of our dreams
     The breath of a moose in wintertime
Crystal waters that flow through a fast
                    moving stream
Clouds that cast shadows that slip through
            a purple sunset and disappear

                 It is the visiting Raven
               It is the fast running deer

              who dances in the rain
                   it is your tears
      which are the keepers of your pain

                Thunder and lightning
                         It is in your hands
               this  is everywhere
            our soul finds a  
                   place to land.
Cherie Nolan © June 2016
Just some Native American thoughts.
Jun 2016 · 729
"Waiting Windows"
Ma Cherie Jun 2016
I feel the breeze move easy
                    across my aching chest
           as I lay down on this dreary
                  night  to finally catch a rest
          It whispers of your sweet caress
                 I close my eyes to dream

        Lightly touching neck with lips
          and soothing moving fingertips
            I am lost in a  lovers dark eclipse
                 and it  illuminates my soul

         Release me from this fear of sin
          As your breathe moves gently
                       past my chin
           Like the honey and the lemon
                    inside my gin  
             I am hungry for your arms  

            I'd better close the windows
              if I want for you to stay

                  To keep you here
     inside my lonely Waiting Window pane
     Though I know once it is opened
         my attempts will be in vain
  I slowly close the window with my hand  

                   Please come on by
      and set upon the Waiting Window sill
             I will be here waiting
                     and ...
              You know I always will

Cherie Nolan © 2016
Just because
Ma Cherie Jun 2016
I am just a writer
though a poet by Design
waiting on these empty pages
and your worthless promises

I am staring at Old photographs
and the writing on the wall
and I recall

our better days and
younger years
that seem to just Drift Away on clouds I've stained with ink

and so I think
Some inspiration will come to me
in the form

of a message sent down
on Floating leaves

sent by the trees
that quilt the greenest patterned parts
of my memories

So I can see
what is written on these pages
and with the wisdom of our ages
all our empty, broken promises and  hurtful lies
and I try
to see reflection in the mirrors of the tears we cried

I am just a writer
and poet finding songs
So come along
with me
and I will take you to
the places that you want to see....
as I remember pages filled

I am just a writer
a poet by Design....

Cherie Nolan © 2016
This is an ode Meant To Be sung, was truly inspired by my friend Stephan... who was one of the first to offer inspiration and encouragement. Again no idea if this is really good but it sang  like it was so thank you all my poetic friends helping me to find my voice.Peace -
Ma Cherie Jun 2016
Dreaming of peculiar things
Of silver chains and diamond rings
songs I feel I've left to sing

For those I love I sing it now
My heart is cast upon the bow
Fear is fleeting from my brow

I hold your heart inside my bony cage
as eternal life slips by my waist enraged
with tempted fate I earn a year of age
and I am looking forward to tomorrow
with bittersweet and haunted sorrows
I go gently into the year ahead.

Cherie Nolan © 2016
Random :)
Jun 2016 · 1.5k
"My Poetic Plight"
Ma Cherie Jun 2016
A poem you say
              that's what you need?
                      Indigo ink
                      forced out
                         I bleed
                  I feel this need
             on a Poet's paper chest
                    I am writing

                 It's spewing out
              composing it now
                 showing me how
      pounding sound upon my eardrums
                   in a constant,
           reverberating hummmmm
                    I cup my ears
      in every moment that I breathe
    my lungs are cloaked in darkness  
                   I am suffocating

      As generations they are turned to dust
                     consumed by guilt
                              and fear
                              and lust
          in poetry my hearts been ******
               into the darkness I return
                           and wait

      Shattered glass in empty hallways
       Darkened Moon hangs in the sky
                     streaked in ink
                   it hangs upon us
           tender questions asking why
           looking at the flooded sky
                       I am asking

          Steering failure words we say
         In your wisdom words we pray
         Shine your light on us this day
                        I surrender

       As Human Blindness overflows
         and leveyed waters at my toes
      I want to swim in glistening wet
                 and clean from life
                       the sins and
         tamper sad and past regrets
                        I am forgiven

        as rain pours down so fast outside
           I hear my people's voices cry
                 and I am listening

      There's so much more left here to say
                please hear my voice
                        to all I pray
         as raining tears come out to play
                       I hear you

                   Pain comes down
                     lightning fears
                   flashing thunder
                     inside.... I peer
     inside the torn, dogeared and forgotten  
                burning pages of our minds
        and ticking past the hands of time
          as rain comes down in buckets
                         I am drowning

        Inside I think I'll find the truth
      with wisdom of my years and youth
            measuring all that I hear
          in time I hope all things be clear
                  are you listening too?
     wisdom falls from those who departed
                    my soul and spirit
                     duly outsmarted
                     chains released
        in lands my soul it goes  uncharted
                           I am free

                       Found the vein
                   that caused that pain
               and severed it's ugly head
                 releasing all its beauty
                and have laid it in a bed
                         It haunts me
                       I am dreaming
                       So as you read
                     just know I bleed
                 a poets blood like you
                  Our lives ...our hopes ..
                    our broken truths
                       I am learning

                       Into yearning
               honesty it pains my ears
         released in me my greatest fears
          in everything this sound is real
              .....      I am found.

       Something  that we all must do
                     plunging knife
                    this truth is true
             Telluric veins cascading red
         reflection of what mirrors said        
                  I see and I am blinded
                        A poetic plight
                         taken flight
                             my truth
                            your truth
                            our truth
                        the Same Truth
                            and now
                        I  understand

                     I'd never dare
                  to share or care
           unless inside poetic minds
        unbroken by the hands of time
                      I am writing

        This crimson river ever flowing  
     our knowledge  we are ever knowing  
             has breached the banks
                   filled up this tank
                            I am full

       Pouring drifting seas and oceans
     Crashing rocks and bottle broken
               resting on a poet island
                     I am breathing

        I see my hand it waves saluting
     the arrival of  sun has begun,

             as pain becomes a river
                     of our sins
                     and sacrifices
            victories and the costly prices
            outside it rains again today
         I am drenched in clean waters

                   I am soaked in love
         And thanking all this gift above                  
            Hearing my Poetic Plight
      say thank you for this inner light
                awakened as my heart
             on angels wings takes flight

       Releasing all its Inner brightness
on the heady winds of shadows darkness  
                    slow encroaching
                   stabbed by daggers
         evil, jealous angry poaching
                          I am bare

         What is taken from the pages
        Gifts from those imparted sages
        written with a hand enlightened
               Penning ...trembling
                      awake and
                      I am hoping

                      I am whole
               grateful to be home.

Cherie Nolan © 2016
A torutured poet's plight inspired by ultimatepanicqueen. I don't know if it's any good but it sure felt good to write.  Peace -
Ma Cherie Jun 2016
I am a poet
and you should know it
Though do you?

Reading whispered lines
rehearsed by years and time
by my  Roma traveling mind..
unraveling our secret wishes
and sending hand blown kisses

Metaphors they seep my veins
and a poet who is this unchained

Makes you believe
in stories of their Poetry in Motion
And lovers foolish notions
a Gypsy Magic potion
fills your senses
with bloodstained, tearfilled wrinkled paper

Crumpled in a bin
Your heart ...
along with your heart
.....that I pretend to win

Read my words but don't believe
That I will stay
I'll always leave

you at the end
thank you my Poetic Friend

Your affection I do not feign
within my deep and darkest veins
I bleed this Poetry for you

My Gypsy heart will not be still
It seems to have it's own free will
And I am just a Magic in my words.

Cherie Nolan © 2016
Grateful for gift. Thanks everyone!!! Beautiful here! Dedicated to my poetic friends. :)
Jun 2016 · 942
"My Soul's Undone"
Ma Cherie Jun 2016
My time is short
my time has come
I'm hearing the call to go home
with the light of the Rising Sun

It would appear...  
that my Soul...
Has Come Undone

Your hands that held me tight
something it must end tonight
I can't breathe
climbing the skin

This went on for far too long
the ending of this favorite song
it's time for us....
to both be strong.

Because with the timing of the Sun
My spirit may have some time to run

So for tonight Castaway your earthly fears
dry your long soaked moonlit tears
and go away...with me...

and we'll get drunk
under a Gypsy Moon
with my love to you in spades...I swoon
your heart tonight
and just before the coming light....

touch me before tomorrow
avoiding costly sorrows
at loves first sight
my heart
and Dawn
.....takes it's last flight.

Cherie Nolan © 2016
Feeling a bit like I can't breathe today not because I'm sick just because so much of my life feels toxic. Fro Gwen and all other gypsy spirit. This came out of nowhere again. Thanks
Jun 2016 · 477
A Fighting Legend Dies
Ma Cherie Jun 2016
"Float like a butterfly and sting like a bee"

"He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life"

"The man who is 50 who views the world like he is 20
Has just wasted 30 years of his life"

Muhammad Ali famous quotes dedication for his death and passing.

"He was a hero, he was my hero....and your hero ....he was our hero." Cherie Nolan
Would appreciate that you at least read this. Thank you & be blessed
Jun 2016 · 755
"Dirty Dust Road Dreaming"
Ma Cherie Jun 2016
We were travelin' down
a Lost Highway
Down some Dusty Back Wood Road
Way Out in the Sticks
East of Overshoe
West of Bumfuc*
Out in the middle of nowhere
on a Crazy Hot Summer Afternoon

We had the windows down
Just Whistlin' Dixie
feelin' and shooting
the breezy air conditioning
admirin' the lovely green quiltin' of the
lush Green Mountains

We had some smiles on our faces  
listenin' to the tunes
playin' on the radio

It must have been our favorite song
because we were really singin'
Enjoying the thoughts
that this music was bringin'
As the world just passed on by

I could see it in your eyes
I'm sure you thought it in mine
"And you're right my friend
can I tell you more about it
just up around this next Bend?"

"Cause you got your life going on
and I got mine
but somehow today our lives are....
well... they seem intertwined
And it's all good."

Rocks and pebbles
keep kicking up from those back tires
of a Shiny Turquoise Blue Ford F150 Flareside Pickup Truck
named Lucy
and "I really love that sound ya know?"

"Ya...I do."

"This place
this whole place
it's like a endless and beautiful
picture show
and I don't want to go
home just yet
If you weren't here... I'd swear that I must dreamin' ".....

"So let's pull over
that looks like a good spot right here
You could have another beer
You know....take a Little Rest Stop

"Turn the engine off
just don't take out the key"

"So what are you thinking there
my Cherie?
What's really on your mind?"

"Well... I don't know
just wondered if you can kiss me?"

"Awwwww.....sure I'll kiss you sweetie"

"You know I'm in this really strange place
Something that time....
just can't seem to erase"

"You don't need to explain
and stop racking your brain girl
..It's all good."

As he slowly slid his strong warm hand around the back of my neck
And pulled me in close
I got lost in the most Beautiful
Dreaming while I was Wide Awake.

Cherie Nolan © All rights reserved.
Lots of metaphors here .....I use my name to mean my Darling in my poetry & Vermont and Green Mountains, some have colloquial remarks like "East of Overshoe"This is part of a series other titles are highlighted (not quite done though). Thanks!
Jun 2016 · 8.3k
"Courage to Communicate" 10W
Ma Cherie Jun 2016
"Courage is required to break the communication barriers of life."

Cherie Nolan © 2016
From a college course (independent) on communication, a Ted Talk....reflecting.
Ma Cherie Jun 2016
"We are all running out of time...
so stop begging" - Cherie Nolan © 2016
Random ....
Jun 2016 · 745
"Picnic Table Philosophy"
Ma Cherie Jun 2016
This friend and I
we were at my picnic table
and it's these lazy days of summer
talkin' our philosophy

I can still here his voice
soft and ****
as I throw my head back and laugh
feeling kind of shy
.....and wondering why

He's a whole lot more
like opening a door
more than you let me believe
and ....
more than I would have guessed
He's a poet
I didn't know it...

As the truth spilled out of our lives
like a tablecloth
A red and white checkered one wonderfully familiar
as he puffed.. a sweet smelling cigar
and the yearning of his youth
and a vision of our truth

I tried to find him...he was gone

As I sat in my rocking chair writing this down....
I looked around
...and he stood in the door
wanting more..

I wondered how?
Is he here now?

I was ...nervous...
as his soft ...gray and blue ...
doe eyes...saw me

And I hope
....he comes back tomorrow.

All Rights Reserved © Cherie Nolan 2016
strange happenings....
Jun 2016 · 610
My Falcon Dancers
Ma Cherie Jun 2016
First came the two turtle doves
Then the blue jays
and the beautiful Red-Winged Blackbirds

Then two sparrows in the rain...

I really hadn't been paying attention all that much...
I've been so absorbed
with everything else
that's beautiful

And then came the Raven 3 days in a row

I started to think ....
that may be it was you..

Then there was the Dead Bunny..
The Sign of The Hare
I decided ...that I'd better be aware

Tonight you send your Falcons in
And I just say I cannot quite describe
this in words

At first there were two
Swooping in patterns.... in a beautiful aerial display
Against the crisp blue sky
that is so blue ...
it hurts to look at it
And clouds that are white
a white that is so starkly contrasted
against these tips of the maple trees in a
in a beautiful summer green
reaching to touch the sky

Daisy hot hazy sunshine with Cadillacs in the sky

Cruising above my head
and then in came another
like B-52 bombers and they're circling in
a figure eight....and  
I am completely mesmerized

They come in pairs there was 5 and then 7
There was 9 and then finally 12

I was so captivated...
I couldn't take my eyes off this picture
as I stared the clouds
that just passed by
and I watched them dancing ...
dancing so flawlessly in the sky

It literally... took my breath away

This is what they call
the Falcon dancers
This is believed...
to only happen
in the Native American culture
in a Period of Enlightenment.

Along with the other meanings
of the animals I've seen
I guess I already know
what these signs mean...

Something is coming
Something is here
Something is far
something is near...
Prepare... be ready.

And all I can do
is write down these words
to tell you...
To never stop looking at your sky.

Cherie Nolan © All Rights Reserved 2016
Couldn't believe my eyes hope you read this. I don't know if this is poetry or not. But definitely worth the read thanks.
Jun 2016 · 676
"Occam's razor"
Ma Cherie Jun 2016
I really don't understand
What you're saying
what they are saying
what anyone is saying
but I think I'm going to just listen

I keep trying to figure it out
but it seems kind of elusive these days
the sky moves quick from Blue to Grey

It's hard for me to understand the motives in your head
I keep repeating what you said
and...I really don't know why you'd say something like that
or do something like that
or even be like that...

Is this some kind of contest?
Am I in some kind of War?
Did I hurt you in some way
or someone else you loved before?

Are you jealous of me at all?
I really think that might be at the root
I'm not trying to make my horn toot
I mean... that is unless you're all in collusion against me?

Even if I apply Occam's razor and break this stuff down
and make it bleed
I'll see what I can see

But you know I've got these limitations
so it'd be really great
Stop your hate
if you could just cut me some
slack Jack
....then I'm sure we'll all get along just fine.

All Rights Reserved © Cherie Nolan 2016
Feeling a bit downhearted and misunderstood.... not about me in particular or anyone else  and this is a little on the extreme side but still putting it out as it comes. Thanks
Jun 2016 · 1.2k
"I found a dead bunny"
Ma Cherie Jun 2016
I found a dead bunny
in my yard yesterday
his eyes were still open
But his body was still

I crouched down beside him
to admire his Beauty
and his fur still matted
from where it had been  chewed

I didn't feel sadness
I admired his bravery
I've seen lots of his kind
lately here in my yard

They're sent from the heavens
from my native ancestors

The Raven, the swallows & the two turtle doves...
They are all the....
of a God's Burning Love.

I gently picked up
that long sleeping bunny
his little front legs
just dangling straight down
I made him  a bed made of mossy fresh Earth
to return him back home
......without even a sound.

Cherie Nolan © All Rights Reserved * 2016
I'd just like to add that this poem is the truth. I have seen all these creatures lately which is quite unusual for this are of Vermont... it is not as rural. And as many of you might have guessed,  I am of Native American ancestry. With a bit of French and Irish thrown in for good measure (my name of course reflects this :) So while my beliefs in my God might be different than yours- I believe that our God is listening and is the same. Really still so surprised at what is coming out. Have not been doing this long at all. Thank you all so very much for being so supportive.
& and may our lives  be blessed no matter what we believe. - XO
Jun 2016 · 794
"Poetic Justice"
Ma Cherie Jun 2016
Some might call it Karma
         And for some it could be Fate
          Or perhaps a Poison Apple
        that you didn't know you'd ate

             It could be I used Magic
           and I cast a few Dark Spells
          and perhaps a Poison Potion
          or a Demon Curse from Hell

          I might have asked a Genie
           in a bottle for his wishes
         or asked a nasty Witch to help
           with pretend Princess kisses

I could have summoned Moaning Ghouls
      who'll haunt you in your sleep
      or coaxed a Vampire from his lair
              to bite you really deep

           While all this could be true
              as Fairy Tales might seem
               but trust me when I say
            this nightmare's not a dream

              You're feeling really bad
              your life is such a mess
            I slaughtered you with ink
            that is laid upon your chest

             My words they still linger
         like the banshees in your head
           to haunt your every thought
         with the sweat that fills your bed

             Her names Poetic Justice
                her poison is my pen
          and you might be quite terrified
               while I am feeling Zen

           Of course you know that she
         is best when she's served cold
          to keep you all the company
            you need when you are old

        Now your life is crumbling down
         from wicked lies that past those lips

               It wasn't even a challenge
                      for these poetic
                        ....    fingertips

Cherie Nolan © All Rights Reserved 2016
Just for fun.
May 2016 · 610
Just a moment 10W
Ma Cherie May 2016
"We are 'just a moment' the history of us."

Cherie Nolan © All Rights Reserved 2016
Came out of nowhere again.
May 2016 · 2.7k
"My colloquial dream"
Ma Cherie May 2016
Diggin' in the dirt
have a little fun
drink a little beer
have another one

Sun is really hot
and I just want to play
gotta go outside
gotta get away

Go swimming at the crick'
Maybe catch a fish
cook it on the bank
we don't need a dish

Get a little tan
get a little burn
Doesn't really matter
cuz I'll bet we'll never learn

Grab onto the rope
and come on for the ride
It's way too nice out here
for you to stay inside!

Cherie Nolan © All Rights Reserved 2016
It is absolutely gorgeous and stunning here hope this helps you see it.
May 2016 · 374
"Worth The Ride"
Ma Cherie May 2016
Looking out my car's side window
I can see the world outside
Mesmerized by all these pictures
There's nothing this world can hide

Opening the pages
of a passing history book
I think of distant lands and dreams
And quickly close my eyes to look
at the slideshow that's been prepared my memories

I take a little snapshot
every time I blink
I capture it so instantly
when giving one good wink
and I am captured by these
quickly passing pictures
of my life

And I already know
that my trips been worth the ride.

Cherie Nolan © All Rights Reserved 2016
Just because. ...sorry had to edit a word.
May 2016 · 1.4k
My roots 10W
Ma Cherie May 2016
"My roots run deep hearn' these Green Mountains of Vermont. "

All Rights Reserved © 2016 Ma Cherie
Just gone tomorrow will see you all when I get back. :)
May 2016 · 840
"Return to innocence"
Ma Cherie May 2016
We are returned to innocence
            from our birth to our death
                 we can find our way back
                     back home just before
                                               our night

                      ­        down.
Cherie Nolan © All Rights Reserved 2016
Just because.....
May 2016 · 341
"You Send Me"
Ma Cherie May 2016
I heard you whisper
...that poem to me
You're right here...
where you should be

I heard you whisper...
sweet poetry in my ear
and all I hear...
....just draws me...
to you
and I now
I just can't breathe

Feels like we are too far
in between the pages
our spirit and our soul feels like I am whole...
And your beauty is...
everything to me.

You told me ....
my everything
that it would be alright
that I have nothing that I should fear
should have pushed you from my ears?
I know...
something that I just can't fight
at least
not for tonight
so alright....
I'll just..

And listen to the crickets
and the blinding stars
And be thankful for
just where we are
In these tight fitting arms...
Your intoxicating
magic charm ...
you've got me

At least
... if you..
my everything ...
if tonight it's just a dream
It seems....
I have found you under my covers only....
one true
....midnight lover

Though I'd be totally remiss
if I did not wish
.... for such soft and perfect
pillow kisses
on my neck...
what the heck...
yes....that's the place
and touch your beautifully...
familiar face
so that I...
... can retrace...
our love.

It sends me off...
to the farthest recesses of our outer space...
without a trace..I'm gone

And in your deep
..... sweet voice...
it's seeping in...
when we got lost
in endless nights
in long pillow talks
and on our passioned  lovers walk...
I wish that I could...
....Keep you here with me
though I know..
that you are free
I am praying

Eyes open....I blink my eyes
then close them tight
... and quickly realize
It's just a dream...
I'd really wish
I could scream..
I want to thank you
for stopping here
my darling...
my love...
my dearest...dear
and dropping off of such a beautiful memory....
letting me see you again...
and giving me the chance
to finally ...
Past love...:) Still coming from nowhere, thanks everyone!
Ma Cherie May 2016
I am closer to believing
than I ever was before
on the crest of this Elation
must I crash upon the shore
And with the Driftwood of acquaintance
light the fire to love once more
I am windblown... I am times.

To be closer to believing
to be just a breath away
On the death of inspiration
I would buy back yesterday
But there's no crueler illusion
There's no sharper coin to pay
as I reach slips away

From the ***** of custom
to the ledges of extremes
don't believe it till you've held it
life is seldom what it seems
But lay your heart upon the table
and in the shuffling of your dreams remember...
who on Earth you are.

I need me
You need you
we want us

But of course you know I love you
for what else am I here for
only you not face to face
but side by side forever more

I need to be here with you
for without you what am I
Just a fool out searching
for some heaven in the sky

Take me to forward lead me on
Through collision and confusion
While there's life beneath the Sun
you are the reason I continue
so near for so long
so close.... yet so far away

I need me
You need you
We want us
to live forever
measure after measure
Of the writing on the wall
that burns so brightly it blinds us all

I need me
you need you
we want us

together on Sundays in the rain
closer than forever
against or with the grain
to ride the storms of Love Again

So be closer to believing though your world is torn apart
For a moment changes all things and to end is but to start
And if your journey is unrewarded may God lift up your heart
You are windblown
but you are mine.

Emerson Lake and Palmer lyrics -
favorite  of Cherie Nolan
The poem pretty much inspired my entire life...its how I live ..or try to. A friend gave it to me and I used it on my senior page in high school part of it anyway. Every time I read it it still gives me chills, it's perfect in ecery way and realize that it influenced my writing quite a bit just now. Please let me know if you see any mistakes and I hope you enjoy it..... I wrote from memory. Thanks - Cherie
Ma Cherie May 2016
My poetry...
is like a rushing flood...that I..
just cannot stop
I don't know where it's coming from so I don't think I'm going to ask it to
Because it's like this...
turbulent and wonderful
....endless... spinning top.

It just pours out...
just like the hardest rain
it can be...
painful.. even...
Like I must have hit a vein ...
or something...
and.... it must have...
been a very deep one.

I must have raised it ..
from it's tulluric bed
And that vein... you know...
it seems... like it's...
DEMANDING to be bled.

And..I think...
I'll try to take a sip....
to have a little drink of that water
I think it will have a lot to teach me
this thing.

So..if I can take a moment
to even catch a breath of air...
While waiting for the next big wave
that is..
Then I will...
So I can share...this thing...
that is ever flowing..
from somewhere...unknown
.. right here, right now..
with you.

Whatever this thing is...
that is flooding from my lips
And not so much from my aging fingertips...
as I struggle to write this fast enough
because this deluge would soak the paper anyway...
and I think
the ink would just run.

I've been thinking about so many things
.. that I have not thought about in years
including many ...
real and... long but not quite forgotten
fears ..
but it's alright
because everyone and everything is beautiful... in the just...
the right light..too..
and well...I've tapped into things...
that I just didn't even realize were there...
or even...

It's a very beautiful thing
when you write a certain poem
Like an enchanting and haunting sound
I even hear it now...
and ... I am sounding...measuring the waters depth...
and dowsing ....if I need to.

This thing,
my poetry...your poetry... Our Poetry. kind of rings, in echoes through your mind
and you know...
that it's going to touch other people somehow
just something that you feel
from deep within.

That place...I'm talkin' 'bout..well it's
much deeper
than the surface
of our skin...
I just can't tell you- exactly...
where it is of course...
but I think if you look,
maybe check it like a pulse
I believe
that you will find it too, keep looking...
don't give up.

And well..this unknown vein
it is beckoning
.... to bleed first...
and then the water comes
....then...finally the words...
I am literally gushing this here...
It demands this thing...
it's like...I think...
it must be heard.

Seems I can't....quite
get every word down
on my first attempt...
maybe the next time around
but it's...not... upset with me at all,
and ..I think it says try again
.... my Cherie.

So to's like a song
and when it is written...
and it is finally  perfect
and you hear it....
for the very first time
It's like music to your ears
literally... and figuratively
it doesn't have to rhyme...
you'll know it...
when your done.

Maybe because you hear that
lyrical sound in your head
it just keeps on coming....
like it's risen from the dead...from a place
deep and earthly bed
And right now...
I'm just repeating what it said.

You keeps me up at night
till the poem is just right..
sometimes I just can't sleep
and yes I even weep....
and when I do...eventually rest...
then I see it in my dreams,
this thing
so I don't get any time alone
these days
and well..
the company ...
is really pretty good.

That just doesn't stop coming
I can hear that sound...
like my Native American ancestors are drumming..
it calls me home.

You hear it in the other poetry
and so your poetry
is a Continuing Story
of their poetry and yours
is to their stories,
and you hear it in every other song
and in all conversations with people and things
A sound the mellow, dark sound of a violin
Or maybe like the distant flapping my Guardian Angels wings...
It has my attention
and I am listening...

It halts my mind...and will not let me just pass by....
at least..
saying hello.

This thing...this gift of poetry
is a blessing not a curse
I've known a lot of other things that
... could be...have been and are
a lot...
So..for me
at least right now
it doesn't have to be well rehearsed
and you can always come back to visit it,
to see if it needs anything...
you an old and lovely...very special...
and familiar friend.

And if someone thinks my poem
then I am truly in awe -
of something that I don't even know where it came from
could touch somebody so deeply...
from a sound that just keeps on weeping my tears .... of beauty and truth,
I am grateful.

These things...this dialogue...
it could even be...
quite profound
So...I think....
that I'll just keep listening
to that distant sound,
That drum, the wings, all things ...
the violin strings...
So I can...and because I must
trust ...and ..
this all
with you
right here
right now...
& forever.

And perhaps, we can
leave a legacy
to my family
To your family
and to all others,
and to future Generations of a like-minded people
For the positive growth of all humankind
Poetry in everything
remind us.

This gift...might hopefully inspire others
in some way
to perhaps do certain things differently each day...
of our lives...
or to write poetry even...
to pay it forward
or just to heal...this poetry
this how we express

  There are so many things to learn from poetry and songs
and conversations
like this one I'm having with myself
right here
right now too..

I wouldn't want to live life
any other way now...
because I've discovered
"Poetic License"...
to disclose ...
my thoughts ..
my poetic experience
to you.  

May peace be with everyone.-
All rights reserved * 2016 © Cherie Nolan
Wow - I finished this because it literally came to me in the dream-  and so maybe this is what I was supposed to do.  I hope this is good for you - it was...amazing to me, a true blessing.  I hope somebody understands what this means -  it just keeps coming....though it finally feels like this is done. Thank you
May 2016 · 3.6k
"You have my heart"
Ma Cherie May 2016
You're still in here, inside these walls
through open doors and vacant halls
I hear you gently clear your throat
and rustle with your overcoat

I hear you say in deep distress
I have some things I must confess
I Loved You Then I love you still
I love you now, I always will

You have my heart, my heart that's true
a love I thought I really knew...
But love is just not quite that clear
It's juxtaposed with you my dear

I'd rather stay but I must go
for reasons that I do not know
I hope your heart can find a place
to close your eyes and see my face

Remember what it meant to me,
I hope my love can set you free
for I am your eternity,
and with you I will always be
and I will never really say
Goodbye my sweet

So we must both lie down to rest,
No need for you to get undressed
So cover up and go to sleep,
& dry those eyes from tears you weep

Where I am going
I must go alone,
this is your place
this is your home,
you must stay.

One day I know we'll meet again,
In time I know your heart will mend
Through Heavens gate I'll wait for thee
With open arms on bended knee
Where Spirits run
In fields of wheat
To find their souls last one retreat

So I'll instead just say farewell,  
& hope in this you will not dwell
You know that I just cannot stay,
the sun will shine again today,

So smile at the sky above  
& know that you are truly loved,

We are timeless

So you will know,
you will never
be alone.

All Rights Reserved © 2016 - May 29
Cherie Nolan
Thinking of you today Dad. ❤ A bit overwhelmed- by the feelings this poem about so I'm dedicating this to my father Raymond...who has passed, a poetic lyrical soul that I learned from. This poem really took me by surprise - like so many things lately! :) Thanks to everyone for everything -encouraging thoughts & inspiration and the beautiful wisdom imparted in poetic form.  :) I'm grateful for the chance to share.
May 2016 · 412
"I am Proud"
Ma Cherie May 2016
I was proud to be your daughter
I am proud of that today
I am proud to be your Mother
I'll be proud of that tomorrow
I am proud to be your Grandmother
I will be proud of you when I'm gone
I am proud to be your sister
Your friend
Your companion
Your confidant
Your ear
Your shoulder to cry on when your eyes are teary
A rock to lean on when your legs get weary
I am a place to rest your heart.
We are everything to each other
And you are everything to me
All Rights Reserved *2016 Cherie Nolan
Not sure where some of this is coming from!
May 2016 · 6.6k
Dream, Dream, Dream 10W
Ma Cherie May 2016
"Dreams are my night time memories,
I will never forget."- May 2016 C Nolan
Quiet night....thinking.
May 2016 · 515
"Too Much"
Ma Cherie May 2016
It all hurts just a little too much to look at these days
it all seems like a little too much to bear, to feel, to know this much truth at once
Sunshine it hurts my eyes but I still want to chance to look at it
Just to know the color just right
The beauty of the sky that's a crystal clear cornflower blue and cotton candy clouds
Outlined in black and ready for rain
the trees that stain
the landscape in various shades of green
I hear it talk to me
In all I see
and what it says
is that this is a beautiful place to be
this land
this Earth
this world this universe
my place
Your place, our place,
we are all part of the same race

We don't have to go
fast or slow
just as long as we get there in the end that's what really matters
as far as I know.

May 28 2016 *All Rights Reserved
Cherie Nolan
I cried when I read this...because it felt so right. Hope someone gets it.
Ma Cherie May 2016
My Native American grandmother I hear you today
I see you in everything
The grass, the trees... the flowers, the sky the clouds
I feel you in everything that I do
In every word that I say
in all things that are meaningful
I trust you completely
I understand what you are trying to teach me

I see you in the river barefoot, catching fish and throwing them on the River Bank
No wanting for what you did not need
Never a complaint
Always kind, thoughtful and wise
With a true understanding and appreciation for all mankind
You would never judge another nor take anything for granted.

I finally feel the sun on my skin
And the breeze on my face
I feel strong and clear
a sharpness I have never known
For I have grown and I'm becoming aware of my spirit.

Thank you for the gift of life
for in me you live on
Thank you for connecting me to the great spirit Apistotoke...
and for an ability to try and share with others what has been shared with me.
Did not know her well...but I feel her every day.
May 2016 · 423
Painted canvas 10W
Ma Cherie May 2016
I am your midnight canvas paint your soul on me.
May 2016 · 2.5k
Ma Cherie May 2016
What are you doing here again?
I'm not your lover and I'm not your friend.
Why are you sneaking round my door?
A familiar face....that I've known before?
And just what do you bring
in offers?

If I do as you'd like then what will become of who I am?
Will I drown in in the deepness of your sea
Or find the very deepest part of me?
Will I feel lost
or will I feel free?
Will I light my soul and keep a smoldering fire?
To fill my heart's deepest desire...
And feel like I cannot get higher?
To the highest place that I can take my myself?

To soothe the deepest ache inside my soul in the deepest deep
You make me nervous
And so I'm intrigued...
So I just might invite you in
As long as not committing sin?
I wonder...

The things that I've been yearning for
You'll release me from this ache I'm sure
And the smell of the sweat and the sweet perfume
A fear embraced of what dangers loom
What it will mean come tomorrow
Could be my delight or such sweet sorrow
When I'm alone again.

Senses I've rarely tapped into before
Just the one time that you rapped at my door
I do not trust you though
Your last visit was so bittersweet
So pardon my bashful and modest retreat
As I feel this all the way out.

If we start with a just a slow sweet kiss...
to find a rumored thing called bliss?
Then I wonder...
if we could we take this...
one moment at a time?

Because before we know it
I could be gone.
Lost in your Temptation

And as you know...
I fear for my salvation.

All Rights Reserved May 26 2016 - Cherie Nolan
Changed slightly- Been thinking about this for awhile inspired partly by fellow Vermonter Jan Hardy - a poem I liked today. Lots of possible meanings - I think so anyway. Part of a series I want to do. Thanks!
May 2016 · 307
Ma Cherie May 2016
Please make love with me after Dark
A place I can hide beneath my heart
And hide my deepest fears
In the deep of the night.

Can we find reprieve in a warm embrace
Because looking at such a beautiful face
Might be too much for me tonight
My eyes hurt.

Let's see if we can find that passion
And give it one more try
if it doesn't work tomorrow
Then that's another day to cry
I'm so very tired.

So turn the lights off
come to bed with me
In the darkness...
we still can see...
Each other

A place that we can love and rest
To lay there in our lover's nest
We passed another daily test
So I'll make tonight my last request

To come to bed with me and lay
I've said all that I mean to say

Please be...
with me...
for now...

And for tonight... that would be enough
you & I will be...

© 2016 Cherie Nolan - All Rights Reserved
Still fixing some poetry.
May 2016 · 518
Texted love
Ma Cherie May 2016
"I miss you and I love you
every part of Who You Are Forever regardless of whether
  you love me back or not. "

2016 © Cherie Nolan * All Rights Reserved
Sent this to someone I love today not sure what they might think of it but it felt pretty good to say.... because I think I had been overlooking his pain
May 2016 · 1.0k
"Don't get burned"
Ma Cherie May 2016
Dishes clanking fires burning
Hurry round no time to chat
people hungry people yearning
But not enough to make them fat

Everything must be just right
Not too little not too much
Gonna be a real long night
With fires on too hot to touch

No one listens but they're talking
Guessing I don't notice this
Keep on working keep on walking
On tempting food they can't resist

So much lost here in translation
Regardless of the price it cost
Focused on just get it done
Amidst the noise all value lost
At one time this seemed for fun
Now look out for number one

Whip the cream and peel potatoes
No time to sit in idling gear
What real worth nobody knows
When losing job is what you fear

People standing at the door
Never break from start to stop
Feels like they are keeping score
Keep head down let's go -chop chop
Feels like you can't take no more

Duties call do things you must
Try real hard to not get burned
In better things we hope and trust
Know things are left that we must learn
Feeling down hearted today - sorry had to fix this a couple times hoping it's better now or right. There's a couple double entendres in there if you see them.
May 2016 · 237
Quote on Poetry - 10W
Ma Cherie May 2016
"Poetry is the language of an enlightened and mindful people " - Cherie Nolan

Cherie Nolan All Rights Reserved *  May 21 2016
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