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May 2016 · 628
" if I could go to heaven"
Ma Cherie May 2016
If I could go to heaven
just to see it from above

I dont want to die just yet
but I can bet'd be very good to know
what it's been like....

For you
to love me.

And would I hear your heart break?
And hear the ocean deep and wide?
Would I feel your heartache?
Would the truth in me confide?
Would I step outside....
of myself
and interview the truth?
Reveal the secrets of our youth?
..that lie within....
The things we've seen and done
the places that we've been
and we'll go back to when thing

So I could finally know,
all the things I've wondered on this Earth?

And will I finally know-
What everything is worth?

This sounds to me
like an expensive carpet ride
& maybe sticking with my pride
I think I'll push my luck
& by lightning may be struck
So guess I'll have to wait
until I have a turn...
to reveal the truth
in everything that I've loved...
and learned,

If I know that now...
I might...
change the spell I put on you...
so I'll avoid
to hear...
the truth...for now my dear...
but do not fear...
because...... I love you.
All Rights Reserved * 2016 Cherie Nolan
This actually came out like lyrics to a song and perhaps I have written so that it could be somewhat read in that fashion? Is really really came out of nowhere and felt really amazing to write hope it reads well also-
Seriously came out of nowhere!
May 2016 · 574
"Fireflies" 10W
Ma Cherie May 2016
Glittery Flickering Diamond Eyes Sparking up in the Blackened sky...                                     All Rights Reserved * 2016 Cherie Nolan
Well this just seemed to come out of nowhere!
May 2016 · 1.1k
"Sprung Gift"
Ma Cherie May 2016
Morning comes with fear tow...
with what light bears to all unknown.

Had last night forboding dreams...
Hear the water of trickling streams.

  This calls away the night concerns...
to what there is this day to learn.

What riddles does this day in store...
soon thoughts of life return once more.

To hear the distant spring Birds song..
and dawns that bird- been gone quite long..
with the croaking frogs down by pond...

Now back at home where they belong...
these Sounds the Farm's been waiting on.

So smiling in her stoic way-
Now looking forward to this day..
it's time to shelve her timid thoughts- instead sets mind to things she ought

Put on boots this early morn'- as Mother's calf just newly born.
A baby sprung-  internal nest..
now lays down beside his Mother's chest.

Life on Farm starts out Anew with thoughts of hope and joy imbued.   

            All Rights Reserved * 2016 Cherie Nolan
Changed format... Thanks everyone!!! truly inspired somehow when writing this. Thanks to all who take the time to read any of my work for time is the only truly valuable thing in life.
May 2016 · 1.5k
"No Golden Rule"
Ma Cherie May 2016
Listen to you speak...
verbose and way too loud
incessant - speaking at me
or as if I were a crowd.
You often are pedantic..
like a pompous- preachy fool..
who'd really like to think
that he's taking me to school...
when what you fail to grasp
we can't avail No Golden Rule -
'do unto others as you'd have done to you' and this...
might sound upright-
of course...
if you believed it too.                                            
 All Rights Reserved * 2016 - Cherie Nolan
Reformatted & tweaked - this was kind of a rap poem! The Golden Rule is slightly altered but hope the point is there. Just intended on being fun....
May 2016 · 437
"Echoes in the hall"
Ma Cherie May 2016
Echoes through my atmosphere are  thoughts of you so far my dear... unattainable like the stars...and painful like these thickened scars...still I hope to meet one fields of heather we will lay.
Ma Cherie May 2016
Every now and then, occasionally-predictably..I think of you.                                * All Rights Reserved - 2016 Cherie Nolan
May 2016 · 358
Visitor in the Rain
Ma Cherie May 2016
Beautiful day...even though it rained. A Robin flew above my head as I toiled in the dirt....stains and tears in my flannel shirt and quite a song he sang - my feathered visitor in the rain. A tale of our life - simple and humble - minimalistic by your design...never turned others away ... I thought the bird a sign. Every single moment of every single day...was better because you were here. You were the rock on which I leaned upon - who sheltered me from pain..I relied upon you ...admired...respected...and loved you with all my heart. So much like you - as I look at my ***** hands making clean money...I hope you're proud of me. Thank you for the reminder my sweet bird ...I hope to fly away with you one day...just not yet. Finishing my work - the bird finally found his way out - I knew exactly what he was talking about.      Cherie Nolan - 2016 * All Rights reserved
Love you Dad. Miss you. Dedicated this to you.
May 2016 · 493
Ma Cherie May 2016
Sweet summer loving....big balloons in the sky...indigo swirls...and you & I....
...feeling take me there...beyond the pain - against the grain...sailing in our minds...trying to be kind...a path that leads back...cut through on the bias...not being pious -we both want to go...away from where we've time for thinking...the sky is shrinking...this love wearing love now before it's too late....get past this state...don't let it slip away....this love gone astray...lassoed in...touching skin...closing eyes... a thin unexpected and welcomed bolt from the blue...of love in hearts rekindled new.                                                              Cherie Nolan 2016 *All Rights Reserved
May 2016 · 375
"Paralized Possibilities"
Ma Cherie May 2016
Empty bottle...tired eyes...thousand of her unheard cries...wondering if relief to die? Stare at ceilings... heartbeat felt...dealing with the cards been dealt...a tangled mind and tangled sheet...trembling hands and unsteady feet...added years meant added fears...could not even count the tears...time seems fast & then seems slow...doesn't know which way to go...or what to do....yet thinking about what could be new...or even true...paralized by possibilities.                   All Rights Reserved * 2016 Cherie Nolan
Changed this a bit... not certain if better or worse...just necessary!
May 2016 · 185
Ma Cherie May 2016
Who are you I ask myself...
We stare and wonder recalling not so distant memories ...
of faded smiles and laughter
... turned into this wicked game
no clear rules
just hurt and blame
and then again...more of the same
When will this cycle stop....
a sharp point
when our foolish pride might end?
if our minds can just embrace
we we're both so wrong
like the melody playing of our favorite song...
knowledge it didn't have to take so long...
and the beauty can be recalled
and I can touch you again....
battle over..
.scars intact
but healed ...'s all been revealed
and we could find the ability to feel again.
A warm relief
and found belief in all things that were...only a possibility -
but I hold that tight to my chest...
guessing this is just another test...
and....hoping we survive.
Cherie Nolan © * All Rights Reserved - 2016
May 2016 · 317
"Flooded Becoming"
Ma Cherie May 2016
Relationship partner - experience our hot and cold repetitive interplay;                     Great passion and intimacy ........and longing behind the one - harsh rejection & criticism behind other side....we try to smother - the life from this beautiful thing sapping conflicts - can I get off this ride? No....because withdrawal is just too much for a soul like mine that's intertwined within the turmoil that we are.                    All Rights Reserved - 2016  Cherie Nolan
#relationships #imbalance #confusion #communication  #co-dependent #loss #love #insight
May 2016 · 586
Gone baby gone
Ma Cherie May 2016
I can't see you though
I know your near I've felt your breath a thousand times
I've relived our life within my mind
can't go back for too much fear
I'm better off without you here
I'm stonger now than the force of a hurricane
and stronger than your guilt or blame
I'm  a fire that can't be tamed....
I will remain.
Apr 2016 · 240
Ma Cherie Apr 2016
Darkness is our friend...though we often think it not
The sky not always blue 
 The sun...does not always feel hot. 
Yet it's light shines down to brighten the path that leads ahead
just enough to appreciate it; when all we feel is dread.                                                         A true perception of reality is more valuable than any gold ...
there is wisdom of the ages..
there is truth in times old                              Comfort comes in knowing we are all misunderstood
not thinking about what can't be done 
Instead on that which "could
      Life will surely pass us by if we see it dismal ...dull and bleak...   
               Find the beauty in everything...
and find the answers that you seek.                                            
       Be kind to yourself and be gentle with the earth
have vision of what you want to be and know your inner worth.
Take comfort in knowing we all struggle -it is all subjective anyway
      All things in good time; just perhaps a different way 
so be decent and empathetic
find passions and live your dreams; there will be a moment when we know what all of this means-                                                     Life might be short-no guarantee of tomorrow
no right that we have earned...
just grateful for another day..
another hour...
another minute...
a second...
to practice what we have learned.
To honor those who gave us life........   
First poem here-there's a lot I have to share...different styles and topics I love to write. Looking forward to reading others work too. Not certain why it formatted this way-hope you can read it. Thanks! Cherie Critiques & Comments appreciated.

— The End —