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32.2k · Jun 2014
Life's a Beach Jun 2014
I sniff and laugh
I've passed someone smoking ****

I've never been able to tell
the smell before, can't
Risk, a lingered puff.
I've always found it hard
to tell
when's enough
So I don't dar, but sometimes
I feel tempted to stare

17.0k · Jan 2015
A Cocktail of Hormones
Life's a Beach Jan 2015
First comes the flush
Then the rush of horniness
A splash of pain
Droplets of scarlet rain
and the ****** of lingerie
Sobbing at roses
Yelling at trays
You're spotty
and bloated
and splayed on the bed like Cleopatra
drugged up on

And the cocktail that humanity spiked with hormones

9.9k · Jan 2015
Your laugh was a cloud
Life's a Beach Jan 2015
Your laugh was a cloud
Mist which covered me without the
slightest resistance
I needed assistance to breathe

Your laugh shows I'm useful
shows there's a need
For us
as I feed on the delicious awkwardness we
Caught unawares by being liked

It's a shame your laugh
was the cloud which hid
a trucks headlights


Your laugh a narcotic cloud I refuse to repent
old poem completely mixed up and switched
8.9k · Jul 2014
Life's a Beach Jul 2014
I know the smell of everyone I've ever loved
snorted like a dying drug addicts last meal

My first smelt of deities
a mens deodorant for a boy
who didn't know what he
wanted, but he knew what
he should.
He was sharp, uncertain, his
natural scent masked by an

My second smelt of fields
the earth was his roll-on
and though he'd mask it in
the oils of men, I knew he
smell of a hearth, hormones
and her heart on his sleeve.
His scent was primal and I
bathed in it's rawness.

My third smells of fire
whatever he's burning,
midnight oil, stress,
nicotine, I can sense it
soaked into his skin with
sweat. Encased in fire,
I suffocate on air nowadays.
He reeks of home, lust, longing

and hope.
7.9k · Aug 2014
The clouds look painted
Life's a Beach Aug 2014
The clouds looks painted
And the suns light burns a white
In which every colour lives
And inside squints a perfect circle
An inner eye
Which will watch irregardless, over all,
In it's path, it's vision,
All are small
All are

*And the clouds looked painted
7.8k · Jan 2015
Uncomfortable in my skin
Life's a Beach Jan 2015
Yes to my muscles, but
how can I help but
Sigh at
the spots and
the thighs
which are still in construction
Adult loading
Where the **** are the instructions?
As I stretch
and bulge
And involuntarily
to Maturity of Body


(old poem)
Life's a Beach Jun 2014
I truly underestimated the power of a good ******
5.9k · Jul 2014
Life's a Beach Jul 2014
This is the type of weather that
against your skin
and you find yourself
wishing that No Clothing
was an acceptable and
okay thing.
5.6k · Jun 2014
I want a hug
Life's a Beach Jun 2014
I really need a squeeze
I want to crawl into someone's arms
I want to sit on someone's knees
I'd like to feel someone's breath
Their blood beating under skin
I want to make the gap between us
Safe within
I would like to snuggle
5.4k · Aug 2014
Life's a Beach Aug 2014
Of feeling tired
Wrongly wired at
Each step filled
with feathers
Refuse to belong
to the Earth
4.2k · Apr 2014
Life's a Beach Apr 2014
Like a swan dipping it's head
For pieces of pilfered bread
He kissed me.
3.3k · Sep 2013
'Father Figure'
Life's a Beach Sep 2013
It is not who you are,
but rather what you represent, to me,
which defines you.

You encapsulate a love for me,
which I will never know again,
all-defining, pain and fear filled love-
the one he took away.

In a manner, when I look upon you
I look upon him too.
The face of one who
tore my heart and threw it back
cemented in me all that I did lack
which he would then attack.
In a one sided battle,
the blows raining on me like tears,
adding years to my tender age.
You see he had tore the page of childhood,
leaving this book beyond recognition.

Looking back, perhaps I should have had a premonition,
of what you were going to be to me.
But I did not want to see
that which would break
the tinted image which I owned of you
which I knew would remain
only to a point,
from which it would then be tarnished forever.

I so wanted you to love me back
and so agreed that I lacked
in all that you'd say,
come what may, I know that
I allowed you to control me.
It was not always so one sided.

You bided your time well, you know,
you timed it 'just so', so you
could be sure this final blow would hit.
A finishing spit in the exposed page of my future,

You turned,
you changed,
and the burning pain I felt within,
is possibly your only sin in
this endeavour.
As whatever you are I cannot
blame you for that
which is past.
No matter how long this pain will last-
possibly forever.

And I will prove myself again.
I will prove that I can still love and
be loved in return.
No matter how my heart may yearn,
I have no choice but to spurn those
who are like you.

A half life it may be,
but half full to me.

What you once seemed,
that which I never dreamed you would turn from.
That which, though I may long to,
I shall never see again
when I attempt to see anew.
Not even blindness could hide
all that is true.

Now all I can do is to
bow to the memory
in defeat.
I will never greet who you were again.

You will never eat your words,
you meant them then.
You still do.

The final blow is that;
I will never live up
to the girl you thought
you thought that you once knew.

You reap only the fake crops which
I attempted to sow
in desperation to be,
all that you thought once thought of me.

That girl is dead.
She lives only in my mind
and your heart.
Our paths were meant to be apart.
3.2k · Aug 2014
Life's a Beach Aug 2014
Moisture hangs hooked on the air
Eyes un-meeting, un-watching, stare with baited velvet
And the moment holds wary and wanton.





The only sound the whisper of breath
close enough to steal
The only feeling
Unbearable, beautiful,
Fiction real
Skin drenched in the promise of sweat
Pupils wide enough to
The only part of their body that
can reach
that peak of

The feel of shifted

Almost touching
Almost real
Close enough to steal

A piece of Torturous Perfection

*The Moisture hangs hooked on the air
Life's a Beach Oct 2013
Do you ever get frustrated?
Tired of the fight.
You're sick of wobbling at the edge,
with nothing going right.
The moon is tugging you once more
and you feel you must take flight.
Even if it means your fall to

Oh God, let me find freedom soon.

The freedom to scream, as loud and as
pained as blood,
dripping freely from the chest,
the successive scratch marks of my mind
free to air their wounds at last.

There you go everyone, there
is my real past.

It's disgusting and it's vile,
and still has the ability
to rip the smile from my face.
I feel like I'm in
a constant race.

Who can reach her brain first?

Can she really keep reign the bad,
when we provoke the beasts
of her destruction?
Can we quicken her heartbeat
and limit her air?
How about, if we tie her hair to
Watch them scuttle closer in,
wriggling and spinning,
trying to reach inside her.

Let's watch her play "find the sin"

The sins we hid within,
which are not hers
but others.
We know she won't want to
cause a bother,
she won't dob us in.

She'll hide them like she
does her soul.
Honestly, she sometimes wonders if it's
worth it after all.

She feels enclosed, compressed,
a claustrophobic who finds
solace in small spaces
fears suppression of emotion,
the heavy tread of life,
can sometimes be quite weary.

But it'll be alright, she'll always
find the energy to do that
which is right.

She'll once more start to fight
She'll find solace where she can,
and cradle ***** of light,
she'll find a way to free herself
by flying like a kite;
string holding her down,
but wind taking her high.

She'll dance
and laugh
and twist
and turn
and dive
high up in the sky

Free as a bird, but secret silent as a sigh,
not the least offended, if people
pass her by.

If they can't accept her,
she'll happily flip them off
with a cry of contentment,
that she can finally be free of living
with resentment.

Her Girl, Lady, Woman
firmly by her side,
together they will glide
and ride the
tides of life.

"We're flying!"

They will cry, laugh and love
forever eternally.

Their quirks in constant harmony

And when they lie to rest together,
the girl will whisper:
"We will never die
I'll live so safe in your heart
and you will be in mine"

"I promise, and I know,
our love can only grow"

So I'll never give up.


*Because, I love you so.
And they lived happily ever after
(because they're awesome)

(...and I'm a racoon ;) )
3.1k · Mar 2015
Like a dinosaur
Life's a Beach Mar 2015
When I saw my bones
From the knots of my back
Like the ridges of a dinosaur
Sapped of food, singed with
A childish distress
Fear darkness
Terrifying emptiness
When I saw my back protrude like the
Ridges of a dinosaur
I saw my body dressed as the
Skeleton I will one day become
I saw a vessel controlling a brain
I felt like a bottle of tequila drained
Such fun until it's empty
Used to the tip of uselessness
When I saw my back protrude like dinosaur ridges, a skeleton
The most terrifying thing I felt when I saw my back protrude, like the dinosaurs I coveted when I was small,
The rudest thing I felt was


With it all

I felt more beautiful than I ever had
Ever will
Felt satisfied at the neatened carelessness I
Had almost used to **** myself
That my body curved in
Only bones, no fat or muscle to
Hide the struts within
Revelled in the hunger in the pit of
Stomach because no one
Could control that but
You can't fail at starvation

I loved it
For once I couldn't fail

When I saw my back protrude like a dinosaur
I knew I could never go there again

Because the living dead feel only
Chest pains
And fatigue

And dinosaurs ate whenever the **** they wanted to
2.9k · Nov 2014
The 'F' Word
Life's a Beach Nov 2014
So I hid it
Took it like a written confession and
swallowed it
Decades of genders, females and
males screaming, as I melted down
the word on my tongue they had fought to keep,
that they had killed for and won.
As I joined a flock of sheep who wouldn't
accept a goat
Who didn't want to listen when I wrote down
that I believed in the allegedly frown-worthy
opinion that equality should exist.
That it should be taught right from the yolk
of existence.
That it's regulation requires persistence.

They told me that prejudice was a myth
Ironic, they also told me I shouldn't exist
Told me I was lesbian, like it was an
insult, when I decided to stage a revolt and
mark the popular girl in netball
and win.
self high five
Oh dear, what a schoolgirl sin to
I was taught to take hate by the masses who
yelled that
the classes of acceptance
were unnecessary

Popular girl: small correction, although
I cannot say you personally give me
a feminine *******, I'm bisexual, get it right.
Also examine the fact that you thought I'd only fight
because I wanted you.
When in fact I both loathe and pity you, you
do not understand your worth, and you don't
give proper respect to the earth of your
Who have handed down shoulder to shoulder
something different from the everyday pain.
They've handed down the hope that their strivings
were not vain, and one day this war will

The smoke of a pen, not
a gun, calling

So, I am a feminist and I call for release.
I may add another stanza soon.
2.7k · Jun 2014
Trying to be protective
Life's a Beach Jun 2014
So, I want to make them happy
with me
with themselves

But I think I'm a bit **** at it

Like a mother picking up scattered
toys, there's always another piece of
lego to step on, always another
stubborn stain, and whilst
clearing you have to
activate your brain
because any
trip and hurt
themselves again.

And if they do, you know, irrationally, that
in yourself you'll find the blame.
You're really trying not to show the strain,
because it won't help,
it won't heal, instead
rub your very bruised heel and
steel yourself for the next storm, recall
the times you've thought I can't go

and remember that you did.

Don't kid yourself, the
kids are alright
and you are too, allow
yourself to be one too.

Youth, after all,
is in the mind.

Try, for yourself,
for them,
Be kind.
2.6k · Jan 2015
I can't fit in the box
Life's a Beach Jan 2015
that says 'perfect' anymore
Every time I lay in it, it cuts me to the core
A slice in my brain
A slice in my face
My ***
My thighs
A cut on my tongue for each time I
lie and
lie and

Truth is the word 'fine' doesn't suit
Once everyone else accepts that
Maybe I can attempt to recruit a new standard for myself.

I want to hear that they'll still love me if I fail
Rather than
Don't worry, you'll be fine.

It's easy to make that 'decision'
When it's not your
On the line
I love people's belief in me, but tonight I got it from too many sources. Sometimes the fact that they 'know' I'll do great just adds to the pile of people I feel like I can't **** this up because of.
Life's a Beach Jan 2016
I hate you, I wish you were Dead
**** me
**** me, please
**** me
You have something to live for, I
Do Not.
**** me!
Put a pillow over my face and smother me
It would be so easy
Please. Please, **** me.

Do you have any heroine?
You will never be enough
You will never be enough to
make me happy
No one will.

A girlfriend who's doing way better who he'll lose or end up sponging off of
No Friends
Can't Die
I could stand in the street and punch myself until everything bleeds, you wouldn't stop me
I could invite you over and stab myself
You would do nothing.

You popular *****
How are you going to last
without alcohol?

Didn't realise I was that far down the list

You will never understand

You will never understand how
it feels to be alone with your
All alone.
I just want someone to care
for me.

I could slit my wrists in front of you,
I don't think you'd care. I don't think
you'd do a thing.
If I died, you'd probably move on in
a couple of days.
You will always find someone to care
for you
Nobody cares for me.

Remember this conversation.
Have a ******* good time
I hate you.

I wish I were ******* dead
And I wish you would
******* die.

I'm done.
I'm going to slit my wrists
I'm going to hang myself
I'm going to walk into the sea
I'm going to overdose
Hopefully suffer a heart attack and explode
It doesn't matter
I don't believe you
I'm going to **** them
I'm going to **** them all
Stab them
Shoot them
Beat them to death
Nothing you can do
I just want it all to end

I'm going to make them disappear,
I've done it before.

Have you ****** someone else? It
felt like there was more room in
I feel like you don't want me to
touch you anymore.
I don't want you to touch me.
You only get Freshers' flu if you've
been ******* someone.
You want a hug?
Sure you don't need a safe word?

Do you hate me
Do you hate me
Do you hate me
I bet you hate me
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
Take a ****** joke
I'm sorry
I'm sorry
You aren't the same
I want you to be with me
Not like this.
Sorry I've been angry
I can't really stand talking
to you

I didn't mean it;
I was high
I was drunk
I was angry
I wasn't me

I'm a horrible person
I'm a ****
I'm a ****
I'm a liar
I'm an idiot

You're going to leave me
Do you want me to leave?
Shall I leave?

Hold me
Spoon me
Give me a hug

I love you
**I love you too
Quoting. I'll add as stuff happens/as I remember. I'm done with them circling inside my skull.
Life's a Beach Jan 2015
His heat spent on books
He lies beside, forsaken of need,
a greed for knowledge
Has robbed of his want
His body, a shell,
His mind, a stone which refuses to shed
against intuition.
No Fruition
No Justice
No Peace

Just a piece of his mind roving
No Release left to give

The ***** is
just in case
Her mind a jewel
Her body a vessel
Her purpose Calm and

Yet one is seemed sinner and
the other has 'wisdom'

2.4k · Sep 2013
Life's a Beach Sep 2013
You are the cord,
the vein,
the pulse
which keeps me in this place.
Your affection,
so unconditional,
so protective
is an anchor.
Wrapped firmly
round my waist,
stopping me from
simply floating away,
just another helpless body
in the current of
2.3k · Jun 2014
Life's a Beach Jun 2014
She is his
You can see it just from a glance
It can't be chance
that he sits so rigid
Their PDA almost frigid
in it's clockwork execution
we kiss now, here, then, when we should
Their public nature behind a hood
of do's and don'ts,
should, could so would,
but never must
never need.
I don't feel she's ever breathed
just for you, she
feels too insular.


His posture is pride,
A look; a challenge
A touch: assurance
This one is mine
Look, don't touch
Envy me
But find your own
In his arms his serpent glows
and coils around his throat
Their words are whispers of
A secret society
who's key they ate,
their touches tempt fate.

You're going to hurt him

But for now she coils, and
boils his blood
and throws his rudder out of
And he sits, a deadbolted frame,
clinging to a paper Mona Lisa
which could flap away
or, at any moment,
bore and

But for now,
they're proud and
loud with public love.
And crapping doves
Life's a Beach Nov 2014
Just like I can be ***** if you want me too
Rip my clothes off
Who the ****'d stop you?

Was I asking?
Was I begging?
Did my knees look
so beguiling?

Did I want you? Want your slime to
drip down my legs like
sweaty dew.
Your panting breath left to stick
to me like glue.

But **** me, I'm a feminist "*****"
**** me, I'm the ugliest "bore"
**** me, and my empty sense of humour
**** me, I'm society's 'tumor'.

Because I'm stupid when I write.
I'm nonsensical when I fight against
illiterate vowels. Stop struggling they
yell as I bite into their arm give them hell

Sound the alarm
I've found Society's cyst.

Apparently the enemy does not exist
Pessimistic, narcissistic, neurotic and
paranoid *****

she's probably a ****** witch

I can be all those things if I have to.
I can be all those things if I want to.
The point is that I have a choice

I would tear a **** off with my teeth
before I give up my right to a

Don't generalise me.

I was meaning to have a looking back poem as my 200th but I guess it'll have to wait a bit :P Got angry at the world.
2.3k · Jun 2014
We're so tired
Life's a Beach Jun 2014
We look like Tim Burton characters
In stature and mind.
Find me a time turner please?
2.2k · Jan 2014
Tonight the Nightmares Come
Life's a Beach Jan 2014
Tonight I dream of spiders
Hair spun, fat filled, scuttling legs
Quiver over my body and thighs
Eyes, ears, mouth, a tongue
A taste perforates through my eyes
Spills into my skull

Splat, Slash, Splot

Tonight I dream of Isolation
My footsteps fall on empty ears
Searching for life
Fearful, Tearful
Ripe with Strife
What does this matter?
I cannot be seen.

Unhear my own quiet screams
I want to
I need to

Tonight I dream of running
An unseen assailant
I know, wishes to
attempt on me harm

You can't be calm
I can't, You can't
I Must
You mustn't provoke me.

I wake reaching

I find nothing
But empty solace.

Tonight I dream of fighting
Clockwork childhood
Figures slicing at my
face, racing me
to death.
A metal axe, a clawed
arm, walls with eyes,
a broken staircase,
distorted laugh, a
past repeated.
'Treated' to terror
remember me
dismember me
race me

I can't seem to wake up.
2.2k · Jul 2014
Just another uncertainty
Life's a Beach Jul 2014
Staring at a reflection
Watching for clues
Waiting for signals
But I'm never allowed to lose
No flat stomach left
And thin hairs mar
The one you're left with
Your body protrudes underneath your
Bra-line and
It makes you want to cry
Your butts still good
But you fearfully watch the
Jiggle of your thigh

Your body is all you've ever had
Your teeth are yellow and
Your hair loves to be bad
your nose is chipped and angled
Your skin mangled with spots and
Only the mirror makes you smile
But photos lack the style of

You feel you can only look like you
In person

But now you have to search for the good
You know they would have you do that.
Okay, I like the practicality of my body.
Where I have stood, there has stood
Health, a wealth of love in
Laughter lines
I love the lines of my muscles
Count my contours,
Feel I'm fine when I breath in my
Cheekbones, hate the stress filled
Frown lines
Never forget the time I
Looked and found myself

Too thin
Too tired
Too wired up
To find myself
Too injured.

Never regret
And never forget
The point I realised
At least imperfect
Allows for 'happy'
If you think nothing tastes better than beautiful
Then you've never tried Nutella.
2.1k · Dec 2014
A Naptime Deconstructed
Life's a Beach Dec 2014
Sleep paralysis, like your body
is wearing a ice-en straight jacket
and your mouth is laced up with skin.
I could see the blanket, the pillow, I could feel
myself trapped within layers of
suffocating covers, every neurone struggling to
free my trapped limbs
sapped of strength
As though my spine had snapped, and the
length of Central Nervous System had
strapped itself to the base of my bones
I tried to yell, to scream to moan
at my body
couldn't sob
robbed of movement

I sank into the silence of a nightmare

This is what I saw there:

My childhood home, demolished, my accommodation
stood sturdy on it's grave as though it had
never existed
My Lady and My Mother were there, and they
resisted my protests, laughed cruelly in jest as they
marched into my flatmates room
I ran after them as their voices loomed like
mocking magpies
Every word a jab and peck


An awful clarity
In hilarity, my flatmate jested that 'junk' had
been left in his room, but as I looked in, expecting gloom, I
saw, instead, the living room of my childhood home
Nailed down where it stood by the
additives of a university life.
I didn't see the past strife, but photographs of happy
times lay scattered or enlarged, their presence
marred by the fact
that, if they were here,
then no-one had wanted them
No one had cared
They had been left
scattered into the breeze of

Then calm
By the fireplace that had never been used
The adopted Nan sat and soothed by her
Life torn husband's side
Fire resided beside them as she and he
coaxed the flames across the wall
missing the grating
Every flickering flame pressed into a ball
as it spread
I lost my head staring at her peaceful white hair
She wasn't stuck in her chair
Or swathed in blankets
She looked right how she was
And I felt bad because I took a foam and
dampened the flame from the walls loam
Fearing injury I stole her
But she was always so exothermic
She doesn't haunt she fills

Willed forward with affection
But her questions sank into
a sudden guilt of my self-neglection
and as I tried
to hold
I found my breath
was snatched
I didn't want to let her down
Couldn't bear for an
angel to see
a frown
I tried to catch
the tip of my mouth
and force myself to smile

But she knew all, of course she did,
and as I was marched up the aisle of

A single tear slid down my cheek
An emotion was allowed
to leak

Loss and Shame
Guilt and Pain

You shouldn't be like this
*Take care of yourself
I had an incredibly vivid dream yesterday, it really shook me, so I wanted to get it out somewhere. The woman I call Nan was honestly one of the most beautiful human beings. She's the grandmother of my platonic other half. Seeing her so clearly and finding myself unable to tell her something positive about how I was, well, it completely ate me up. If she's watching me, then this isn't what I want her to be seeing, she deserves to see happiness.
2.0k · Aug 2014
Life's a Beach Aug 2014
A fear of crazy turned
****** Rotting Cakes
Dribbled sugared wax
And the birds spat out
Their alphabet
Pouting expletives
At an earless void

Too Sweet
A single (W)hole

Freezer left to boil
Life's a Beach Nov 2014
So, When I Die,
burn up my remains
Wipe away a single drop of your pain,
safe in the knowledge that I got in
that One Last Pun
(Ash turned to Ashes)
Smile, because this ****** won, in
death, this one small way, she didn't
have to pay the reaper with her
humour. In this small way I'll get
to stay.

When I Die, don't give a **** about what you say,
Swear at me, hate me, bait me, but please remember me
as I lived. Remember my ability to give a snort
instead of a laugh. Remember when I
took a bath in every item of clothe,
remember how I could make a cove to
hide in out of anything. Remember
how I'd curl myself in and cry or
laugh until I sobbed.

When I die, try not to think about me as being 'robbed'. Instead,
remember me sleeping under chairs,
and catching people unaware, with
sudden, unprovoked song.
Remember me acting 'wrong': my chicken impression,
the monkey one too, recall how I could meow
and hiss and moo.
Let my lovers remember how I could
kiss while I grinned. How a girl so saintly could
sin so wrong.
Recall me, darlings, when I belonged; and
when I belonged to you.

and When I die, there will be no spewing over
empty words, I want beautiful vowels and verbs
and songs, if you have to long for me, then do it
while listening to Marley, listen to love,
listen to the mood.
Be lewd:
If you want to mosh then do it, if you want to
dance then try to feel it; the way I'd always

When I die, cover yourselves in biro tattoos, turn
up to the wake caked in face paint, draw all the
way up your left arms,
None of you ******'s are allowed to self harm
So draw a cat with a halo and say no
to sensible shoes. Choose to wear whatever you like,
don a dress like a kite and blow up
all the balloons

When I die, I'm gonna have to stop
joining in all the fun.
So, please, never feel 'done' with joy.
Act coy.
Play with toys and teddies, if you
don't feel 'ready' to mature, then
don't. It won't help you to
feel happier if
you do.

When I die, still think of something purple
and something blue.
Make sure, at my death, that those things
are there too.
Don't hate me if you find out
something new, I never
aimed to hurt.

When I die, take a handful
of me, and set me safe in a stone, or
a goblet or cup…It doesn't matter which, but
I'd like the words "Level Up"
engraved for eternity
(Keeping ASDF with me, for yet
another century).

When I die, take a deep breath and start another war.
I lived by the law of no regrets, and (look at that!) you're not
dead yet; so try to follow that law too.

Remember, when I'm dead, just how much I loved you.

So when I die, put me in a firework
So that I can clash colours one last time,
Read out my rhymes, the good ones
and the hard ones (Maybe this one too!) once I'm gone
It's time that everybody knew.

And, once I die, let my memories stick
like glitter lain on glue.

*And put me in a firework and watch me glow anew
2.0k · Oct 2014
Life's a Beach Oct 2014
1.9k · Feb 2016
Bye Bye, Bastard
Life's a Beach Feb 2016
Go **** Yourself,
because I never will again.

Remember when I did though.
Remember all of it.
Remember my mouth, and how
good I am down south.

I hope you remember how
good it felt to
sexually assault me
Because for you
I will remain your Frustrated
Wankstain of a memory
I will remain a dream
you stole on borrowed time.

Because you definitely didn't deserve mine, or
I currently feel So ******* Free

Truth is:
We accept the love we think we deserve
and you were ******* greedy

and I am ****** glorious
So, from now on, I'm gonna go ahead and use my love
on those who deserve it; including myself.
Fuckity-Bye, you abusive, manipulative, selfish arsewipe.
Have fun ******* yourself,
knowing that I did it better.
:) :) :)
Incredible moment of realisation today, bought on by my ex throwing a tantrum that was obviously aiming to make me feel upset. His cruelty made me ridiculously happy, because I've realised that he lost me. He did **** this up. I was accused of not loving him enough, but I did love him enough, he just constantly wanted more.
1.8k · Jun 2013
The Empath
Life's a Beach Jun 2013
I never had a care for myself,
as long as I felt alive
and did survive
I never strived
to protect my shell of skin,
until she pried me from within.

For, although I still felt numb
I lay, for once, undone
before the one who prompted
love's bittersweet curse.
The one I could not reverse,
nor find a remedy,
to stop my pain to you
from me.

When I am cut
you bleed,
and when a burn
scorches my thick hide
and guilts my inside,
as I watch you suffer for my sin.
I hurt within,
as you writhe from a blow dealt by a kin.

There is no graze or scar
upon my body which she has not felt,
no beating I have dealt
upon myself
which has not gone to her
My heart burns cold
at the blow that she,
loveliest of creatures,
was dealt

But, you see,
I've accepted that yin to my yang you must be.
first draft was lost, this is a reconstruction of what I can remember from it.
1.7k · Jan 2015
Your kiss
Life's a Beach Jan 2015
On the lips of my heat
Make all

1.7k · Jan 2014
I'm Listening
Life's a Beach Jan 2014
When people talk to me
They open up themselves.
Each petal a tale, a memory,
A life.
De-railed by acceptance
They find themselves unfurling to reveal
the worm
Inside their pollen
The speckled taint curled within their seed.
A sign of imperfection
A weakness
To me it adds to their beauty
It makes them seem

Blossom before me,
And you'll never lose my love.
Life's a Beach Jan 2015
Quilted silence
And folded sheets which trap memories
It's your warmth for which I long
In daytime: Lovers
In night time: Enemies
in jest
My teeth grinding in my sleep
twitching limbs flailing
Failing to remain sweet
and spooning
I wouldn't change it for the world
I'd chirp cozy
You chant "cramped"
But we both know it's my bed
On which your name is stamped.

It's in my sheets you know me
I miss the warmth
The company.

But, at least without my teeth grinding
At least without you snoring
We get to sleep at last
Memories kept warm in the past, waiting
for us to come *home
1.6k · Mar 2013
Life's a Beach Mar 2013
This lament is not of love
but of beauty:
Not the beauty of a human smile,
nor the beauty of of the lips and
eyes of a beloved,
But of the beauty of the World.

I live for the beauty of the sunset, when
the light hits your eyes
pinning you to the spot.
For the beauty of the corn and grass
wafting in the breeze.
And for the beauty of the sound of
rain lulling you to sleep.

And yet it is this beauty that
kills me.
In every stolen photo, every
meagre recording and
every nostalgic waft of breeze.

For these moments can never be captured

Alas there is no net big enough for this butterfly
And no mind can hold the
bird of paradise
that is life.
Instead, I am doomed to chase it,
throughout my lesser existence
To be forever the one who cries out
"LOOK!" to those who cannot see,
For there are those who are blind to it,
and these are the ones
I pity.
For they are not blind in their
eyes, sight is merely a single
sense that can be easily replaced with
touch or
smell or
But blind in their minds

Do not pity me,

though my head is too small
for it's calling.
Pity those who cannot, even
for the briefest of seconds,
see the World.
Who spend life crawling forward,
head down
towards the light, wary
to be blinded.
For, though it may **** me, I
plan to bathe in
that light,
so that, if only for the briefest of moments...
I might see the sun.
And what a way to go.
An early poem which  I have never been able to sort the structure to.
1.5k · Sep 2013
My Angel Bound By Skin.
Life's a Beach Sep 2013
My beautiful walking Angel,
please don't fly away.

It was only you who could lift
me, from the darkest night and
of life without her.

My walking Angel.

He talks as though he has one foot
he walks this earth afloat
already. Leaving me fitfully to
wait, in my safely anchored boat.
He's so sure of his inadequacy,
yet I would gladly soak myself in fear,
just so that I could have him near.

Sweet glorious Angel.
Clipped wings yet so ready to fly.
If you were to die, then part
of me would surely go too.

I'm already bound to you.

We both chose immediately to
shield that which makes us,
from others,
yet to each other, we managed not
to yield to the temptation of
our defences.
In spite of the offences of those who've
gone past, leaving a lasting brand
in our skin,
of each terrible individual sin.
Each scar wrought within.

Innocent Angel.

I am completely vulnerable to you.
Usually so overly aware of danger,
I have already, affectively,
sworn my life to you.

This next page is yours.

Dangerous Angel.

Whether you lift me up to fall,
or pull me down to drown,
I shall walk where you tread.
A breadcrumb trail of tears in my wake,
as I am shaken awake from your
Your soul left to rest in the gleam of
my eye.

An unsnuffable candle
to guide you back to me.

Athiest Angel, I was asleep before
you came
and awoke me with your kiss,
jerking my heart from it's
Ivy covered cage,
our instantaneous gauge
of our compatibility
creating a feasibility
of merging.

Gentle Angel.

You took my beating soul
and gouged it with
a caress,
spelt your name
and my destruction,
with your irresistible seduction
of vulnerability,
and tranquility
of purity.

My tender Angel.

Your knifepoint was always fated
for my ribs.
Take me with you if you leave,
allow me to anchor-
no better- hold you,
and embolden you to be
whatever the ******* want to be.

With your battered suitcase of a soul.
How many more kicks can you take
before they pack you in?
The irony in that the sin was never yours.
I abhor those who chose to lord over you.
Please come aboard my raft of
defiance, which is learning the science
of your chemistry.

Darling Angel.  

I do not wish you to fall or fly,
instead remain afloat,
allow me to paddle my unshakeable boat
towards you,
with a view of amorous intentions.

My salvation,
who will surely be
my downfall,
my Samson.

I know what you have undone.

1.5k · Oct 2013
I'm not you.
Life's a Beach Oct 2013
Thank you for the self doubt, today.
I was too shocked to retaliate properly,
it seemed too obvious to say
the words that I wished to.

That I am not you.

I'll not make your mistakes
I won't choose those men
the type you forever chose
time and time again.

I'm not you.

I am filled with self consciousness,
low self esteem,
my trust issues are high
and my confidence is not what it seems.

You made me a wreck.

I'm not you,
I'm paranoid and
suspicious and
Always waiting in
to pull up my
defences once

But, I'm not you.

I'm always going to try,
I'll always have to
trust with
but trust I must do.
I am not you,
I'm going to find
happiness, this
I know is true.

I'm going to be with someone
who doesn't make me scared,
instead one who comes to my defence,
one who does not glare me into a corner.

"She was not like the mother who bore her"

Romantic I may be
but ignorant I am not
I would rather rot alone
then jump into bed
fully besotted

I'd rather wait and stay
wary. Rather
worry about their lateness
of arrival
then get on the first ride
I see.

What was it you wished me to be?
Stop being scared about your mistakes
and allow me to be me...
After all of that I think I know who I want to be.

Partly you
Partly Dad
Partly memories
Partly friends
Partly family

but, mostly and absolutely

Me. Why is this so difficult for you to see?
1.5k · Apr 2015
Date Night with my Paper
Life's a Beach Apr 2015
Alright page…okay, fine, I admit it;
I've been avoiding you.

Your face, beautifully smooth and innocent, reminds
me I have yet to find the time to paint it…so:

I apologise,
to the eyes I should have coated in the eyeshadow of
romance (scorned, loved, lost, lived)
to the cheeks I should have blushed with eroticism
to the ears I should have punctured with anger and
passion and vanity
to the skin I should have smeared foundation over: covering
bad rhymes like concealer over spots (still there, just less obvious)
to the lips which I should have animated with laughter and

I apologise,
to the body of the poem which never:
Felt the stanza of a corset
Felt the **** lace of an internal rhyme
Felt the bra of a title
Or the shimmering dress of a metaphor

Or the thrill of removing every last bit.

I've missed a million date nights, and I
want to try to fix it.

Please? Despite our marriage of minds, we have drifted, I'd like permission to take our hands on a date once more
Letting the wine of ideas pour between
Sighs of Sibilance
complete contentment

**Tasting the catharsis of your lips
1.5k · Jan 2015
Thou art an arsehole
Life's a Beach Jan 2015
Looking down on me
Pitying me
You snob

If It really were an "eye for an eye"
Then I would rob your tongue
For all the wrong it's done

Yes I know you've 'won' at
Perfect Human
But I'd rather be a moomin
then be so *mean
Life's a Beach Jul 2013
All that I wanted is past,
and all that I hated will last.

I wanted.

During the day it was a ballet dancer,
light and free in the wind,
the sun puffing out her skirts
as she becomes one with the grass
and the tree's,
scraping her knee's with the weak care
of youth.

I wish that this was the whole truth.

At night it was a different story,
one which reeks of gory
skeletons in the closet.
A strangled safe with no deposit
if I opened it,
would anyone listen to me?

I wanted to run downstairs and make them stop,
I wanted to throw a metaphorical rock
and lock the fighting away.
I wanted to stand in the door and sway
with the force with which I yelled "shut up".
Loud enough to make them see the **** up,
which their memories no longer admit,
but which mine allows to stick and sit to
the inside of my skull, the heavy thump
of their words, never to dull.

I wanted to make them hear what they couldn't see,
what they were going to make me turn out
to be.
See the weights which they were making me bear,
the chains which they were forcing me to wear
shackled to the bed on which I'd lie,
and sob, and wish the nightmare to die,
along with the monsters under my bed.
Which were slowly creeping into my head.
So I'd lay there and stare, at the sins of the grins
which they forced me to wear
in the daytime,
which is only a hairsbreadth away
from the stark truth of night.
My teddies knew more than the average of frights.

I wished them to be happy again,
but when they were happy, I have no idea
I have no idea, if they were truly happy then.

It appears to be a myth of my construction,
a foreshadowing of my destruction.
A tale which doesn't include remote controls
thrown across rooms,
doesn't allude to bedrooms strewn with
the memories of a once happy tomb,
once glittering baubles of laughter
cast aside, shattered and scattered
with the cruel hate of ignorance.

Left for young hands to sew back together
with lack of skill made up by care,
their fingers tenderly caressing the tear which
they would soon learn to label their own self
in a bid to create a calm in the eye of the

The wound, well worn, was warm with constant reopening.
The little girl left to pray for hope again.

She ignored the strength the beast possessed,
she couldn't care less, she decided,
and so gently chided it to sit back down for tea
and tell her, once again her favourite bed time story.
It's yelling was dulled down by her own voice
humming within her ears,
of the song which was theirs,
and the grooves in the chairs where
she'd sit on his lap.
She learnt to ignore the harsh slap
of her mum down the hall.

The little girl curls up in a ball, a
peaceful smile on her face; full
of love, forgiveness and grace.
Inside her a war rages on, it's steady
beat masked by the song she still hums
and drums into her head.
The little girl lays down in bed.

At least in a while she may sleep,
her memories may fade, but they're
ones she must keep.
I'd like to say that I'll come back and make alterations/corrections but, after writing it all down, I don't think that I can. I had no idea what to put for the title, so that may change at least.
Life's a Beach Dec 2014
Manson's singing soaking them with
the silken sound of ***
His throat tearing with sweat and
The way you'd like your
fabric skin torn
As he pours a flood of
need down your
throat and
You want to beg for
mercy and more
Beg until your body is sore
with the pill of a breath
The sound of his pain
makes you feel bereft
and touched
too much

His voice grabs the audience's crotch
Be obsene

"Light a candle for the sinners"
"Light a fire"

You could burn a country with this audience's

Manson is ******* them.
And they ******* love it.
1.4k · Oct 2015
Life's a Beach Oct 2015
Emptied out the suitcase of my thoughts
I'm kinda tired of lugging them around
Searching for a place to just feel sore
Without some ******* telling me
To flip my smile around

If I could? Don't you think I would?
If I could just blank out the bullcrap of today
If I could? You bet I would.
Funnily ******* enough, things don't quite work that way.

Wiping away the scratchmarks of the day
With the antiseptic wipe of yet another pill
Work in progess
1.4k · Sep 2014
If I
Life's a Beach Sep 2014
If I gave a knife and asked you to take the tip
and run it's icy breath across my face
Would you do it?

If I danced across a burning flame
and asked you to step into the light
Would you question it?

And If I looked to you in an hour of need
My skin pulled paper taught
and a look of wordless want across
the sand dunes of my face

Would you help me do it?

For perhaps a deeper need is not within the things
we would or wouldn't do, but in the things we share.

You needn't take the knife
You do not need to watch me burn
You do not have to help me die

But if I ever turn to you and ask of you a sin
I ask, if you cannot, that you quietly still keep me in your mind.


My wrinkled hand scorching a single
frozen sandprint in your palm
as I drift away for one last time
Still whole whilst I'm within you
Life's a Beach Jan 2016
When did feminism become a taboo?
When did equality become uncool
Men not superior to females
Us not superior to them too.
When did I become the taboo?
When did this become uncool.

So I wish we are all square and blue
true, it'd make dating difficult
but what'd you do,
you'd talk to people
*** would be awkward
too angles
too many rights
won't create create the sweetest wrong
but at least we'd break the taboo

No colour
No gender
No looks
apart from the individuals descriptions

Believe: I am female
I am male
without doing a cursory glance up
and down
believe: I am intelligent
I am creative
without checking my pigment or
my ****

because I am done with it
I am tired non-acceptance
Snap decisions
Stubborn judgements

it's nothing personal

No, you made it personal
You stole a personality
Smeared it
Said it was wrong
Said I didn't belong.

So I wish we were square and blue
No stereotypes
No stigmas
No ***
cos maybe we don't deserve it yet.
If all we see are
and stereotypes.
1.4k · Aug 2014
Vessel for a soul
Life's a Beach Aug 2014
Paper kites fly with colours of a dye
dipped in ribbons
Hypocrites die
An eye for a eye
yet ******* keep on living

And the sky was cloaked
in glorious intentions
and the world was soaked
in the liars hosts

We're just vessels
We're vessels

And the sky was cloaked
in glorious intention
And the evening wrapped us
in it's own directions

We're just vessels
We are vessels
Of a soul

The sky takes it all
And the evening wrapped
us in it's own glorious
First draft of a song :)
1.4k · Nov 2013
We're Hot-Boxing Music
Life's a Beach Nov 2013
We're hot-boxing music
And the Beat is pumping in me
Through me
raw pure power
Ripping through to my brain
From the outside
Hammering the internal
drums of my mind.
Beat me
Own me
Use me
There is none bar me
and Music. Vibrations pour
into my body and soul
The fragments of Movement
The Essence of Emotion, old as
time, and evil
as Sin.

It's been here since the beginning,
and now is in this car.
1.4k · Feb 2014
Life's a Beach Feb 2014
Your self taught wave appears,
tripping on sand, it clears
away your footprints,
leaving me to stand alone on
a rocky shore, once more.

The seaweed drags her down,
a dreary green draped crown,
shines about her hair,
drift away without
a care.

You're alone.

Why not?

Rot, rot, rot away.
Sway with the wind,
wait and wait
and wait,
someday it will rescind.
1.3k · Aug 2014
Life's a Beach Aug 2014
Sink my silence into
social starvation
and thaw me out

Throw me not
to Fire

Church me not on
a pyre of Destruction.


Suffocate my screams
Until I ******* of Society

Because at least then
you'll think I'm **fixed
1.3k · Sep 2013
'Date Night' Rituals
Life's a Beach Sep 2013
The disposable razor, judders
across unshaven skin and sprouting
hair is defeated, left to sink into the
drain and far away from me.

This I do for you.

On goes the shampoo, the conditioner,
the body lotion (with that sweet fresh smell),
the liquids streaming off of me with
a scent I know well.

It's the scent of the night before.

The day before you and I choose
each other, once again
to spread laughter and
cure boredom.

It is for this that I bear this small
portion of self mutilation.

The hair is then burnt, or brushed or
bent, as I twist it round resisting

All done in case you wish to nestle there.

An outfit is chosen, discarded, then re-picked to a constant monologue:

RedNOworethatonelasttime...OH GOD WHERE IS IT fuckbloodypooandAAAH,
perhapssomepurpleTHATONEnodoesn'tgononoNoNONOONOO blahblahblah.

(well, you get what I mean)
(If not...****. Just me then?)

It's all for you.
Colours smeared onto face,
flowers pierced into skin,
eyelashes lengthened,
the trace of muscles etched into
willing legs and abs...

This I do for you.

And it's worth it, though you'll never quite know
the effort with which it takes,
to replace a sleep deprived villain with a semi
attractive teen. You'll never know,
but it's worth it.

"You look nice today"
is enough to make me quietly
for hours with joy.

A look of appreciation as
you nuzzle in can make the
pain of straighteners and razors
scorch into unyielding flesh.

A kiss on the neck
which has been foundationed
and sculpted for your enjoyment
enough to make me arch like
a swan.

It's enough.

So, this I do for you.
Spent tonight getting ready for seeing my guy tomorrow :) Shower is messed up so can't be currently using the sink and ended this night/morning by shivering in the bathroom, holding a cup of hot(ish) water and feeling my cut legs bleed that little bit more...and laughed a little xD Partially because it's Friday and I am semi-delusional with lack of rest, but also...because it's worth it. He wouldn't care if I didn't do this, but I'll never tire of that look of surprised appreciation.
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