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184 · Mar 2020
I Wish You Were Still Here
Broken Pieces Mar 2020
Its funny just when you thought someone cared,
They sure prove you wrong.
They left and you just stared,
I don't want to have to be strong.

Is there anyway I could be changed?
I want to be someone better,
Can't my molecules just be rearranged?
I don't want people to just forget her.

When I finally show you I'm not okay,
You just look at me and laugh.
You get up and decide to walk away.
It feels as if I lost my other half.

I wish I could beg you to stay,
But I know that would just be rude.
So I try to go out and seize the day,
even though I'm not in the mood.
178 · Jul 2020
Broken Pieces Jul 2020
This isn't something I'm doing for peoples eyes,
I'm so tired of all the pain and lies.

I don't want to feel this way all the time,
But it's really hard to just say I'm fine.

I wish people didn't have to worry so much,
I wish I wasn't scared of a simple touch.

This is something I want to barely mention,
Because I don't just hurt for people's attention.
178 · Mar 2020
Broken Pieces Mar 2020
There are too many feelings for me,
Too many feelings to really see.
I want so badly to just understand them all,
But I can never seem to break down the wall.
Feeling are such fragile things,
They are held upon many strings.
You can easily cut them out,
But then all you're left with is doubt.
I want just want to get rid of these feelings,
I don't want to hear about the healings.
Please just let me give in to the dark,
Because it's very clear that I'll miss my mark.
177 · May 2020
Broken Pieces May 2020
Life is done with me,
So go ahead and set me free.
I won't scream and I won't run,
Because I understand my time here is done.
176 · Apr 2020
My Favorite Place
Broken Pieces Apr 2020
The place I like to visit often is full of art,
It reminds me I still have a heart.
It's a place filled with questions,
A place where I often learn many lessons.
This place knows me better than I do,
It often shows me a better point of view.
It's often just filled with many facts,
I often am there for a while and it impacts.
This place is not very hard to find,
At least for me because it's my mind.
174 · Sep 2020
I Wonder
Broken Pieces Sep 2020
I wonder a lot how you feel about me,
I look at you and think about what you see.

When I see you my stomach flutters and my heart stops,
You look at me and smile, my jaw just drops.

I don't know what you could possibly see in me,
Because I am a mess just drowning in the sea.

But you see something because you stay,
And you make me smile, laugh and feel okay!
172 · Mar 2020
13 Days
Broken Pieces Mar 2020
13 days it's taken to be answered,
13 days and it's still going.
13 days and I'm missing him more,
13 days and I'm still hoping.
13 days please answer me,
13 days I want to talk to you,
13 days please can you see?
13 days and I've given up,
13 days I guess it's goodbye,
Because 13 days is too long to wait.
163 · May 2020
Broken Love
Broken Pieces May 2020
Are you happier?
You left just like all the others,
I thought you would be the one to stay.
But you walked out like my brothers.

I hope life treats you well,
Cause even though you broke me I care.
I'll sit here for awhile hoping you come back,
Maybe I need some fresh air.

I never knew a person could hurt this much,
But I guess that's what happens when you give someone your all.
I loved you more than words could describe,
But you left and I've begun to fall.
156 · Apr 2020
Not Okay
Broken Pieces Apr 2020
Depression is a battle inside my  M I N D
I've been searching for years just trying to find,
A way for me to break  F R E E from it all
Cause right now I'm just scared I'll  F A L L.

I want to tell you I'm  F I N E,
But I'm beyond that line.
My friend stabbed me with a  K N I F E,
I'm not gonna L I E, I'm tired of this  L I F E.

My reflection in the mirror is a  L I E,
Because I promise you I've already begun to  D I E.
I'll tell you a little secret I hide,
On nights when the moon was high I  C R I E D.
155 · Apr 2020
Broken Pieces Apr 2020
Life is confusing, just like the thought
I saw how in love you were, now you got caught.
You played your role,
And took control.
No one saw this ahead
Now we’re left with dread.
Why couldn’t you just be good?
I suppose I just misunderstood.
I wanted to look up to you
But then came something new
You were never a hero
You’re below a zero.
How could I have fallen for your trick?
I guess you were kinda slick.
I guess I just hate myself for how stupid I am
Because now you don’t even give a ****.
First you take control then you take other things,
I was beginning to fly before you clipped my wings.
The funny thing is no one else could see
How you lied saying you’ll set me free.
Now I’m lost in the dark,
I can’t seem to find the spark.
I wish I could’ve see earlier this morality,
But I guess I forgot to look at the reality.
153 · Apr 2020
Work of Art
Broken Pieces Apr 2020
The best work of art,
Would be the once full of heart.
The best piece I see,
It's the one that can't break free.
The one with little glory,
You can see is telling a story.
I can see it in you,
The different kind of view.
I wish you could know how much I cared,
But I'm not sure you were prepared.
I sit here and wait,
Wondering what is beyond your gate.
Wanting to understand a persons mind is a scary thing.
150 · Apr 2020
Broken Pieces Apr 2020
This one day a year where everyone focuses on you,
It makes you feel completely brand new.
You all smile and dance and have a good time,
It's the only day you don't have to worry about the climb.
I wanted today to just be a normal day,
But then my friends said they won't stay away.
It made me happy to know they care,
I feel like I can finally breathe in the air.
It's weird to have a day where I'm actually important,
Rather than being the one in discordant.
I'm fifteen now,
It's crazy and makes me wonder how.
A golden birthday is what they call it,
Which is cool, I'll admit.
It's been quite a long year,
I don't have much more fear.
149 · Mar 2020
Broken Pieces Mar 2020
This thing I've longed for so long ago,
That feeling in me has begun to grow.
I used to think all that was waiting for me was the dark,
      I Found
                   What I
                                Was looking for
              At the Park.
And it's such a beautiful thing,
Even better than the season of spring.
Something so beautiful I no longer feel lost,
I don't even know if there's a cost.
But this feeling I finally feel,
I can tell it's the real deal.
It's like I can finally be me,
Because the gates are open and I'm free.
149 · Aug 2020
That One Person
Broken Pieces Aug 2020
It's so hard to fall into the trap of the negative mind,
It takes so much more effort to just be kind.

But as long as you hide behind your smile,
No one will see how you just walked a mile.

But just know that even when you feel down and alone,
There will always be at least one person you can call you're home.

Let that person in and never have doubts,
Because they are there to stay, you have the same routes.
141 · Mar 2020
Empty Promises
Broken Pieces Mar 2020
All these promises are said,
But most of them just end up dead.

I wanted nothing more than to be okay,
But the ones I loved continued to walk away.

I'm sorry, was I not good enough?
This life of mine is just so rough.

Can I do anything to make you stay?
Will you take the pain away?

They begin to walk away and fast,
And I realize that love doesn't last.
140 · Feb 2020
Broken Pieces Feb 2020
What exactly is a neutral state of mind?
How would it be defined?
To be okay but not?
That's quite a tough spot.
It's as if you have nothing to feel,
Like you're not quite real.
What if I said I was neutral,
Would your reaction be quite brutal?
Should I lie and say I'm fine,
Or would that cross another line?
Should I let the panic overtake me,
I could get lost in a sea.
Anxiety and depression fight one another,
It's never just one or the other.
I guess I can walk around,
Wishing nothing more than to be found.
137 · Sep 2020
Thoughts From the Broken
Broken Pieces Sep 2020
Do you ever wonder if everything you do is wrong?
Do you ever wonder if every word you write goes to the wrong song?

Do you ever feel so small and fragile as if you could just break?
Do you ever feel like you are just a giant mistake?

Do you ever get so scared that everyone will leave?
Do you ever get so mad because it's hard to believe?

Do you ever wonder how long it'll take to be okay?
Do you ever wonder about who will truly stay?
137 · Apr 2020
The Last One
Broken Pieces Apr 2020
The last one for me,
I will break free.
The last one of us,
I will cause a fuss.
The last one to call,
I swear I won't fall.
The last one of theses days,
I'm changing up all of my ways.
The last one to be hurt,
I'll make sure I stay alert.
The last one,
The war has only just begun.
There's a war in my mind and it's only just begun.
133 · Apr 2020
Broken Pieces Apr 2020
Outside it’s snowing,
No one knows where they're going.
People are trying to fight,
But they’ve given up on the light.
My heart is dying,
I’m tired of the lying.
Why do I even try,
When I know I could never touch the sky.
Where is the sign I’ve been waiting for?
Will it come or will I just end up on the floor.
Blood is red,
I listened to all he said.
I’ve become so numb,
What will I become?
Can I ever hope to heal?
Is this even real?
I want to find my way,
But everything's became so gray.
What is the cost,
For being so lost?
131 · Apr 2020
Broken Pieces Apr 2020
A small little girl had her life taken away from her,
Wishing things would go back to how they were.
But no matter what she was surrounded by the ashes,
She felt so alone and had many gashes.
The reality that once seemed good,
Turned out she misunderstood.
Just when she thought she was broken beyond repair,
She rose up from the ashes right then and there.
I will no longer only make splashes,
Because I'm the one who rose up from the ashes.
125 · May 2020
Broken Pieces May 2020
"It'll heal someday,"
That's what they all say.

                                       But I don't think they realize that some scars,
                                       Don't just leave with the stars.

How can I hope that it'll heal,
If I can't even seem to admit how I feel?

                                                               ­ You marked me,
                                                                ­And now I'll never be free.
125 · Mar 2020
Love so Wrong
Broken Pieces Mar 2020
If you want me to believe that you care,
You should've been there.
I thought that this could have been love,
Until you began to shove.
How could I have been so wrong?
How could I have thought we'd belong?
Goodbye now, I'm done being hurt,
I don't want to keep going and be alert.
124 · Feb 2020
Broken Pieces Feb 2020
This day I'm ready to s e i z e .
No longer will I be trapped, I've found the k e y s .
This battle has b e g u n ,
and I won't be the one to r u n .
This act of d e f i a n c e ,
There will be no more s i l e n c e .
I don't need your a p p r o v a l ,
Because this, is my r e f u s a l .
123 · Aug 2020
Goodnight Kiss
Broken Pieces Aug 2020
I never thought it would happen like that,
I honestly thought we would just hug and chat.

It's the first time in awhile I've felt so happy in my life,
It's the first time in awhile I didn't think of the knife.

Once you got home we continued to talk,
I'm honestly surprised I was able to walk.

You made me heart flutter so amazingly,
It's wonderful how you can love me so unfailingly.

You are the one who made me feel like this,
With the wonderful goodnight kiss.
A poem dedicated to my friend who got her first kiss from her two year long crush!
Written in her perspective!
120 · Feb 2020
The Memory
Broken Pieces Feb 2020
The things of the past,
For me will always last.
Remembering the dreadful day,
When my parents just walked away.
These feelings are too much for me,
I'm trapped in my own thoughts and can't break free.
I want to ask a question but it's too tough,
Because it's quite hard to ask why I'm not good enough.
They've always ignored me and I got used to it,
I hated it although I'll never admit.
I thought my dad was a hero,
But he was closer to a zero.
I thought my mom was the best,
But she seemed to fail the test.
Finding out the truth has never been so hard,
Especially when everyone has put up their guard.
115 · Mar 2020
Point of View
Broken Pieces Mar 2020
Someone once told me to have a different point of view,
To look hard for what seems true.

                                                            ­                But it's harder said than done,
                                                                ­        So I guess the battles just begun.
113 · May 2020
Wanting to Heal
Broken Pieces May 2020
I want to heal, I really do.
                                                             But no matter what I can't get over you.
You bring up so many fears,
                                                 Some that I've been trying to get over for years.
How could I have just let you walk in,
                                                                          I hate you and your stupid grin.
I'm really just wanting to heal,
                                                                     But then again I don't want to feel.
113 · Mar 2020
Broken Pieces Mar 2020
Have you ever gotten to the point where you push the ones you love so far away they don't even bother trying?
I have, it feels like everything is dying.
I mean it was might fault in the first place, I pushed them hard,
But I was just afraid of letting down my guard.
This is what I get for being scared of getting hurt,
This has all made me so very alert.
I'm such a fool,
And you were cruel.
I let him take advantage of me,
Now I'm drowning in a sea.
But it's not his fault I was so dumb,
It's not his fault I've become so numb.
I wonder how the ones I used to love would react,
I bet they would look at me and cry since I'm so cracked.
I wish I could say goodbye to all,
But you would get mad and put up the wall.
So instead I'll sit here and smile,
Hoping I don't have to stay for much longer.
109 · Jun 2020
They Say
Broken Pieces Jun 2020
They say I'm gonna have to take this chance,

So that we can make my mind finally advance.

They say I should just be happier, no matter what,                                                

That I have no reason to want to cut.                                                                    

They say I can be so much better,

But then get mad when I try to write a happy letter.

                                                      They say I make up the sadness in my brain,

                      But I'm not sure they realize how much of my thoughts are pain.

They say I can make it another week,

But at this rate I can't even bring myself to speak.
103 · Apr 2020
Give Away
Broken Pieces Apr 2020
I feel like I can’t break free,
Like nobody can really see.
I’ve hidden my pain and sorrow,
I’ve lent my feelings for others to borrow.
I let them tear me apart,
I should’ve stopped from the start.
I’m just trying to heal,
I just want to feel.
I want to say I’m okay,
I wish you would just stay.
But they’ve left me alone,
To find how to heal on my own.
I just wanted to be your daughter,
But that dried up like water.
Why can’t I be enough,
Why does this all have to be so rough?
I’ve tried to be cheery,
But I’ve become so weary.
Would you see me if I was more?
Or would you just continue to walk out the door.
Am I being too silent?
Because you are quite violent.
I just want to be loved,
But then I'm just shoved.
Why don’t you care?
Why can’t you be there?
I’ve continued to give away
Everything just so you’d stay.
102 · May 2020
Broken Pieces May 2020
I used to think that darkness would always have a hold on me,
But with you here I might just be able to break free.

You don't see how you've helped me heal,
But that doesn't change how I feel.

I love you more than words can say,
I hope you love me enough to stay.
101 · Mar 2020
Broken Pieces Mar 2020
My world has come crashing down,
I just wanted you to stay...
Please I'll be a good girl,
I'll do everything you say,
Just please don't walk away.
98 · May 2020
Broken Pieces May 2020

I've never been little,
I'm not in any way brittle.
I hold a lot of weight between my smile,
Life to me is just one big trial.

S M A L L   B E A N

No one knows what I've been through,
What I've done to get to you.
But I found out you don't want me,
I smiled even though I was drowning in a sea.
I let people manipulate me,
All because I couldn't see.

L I T T L E   B E A R

So call me a little girl as much as you please,
Let the words spread like a disease.
But just know that behind this "little" smile of mine,
I'm stronger than you know, acting like I'm fine.
94 · Mar 2020
Broken Pieces Mar 2020
To pretend everything is alright,
It's easier to do once you've snuffed out the light.
But I am slowly drowning in the night,
So I try to help myself and write.
But I'm losing the battle I've fought for years,
Now all I have left are tears.
I've decided I've lost,
Because I'm not ready for the cost.
92 · Mar 2020
Letter to my Friend
Broken Pieces Mar 2020
I've always wondered why people say I'm fine,
I've always wondered why you just can't be mine.

I know what I want and that's to be happy,
I know what I want but I end up feeling ******.

I want you to know you are perfect to me,
I want you to know you can set yourself free.

There are still so many things I want to say,
But I'll leave those words for another day.

I'll leave you with these last few things,
I promise you can still spread your wings.
86 · Mar 2020
Broken Pieces Mar 2020
This lovely little thing called love,
If often quite difficult to navigate,
Because through it all you get broken down and torn apart,
But I think the pain is worth the reward.
Finding one who loves you for everything you are.
83 · Mar 2020
Broken Pieces Mar 2020
That's all I've ever wanted,
My friends to be happy.
Even at my own expense,
I want to give them the world.
I want them to smile everyday,
Then we can all celebrate.
I'm more than willing to pretend,
If that's what they need me for.
They can punch me bite me break me down,
Anything they want if it'll make them happy.
They can ignore me for the rest of my days,
I'll be hurt but that's fine.
As long as they're happy,
I don't care.
83 · Apr 2020
Broken Pieces Apr 2020
I'm losing my mind,
So you'll see what's behind.
The things I've tried to hide,
So far on the inside.
But they are all coming out now,
I promise I didn't just allow!
Would you believe me if I said it was the truth?
I'm no longer just a youth.
I've grow now and seen some things,
The memory of each still stings.
I want to just be okay,
But it seems the pain won't go away.
The battle is going on within,
And it's only just now ready to begin.
71 · Apr 2020
Broken Pieces Apr 2020
It's time to let go,
Let yourself grow.
You've been through a lot,
Show them what you've got.
Show them you're strong,
Show them you belong.
Prove to them you're not a little voice,
It's time to make your choice.
Life has been a battle,
And your stone has begun to rattle.
But fear not, for we are hear,
We will help you see clear.
We are your friends, we're sticking around,
We'll make sure you're found.
We won't let you slip away,
Because we are here to stay.
So give up the fight,
Breathe in the light.
It'll be a hard climb,
But it's because it's time.
68 · Feb 2020
Broken Pieces Feb 2020
She walks around jumpy and smiles,
Acting like she hasn't just walked for miles.
She acts like everything is fine,
But I know better, I used to walk that line.
I used to be the one acting like it’s okay,
Letting others leave when I just want them to stay.
I see what others don’t see,
I see the old me.
The way I solved everyone’s problems but never mine,
Just continuing to repeat the two words, “I’m fine.”
It’s okay to not be okay,
I promise we won’t go away.
I know the way you feel although it’s not the same,
It’s like no matter what you can’t find your name.
I know it’s hard but if you just keep going,
You’ll learn all about the unknowing.
Please never give up, we care for you,
All of us, including me too.
You play a big part,
With your amazing full heart.
60 · Feb 2020
Broken Pieces Feb 2020
If I say I'm okay,
Will you stay?
I promise I can smile,
Just please stay for awhile.
59 · Feb 2020
Broken Pieces Feb 2020
I’ve pushed everything to the past,
Because nothing ever seems to last.
I continue to be broken,
All of my wounds remain unspoken.
I just want someone to care,
But no one is ever there.
Why won’t they let me fade away?
They always demand that I stay.
But what if I don’t want to be here?
What if nothing seems very clear?
Do you want me to keep faking that I’m alive,
When I’ve never felt anything inside.
All of my words have been left unsaid,
All because the real me has been left for the dead.
58 · Feb 2020
Broken Pieces Feb 2020
"I'm okay I promise." She says her eyes filling with tears,
He left, he's gone and she just stares.
She's begun to build up the wall,
Soon this girl will fall.
She doesn't see the light,
Nothing seems right.
"It's okay to cry" They try to tell her,
But nothing is like it used to be.
She has no time to rhyme,
Because she's lost inside.
I know that girl, how she feels,
Because we are one in the same.
54 · Feb 2020
Broken Pieces Feb 2020
Hello Dark,
I guess it's time,
Better get ready for another rhyme.
Today I will be saying, "I'm Fine"
When all I want to do is cross the line.
Go from life to death and then back again,
Then take a deep breath and count to ten.
50 · Feb 2020
It'll be Okay
Broken Pieces Feb 2020
She fights for a voice,
But has no choice.
She cannot run,
Now she’s done..
Once this is over for good,
I just hope they all understood.
I did what I had to, so she could be saved,
But she thinks I wrongly behaved,
When it’s all her fault,
Because she’s the one who went to assault.
Now her hands are tied,
And she’s cried.
But it’ll be okay,
Because I don’t want her to stay.
I’ll get what I need,
Then she can leave with speed.
Because I don’t care,
Isn’t that right Baby Bear?
43 · Feb 2020
Broken Pieces Feb 2020
She said we was helping us grow,
But now all my thoughts flow.
She said that she loved me,
But she never set me free.
I thought she was one of the good guys,
But she's just full of lies.
She tortured me so much,
Now I whimper at the touch.
Grandma's are supposed to me nice,
But what is the price?
She hated us so,
And now I know.
I can't believe I fell for it,
I can't believe I let you hit.
I'm done with you,
I know you are too.

— The End —