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Anne Oct 2018
My faith and heart
Were bold and brazen
When your hand
Enfolded my hand

As the floating slate wool up
our skies
Cried and you
And I
Were unplanned

And faith was watered
With bittersweet tears
My heart did not

When you hesitated
And pulled eme in
Your arms
My faith
Had silenced
just another poem of the day
Oct 2018 · 355
Once in a life time
Anne Oct 2018
Holdin your arms tonight
Giving me all of you tonight
Giving me strength of you and me
Thinking bout us behind the trees
I never thought of us before
Now that I knew you I loved you more
As the time goes by
You're the one that left me behind
Humming and I started saying this words
Oct 2018 · 742
Happy Teacher's Day
Anne Oct 2018
I'm happy that you're my teacher
I enjoy each lesson that you teach
To dream and to work and to reach
With your kindness you get my attention
Everyday you are planting a seed
Of curiosity and motivation
To know and to grow and to succeed
You're still my inspiration
So I'm sending this to you
With all my love and gratitude
For teaching as you do
this is for my adviser to celebrate teachers day i know its kind of late for us cause international teachers day was October 5 so yeah just want to give this to all the teachers all around the world Happy Teacher's Day to all teachers
Oct 2018 · 2.4k
Happy Birthday
Anne Oct 2018
To Isaac (JOLAI? <3)
Who has come to my heart
And charmed my body and soul
And who has turned a bridge
Into a rainbow for us to walk on

Another year has passed for you
It's time to cut the cake and celebrate
And once again I start to think
Of the things about you that I appreciate

Happy Birthday, and many years to come
Who knows what our lives have in store
Happiness and lots of fun
Making the both of us stun
for my ex MU i just want to publish this even tho its to late for the both of us so yeah hope you all like it
Jul 2018 · 766
Happy Birthday Dad
Anne Jul 2018
Dear Dad, it’s your birthday,
And I want you to know
I admire you more
As the years come and go.

All your good qualities
Stand out and shine;
Fathers are invaluable,
And I’m so glad you’re mine!
Yeah its my dad's birthday today i just made a poem for him and i thought i'd post this here also so yeah hope ya'll enjoy it
Jul 2018 · 442
Miscellaneous Emotions
Anne Jul 2018
When I look at him I see the hate in my eyes
The jealous rage that lives in my heart
Is the very thing that now tears me apart
Not I felt miserable
Every time I see him with someone
Later days felt incomplete
Feeling my mixed emotions
Felt my heart beats
''All about me'' journal
Jul 2018 · 578
Anne Jul 2018
Many acts of generous offerings
Tender words of helpless mutterings
Expressing in words
Show of kindness
Didn't dismiss of a warm compassion
All have returned of pure compliance
''All about me'' journal
Jul 2018 · 256
Anne Jul 2018
The world can be cruel
Not meeting my expectations
I want to encourage
What we are not
Us need to be cared for
Lies we aren't going to take
Like a spirit force
What we hear let nature
Take it's course
''All about me'' journal
Jul 2018 · 322
Anne Jul 2018
I'm a magnifying glass
Amplifying all the little things
I don't like about myself
You can tell that I'm being over dramatic
But do you understand
What it's like inside my head
To overthink anything about everything
And each word I tell
Move I make
It's waiting for me
To take me
To break me
In incomplete
''All about me'' journal
Jul 2018 · 239
Meant to be
Anne Jul 2018
We started off as strangers
Then soon became friends
You told me you loved me
I have been in love before
But nothing compares to this
Your whole being brings to me
This love is so complete
I know we are meant to be.
Meant to be ......................
Jul 2018 · 316
The One That Got Away
Anne Jul 2018
''I love you''
is just a facetious phrase
that gave me ways
and reasons why
not to stay
and just say goodbye
to the man
who lied
and ran,
and never even tried.
He just ran away and never go back........
Jul 2018 · 329
Heart from the War
Anne Jul 2018
i stood in the fortress of your love
to guide and protect you
from being blue,
to keep you safe
from being strafed
by all the lines you have encountered
and at the end of the war
you stood far
with another girl
and never looked back
at the girl who wore black
who protected
and collected
all of your broken parts
and kept it inside her heart.
I present to you all Heart from the War
Jul 2018 · 241
For her
Anne Jul 2018
He made her the most beautiful art
that filled the void of her heart
to keep her stable
to enable
the feeling of love
as if it were flowing swiftly
through her veins
as she simply
on the same
exact spot
where she knew his name
and brought
nothing but his love
to her.
For her ....................
Jul 2018 · 275
Anne Jul 2018
i was captivated by the bliss
of you wonderful aura
and i didn't know that i would miss
until i see the aurora,
lightning up the night sky,
as i sigh
and slowly said goodbye
Jul 2018 · 203
Anne Jul 2018
i felt miserable
every time i see you with someone,
making your memories more memorable
who made it more fun.
I thought that it could've been me
who would stand by your side
but now that i have set you free
please, just stay along the ride.
Having memories with someone can be happy or sad or painful memories
Jul 2018 · 329
Anne Jul 2018
Our love, far greater than anything we could think,
We were connected, together, we had an unbreakable link,
Our love, so great that nothing could bear it,
Not even the skies nor the stars would be the limit
such as us cannot break
Jul 2018 · 209
Missing you........
Anne Jul 2018
Composing this
to mind to you
how much I miss
your glowing hue
At dusk I would
remember this
I pray you could
remember too
Nine minutes
before I turn
and leave you here
to stay and churn
Your rosy lips
I dreamed upon
will now be gone
by the eclipse
Your name, it scared
my scarlet heart
from every pulse
and every part
Until the dawn
I best move on,
for best of me
from now on
Greek of fire
you make me warm
I could lay here
yet you pay harm
Little by little
I set you free
but all my words
come back to me
Come back to me
I miss your blue
I still love you
please, love me too?
How could I
stop this bleeding?
for my heart's heeding
is your eyes
Who must I
look upon
an inspiration
already gone
These empty skies
And perished stars
my teary eyes
your frozen heart
What such a beautiful creature will be missed so much by the devil
Jul 2018 · 371
A Wolf's Tale
Anne Jul 2018
Sweet, dainty lips
And starry merry eyes
Her fingertips collide
With tingly butterflies

Fragile little thing
Oh, watch out for the wolves
Or what it might bring
And how it would move

Cold hearted lass
Heart like a glass
Forbade from the wolves
Obtained pure sass

Big, big wolf
Had gotten near
Near that little honey
With his wicked seer

Naive little girl
Beams upon bad
He melted and he swirled
Her heart, ice clad

Big,wicked wolf
Jinxed the frigid heart
Prentending, oh, prentending
The wolf was smart

Silly, silly *****
How silly you can be
Never marked words
You're always carefree

Evil, sadist wolf
Plucked the scarlet heart
Evil, sadist wolf
Plunged in a dart

Silly, silly *****
Sobbing little sights
Poor broken baby
And blood atop her thighs

Mad, sadist wolf
Threw the heart below
Mad, sadist wolf
******* and foe
Withing, a broken wolf
A ******* in show
Within his hairy heart
A tragedy he rows
I stayed awake the whole night with the night owl
Cuddling a big wolf in my ears its booming howl
Jul 2018 · 256
Curse of a Broken Heart
Anne Jul 2018
And she cursed
and its lies
that she shall never see
in another's eyes
Jul 2018 · 507
The Lair & The Mademoiselle
Anne Jul 2018
Muffled crack and melancholic air
Atop broken tiles beneath the tree
Rooted a vile mistress and my shattered lair
My lair repelled against me

Within layers, and layers of momentous skies
Two silhouettes scoffed with frowns
Liquid crystals pestered from my eyes
Their gleam mirrored the broken ground

A silken dress ran aback by the dark of night
Primus and Situla observed me shadowed me like light
I cried my pearly eyes, I loved and loved in vain
The melancholic wind, I swallowed he gave to me, was fain

A child! the mistress cried
Scurry and leave her behind!
My lair had planted his sinful seed
Within the mistress's womb, indeed
She intent to say to me, the Mademoiselle
Though the lair implored to never tell

My sweet, honey heart he broke
For many, many a year we haven't spoke
My lair coerced love on the mistress, they tell
Though he never stopped thinking of me, the Mademoiselle
Just wrote this yesterday
Jul 2018 · 2.1k
A Sun, A Moon, A Love
Anne Jul 2018
A sun, a moon, a love
A girl who had enough

The sun was he
He rose above
He glanced back down
And he saw love

The moon was he
And he was a vile
Who hurts the girl
So out of style

A warmth a glow
The sun bestows
But grief and cold
The moon was told

A day had come
When Anne chhose
Between them and
To gain, to lose

She looked upon
The horrid moon
And never on
The warmest noon

Her heart was cold
Her love was old
Done by her story
The moon had told

While the sun
He focused on
Rising up
Every dawn

And Anne glanced
Up above
The brightest star
And she saw love
An old poem of mine
Jul 2018 · 387
Training Wheels
Anne Jul 2018
Woolen clouds and creamsicle skies
Appeared as I bore into his mythical eyes
His lovesick heart and clouded mind,
His blinded orbs, our hounded rides
He can't see me, a broken guide

Riding down, riding down,
Those pastel obliques, wheels on the ground
I fell apart, our hands collide
Forbidden minds, it's worth the ride
Love found, heart pounds, heaved sound

Clear blue streams, my sweet daydreams
His honey hair, his tranquil eyes
I went to him to say it all
He and a girl had brighter beams
And all he said, ''Goodbye''
Poem from the past
Jul 2018 · 261
Please call me by your name
Anne Jul 2018
Fourteen nights and days of yearning
Your peach flavoured lips, I'm craving
Endless staring contest
My curious mind, I oppressed
My ears detects your calling

Your whispering voice was frowning
My hand clutched on the phone
Fastened words, you're keeping
The skies began to groan
You part your lips, unleashing
But a missus stepped and moaned
''Darling, who is calling?''
And I swallowed the unknown

Missed sunsets, my regrets
Unsteady, drunken in tragic pain
As another staring contest began
Impulsing tears rolled from the flames
My forsaken lips smiled, so bland
I sealed my eyes, I wished in vain
Please, please, please, again
Please call me by your name
Another old copy of a poem from my past self
Jul 2018 · 285
All through my head
Anne Jul 2018
Oh! The rosy peach bestowed
Cradled by your tough hands
Golden hour picnic, pillow throws
Sheepish beams through my flax lens
Mystified sunsets, sweet regrets
Only the glancing nightingales know

Oh! your sinful mondegreens
Your mock, addicting melodies
Beguiled, silly all of me
Omitting what they all mean

Within the cerulean summer nights
Wee golden stars dusted on the blue
Upon the laced, vined canopy ignites
Sensual aroma romance and libidos blooms
And you called me by your name
Your beautiful, vexing name
an old copy of my poem from my past self
Jul 2018 · 232
Anne Jul 2018
The thought of us
was just a dream
just being together just the two of us  
only in my dreams

Having bad dreams again
that seeing you with another girl
makes my heart breaks into pieces
drowning myself with tears

When all of my hopes were dying
his love kept me trying
i do my best to hide
the pain that i've been through
when i cry at night
letting go tonight
a sad state of affairs

Broken into pieces
in my dream lost in the darkness
thinking again about you and me
without the world
just by ourselves
yet in the end it's all just a dream
going through all of it over again
it was all just a dream
i always keep this phrase sometimes in my mind
'' Dont expect to much or it'll get worse''
dont assume something that you know it's never going to happen
dont assume
dont expect
Jul 2018 · 251
Love at First Sight
Anne Jul 2018
I never believed in love at first sight
And they say love at first sight doesn’t exist
But at that moment I laid eyes on you
I started imagining my life with you
Seeing you for the first time
Is the best 5 second of my life
I tried to think of how my life was without you
But now it’s nearly impossible
Destiny will find us together again
As we meet each other again
Awwww love at first sight
do you all believe in that
like the one we see in movies or in tv shows
i found this poem in my files from 2014
Jul 2018 · 292
Anne Jul 2018
My pure orbs laid upon a cold-hearted knave,
Isaac, oh, Isaac;
That the cherubs atop, my scarlet ticker; they laved,
I had fallen quite hard like the cruel ocean waves,
For Isaac, my Isaac;
Though he never glimpsed upon me,
Why, Isaac? Oh, Isaac;
My pure orbs, they have turned into a bitter sea;
Done by Isaac, oh, Isaac;
That knave thieved the joy from me, you see—
God! Isaac, why Isaac?
I wish I never had opened my once pure eyes for Isaac;
Behold of what Isaac had done to me;
My Isaac, oh Isaac;
He had purloined my love and my glee from me;
Oh, Isaac, my Isaac.
this is a poem from my past self for my beloved
ps: he didn't die
i moved on from this guy
Jul 2018 · 745
The One for Me
Anne Jul 2018
Wandering on a road unpaved .
Alone and broken, against the wind I braved.
Lost was my passion for the journey ahead.
Heading I was to the land of the dead
Blind I was to color, as I was to love.
I prayed for someone to be sent from above.

It was then, with the east wind came eos.
A look at him, and I went in a state of chaos.
For he was a rose dearest to god.
At his gracefulness, the swans felt awed.
I looked at the land, barren and infertile,
There now blossomed an iris, unspoiled sterile.

Together, I knew, we would make a whole.
For in him I saw, a reflection of my soul.
And hence, He proposed to me to be my partner.
For the journey that lies ahead.
From there on our paths were one.
As we walked towards the rising sun.
I got nothing to say  
from my past self
Jul 2018 · 228
My Love for Him
Anne Jul 2018
My love for him is great
My heart melts for him til the dusk of day
The night goes when his away
Love, Promises til day's dawn

His personality is great
Wondering mind til he sees
Singing is all I do
While waiting for the moment, for him to say ''I do''
cheesy poem
don't hate
i know its a bad poem but just wanted to post it
Jul 2018 · 260
Anne Jul 2018
The anger you put me through
I was at my worst
That I needed you
Spoil me with happiness please
Jul 2018 · 210
Feelings of depressed
Anne Jul 2018
On a foggy day
Sight ends a fathom away
No lights to guide
I stand on a sheet of ice

I search for a rope
O any sign! A ray of hope
But in vain my effort lies
I stand on a sheet of ice

I think to move in ways more than a dozen
But help me, god! My legs are frozen
I cannot move whatever I try
I stand frozen on a sheet of ice

In the darkness of the night
My heart pounds, I stand in fright
It becomes harder to breathe as time passes by
I stand frozen on a sheet of ice

I look down at the ice
It is thin but I see a light
Covered in darkness, deep down its lies
A shining star beneath this sheet of ice

It is my only hope
Anywhere else I do not see even the thinnest rope
And hence I decide to take a dive
Bidding a farewell to the world above the ice

I plunged inside and began to stoke
Towards the light, my source of hope
The world seemed calm, a darkness descended
I had a smile, my pain has ended.
depression and anxiety follows me
Jul 2018 · 376
Before it's to late
Anne Jul 2018
Sorry if I was too blind
Cause I'm hiding from behind
Knowing that you loved me all along
I was scared if you were joking but I was wrong

Now that I already realized that I love you
It was to late
I already lost you
I will find my way to you before it's to late
from my past self
finding him that he liked me back as well before i was so glad
i did make a move of my own the next thing
ya'll would never believe it
he freaking didn't call me, text, or did anything he just ghosted
but now i've moved on and found someone that loved me back and that's makes me happy
Anne Jul 2018
i know i don't say it as much as you do
but i'm kinda terrified too
since the day i first laid eyes on you
even though i barely know you

and today i met you again
and today i sensed happiness again
and today as you left to go
i had it at the back of my mind, but i didn't tell so

and i can't tell you that it hurts
cause it's not supposed to
i just want to tell you it's not your fault
it's not your fault that i'm heartbroken
this is from my past self
i've been thinking about him before
just a reminder
Jul 2018 · 274
First Love
Anne Jul 2018
I was 9 when I first discovered love
Felt so amazing and happy and whole
Color sparkles the day we first met
For the first time I laid my eyes on someone
Everything is perfect it could make you insane
And he is someone who has always wished that you can claim
Feeling the luckiest girl with him
Yet it has come to an end
That someone like you can’t be replaced
That you left so sudden with not trace
All you have just left now is memories
Crazy Stupid Love Relationships
Puppy Love
Jul 2018 · 312
Things I should've done
Anne Jul 2018
If I could go so far back,
To send a note that bears a fact,
That my past self shouldn't crack,
That I said I liked you from awhile back.

But knowing that you liked me back,
Gives me joy that I could crack,
I forgot to tell you that I still like you back,
And now you're headed towards the arms of another girl,

And now I regret and wonder of the things I should've done before.
Until this day I realized that there is no end of this suffering,
Day after day it still continues my sufferings,
From my past self the things I should've done
but I'm glad I didn't done it  
because _______________________________________________
you can figure out why
just comment or something
Jul 2018 · 370
Mixed Emotions
Anne Jul 2018
In the couple of days
I didn't know what to feel
I can't think any other ways
If all of this is real

Just ignore the emptiness I feel
Just going to tell myself this isn't real
My heart breaks because of you
Just gonna wait for you to say ''I love you''
I had mixed emotions when a friend of mine has a crush on me back and yes i had a crush on him from a while back but not anymore there's more to this story but I'll keep it hidden
Jul 2018 · 523
Temporary Love
Anne Jul 2018
Us sitting on the sand
Staring at the lovely red-orange sky
Looking at the sunset
As he kissed me at sunrise

People often pass through our lives
And so many have come my way
Some stay for a lifetime
Yet you last just for a season
And then we must move on

No matter whether we're still a couple
In the end it'll be just a summer fling
It was still a once a lifetime opportunity to fine love

As I said, I hope to see you again soon
He replies, You're the most wonderful person I've ever bumped into
My summer fling
true story
April 30 - July 14, 2018
Jul 2018 · 554
Am I Not Enough
Anne Jul 2018
I gave you my heart
Now it’s like art shattered into pieces
Slowly breaking at this moment
It hurts me inside from all you’ve said
‘’You’re not good enough’’
‘’You’re not smart enough’’
‘’You’re not enough’’
Now I have no idea who I am
I’m so tired of disappointing you
What do I have to change inside and out?
To be loved by you
Cause I’ve never been enough for you
I always ask myself
Am I not enough?
just a poem from my past self
Jul 2018 · 311
Anne Jul 2018
I think you're making a big mistake
But it’s your decision to make
Seeing you going hurts
Just throwing me from the thin air like dirt
I tell myself to let go and move on
Now you’re feeling regrets
Yet you come crawling back
Begged for great love
’’Please give me a chance’’
’’I’ve made a mistake’’
It was my favorite mistake you’ve done
One I hope you to make again
Perhaps some mistakes
Demand to be made
To learn something in life
For the future
Mistakes and regrets

— The End —