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Oct 2019 · 463
You Thought I Was Pretty.
Angela Rose Oct 2019
I wanted you to like me so ******* badly
So I dressed up all pretty and I did my makeup way too dramatically
I just wanted you to just notice me
I wanted to make sure you s a w me

And then you did

Only sort of
You saw me as pretty, you saw me as attractive, as ******

But you never noticed me losing control
You never noticed me getting high and pretending everything was ok
You didn't see how I would take 6 shots of ***** back to back just to get through the night
You didn't notice as I would black out and pretend everything was alright
I was not happy
I was numb

But hey, at least you thought I was pretty.
Sep 2019 · 415
You Won't
Angela Rose Sep 2019
Maybe you will wake up one day and feel this way too
Maybe you won't
Maybe you will wake up one day and think about my smile first thing
Maybe you won't
Maybe you will wake up one day and all you will hear is my laugh on repeat
Maybe you won't
Maybe you will wake up one day and think about how you wish it was me
But you probably won't
Aug 2019 · 548
Angela Rose Aug 2019
I am in love with the memory of who you were
It is as simple and as heartbreaking as that
Aug 2019 · 345
I Love You, Dad
Angela Rose Aug 2019
If you still have the people you love most in your life today-
Hug them
Hug them tighter than you ever have
Call them and tell them you love them
Never ignore their calls
Pick up the phone and call them first
Make sure they know

They have to know
They have to know that when they're gone you won't be able to sleep knowing they've gone away
They have to know that all throughout the day you will cry when they have gone to sleep forever
They have to know your heart will be missing a piece when they leave
They have to know before they're gone

You have to tell them while you can
You have to tell them that they are special to you
You have to tell them that you will forever miss their voice and their laughter
You have to tell them you will miss never seeing their face on the caller ID

My God, please tell your loved ones you love them

I love you, Dad. I love you so much.
My dad died a few weeks ago, July 16th. I don't know if I will ever forgive myself for not calling enough or for being too busy to call back sometimes. I don't think I will ever forgive myself for always saying "I'll call tomorrow"
Jul 2019 · 668
A Haunting In My Heart
Angela Rose Jul 2019
Loving an addict is like living in a haunted house
It isn't always scary, but when it is, it is terrifying
It is shake you in your bones, haunt you to your core ~ terrifying

Little things lead up to the big scares
A bump in the night
(of *******)
A spilled elixer on the floor
(of straight *****)
A crushed up relic scattered along the floor tiles
(of Oxycontin pill bottles)

And you try to pretend it isn't happening
And you tell everyone you can't see the ghosts
And you ignore the loud noises and the sudden screams in the night
After all, this is your home and he is your heart

And now your heart is haunted
Trigger Warning possibly.
Oct 2018 · 374
Feel Something
Angela Rose Oct 2018
You're a gift to my life
You're a rare sliver of light
You're a beacon of fresh air
And you could be the one to make me feel something
Sep 2018 · 6.5k
Chemical Burns
Angela Rose Sep 2018
Science is hard
Chemistry is harder

Chemistry is defined as the complex, emotional or psychological interaction between two people
Our chemistry is tangible
Our chemistry moves entire cities
Chemistry is so hard because you mix all these things together and they either blend and make something fantastic or they blow up in your face
They leave you with burn marks and scars to remind you just how badly you ****** it all up
And I think what we have here is a disaster ready to burn my face to blackness
I think what we have here is a scar ready to form and last forever

What we have here is a chemistry left to remind me I still wasn’t good enough
What we have here is a chemical reaction that the whole class can laugh at

So science is hard
Chemistry is so hard
But having good chemistry and bad timing, that’s just heartbreaking
Jul 2018 · 452
Loving Again
Angela Rose Jul 2018
I am starting to recognize myself again
You know, the me that you tried to suffocate
The real me
The woman that laughs out loud at ***** jokes
The woman that didn't want to bite her tongue in front of your judgemental family

I am starting to look in the mirror and like myself again
You know, the me that you always insinuated needed to lose weight
The woman who likes to cook things because they taste good, not simply because "Angela, the body needs only nutrients"
The woman that didn't  want to disintegrate into broken pieces for you

I am starting to remember what my voice sounds like standing up for myself
I am beginning to recall what the tv shows and movies I love sound like
I am finally starting to love myself again
Jul 2018 · 418
It’s Over
Angela Rose Jul 2018
Falling in and out of love with your best friend feels a lot like getting your heart broken twice

And that isn’t poetry
It’s just sad.
Jun 2018 · 604
Angela Rose Jun 2018
But you always want to tell me your secrets first
But you cannot forget the way my hand felt on your thigh when we got too drunk
But you call me at 2 AM to vent about work and how your boss was such a ***** again this week
But you want to lay in bed with me and do nothing together not even touch
But you know me better than I could know myself
But you send me pictures of dogs you see on the street because it makes me smile
But when you hear the love songs the only name that comes to mind is my own
But always, always something more.
Jun 2018 · 522
Angela Rose Jun 2018
How does the darkness feel?
Do you miss the light that was me?
You tried to eclipse me until I was almost taken in by your black hole of misery
Space must be so lonely without any stars
It must feel so scary to be alone with all those thoughts
I’m shining freely, I’ll light up a new galaxy for someone else
Apr 2018 · 707
You vs Me
Angela Rose Apr 2018
You were depressed so you decided to push away any woman who might love you and your idiosyncrasies after "she" left
I was depressed so I kept clinging on to every man who asked me what my favorite band was after "he" left

You were sad that she moved on so you secretly hated every woman who reminded you of her in the slightest
I was sad that he moved on so I not so secretly tried to make out with  every man who made me laugh

You met a woman who made you smile and made you hopeful and instead of running to her, you ran away
I met a man who made me laugh and made me question my goals and instead of making him love me, I scared him off

You turned your frustration into art
I turned my frustration into alcoholism

You made sure to keep me along for the ride on the thinnest piece of string you could weave together
(after all it feels good to know you have a backup plan)

I made sure to keep paying you the utmost attention and sending you the slightest reminders that I am still there
(after all it feels good to know maybe I could still have a chance)
Apr 2018 · 341
Angela Rose Apr 2018
I am still so in love with you that it burns a hole through my skin directly to my heart

So irrevocably still in love with you that it creates an effortless stream of mascara stained tears across my rosy cheeks each night

And there's no ******* way to turn that into poetry
Apr 2018 · 777
Little Keepsakes
Angela Rose Apr 2018
Maybe I kept all the photographs because the people smiling in them are always so much happier than I am
Perhaps I kept a box with all the letters because the writings in the notes are always so much more sincere than the hate I spew at you now
And I certainly know I kept a memory of all the most intimate moments so I could play them back on repeat when I am feeling ever so lonely

So yeah, maybe we keep close all our tiny keepsakes to remind ourselves of the people we still have the capacity to become once again.
Angela Rose Apr 2018
You're supposed to feel happy for your old lovers when they find someone new
But that feeling is so foreign to me
So I pretend, so I lie, so I cover up anger and jealousy with "Oh wow how wonderful for the both of you"

But I would be lying if I said I didn't wish them perpetual misery
I would be lying if I said I didn't wish them both mediocre *** where nobody finishes
I would be lying if I said I didn't wish for their oven to break halfway through making a Thanksgiving turkey and not to notice until it's too late
I would be lying if I said I didn't hope they both get called into work every Friday night on "date night"
I would be lying if I said I didn't wish for every drink they have on the rocks to taste like straight water
I would be lying if I said that I didn't hope their internet cuts out every single time they try to Netflix & chill
I would be lying if I said I didn't dream it rains every time they plan a wondrous beach afternoon

I would be lying if I said I didn't care
And so I fake smile every time he tells me how beautiful her smile is, and how happy she makes his days, and how her voice is like an angel's

Oh wow, how wonderful for the both of you.
Angela Rose Apr 2018
Do not fall in love with girls like me

I will stray away and become a recluse and forget your name
But you, you will still feel the poison coursing through your bones that was injected the first time I kissed you
You will still taste the bitterness of my name on the tip of your tongue for years to come
You will still feel the sting of my embrace and my finger tips grazing your thigh long after I have run off
You will hear that one song and remember the haunting melody of my voice whispering to you during our late nights

Girls like me do not start with the intention of being this way
Girls like me dream about love and romance and living together in holy matrimony
But girls like me are full of fear and abandonment issues
"Leave before you get left" plays like an alarm in my mind over and over

Do not fall in love with girls like me, unless you are a *******
Feb 2018 · 581
An Understatement
Angela Rose Feb 2018
He said I was so beautiful
I said beautiful was an incredibly lazy, unappealing and shallow way to describe the soul that inhabits my body

That soul is full of yearning for tomorrow
She is constantly hunting for the next adventure and looking for it in places nobody else looks
Her mind is full of words and lyrics and melodies
Her heart is so overflowing with love and compassion and kindness for even the smallest of creatures
She can smile in a corner to herself thinking of jokes from weeks ago, and that smile still lights up a room
She sometimes laughs out loud at her own hilarity and everyone in the room is caught up in the contagion that is her giggle
Her whole demeanor rests on the sole fact that she wakes up and does better than she did yesterday

So sure, beauty is a sweet word
But beautiful sure is a lousy way to capture my soul's presence.
Feb 2018 · 429
Do You Like You?
Angela Rose Feb 2018
A young girl stands in front of the mirror
Her hands gripping on to her hip bones
And she still believes that she is too fat
She is holding her breath and ******* it all in
Her lips are pouting
Her eyes are wandering
Her face is flushed

She asks herself :
"Do they like me?"

                                                                                             Do you like you?
Feb 2018 · 421
In A Nutshell
Angela Rose Feb 2018
You see, I am so likable
My laugh is contagious and my smile infectious
The things I do and the way I am are intriguing to a stranger
My idiosyncrasies have a way of captivating people like no other

You see, everybody loves me
But there is nobody in love with me
Jan 2018 · 558
Afternoon Daydreaming
Angela Rose Jan 2018
We don't really talk a lot anymore
No more than a "hey" every few months
But I just caught myself day dreaming of you for 5 minutes straight
I just thought about one of the nights where we were staying up late, drinking Bud Lights and watching The Office
I stepped in the kitchen while you were in the bathroom and you saw me when you came out and wrapped yourself around me just to hold me
I just day dreamed about that for 5 minutes straight
Just that
Just your innocent embrace
Just you holding me in the kitchen because you missed my touch
Jan 2018 · 631
Angela Rose Jan 2018
L is for the way I lose my breath
O is for the only one I am allowed to see
V is very very extra over protective
E is even more reclusive than I have ever been before

And love is all that I have given to you
Love is just a sadistic game to you
We are not in love, we fake it
You've taken my heart and done more than just break it
Cause this "love" was not made for me and you
This is a straight on poetic twist on the song "L.O.V.E" by the late Nat King.
Jan 2018 · 661
I Do Not Love You
Angela Rose Jan 2018
When you tell me that you love me
Do you really mean you love that I am so reckless and lacking of compassion

When you tell me that you love me
Is it really you saying that you love how long I let you keep your hands wrapped around my throat when we are tossing around in my sheets at 3 AM

When you tell me that you love me
Do you really mean you love that I am so cold and so bitter and so devoid of feeling for anyone other than my own, selfish self?

When you tell me that you love me
Is it really you lying and saying you love me just because you know I could never love you back?
Jan 2018 · 442
Angela Rose Jan 2018
I used to want to save you
I used to want to be your answer
I used to want to be your guidance
I used to want to lead you to happiness

But I still haven't been saved
And I still don't have any answers
And I still lack all guidance
And I still don't have full happiness
Jan 2018 · 2.4k
A Perfect Match
Angela Rose Jan 2018
People always talk about being a perfect match
But nobody ever talks about how abruptly matches burn out
Jan 2018 · 420
Angela Rose Jan 2018
I don’t think about us too often anymore
I don’t think about the night at the clubhouse where I dared you to kiss me
I don’t think about the nights we stayed up late in my living room while my mom was on vacation
I don’t think about how we were up late waiting together, pacing, waiting for our SAT scores to come out
I don’t think about the adventures on the beach and the party at your house where I almost lost my virginity to your best friend
I don’t think about how I was always your second choice next to her
I don’t think about the times we visited college campuses together and you cried in my arms on the pier in St. Augustine
I don’t think about how we got drunk on four lokos and had *** even though your mom was in the next room
I don’t think about how we didn’t talk for two years when you left for college and moved away from me
I don’t think about how when you came back to visit we met up in the mid afternoons for summery, hot, sweaty hook ups
I don’t think about when we would roll down the windows in my bedroom and get high at 1 in the morning
I don’t think about how we grew up and still ended up meeting up years later to connect
I don't think about how we were mid twenties and still harbored so much love for each other
I don’t think about none of that, no not at all
But I get a taste of that fiery and ****** cinnamon flavored Fireball and it all comes rushing back like a punch in my face
Jan 2018 · 3.2k
Angela Rose Jan 2018
I knew there was something wrong with her when I was 10
I found a magazine report about borderline personality disorder
I was reading in the school library and I started crying
I could never have put a word on what was different about my mother
But there it was, plain as day
The way she could stay in bed till 3 in the afternoon with the blinds closed
The way some days we would laugh as she asked me if I wanted to play hooky and skip out on school
We would go grab frappucinos at Starbucks and rummage through countless thrift store shelves
But some days, some days I would be screamed at until I cried
Some days I would lock myself in the bedroom until I needed to come out
Some days I would stay at school extra long and just put off going home altogether
Some days my brother and I were burdens
Some nights we would get to order pizzas and drink Coke and some nights we were told to find food for ourselves
Always with the paranoia and the headaches and the inability to do anything
Consistent with the anger and the depression
Consistent with the exhaustion and the impulsive natures
The pills never helped, the pills never made things better
Fourteen years later and things are no better, things are no easier
Things have made no progression
Fourteen years later and we don’t speak
Jan 2018 · 1.1k
Every Good Boy Does Fine
Angela Rose Jan 2018
I had a piano when I was a child
I didn’t know how to play
I slammed on keys repeatedly until it sounded like something that reminded me of music
Eventually, I learned chords
Eventually, I learned melodies
Eventually, I learned “Every Good Boy Does Fine”
And that “All Cows Eat Grass”
I played myself musical tunes on repeat
I wrote symphonies about how much you meant to me
I could base a musical all upon the Love I felt towards you
My lyrics were surrounded by the essence of you
My musical notes were dictated by how you made me feel on any given day
Nobody knows me like the piano at my mother’s house
Jan 2018 · 1.4k
Internet Heartbreak
Angela Rose Jan 2018
I’ve wrote about you for years and years
And you still have yet to notice
My words are plastered all over the Internet
My heart is poured out for the world to see
I wish my heartbreak wasn’t on the Internet
Because it’s been seven years, it’s time to let it go
Dec 2017 · 480
Angela Rose Dec 2017
I said sorry over one hundred million times for being upset you hurt me
I kept being naive and letting you proceed to cause damage
Yet, you never said sorry for the damage, and you never apologized for the hurt
I learned to forgive you even though you never expressed the need or want to be forgiven
I learned to accept an apology that I never received and never ever will receive
There has got to be so much strength in that.
Angela Rose Dec 2017
Your body is like a road I traveled along when I was a child
Bumpy and all of the twists and turns drive me wild
Your eyes are dark blue like the sky I could not look away from when I was young
Full of stars and I cannot wait to stare into them and find constellations
Your voice is like the wind blowing through the highway fields in Illinois in the midst of spring
So swift and soft, yet could catch the attention of any person perusing through
Your hands are like gravel I fell into when I was learning to ride a bike
Rugged and painful to the touch however I cannot stop touching and yearning for more
Your smile is blinding just like the sun's reflection over Lake Michigan in the summertime
It has left everyone who viewed it enamored by its beauty and coming back for more every possible opportunity
Your demeanor reminds me of my childhood and all of the love I wanted to feel when I was young
Rare and sublime and everlasting
Dec 2017 · 417
If I Never Met You
Angela Rose Dec 2017
I tried to imagine a life without you
A life where we never touched hands and clenched them too tightly
A life where we never exchanged gazes in hallways
A life where our lips never touched in the dark under the covers
A life where we never sat up on the phone until the whole world was asleep
A life where we did not once share every secret in our books
A life where I never knew your family and you never knew my heart
A life where my skin never got to know the pleasure of your graze
A life where I never prayed for you because I never knew your struggles
A life where I never went to the games and never cheered you on from the sidelines
A life where I never sang along to the love songs you played on guitar
A life where I never even got to know your name

I tried to imagine a life without you
And I would rather die than to ever think of that life again
Dec 2017 · 960
6,000 People Later
Angela Rose Dec 2017
One time I wrote a poem about you and it went viral
Now 6,000 people know you treated me like I was garbage
Now 6,000 people know how you hurt me without using your hands
Now 6,000 people are aware that you damaged my mental health more than anyone else
Now 6,000 people know that you made me cry every single day
Now 6,000 people felt my pain through my words
Now 6,000 people get to know that you did not lay a hand on me but still left me abused and scarred

One time I wrote a poem about you and it was so well received
Now 6,000 people support my every day struggle to stay strong
Now 6,000 people have shown love to me even though they do not even know my last name
Now 6,000 people are there for me in ways you never were
Now 6,000 people are able to talk about how they felt the way I felt and never want to feel those aches again
Now 6,000 people may have the courage to battle a villain like you
Now 6,000 people may be able to stand up to severe abuse like I finally was able to
Thank you all for giving me strength.
Dec 2017 · 979
Angela Rose Dec 2017
My hands feel cold like ice cubes
They are shaking and awkward
My hands are aching for contact
They are yearning for the touch of your hands
My hands are confused because they don't know what to do when they aren't intertwined with yours
They are incoherent because they now only know what it feels like to hold on to a bottle of liquor
Dec 2017 · 495
I Have Issues
Angela Rose Dec 2017
Did you know I felt that our lives were undeniably tied together, irrevocably?
Like even if we fell apart and strayed too far away our paths would cross once again?
I felt that our bond was star-crossed and our connection was meant to be regardless of our star signs and past loves
I felt that our love was a story to be told through the ages and one to write down in the books
Did you know I felt that every single time we kissed the stars aligned and all the words I knew finally made sense for once?
Like even though the world was falling down and the things I knew were crashing down everything was okay because I had you?
I felt that you could grow to love me again despite having some girl at home wanting you to love her
I felt that our love story was almost too good to be true even though we only had relations through our kisses at 5 in the morning
Maybe it is me and my blind intuition to trust a stranger
But also, perhaps it is you and your need to feel a connection through past experiences with loved ones
Either way, I miss you
Dec 2017 · 6.2k
I Am Anxious
Angela Rose Dec 2017
Anxiety is not cute, and it is not fun
Anxiety is not something to make light of and to pretend you have for giggles
Anxiety is suffering
Anxiety is waking up at 3 in the morning because I am so sick to my stomach that it wakes me up for an hour
Anxiety is my skin breaking out in hives so severe that I break the skin and bruise and bleed because I am scratching so **** hard
Anxiety is when I try to sleep at midnight but am still awake at 5:30 in the morning and I still try to count down to the second exactly how much sleep I will get tonight
Anxiety is when I cannot bring myself to eat even though it has been 31 hours since my last meal
Anxiety is waking up in the middle of slumber because I thought of what I should have said in an argument four days prior
Anxiety is how it is noon and I cannot bring myself to get out of bed and make my day real
Anxiety is how I have made myself feel like I am going insane and I feel like my breaths are short and nothing feels right
Anxiety is how things do not go the exact way I planned them to and I sit there contemplating crying for the whole day
Anxiety is how I feel myself acting like I am crazy and I feel that I am not me and yet I cannot change the way I react
Stop trying to make anxiety cute
It is not romantic
It is not adorable
It is not fun
Anxiety is what prevents me from living a normal life
Anxiety is what drives me out of my mind
Nov 2017 · 636
Angela Rose Nov 2017
Addiction is a funny thing
I was perfectly clean for years, sober for years
But I could smell the alcohol in the hand sanitizer at the movie theater
I went home and poured a ***** on the rocks with a lime
I have not seen you in ten years, but one simple touch of yours and I was an addict again
What I am trying to say is I think I love you again.
Angela Rose Nov 2017
I'm bad with dates and names and numbers
But I know the color of your eyes matches the sky in the middle of June before the rainstorm hits Florida
And I know that your skin is the same shade of tawny as the deck on the porch of my mother's best friend's vacation home back in Michigan
And I know that your hair is just as soft as the kittens I pet in the shelter where I cried because I had to pick only just one
And I can pick your scent out of a lineup of boys with every single variation of Axe body spray spread among them
So I can't remember the day we met, or the name of your grandmother or the number of times we have kissed or held hands
But I am a writer, and the essence of your life will never die as long as I have a pen and a paper
When a writer falls in love with you, you will never die.
Nov 2017 · 1.4k
Just Friends
Angela Rose Nov 2017
I am solely the best friend
I am used to that

I am the girl you invite to the game because you think you're going to score your first home-run of the year and I know the sport well
I am the girl you have proof-read your poetry to make sure it is okay to show another
I am the girl you rehearse the love song for to assure that it is suitable for sharing

But the home-run is never made in my honor
And the poems will never mention my name
And the beautiful love song was never meant for me

But I show up to the game with a sign decked out in glitter with your name and number held up high
And I let you know that a sonnet is fourteen lines and should be written in iambic pentameter
And I tell you your voice was sounding a tad flat when you were singing the lyrics "Baby this song is all for you"

You say "Thanks, you're the best friend a guy could ask for"
And I smile and nod, I am used to this
Nov 2017 · 542
Is This What Friends Do?
Angela Rose Nov 2017
My throat is aching with the words I cannot fathom saying to you
My hands are shaking because I wanted to hold your hand so ******* badly
My eyes cannot see straight because all that I am seeing is you and your bright blue eyes
My heart is racing so fast and I cannot catch my breath because you are making me laugh too hard

And then I stop
And then I remember I am not the one
And then I remember there's a beauty at home waiting for you to text her goodnight
And then I think about how she went to sleep alone, and I got to have your attention to myself for once in seven years

My voice is shaky as I tell you about my family and hold back tears because things are getting just too **** personal
My skin feels hot as I sit there and wait for you to touch me back
My legs quiver a bit as I hike my dress up higher so you can see the black lace on my *******
My smile forms a smirk as I think about you actually taking the bait and grabbing my face tightly and kissing me

And then I stop
And then I remember "just friends" do not look at each other like that
And then I remember "just friends" do not touch each other that way after dark
And then I remember how you're going to break her heart the same way I broke yours seven years ago
I cheated on you and you cheated on her.
Nov 2017 · 465
Angela Rose Nov 2017
I can turn what happened into poetry
I can make what happened sound like this beautiful story
I can think about it and smile very fondly
I can write an exquisite story about our one night together
I can do all of that and I still can't make you love me
Nov 2017 · 944
W o m a n
Angela Rose Nov 2017
I grew up around strong women
I grew up around unapologetic *******
And you think I should be "more lady like"
And you think I am going to stop swearing and make my way to the kitchen?
And you think I am going to give up my dreams for a man?
And you think I am going to cross my legs and pretend I don't burp?
And you think I am going to keep mum when we discuss politics?
And you think I am going put on a tiny little dress and sky high heels because that is what Y O U want?
And you think I am going to be someone's perfect trophy wife and mother?
I grew up around bad-*** women with foul vocabularies
I grew up around women who climbed their career ladders in unconventional ways and still ended up on top
I grew up around inspirational, take no **** from no man women
And you expect me to be anything less?
Nov 2017 · 1.2k
About Me
Angela Rose Nov 2017
I wear pearls and over use glitter and I don't know a thing about makeup
My face tells you how I feel about you way before my mouth gets the chance to do so
I drink coffee exclusively at 5 in the afternoon, and by the time I am done with it it's a lot more like a cup of cream and sugar than coffee
My heart is big and full of love, but also full of rage and anger for the things I cannot control
I am five feet tall, but my attitude and my drive makes me feel like a giant
My drinking habits could make a grown man cringe and I could out-drink you in any competition
I say hello to every animal I see on the streets and I go so far as to try to pet them all even though they want nothing to do with me
My eyes and my hair are so dark that they are almost pitch black, but my mother swears I was born with baby blue eyes
I do not have any idea how to control my laughter in uncomfortable situations and I have no filter around small children
My demeanor gets sad and lonely every time it storms, and it's not like I was in some terrible rain innitiated accident, I just get scared sometimes
I stare at myself in every mirror I pass and my mother used to tell me I was such a narcissist
My love for everyone I have ever loved has never diminished or passed and somehow that makes me feel vulnerable and weak
I grew up in a city full of crime and gun shots and children with next to no education and I flourished despite that all
My mind knows how to organize words and sentences into exquisite works of art, but do not ask me how to do PEMDAS and do not ask me about photosynthesis
I know the lyrics to almost every song I have ever heard in my entire life and I can sing you any lullaby that makes you fall asleep
So, in conclusion my "About Me" is long and awkward and damaged and perfect in some kind of absurd and silly way
Nov 2017 · 484
When I Die
Angela Rose Nov 2017
When I die and go begrudgingly into my next life, don’t lie about who I was
Don’t say I lead a life free of sin and was a breath of fresh air to everyone I met
Tell the world I was a strong woman with a foul mouth and I stood up for what I believed
Tell the world that I was mean and unkind to those who were that way to me
Don’t say I was a pure young woman who touched everyone’s hearts
Tell the world I left my mark on the people I met because I was strange and unusual
Tell the world I swore like a sailor and would not be walked all over like an area rug
Don’t say that I was so beautiful and it’s a wonder why I was never married
Tell the world I took up too much space and I stomped on the hearts of men
Tell the world nobody was in love with me as I went on into the afterlife
Don’t say lies about me during my passing
Tell the world I lead a life of surprise and anxiousness and tumultuous self destruction
When I die, tell the world the truth and remember I will feel no shame
Angela Rose Nov 2017
I don't want to talk about the weather
I don't want to talk about how humid it was today, or how it rained some time last week
I want to talk about if you think the aliens are real
I want to talk about which type of flower reminds you of your mother
And I want to talk about what song from the last five years reminds you of summer
I want to talk about the pets you had growing up and their names and the marks on their coats
I want to talk about the first time you fell in love and what her smile looked like
Did she have crooked teeth?
Were her lips painted red the day you noticed you loved her?
I want to talk about what kind of toppings you like on your pizza
And I want to talk about how you like your coffee in the morning
Do you prefer more sugar, more cream?
Black coffee, or no coffee at all?
I want to talk about your stance on immigration laws or abortion or gun control
I want to talk about where you have most felt at home
Was it the basement at your mother's place, where you first got laid?
Or maybe it is the baseball field where you scored your first home run?
I want to talk about who you are when no one is looking, because that's when it counts the most
Do you always spare a dollar for the homeless man under the bridge at the intersection by work?
Do you hold the door open for old ladies with six bags in their arms and a coat full of cat hair?
I want to talk about everything and anything except the weather
Nov 2017 · 672
Rosé and Vodka
Angela Rose Nov 2017
This rosé tastes like I will be texting you two AM
It tastes like I will gather up my thoughts and tell you I am oh so in love with you
It almost tastes like I want to see you and feel your embrace once again

Four glasses in and this rosé tastes like I should be entangled up with you in my California king bed
It tastes like I will send you a three page text confessing things I shouldn't ever say out loud
It almost tastes like we should be up in the middle of the night making pancakes in our underwear

I graduated from rosé onto ***** now, and it tastes like every feeling I have been hiding for the last eight years
It tastes like I should not even have access to a phone where I can text you my heartfelt feelings
It almost tastes like I should go to bed and forget that we even were together

Nov 2017 · 421
Birds of Paradise
Angela Rose Nov 2017
I want to write about the sunset, how the rays hit the ocean and it was so beautiful that I could almost shed a tear
But all that I can write about is how handsome you looked with your back to me as you stared at that same exact sunset
And all I can write about is how much I loved you at that exact moment and the sun could have fallen down and I probably would not have noticed

I want to write about how melancholy the rainstorms make me and how I get so lonely and depressed each and every time the sky cries
But all I can write about is how your eyes are the same exact color as the night sky right before a rain storm in the middle of July
And all I can write about is even when the sky was having a mental breakdown full of rain all I could think about was how content I was being wrapped in your embrace

I want to write about how genuinely happy and bright I feel once the Birds of Paradise start to bloom in the spring
But all I can write about is how they are the flower I could see from the porch swing at my mother's house where we talked about our future children
And all I can write about is how much I miss talking to you at four in the morning when the rest of the world was asleep, everyone except for us and those Birds of Paradise

I want to write about nature and beauty and the weather and happiness and I don't want to keep writing about you
But it's you.
It's never anyone or anything else, but you
Nov 2017 · 911
Alzheimers & Lavender
Angela Rose Nov 2017
Most days she does not remember what day of the week it is or what time it is
But she always remembers how much I love her
Sometimes she calls me by the wrong name and can’t get her words right
But she always remembers to tell me how beautiful I look today
Most days she cannot form a full thought or complete a full action
But she always remembers she wants her tea with honey and lavender is her favorite scent
A lot of days she asks me the same question 17 times and gets the same answer each time
But she always remembers to tell me how much she loves me
You see Alzheimer’s is tricky and it toys with her head
But she always remains a beautiful soul with a heart full of gladness and an undying love for orchids
Nov 2017 · 897
In A Parallel Universe
Angela Rose Nov 2017
In another parallel universe we are still in love
We are holding hands in our house where every room is painted a different color because that is what I always wanted
We are sitting on our couch as you play guitar and our Labrador Retrievers run around at our feet
In this parallel universe we never went separate ways
We are constantly building each other up and drinking iced coffees at 7 AM while Jack Johnson plays softly in the background
We are lying together in our bed on a Saturday night after work and laughing so hard that we cannot breathe
We are sipping IPAs in our pajamas all throughout a lazy Sunday afternoon without a care in the world
We are brushing our teeth together in the morning and thinking how could it get any better than this?
In another parallel universe you would still be my soulmate and we could still be in love
The one that got away.
Nov 2017 · 763
On The Night At The Beach
Angela Rose Nov 2017
On the night on the beach you laughed so hard that you snorted
I knew then that was a laugh I could listen to for my whole life
On the night on the beach you kissed me so hard that I stumbled
I knew then that was a kiss I could get used to feeling for eternity
On the night on the beach you cried ever so softly that I could barely even notice
I knew then that was a type of emotion that I could not get from many men
On the night on the beach you told me you loved me so much you couldn't move on
I knew then that was the level of  love that I couldn't pass up on twice

On a separate night on the beach you held my hand so tightly that I knew something was off
I knew then that was the kind of grip that said "I need you too much that is causing us emotional distress"
On that night at the beach you mentioned that you would die without me
I knew then that was a kind of feeling that compelled me to feel so suffocated
On the night on my bedroom floor you cried so severely that I could not even look at you
I knew then that I was not the type of woman you should be with for the rest of your life
On the night you left you looked at me with a passion so desperate and pleading
And I knew then that I could never look at you again in my whole entire life
Nov 2017 · 497
The One
Angela Rose Nov 2017
I’m the one before “the one”
I’m the one that you meet before you get your big break
I’m the one before the one that makes your heart race and your knees shake
I’m the woman you love before you meet your bride
I’m the storm that roughs up the waters and then they reach their perfect calm when I pass
I’m the boom that shakes up your life and makes you realize what you don’t want
I’m the woman you learn to hate because I’m a forest fire that cannot be tamed
So pick me, someone come on and love me so that you can finally meet the love of your life when my storm has passed
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