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Taylor Mar 2018
I squat down to find some shells, and the water hits my feet.
I smile and wriggle my toes in the warm water.
I let my sandy fingers spread across the bubbly surface of the water.
The light blue waters, wash the sand off my fingers,
sending a tingly feeling underneath my skin.

I watch as the water pulls back, and look to the edge of the water.
The water a light blue, slowly turning darker the farther you look out.
I step a little closer, letting the waves bury my feet.
My finger tips feel the water pass under them
as they reach a stopping point behind me and pull back again.

I love the water, and I can still feel it against my skin when it leaves.
I hate it when the water leaves, but it always comes back.
I always feels like the water is talking to me in some way.
Call me crazy, but the water just sends me these vibes.

The way the water compliments the sand makes me happy.
It's like the water can do anything and everything.
I want to do the same.

The water lives freely, and holds many secrets.
It whispers to me many of the things the wind has told him.
The water is apart of me,
it sends waves of support through me,
like if I were it's special child.

It lets me in.

I stand up and walk in waist deep, a wide smile on my face.
The water is warm, and I play with it, as it plays with me.
I tap my fingers on the surface, like if I were playing a piano.
I watch the ripples sending off from the contact
between my fingertips and the surface.

The way the water reacts to my touches is satisfying.
I love the feeling of the water touching my skin.
I move my hands under water,
feeling the water resisting against my skin.
The way the water interacts with me makes me giggle.

Her voice calls out my name,
as I have gotten lost in my second home.
That's right, I came here with her,
and I was supposed to be looking for shells.

I turn my head to her voice,
and smile when I set eyes on her.
She had been placing shells on their sand castle.

"Come play with me!"
I bunny hop up and down in place,
my body turned to her direction.
I see her sigh and stand up.

"Faster! Come on!"
I call out.
I still hop up and down in place,
like a child,
letting the water lift me up and down.

"I'm coming!"
She walks into the water.
The water comes close to her waist as well.
"I'm here."
She splashes me.

I splash her back and giggle.
I jump on her,
legs wrapping around her waist,
arms around her neck,
head resting on her shoulder.

I giggle.

I feel her arms hold me up,
and it gives me the same tingly feeling the water does.
I love the feeling of her touches.
I pull my head back and smile at her.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

She pecks me on the lips.

When her lips met mine, my lips had a tingly feeling,
like the tingly feeling the waters leave underneath my skin,
or her touches.

This feels stronger than the other ones.
It feels like a different touch.

Not the one left by the water,
when the water whispers to me,
interacts with me.

Not the one left by her hands,
when they gently care for me
and support me.

It's the one feeling of love, flowing through my blood.
My skin tingles with the touch of love.
It started at my lips, and spread throughout my body.
Strongest in my lips.

The touch of her lips
not only gave me a tingly feeling of love
underneath my skin,
but also happiness, care, support, and whispers.
And it's all meant for me.

Maybe this new love can be the waves to my ocean.
The voice that tell me all the secrets of the world.
The hands that caress my skin, leaving me with the chills.
The one that make me feel special.

Just maybe, this new love can be the one to let me in.
To let me live freely like the ocean in my blood.
To be a part of me, support me, make me happy.
To make me feel at home,
Or more so,

Be my home.
My mind raw and twisted,
The soft spell of my fingers touch the leather skinned whip as I expel it against your juicy little ***.
Moments like these are my favorite, when your with me.
He strapped my ankles, wrists and all, to demand a bitter strength ignited in his intentions.
Another spank from the whip, tingly, prickly but yet so swiftly.
Few bruises here and there...
but your little angel love's every last bit of your masculine touch.
Feather me up, through tickles and such,
take me by the hair, and pull me towards your lavishing warm chest, where the sweat trickles down the arches of your ribs.
Feeling you pulsate when your ***** is in me,
as I make you c*m....a little closer to another specious night filled with adventure.
Feelngs of pain and pleasure.
Peeka Aug 2014
Wisdom teeth- you're out.
Sneaking four, about to commit a heist- no doubt!
Fuzzy and tingly- then darkness consumed the high.
Awoke, the sting of absence felt.
I've taken my drugs- cried and iced.
I caught ya. Wisdom teeth.
I will plead for sleep.
Gone now, but if I ever lose my molars?
How wicked would that be?
My wisdoms couldn't aid me!
I'll accept the philosophy of Candide.
For "all is for the best" arguably,
In "the best of all possibly worlds" supposedly.
Wisdom teeth out today! Finally feeling better. By the way, all should consider reading Candide. :)
coffeemantra Jan 2014
The bizarre movements, of your hand in my lips
The caress of your lips on my lips
Your sweet tender tongue, and mine through the fight
Wrestling yet so gently, through the movements of guitars
Song you play so tingly, in my stomach I can feel
Tingling sensation, as you work your way through me
Caress me so gently, make me feel your love
Let me hear your heart, yet feel it against my chest.
Let me feel you drumming,  pure seduction of the soul.
Craig Harrison Sep 2014
Lying there in someones bed
wondering who this person was next to me
long black hair, smudges of red lipstick
****** piercings and tattoos
who had I slept with?

Quietly and quickly looking for my things
as I reached for my phone
alarm bells rang
she awoke looking straight at me,
what to say, what to do.

We mutually agreed it was a one night thing
got dressed and went our separate ways.
2 weeks later, watching the clock count down
waiting to go home
I felt a gush of wind hit my face
a tingly feeling in my stomach
standing in the door, their she was
my next and final appointment
my one night stand from 2 weeks earlier.

We talked, laughed, joked
had drinks, ate, caught a cab
morning after lying there in someones bed
knowing exactly where I was and who was next to me.
While I reached for my phone, alarm bells rang
she awoke looking straight at me
we mutually agreed that we was going to give it a go
she my girlfriend
me her boyfriend
Jonah Lavigne Jan 2014
When I see you
I'm light headed
When I hold your hand
I go numb
When I hug you
Everything is perfect
When I kiss you
Everything else disappears
You say I seam dazed after we kiss
That's because I am
Because I'm kissing the perfect woman
And I can't believe it
You changed me
Showed me love does exist
Showed me I can trust someone
And for that
I thank you
Karma, Karma
hateful heart in trouble,
***** deeds of action
will now simmer and bubble….

That surge in the stillness of air
vibrates leaves on every tree,
the truth laying below deceptive layers
where you think you’re safe to be.

That tingly feeling on your skin
the spark of fire within your eyes,
a surge of deception fills the air
as light flickers in the sky.

An eye for an eye
paybacks can run deep.
Do you think yours are any different?
Karma really does SEEP!

Be careful where that energy roams
Karma pays back in triple,
for that ***** deed done and lie told
can devastate, destroy and *******.
Wrong thing done for the right reason
or so you may think, is still the wrong thing,
you never know the consequences to yourself
that ***** little deed can bring.

So many people hurting each other.... Will we ever learn that our actions always come back at us?
Cedric Feb 2017
ecstatic emotions overflow within,
raging intense waves of various colors,
invalidate my dull world and chagrin.
never have I felt such horrors!

like prickly throns of a rose,
your name gives me a tingly sensation.
like a deadly flatline motion,
expressed within a heart rate monitor.

realizations shower me like the arctic glaciers,
obliterating my body, crushed beneath the ice.
myopically, my vision blurs as you move farther,
asphyxiation sets in within my cold jealousy.
I don't know how to feel. Sometimes I'm as chill as ice, yet sometimes I seem to be frozen in place with a dying heart.
laura May 2018
it’s real and thick, like, jiggly
tingly and tasty— i said baby i’m
not made for much but giggling
and i can make your night
haven’t spoken since i was out on bond
but you’re super cute more than i
envisioned and you’re good at makeup

makes my feelings all kinds of wiggly
days lost in green oblivion
like a prison weight lugged around
do you remember when you were
with me all skinny and brittle *****?
how does one destroy hellopoetry? the devs of this site seem hellbent on making it look as boring looking as possible anyways. - In response to a user named suzy will destroy hellopoetry
Sheldon Dsouza Jul 2016
This one time I entered a store,
Something to better my body sore.
Partied a little too hard the other day,
Oh so in bed I wanted to stay.

I worked my way to the green aisle,
Sunglasses on, I walked in a zombie style.
Searching for lemons with bloodshot eyes,
Always dreaded “the morning after” exercise.

As I tried to hold myself my rather flimsy frame together,
I heard a sweet voice say "Can I help you sir???"
I raised my head in a confused fashion,
Limes I said spinning my fingers in a circular motion.

She chuckled at me in a rather bubbly way,
This little miss handed me lemons right away,
"Have a cup of coffee it'll do you better!" she said,
Smiling at her over there I stood as my heart bled.

Her apple red cheeks soft and plump,
And her wavy hair was enough for me to stump.
She wasn’t the prettiest of all I agreed,
As she picked up the limes I dropped, I paid all heed.

She seemed to have noticed me right then,
Handed me the limes and blushed again.
I was so charmed with her welcoming nature,
"Let’s get me that coffee?!" I said like a hopeless creature.

Perplexed she stood there for a while,
"I'm working" she said with a hesitant smile.
I knew the store owner there, a good old friend,
For a day's off he agreed to lend.

I told her to get her apron off and grab her bag,
"Let's go" she said as she got off her name tag.
I adjusted my glasses as we crossed the sunny street,
We brushed hands occasionally as we smiled at passer-by’s to greet.

We got our coffee and grabbed a corner seat,
I smiled at her as my heart skipped a beat.
"What do you see in me?", she asked.
"You're beautiful Sunshine!”, I said as in her beauty as I basked.

"But I’m not all that slim and pretty", she mumbled in a sad tone,
"It’s just extra layers of cuteness sweetheart", that’s a fact known.
She cried and cribbed telling me about her situation,
How she tries to fit in a society that treated her case as a deformation.

She stood out of the crowd for me though,
The more we talked the more she raised my brow.
My thoughts and hers were an exact match,
Like old long off friends we did attach.

Intact our frequencies matched oh so quick,
We were left to wonder if it was some kind of sorcery or trick.
I understood her and she understood me,
May be we were meant to be.

I had searched in all the wrong places,
Investing my time in lean figures and noisy places.
Right then I learnt that love is not determined by rules nor is beauty by figures,
It’s that tingly feeling in your toes and in your fingers.
thrcy Sep 2013
That eye contact
when our eyes meet
still sends chills through my spine
blanking out my mind
getting my eyes lost
from such a beautiful sight
legs get a little wobbly
toes get all tingly
arms wanting to embrace you
hands wanting the touch of your skin
lips calling out for yours
our breaths coming as one
the nose liking your wonderful smell
for it is like home

That eye contact
when our eyes are locked
for I know that our paths have converged
at least I knew that for a moment
you were looking for me too
it only lasted for a second
but you don't seem to know
how a second can last for a lifetime
it's like time froze
as I look at you
the flashback of old memories comes running through
the good and the bad
but boy
onto this brief encounter
our eyes coming together
that twinkle in your eyes
makes everything worth while

That eye contact
when the eyes are telling me to move on
and let it go
come back to reality
before I get trapped again
by your magical spell
that gets me lost every single time
those eyes that got me disappointed
from all the hopes, dreams, expectations,
and heartaches
leaving me out of breath
and shaky for why it only lasted that long

That eye contact
that I'll always remember
when I should be forgetting

That eye contact
brought us closer
but now we're distance apart

That eye contact
that will always capture my heart
making my entire body smiling in an awe
Cweeta Cwumble May 2016
i want to feel the rush,
the tingly fireworks under my skin,
the buzzing sparks of awakeness.
i want to feel the bubble burst in my chest.
i want to dance. i want to ride the music
like a rollercoaster,
i want the thrill of the next drop,
the next wave of euphoria
pulsating through my veins
like electric current conducted by
all the goings-on around me
i want your energy and my energy
mixing together in the air around us
like a glittery galaxy milky-way aura,
a sanctuary of our own vibrations,
a place where our hearts are huge
and our egos small.
a place of peace, of love,
of unity, and respect,
of higher elevations
and acceptance for all.
can't we just do drugs?
MisfitOfSociety Sep 2018
It goes like this you see.

10pm, on a late thursday evening. I was sweating like a ****** in church. I grabbed my armbands and turned on the shower. It was cold as ice to the touch, but begun to warm up eventually. Thank god my wife remembered to turn the geezer on or else I was going to slap a *****, create waves of flesh on that ugly *** face of hers.

After stripping down to my birthday suit, I popped on some shampoo and spreaded that **** in my hair. Creating a burning sensation, tingly, like ants crawling in my head.
Suddenly I was smacked like an unwanted child by the smell of burnt toast in the air,
with the shampoo still sitting in my hair.
I turned around and right before me, something was coming out of the plug hole, like something out of a b-rated horror movie.
Looking like my wife's homemade cooking, **** was alive, and then it lunged at me.
I tell you, if it was not for those Tom Cruise movies lecturing me in the art of total *** kicking, I would be a dead naked man with armbands in a tub, being eaten by the unholy guacamole.

You gotta believe me,
when I tell this story,
This was not all in my head,
You can't just write off what I have said.
I know it must sound insane,
But a mexican's lunch crawled out of the drain,
I beat it's *** like a drum,
like Lars Ulrich at a metallica concert ,
and sent the **** back down the hole it crawled out of.
The devil wanted to bring me down to the deep end,
It is a good thing I bought my arm bands.
What the absolute ****.
I wake up nightly just to ***
I start before I'm there
It might seem strange
But as I age
I really do not care

I wake up to the alarm clock
My back's sore and I ****
My hips are screaming meanies
My chest hurts near my heart

I stumble to the bathroom
Like I did two times last night
My knees are cracking loudly
My head don't feel quite right

My vision is all blurry
My right arm is all numb
Three fingers are all tingly
I've a funny feeling in my ***

My shoulders ache like crazy
I sound like rice crispies with cold milk
I stumble and I bumble
I move as smooth as silk

All of this together
Means I'm alive for one more day
Getting old is ******
What more is there to say?
Ghazal Dec 2012
I think
The reason I felt
All tingly, when you asked,
"Ma'am, have you fastened your seat belt?"
was this Uniform of yours.
Why else would I blatantly stare
At you walking towards the cockpit,
Wondering if you'll look as good
Without it?
Adam Childs Dec 2015
I effortless pass through water
like gliding through a silky air.
And as you all sail through life
you all sparkle with the idea
of being near.
As I am ultimate wisdom that
comes in the form of joy and play.
As the decks are silent splashes of
water all over your faces.
Then suddenly you all cry,
A tingly excitement every where
as though walking on a bubbly

Everyone congregating at the
side of the boat hoping to catch
a bit of magic.
Gasps and shrills as bounce and
burst out of the water along side
your boat.
People stretching reaching as I offer
a new hope the light of GOD.
And when they return to the shore the
story of the Dolphins like church bells
ringing travels through the town.
As everyone longs for Holy spirit they
are eager to hear the story.
As they learn about the Dolphin
that came to there town they want to
know who actually touched it.

I am the spirit that visits the holy as
I love those who are full but also
I come to those brought to the edge
who stared down the cliff  
but did not jump, as they chose life.
And to those who's world said no with
all doors closed because only they can
I come to those who have lost all will because
only those let me carry them.
I come to those who are broken
as only they can be molded  
I bring you many colours and inspiration
sometimes I will make you dance and
sometimes sing.
I am the Pentacost,  holy Ghost and your
Jesus Christs holy spirit.

Sometimes when you swim softly through
sweet watery emotion you will hear us talking.
When you think all is lost
you find yourself praying
even though you think no one is there
I will be listening.
Feel like you are drowning grab my
dorsal fin and I will give you a lift
even make you laugh, make it fun
even exciting.
Lost at sea sharks prowling I will circle you
as I will even fend of death for as I can
also heal you.  

Some will pen me in keep me in a
small tank tech me a childish trick
and manipulate.
But only those bigger than pools
more like the sea will know I have
greater tricks to teach.
As only those without plan and expectation
can ever swim with me.
As I will guide you on your hearts
adventure into the free.  

We will always love and seek to guide
you as we look for you in the sea and
gather around you in the bay.
We will teach you how to channel to
have an open mind to breath spirit
through your head.
And I will teach you how to be both
the radio and the wave.
How to be father Christmas, the chimney
and the presents underneath the tree.
So if you are needing help please
look over hear we are listening.
let yourself be empty and we will guide you.

There is so much to learn from communicating
and swimming with the Gods spirit, the Dolphin.
So let us connect with God heaven and the Dolphin
And be grateful for all her LOVE.
Daniel Handschuh Nov 2015
Tingly under the daisies;
   Glassy-eyed, glazed, greasy;
   Shaking, shivering, shuddering,
   Wishing, wandering, whimpering,
   Perpetually searching
   And dying
   And living,
   Watching Death survive
   And scythe the frolickers,
   The prancers,
   The rompers,
   The merrymakers.
   A rose clamped between his
   Grinning teeth glistens brightly,
   And he dances so joyously.
   “Yes!” say the naysayers,
   Confused are the soothsayers,
   Lost are the cartographers.
   Oh, Utopia!
   The monks are extravagant;
   The meditations are a farce!
   The preachers are beggars
   And swindlers and chargers,
   And Machiavelli fulfills his wishes!
   Babies are stillborn, stabbed, and
   Ritualistically sacrificed,
   And their blood is spilled, drunk,
   Slathered over the ***** man.
   The evangelists scream and lie:
   “You are all predestined to die!”
   Oh, hail Utopia!
   Wedded are the girls to the girls;
   Wedded are the boys to the boys;
   Wedded is Death to Death,
   Life to Life,
   And Life to Death.
   Wedded are the living to the existent.
   And the milking babes are slaughtered
   Oh, hail great Utopia!
   We are all dead and unintelligent:
   Laugh, laugh, Einstein, at your
   Laugh, laugh, Temple Grandin at
   Your retardation.
   Laugh, laugh, laugh!
   Look at the sluggard, thou ant;
   Look at the boy, sobbing wolf;
   Aesop was drunk,
   Aristotle was delusional,
   Michelangelo was blind,
   Beethoven could hear,
   Poe was sane.
   And I can't read.
   They ramble,
   I watch.
   They sleep,
   I watch.
   They dream,
   I watch.
   They sleep-talk,
   I watch.
   They scream,
   I watch.
   They choke,
   I watch.
   They suffocate,
   I watch.
   Stone-faced, I stare;
   Raspingly, I breathe;
   Uncontrollably, I twitch;
   Inwardly, I rage.
   I hope you die, I hope you die.
   I hope you bleed, I hope you die.
   I want you begging and crying,
   I want you blubbering at my feet,
   I want you gnashing at my ankles,
   I want you writhing in pain,
   I want your arm twisted off,
   Cracking with the snapping sinews, I want your beating heart in my hands, I want your genitals uprooted and stuffed in your throat, I want your stomach so I can eat the still-digesting food, I want your shrunken head and I want to force my thumbs into your unblinking eyes and I want to tear your face in two and I want you to die, I want you to die, I want you to die, I want you to die, I want you to die, I want you to die, I want you to die, I want you to die, to die, to die, to die, to die, to die, to die, to die, to die, to die and die and die and die and die and die and die and die and die and die and die and die and die and die.
Logan May 2018
Hey there,
It's been a while, hasn't it?
Well, I'm writing this, to tell you how I wish this could end,
How I wish I could make you feel,

I'm saying this, because I'm sorry,
Because what else is there to say?
I want to be able to tell you how I feel,
Over Coffee and Ice Cream,

Do you remember?
How we used to drink the Bittersweet, kiss of milk,
Top it off with crisp, creamy ice, chocolate syrup sifted ontop,
I remember,

I remember the excruciatingly warm feeling,
Such a bubbly, delicious emotion,
I remember how you'd smile and grin at me,
And the tempature would increase,

I remember how you'd cool me down,
With spoon fulls of ice cream,
I remember how you'd laugh through chattering teeth,
And a scalded throat,

You'd sometimes spill the Coffee onto your pale skin,
Stare at it, Giggle,
I remember the pitchy laugh,
All that I adored,

You'd giggle and say, "I'm perfectly fine,"
And I'd smile and giggle back,

I remember the day, when I became curious,
As to why you spilt it on yourself so much,
What it felt like,
Why it looked like you planned each step so precisely,

I remember the curiosity leading me into a clutsy state,
Spilling it on myself, Splashing it onto my skin,
Leaving behind a tingly feeling,

I remember you watching carefully,
Mimicked emotions, as if it wasn't fun anymore,
And you'd smile forcefully,
And giggle again

I remember how much I loved the time we spent together,
Those moments, Touches of ice cream, Sips of Coffee,
Your touch, Your laugh,

But then, I remember,
I had to leave,

I missed those cups of Coffee,
And those tubs of Ice Cream,

For, it was unhealthy,

But, please, one last time, can I see your face?
Reflecting off my steaming hot coffee?
And can I stare at you a while?

Because that'd be enough,

I'd raise my mug, shout, giggle,
An impolite action, but I don't mind,
Your smile would be enough,
I'd probably embarrass you,
My selfish desires taking away moments you dream of,

I'm afraid none of this can happen, My Dear,
Because I think you'd try to cool down my Coffee,
And I can't stare into your big brown eyes,
That's why I cannot share it with you,

For, this'll be my last cup of Coffee,
My last tub of Ice Cream,
Staring into the steamy abyss,

And then?

I'll pour it over my body completely,
Feel the burn, the warmth, the tingly feeling,
I'll let the stinging cascade over my body,
relieving chills, Coloring my body red,
Make me Evaporate,
And I'll think of you,
To comfort the end of my own fate.

So, I'm sorry I couldn't possibly share that last moment with you,
As you requested, Because I know it's unfair,
Because, even then, sharing that moment with myself wasn't fun,
I didn't giggle, or smile,
Because I couldn't move,

But, that doesn't matter now, does it?
Because, in the end, nothing is left, these actions do not exist,
There's nothing left,
But, an empty mug of Coffee,
And a half full melted tub of Ice Cream.
Arcassin B Jan 2015
By Arcassin , Mayas , Wolf , patty m and creep

AB: Baby I know this mite sound crazy, A remix is just what you can't see, Baby,

Mayas: My love,
You drive me crazy,
I think of you daily,
My love, My love,
Touching me so kindly,
My insides go tingly,
My love, My love,
Seeing you rarely,
Missing you I wait patiently,
My love, My love,
How you kiss with ease,
I want you more 'oh please',
My love, My love,
If only I could be,
The one to hold the key,
My love, My love,
Not letting me in is misery,
I wish to love your mystery,
My love, My love,
Let our love be,
Let yourself love me,
Stay with me, My love.

WSQF: honey, honey
i ain't bein funny
honey , honey, 
we don't need too much money
honey, honey
your my centerfold bunny
honey, honey
you make my skies sunny
honey, sweet honey
you're the onliest oney in my soul,
i adore you honey,

Patty : All is devastation, incrimination,
why the f--k do we fight, happens every night, even when
we make up you whimper like a whipped pup, whine whine, 
a warning sign of some other lover, Out late, another date
U go undercover, 
Cold heart, ripped apart, 
tries to make a brand new start, 
You're taking it to your boys ,making lotsa noise now,
I come 2 grips with your lies,
in the event of my demise,

I wish u knew how much i cared,

testament of what we shared.

Off track, never coming back, my pain, your gain
never letting me explain,

i love your kisses, your body bootilicious

men make mistakes, so do what it takes
punch a wall, stand up tall, you don't wanna
be no loser at all. How will i know if
my missions achieved, when u come 2
conclusions before the question's conceived?
Before I was blinded, now I am reminded
out of place out of time, my reputation on the line
A voice inside, my spirit guide, leaves no speculation. 
I look wise in review, fake fairy tales do come true, when manipulated 
askew, by people like U.

bleeding heart torn apart, needs a lightning strike 

a doctor friend of mine, his name is Frankenstein 

No babies, this lady, wants romance, to dance 

and be charmed by a storm out of the blue

not to be tied down and misconstrued. 

CTLY : Baby,
You are my one and only,
Without you, things are way too lonely,
You're the only one I can seem to think about,
I just hope I don't creep you out ;)
My love for you is limitless and stretches past the galaxies,
So let's just skip all the formalities,
When you message me,
It's all I can do to not to kiss thee,
There are no words to describe what you are to me,
'Cause you're more than perfect,
Kissing you,
Loving you,
If you're James Dean,
Then I'm Audrey Hepburn,
You are my miracle,
I love you,

AB : Baby,
I need you to be with me,
I know you think I'm acting shady,
Baby, Baby,
I need a sense of empathy
Put yourself in the place of me,
I need someone like you to save me,
Baby, Baby.
The Greatest Collaboration To kick off the year
Julie Grenness May 2016
From my great imagination,
Here's my fantasy creation,
A rainbow pastel unicorn,
With a tingly golden horn,
Healing us each day,
Blessing all souls this way,
Here is a gift from me,
Across the miles to thee,
I hope you have the happiest day,
Love and kisses always,
To each and every one of you,
My unicorn is blessing you,
A pastel rainbow unicorn,
With a golden tingling horn,
Healing you until each dawn,
You'll never beat my unicorn!!!
Feedback welcome. A whimsy.
ji Jul 2015
A day with you is saying good morning to the sun with cups of coffee. Long walks, but longer talks, and feeling tingly. Pillow fights on white sheets in underwear with yellow smileys; bacon and eggs and pancakes and sausage, and peanuts with no grease.

A day with you is seeing the dusk with rainbows. Chocolate ice creams and cones and mangoes; KitKats and Cadburys and Oreos, with Lego House and marshmallows. Or maybe cookies and cola and not milk, while I hold your hand of silk. Or maybe some singing or dancing or playing the guitar. Or painting a portrait of the moon and stars.

A day with you is a night in July and rainy. And kissing you with some hugging too and three spoonfuls of honey. Then I'll cradle you, with lights out, as you doze sweetly beside me. I'll hum you to sleep with tender pattings on the hips, and watch your eyelids fall gently.
Josiah Wilson Oct 2013
I imagine
That glint in your eyes
And that teasing smile
'Cause you have a surprise

I imagine
Your laugh ringing out
When I tell you a joke
No matter what it's about

I imagine
That we almost touch
And that tingly feeling
Is almost too much

I imagine
That you're here with me
We can do whatever
And I make you happy

I imagine
A lot of things
But you're so far
Away from me
Today there is a veil upon my world:
A gauzy muting of sound,
A mist that’s permeated the corners of thought.

I know there is a crisp clarity outside:
a pounding passion in the sunlit world,
A million hues to roll in and embrace.

My tingly thought centers all recede:
Rejecting stimuli like adventurous taste buds
Recovering from exciting, scalding tea burns.

I just have to remember and accept:
Sometime there are going to be days like this.
Lazy, hazy.

There are worse ways to have hangovers.
Patrick Fisher Apr 2013
When I forget my jacket,
in the cool November weather.
When I watch a scary movie,
and I forget what’s real.
When I hear that perfect word,
and my heart feels on fire.
When she touches me right there,
in that desperate, broken way.
When I whisper “I Love you,”
after hanging up the phone.
But it’s always the worst,
When I swear she whispers back.
Klara Mar 2015
i'm not quite sure why i am upset i'm not quite sure how my brain works all i know is that last week i was jumping up and down to contain my excitement and a couple of days ago i couldn't stop smiling and yesterday i laughed a lot and this afternoon i had this strange tingly feeling in my stomach that i'm not used to but it felt right and i wanted it to last but i guess happiness doesn't really last because the tingly feeling changed into this gaping hole in my stomach and i have been trying to scratch my skin open and not think of it i really really tried and i don't know why i am upset i only know that i just want to feel anything but what i'm feeling right now.
it's been way too long since i uploaded anything *** sorry
Sleepless K Aug 2013
I cant wait to speak to you now
To see your face
Your my home
Your what i know
And when i said i hated you
It wasnt true
But i do hate what youve done to me
I hate that i love you
A little bit
A lot
Now when i feel crazy
And then actually
Then when i said i hated you, cos i was crazy, cos i love you, and thats what this love has done to me, made me crazy, an thats what i hate.
Oh and now
Because your away and i cant see you and feel you and make you laugh, i really want to make you laugh
And see your smile
And taste your lips
And make you ***
I fantasise daily
About how im gonna tie you up and make you *** the night you get back
In reality il probably be shy
But i have friends, i have hobbies, i have important **** to do for **** sake
But im sitting here, missing you
Writing this
Recording shows and films on the box for us to watch together when you get back
The notebook
We have to watch the notebook
And im fine
Dont get me wrong im fine, i get to sleep okay
And im chillin, seein people, might see matt this week, talking to didi an toe, seeing family
Im fine, please dont get a big ego
But im just not
Im not tingly
Or excited
I cant explain it
I dont have you
I dont have you in my arms an sometimes that makes me sad
And then i start thinking about all the things that iv done wrong
And all these great things im gonna do when ur back
I am, im going to appreciate you more
And im going to play cool a bit more
Dont know how im gonna do both
But i am
Im gonna appreciate you because i want to,
Because i look back on this short time weve been together and so many things that you have done for me make me smile, make me so grateful and make me so happy. Like the cash machine one :) and staying at my house when i was at work, and being patient when i dont know what to wear(corfu and tims)
And all this makes me think, ****. What have i ever done for this boy
He is amazing and he loves me, **** knows why but he does and its insane
Oh and then im gonna play it cool, thats right
Im gonna play it cool because i dont want to ruin it
I dont want to show too much
Of my feelings of absolute passionate never-before-felt-like-this love!
And i dont want those nice things you do to stop
I dont want you to stop trying
Because its boring
Because you know youve got me
Got me ignoring other guys texts
Got me thinking about no one else but you
Got me absorbed in you
Got me missing you like crazy, writing stupid love notes at midnight, drinking rose on my own, when i havnt seen you for a mere two weeks
That kindov got me
Thats what you cant know
So im gonna miss you
But then im gonna see you
Soon im gonna wrap my whole body around yours like a vice
I wanna jump on you, i wanna run an jump when i see you like we used to do in the corridor of galbraith
Even tho i know im so heavy
You dont act like i am
And i wanna bury my head deep in your neck and kiss it
And now i cant write anymore
Cos its too much
So il watch kardashians
Take my mind of you
Not long now and il be home
I mean, you'll be home.
Not really a poem, more auto writing
Daniella Sep 2016
It’s a warm rush.
Talking to you,
Thinking about you.

I feel these things, feelings, stirring in me.
These things, feelings, all feel right:
Nothing there but you,
And a right

These thoughts,
Fill me up,
And are barely expelled for the fear of the unknown.
But with you there is no fear.
But with you there is all fear.

It’s a warm rush.
Getting lost in you,
Finding a purer me,
Coming together to shame the stars’ lack of brilliance.  

I’m allured to the point of no return.
It’s okay,
I prefer to drift away in your deep sea anyways.

It’s a warm rush.

Similar to the aftermath of alcohol:
And tingly.

Potentially dangerous, but you indulge just for the thrill of the effect.
However with you,
It’s a sleeker feeling.
A warmer feeling.
The tingly sensation circles my body, runs all over,
And feels almost as perpetual as the bottles gone through.

You’ll always be more dangerous,
As dangerous to the point where it’s necessary to keep exploring in order to find the perfect balance between beauty and madness.
But that sliver of madness is so appealing;
I keep chasing and chasing and chasing,
Realizing I’m just dreaming in circles, but not shifting direction.

It’s a warm rush.
I never want to forget the rush.

Please don’t forget the rush.
DAEJR Aug 2014
You see, I know this guy,
with bright and gentle eyes—
sunflowers against blue skies . . .
A true angel in disguise.

He’s known since before he could fly
that he wasn’t like the other guys,
or the him in their minds, that decoy,
that never dreams of kissing a boy
for the purest joy. . .

No, he’d have to strengthen those wings
not to tangle in the strings
that sting, and cling, and sling,
to save his prince—
his king.

A feathered, armored knight,
he soars with grace and might.
In a weary world of fright,
he’d invite any height –
loyal beyond first light.

And you see, there I was, drowned in muddy water,
with gills choked on death’s slobber,
****** by the wave’s merciless slaughter
of hope, that bled and foamed atop the marauder,
and lost like the sea king’s youngest daughter,
I, a merman bobbed below the knight’s shadow.

He saw the faintest blush
of my lost soul and rushed
to grace me from my grave, flushed
and bathed me amid the rainbows in the waterfall, hushed
my toxic tears, that cursed and gushed,
and pecked my lips, as sweetly as a thrush.

His feathers fluffed, my scales standing on edge.
I nested in the angel’s white down hedge
till my heart and soul was nursed to fledge.
Our skin taught with tingly warm bumps, an intimate pledge.
I a he fell in love with he a him, and love became our kedge.

So you see, while my worries ebb and flow like the moon’s tide,
bringing questions of where a bird and fish can reside,
I trust in him I can confide, never to hide, but cast my fears aside.
We’ve already broken the surface where the air and water collide,
we need not the world far and wide,
we need only to carry each other inside
our arms, and together glide,
feathers and scales side by side.
A tale of feathers and scales.
Cry Sebastian Dec 2010
There was a snail (named Dale)
with a very long tail
who ventured off into the world.
He said to himself
(Dale the snail)
I'd love to meet a bootiful goil.

So in a flash from space,
with mucus running down her face,
came an alien creature called Joan,
She saw a silver line
(it was a snail trail)
and followed it to see where it goes.

And far in ...the distance
she saw in an instance
at the end of the snail trail sparkling in the sun-
A slimy and sweet
creature she'd love to meet
with a shell on his back for a home.

She said:"I do declare,
you look dashing and fair"
as bubbles oozed from her eyes.
Dale just blushed,
as his face lit up,
and said: "aw you're just saying that you sassy young blob of an alien gawjus sweet thing with no hair :)"

She looked at this tiny dream of a slobber,
he was in awe at her globber.
But their hearts sank at their difference in size.
She was glandular large
like a bright yellow barge
and he was as small as a splarge.

A stick insect saw -
the tragedy of it all
and came up with a very cunning plan.
He knew a wizard once
who ate snails for lunch,
they could trick him to changing her small...

As he told them the tale,
their faces went pale
but their love was too strong for the fear.
So they  slithered and shlozzered
to Joan's flying saucer
to find the castle of Wizzy the ****.

The wizard was waiting
with his eyes full of hating
and a knife and a fork in each hand.
There was garlic and salt
that he took from his vault
and he drooled on his beard as he sang:

"Alien Shpeegle
with shnails in shmeegle,
a delightful shurprishe for a man!
Groggy my groach
with shome shlime on my toasht"
and he pranced and danced with his band.

The spacecraft landed,
unexpectant of ambush,
the couple wanderd on in.
Wizzy swung from a rafter
and trapped Dale in a corner,
and said: "My you'll go well with my Shtew!"

Joan got mad
and rolled on to her lad
and ****** the wizard into her goo.
She suddenly felt all tingly
as she turned into a twinky,
there was nothing more she could do.

The Wizard escaped
and poor Dale met his fate,
and was smeared on the twinky sliced in two.
Wizzy gobbled them up
with some glee in his cup,
and then succumbed to food poisoning goo.

So it seemed that it ended
on that dark cold September,
for the lovers who's loving was doomed...
But on a planet far away
at the early break of day
two souls bubbled in primordial stew.

An amoeba named Dale
and an amoeba named Joan
were floating in bubbles of gas,
So deep the attraction
-the magnetized action,
they could now be together at last. 
Marti Oct 2013
Free fall sensation in the dark
invited dizzy dreams
spark singed skin

the last time I felt like I do when you touch me
I had stuck a necklace in an electrical socket
to try and figure out how the lights work
I thought I could take the energy
I thought by touching it I could understand

Except for that hurt, and you are the opposite of hurt on the same intensity
just with fingertips
except for I understand alternating current now but not this

You make me want to make sculptures
and bad jokes
you make me write but the words come out like dogs off the leash in the park

Next to you is the place where I fell asleep at the beach
and woke up warm and sun-washed
where my body felt like it belonged to me
and the waves had washed away the smell of wet cities and
old growth trees

Next to you is banana pancakes with strawberries
and silence is a round comfortable thing
like hobbit feet
like blanket forts
safe and temporary constructions
inventive nomadic shelters
lovely places to spend rainy days

You are like aloe-vera gel
and I've been forgetful and spent to much time in the sun
trying to breath in life but got hurt
but it doesn't feel raw when you slide over my skin
instead its tingly bits of mint and blue
like gypsy wind chimes and spicy food
a little insane Dec 2019
it's sweet,
like honey.
it's pressure,
on my fragile body.

it's tingly,
like someone running their
fingers through your hair.
it's magical,
like nothing you've felt before.
st64 Apr 2013
I grabbed a piece of sky
And pressed it in your hand
Mind, hold tight now
Lest it be ripped away.

I stole a slice of rainbow
And placed in your eyes
Mind, don't shut now
Let it show all for us.

I longed for waxless endearment
And you apportioned lots my way
When I looked up to see
You stood, holding stars out to me.....

And so.....
Starry eyes.....
Shiny hope....
Tingly heart....
Waxless en-dear-meant!

S T, 12 April 2013
Yes....waxless, indeed.

Mind, never did like...shiny, though....always preferred

NoneTHEless, it's endearment and its presence of any proportion, I definitely scoff not at.

Haych Aug 2014
and I know it's silly
and I've told myself over and over that I shouldn't
silly me
now look at me
getting all clingy
close to tears even
it's not even that much of a bigge
it's not like you where moving to mars
or going on an expedition to venus
wait who cares about the planets?
oh wait
they're interesting
and beautiful
and an unexplored unknown like you are
and i care...

wait what was I saying?
oh yeah back to me
you told me to sleep
I said I wasn't tired
you said you'd go
and I was literally struggling
to stop the flickering eyelids
to the croak-choke-like crack
in my voice
to the noise pounding (yes I had a headache)
in my

wait i don't want to cry, why do i feel like crying, gosh i hate crying, why do i sound so...broken?
I'm not broken
but you sound broken
I know
but you're not
I know that too

"please don't leave me"
I wanted to scream
like a little baby
over and over
quite pathetic really
wow look at me typing
haha would you call this writing?

i don't know why i acted like that...
i just
really didn't want you to stop talking
your voice sounded carefree and warm
like a blanket of fuzzy melting hotcholote on a cold winters night even tho it's summer
not chocolate-ey taste wise
but the drizzly
feeling you get when you really like something
it felt like
like you where right next to me
i closed my eyes
and i pictured your smile
as the words came one after the other
i was drifting slowly
the rhythm of your voice
i wanted never to end
i felt safe

i don't want to feel like that again
don't want
i tell myself
but i don't
and i hate it

the curves as you made funny faces
yes i see them so clearly now
you scream and ask if your sisters finished
i whisper "can yew heawr me"
then giggle to myself
you're such a sweetie

i could almost picture you when you laughed too
it was better than a picture actually
because i could actually feel the warmth
the happiness
in your voice
but am i that cold?

....and the distance drifted like it was never there to begin
and you repeated
"look youre tired"
and some other words

---you're still speaking----
but I'm not listening to them really am i?
i knew what that'd mean...

-more words, me replying-

my brain still busy arguing
oh what joy

It'd mean you'd go and....
i didn't....
don't* want you to....(1)
and my body ****** sideways
on the edge
wanting to grab onto your sleeve

"I'm awake I'm not tired"
Okay so i was
but not that
that i wanted to stop talking to you
because you made me feel less of
and more of

and a stab in my chest reminded me you weren't actually sitting next to me
but the words tumbled out almost like i wasn't even me
i knew i meant them more than you'd ever possibly fathom
"please don't go".
(1) go...
you speak

i tell myself it's not like last time
you're not like last time
it's not the last time

my hands grip the air
wanting something solid to grip onto
i feel like I'm slipping
there's nothing to hold on to
you're not there
"please don't" i whisper to myself...
i feel like I'm about to spill
onto the covers of my bed
like a drink patch
I'm not a spilt drink patch
you can't wash me away

* why'd i have to say that?*
its not that big of a deal i scream at myself

You: It's not that big a deal

wait didn't i just say that?
okay this is creepy.

and suddenly i don't hate myself
for feeling everything
the words
the pain
the warmth
you make it
so much better

but you say you'll stay
you stayed
you stay <3

and it scares me...

i know I'm sleepy
but my smiles aren't forced
my words aren't fake
they're real
you can't see them
you can't touch them
but they are what they are

and my smile you created
on my sleepy dazed face
even after your voice
people say you say stuff you don't always realize when you're drunk
but i think sleepy people are more dangerous
because they're so low on energy
so low
on everything
and the words flow
like water
leaving the person speaking
feeling vulnerable and weak
and when you're drunk you're unaware
but when you're sleepy you still have some consciousness
and it's scary
how you say things
and you're afraid
and you crumble
and you don't mean to
and you start of saying you won't
but in the end
you do
Bartholomew Aug 2018
To my butterfly; how do you fly so high?
Wishing I was that strong to go against the wind
Against all odds and still you survived
And produced beauty in the end
Started off so soft and grew into a cocoon
had me thinking you’d be guarded
But even in this world so cold
somehow you’ve grown softer from what hardens

Dear butterfly, you give me butterflies
and they alwayz come by the dozens
A tingly sensation when I’m around you,
I feel them soaring through my stomach
I can’t help but smile and stare
cuz I’m staring at ya soul
And when u smile back, it gives me a warmth
that soothes a heart that was cold

Sweet butterfly,
I get weak when you flutter by
So please butterfly
don’t shut ur eyez
because when I look into them........
I fly
Inspiration: To Kimberly, you’ll always be my butterfly
Today, I want to sink my chest into yours.
Your heart pumping blood through my veins for a bit, mine doesn't want to anymore.
Let's trade.
I'll put my brain on ice.
Wash this skull cavity with some minty fresh chemical while my wrinkled pink mother board discovers cryogenics.
When I place it back Into my tingly, almost numb now, chemical washed head
I will still feel heavy.
I want to turn to a whisp.
Like the Night Elves in World of Warcraft.
A floating blue orb of energy
Just a spirit, weightless.
Let me live as electricity, like that spark you felt .
Like that spark they all felt.
Place me in the power lines so I can power houselights and televisions.
Let me be usefull for something again.
Don't convert my head though.
Keep that on Ice.
Better still, creamate
everything but my heart.
Let the ashes get caught
in carpets and drain pipes
Kept in little ziplock baggies,
Tucked in a wooden box,
Kept back seat of my mothers car,
So she can hold it once in awhile.
Until she parks her car in a bad part of town
And a homeless man breaks in
Doesn't steal the gps, or her wallet on the front seat,
But snorts me three hours later
Thinking he just hit the jack ***.
That's where I want to be.

In the lungs of some car burglar
Where his addiction should have been,
coughing on my ashes.

He won't get my heart though.
Keep that frozen in a white room.
Smelling of copper, by a tray of tools,
Latex gloves and paper masks.

One day, thaw it out
bring life to someone.
not a prognosis Apr 2021
my arm is numb
my fingers tingly

i think this must be
a friendly reminder of my

gently, i respond
"no need, sir
i am a walking
existential crisis

fear of death
and i are well
calion Dec 2014
she makes my heart
just a little faster.
Terry Collett Jun 2015
They met in the Square. Weather warm and sun sticky. Hannah was in her short dress and sandals. Benedict in jeans and tee shirt and black plimsolls. It was Saturday and they'd decided to give the morning matinee a miss and go elsewhere. We can go and paddle on the side of the Thames, she said. Can we? He asked. Sure we can. He wasn't sure. Is it wise? He said, what with all the crap that's put in? She looked at him. We're not to drink the water, just paddle in it. It's water, not **** pool, she said. Won't we need towels? No, our feet'll dry in the sun. She eyed him. How old are you? Twelve, he said. Not a baby, then? She said. No, he replied. We're both twelve, she said, so let's go get our feet wet. What did your mum say when you told her where you were going? I didn't, Hannah said. Why not? He said. Because she'd have said:Ye cannae gang in th' Thames. So I didn't tell her. What did you say? He asked. Said I was going to see boats on the Thames. What did she say to that? Benedict asked. Dornt faa in th' water, she said. Benedict laughed at Hannah's mocking her mother's Scottish dialect. What did you say to her? Hannah pulled a straight face, stern features. I said, Ah willnae. He laughed again. Right let's be off, she said. They walked out of the Square and up Meadow Row. Did you tell your mum where you were going? Hannah asked. Just said I was going out with you, he said. What did your mum say? Hannah asked. She said ok and be careful, he replied. They walked to the bus stop and got a bus to South Bank. The bus was crowded. They sat at the back on side seats. A plump man next to Hannah wiggled up close to her; his thigh touched hers. She felt uncomfortable. He smelt of sweat and cigarette smoke. She was glad when they got off. She stared at him and mumbled, ye mingin prat. Benedict said, what? Not you, that prat on the bus, touching me, she said. Benedict watched the bus go. You should have said, he said, we could have got him thrown off the bus. Too much hassle, she said. They walked along by the Thames, looking down at the water. Looks too high, Benedict said. Maybe later, she said. So they lay side by side on the grass by the Thames and enjoyed the sun.  Her fingers touched his. They were warm and dampish. He sensed her fingers against his. They turned and faced each other, finger still touching. Do you like me? She asked. Of course I do, he replied. She eyed him. I think of you a lot, she said. Do you? He said. She nodded. Yes, quite a bit, she said. O, right, he said, looking at her, taking in her darkish eyes and her hair in a ponytail. Have you ever kissed a girl before? She asked. He looked past her at the passing people. A man with a dog stared at them. I kissed my aunt once, he said, looking at her again. No, I meant a girl, not a relative, Hannah said. He thought, searching through his memory files. Don't think so, he said. Couldn't have been very good if you can't remember, she said. He never made a habit of kissing girls: other boys frowned on such behaviour. He had kissed a girl with one leg once at a nursing home when he was eleven. A year ago, yes, he said, I kissed a girl with one leg a year or so ago. Where did you kiss her? Hannah asked, her leg? He smiled. No,on her cheek, he replied, remembering. Why did you kiss her? Hannah asked. She said I could. She was twelve and big and had just the one leg. Hannah looked at him. Took in his quiff of hair, the hazel eyes and the Elvis smile-she'd seen a photo in a magazine of Elvis Presley and loved the smile- and the set of his jawline. Do you kiss any girl with one leg? She asked.  No, he said, just that one time. She looked at him, her fingers beginning to squeeze his. Would you kiss me? She asked. He hadn't thought about it. Hadn't entered his mind. Did you want me to? He said. Do you want to, she replied. What would your mum say? She'd say: whit ur ye kissin' fur? . He laughed. It tickled him when she said spoke her mother's dialect. He looked at her face. Where? He said. Where what? She said. Kiss you? Where shall I kiss you? He said, feeling shy all of a sudden. Where did you want to kiss me? He looked away. Crowds were passing by on the South Bank. Don't know, he said, looking back at her. She sighed. Looked at him. Squeezed his fingers tighter. I'll kiss you, then, she said. She leaned close to him and kissed his cheek. It was a short kiss. He sensed it: warm and wet. Was that it? He mused. She lay there staring at him. Well? What do you think of that? She said. He wasn't sure. It felt all right. It was ok, he said. Just ok? She said, looking at him. He nodded. She drew him closer to her and kissed his lips and pressed long and hard. He panicked briefly as if he'd not breathe again, but he relaxed as her lips became glued to his, and he closed his eyes, and felt a mild opening in himself and he breathed through his nose. As she kissed him, her lips pressing on his, she felt a warm feeling rise through her body as she'd not felt before. It felt unreal. Felt as if she'd entered another body and was a spectator in a game. She pulled away from his lisp and stared at him. How was that? Sh asked. He lay there his eyes closed as if dazed. He opened his eyes. Gosh, he breathed rather than said. She blew out and lay back on the grass. He lay back, too. What would your mum say if she saw us kissing? She smiled and said, lae heem aloyn ye dornt ken whaur he's bin. Benedict laughed and closed his eyes trying to picture Mrs Scot saying it. What does it mean? He asked laughing. Leave him alone you don't know where he's been, she said smiling. She turned and looked at him again. He turned and gazed at her. The laughter died away. How do you feel? She asked. Feel about what? He said. No, how do you feel inside? She said. He didn't know. It was new to him this kissing. He sighed. Don't know. How about you? He said. Tingly, she said in reply. Inside me. My body tingled. Is that a good thing? He asked, uncertain of these matters. I don't know, she said, looking at him. Do you want to paddle in the Thames? He asked. No, not now, she said, I want to kiss again. They lay there gazing each other. Let's go elsewhere though, she suggested. Where? He asked. St James's Park, she suggested, we can get a bus there. Ok, he said. So they walked to the bus stop and got a bus to St. James's Park. It was crowded. People everywhere: walking, sitting, lying down, running. They both sat on then grass, then after a few minutes, they lay on the grass. Hannah stared at him. He looked at her eyes. She moved forward and kissed his lips. Pressed them, breathing through her nose, closed her eyes. He closed his eyes as she closed her eyes. His lips felt hers. Warming, pressing, wettish, her tongue touching his just on the tips. He felt as if suddenly as if he were falling and then he opened his eyes and she had moved away from him. Well? She said, how was that? He sensed his lips slightly bruised, but warm and he felt unusually alive. She gazed at him. She felt opened up as if someone had unzipped her and exposed her. It was good, he said, taking hold of her hand, holding it against his cheek. She sighed, it was  good, but it felt surreal, as if it had been a dream, not real, not her kissing. It was, she said, still kissing him inside of her twelve her old head.
Adrian Nov 2017
There is a strange
Tingly sensation
In my stomach
When you are near
And when you speak to me
Or touch me
A sensation often described as butterflies
But they are not pure enough
To be butterflies
Because I know you don't feel them as I do
So they are moths
Because they are crowding your light
Moths in my stomach
Flying up
And up
And up
Through my windpipe
Choking me
And trying to reach you
And your blinding
Fluorescent light

— The End —