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"You need to grow up!'
Critic said. "Why, buttercup?"
Friends serene, still fun
Loving with my honey bun,
Sprinkle magic across all years,
Not to worry, with cheers,
Forty years later, your spell,
Love more heaven than hell,
Guess we're ever juvenile,
Admire you and your smile,
Benefits glow, like sun,
Golden years with my one!
That loving feeling we sought,
Our bless never bought......
Feedback welcome.
You had me with your faithful love,
You had me with your peaceful dove,
You had me with your roses,
You and I, ageing like Moses,
You had me with such holy bling,
You had me with your promising,
You had me with all your charms,
You can swoon right here in my arms,
You had me with our shared dreams,
You have me always, so it seems,
You are ever love, really true,
I celebrate gold loving, it's you!
Feedback welcome.
I think of many things to say,
I think,'I love you" in any way,
Still in love with you today,
"You're there, here I stay,"
"I adore you," with respect,
Benign you are, I  reflect,
You're ever chosen, thoughts riot,
Lover, do keep it quiet!
Feedback welcome.
Trust God's medical plan,
Happy hearts joyfully scan.
Feedback welcome.
Stupid Cupid unkind,
Leaves are floating by
Windows, nights are drawing in,
Cooling Southern times....
My man for all seasons,
Love happens, no reason,
Would you mind if I say?
Magic's still same today.
Ageing like vintage wine,
Moon beams, our love benign,
You cast pearls, your smiles,
Let's love on these whiles,
Whatever you wish, you see,
You always get it from me,
Sit tight right there, okay,
Not running, never far away.
Feedbacj welcome,
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