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13.0k · Jun 2015
Sourodeep Jun 2015
When just a simple smile is enough
why do you always pull out a gun
and make things more rough
to keep it in your pocket is deterrence
but for a hot headed like you
the easy option is violence
Lets condemn war and make this world a peaceful place to live.
10.0k · Jul 2015
Living in the dark
Sourodeep Jul 2015
The moon is now bright and full
showering silver romance,
to the leaves of tree so dull.

A cricket humming his chants
deep in meditation behind
the dark unknown shrub's branch.

Somewhere in a nest, a hatchling can't sleep
letting out feeble hunger cries
her mother did not fetch enough to feed.

While on my walk, I see those eyes
hiding behind a trunk, peeping
I assure it safety, I know may be lying

Night is the time for them to be,
struggling to enjoy independence and security
this unending night leading them to the unknown
what will remain I wonder at the crack of dawn.
What future can we give to these plants and animals, we have already invaded every inch of land and air.
7.7k · Sep 2016
Sourodeep Sep 2016
Scratching for quite some time
on this blank white page,
my emotions flow
shine and glow
till the emptiness
imbibes my thoughts
like raindrops after a **drought.
I love fountain ink pens :)
7.4k · Mar 2016
Fresh charm
Sourodeep Mar 2016
I sit by the lake,
                                 on the lush green grass,
gently try to break
                                  my inner thoughts,
and silently assimilate
                                 chirping of birds,
rhythmic swaying of trees
                                 by the sweet breeze,
stare at the white cotton clouds
                                 spread on the chimerical blue
and try to soak the pure dew
                    till the morning remains new.
I love the morning sunshine in a pure blue sky after rains :) :)
6.5k · May 2015
Love at dusk - a saudade
Sourodeep May 2015
Again, its you on my mind,
brought to my face, a sweet smile
Come, let me embrace you warmly
give you my love of all kind.

The sky is red,
birds returning to their home
while I look dreaded,
I don't want to be alone.

The sun does burn me through the day,
but it heals my soul in the end.
I will love you forever, come what may.
Test me, whichever way you want,
as you can't stop my ascend.

In the day, the sea waves me goodbye,
but it returns with a gentle touch.
Come, let me embrace you warmly
at dusk, on the beach, here I lie.
In the evening, an unknown fear gives me a bite
Only at the beach, I find some respite
6.4k · Feb 2016
A long ride (10w)
Sourodeep Feb 2016
After a satiating road trip
you chug beer, not sip
When you do something good to your hearts content, do not care what people say around you
6.0k · Jun 2015
Just being Lazy !
Sourodeep Jun 2015
If necessity is the mother of invention
then killing time is the mother of **discovery
Well, I am a staunch believer of this phenomenon !
and that I am pretty jobless at my workplace today :)
5.5k · Aug 2015
Radiant smile (10w)
Sourodeep Aug 2015
Dangling earrings reflect beaming smile
like dew drops in sunshine
Your smile brings all the brightness in my life
<3 <3 <3
5.1k · Jul 2015
Humbly Happy
Sourodeep Jul 2015
Its a new day today
clouds and the sun, painted
all over the blue canvas
while I sit and sip my tea
and enjoy this happy feeling,
all worries kept at bay,
just bothered 'bout my biscuit
kept on the glass tray
whether to dunk it in the tea
or to taste it the crispy way
Why to think so heavy
its just the beginning
breathe a little now, relax
while the air is fresh and breezy
Good morning all,  feeling fresh and positive today :)
and also I read few refreshing poems,  happy to know other are happy too :)... Have a nice day !
4.8k · Jul 2015
When ambitions take over us
Sourodeep Jul 2015
In this river while rowing your boat
hey there ! you hasty toad
you did not check for the banks
and flowed through the ranks
the trees are not anymore
by your side like before
the birds don't sing here
no sign of land far or near
in your attention for the twists and turns
like you ignored the face and saw just the sideburns
you were driven by an unquenched thrist
you repent what you left behind, now hurt
fishes so big, in this depth, your heart is now sunken,
in search of sweet happiness you have reached the salty *ocean
Often we don't value what we have and where we are now, in our futile ambitious attempt we reach a position where no one is there with us. We then have no option but to repent what we have lost in the process
3.6k · Jul 2015
No place for the weak
Sourodeep Jul 2015
Adapting as per the disability
an owl is hence regarded wise
while just whining about it constantly,
makes a man too weak to rise.
A beautiful white owl just flew past my window... leaving me mesmerized.
There is no place for cribbing people in this world !
2.9k · Jun 2015
An evening in rainy season
Sourodeep Jun 2015
I lie down on the bed
with a new novel on my lap
rain splattering over the shed
page by page excitement has me, grasped

I have the candle by my side
for the warmth and the light
but the munchies got over
biting my nails in the story's *crunch
I love the evenings of monsoon in the company of a novel and yeah, a bit of snacks too.
2.8k · Jun 2015
Cloud burst
Sourodeep Jun 2015
Feeling like our love
has started
all over again
from the bike ride
to the serene sea side
from locked fingers
to the lonely road
exploring places
watching the nature unfold.
Romance in the eyes
yearning to go insane
in your arms, into you
through your wet lips,
our hearts beating
in deep confluence
drenched in the rain
in this blissful silence
2.8k · Jun 2015
Sourodeep Jun 2015
A flower so grand
in itself, vivid in
details, following no pattern
like the leaves of the plant.

All the leaves are the same
but a single flower so distinct
one does and the other doesn't
add to the plant's fame.

In its life of just a day, it steals the show
and spreads so much happiness
though the leaves may, in silence keep low,
diligently work for air's cleanliness.

Even then it sticks to the branch
as its life is given by
the apparently dreary plant.
Here, all its coming generations
will choose to be born,
and this plant only will they adorn.
We may be so much accomplished and successful in our life but we should not undermine the value of our roots, things which have helped us to reach where we are now.
2.6k · Jun 2015
To my dear friend far away
Sourodeep Jun 2015
The stars though far apart in the sky
wink, talk to each other
such display of friendship above,
makes me shy.

Introduced by a friend,
brought together by destiny
at the instance we knew
we wouldn't want this to end.

Be it poor, be it witty
you crack jokes with so much variety
sharp brows, beaming eyes
you are a charming girl
with words so wise.

Up in the morning, we seven
treaded along the woods, in search of heaven
Ah ! so beautiful, in the nature's lap
trees, birds, the lake and us
reading each other like a fluent rap.

Things started making sense
knowing and telling each other
revealing our striking resemblance
despite words not being spoken,
so pleased we were, delightedly shaken.

Again at that friend's wedding,
we huddled, danced, got alive and kicking
watching you make people laugh till the end
so proud I am, to have such a gem of a friend

Awesomeness is stepping to the next year now
alas ! I have to finish this somehow
cherishing our moments in each way,
though being so far away,
my sweet friend, you truly made my day.

*wishing you a very very happy birthday
I wrote this for my friend Priya on her birthday, in the memory of all the sweet memories we had in this one year since we know each other.
2.4k · May 2016
Constructive destruction
Sourodeep May 2016
The rock that once balanced on the mountain
has now tumbled down and blocked the only pass,
the valley remains cut-off, unable to sustain
even prayers could not move the big stubborn mass.

When great minds converge, they carry burden of hopes,
when creativity has to come out of neccessity,
esoteric ideas amalgamate with ladders and ropes.

Sheer force was unable to move the heavy bull
the ram was dropped and chisel was chosen,
it was time to think whether destruction can be beautiful

That which cannot be moved, can be carved to perfection
suited to your need, can bloom with painstaking nurture.
The valley now has become a source of attraction
with a tall structure on pass, called a gateway to the future.
We often get bogged down by our fears... with intelligence and effort we can shape them in our favour and extract positivity.

I got busy with work and travel so could not read and write many of the poems here, I am trying to catch up now ! :P
2.4k · Aug 2015
Love - Affairs (10w)
Sourodeep Aug 2015
❝Love is always individual feeling

mutual affairs lead to relationships❞

2.4k · Jan 2016
I Quit
Sourodeep Jan 2016
The dust once settled,
needs to be shaken again,
which was trapped and bottled,
has to fly out to douse the flame

A long time passed, few friends I have earned
in this work of black and white, few shades I have burned

I lost my pace in the layout of this maze
got knocked out, now just the sky I can gaze

I am no stone, but I know to roll
I can play more, but I choose to fold

I have new horizons to reach
the rocky roads are always there to teach.
The dust wont deter me now with pain,
for I know, I will rise up again.
My friend who is an awesome architect is resigning from her boring office today. I am just trying to write a few lines for her day.
1.9k · Sep 2015
A drop of life
Sourodeep Sep 2015
When from ocean full of tears
leaving behind the sadness
a drop rises pushing behind it's fear
it reaches the heaven
through paths of haziness
and finally comes down
turning into a sweet pearl
on our thirsty face
bringing a smile on
that diligent farmer's face.
Down it goes to the crop roots
and the seeds we did sow
sometimes leaving behind memories
as a vibrant rainbow.
With very less rainfall this year till now, I am scared what all will be affected, hoping for some good amount of rainfall.
1.9k · Oct 2015
Stepping into the unknown
Sourodeep Oct 2015
I choose to walk on this arid rocky road
I sometimes forget where I belong,
in this haziness of unsettled dust
my heart filled with fear all along

Just round the corner I felt
someone somewhere called me,
I realized the turns I had not dealt
have now become an unavoidable trap.

No, I never feared the uphill
life is a struggle, with honesty by your side,
but sometimes things go against your will
mountains crumble and you don't know how to slide.

I believe that day has come near
when a strange smoke will engulf me
and images will start to become clear
and I will know I have reached the end.
Many things happen daily and we tend to pass them, some tend to stick with us and some just falls away. I wonder what waits for me in the future and how it will effect my life.
1.8k · Oct 2015
Fly to escape.
Sourodeep Oct 2015
As a kid I would see
a bird and wonder if
I could fly too.
I wanted to fly to
fill my heart with
spreading wings
seeing beautiful things
Now I feel change of role
the small plant has grown old
even as I sit inside a plane
it does not feel like flying
outside the window pane.
Now after all these years
a bird flying high means
to run away from my fears
to drop off this heavy drape
and fly just to escape.
1.7k · Apr 2016
The art of chilling(10W)
Sourodeep Apr 2016
To beat this summer heat
Put the beer on repeat
1.7k · Jun 2015
Quest of true LOVE
Sourodeep Jun 2015
In search of the diamond in the mine,

don't dig yourself up so much

and become hollow, that

you end up filling it with tears and wine.
Individuality and character is very important for any relationship to be stable.
1.7k · Aug 2015
Sourodeep Aug 2015
No work today, I got up late
have every reason to procrastinate,
Gosh ! am so hungry, got to eat something now
Food, my true platonic love here I come...

give me the warmth of an egg
give me the crunch of a toast
give me those crisp fish fingers
give me the yummy chicken roast

Yes, I do have a lot to finish
not work, I meant this stuff on my plate
so much time to sit and relish
food is such a religion, no one can ever hate.
Its a holiday and no one can stop me from enjoying my favourite food !
1.7k · Jul 2015
Kite dilemma
Sourodeep Jul 2015
I get up to see a sky so bright
not the sun or its serene blue
from the horizon to the zenith
filled up by numerous kites

vibrant, shades of all colors,
some soaring high, some calm and still
all shapes and sizes flying with vigor
breathing the purity, going as per their will

Though so bright, they don't cast a reflection
spreading happiness in peace, they do not preach
while I just gaze in sheer amazement
is everything up above, out of my reach ?

With the string attached, it gets pulled back
its actions controlled by this invisible imagination
I want to cut the string and set the bird free,
and wonder, will that dim the sky's illumination ?
We humans are similar to kites, so colorful and diverse, but there is always something attached to us.
Are we beautiful and more useful while we are tied to this reality, or we should break free ?
1.6k · Apr 2016
Essence of patience.
Sourodeep Apr 2016
All the damages done
which are  huge in magnitude,
constant repairs need to be run
by efforts taken with right attitude

The impact an event has on us
takes time to settle the dust
Like after being run over by a bus
months of treatment becomes a must

It takes a day to plough the field
for a healthy plant to sow a seed.
Plenty of water for a fulfilling yield
and a season of patience brings what you need.
Time is the best healer
for the patient believer
1.6k · Jul 2015
Tightrope walking (10w)
Sourodeep Jul 2015
Sometimes balancing on a rope
            is easier than being alive
Life is just a circus with so many acts, you need to learn the skill and perform them taking risks.`
1.6k · May 2016
Where the music flows
Sourodeep May 2016
Till waist deep I stand
in the middle of the river
where the eloquent music flows.
I scoop some of its melody
with my bare soft hands,
its clarity makes me shiver
like dancing notes sun glows
and nature sings a brilliant parody
for me to smile and understand.
1.6k · Aug 2015
My Lamp post
Sourodeep Aug 2015

When I was small, for me
     you always stood tall
taught me to look for shadows
     on the dead leaves of fall.

In the illusive bends of the road
     you were always my constant landmark
when misguided by night's cold breeze
     your light guided me in the dark

Now, taller buildings surround the place
   the columns support just a perishable lie
but you remain my perpetual pillar throughout
     holding up my life under this vast clouded sky.

To a ever caring father, by a loving child...
1.5k · Aug 2015
For good times ahead
Sourodeep Aug 2015
Nothing seems to be enduring
while I keep on believing
for happy times ahead.
The world never stays at a place
you and me, blind in this maze
what was precious that day
is now just a needle in a pile of hay
Cycle is the way of life
old leaves will surely fall
our new ones always come and cry
for it does not know us at all
from that standstill space
he is dropped in this rat race.
Still we don't go anywhere
while I keep on believing
this earth keeps on spinning
and spinning
our hymns and chants keeps on repeating
this world will be a better place
happy times for all human race.
For a better tomorrow :)
When love will prevail and hate will fall.
And we will make it happen !
1.4k · Jun 2015
Prejudiced mind
Sourodeep Jun 2015
Even when the sun rises from east and sets in west daily
                       for a narrow minded brat,
                         the world is always flat.
Sourodeep Dec 2015
People come here and they eat,
satiating their tongue
to me, it seems like a never ending repeat
of an eluding trance song

I do not complain
for every time he wipes me clean
soaking my tears, healing my pain
leaving behind some ornamental scars

There are others also, like me
of different shapes and size
in apparent harmony with no common goal
we just pick up the chatter and claim to be wise.

The lamps glow, in the dark a vibrant rainbow
for an evening, light up my mundane life
the soft wind, makes the chime cling
ostentatious beauty, made for some heart to zing.

Even when the breeze dries, be happy, eat and drink
to connect to your heart I will always be here
the lonely candle will again light up,
and you shall find your much needed cheer.
We are nothing but the restaurant table
in the end, hoping to be a delightful fable.
1.4k · Jul 2015
Just an admirer...
Sourodeep Jul 2015
There are five types of people
you can find in a market.
Some are there to buy, simple
some never find anything correct
some want to just hop around
from this shop to that shop
some are there just to meet friends
nothing to do what all fashion trends
hanging out, chilling at a wrong place
like on this planet, the whole of human race

I am here, just to admire, the beauty
expressed by these clothes, flesh and diversity
someone's curves, something's color
smile of a sweet girl, captivating like no other
the fit of her fancy dress, the way she walks
her bare legs moving to this catchy tune
like on a sunlit dessert, golden rays
silhouetted on the sand dune.
They say not to look at girls in that way
why do they dress and make up
if no one is there to appreciate it, I say
please do not mistake me for a ***** pervert nuisance
as I am here just to be happy, in utter silence
for its a market, and not a field of violence.
To all those really beautiful girls I have seen, in admiration and not as a pervert.
Sourodeep May 2015
I had a dream
on the road, I saw people scream
there was a little boy
sitting by the side, I saw him cry.

While everyone around was insane
like a good citizen, first I asked him his name
" I am Praful, take me to my mother"
with no idea whatsoever, I took the boy and set out for the quest

I felt I am in the matrix movie
dodging fire,stones and flying bottles, no better than a rookie
for me this was a new part of the town
and I had no idea where to go around

Relying on this boy for navigation
like he had any clue, my stupid imagination
I kept looking for a police van
but in vain, saw only angry howling men

suddenly, we heard a shriek
"Praful !! where have you been ?? "
that was the mother, and instantly the boy ran to her
and I thought its end of this bother.

holding the boy she came towards me with fury
"you rascal, trying to kidnap my son? "
the boy didn't try to explain
to him, in a moment, I became a strange someone

Helpless in this situation I ran,
again, for the police van
luckily, I found an officer
"Sir ! take me home, i don't know these roads"
"Son ! sit in my car, while I tackle these jumping, screaming toads!"
I ducked at the rear seat tensed
for I could see the mother looking for revenge

I got up, sat on the bed, what a nightmare I had
asked God, " I was just trying to help, was that bad?"
We are concerned people, sometimes in wrong place at wrong time
we try to make things right, unfortunately we don't succeed every time
1.3k · Feb 2016
For a Bright Future
Sourodeep Feb 2016
As the perennial river of time flows
cutting its way through silt and rock,
on you, this light of happiness glows
steady as the gentle swing of a hammock
on the beach having sand so loose.

The sun is up, your ship now in sight,
a tide of smile shall come your way
as you, once again douse this candlelight,
celebrating this beautiful day
you swim across to your future bright
A friend of mine is moving from a stagnant state to a life filled with adventures.
On this auspicious day, i pray for wisdom and knowledge
1.3k · Jun 2015
Away from the limelight
Sourodeep Jun 2015
I don't want to be the big banyan tree
majestically standing tall in the field
jealous men scratching it all day, I can see
stealing it's shadows and breaking the branches
still it offers home to all these lonely birds
in all this brutality, how tolerant it can be !

                         I am not worthy of all this empathy

I choose to be a small ****, instead
hiding in the beauty of so many like me
and making this barren land, bucolic green
I am happy with a butterfly, hugging me once a while
for after a short life, I will either satisfy a cow's appetite
or be stamped to death by the ignorant juvenile
                 Wishing­ for happiness, but being stealthy
                      *I am not worthy of all this empathy
1.3k · Jul 2015
Ashes of Fire !
Sourodeep Jul 2015
Men engaged in a five day battle
you better hold on to your saddle.

armoured knights running a runs race
archers shooting ***** for them to face

Dressed in white but no messengers of peace
these are 22 warriors, not from Rome or Greece

The ground remains green, but the pitch burns
in the fight for the prestigious ashes urn
Despite the glam and show of short formats, Test cricket remains the ultimate level of the sport, and the Ashes is the heart of it !

The series is heated up now with England and Australia both winning 1 match each.
1.3k · Dec 2015
Heart on fire
Sourodeep Dec 2015
Why does it break
when it's not meant to.
Why does for love's sake
my heart always dares to
come close to touch you

One day if can I shall speak
what my eyes wanted to tell.
Do not take me to be weak
for you cannot see
*the fire burning within me
1.3k · Jun 2015
Self - pacification
Sourodeep Jun 2015
Sometimes what works is a chocolate bite
else, just sit down and write
1.2k · Oct 2016
Sourodeep Oct 2016
Imaginations clouding my mind
with what beauty lies inside
only a glimpse I can see
through the window by the tree

The size and scale I cannot determine
shadows from lamps dance in line
between the broken wooden frame
from my side each shadow looks the same

Story concealed by a wavy curtain
about the truth I cannot be so certain
In my mind images shape up and grow
while my heart lies in just the beautiful shadow
Every story we hear might not be true, a curtain might be shaping the shadow for us.
1.2k · Jul 2015
Morning Love
Sourodeep Jul 2015
I like to wake up early morning

not to get ready for work, but

to see the sunrise and hear the birds sing

and my dear,

to see your cute smile while you are still sleeping
And this, gives me the perfect positive start for the day.
It gives great pleasure to see your loved one getting a sound sleep.
1.2k · Jul 2015
Plunge in Love
Sourodeep Jul 2015
In depths we dive
the sun we trust
till we hit the rocks
and get shattered to dust

holding our breath
the pressure gets worst
this mighty sea has never
quenched anyone's thirst
1.2k · Jun 2016
Though my eyes burn...
Sourodeep Jun 2016
Up and down the road again,
following the twists and turns
in hope to achieve and gain
I ride on though my eyes burn

My hopes painted inside my mind
where in loops past and future runs
behind the clouds my star shines
I look through it though my eyes burn

I had held too many I could pocket,
now tell less tales, became a taciturn,
hanged those round my neck in a small locket,
I keep quite though my eyes burn

The storm has done damages enough
from the winds and waves I learned
even small ships can deal with the rough
I clean the deck *though my eyes burn
we have got enough inside us to deal with our troubles,
we can build our road, breaking rocks into pebbles.

Haha .... cheers !
1.1k · Jul 2015
Sourodeep Jul 2015
When the sky grey,
    the sun has gone down
you fail to find your way
   all thoughts clogged in the head
and you can't hear a clear voice
   vision is biased and speech is altered
hours of introspection seems void
   all you need is just a solution
to put back jammed things in motion
   looking for people to help you,
and when you can't find some, my friend
   just grab it by its glossy waist,
lift it, put it to your thirsty lips
   and pour down your throat this solution
for your heart needs an internal repair
   to lift you up from this momentary dispair
When all problems pile up in a sum
the only solution that works is the *** !
1.1k · Jun 2015
Cheers to you, my FRIEND !
Sourodeep Jun 2015
You thrive in my heart and mind
as waves of life, go up and down
no amount of gold in a chest
needed to strengthen our bond by any kind

As kids, each day had eventful moments
things we had fun with
streaks of silly happiness, added to life
all flavors of spices and condiments

Pulling each other's legs, on stupidity
fighting, and racing on our cycles
betting on idiotic facts and ideas
but supporting each other , in life's turbidity

We went our ways ahead
molded ourselves in different worlds
though separated by miles, we were just a call away
hearing your voice, a simple reason to smile

In those times, when things look so bleak
clouds of trouble and confusion covers us
not knowing where to strike, which door to knock
you were there for me, not letting me feel weak

The joy of success
the urge to share, was
always with  you
far, yet so near

They say with time,
people change, but I know
you will value me
our friendship, much more than any dime

When this journey will end
at the beach, watching the sun set
silently, melting these life's memories
I will be glad, that I had you all along
as my precious **friend
Dedicated to all my close friends, wherever they are now.
1.0k · Sep 2015
In the turbulence of Life...
Sourodeep Sep 2015
I do dive into the blue sometimes
I flow with the current and
sometimes I drift with the tide.
I know, swimming at the surface
you will be there with me by my side

These ups and downs will take me nowhere,
one day I fear when the waves will die
I will finally reach the shore
I know, on that last ride
you will be there with me by my side

My dreams, some did materialize
some got washed away like that sand castle
but even when I have no where to hide,
I know, with me at the beach
you will be there with me by my side

On this tiny boat, we have set our sail
we, together will merge in to the sea
through these river bends narrow and wide,
I know, rowing with me
*you will be there with me by my side
In true faith and love,
God always resides
1.0k · Jul 2015
Exploring a museum
Sourodeep Jul 2015
At the museum
when things are
shown just for display
why do you want to touch
and make it waste away.
Adore the beauty
and move on,
to look for more
to know more
the hall is pretty big
and there so many to
be explored, but
just by eyesight.
No my friend, touching
is just not right,
for there stands a guard
with a stick in his hand,
will push you out
shout aloud,
you will just repent
what if I hadn't touched
I could have seen the **end
Sometimes more curiosity is self detrimental.
1.0k · Jun 2015
Sourodeep Jun 2015
Gone are the days, on a holiday
I used to just eat and sleep, now
I have developed an appetite
for new destinations
to read and meet,
the fascination for the sea
as the sheer thought of
unknown adventure
and mysteries of the deep
nowadays engulfs me.
Climbing up a hill, to look
down at the edge, bending
over a steep cliff, nature
out of a geography book.
At night, the hide and seek
of moon and the clouds
the rich silver light making me strong
at times when I feel so weak.

When strangers became new
friends, as a person I grew
like on the old grass
a fresh drop of dew.

At the end, I believe
a day will surely come
when I can fathom all this
and can share my wisdom
1.0k · Sep 2015
Yes we can - 'Vorfreude'
Sourodeep Sep 2015
Why can't we just dance in the rain
and let the sun **** our tears

Why can't we have the strength to bear the pain
and let life save the happiness for us later

Why can't we, among this atrocity, be sane
and let our mind engage in love and compassion

Why can't we live our lives driving in the happy lane
and let each moment make a world of its own

Why can't we just sit, staring at the smoked window pane
and let our dreams light up the lamp of hope and joy.

Why can't we stop whining,
for our efforts will never go in vain,
in this blue sky we are always shining
spreading happiness for others to gain.
Our simple good nature can generate lot of happiness around, we just don't realize how effective we can be for others.
1.0k · Jan 2018
The perplexed traveler
Sourodeep Jan 2018
Trying to look beyond the horizon
I ended up in maze,
unable to find my way
though amazed
by the way the earth and sky
keeps to unfold, revealing
new clouds, trees and mountains.

Mystery beckons the curious soul,
as the story gradually unfolds,
instances weave to build a tale
quenches as well as increases the thirst,
and new realizations turn me pale.

So many people, so many words
So much music so many chords
but it is still one me
and one life to see.
How can we soak in everything we experience in our lifetime.
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