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writerReader May 2015
people say
write what you know
i don't know anything
writerReader Aug 2018
It’s time
It’s time
It’s time.

What am I going to do?
Haven’t posted in a while...
writerReader Apr 2015
we did all
we could and
that's all
you can do, honestly
writerReader Feb 2015
his rumbling voice resonates deep
within my
my chest rattling with
heart thudding
writerReader Feb 2015
her heels were miles long
her skirt shorter than Tom Cruise
and her lips were red
writerReader Jan 2015
I like to eat cake
a person once died for cake
I want to eat cake
writerReader Jan 2015
my dog speaks
to me
she says "people
is stupid"
writerReader Sep 2015
Why did you have to leave
in the winter time?
Why did you have to
go where I can't follow?

You knew it was too cold for such things.
writerReader Jan 2015
what do
you think it's
like to be
a cat looking
out the
crystal window wondering
what it's like
to be
writerReader Jan 2015
with your dancing hands
with your lithe fingers will you
calm my thrashing heart
writerReader Feb 2015
i cried when you died
i died when you wept and wailed
writerReader Mar 2015
i have loved
deep and raw
when my eyes were bright and eager
and i know that
i know now that
i know nothing
writerReader Mar 2015
it never did end
did it
it's all still
tumbling and
writerReader Jan 2015
please will
you dance off
the page to
get to
writerReader Jan 2015
love is a fire
i keep my hand in the flame
while it licks my fingers

i enjoy the pain
even while i burn

not even the dirt can douse it
it feeds the animal and lets it go higher

love is not cage rather like the sand.
slipping through my fingers
as i clutch it harder
writerReader Feb 2015
I wish you would trust me
and I could walk
breathe without dying

I wish I could fly.
writerReader Jan 2015
there's a ghost
around upstairs
she tells me
my feet on the chairs
writerReader Jan 2015
When I'm gone
will my name be
pressed against
my tears grow
a willow tree filled with
twinkling lights?
writerReader May 2015
sometimes i want to know how it is
to burn and
and feel heartbreak
and hope
but sometimes i just want chocolate
which is almost that
I think
writerReader Jan 2015
love me


writerReader Jan 2015
sometimes I
reach within
the fragile paper of
this book to
my fingers through
your silver
writerReader Jan 2015
i hear her
crackle and her
cackle and her
clomping and
her stomping and
i feel her
silver hair and
writerReader Mar 2015
i don't know
i don't know
i don't know

Then who does?
writerReader Aug 2018
It is time to do something
I am ready to begin
My life is not a race
It is a slow and lovely stroll
I can do this now
I know I can
I am ready to take the keys
I am ready to take the wheel.
writerReader Mar 2020
What the **** is going on?
I really don’t know anymore...
writerReader Apr 2015
i remember,
it was always like
that between me and
writerReader Aug 2019
Sometimes you can erase your life
Easy as tearing up old pages from a diary.

At first it might resist, but it eventually tears
Suddenly you’re free.
Hidden from yourself, once again

Easy as that and thrown away
Discarded into the bin.

You didn’t want anyone to see it.
To see you.

And now they won’t.

Later, you may think about those pages
Scenes from your life now lost
Thrown into the ******* trash
Like they didn’t matter.

You wonder what was on them
Were they really that bad?
Did you need to throw yourself away?
But you’re gone now, only vaguely remembered years past.

Why did you do that?
Why were you so afraid,
Why did you hate you so much
Why were those thick bundles of desperately blacked-out words
So wrong and so easy to throw out?
Taken out on trash day
Never to be seen again.

Maybe it was easy to throw away
But never easy to remember
Or forget.

Maybe it was hard to rip up
To tear your memories from your head
Took all your strength, your force, your everything.
But was it?

Shouldn’t it be harder to throw yourself away?
Something I wrote this morning
writerReader Aug 2018
It used to be that it was simple.
Something fun
or something not fun at all.
It was all skirts sweeping across the kitchen floor
and warm eyes.

Blue or brown
it didn’t matter.

But sometimes it was different
it was sad and cold
and sometimes it was a cold blue.
Freezing and instant
but gone with the cracked door.
This wasn’t always to be the case.

Something new always comes
with the candles on cakes.
With the taste of candy corn,
sweet but false.
Change leaves an aftertaste of honey,
and something counterfeit.

Memory comes and goes,
time passes like the sun.
It soaks through my skin
and left me
warm. But cooling
with a lingering hug from an old friend.

There’s something about the feel of the sun
on a snow day.
The warmth thaws the ice,
the shudder of cold finally leaving
bathed in a pure joy.
Wisdom an old soul could only borrow.
writerReader Feb 2015
why was it
that he snarled
and wept
writerReader Feb 2015
The snow falls and
everything stills.
Though it's so sad the sun's gone
So you look up
at the sky and
everything is new
and you're somewhere else

Someone else
falling from the sky is



New York City

San Francisco

Places where things happen and
fog looms and
the air is filled with
life and

Where you breath
fire and ice
at last
where the streets are running with ink
and words flow and sing
where poetry rains from the crying clouds
everything is alive
writerReader Aug 2015
Ebony wings slide through
the air
i wish i could
writerReader Feb 2015
just lovely
how great
writerReader Jan 2015
"Keanu Reeves, eh?"
as the Canadians say
his hair is ravens
writerReader Jan 2015
it is not very
lady like to leap
and yell with
or to run like
or to touch without asking to
kiss with
but do you mind?
writerReader Mar 2015
I'm falling
writerReader Jan 2015
is the line between love
and hate
please will you draw
it over with
a golden pen
writerReader Jan 2015
love me
love me
love me
i whisper
writerReader Aug 2018
Every day I see this guy pass by my door,
he never steps off the path.
His hair speaks of his woe.
His steel eyes arrange the sky into a box,
the blue is not enough to keep him idle,
he requires the chains of logic.
It keeps him grounded when he could be flying.

“Why should I fly,” he says,
“It’s much too cold for me anyway.”
“Wear a jacket” I might declare.
He would reply, “I don’t wish to sweat through
my sensible clothes.”
(Only twenty dollars on sale.)

He is much too sensible to be any fun,
but fun is not all there is.
“There is science” he would suggest
If we ever were to talk,
I know he would be an excellent conversationalist

His dusty shoes tell of his wariness,
His jacket of his adventures.
(He keeps dust on his clothes to speak for his cleverness.)

“Conversation is for the simple-minded,” he would say.
“I prefer books,” would be my reply.

He would have nothing to say then,
(He doesn’t like conversation anyway.)
but he’d be too logical to let me know
Of his human blunder and illogical flash.
So he spoke to me of his action figure collection.
(“Most extensive, I’m sure”)
writerReader Dec 2015
When will it be my life begins
a day, a month, a year
maybe two
definitely two

a noble number
a number of kings
I feel it with a Gondorian fire

or maybe not two at all
I was so sure it would be two
After all if doesn’t happen then will it be three
three times the charm

but perhaps three is not the number
maybe it will be four
four times it chimed
or was that three?
It could be three

Maybe its not three of four
It’s five possibly
Its probably five
Five fingers on a hand
But three on a clock

Six is like three don’t you think
Three times two is six
Maybe its two
But two plus five is seven

perhaps is it seven years
seven years until my life begins
writerReader Jan 2015
my heart was running
the blood glowed crimson red
my brain yelled, "wait up!"
writerReader Jan 2015
Nothing left but
the timid
spirit that hides
the black corner.
writerReader Jan 2015
i went to
a party at
a house that i
used to live
writerReader May 2015
Hell is other people
somebody once said
but i don't
think it's
hell is
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