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1.1k · Apr 2021
Raven's Coat
birdy Apr 2021
Hopes of a future never to come pass.
Cutting of thread leaving a trail of red.
Comforting lies, take on vengeance’s plasse.
Callow certainty leading my bloodshed.

Essence refusing change, oil and water.
Dripping maroon, satisfies my sweet tooth.
Lost track of my goal, now it's a slaughter.
Enciphered desire, immiscible youth.

As I let go sorrow’s waters -- forlorn,
See me with your purest eyes, unerring
Touch of a mother’s hand, I am reborn.
Sins, a raven’s coat, heavens are glaring.

And as I lay my vision ridden red,
How foolish to lead to one’s own bloodshed.
this is my first sonnet (I did it without the iambic pentameter because I'm still learning)
1.1k · Apr 2022
birdy Apr 2022
Your hand shakes
lips quivering
beginning to form a word.

But the disease washes the 'you' away
leaving me wondering,
birdy Apr 2022
The girl pacing in the window,
biting her nails
staring at her feet,
as if she were worried
they too would betray her
like the person
who made her pace in the window.
1.1k · Apr 2021
Mystery Man
birdy Apr 2021
Sheathed in golden mist,
mysterious and alluring.
1.0k · Apr 2022
You're Gone
birdy Apr 2022
A soul's vacant shell,
under newly upturned soil.
1.0k · May 2022
birdy May 2022
her love was everything I knew
until the world recognized her worth
and she was ripped away from me
I don't wish for her
I wish to be worthy of her
1.0k · May 2022
birdy May 2022
Mind trembling at the thought of life,
why live if one's to live in strife?
1.0k · Feb 2021
My Promise
birdy Feb 2021
"Become perfect."
My eyes are glazed over
Delicate glass tears blur my vision
I promise."
1.0k · Apr 2022
birdy Apr 2022
Why do souls
care for their cages?
961 · May 2022
White Man's Trap
birdy May 2022
eyes a steely blue
skin a bone white
the lights red and blue
the air taut and tight
my fathers skin is brown
mine is fair and white

the white man calls the fuzz
the neighbors are a buzz
the man reported kidnap
feels just like a slap
we've been caught
in the white man's trap
949 · Jan 2022
Dieting - no sadness
birdy Jan 2022
For years I've avidly ate sadness.
And now that I have contentment,
I find myself feeling resentment.
And wanting to eat sadness again.
926 · Apr 2022
My Suicide
birdy Apr 2022
My suicide felt like an escape,
waking up felt like a sentence.

Married to death in words only,
falling asleep felt conjugal.

Night visits,
brief moments of peace,
before being thrown into
the deep end.

Death had grown me in captivity,
making me forget how to survive.

I had become dependent
on death's solace.

I sobered myself to reality,
death's sweetness
oscillated in ways
too unpredictable
for comfort.

Life treats me better
than death ever did.

Although there are moments,
where I wish to return into the blankness of death,
into the carelessness of nothing.

I remember how far I've come,
and how proud I would be,
to look into the future and see,

that I love life.
birdy Apr 2022
He holds his head in his hands
peeking down at his untied ***** white shoes.
Trying to block out the sound of the phone,
that holds news
he is anxious to forget.
for more look under the 'Stranger' collection on my profile
860 · Feb 2021
My person
birdy Feb 2021
How ironic,
To write poetry
That speaks of
As if it were a familiar friend.
I write the thoughts too large and complex to store in my head alone.
I have not yet found
'My person.'
But I write as if we have known each other forever.
In the end there is no one for me.
But until hope is lost,
I write about you.
A person that I haven't met.

My person.
I love you, whoever you are.
858 · Apr 2022
birdy Apr 2022
Your mouth struggles, mind grasping at sounds to make words.

Blurting out nonsensical madness.

Your eyes scream out desperately.

I wish I knew what to say

To reach you.
845 · Apr 2021
Siren's Song
birdy Apr 2021
Sweet soothing words,
an attempt to mask
back stabbing deceit.

You watch my life,
stain the carpet red.
825 · Jun 2022
a tear
birdy Jun 2022
her iris leaked its blue
out the socket
and onto the concrete

dandelions round them
but not one
could wish away
the girls tear
824 · May 2022
Tainted Smile
birdy May 2022
a smile --- like a star
fools only from afar
birdy Apr 2022
She cries
reads her book
her eyes reflecting the ink of stories
her lips quiver as if she were
about to call out
to the one she thinks of
when she reads
and sits by the window.
for more look under the 'Stranger' collection on my profile
801 · Apr 2021
Moon Kisses
birdy Apr 2021
Dew drops placate
the hungry grass

Sun--breaking night's serenity
leaving us forgetting ebony

Fire bugs breathing
in star luminance

Moon--who prefers to assuage
lovingly dims the Sun's immanent rage
birdy Jan 2022
pitter patter
on the roof top
pitter patter
on the sidewalk
splish splash
on your hand
splish splash
holding mine.
775 · May 2022
Cry For Me
birdy May 2022
Eyes a deep brown like earth
a certain haze of stability
that I wish to erode
to find the truth
765 · Feb 2021
Define: Love
birdy Feb 2021
To be loved is to be stripped down to your core. Until the truth is exposed and you're an open book.
And then be accepted.
Not for the persona you created, or the fake meaningless words you use to impress, not the clothes you wear, the way you part your hair, or anything of the sort.
But to be accepted in your pure state of self truth.
That is love.
accept me
764 · Apr 2022
Those Eyes
birdy Apr 2022
Eyes, like a blue clouded sky, raining bright rays of yellow sunlight.
740 · Apr 2022
birdy Apr 2022
Iris framing a soul's song,
a black pearl for which I long.
birdy Apr 2022
Skin peeled off of muscles,
the snapping and cracking of ones shell.
The splitting screams of the tortured
mimic the crackle of bones and
the grinding of eyes.
713 · Feb 2021
birdy Feb 2021
My stomach hurdles over these seemly Insignificant tasks.
With every attempted hop I stumble.
Something as simple as washing dishes feels insufferable.
The bubbles don't hug me as they did when I was smaller.
They mock me knowing that I cannot do something so simple.
Life is a river and I'm just a twig along for the treacherous ride.
I'm swept away.
My feet cannot provide me stability, they don't root themselves into the soil like everyone else does,
704 · May 2022
Lost and Found Bin
birdy May 2022
The love left abandoned
bruised and beat up
like the other items
that couldn't keep up
690 · Sep 2022
Childhood Gone Sour
birdy Sep 2022
the birth mark on your left shoulder
reminds me of how some things stay when we’re older

looking back tears wouldn’t have helped
wounds bound up by doubt
680 · May 2022
birdy May 2022
O man of might
O man of mirror
how does one
****** their fear?
676 · Mar 2022
birdy Mar 2022
Eyes stinging,
Ears ringing,
Children clinging.
665 · Feb 2021
6 Step Survival
birdy Feb 2021
1.Wake up and drag yourself out of your comfort.
2. Put on your persona of the day, channel what you lack until it feels real.
3. Force yourself to speak, you wouldn't want to be left alone.
4. Crawl back into your comfort and waste away in your room.
5. Try to sleep, block out the thoughts, plead with the voices for a moment of silence.
6. Repeat.
Just get through it.
662 · Jan 2022
I'm Selfish
birdy Jan 2022
Does crying out
in a blank world
make me selfish

Selfish to want someone
just so they can hear
my screams
655 · Mar 2021
The Bug Collector
birdy Mar 2021
Legs more fragile than glass.
You pluck them off one by one.
This is why the other kids keep their distance.
642 · Dec 2021
Nature is Vain
birdy Dec 2021
The Sun beams down blessing the white curtains with a holy sort of light,
delicate undulant pristine waves of silk,
frame the green leaves that peek out,
gentle and humble,
commanding the eye to gaze upon them,
aware of their beauty,
manage to give vanity allurement.
634 · Feb 2021
birdy Feb 2021
Sometimes they yell,


And I listen,

"Listening is the polite thing to do."
609 · May 2022
If the World Knew You
birdy May 2022
If the world knew you,
maybe it wouldn't have
made you this way.
It would uncurse you,
free you from the facade of strength
release your emotions
the hate
the love
the tears.
Because true strength
true bravery
is to let loose the thoughts and feelings
that scare you most.
603 · Jan 2023
objective: beauty
birdy Jan 2023
i’m addicted to beauty
i no longer want my poetry
to remind me
of the ominous goal
that you can never understand
birdy Apr 2022
"you know no one likes you, right?"
The girls stared,
one with malice,
the other with pity.
588 · Mar 2021
Sugar Crash
birdy Mar 2021
Candy wrappers,
Dripping red.
Gum drop purple knees.
573 · Feb 2021
birdy Feb 2021
If I could see your true colors would you be a deep maroon or a lime green?
Would we mix and create a beautiful purple or create a muddy puddle that echoes "we don't belong together"
I wish that I could see your colors
then maybe
I could understand
573 · May 2021
Staring at my own Grave
birdy May 2021
Green masks my grotesque face.
Saggy skin, abandoned by life.
553 · Jun 2022
creepy guy
birdy Jun 2022
He grabbed my thigh
I removed his hand --- I had to try
he just made his grip fortified
what did I expect --- he's a bad guy
but now my interest is bone-dry
I'm leaving him behind, along with his lies
always visiting with black eyes
always something gone awry
I'm sick of having to pry
you continued to pretend to clarify
your dumb alibis
547 · Apr 2022
birdy Apr 2022
You are the moose on the wall.
Hollow of all liveliness,
barren of all thought.
544 · May 2021
Crazy is Fluid
birdy May 2021
A glitch, changing certainty into turmoil.
Myriad of thoughts that unhinge doors.
The lines of sanity are blurred,
Bridges are falling, stranding me.
The ice is thinning,
And I'm alone,
Pretending to skate.
534 · Jun 2022
You and Me
birdy Jun 2022
we are waves clashing,
to a pinnacle
from which we either fall into each other,
veer away.

and we both know,
what I want.
517 · Aug 2022
Camp Food
birdy Aug 2022
mushy makeshift macaroni
fiery flames, fueled
by barky bushy brews
of kindling
514 · Apr 2021
Bleeding Out
birdy Apr 2021
Knives impaling frail muscles.
Their weight becomes,
Much to cumbersome.
513 · Apr 2022
birdy Apr 2022
Convincing the heart
to love
is simple.
But arguing against it,
is not.
513 · Apr 2022
birdy Apr 2022
Girls of greatness must make haste,
for men of the very same stature start up a few pace!
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