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503 · Feb 2021
birdy Feb 2021
When you left
I presumed I would fall back into my abysmal void
But life moves on.
The sun still rises without you next to Me.
The world doesn't wither away.
I'm stronger than you thought
I'm stronger than I thought.
life moves on
497 · Dec 2021
birdy Dec 2021
the beetle gleams.

it looms over.
the shadow darkens,
closing in
and cracking down in a bursting chaos.

lifting up,
reveals a mosaic of remains.

death more beautiful after all.
491 · May 2022
birdy May 2022
like brine
487 · Aug 2022
Unwanted Poster
birdy Aug 2022
Around every poorly lit street
the ones with cracks in the road
and coin beggars in the shadows
you will find my unwanted poster
a picture with clarity through time
from child to adolescent
the poster remains scattered
throughout this ****** city
a poem about feeling unwanted your whole life
484 · May 2022
birdy May 2022
meant to transcend paper
this complex hand
reaching out
to hold your mind
for just a moment
468 · May 2022
bittersweet love
birdy May 2022
salty tears
mixed with sweet words
followed with bitter remarks
and a sour face
459 · Feb 2021
birdy Feb 2021
Sins that track blood across black and White pages.
Staining everything with deep Burgundy.
These events leave a bitter aftertaste.
The familiar taste of guilt.
But instead of atoning,
You sugarcoat the evil doings,
That you find,
Hard to swallow.
444 · Apr 2022
birdy Apr 2022
Sitting in a room alone,
I try to feel.
438 · May 2022
birdy May 2022
"Let's rain gaze..."
the books and the movies
talk about boys like this
429 · Feb 2021
birdy Feb 2021
I feel the pressure of your achievements weighing me down.

A boat cannot sail forward with its anchor in the sand.

I wish to cut the chain and let the anchor sink,

Because the ocean is to big to stay here forever.
415 · Aug 2022
Words to Wonder
birdy Aug 2022
I feel like white wooden window sills
412 · Apr 2022
Real Battle
birdy Apr 2022
it is not
'us versus them'
'you versus me'
it is us against the problem
which you fail to see.
412 · Apr 2021
My Heart is a Fireplace
birdy Apr 2021
Burning of rage,
Desperately trying to mask
The embers of passion
I can't help but feel.
411 · Apr 2022
birdy Apr 2022
is but a frame,
one that leads to places you cannot be
hanging them above you--
but just to see.
the window is my enemy.
birdy May 2022
only a quarter
my roots go back shorter
my fourth diminished
by history left unfinished

others blame
saying you’re ashamed
they want that quarter to know fame
they care for your ethnic name

but your skin is still fair
all is white except your hair
and you don't get stares
but your father does --- its so unfair
I am 75% European and 25% African. Many people either dismiss my African quarter entirely, or focus on it too much --- pretending as if I am not white passing. Growing up with a mixed father who looks distinctively African children said many strange things to me. Many people thought I was adopted or called me a grey baby, and insulted my only African feature --- my curly hair. Non-black people felt comfortable enough with me to discuss their racism, and basically ask for reassurance or forgiveness.
405 · Feb 2021
Silent Applause
birdy Feb 2021
My emotions feel synthetic
Fake feelings from a fake persona that I crafted to please you
If only I could live for myself
But I'm acting in a play
One without an audience
So who am acting for?
In those moments alone where I wail Who am I doing this for?
Constantly reinventing myself
But why?
I wish I could be free of this theatre
I hunger for the curtains to close
For the blazing lights to dim
And to sense the silent applause
Die out.
389 · Apr 2022
birdy Apr 2022
"You understand me like no one else."


"But that alone isn't love."
372 · Dec 2021
Journal entry 2
birdy Dec 2021
Happiness has become expensive.
Counting pennies like a child.
371 · Feb 2021
Cruel world
birdy Feb 2021
I wish I had more time to think,
More time to cry with you,
Before you're gone.
But time is slippery as I try to grasp
The precious grains
Of my remaining hours with you.
I wish I could be strong for you,
But my sadness is uncontainable
and flows out of my wallowing blue wells for eyes.
You clutch my sweaty palms,
Desperately struggling to hold on to
This life you want to keep living.
But as I watch the sparkle dim in your eyes.
I know.
That it's a cruel world.
364 · May 2021
birdy May 2021
As the last grain hits the glass basin,
I know it was all for nothing.
358 · Feb 2021
birdy Feb 2021
Your scent is best forgotten.
Yet I remember your cinnamon hair,
Everytime the breeze carried the warm smell to my nose I smiled.
Because it meant you were still there with me.
We weren't in love,
Because we are and were,
too young to be having such big emotions.
But I know that whenever I catch the scent of cinnamon on an afternoon autumn breeze.

I will remember you.
Will you remember me?
353 · Apr 2022
Threats Ooze Red
birdy Apr 2022
Wrapped around my neck are red fingernails,
their color warns me of what they draw.
344 · Apr 2022
Cycle of Disappointment
birdy Apr 2022
Your eyes oscillate towards her when we speak.
339 · Jan 2022
A Hermit's Shell
birdy Jan 2022
The air fermented and aged
familiar darkness
the futile anger from being caged
light brings no greater starkness
338 · May 8
Why do you write?
birdy May 8
To get
my mind
to understand
my soul.
337 · May 2022
Don't Like to Love
birdy May 2022
I am not a lover
I cannot be chained down
To someone so soon
I cannot be this earth's moon.
330 · Aug 2022
birdy Aug 2022
He existed like a song
his very being was music

I love his sweet soothing scent
Like wood slightly tinged

His crystal blue eyes
outshine the sky
and gain favour of the sun
328 · Feb 2023
balcony to the soul
birdy Feb 2023
if eyes are the window to the heart
why do i like to see yours closed
at rest

perhaps the anticipation of opening
the shutters

proves more beautiful
than the view
327 · Apr 2022
birdy Apr 2022
They were like spring,
awaking me from the depths of her who is winter.
321 · Mar 2022
Journal entry 5
birdy Mar 2022
Life is flourishing. My tears have worked hard, to rejuvenate this life.
For the first time in years, I feel like myself again.
314 · Jun 2022
birdy Jun 2022
I feel freedom from my skin
vicariously through the blood
311 · Jan 2022
Journal entry 4
birdy Jan 2022
I tried to dream of you tonight.
310 · Feb 2021
Harsh Reality
birdy Feb 2021
Though light persists to reach my eyes, I hereby reject this harsh reality. For it is easier to renounce something you cannot percieve.
309 · Apr 2021
birdy Apr 2021
Cool autumn breeze,
Crisp like leaves.
Cinnamon hair,
Skin so fair.
Now I am here,
But you're nowhere near.
If only a tear,
Could bring back you dear.
308 · Apr 2022
The only man that mattered
birdy Apr 2022
was the one who grew in my mind
307 · Feb 2021
birdy Feb 2021
The world is so beautiful,
Through eyes purified by love.
Who knew
That one person
Could wash away the brokenness of this cruel world.
I love who
299 · Apr 2021
Your Words
birdy Apr 2021
"Love is leverage."

Now I'm left longing.
294 · May 2021
Addicted to Sadness
birdy May 2021
I'm an addict,
my weak mind succumbed by the allurement of sadness.
A strong emotion with enough power to fill me up with something.
A starved stomach craves the feeling of being full.
And I've never been a picky eater.
292 · May 2021
What is Within
birdy May 2021
Dripping-- leaving trails of satin misery upon fair skin.
Pools of shallow reflect the monstrosity I've become.
281 · Oct 2021
A Greater Love
birdy Oct 2021
I remember the dust stuck in time,
The pink ruffled dress I wore in a sea of black.
I remember the stares and the tears.
But most of all I remember your smile and the love.
I will never forget you.
Though we exist in different worlds.
Not even death is enough to tear apart this bond.
281 · Aug 2022
Human Fractions
birdy Aug 2022
your imperfection perfects me
279 · Apr 2021
birdy Apr 2021
Porcelain eyes,
Shrapnel like tears.
277 · Jan 2023
need to create
birdy Jan 2023
my heart urges to
but my mind
cannot focus on passion
can’t put aside pain
so my heart’s paintings
become plain
overwritten by
an unloving mind
272 · Aug 2022
I love the way I love
birdy Aug 2022
my love is captivating
my love has gravity

I love like the ocean
I love with fervor

my love is waves of emotion
my love clashes into consuming chaos

I love the chaos
I love the way I love
264 · May 2022
Water butter
birdy May 2022
The river churned the boy and his boat
into a fine butter
248 · Jun 2022
Last time i felt wanted
birdy Jun 2022
the last time i felt wanted
i was eight
this feeling is haunted
having died many years ago
215 · Apr 2022
birdy Apr 2022
The sun kisses the grass,
as the water hugs the moon.
213 · Apr 2021
birdy Apr 2021
Thin walls,
My concert hall of sorrow.
Drowning in shallow water,
so undeserving yet needy.

Save me.
212 · Jan 2022
The air is screaming
208 · Mar 8
Right to Know
birdy Mar 8
Take away their power
and ignore their pain.

But culture is perennial,
and no practice is in vain.

You’ve cut the line
but the call is still coming through.

Change is coming.
With or without you.

Take away their language,
but the land will teach them the way.

Knowledge and memories,
will always stay.

Try to obstruct their knowing,
haven’t you heard?

Your graining insistence,
is quiet like the blue bird.

The river is flowing,
the sun is still stirred.

Ancient lines of wisdom,
what are you afraid they might learn?

Your resistance to beauty,
beyond absurd.

When will you let them find freedom?
Surrounded by the colonial herd.
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