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Umi Dec 2017
In one night of these nights, I don't know what happened to me
Oh Lord, I am filled with can this be ?
Earth and the heavens are closing in to me, theres no way I can flee

I have fallen, a devil without wings,
A demon who's heart has forgotten something called "The light"
A prisoner with not much to say, a prisoner held by strings
And the sun I see has given up her might...
She does not shine, radiate or any of these things

My eyes cry out as I see the others,
Walking blindly through the flames, not anyone bothers
I have become stuck here because of my sins oh God.
"Does this criminal deserve your forgiveness" I'm thinking
I have confessed my sins, but I am still sinking

But today, oh Lord I want to come back, from the darkness cast by this cruel Sun
My heart is broken, my mind is confused, my lungs feel like being pressured by a ton
I am drowning here, can't see anything
Except for you oh my saviour, my king

So I speak out with the last breath
"Save me, and I will try to fix my behaviour"
Even if you resurrect in hell..the pain of death can be felt well

~ Umi
Liz Jul 2014
Dancing and twirling
Devilish thoughts
They taunt
They sing
And laugh an eerie song

I know every word
Every down beat and note
I sing a long every day

Catchy tunes
They get stuck in your head
Even when there is no physical sound
It repeats
And repeats
On and on

Like a chanting spell
Like a screaming cry
This suicide song
It won't let me die
fatin May 2016
mana mungkin rindu aku terasa
jika diungkap dengan bait bahasa

dakaplah aku
rasakan rindu aku
kerna mana bisa ayat dan kata curah rasa ini
andai kau rasa perit dan pahit ini,
lepaskan lah.
biar aku bebas terokai dunia
tanpa rasa sekat dalam raga

aku penat
-menunggu sesuatu yang tidak pasti
dalam hal ini, adalah kamu

jalan yang dahulu kita lewati tengah malam kini kian sunyi
dulu, ada sahaja tawa kita kedengaran
bukan aku tidak cuba untuk berhenti ada fikiran tentang kamu
bagai aku tersekat

andai kau rindu
andai kau rasa perit dan pahit ini
lepaskan lah aku

*agar aku bebas teroka dunia
Pagan Paul Oct 2018
And it grips her submissive mind,
sweeping her along unbidden,
through timelines inducing nausea,
passed worlds previously hidden.
Tumbling stones rumble unheard,
a slide that sends gravity shifting,
starting a new path through time,
the butterfly effect begins shifting.

The images stop swirling,
a vision fades slow into sight,
a row of glowing Seers Spheres
racked in the pale moon light.
Eleven cradles for resting orbs,
four relieved of their weight,
claimed by other time travellers
already gone through the Gate.

And she sees Grimly approach,
picking a Sphere from the rack,
carrying careful in clean hands,
then through the door turns back.
She sees herself seated rigid,
watches Grimly hand her the Sphere,
a bolt of understanding hits and
her mind becomes crystal clear.

She realises these are tests
for the next vision is of her,
as a child in a camel train
leaving the great city of Ur.
Crossing the desert once again
with oils and perfumes so pure,
amidst the most luxurious goods
of gold, silver, silks and furs.

And the images diffuse, refocus, Judderwitch by a grave,
of an unfortunate sacrifice, the girl she could not save,
a flame handled dagger marks a headstone epitaph,
and her weeping grief slowly turns into a manic laugh,
as in the grave paces away, a woman screams out loud,
buried alive with a nest of spiders, no forgiveness is allowed.

And the scenes change, redefine, Judderwitch on a street,
with a mutilated corpse, an horrific sight for her to meet,
as a black rat starts to happily nibble at the naked feet,
and she shivers. She shivers? The Empress of Evil cold,
an anger courses through her at this alien feeling untold,
whilst her body stiffens at the answer she beholds.

Grimly sees her body stiffen,
a knowing smile graces his lips.
His eyes move to a vacant cradle,
as Time plays out one of its tricks.

And she knows.
She understands.
The Seers Sphere is Time itself.
Exactly one eleventh of
All Time.

The race through Time gently slows,
the globe feels warm as it brightly glows,
and deep inside she already knows
she is accepted and with Time she flows.
Connection with the Seers Sphere grows,
as the Ritual comes to its joyous close,
and the Seers Sphere hummed as it chose,
Judderwitch, and on its journey goes.

© Pagan Paul (05/10/18)
Poem 5 in Judderwitch series.
(Part 1 was posted a few days ago).

My Judderwitch poems are now in a collection :)
Alexis K Jan 6
I would love to write a beautiful piece,
On how death welcomed me.
The reality is I didn't have time.
My feet left the ground,
Wind in my hair,
And for a moment I felt finally free.
Then all that mattered was gravity.

Naomi Sa'Rai Feb 2012
Yes Sandi is my name
Im the player in her game
Chess is
Checkers times two
Had fun toying
With you
My friend
My friend
Mandi mentioned you
As I laid
Fingers splayed
Teasing her sin
She moaned
Playful lusted tone
He's a great young man
Thoughts of you
She begged
Grabbing hands
What a woman you are
Kept a young man falling
Free like comets
From stars
Oh Mandi
You knew
That you had a lover
Who looked just like you
Mandi I assumed you didn't lie
Notice shock
Looking up
On you
Going down
On that guy
Baby you called out
What the hell was that about
Mandi i thought you cared
Somehow the exhausting
******* we shared
Couldn't satisfy you
Mandi go to hell
Take your man
Downtown with you

My poem
I toiled then in Babylon
with a suit and black tie on
I forgot who it was that I called on
JAH the one true lord of love
Sits on HIS throne high up above
HE sent to me a holy dove
in its talons

I had not smoked since that night
The sight of it gave me a fright
but from the sky, a holy light!
A fatherly voice came down from a cloud
"Son this kush is hella loud
Smoke it well, and make me proud!"
so I packed a bowl
and smoked

The power of kush, it lifted me
This powerful plant HE gifted me
It mended that old rift in me
and I once again, was reggae.
The story of my return to the right path. HIS light inspired me to fight the good fight against bald heads everywhere, and I fight to this day.
bymslu Nov 2018

i've dipped in and out

the mountains i thought i moved took back their strength

and in the taking,
cracked open the ground

leaving me off-balance than before

yes, i should've fought back but


i stay dipping in and out

there's no such thing as control

no such thing as handled

a loose grip

had me falling through the cracks
and as i fell onto hard times

the darkness welcomed me

so i stayed

. . .
Matthew Sep 2018
From a young age I was claiming to see angels, aliens, elementals, sometimes god himself walking in the sun. I remember surprising my teacher at age four by explaining infinity and drawing a figure eight for her.
I'm telling you these things, and other parts of my background because it all just feels necessary, if I'm to have any credibility for rational thought when I somehow find a way to explain what happened in there. It's been almost a week, I'm still jacked in the head. One thought, one memory, one feeling and all I can do is sob.
I digress. My point is that I've always been a highly spiritual person. What started as a Catholic would travel through taoism, Buddhism, the Cherokee and Hopi, the Hindu.. I've learned their Kung Fu, their Asana yoga, their healing through chi. I can say with no ego or shame, I am a shaman.
Christ, coming full circle, now amazes me the most. From that short line, "for through me all things are possible."
It's funny, but it took all that eastern mystic learning for me to come to understand the truly timeless nature of the cross, of God, and of ourselves.
I also, from age fifteen, was frequently hypnotized, and used an array of other advanced tequnique therapies meant to increase sub concsious brain hemisphere communication speeds. Remarkable stuff. From there I taught myself how to meditate and heal, and my colleague and I continued our experiments on into my early thirties.

I'm writing all of this because I want you all to know what I mean when I say "I am extremely in tune with my body and often sense things intuitively."
I'm getting there..
GaryFairy Mar 2016
if every cloud has a silver lining
that's gonna make for some heavy rain
underneath this sky, i am finding
myself being crushed, and drenched in pain
S O P H I E Sep 2020
when i was a child
my father never checked the closet
i never asked him too
i knew what was hiding there
the secrecy and the skeletons i lay to rest
i kept it shut tightly
locked and sealed
like my mouth
never open long enough
for anyone to know what was going on inside
not even a locksmith could pry open
my closet doors
Marigold Dec 2012
Do it. Why not?
Let her down, let her fall into endless voids,
Where the sadness is deeper than all the oceans we ever knew.
You, who she picked up so bruised and broken,
Full of sad thoughts and kind smiles,
She needn't be your burden anymore
Leave her to find her own way out
Regardless of who dragged who into whose mess.
And she has been trying;
trying to remember what it was to be happy,
trying to release the heaviness,
offering exits through pierced skin,
swallowing the provided medication.
Sometimes she forgets,
forgets which pill when,
forgets to eat,
forgets to get out of her bed-fortress.
But I can tell you most solemnly,
She never forgets what it was to have you.
Note: Ode to a ****** part 1 has not yet been published.
The Calm Dec 2016
Dear Homeless man
I see you standing there alone
Empty and probably hopeless with no place to call home

The winter cold breathe's on you it's icy kiss
It adds to the pain doesnt it?
To the voice of hoplessness beckoning you to death's dark abyss

Dear homeless man, why do you make me so afraid ?
You're one of God's children and I should be lending you aid
Dear homeless man I don't even know your name
As I wait for a green light feeling selfish,  uncaring and ashamed.

Dear homeless man, don't give up hope
Don't ever become a hopeless man
You probably wonder, if God is so good why doesn't he answer me ?
The birds of the air and the fish of the sea he takes care of
But what about me?

Dear Homeless man, I can't describe to you the emptiness I feel
As I look at you and imagine what you go through, your struggle your world so...real.

My immediate response is to raise my hand and for you say a prayer
My physical response is for you to shed a tear
God said that I would do for the least of I do the same thing to Jesus and for you I did not take care of
Is this what I do to the Lord above ?
To his creation? That's the only question on my imagiation, as I drive home it's a steady fixation as I think, wow me, a christian , certainly this will lead to damnation....

Dear Homeless man I'm sorry,
I wish I could drive you to my home and take you in.
Tell you about Jesus, I know you know that life is tough but I'll tell you how through him you can win
How the cause for your dilemna is through man and his sin but death didn't win
I wish I could show you a new day right now but hopefully through my prayer at that traffic light , hope will reach in.
To the homeless man standing on Orleans street in Baltimore Maryland right after Johns Hopkins Hospital, God bless and I'm sorry I can't help. I hope God blesses you
riwa Nov 2017
I’ve told you this before...
but i think of you a lot.
it’s not really intentional,
its just that
everything reminds of you.

when i see a flower-
i think of how good you look in the color pink.

when i think of economics, or politics, i think of you-
because i know how interested you are in those subjects.

when i stare at people for long enough-
their faces start to morph into yours.
and thats why i don’t like to go out anymore.
because everywhere i go,
i see you.
i see you in the scribbles in my journals,
and in the cracks on the sidewalks,
i see you when i press a button in an elevator,
and when I’m filling out a form to sign up for the sats?
don’t ask me why,
because i don’t know...
i just know that it happens.

i know that i know things about you that no one else does.
and you know things about me that no one else does.
you know things about me i wouldn’t want anyone else to know.
i trust you like that.
i think of you as a safe house,
a place where i know that things will be good
at least-
i like to hope so.
Filmore Townsend Jan 2013
shiver'd awake,
no rain-guard on your tent.
beautiful to see the stars
when that drunk sends you spinning,
but it got cold. real cold.
the two of you went for
cigarettes. necessary,
after a blur'd night
with raiding raccoons.
****'d the night before,
****'d the morning after;
you were right hungover.
while gone,
i built the fire to cook.
(that fire,
that fire was my baby)
rations were raid'd
by wildlife in the night,
left were a can of
chili and some fritos.
knifed the top off can,
began breakfast.
your return brought
hair of the dog,
excitement at the day beginning.
mention'd dog hair,
available only after
raccoon raids and sinking cans.
night prior we weren't
as drunk as i think.
i remember. i guess.
it fix'd us up, though,
as our immoderate breakfast hit home.
jade Apr 2021
There was a girl lying on the floor,
she was covered in blood,
her skin sliced by his blades.

There was a girl lying on the floor,
she was covered in bruises,
her skin tarnished by his fists.

There was a girl lying on the floor,
dead and ruined.

She was ruined by what she thought was love,
and killed, by the man she thought loved her.

but he didn’t love her, he loved his canvases.
thank you for reading
Sethnicity Aug 2015
Yet homeless happy people without thrive ability
party pushers posting pictures with such  jive hostility
acting out with rational it's like sporting politically
Obama's on my starting team with poll pushing agility
I Got two Clintons on my backup fantasy league
don't watch local games or who's selling off senate seats
not all are frozen but most have chosen illiterately
on the block taking tokens steady smokin and broke and  
no matter for realities that are steadily approaching
call me young in notion but I can't stand for lack of motion
late nights to early mornings I'm writing in search of potion
like Juliet rests in pieces I see the gauntlets broken
YOU can't save the planet **** IT so Janet pass on posting
Nothin new under sun we **** for fun and Whales **** in the ocean
as if Ape won't **** Ape Mother Earth will keep her motion
Wu is Me now I see I've been
Sipping on Too Wrongs Lefty
More social commentary...
Remember Real I Ty is never Caffeine-Free!
Lilian Cortis Apr 2015
If, in fragrant gardens blooms
the maltese rose
reminds us the shade of
Your Lovely Face
O Mary,
looking up to the twinkle of smiles
in the midnight skies
we see Your Eyes
O Merciful One

You're the Wonder of Heaven
Light of Creation
Mother of the One Who Shapes
Time. With You. Complete
Translation from National Poet of Malta, Dun Karm Psaila
Esperanzavenisia Oct 2014
Tears now because you wake up in the same life you went to sleep hoping you could run away from.. Opening up but scared of shutting down . you're given a chance , how could they possibly understand , how could  they know what life is like when everything for you is black . Telling you it's natural , If it's natural when why am I the only one in the group who feels like this . Why am I the only one who cannot tell when someone does Care, when someone is honestly there to Listen. Warning them to not get close because the life you live is not one you'd like to burden anyone with. Protecting them because they cannot protect you , it is over because you've learned how to control the only thing that could make you better , learning how to turn those dreams into writing because you are no longer able to fight , and that one person still remains out of sight..
Taltoy Sep 2017
Ano bang nilalaman?
Ito'y katotohanan?
O ito'y kagustuhan?
Ikaw, nasa isipan.
wes parham May 2014
   were something we shared, but then,
Secrets are nothing per sè...

   was a thing that I'm lacking, but that
Never stopped me, anyway...

I pressed you, you starved me,
It was wrong, but it couldn't be helped.
I said some things that I don't quite recall
You said a few things yourself.

It was a ridiculous assumption, and god **** it,
You're right.
Forgive me if I don't always hear your advice,
Or look away from the truth.
I'm still listening, I swear it.
I'm afraid you might think I'm just here for your ***,
Or afraid you might think that I'm boring and dull.
I'm just beginning to learn that others perceptions,
Are all, as they should be,
well beyond my control,

But, still...

Your eyes of ocean depth see me,
I want you to speak my name.
Searching all my cliches in the dark,
Forgetting the lies from which we came.
But what if all my words are true?
What if they show me the way?
What if the light between oceans is thought,
And words sufficient to make you stay?
(continued from part one)  Nasty business, this.  The story takes a dark turn, polluting the waters but pulling through in the end, hopeful.  Hopeful.  This is all metered for a reading over some music sent to me by a distant collaborator through soundcloud.  I'll link when that noise is ready.
(UPDATE:  IT'S COMPLETE.  Thanks to soundcloud musician Dennis Ramler for taking me on in a collaborative effort )
Alyssa Yu May 2013
You could’ve
Strengthened me with kindness
Given me back my worth
Empowered me by your affections
Unearthed the beauty that I didn’t know was there
Renewed me with your love

But you looked away

Now I see
I am nothing without you
Weak, fragile
Unable to rise on my own

I was broken and empty
Only you had the power to make me whole again…

…and only you left me here, incomplete.
brandy Jun 2021
i am not icarus,
but your heart
beams brighter than the sun
and if i could construct wings made of wax
to reach the heat of your heart once more
i'd do it before that anxious little *****
could even strike a beat
if only you would just allow me
to melt all over again
in the rays of your sunlight
could we ever continue creating our own myths?
kirklefrance Apr 2013
dis what i on while im coasting along
thoughts cant go wrong
the plots of my song
hearts being torn like rats eating corn
mind pollution cries via ****
animistic stalkers the same cats eating lawn
sick twisted listed **** i be on
sick twisted **** since the day we were born
larni Nov 2019
he left me.
he hurt me.
he lied to me.
he made it hard for me to trust.
i trust you.
i trust that
you won't leave me,
you will be kind to me,
you will be honest,
you are the best thing for me.
i love you
Remi Leroy Mar 2017
so much and so much more that I could never have said
shut in my throat, lost words that dissolve when I try to grasp at them.
so much and so much more that we could have been
gone are the days when everything mattered equally.

from here on there is
so much distance between us.
no matter how much I run, no matter how much I push,
my knees would buckle under me, my arms would fall limp by my side,
as I see you moving forward, further and further.
shaking, I reach out.
your name, a syllable that rests on the edge of my lips
lost in the howling wind.

so much and so much more we could have become
slowly but surely, your silhouette fades out in my vision.
Brandi Clark Mar 2015
Turn on sweet summer delusion
Inside faulty memorized fantasies
I never knew you
Subconsciously tune into me.

Ive only got a pretty face
When its image reflects in your eyes
Drop out of this world around you
Shut me up when i start to cry.

Strangers say have a nice day
I want to ask about their dreams
Twisted auto pilot existence
Following a path of mundane routines.

Oh break me free from somber shackles
Let me run wild through your mind
To no longer be a figment of reality
No longer controlled by time.

I yearn to be a thought
Nothing more than a dream
A soul not bound by body
Like leaves flowing downstream.

But id let your current catch me
Trapped within you all summer long
But the winter freeze will break me
As i question your rights and my wrongs.

And one day you will whisper to me
"Baby girl,  i wish you could swim"
Ill brush off the phrase quite quickly
But in secret places ill grow grim.

For there will always be a constant truth
That lies dormant in the back of my mind
That the rose colored glasses you see me through now
Our only available for a limited time.
Quentin Briscoe Dec 2015
I'm sick... With a sin...
I can't get rid of...
I'm so deep pressed
With a weight I struggle to lift
I lie to myself...
In a bed of thorns ..
I am the rose ...
Waiting to be killed
I'm the name
Of Love....

Or ****..
I don't know the difference any more...
I thought I found heaven..
But I realized Im still alive...
Or maybe I been closed my eyes...
I just never made it to the sky......

A PsychoSuperhero
Natasha Jul 2013
Stick shift, seatbelt quick, 120k
Cool grin, bites lip, worry starts to fade
He tucks my hair behind my ear, oh so ever gently
Halted finally, stepping out of the 2014 Bentley

Swagger of his hips, lead mine to the door
His million dollar home, everything in store
Opens it, easy- then 1,2,3
Closes the door, and puts me on my knees

"You've been a very bad girl" he smirks down at me
Pushes my face into the bulge I see
I back up for a moment, weakness under his disguise
I bite my lip, and look up at him
With my lustful baby blue eyes
Yes my eyes are actually blue, it's one of the things I've been told are my best feature so I may as well work with them.. "K" in the first line stands for kilometres because I'm Canadian lol just in case some of you were possibles mystified. There will be many many more parts to this
Sneaking drinks,
because I'm not old enough.
At first it was fun,
now it's not as much.
Now I'm drinking because "I've had a long day"
and I like the static that comes.
Now I'm drinking because "I don't feel happy"
and I like the butterflies that comes.
Now I'm drinking because "I don't want to be sober"
and I like the blackout that comes.
The static sounds out the yelling and crying,
from my family.
The butterflies replace the feeling he use to give me,
that's no longer there.
The blackout helps me sleep with my thoughts,
that tell me it's time to go.
Sneaking drinks,
because I'm not old enough.
At first it was fun,
now I need it.
Petalpushxr Jan 2014
Nothing but twilight
a universe in my hand
sprite rains on lands
when at sweet noon
swimming snakes
at the speed of
our realm of infinity
the sun shining
brighter than gold
rings orbit around
our fingers
satellites orbiting
our space.
jg Feb 2017
I see the door wide open
Telling me to go in,
And all I have to do is take one step.

Sincere but fearful thoughts find their way to me...
"He shall not be your happiness, don't let him have that much power over yourself"
"You can be genuinely happy without him..."
"You are the sun, and he was just a cloud"
"You are the moon and he was just a star, one close to a supernova, soon to be lightless"

I close my eyes and take one step, and so I hold on tight, preparing myself for the journey that awaits for me: the journey of loving myself.
(This is part 2)
I wanted to do something new, I hope you liked it, but if you haven't read part one... Go read it :) These two poems were very personal, they represented sincerely two important moments of my life.
And don't you ever forget that things WILL get better... A storm never lasts forever <3 so don't give up and always have hope.
Filmore Townsend Sep 2013
words through time-eyes,
and life thought left long
with mind for days while
this one sat deterring soul
from body in a foot-lost
night. sun's end, son's end,
and the day's typewriter
just hours from death of man.
awaiting knowledge of grou-
nded truth. ground vessel of
a soylent variety, without
thoughts on past word-loss.
summer existence, like young
girl's expectations of world's
blood left in trashcan. place the
heart, forced sweating to free self
of longer lost sleep. feel right, sleep
longer during the long dark. true
waiting and lack ******* reason
when this cat has gone, been got,
has lost a white-year of quiet memories.
times destroyed, knew to rise hip. knew
to rise onward with cigarette lit of matched
flesh. sense the repetition, remember
away the flesh. blue smoke of fire in the
long dark, in the coming white-year.
sense the memory, ending waste but
still losing knowledge. gaining chaos of
thirteen out, of this one's will to be six out.
Paul Jones Mar 2012

Light a candle
Ignited by my heart
Flame hugs the wick
It flickers
Staring at the flame
Become hypotised
Start to fall
Down I go
I am drowning
Swim to the top
Glance at the candle
Wax is melted
Candle is almost
Flame is fading
Slowly fading
It does not die
It burns on
Forever lit
I grab the flame
And place it in
My heart
There it will burn
Torin Jan 2016
I always believed
Not in god
But in whatever it is
God does

Maybe giving us reason
Or giving us meaning
That whatever pain we feel
Is all a part of a plan

I always believed
Because the truth is
I can't live my life
Without believing in something
bones Oct 2014
......Breathing Space......
She left when she realised he
Was closing more doors than agreed
When he asked her for why
She said look at that sky
That's the breathing space my lifetime needs.

When they're finally free of their chain
And falling about you like rain
Don't be wasting concern
On a fear they will burn
They might not fall your way again.

......Next door's cat......
There's an old man next door in the flat
He shares with his skinny pet cat
Whilst nobody here
Has seen him this year
His cat's grown disturbingly fat.

Some people are popular folk
But none quite so much as the bloke
Who waits in the park
Each day after dark
Selling sweet smelling clouds of blue smoke.

......Dead Fred......
The problem with my Uncle Fred
Is he keeps coming back from the dead
'It's a bit ****** cold
Down in that hole
Stop putting me back' he said.

......Reverend Ted......
The problem with Reverend Ted
Is he keeps rising up from the dead
'Heaven and Hell
are all very well
but I'd rather be home' he said

He was just building up to a scream
When his head fell apart at the seams
Days at a time
He had lost to that rhyme
Now he'll never find out what it means.

......Madman with gun......
I once knew a man with a gun
That he aimed everyday at the sun
As it sank to the ground
He fired off a round
And went to bed thinking he'd won.

......Madness pt2.....
The last man alive raised his gun
and declared open war on the sun
as it sank to the ground
he put the last round
through his head convinced he had won.

The night the moon started to drip
A silver drop fell from it's tip
And carved in the dark
The sweep of an arc
So fine we thought heaven had split.

......Holidays on the moon......
We holiday each year in June
On the back of a crescent moon
In a house made of cheese
Where you eat what you please
Last year I ate the front room.

Ever since the day of my birth
I've been jumping for all that I'm worth
It's jolly bad luck
That gravity *****
When you're trying to leave planet Earth.

I've been asking directions to Venus
And it seems that the space in between us
Is an awful long way
So I'm leaving today
On a rocket that's shaped like a frankfurter.

......Martin's Limericks......
With a limit of only five lines
The first two of which have to rhyme
With the one at the end
Martin my friend
You nail it every time.

......My Poor Limerick......
From an ivory tower of prose
It's a long way to look down your nose
At my poor limerick
That you'd beat with a stick
If you could without creasing your clothes.
Thought I'd lump them all together, you might have seen a couple before...Sorry if so.
Thank you Martin and thank you Kalypso for your company :o)
Harley Hucof Apr 2017
As he sits back he blows up the smoke
With one look the Lizard King penetrates your soul

A talk of dreams and projections
No ears to hear the King's interventions

A post prophet of freedom and anarchy
The room is crowded but the lizard king is lonely

Innate talent of mind alternance and substance abuse
Words speaking of a King and a noose

The Lizard King roars before shooting his final blend
The King closes his eyes as the crown falls to an infinite end

Words Of Harfouchism
galio Mar 2015
to whoever is lucky to love her next…

she will cry. sometimes she will feel like crap with no explanation and she doesn’t owe you one. just hold her and let her cry, kiss away her tears.

you will never worry about her criticizing you because she makes you feel like castle. she will always be there for you, she will kiss you and love you even when you are hard to love.

she will doubt herself and cry, don’t let her go away. remind her that she is smart and capable of great things. she will do great things.

she will complain about the snowy paleness of her skin and the striking blue veins that spread across her skin like lightning. she will be pleased when she loses a couple of pounds of her beautiful curves in her body. do not encourage her, do not get angry. love her.

you will never worry whether she is smarter than you, you just know she is. to this day, she is still the most intelligent girl i’ve ever met.

she takes aliens very seriously. if you’re with her, you’re probably a believer too. watch the night sky with her and watch her eyes light up with excitement when a star falls. she doesn’t realize that they fall for her.

there will be days where she binge watches a show, or cannot stop listening to a song. if you love her, watch the show. listen to the song. join her while she is doing her favourite things. she will remember it.

her kindness is one of her best qualities but remind her that she is strong and cannot be pushed around. she has a voice, she will be heard

when she feels sad and gloomy, always try music. dance with her, swing her around in her favourite twirly dresses and bring her close. she’s a beautiful dancer.

she has storms in her eyes and the waves crashing will make you realize that home doesn’t always have a roof and a doorway, but two eyes and a beating heart.

so for god sakes, do not break her heart. do not ever ******* break her heart because if you were lucky enough to be loved by her , you don’t need anything else

— The End —