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May 2020 · 653
I shall sit
Eric Angels May 2020
I shall sit,
On a shore I shall sit
And let the Ocean
wash the dust Off my feet
While golden rays warm my face
And I watch
The big orange sun set,
Upon a day
On a shore,
I shall sit
Feb 2020 · 481
Sep 2019 · 390
Love tests patience
Eric Angels Sep 2019
Pain is the purest form of pleasure
She's the source of mine.
But I await her, patiently...
Like a sailers lover awaits a bottle message by the sea shore..
Not knowing whether the winds and tides were kind or not
Jul 2019 · 536
Eric Angels Jul 2019
When your eyes lie
And your mouth tells the truth,

I will believe you don't love me anymore

But until then, I stay
Jul 2019 · 628
I will be brave when I die
Eric Angels Jul 2019
When my blood runs cold
Be it when I'm young, or old
I will be brave when I die
Jun 2019 · 577
Tell her she's beautiful
Eric Angels Jun 2019
When you see her today,
Remember to tell her that she's beautiful,
That you love her
and that you will never stop missing her.
Mercy Kabi
Jun 2019 · 669
Eric Angels Jun 2019
Let her see you vulnerable,
And she will be the strength you need

Let her see your dark side,
That part of you that you have always kept hidden from her,
And she will be the light that you have been missing.

Let her see you cry,
And she will become your everlasting source of joy

Let her see you when you are broken,
And she will build you up again even better than you were

Stop being scared and let her in,
Love her better, truly...
You know she deserves no less.
Mercy Kabi
Jun 2019 · 512
Eric Angels Jun 2019
When you doubt you are beautiful,
Just turn to the mirror,and repeat these words
"Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all"
And then say your name out loud.
You are the snow white in your own story.
Jun 2019 · 1.2k
Eric Angels Jun 2019
You, yes you..
I wanna share a secret with you,

Jun 2019 · 1.2k
Eric Angels Jun 2019
Do not turn your face away from me
Notice me.
Jun 2019 · 1.2k
A boy poet
Eric Angels Jun 2019
I am fallen, cast out and freezing

Surrounded by dark space and black holes neither I nor light can escape

Trauma, depression...regrets my new normal.

I try to cry, but these tears, as quickly as they drip, dry.

I hate being nostalgic, for the nostalgia causing memories are like the dirt suspended in the air I breathe... sickening, and only serve to trigger my asthma.

You were the reason I used to feel alive,
The one thing that motivated me to breath in and to breath out

I still remember how we used to sit outside, or at times lay on the green fields, soul naked staring at the star lit sky.

   How time used to have no meaning,
I mean, we would stay up all night, with hopes of seeing a shooting star, only to wish for another shooting star, when we saw one, so that we never run out of wishes.

How you'd point at the constellations, and how you never stopped naming them: Orion, Aquila, Scutum, Ophiuchus, Serpens, Lupus...saying out their names with the same passion you used to say my name, to say I LOVE YOU.

     Our love burnt with such remarkable desire, a fervent only depicted in soaps.

  Her lips were beautiful,
Her words sweet, soft spoken and warm.
Her eyes shy,
Her dimples deep
And her skin dark and smooth like the water pebbles.

We fell in love fast
We lived carefree, with no regards to rules or consequences, for we were young and "ride or die" our brag.

But we also fell apart fast.
We, who were each others angel dust, were left at the mercies of strong unseen desert sand in the awakening of a sandstorm.

Maybe it was because of the words left untold, the apologies that went unspoken...the sweet pride that turned too bitter to swallow... maybe, it was all of the above.
However invisible, their impacts very tangible.

It's funny, how we who were inseparable, now eye each other like strangers.

Our paths appear cursed, with no hope of ever crossing,
And just like the polar bears and penguins,
We see the world from opposite ends.

You used to fill my world with colours: bright and attractive.
But when you stepped out, darkness hurriedly stepped in, and engulfed everything I held sacred.

My life remains without light, however faint, like the heart of a night on a new moon.

I should accept defeat, turn the other cheek for a second slap but,
I have come to understand that even the dull colours are bright to a blind painter.

So I will love you,
When you are far or near,
When you are a foe or the one who's dear,
For we may fight, fall and rise with the tide,
Bend or sometimes, even break,
But I will never give up on you.
You are my silver lining...
And I believe just like the phoenix, ashes are our birthplace.

So no matter how much you hide, I will always seek you like the morning does the sun
And no matter how far you are, I will always be waiting for you, patiently, like the wolf does the full moon
       I will never give up on you,
For I still believe our love, will once again be seen, like the sun at noon.
Dec 2018 · 478
Eric Angels Dec 2018
I have to be skilled
To see
Man, life, change, love
Dec 2018 · 294
GEt it?
Eric Angels Dec 2018
I'm a guy who’s
As scared as a brave man
As deceptive as the whole truth
As good as the goodness people see in bad men
I'm as sad as a happy man
I have the vision of a blind man
Why the face...
You get it, right?

Am as wrong as the right person
Crazy as a sane man
I have the tension of a loose string
I keep my circle of friends small like a Wed’n ring
My heart is as soft as a rock
What am tryna say is
Am as strong as a weak man

And I don’t have anger issues but
I shout in my silence
Am free when incarcerated
I am
As dangerous as a safe haven
As crooked as a straight line

Am as open as a closed book
Am an idiot with a nerd’s brain

Get it?
Dec 2018 · 556
Eric Angels Dec 2018
Today I was gonna look her in the eye

Tell her she's the reason why

When I fall, I fly

But then I saw her, kissing another guy

And realised I've been living a lie
Sep 2018 · 458
Eric Angels Sep 2018
I'm a fool, for I know everything about nothing and nothing about everything, when it comes to you...for reason, I gladly get the door, out!! I say
My heart was with you, yet yours has been with everything and everyone else,
And it is for these reasons I am of a singular mind with the saying, pen is mightier than sword,
For I saw but these words gracefully inscribed
In places I had long buried in the back of my mind
Sep 2018 · 213
Eric Angels Sep 2018
Hearts are broken by words left unspoken...and souls get interlaced with darkness, with no hopes of tell me, what will keep you warm at night, when the fire embraces cold, I know I don't share an equal footing with the gods, and neither do we trend common grounds, but I had believed you were that woman, who made me wanna be a better man
Sep 2018 · 370
Eric Angels Sep 2018
I used to believe that you...
you are the type of girl people go to war for,
Imagine my relief now
That you are not even worth fighting for
May 2018 · 3.4k
Eric Angels May 2018

they don’t know in our world we fly and angels walk
They think us silent but our hearts talk


it’s a world where only you and I reside
Nobody else knows of it besides
There is only love and us inside


in our world the unicorn is real
When we ride and fly,
In your eyes,
I see the thrill


people think magic carpets don’t exist
It’s a fiction highlighted in Aladdin
Well then, tell them how I got you on cloud nine


baby your body features are like famous landmarks
And that’s why I’ll always love you to the max
Like the pair of dimples on your face love we match


you are the only girl who uses fairy dust for make up
You shine brighter than all the stars I see when I look up
And we share the most amazing love


people dream about heaven,
that’s where I stay
Your kisses, hugs, love and
Angel wings,
They take me there,
Told them I don’t need oxygen to live coz in our world love is in the air
Feb 2018 · 252
Eric Angels Feb 2018
I have stained thy name with sin,  
Stained thy lips with lustful kisses,
I have messed up your innocent memories
With all the thrusting and throbbing
You go through at night
While all you seek is to sleep peacefully by my side
We have stained my bedsheets,
You do it out of love
But I seek to break your body,
Because someone broke my heart
Feb 2018 · 255
The Moon.
Eric Angels Feb 2018
For I know the shape and the radiance of the moon,
I know the intensity of her illumination,
I know the moon's shyness,
Her insecurities, her imperfections,
I know her coz I loved her, and she is all I see when I wake up
Wake up to gaze at the stars at dawn; at 4 a.m
She might be surrounded by a billion stars, but I will never lose sight of her, trying to count them.
Jan 2018 · 296
Eric Angels Jan 2018
You call them flaws
You Say I'm sensitive, aggressive, irrational
ill favored, insecure, an introvert,
A ******.
You say I'm fragile, you say I'm not fun...

    I say I'm human.
Jan 2018 · 350
Eric Angels Jan 2018
Most times I find myself thinking,  
About you, about me
About you, about us
I find myself thinking about whether
You ever think of me
I can't help but wonder sometimes
If you'd spend a moment
  For that slight second,
Whether I ever think you, thinking of me, just like I've spent days and nights wondering.
I can blame it on the distance
Or your closeness to someone else, someone who's not me
I can blame it on the cold nights of winter
Or the warm embrace of the guy
who read your insecurities, through the palms of your hands
On your first handshake

I can blame it on your thoughts,
For you to ever think, that I'd think of you the same way you thought of me.
  I think you are the most beautiful woman...
   I think I hate the woman I love..
I think given another chance things would have been...
I think...
  I think...

Why can't I get you out of my head, out of my heart, for I think only then can my soul find peace.

   I think, as I fall asleep tonight,  
I'll think of you.
Oct 2017 · 447
Last Will
Eric Angels Oct 2017
Vengeance is a quest
One that's pure and justifiable Irrespective of the means, no matter how rough.
Nothing is more demeaning than asking self, who Am I?
But then again it occurs to me, I'm Eric Ng'ang'a, a saint in my own making. 
My weakness was love, for I let my guard down when I allowed my piety to a woman, determine my course.
I feel like am going rogue, or, am I?
This would be my suicide note,
So fear the hanged man,
For he's dead already,
And the man with nothing to lose is the one you put your money on in a bar fight.
But his words,  
My younger self, linger and scream like banshees in my head,
There's Beauty in the courage of a fragile fighter.
So I hold on tight,
Hold it together, before I embrace going G.I Joe.
Sep 2017 · 213
Eric Angels Sep 2017
As darkness turns to light
Day turns to night
And the clock glides left to right...
Aug 2017 · 356
Eric Angels Aug 2017
I write this to thee
My beloved

I wonder why
Why you noticed me
Noticed me among my equals
It only took you one stare
One stare to single me out
Single me out, from those we shine alike
I am a star and that
That is enough to make me special
But how can I be special while
There are a billion others
With my light
The sky must be our home
You are angelic, and I shine from space
I’m an ordinary star, not part of a zodiac sign
But that’s okay coz I am a part of you
And truly I say to you
It will be a dark night on earth
If you be removed from me
For you cause my smile
One that’s bright and twinkles
And with it, a star lit sky

— The End —