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1.0k · Apr 2016
PaperclipPoems Apr 2016
I buried my heart in his hollow ground
Latched my soul to his sinister pneuma

He was the walking dead
And I was his conduit.
1.0k · Oct 2015
PaperclipPoems Oct 2015
I would rather be your Friday night than your Sunday morning
Because I know that you're with me Sunday morning.
I would rather be your Unknown Caller.
I would rather be your
"meet me on the corner" or your
"I wish I could stay"
Because that way I would know where I stand.

But I'm not any of these things.
I am your wife. And I am envious of the one who has your heart while I only have your hand.
Marriage doesn't mean what it should mean these days. It's so sad.
972 · Nov 2015
Lost Cowboys
PaperclipPoems Nov 2015
Those brothers were Cowboys
Fallen angels with bad intentions
Tag teaming every robbery in the west
They were destined to be legends

Lost souls catching midnight trains
Riding away with the wind
They'd steal your heart in a moment
Never to be seen again

She loved them both in different ways
They loved her each in their own
Even after those many women and years later
She remained the only love they'd ever known

They'd talk of her often next to the fire
In a new town late at night
Sharing the memories of the love she gave
Hoping one day they may reunite
968 · May 2016
Hard Pill To Swallow
PaperclipPoems May 2016
I know that you want to know
Why I am the way I am
I brush it to the side playfully
And answer "because I can"
The most nonchalant answer I could give
You better believe that's what you'll hear
Because I'm not ready to confess the truth
I'm not ready for you to disappear.
The truth can wreck you sometimes. Sometimes it's easier not to know.
PaperclipPoems Nov 2016
Tiny fingers and wobbly toes
Boy meets girl with his eyes closed.
As tiny peanuts in shells, inside a glass bubble
So fragile and gentle they grew as a double.
True miracles on earth have been born
Loyal to each other they are sworn.
Children, we welcome you to a bright new world
Mother and father, meet your little boy and girl.
966 · Jun 2015
The Journey
PaperclipPoems Jun 2015
As time began to peel back new chapters of life, the people we were faded away and new people emerged. Maybe we bring out the worst in each other, which is worse for the both of us.

Two different paths and  two different people try to walk the same road, but we bump each other off the path and we stumble and we fall. We stop along the way and argue about which way to go, and sometimes we talk about separating. No decision is right, so therefore every direction is wrong in its own way.

You want to stop and savor the journey while I want to get where we're going. Even if we both got our way we would still be in this struggle. Maybe it's just who we are.

We started on this journey together, not knowing where this path would lead us. And even through the mountains and rivers, we held each other's hand and somehow made it through. But this feeling has never been stronger. And I truly believe that when we started this path, the future ahead was bright, but now all I see and feel are dark clouds and I don't think there are sunny days to look forward too.

I might be able to trick myself for a short while, and I may believe my own deceitfulness, but I know I could never fool you. And would I want to? I know how you hate wasting time but I'm still figuring it out. The checks and balances are hard to weigh. They are difficult to think about and make this walk very depressing.

I walk in front, with you right behind me. It's a quiet day and cloudy, but just the right temperature. There is wind, but I don't feel it and I can't hear it. But I know it's there by the way the trees move. I wonder if you can feel it.

I kick the rocks as we walk and sometimes I wish the path was big enough so that we could walk next to one another. Sometimes we pass others and smile. The first smile in days. Their smiles look genuine though. But I guess you can never really tell.

This path looks and feels like a million dollar forest painting with beautiful landscaping. The path is not set for us, is one that we must make on our own. Some paths make more sense than others and sometimes it feels more like a maze. I will always fight for my way and dispute why my path makes more sense, but every once and a while you will do the same and I will have to follow your lead. I don't particularly like this and I will often find myself talking back like a child, but I follow regardless because it's better than being alone.

The forest is a big and scary place and when it turns dark I hate to think about what I might do alone... I mean really alone, physically. Emotionally, I am already there.

Sometimes I think that if I were alone, I might not feel alone. I might enjoy the path I make for myself and maybe even stop to pick a flower because I can, and there would be nobody tailing me. Just me.

Nobody to tell me what to look at and what to smell. It would be my decision. It would be because that's what I want. And there would be nobody to try and tell me things about myself that aren't true. Nobody that tries to bring me down for what I think or feel. I could uplift myself and walk faster if I wanted to and I could sit on the riverbank and dip my toes in the water if I wanted to and I could sing if I wanted to and I could ... Because I wanted to. No regret. No shame. Just peacefulness.

It sounds so nice, but would it turn out to be as nice as imagined? Probably not. It never is. Just like this walk with you. It sounded nice. But it isn't.
Life is about the journey, not the destination.
963 · Oct 2017
Screaming Seventeen
PaperclipPoems Oct 2017
I could have seventeen thousand likes
But there's only one I want
Seventeen hundred heads turning
All but the one I wanted to respond
I feel like I'm seventeen again
Begging for your attention
Seventeen million empty faces
And I'm unable to make a connection
Life line linked to you
From one thousand seventeen miles distance
Building a wall of strangers and space
Is my way of showing my resistance
942 · Oct 2015
We turn out okay
PaperclipPoems Oct 2015
It's the strangest thing
To think you're in love
And then in the end
To not really know what it was.
In the end you start to question
"Does love even exist"?
Because I swear I think I would have
felt it by now if it did.
In the end one mans' hurt weighed on you
Reminds you of all the others
And how they all turned out to be
No different than each other.
In the end you see no light
But that's normal and that's okay
Because soon you will see a new light again
And you will forget all this pain.
That smile to come in the future
Will be worth all this mess
And so just remember these things, my dear
When you start to feel down and distressed.
I needed to write a pick-me-up today. Had a bad day.
935 · Mar 2016
PaperclipPoems Mar 2016
Your opinions are like ***** pennies to me
I don't pay them any attention
As I walk down the street

Others may find them valuable
But I'm a germaphobe and a go-getter
I make my own opinions
And leave yours for the debt collectors
Just a short comparison I thought of briefly
931 · Sep 2015
PaperclipPoems Sep 2015
There was not enough liquor in the world to let him drown the memory of her.
924 · May 2017
The Lonely Lion
PaperclipPoems May 2017
The lonely lion with monkey ears
He always wanted to be strong
He watched the others jump and play
While he sat back and sang a song

The giraffes and the elephants would pass and nod
But oh, how they wondered about him
Why was he so quiet and unlike the rest?
Why are his ears not like his kin?

The lonely lion watched his brothers fight
He watched his sisters bring in food
But he saw the plane in a different light
And for that he was misunderstood

He thought he might be kind to all
Maybe find a man friend or two
He knew the others wouldn't understand
But then again, he was already different in their view.
917 · Oct 2017
PaperclipPoems Oct 2017
My homeland is bleeding
Everywhere I turn, my brothers are fleeing
My sisters are kneeling
I stop and I stare, inside I am screaming
And my heart is racing
My palms are sweating
These sirens won't stop ringing
My homeland is bleeding
Vegas, Columbine, Sandy Hook, New York, Orlando, Virginia Tech, San Bernardino... it doesn't stop
909 · Aug 2015
PaperclipPoems Aug 2015
Drowning. Slow motion. As if in a movie you could watch it. She fell from the dock when he pushed her.

Her arms reach out for him but he stands there still. Watching. Waiting to drown.

The point of view is hers now. She feels her body being pulled down by gravity. It's inevitable. She will crash into the water. Watching him. Waiting for him. To not let her drown.

Their eyes locked on each other. Both anxious. Both waiting. She then realizes he's not changing his mind. She will drown.

She then became one with the water. Still as ever. She did not fight it.
909 · Oct 2015
You Do Not Own Me
PaperclipPoems Oct 2015
You don't own me
I am not one of your possessions you left at your mamas house
Something you grew apart from as you aged, yet still think about often and sometimes even go back for

You don't own me
I can't be used at your disposal during convenience
Like a tool to fix your brokenness and when completed you put me in a box to come back to later

You don't own me
My words are my own and I can't be corrected.
I am not a college paper to be reviewed and scored
My actions are mine and your opinion is irrelevant

*You do not own me
906 · Nov 2015
PaperclipPoems Nov 2015
You fantasized about her
She was the lion that you could not control
She was the bright fire in the distance
That you craved to behold

You wanted nothing and nobody above her
You extended your dark hands in her direction
You charmed her and tricked her
But I'm sure you have since learned your lesson

You desired to cage natures beauty
You stripped her voice and bound her ankles
You danced & raved "You're mine. You belong to me"!
Then you placed her in shackles

Little did you know then,
As you beat her and starved her hunger
That she was the strongest of the pack
A natural born hunter

You caged a lioness
But don't you know you can't cage a soul?
She may have appeared as a weak one for a while
But you had never caged another like her before

Careless and shallow you were
You beat her until she broke
But all you did was bring out the killer in her
She broke through your chains and sliced your throat.
905 · Jan 2017
PaperclipPoems Jan 2017
You relinquish your beauty when you allow others to decide what is beautiful about you.
Don't follow media. They don't know what beauty truely is.
886 · Sep 2015
Your Walls
PaperclipPoems Sep 2015
And just like that- he could let me go

I wonder how I could be so easily replaceable

I wonder so often why he won't open up

Is it just the way he is, or is it me he doesn't trust

Maybe I'm stubbornly trying to force something that wasn't meant to last

Maybe he and I are a repeat of something we've both lived in the past

Before I felt so disposable, I saw so much to look forward to

Now all I see are empty roadways that lead me nowhere closer to you.
PaperclipPoems Nov 2015
He said "I love you"
I said you don't love me
He looked at me like I was crazy
I told him to show me
He put his hands on me
I said "exactly".

He said "I love you"
I said you don't know me
He smiled and said you've told me
I asked him what I was thinking
He put his hands on me
I said "exactly".
880 · Mar 2016
Dear Darla,
PaperclipPoems Mar 2016
I appreciate your compassion. I recognize your desire to love and your joy in others' company. I notice your childish ways and your faith in love. I know that you live to be loved.

I once longed for you. I had no other desire above you than to absorb you completely. Feel your energy race through every synapse in my body and embrace you within every fiber of my body. There was once a time that I envied you. I envied you for remaining hopeful in the idea of love and being able to shut yourself away from the darkness that was once me. You found a safe hiding place inside of me that sheltered you from the storm for so long. And then there was light. And so you rose. You blossomed through me like a beautiful rose garden and shared your smile. You made me smile. You made me view the world differently and most of all you let love.

But your time has passed. I'd rather be alone. I wish for you to leave. Permanently. Pack what little remains of you and move out. There is no more room for you here. At this point I just wish for silence. You've brought many happy memories but you've also brought so much heart break.

Please understand, I am most grateful for the light that you have shown. And even though I ask for you to leave, does not mean someone else won't find value in you. Someone out there needs you; it just isn't me anymore.
874 · Nov 2016
M & M
PaperclipPoems Nov 2016
Mustard & Mayonnaise sandwiches
Because nobody grocery shops in this place
After some time I learned to adapt
So it just became the new way

Oversleeping through breakfast
Lunch is noon and night
Mustard & Mayonnaise sandwiches
Because they satisfy my appetite

I begged my dad for turkey and Swiss
But he always managed to forget
And when friends asked "what do you got to eat"?
I'd say Mustard & Mayonnaise sandwiches

It's the little things we remember when we grow up
The dullest things can be so significant
They're a symbol of my childhood,
Those Mustard & Mayonnaise sandwiches
873 · Jul 2016
Searching Bottles
PaperclipPoems Jul 2016
Is there a liquor strong enough to fix me
Strong enough to make me forget who you are
Forget your name.
Maybe if I drink enough, the memory of you will come out with all this food I had earlier today.
Is there a liquor that tastes better than your kiss
Feels better than your arms
I've searched many bottles and have yet to find this liquor that people say mends their pain.
870 · May 2016
It's Official
PaperclipPoems May 2016
It's all in writing now
It's all been revealed
There's nowhere to hide now
My lips are no longer sealed.
It's too late to beg for my silence
I can't take it back
You can't twist the story anymore
Only read and recall the facts.
869 · Jul 2016
Finding You
PaperclipPoems Jul 2016
In the middle of a dead field
Nowhere to be
Yellow mountains and narrow dirt roads
Surround me
Thoughts of you keep me moving
I'd follow you with bare feet
Across California until my hands find yours again
You are the half that completes me.
Free to make a choice
Free to give my heart away
No matter how far you go,
To you I will always find a way.
865 · Jun 2017
PaperclipPoems Jun 2017
Shoot me up, just a taste
Numb my core with sweet novicane
Poison my veins, rippling clear across my brain
So strong that I don't feel a single thing
Not a pinch of delight, veering on the edge of insane
In a dream-like state
Soundlessly floating away.

I've met you before, Lucy
But this time I intend to stay
I'm captivated by your prison, chained inside your domain
In this realm of impurity, you are my desired escape.
Not drug related. Just that numb feeling I'm so desperate to explain.
856 · Nov 2016
PaperclipPoems Nov 2016
382 days and counting
Since I've last seen you
Not a day has gone by since then
That I don't incredibly miss you
Hardly a single breath of fresh air has been
Inhaled without even the slightest hint of you
And all I seem to do is drink more without you

382 days checked off the calendar but I still keep waiting
Anticipating for the morning I wake up when I'm no longer waiting
Waiting to let go or the day I stop wasting
Wasting these days away, erasing the images I keep repainting
Beautiful mural images all over my mind and I can't  stop retracing
Remembering all of our bitter night endings
are better than this empty bed that I'm facing

382 days have passed and I'm trying to let go
Clenching my fists toward my stomach and taking a blow
Pulling my hair out from the roots just to watch it regrow
Smiling in front of the world and screaming into my pillow
Going crazy and wishing I could go back to 382 days ago.
This came out of nowhere. Dedicated to the one that got away, the one I gave away because he was not good for me, as you can see. Just a thought that turned into a rant. Don't worry, it happens.
848 · Jun 2016
Space Bound
PaperclipPoems Jun 2016
I'm thinking about you.
Laying in bed, watching the ceiling.
Waiting for a great life change to come knock on my door
Hoping maybe you will be that knock.

I'm thinking about how you make me feel.
Trying to analyze the emotion and put a label on it.
It seems impossible to understand.
It swirls around my heart and sends messages to my brain like a fast paced satellite
But the messages are not clear so I'm left to decipher them as best as possible.

I'm thinking about your hands.
How there couldn't possibly be another hand in this universe that could be so perfect.
Not one single flaw.
They have their own language and they explore my body every time like it's the first time.
You clear my mind and kidnap my soul.

You take me out of this world.
Take me to Jupiter.
845 · Nov 2017
Frank Sinatra Love
PaperclipPoems Nov 2017
You make me want to sip white wine
In the dim light
Listening to Frank Sinatra

Graceful dancing
Fainted laughing
The old sound of the victrola
845 · Jan 2016
PaperclipPoems Jan 2016
And of what of love, he asked
As he slid his fingers through my hair..
There was a special strength in his grip
And a certain passion in his stare..
But my body trembled and my heart raced
At the thought of loving him..
For if I allow myself to crumble to pieces here and now,
I may never recover again.
I imagine a couple, laying on a blanket in a peaceful scenery, dated back to the Renaissance era.
835 · Nov 2015
Fear of Men
PaperclipPoems Nov 2015
So much hurt, so much pain
You'd never know it by just a glance
You'd never feel her timid fear of you
While you shake her hand.

You'd never know she was touched and abused
By the smile she gives you
And you'd never think twice about her innocence
Because of the way she moves you.

You'd never know of her fear of men
Because she seems so bold
But appearances can be misleading and
Her eyes do not tell the story of her soul.

Alone deep inside
She sits by the river and she wonders
Where her heart and soul have ran off to
And why they left without her.
REVISED.  Written: June 21st.
829 · Mar 2016
He Is My Favorite Poem
PaperclipPoems Mar 2016
When I think of you I think of poetry
I think of my favorite words
Ever so carefully written
Methodically planned in rhythm
Like lyrics I can't forget
When they seep into my soul
And smear ink all over my mind
814 · Apr 2017
Never Ending
PaperclipPoems Apr 2017
In this life I have found you to love
And in the next I shall do the same.
797 · Jun 2015
PaperclipPoems Jun 2015
My love is like a feather in the wind.. Seeming so harmless and soft. If just for a second you could grab it and hold onto it to feel how smooth... But you will always let go. You will always drop me from your hands. Why? Because who needs a feather after all...
A feather once belonged to something alive.. It once was part of hundreds of other like pieces and was a whole. One by one they fell off and this feather flew away on her own. Waiting for someone to pick her up and notice her again. Although she is not whole, she is still beautiful in her own way. As an individual. As one piece alone. But what could you use her for? What is her purpose....
When you let go she will then again drift away and find another place. She will seem peaceful, but lost. Unaccompanied by companions and will drift so far that would make you wonder where she came from. Out of her element and now misplaced.. Not lost.
797 · Apr 2017
Your Message Has Been Sent
PaperclipPoems Apr 2017
I sent you a message today
It reached an infinite abyss
Or maybe someone else
Or possibly no place at all

But those words were meant for you
And even though you're gone I can't accept the truth;
That you'll never respond.
I miss you every day.
796 · Jan 2018
PaperclipPoems Jan 2018
I only wanted to love him
But his love wasn’t tangible
795 · Dec 2017
PaperclipPoems Dec 2017
Your opinion was not requested
Nor taken under advisement
But thanks anyways
It’s your choice to listen. Never forget that you decide the power they hold over you. Don’t give them any.
794 · Nov 2015
Promise Ring
PaperclipPoems Nov 2015
You made so many promises that you didn't keep
You bought me this promise ring
It used to fit so perfectly.
And it used to shine, just like your promises
I find it funny now that we're finished,
This ring no longer fits.

What a funny thing.
PaperclipPoems Oct 2016
But we decided to play hide and seek in this bed
Pulling the sheets over our eyes instead
Gripping each other through the heat of the moment
Bitter Monday mornings when our eyes were forced to open
Guilty pleasures and a wrong turn in judgment
Amidst the pillow-talk and screams you became my weekend sacrament
Just because. Good night
787 · Oct 2016
Distant Blood
PaperclipPoems Oct 2016
I thought of her often
She was a siren in the distance
Faint, annoying, pulling me aside, distracting me.
I thought of the way she loved me
A breathless love, a selfish love, more like a ritual.
I thought of her coldness,
The way she shut the world out.
She would look me in the eyes
But I saw nothing. I felt nothing.
I've never felt less from another's soul.

I think of her often,
But I don't like to.
787 · Jun 2015
Under Her Mask
PaperclipPoems Jun 2015
How interesting now that I realize
The truth behind my deepest despise

Of this girl, this young girl
Who invaded my home
And shattered my dreams
All those years ago

Oh the anger and the rage
When their secret was discovered
The father of my unborn baby
Had taken her as his lover.

All of the tears that I cried
Never did me any good
And even though he begged for forgiveness
And we swept it underfoot

I still thought of her often
And all these years later
She still arrives in the picture
And gives me so much anger

But the more I stop to think
The more that I see
This poor girl that I hate
Is so much like me..

I was once in her place
And I can read her pain
All of the loneliness that she feels
I can see on her face

As she tries to hide her real feelings
With a beautiful smile
She doesn't really mean harm
She just hadn't felt love in a while..

I forgive this poor girl
Even though she did not ask
Because one day I know how hard it will be
For her to face to girl under the mask.
We all make mistakes. I see inside your soul and even though I can't stand you, I feel so bad for you.
780 · Nov 2016
The Huntress
PaperclipPoems Nov 2016
She was the fighter, the rebel
Hidden behind cherry lips
Pale and slender, a voice that would make you surrender
With eyes like an eclipse

Carefully plotted schemes she carried,
Delicate steps she always took
Armed with an army of mischievous intentions
She played the good girl well, but she was undoubtedly a crook

Ask any man, he'll tell you so
She had a reputation like no other
If you'd met her, you'd surely wish you hadn't
They call her the Heart Hunter.
779 · Feb 2017
PaperclipPoems Feb 2017
He told me he was greedy
I told him to take all of me.
779 · Sep 2016
PaperclipPoems Sep 2016
What if you could read another person's thoughts
What if you could hear their mind
If you could see what they think...
You may be better off blind

Just a thought
773 · Oct 2017
Pennies From You
PaperclipPoems Oct 2017
“Penny for your thoughts” he said
I’d be rich if I gave you even a handful of those
Pennies turning into bands
And your brain would surely overdose
I drink you down, I feel you closely
Thinking of every effect you have on me
Analyzing your words, extracting what I like hearing
I’m quiet but I’m thinking of the meanings
764 · Mar 2017
Welcome Home
PaperclipPoems Mar 2017
Welcome home to reality where you lose what you love
This place you call safe, may not be secure enough
This land you call free may leave you broken and bare
And just when you think you've made it, you're nowhere near there
Welcome home to this place that is fueled by power and greed
Give it your best shot, but you may never succeed
Hope for the best but you may shatter your dreams
You may cling to hold it together and still fall apart at the seams
This does not reflect my mood today!
759 · Jan 2016
PaperclipPoems Jan 2016
You're so used to trickery
I wonder if you've played tricks on me
You see, I would never know if you had
Because you're a trained elite.
Taught to keep secrets and analyze society
Prepare for the worst, yet remain calm
You stand guard for traveling families
While dismantling bombs.

Do you pick my brain and take notes
On my answers and reactions?
Do you see me as a potential hazard to society
Or a person with love and compassion?
I know you must remain strong all day
with your guards standing tall
But with me, I promise,
You may let them all fall.
Not the strongest nor best poem I've written, not really even written to the fullest capacity but still needed to be said.
757 · Mar 2016
I Don't Drink
PaperclipPoems Mar 2016
I don't drink.
But when I do, I can't remember.
I lose myself...
But I thought that was the objective.
I thought the point was to feel like someone else.
I always do.

I don't drink,
But when I do, I think of you.
I lose myself...
In the idea of us, in the memory of you
I thought the liquor would make me forget you
But it never does.

I don't drink,
But when I do,
I lose myself...
And it takes a while to find me again
But then just as I find me,
I always drink again.
750 · Sep 2015
Wrong vs. Right
PaperclipPoems Sep 2015
I wasn't yours and you weren't mine
But in bed we laid so intertwined
Sometimes as late as one or two
And all I wished was that I could stay with you
Our hands locked together with my head on your chest
Drowning in your arms and never fully dressed
We were so lost in the moment; I was caught in a dream
One that you formulated from the second you touched me
How wrong we both were then, but look at where it brought us
Now you are mine and I am yours and none of that past wrongness matters.
PaperclipPoems Aug 2016
Your stare was wicked
You looked at me like I could be desert
I could feel all of your senses surrounding me
Your entire body craved me
I could feel it.

I thought your hands could heal
You twisted them together in a way that made me think you were a magician
Your stare was wicked
I thought you could see through me, you made me feel like delicate glass in your hands.
Vulnerable, exposed, so trusting
You threw me to the cement and I shattered

A billion pieces, you watched and waited
I laid and desecrated.
Melting into the earth under the sun
Like glass on a beach.
Stepped over and buried by progression.

And you moved on.
746 · Feb 2016
So Thirsty
PaperclipPoems Feb 2016
I'm always thirsty
My craving never subsides
I found peace in you
That's why I ate you.
I wanted a piece of that.
I have realized that I cannot be saved.
I walk with the ******.
I live amongst beasts.
  I feed on the innocent.

...Like a vampire

Always aware
That I am a special kind,
but a very lonely kind
I found a home with you
But you slept and I couldn't.
You were wholesome and I wasn't.
Your heart beated and I didn't have one.
So I ate you.
From the inside out.
  I'm sorry.
744 · Aug 2015
What Do You Want
PaperclipPoems Aug 2015
You say you want a woman
Yet you seem to want less,
A female who seeks attention
Through her flawless appearance.
A picture you like
Based on her womanly assets
Baby this image is imperfect
You can't see your flawed mindset.
You want a woman who loves herself
Yet has no self respect
I don't understand your logic
It sounds like you want an object.
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