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17.2k · Mar 2014
The Last Elephant
Nick Strong Mar 2014
A gentle soul that once,
Trod well, worn paths,
Laid down by matriarchs past.
Now just,
Brittle bones baked by a searing heat,
Bleached beyond a perfect white.
Here lies the last elephant.

© Nick Strong 2014
We have to stop poaching of these and other precious creatures that will be gone unless we act.
12.5k · Aug 2014
Nick Strong Aug 2014
Calmer quiet voices
Roll round this soul,
Searching for peaceful seas
Upon which to sail.
Coming to the end of a rough time
11.3k · Jun 2014
Nick Strong Jun 2014
Breathing fire, from below,
Spitting a molten soul skywards,
Flinging pumice, ash, and fear,
The angry Vulcan casts,  
His ever darkening shadow cross,
As the timely reminder , of
The fragility of this existence.

© Nick Strong 2014
9.6k · Feb 2015
Nick Strong Feb 2015
Watching a seagull floating lazily
Through an invisible blue ocean
Effortlessly soaring on invisible waves
Course dictated by winds currents
Piercing eyes watching, senses alert
Casting a moving shadow, cross the deep
Tracking a path none knows
Swooping, surfing ocean’s rollers
Wingtips gently kissing wave peaks.
Beautiful bird in flight, a nuisance  around fish and chips ....
8.1k · Sep 2013
Of Hobbits and Mushrooms.
Nick Strong Sep 2013
I am told that Bilbo, before his
Adventures began, would walk, the
Shire to seek the queen of the fungi.
To search was the compulsion.
Driven by taste, for the mysterious
Fruit of the forest floor.
When asked, he would say,
To savour the wild delight has nothing to compare,
To the humble taste of a spud, or sprout,
Just an ecstasy of unparalleled delight.
Knowing you have found the woody nutty treasure.
Of the queen of the forest floor.
Tis the biggest adventure a hobbit needs
To test his might against the mighty mushroom.

But then he had yet to meet ...
A wizard and a dwarf.

    ©  Nick Strong 2014
7.1k · Oct 2013
Mushy Peas
Nick Strong Oct 2013
Minty green and mean,
Mushy pea clean.
Add to the plate,
Of your best mate.
Mushy peas and chips,
Raised to the lips.
Believe me when I say,
A sensation so intense,
Will leave you, in suspense.
Mushy peas
Minty green, yet supreme.

    ©  Nick Strong 2014
5.6k · May 2015
Thunder, Odin’s Hammer
Nick Strong May 2015
Black crows circling wildly
Above trees silhouetted
Beneath darken skies
Swirling clouds, towering
Static charged excitement
Ripples cross the air
A wave of heat blown
Across the ground,
By a dry breath, of
Unseasonable wind
Bending saplings to
Kiss dusty, dry earth
Time stands still poised
Restless, wild world
For Odin’s hammer
5.6k · Aug 2015
Nick Strong Aug 2015
Rising from the sand at low tide,
The shipwreck’s spars, brown wet, decaying
Reaching like skeletal fingers, grasping
For one last piece of the breaking daylight
Tentacles of seaweed, woven
Wrapped around decaying planks
Anchoring it firmly
To Davy Jones’ Locker
Barnacle encrusted planks
Lie twisted, turned, unnatural
Frozen in a final plea of mercy
Before white tipped monsters
Crashed across the bow,
Splitting,  tearing masts
Sending it to the murky depths
Written after viewing a ships carcass beneath the waves
4.4k · Feb 2015
The Harbour
Nick Strong Feb 2015
Pots, coiled ropes, orange, blue
Laid, at the harbor side, waiting
Waiting, for the tide,
An old fishing net, laid on the concrete,
A weathered sunburnt fisherman,
Sitting quietly repairing holes within holes
Birds perching patiently on the harbor wall,
In the distance the sun dips towards the horizon
Casting a light over a returning trawler
The birds lift lethargically from
Harbour perch, beat their wings , wheel
Towards an incoming meal ticket
Again, from vivid childhood memories living in a Small Scottish fishing town
4.2k · Jul 2015
Craster Evening
Nick Strong Jul 2015
A couple holding hands, huddled together
A rusty crane arm reaching the stars
Smell of salt air mixed with seaweed
Shades of red, and orange mingle
With the glistening water as the sun sets
Wooden bench perched on a bank,
Tiny plaque memory of two souls
Spending moments here of evenings past
Overlooking fishing boats tethered,
An ancient weathered harbor wall.
Lazy, full seagulls, flap heavily away
Playful laughter floats, on the air
As children dance too and from
Waves lapping the pebbled beach
Craster, a tiny northeast english fishing village
4.1k · Nov 2013
The Crab
Nick Strong Nov 2013
The crab looks forward,
But scuttles sideways.
Should I?

    ©  Nick Strong 2014
4.0k · Jan 2015
The Graveyard
Nick Strong Jan 2015
Cold stone statues of all shapes and sizes
Chilled to the moss covered bone
Standing *****, markers of time
Weather worn words, passages of years

A place of disasters, heartbreak and crime
All gathered there, forgotten by time
As the trees bend to the seasons
And the passing of years

A lone figure dressed in black
Stands above an unnamed gravestone
Reflecting on past memories
Of someone he had known.

Brown wet clinging clay lies
Heaped by the side of a black hollow
Waiting for another invited guest
As the bell tolls, mournfully
Nick Strong Jun 2014
I deal in death, the reaper stated.
I am the debt collector,
The gatherer of souls.
I am the Grim

I deal in life, the god replied.
I am the light giver,
The soul rescuer.
I am god

In neither death nor life,
I deal, remarked Cupid.
I merely facilitate.
I neither give nor take,
I barter only in Love.
Take it or leave it.
I am Cupid.
3.6k · Jun 2015
An English Summer Evening
Nick Strong Jun 2015
An evening in the garden
Sun slowly dipping below rooftops,
Shedding an orange glow,
Caught by the ice
In the glass on a rustic table
A background chorus of warbles
Marking out dusk territory
A faint smell of lavender
Mixed with mown grass
Brings a summer day to a close

All the remarks of wet winter weather
Plaguing our dull, dreary lives forgotten
Replaced by bare sleeves, smiles
And a biblical invasion of midgies
3.2k · Mar 2015
The Last Relative
Nick Strong Mar 2015
His silhouette, as he stood by the stone,
Resembled a thoughtful Alfred Hitchcock
With fine cane in hand, slightly stooped
Fingers from his free hand, touching lightly
The carefully carved grey marbled stone
Lost in thought and dying sunshine
A single tear falls, as he smiles
Then cane in hand, turns, walks away
Carrying the name on the stone with him.
Thoughtful piece, after attending a family funeral, where it struck me how sad it must be to be the last family member in a generation.
2.9k · Jan 2014
The Shepherd
Nick Strong Jan 2014
For, a four legged companion,
A solitary
Gravel smoked voice clips instructions,
Harsh sharp whistles echo cross the valley floor,
Emitted by crag worn features.
Piercing eyes, sun bleached.
Skin hewn by dry stone walls.
Hands created by granite.
Coarse tousled hair guards against howling winds.
The hardworking man at peace with his surrounds.

©  Nick Strong 2014
Nick Strong Jun 2014
Today it starts,
A game of two halves.
Shame no one told us.

They will play,
We will watch
With one eye half shut

They will talk,
Another good game.
But fail like 1970,
To claim a prize,
We think of our own.

I was two the only time,
We raised a trophy,
That my father saw,
Being held aloft in ’66.

We claim our three lions roar,
Only they whimper out of tournaments,
With nothing, but a story of penalties,
And another cross bar denying.

So I say what will be different,
This four year cycle?
I know that the pain will be the same,
Angry words chanted, and dreams shattered

But then there is always
A spark of hope…

Or the next time.

©Nick Strong
2.7k · Jun 2014
Perseus (10w)
Nick Strong Jun 2014
Greek hero,
Stubs big toe,
Nick Strong Jul 2015
Motionless trees sinister
In their silence
Images swirl of twisting pirates
Shapes and shadows stoop
Contorted, turn and beckon
A voice whispers softly
Of things that only darkness knows
Shivering, eyes deceived
Inspired by the classic The Fog
2.6k · Jan 2014
The Barn Owl
Nick Strong Jan 2014
Silent wings, brush the air in,
A moment of simple motion that,
Defies the laws
That keep this world a turning.

©  Nick Strong 2014
2.5k · Apr 2014
They Carved a Monument
Nick Strong Apr 2014
They carved a monument out of stone
Made it stand so proud,
Down by the coast,
Fishermen drowned.

They erected a monolith,
In the heart of town.
For local fallen lads,
In bitter conflicts.

They laid a stone flat,
At pit entrance where,
Miners had gone one morn.
Never to return.

A brother worked that boat.
An uncle fell in that war.
A father left down the pit.
A family’s history drawn
By sorrow and tragedy.

© Nick Strong 2014
A  great grandfather who was a stonemason and carved the lettering on many famous monuments in Newcastle Upon Tyne, a dear friend who lost relatives in a mining disaster and a memory of watching a fishing boat sink when a boy (thankfully no one lost their life) and above all the centenary of the First World War combined to bring this piece of writing.
Nick Strong Apr 2015
Well, what a week, full of revelation
Enough to stir this talk of revolution
Makes your hackles turn on end
Then send you round the bend
The southern gentry have found oil
Right beneath their derriere boil
Now most of us on this golden isle
Need not worry about this pile
Those who wear weekend country tweed,
Built their fortunes from housing greed
Have already decided
That it will be one sided
They’ll say it’s theirs, by rights
And if we argue, will read our last rites
The South will declare independence
In certainty of their full ascendance
Over the outer reaches of this nation
They pounded into servitude, by taxation
And if we have the nerve to debate, I’ll be bound
They’ll leave it horded in the ground,
Then blame the anti frackin’ hound
Now I may need a political re - education
In a 1984 establishment for rehabilitation
But I can see it coming a five-nation island
Southland, Wales, Scotland, N. Ireland,

And the Detritus
A tongue in cheek view of the discovery of oil in England
2.4k · Apr 2015
Northern Tears
Nick Strong Apr 2015
There, amongst the northern skies,
Tears driven by ghostly squalls to
Fall on the blackened, bleak rooftops
Of this northern town, forgotten.
Left to a grey Victorian rot
Decaying factory ceilings collapsing on,
Litter strewn floors, newspapers decompose
With triumphs from yester year
Industrial dust stained brickwork
Grimy reminder, of the grim past
Haunted dim gaslight probing the fog
Days, nights only separated by murky light
A ghostly silence, hangs like a grimy fog
Cloaking lost sounds of dull beating on metal,
Boots tramping over cobbled stones,
The sounds of clocking on, clocking off, no more
An image of a dying or dead industrial northern town
Nick Strong Feb 2015
A shed, six by four, painted,
Landy green, black roof
Local fishmongers
Down by the harbor gates
Battered wooden, fish crates
Smelling of the ocean, the waves,
The spray
Weathered, worn, faded brown
Trawlers name a disappearing outline
A boy in shorts, blond hair
Tugging at his mother’s skirts
Spattered orange dotted flat fish
Flapping, fresh from the boat.
Propped against the side wall
A box of jade, and emerald sea jewels
Eyes frozen in time.
Chalk board hung from open door,
With names, prices , beyond understanding.
To the boy fantastical creatures  
A man in a white coat, money rattling in pocket
Scales set on a bench, ready to measure out scales
For the women of the seaside town
All the gossip, the fish, and the stories
From one little shed down by the harbor wall
A boys face mesmerized, by cod
Larger than he, caught on a wall hook
Swift knife movements, and fillets,
Laid on yesterdays newspaper
Bones, and head thrown into a bucket
Large lazy yellow eyed seagull,
Sauntering like a casual thief, eye
On the bucket…
As boy I was lucky to live in a small scottish fishing town, so have vivid memories of trawlers off loading fish, and just outside the harbour a little shed where the fish was sold to the locals...
2.2k · Nov 2015
Nick Strong Nov 2015
Bubbling, frothing,
Fluffy blooming mass
Grey white
Scattered across the air of blue
A million, billion raindrops
Forever changing
Living monsters
Shapes to beings
Oblivious of gravity,
Or people’s wishes
have reposted this poem, written 8 months ago, and for some reason it has mysteriosly disappeared from my Hello Poetry collection..... which is a shame as I had some lovely comments , and many views.  Please enjoy again.
2.2k · Jun 2014
The Moon
Nick Strong Jun 2014
At the bottom of the world,
There's an anchor tethering,
Us in place.
Ensuring that the moon,
Is always the right way up,
In that star studded sky,
For you to watch,
And me to smile at,
Knowing that you watch,
For the person I know loves then moon as much as me.
2.1k · Jun 2015
To be a (frustrated) Poet
Nick Strong Jun 2015
I sit in this place, surrounded
By a storm tossed sea
Of torn, crumpled A 4
An ocean of words,
Floating cross the floor
All the words I meant to say
Lost to a tide of despair

Maybe tomorrow,
When a new tide rolls in
I’ll ride the poetic crest of a wave.
2.1k · Oct 2013
Nick Strong Oct 2013
When the soil has settled
The dirt been dished
Will you still
Forgive me, or forget.

    ©  Nick Strong 2014
2.1k · May 2015
Nick Strong May 2015
Brown, to orange,
Shades of autumn
As sun weakens
The year wanes
Eerie mists swirl
Around dying hedges
Clouds skirting
A harvest moon
Dew edges to frost
Mornings chilled
Damp smell of earth
Moist on still air
2.1k · Oct 2013
The Potato
Nick Strong Oct 2013
Earthy mottled brown,
Pomme de terre
The humble spud,
When not covered in mud;
Chipped, boiled or mashed,
Steamed roasted or hashed.
First the Incas of Peru,
Used them in a stew.
Now the tubers grown in space,
To further the human race.
Chopin, Mozart, and Vivaldi,
Can all be bought at Aldi.
(Other supermarkets are available.)
(More varieties are saleable.)
A versatile Maris Piper,
Couldn't be any riper,
When served perfectly baked.

    ©  Nick Strong 2014
2.1k · Apr 2014
Hanging Portraits
Nick Strong Apr 2014
People stare into the portraits hanging there,
Portraits just glare back, watching, gathering.
They see, hear all, and utter nothing;
Tears shed, plans made, broken
Secrets kept bound on canvas.
Absorbing laughter, thoughts,
Imprinted within brush strokes.
Oils containing dreams, brought here.
Artist’s folly, a person’s musing,

Thoughts trapped in a flick of stroke.

© Nick Strong 2014
Written a while ago after looking at a famous piece of art work and thinking how much it had seen whilst hanging there.
Nick Strong Sep 2015
Howling wolves,
Calling unearthly creatures
Night bound to deathly horrors
Cold icy fingered wind, bites
Whistles down stone chimneys,
Inside amber flames flickering in the hearth,
Shadows dance across the wall,
Candle sputtering in the draught
Casting an eerie glow cross the page
The book being read, strange tales
Outside the wind surges, lashing
Rain against the leaden panes
A splinter of lightening flashes eerily
Warm and cosseted against the storm
The page is turned, the story continued
A single scratch at the window,
And a rattling of the latch
Heavy door squeaks open,
On old heavy hinges
Fingers slowly slide round
Gripping the doors edge
Skin grey, taught against bones
Hooded face slowly revealing
It’s secret from beyond
The Reader’s eyes riveted
On this unfolding chapter
Spine chilling flicker of recognition
Of his own face beneath the cowl
The book drops …
Final version of the poem. I hope you have seen how it develops and changes over time.    The question is what does the visitor say or do?
1.9k · Nov 2015
Nick Strong Nov 2015
Dulled senses, aching
Haunted by last night’s fumes
Dark eyes darker, despite
Shades reflecting daylight
Red eyes in the morning
Drunkards warning to a
Dawn tinged with regret
Been there once too often
1.9k · Jul 2015
Nick Strong Jul 2015
They said
We were to tip toe through the tulips
Waltz, glide across the dance floor of life
I haven’t a chance
My size twelve feet and three inch toes
Clatter, batter and splatter
Through life’s brambled, grotty hedgerows
Toes are a magnet, for that rusty nail,
Or any broken pipe left on my trail
Oh what use are my toes,
Now I’m no longer hanging upside
Down from branches
They’ve been broken, twisted,
Stomped on hard
Nails that have cracked,
And bleed some more,
Before being shed.
Now I’ve looked at other’s toes,
And seen what toes could be,
All brightly coloured
Polished to a sheen,
Tended to like beautiful topiary
Maybe that’s what I should have done,
Instead of kicking a ball
Clomping cross those tulips
Spent sometime buffing, making them look clean.
But then I’d look
And miss my battle worn scarred tootsies
They may be old, crooked,
And not quite glamour ****
But then they have walked a million,
And will do for a million more.
A bit of foot humour
1.8k · Sep 2014
Nick Strong Sep 2014
A large penny for the mysterious sweet shop and
A wooden tray of treasures, for my paper twist,
Fingers sticky with sugar, giggling at the silliness
Of a younger sister with a boys haircut

Silver milk bottle tops on a frosty winters morn
Pierced by hungry, pecking ****,  
Finger nails scrapping frost from window panes
Revealing the dim day dawning before simpler eyes

Listening to the breakfast radio show for latest releases
Above a chattering bustling kitchen
Shouting, a little sister curling her hair, that we’d be late
Pelting towards school bus, with Camus stuffed in a torn pocket
Memories of a childhood , long, long ago
1.8k · Oct 2013
Custard Cream
Nick Strong Oct 2013
There’s always time for a custard cream,
Taken at any point of the day;
With milk or
There’s always time for a custard cream,
Advice taken, or given,
Take a moment,
To share the delights
With coffee, or
There’s always time for a custard cream;
   Share it,
Break it,
Dunk it!
There’s always one more time
For that
Last custard cream.

    ©  Nick Strong 2014
1.7k · Oct 2013
Nick Strong Oct 2013
Black bird,
Eye on you;
What a worm!

    ©  Nick Strong 2014
1.6k · Jan 2015
Caught a whisper
Nick Strong Jan 2015
Caught a whisper echoing
Down a bleak corridor
Turned, expecting to see you there
See your face smiling back at me
Sharing somebody's old joke
And we’d laugh out loud at the silliness
But all I caught was a fleeting memory
A glimpse of our yesterday
A moment of happiness, shared
A stab of icy pain
Deep within the heart
Drags the austere reality,
Back to this moment
Forcing me to see I am alone
Staring down a long desolate corridor
For you are gone, far beyond reach
1.6k · Nov 2013
Nick Strong Nov 2013

    ©  Nick Strong 2014
1.6k · Jun 2014
Last Time
Nick Strong Jun 2014
Last time you told me that the sun shines,
Even when clouds cover the blue.
But how can this be so?

Last time you told me that tears were salty,
Because they came from the sea.
But how can this be so?

Last time you showed me that every day starts,
With a sunrise, and ends with a sunset.
But how can this be so?

Last time you told me that happiness is,
In everyone’s heart despite the darkness.
But how is this so?

Last time you told me there was a *** of love,
At the end of the rainbow.
But how could this be so?

Last time it rained, you remarked that it was,
Tears from heaven weeping for lost.
But how could this be so?

Last time it snowed, you told me,
It was angel’s feathers falling from heaven.
But how could this be so?

Last time you told me kisses were,
Like a little taste of heaven.
But how could this be so?

Last time you told me the stars,
Were kisses blown towards the moon.
But why would this be so?

Last time you told me catching sunbeams,
Protected you from the night.
But why would this be so?

Last time you told me the moon, cast a shadow.
You said it was time to dance beneath the sky.
But why would this be so?

Last time you gave me your heart, you said,
Fasten it with a button to your own.
This I understood.  X

© Nick Strong 2014
1.6k · Feb 2015
To the Critic
Nick Strong Feb 2015
A kindly comment
Or a deadly thought
Can equally be delivered
But take a moment
A pause of time
To remember
How each one felt
When dealt
All of us have felt the critic (s)words, cut through our work. This is a gentle reminder , that we have feelings .
1.5k · Mar 2016
Nick Strong Mar 2016
The grey pallor of death came calling
Not a gentle knock on the door
Or friendly tap on the window
It did not leave flowers on the sill
Or chocolates on the side table
But breezed through the hallway
Collecting a debt on a life long lived
Leaving shadows of memories
For the living to remember
Nick Strong Nov 2014
Scrambling upon slimy rocks

Pocketful of glistening pebbles

Wellies damp from taking just one too many steps

Tiny soft mottled green shelled crab

Held delicately between forefinger and thumb

Smell of salt air on your jumper

Knees scuffed red raw from exploring

Daring adventures of a boy

Down upon St. Mary's Isle

Teasing little sisters with monsters from

Recently refilled rock pools,

Sea anemones, all shiny slippery jelly

A dead lobster with only one claw

Amazing treasure from a world, he knew well

Early morning, cold breeze cutting through

A green jumper, mother shouting at the gate

Something about being warm, he didn't really hear

Skipping over seaweed covered rocks,

Net and rod grasped firmly in hand

Off to catch a monster, fish from beyond

The edge of an island, where magical things occur

Like weathered, washed up wood, from

An imagined wreck, or
Bright blue netting, and seaweed cage

A sharks purse contained within

The salty, sweet taste of the sea air,

And the splash of frothing white spray

As the seventh wave hits the rock

A boy or a man in paradise

A simple boy in paradise, skipping over rocks

Discovering seaside treasure, by the rocky shore
An unfinished ramble about a seaside memory from
1.5k · Sep 2015
Ghost Story (draft 1)
Nick Strong Sep 2015
Amber flames flickering In the hearth,
Shadows dance across the wall,
Candle sputtering on the table,
Casting an eerie glow on the page
The book being read, strange tales
Outside the wind surges, spattering
Rain against the leaden panes
Warm and cosseted against the storm
The page is turned, the story continued
A single scratch at the window,
And a rattling of the latch
The book drops …
I thought Id show you how a poem develops in my head, and the drafting process I undertake... the picture and atmosphere I'm trying to create is that of someone reading a ghost story and being terrified by the noises outside, will see what happens
1.5k · Sep 2014
Where Do The Whispers Go?
Nick Strong Sep 2014
Silently spoken words
Softly caress the ear
Uttered in a precious moment
To be shared, never to be forgotten,
But where do the whispers go
After they leave your soft lips?
Do they float gathering  
Other softly spoken moments
To make a light breeze upon
Which to flow gently
Till they reach another ear
Oh where do the whispers go?
Again written in two minutes, thoughts straight onto paper, well Word
1.5k · Oct 2014
Nick Strong Oct 2014
Bratus latin for tree, Caesicius is sky blue
1.5k · Dec 2015
Christmas Morn (2015)
Nick Strong Dec 2015
Shop lights sparkle, dance
Making pretty patterns
in the winter twilight
Small change in a plastic cup,
Never shaken, just held,
By cracked nail adorned fingers
***** and blue from cold
Unnoticed a body perched
Silently upon a ***** blue
Carefully folded sleeping bag
Old worn grey coat
Wrapped tightly round
Thin drooped shoulders
Dull spark less eyes
Look out at a world
That rushes on by
Carrying boxes, paper bags
Of material purchases
To make the warm giggle
With delight come Christmas morn
Too busy, too fast to see
The plastic cup held steady
Enough for a cup of tea is all
That’s ever needed,
To reach Christmas morn
1.4k · Apr 2014
Worshiper of the Moon
Nick Strong Apr 2014
I am a worshiper of the moon.
A seeker of the darkness of night.
A creature that side steps light.
A keeper of the shadows .
Watcher of silver moon streaked meadows.
A subservient to the crepuscular goddess.

© Nick Strong 2014
1.4k · Sep 2013
Nick Strong Sep 2013
For these few moments,
Wrapped in glue,
I am focused on you.

For these few moments,
Wrapped in glue,
I am eclipsed by you.

For these few moments,
Wrapped in glue,
I am haunted by you.

For these few moments,
I’m totally immersed,
In the light of

    ©  Nick Strong 2014
Just a simple love poem
1.4k · Jan 2014
Winter Done
Nick Strong Jan 2014
The cherry blossom falls,
From the trees.
And I drop to my knees,
Winter is done.

©  Nick Strong 2014
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