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Jul 2017 · 652
"words of treason"
mark john junor Jul 2017
the words of treason he shouted is what
put the stock of a rifle to my shoulder
take aim now that the patriots are traitors
never thought it would ever come to this in my lifetime
there's a man on the road with a rebel flag
yelling that his treason is patriotic
he is gonna take my life for some russian profit in his pocket
he is gonna take my America for somebody else's taxes

Remember growing up the thought that my generation trusted
this land be free
"this land is your land, this land is my land"*
never said nothing bout had to be black or white
never said had to be praying to another man's God
they have come knocking upon my door
tell me my words are not the lies they are selling
and I better get in line or they gonna take me away
get right in my head evil men are the gods Americka dreams of
that our children will live in darkness and hunger
for some russians profit in your pocket

just an hour from Reno stopped by the roadside
watched the sun set on the edge of the desert
and hoped my America would still be here when i awoke
this never should have happened
never saw it comin
never thought America could fall
let alone to have a president be the
one who fires the first shot
I see a rebel on the road
words of treason spilling from his bible
a used car salesman spinning a tall tale
and the fools who cheered him on
wipe that stupid grin off his face if I could
I see a rebel on the road
yelling his treason is patriotic
come to take away my America
come to take my life for some rich thief's taxes

Remember growing up the thought that my generation trusted
remember what my country was built on honor integrity truth
now that's all been sold for pennies on the dollar
so some rich slob can feed off what used to be
a place that the world envied
a place people dreamed of
now the patriots are traitors
now Amerika burns
now Americans die
for some russians profit in your pocket
*reference: Quote from Woody Guthrie "This land is your land" Circa 1940
Jul 2017 · 657
there is only her
mark john junor Jul 2017
without reservation,
such beauty radiates within the eye,
such dreams of softly spoken passions fire,
that once ignited burns within & gives
desires so lustful and hot that
they stream into the minds of men,
washing away all but the sole wanton
pleasures found within, and this lust like
a beast carries her away enfolded in his strength and power,
thrusting to find that one moment over and over when all but the pleasure deep and wide is known, that moment when worlds fade away, there is only her, there is only him....
May 2017 · 2.2k
in another life
mark john junor May 2017
we are all searching for ourselves
in the desperate scribblings of our own pages
seeking the heights of beautiful light
in the darkest corners of night
terribly remembering
beautifully forgetting
we are all apologists begging for
scraps from a happy hearts table
our lives are lived from roadside signs
that proclaim our redemption is just around the bend
and some thief savior or ***** saint gonna
clasp us by the hand lead us to a promised land
seeking the heights of beautiful light
in the darkest corners of night
terribly remembering
beautifully forgetting
on our pages, we escape angrily  
on our pages, we are imprisoned willingly
taste that chain holding you down
french kiss the locks that hold you in place
write with a fever of words
that make your world dizzy with desire
write with the sweat of her ******* as your ink
write with the depth of his eyes as your page
the poem you carve out of your struggles
the poem you breathe into the winter night cold hard rain
is the poem you will be remembered for
is the one that you put your soul into
while you were seeking
while your heart was searching
in another life I was golden
in another life, you were made of sunshine
in another life, we were together
Apr 2017 · 840
narrow path
mark john junor Apr 2017
sweet songs fill the
still and quiet summer night
leads my thoughts along the
narrow paths of lush green life
as moonlight filtered by the leaves above
sends shafts of beautiful silvery magic
like a visual kiss
onto the narrow ways ground
where it leaves rippling pools
that passing lighthearted
souls drink from with graceful hearts
there is no disquiet here
only the mysteries of loving kindness
in which we swim forever blissful
at the end of the narrow way
a castle made of dreams
where stout men stand silent guard
protecting innocence
and providing comfort to the
broken hearted
such are the dreams that fill
my soul while I sleep blissfully in
my sweet lover's arms
my heart in her tender hands
Apr 2017 · 2.5k
barter for fish 'n' chips
mark john junor Apr 2017
traffic in dreams
the deeper the love
the longer it will be to pay it off
deeper the diamond to carve from your heart
the darker the desire
the more cold cash
the harsher the wind in the lonely night

take sandpaper to your luxurious soul
but you keep its stain from your pretty eyes
pretty face barter for fish n chips
pretty words barter your bed and breakfast
dress it all in fashion from magazines
the strange combination of gloss and paper thin disguise
the strange combination of truth and lies

the greasy haired stranger
peers with all his might into the mirror
trying to find the man hidden within
he traffics in dreams
will sell you a plot of land
and the rainbow that comes with
ten by ten souls wide
ten by ten deep
sell em to you for a taste of the pretty
sell em to you for a touch of the tender
so rancidly reflected in his greasy smile

you thought the weight was easy to bear
thought that the lie you tell yourself suffices
but dreams are brittle thin walls you hide behind
watch the cracks spread across the pretty picture
it is painted with
watch the colors fade like sweet summer sunshine
the sweet wine turned bitter like tears
he sells you a dream that must be forever replaced
with an ever darker version
he sells you a lie that you will come to see vividly
it won't taste so sweet for so long
it will taste like dust
it will taste like loss

you seek him out once again in the dark city passage
his greasy hair fallen long ago
skin gone gray
he found the man in the mirror
he found his answer in all the chaos
tastes like dust
tastes like bitterness
seek him out to find he is gone
only a shell remains
a brittle shell

no-one gets cheap seats
without paying the price
Feb 2017 · 1.2k
what is Quixotes
mark john junor Feb 2017
Quixotes is a dream,
It's a fireplace and songs
Its strong friendship and
beautiful moments shared
It's a thought that guides souls
to a peaceful way
It's wood and brick paint and posters
built with gentle care and loving soul
Quixotes is a world away from the world
where dance is freedom
Laughter and joy are the air we breath
Song a rich tapestry that tells the tale
of how we came to be
Song a river that has flowed thru our lives
in this palace, in this beautiful dream
Quixotes is a sweet jem
sparkling in the sun
forever home for our hearts
Quixotes is a music venue i used to work at, i was the nightwatchmen
mark john junor Feb 2017
he was a tin man
ever shy in the shadow of snow
and the asphalt encrusted with salt.
i am a deaf mute in its cold sunshine thru the bare trees
i am the writers reader caught up in the manyfold words
bright and crisp on my stuttering tongue
caught up in the beauty of the phrase
wishing only for its tender workings on my pale lips
caught in the web of light falling thru the bare trees
by the christmas tree so forlorn in febuary wind...
he was a soft spoken tin man
ever shy in the shadow of snow
and the asphalt encrusted with salt
the turbulent sea of my dreams
lashes line and sail with its icebound hand
as i stray between the vision you wept in ink on page
and the words you spoke
soft as a kittens fur
into my sleeping ear
a spun tale
thrashing against me
i am shy with my eyes flirting with yours
look away and recapture your gaze
the asphalt at my feet stained with winters salt
i leave my footprint behind
and wander away into the field of rye
swaying under a cold sun
never to hear the tin man sing again
after he was caught by the catcher in the rye
(i didnt hear of John Lennon's death till the morning after his death)
Jan 2017 · 1.9k
swaying hips fade away
mark john junor Jan 2017
the polished hand of admirers heralding a new poem
they have come so often to rub their eyes on your ink-stained page
leaving behind papercuts of emotion with which they grieve
for the words you spread on their sweaty palms
the polished hand of admirers...
wet with anticipation of the latest beachside laughing clown
he is a walking breathing cataclysm written for her comforts
written in adoration's delight and true loves of her tender hand
she lay in amongst your pages on the bedspread
like a spilled wine **** to the tongue of sensibility
like a spilled wine that intoxicates and leaves
watch her swaying hips fade away into darkness
she will bounce and glide on another man's stripper pole
if you fail to call her back...
the polished hand of admirers heralding your waking thought
muted cheers as your pen makes wicked strokes on empty page
like a dancing blade carving your wooden words
till they sing like beauties breath on cold still air
till she is your warmth wrapped so delicately in your twisted bedsheets
she mutters a cough as she puts flame to cigarette
and smiles at your attentions
she is a living poem
that you write ink and page
the polished hand of admirers will never see
how pure simple ***** girl is so intoxicating
how lush and enticing her gyrating beneath you really is
the polished hand of admirers like you go to bed and sleep
while your dreams are of her dancing swift and sweet
theirs are the dreams of pens cutting on page
like a dancing blade carving wooden words

© 2016 mark john junor all rights reserved
Jan 2017 · 575
silly nothings
mark john junor Jan 2017
each unfolding hour
it's your warmth that sustains my heart
its that light in your eyes that rushes through me
fills all my dreamings with the colors of summers day
reach out brush back a wild loose hair from your face you smile
run my lips over the edge of your tender ear
whispering sweet somethings and silly nothings
just to hear your soft giggles....
we build a home in the field
run barefoot in the tall grass
feel the wind on our faces
tread on the moss covered stones
our world is the essence of our love living brave and free
undying flame of desires heart and soul
passion enfolded in your gentle hands
tender words felt from deep within
spoken while we are exploring each other
wrapped in each others arms
******* and play long into sweet night...
find you with waking eyes
morning light upon your soft skin
each unfolding hour to come with the warm day
we will walk hand in hand the dusty trail
to the mountain top
you'll read your french romance novel
and I will drift and dream head in your lap
you sustain me each and every day
run barefooted in the rain
hold you in the pure sunshine
softly run my hands on you
release my soul into your arms
forever loving forever loved

© 2016 mark john junor all rights reserved
Dec 2016 · 884
battlefield romances
mark john junor Dec 2016
her empty heart keeps beating...
her empty gaze still sees
her voice a shell filled with the cold sand
sluggish monotone wet
of a violent empty sea....
she romances the dark masterpiece
of your voiceless screaming....
she sits with you in the gray room
her fists balled up in limp rage...
she is the daughter of her cherished heartbreak
the end result of her old lover dark and bittersweet...
a tasty gem all bright and beautiful
wrapped up in the bandages
of her battlefield romances...
her empty heart keeps beating...
her empty gaze still sees...
her warm hand still gives comfort
she is still the life behind your unmoveable force
she is a woman of these modern days
strong in ways not even she can see
beautiful beyond what any mirror can see
her heart will find its way
the love will return to eyes
her voice will grow strong once again
await her heart's spring
await her and she will see
you are the man
that was meant to be
Dec 2016 · 692
demonized in the mirror
mark john junor Dec 2016
a poetic darkness clings to
the edges of the room
ageless in its mental aberration
all the years of its incessant whispering softly the sounds
of a life forsaken to a hunt for
all the things that can never be prized possession
all the things that forever slip through seeking fingers....

my face demonized in the mirror  
unchanged except by the years
still holds the taint and taste of her words
like a thick oily poison slowly seeping
from the soil of my eye
where such lovely dreams once grew
now only a parody of silhouette dark upon a shadow
the void form of a man against the cloudless gray sky

an emperor's tongue speaks regal
but the words spoken fall like black leaves from a black tree
dead and devoid of all aspects of a beautiful fall day
an emperor's tongue lavishly paints visions of such beauty to come
but like the footprints in newly fallen snow they are
doomed to fade in the sun
little lies constructed to tell the willing girl
that her satisfactions lay not in the mirror
but in the pit of some man's soul
in the vile places of lust and longing
her love to become a void form against the grandeur of starlight
her plans for the wedding now only faded ink written by a child

my face demonized in the mirror
I seek to choke out the words that would spell an end
to this mournful song
seek to extinguish the doubts and rages that haunt that image  
I am the one who has made this face in the mirror
carved it out of the stone in my heart
I am the one who sees its ***** lines its twisted fable
my hand slips to the light switch and
turns off the forever eating at my soul
Dec 2016 · 2.7k
this mortal dirt soul
mark john junor Dec 2016
a desolate bargain
all my dead days with a
crown of thorns
for a single gesture of warmth

all my days
as her silent saint of persecuted tears
my fireside midnight in the comforting
company of what appeared to be angel
their dead languages ring true to
my long deceased heart

feel light as a feather
like the wind itself come to tear
my very soul from the mortal soil of
this unforgiving life

from my burying ground
seen a burning light cresting the east
burned with a silent majesty
an unspoken glory come to lift
my eyes from these dark workings
heard an old man with a child's voice
telling wasn't my crown of thorns to wear
wasn't angles but shadows
come to keep the midnight watch with me

still a saint of her persecuted tears
now that the full weight of
this mortal dirt soul
hangs upon me like a corpse
all the living done wasted away
Nov 2016 · 703
the american flag
mark john junor Nov 2016
burning a flag is also a symbol, a symbol of freedom in the face of tyranny, a symbol of protest against a nation whos people have come to believe no longer represents their interests, or openly try to curtail their freedoms (like burning the flag) is a symbol to our military personnel that they have gone out to fight for freedom, so that we here in america can have the right to express ourselves without fear of reprisal. the flag is the personal symbol of every american's right to speak and be heard, and if burning the flag is the only thing that tyrants and their willing followers will hear, then i am a proud american who will burn an american flag to protest this tyranny
mark john junor Oct 2016
the brave look to the dawn to
see the fruit of their endeavors....
the frightened look to wash clean the awful marks
of their fear from their faces before the
dawn exposes their true nature......
she looks to the dawn with her hopeful heart
still wrapped in her lovers scent......
he looks to the dawn as the embers of
the camp fire still glows with the
memory of the nightwatch
lonesome with his horse as silent companion.....
the wise man can read the days true face in the
turbulent clouds of daybreak.....
while the fool sleeps soundly in the
shallow waters of delusions warm and
comforting dream.....
the drunkard stumbling homeward
in the mist of his mind
looks to the dawn's glare with a tired yet
often muttered prayer that this be the last day of his suffering....
the wholesome man already taken his place in the factory line
see's a splinter of the dawn in the poisoned air in this dark room
quickly returning to his labor lest he loose all he has gained
and wishes for better days to come....
each of us must look to the
breaking dawn
with what truth or lie our hearts yearn
what strength or weakness is in our soul
each must find a path in the breaking dawn
hand in hand with another
or strongly by our own
and see in dawns turbulent clouds
a bright future to kiss us upon the cheek
mark john junor Sep 2016
i just want to tell you
because your all i ever wanted...
all our night on the dancefloor
under the lights so magical....
all our beaches in moonlight romantic
embrace so enticing.....
i just want you to know
how much every moment with you
has meant to me....
every walking hand in hand
in sweet summer sunshine so warm....
every moment we whispered **** things
to each other and how it makes you blush and giggle
so wonderful....
just want you to hear
how special you are to me
how deep our love truly is.....
every day i find new love for you
find the beauty between us
so forever sunshine in my heart.....
every kiss shared softly
lips caress with a loving soul song
so much of what my heart has longed for
all my life.....
just needed you to hear
i love you
forever magical love together
Sep 2016 · 827
giggles and joy
mark john junor Sep 2016
a child's delight in
her grown woman's eyes
lightened the room
brought back the sunshine to our
friday night leasure......
love my sweetheart
so dearly and clearly......
she giggles with finesse
and reassure with gentle good words
faster than magic
she is the bright star
that warms all our souls......
love my sweetheart so dearly and clearly......
an old rock 'n' roll song begins to play
with a beautiful voice she sings along
while holding me close......
we all tell stories of our long ago far away's
terrible ex's and grande old times
happiness and laughter.....
love my lover so dearly and clearly all the time....
she whispers in my ear about naughty
things she wants to do with me
when its just the two of us
after friends have disappeared one by one
we will collapse on the bed all giggles and joy
giggles and joy
Sep 2016 · 1.8k
Clinton's army
mark john junor Sep 2016
Elephants and donkeys
fighting it out in the trenches
My blue coat stained with the entrails
of orange trolls iv slain
in fierce hand to hand combat
fighting to keep us safe from the
filthy madman with no soul

Here in our trench
we bluecoats share a meal
and laugh among ourselves
strong hearts of brave
men and women
good people with a righteous cause
we tell tales of our exploits
slaying the never ending
lies that spew from the
despicable orange horde

A flash of light and explosion shatters
the night as the enemy releases some
photo-op or soundbite meant to destroy us
we all laugh
and shoot it full of holes
such weak lies are easily destroyed

We are Hillary Clinton's army
sent to do battle with the weak minded
and insane orange trolls
they fight in the name of evil
they fight in the name of the orange beast

We will win
there is no doubt in my heart
i look around me
proud comradeship
bluecoats defending the world
from the small minds of evil orange men
fight on brothers and sisters fight on
with Hillary leading us we will prevail

© 2016 mark john junor all rights reserved
Sep 2016 · 822
mark john junor Sep 2016
frostbitten by our heated words
in the parking lot
walked home together in our separate way
along the narrow path with
a universe of silence between
you with arms folded tightly in
your ballroom gown
me carrying our plunder
in t-shirt and jeans
we steal glances at each other
where we used to steal kisses
we miss each other already......
so my words reach out to you
you take my hand
in that small gesture we once again
find the warmth we love
our souls embrace
we drift the summer night as
one starstruck heart
we tangle into each other romantically
one tender kiss as we open
the door to our home sweet home
we are one joyful laughter
we are one smile
we are lovers in our ****** bed
once again
Sep 2016 · 1.2k
backwater saints
mark john junor Sep 2016
adrift on a sea swept
with the restless discontent and
heartfelt sweet dreams
drifting among images and arguments
backwater saints and apostles of
criminals on election trails
floating donkeys and elephants........
out here in the simple beauty of
the ever present tides of
humanities daily ritual conversations........
out here in the warm sea cold sand
i followed her pretty picture to her page
found the words she painted
the image of her desirable hearts landscape
full of sunlight dancing among the summer leaves
this lovely heart in this
strange and fascinating sea
where all is not what it appears to be...
the sailors sing while they labor building better ships
and faster dreams.......
tell me some nice tale
you backwater saints with kind hearts
give me a dream for tonight full
of summer leaves in sunlight
of smiles shared
Aug 2016 · 603
dying flames
mark john junor Aug 2016
when all your stories have been told
when you can no longer invent a twisting tale
that will captivate
that will romanticize
that will fill the heart with images of beauty and
lost love returned at long last
when the ink has dried on your last tale
and all the shadows of characters that
live on in your memories imagination
have been lost in the dusts of time
will you write me a song
to keep my lonely heart amused
while i wait here by the dying fire
waiting to hear your footsteps coming home to me
waiting to hold you close to me
while you whisper tales of your travels
while you whisper tales meant to distract me
from the stain on your hand
i see it so clearly but i try to blind myself
i curse my weak heart for doubting
i can clearly hear the lie in your eyes
but i can only think of your sweet lips upon mine
your cold words have frozen my heart
and i lay awake till past dawn
hoping beyond hope
i know one day you will fail to return
but i cling to our brief moments
i cling to the wish
long after wishing had failed
sit and stare into the dying flames
numb to truth
numb to lies
not my usual timid attempts at crafting beauty from the life i live but rather a tale told to me in a dream
Aug 2016 · 854
towheaded boy
mark john junor Aug 2016
a breath of light
touched her towheaded son
as she reached out to find sunshine
in a moonlight song....
you can find beauty and hope
in the darkest places men's hearts can dream
you can be saved by the smile on your face
if you just believe
nothing can keep you from
being loved again...
she held her towheaded son close to her
as daybreak was outshined
by her joyful smile...
she had learned that lifes road
was hills to struggle up
with the sweat pouring from your labored brow
and the lighthearted dash
along a river of joys
she was alive with hope
and her darling baby boy
she will walk with him till he's a man
in this woman's heart
its her towheaded son that's her sunshine
Aug 2016 · 855
nineteen seventy six
mark john junor Aug 2016
in the shop window
the mannequin contorted
into a parody of summer beach living
even with the martini glass dusty and cracked
the hawaiian shirt, the flip-flops
the mannequin's long deep gaze forever painted blue
behind cheap sunglasses
sealed away behind faded curtains
straw beach hat tilted against
the harsh glare of a lightbulb for a sun
now this lifesized gaudy imitation of summer
is only the conversation starter for the old couple
who owns the store
with brighton beach memories
photographs of nineteen fifty eight
the heavy scent of cheap perfume
the shuffling of the old man bringing a cup of tea
this is where memories are bought and sold
where a piece of nineteen seventy six
could be had for two dimes and a nickle
its old men who hold the worlds histories
in their wrinkled hands
careworn baubles of a different age
its old men who have in their eyes loves lost and found
who have endless summer days in her arms
forever there back in sixty seven
this old man in his dusty store has more riches
than all the banks in the world
in his heart
Aug 2016 · 1.6k
dreamy eyes
mark john junor Aug 2016
the summer sun hangs overhead
held there by her dreamy heart...
softly painting heavens with the fluffy clouds
softly illustrating passions devoted kiss from
the delicate dance lovebirds do in the
beautiful summer air...
she writes me romantic stories as
the first stars to pierce the
tide of evening skies
washes away the last of summer afternoon...
with the gentle blessing of
her dreamy heart she entices me to her bed
and into her arms...
with wondrous stories she has found in
the summer eve's graceful song
she tells our profound love story
set against summers beautiful day...
everyday we find each other's sweetest desires
in each others dreamy eyes
Aug 2016 · 821
glass flowers
mark john junor Aug 2016
sitting in the reflected sunshine
glass flowers breaks into a shattered prism
casting shards of color around the afternoon filled room
while motes of dust foreshadow
the yet distant snowfall falling silently
glass flowers, painted edges like razors
cutting sharp shadows on the tabletop
they interrupt the smooth page where my words have fallen
breaking them into nonsensical whimsy
casting them like a ship on the rocks
obscured to their meanings
shredded of their worth
glass flowers grow in my mind
clawing their way upward from the false soil
trying to find within themselves lifespark and breath
they took my words in hopes of
finding passion to inscribe on their hopes
passion is proof of life
passion is proof of a heart beating madly with desires
glass flowers silently seek life
to grow, live, breath
to be loved and to love
glass flowers sit silently in reflected sunlight
wishing for life beyond this quiet room
Jul 2016 · 2.0k
mark john junor Jul 2016
she was a fiery soul
emotions spilled out of her cup
like a bittersweet wine
an aftertaste of tears
salty as the sea rushing beneath me
heartfelt as the lonely moonrise
burning like the hearth of home remembered vivid but far
inviting you back from your cold journeys
the faceless sea's of humanity's wanderlust
from the dark romances of uncaring hearts
feel your heartbeat thunder in the stillness
hearing your tear ravaged breathing
as you struggle to find solace in sleep
her words carried on the thick air remembered vivid but far
like swans floating on the still waters of childhood
like images my heart paints when
her electric touch torches my soul
she leaves a wake of silence and
appreciative eyes behind her drifting the worlds ways
she comes to my bed now
slips into my cold sheets
and with lips forsworn to her fiery tongue's wicked ways
and crafts a bird from blood and bone
a flightless swan that will forever be companion to
to my seasong
moonrise comes with a silence
that my heart can never greet with joy
Jul 2016 · 545
joyful color
mark john junor Jul 2016
tender is your daydream so sweetly dreamt
written with joyful colors and inks of a
heart cherishing the bright and intimate light of
loves enduring song
you hum the tune and i put words to it
true spoken endearment one lover to the other......
we build a sailing ship with the strength of our love
put the wild winds of our passion in the sails
we will find our paradise in eachother's bodies
lets run the fast waves in the sweet night
as we fold our self's into eachother's pleasures
lets be lost at sea to the world outside
within this cradle of the love
we are reborn to each breathtaking waking moment
in eachother's arm
Jul 2016 · 576
walk alone
mark john junor Jul 2016
midnight lived in her eye
shadows of which graced her words
with a tale of yearning to be told
one of the heat of her passions self-denied
one of heartfelt awe of the power love could hold
traveling this dark evening with naught but starlight to behold
with naught but the souls secrets to keep you warm
wrapped in the threadbare veil of the lies you tell yourself
fluttering in the ever present cutting wind
with great care unwrap the bandages of hurt you hold to your heart
with great pity unleash your hope for tomorrows dawn
it will begin with the glimmer in her dark
every soul must walk alone with midnight
before they can understand the breaking of daylight
feel its warmth with their soul
know the truth
you need never walk alone
Jun 2016 · 1.0k
words to obscure (revised)
mark john junor Jun 2016
if you were here
would you see me the same as you see me in my words
would your lovely soft lips recite with such
feeling the words you say
if you were here at my side
the crisp sun reveals more than just
picturesque lake and the perfections of paradise
how would you see me if you were
as naked before me as i am to you now
i am crying inside a river of hurt that seems to have no end
how would you see me if you were here by my side
i would see you as beauties soft hand
come to ease and hand to hold
this river is a teasing of darkness
come to shadow my door
it will pass
will you still be here with you soft words
how would you see me
if you stood before me with none of the words to obscure
would you hold my hand stranger
comfort me in my loss
if you could
be here without words to obscure
May 2016 · 648
shock and awe
mark john junor May 2016
a spanish rose, she lingers in the corner
with some french sailor who is
just a breathing caricature
illustrated in ink and animated by alcohol
his four letter word vocabulary with deluxe cardboard delivery
but its his eyes that capture you
swimming in hundred proof they are
wise with miles of years
and wicked in a smoky dark room way
but she is too busy to notice
flirting with the stranger across the room
a traveling salesman with boxes
of rusty trinkets for crafty sale

meanwhile old jack is swinging on the gibbet
talking away the hours with his old flame and friends
he is a threadbare imitation of me
and that suits you fine
long as its three meals and a slice of pie
the essentials of easy living wrapped up in a lace hanky
its a little ***** and on the down low
but the whole digging in some
rich kids ***** laundry for loose change
never appealed to you all that much
so attached to old jack come to make your stand
both barrels smoking hot and ready to let loose
should any fool step to the line

we all watched with amusements
as the magician open his show with a shock and awe
that sputtered and fell
but we all loved his punch lines so much that we
cheered him on all night
the chorus girls got us all up and dancing little past three
and the suave singer had us cheek to cheek by dawn
it was another night to remember to be sure
memorable as stumpy swimming with the gators
we all shuffle barefoot in the sand
to our dusty beds
and dream sweetly of fiveash romance novella endings
and the beauties of dawn
we will be up to no good once more
all loud and proud
young and full'a *****
as a spring moon crests over seaside town
#love #romance #dance #devil
May 2016 · 861
frenchman in rain
mark john junor May 2016
the painting was literal
figure hunched walking a dirt road in rain
its hues and tone spoke
mute but vividly
each brush stroke matched the images birthplace
in the authors crippled heart

each leaf a burnished gold of autumn
each a dying fragment of the withered tree
even the mans footprints in muddy soil
one can almost feel the squalid mud underfoot
his uniform and helmet named him a frenchmen
from the great war
his boots rendered with bloodstain

figure hunched walking dirt road in rain
a great dying had come to france that day
swords drawn they charged into deaths embrace
this man and his comrades in this awful place

the painting hangs in some museum
an awkward moment for the viewer
is he going into the storm of battle
or going home after
the tale is left untold
it is just the tale of a man on a road in the rain
a frenchmen in the world war
a lone figure in rain
re-write of old piece
May 2016 · 2.0k
a driftwood theology
mark john junor May 2016
there in the imperfect silence of night
searching for embers of hope among the
burned bridges of your life
the driftwood theology of a wandering soul
wherever the tides take you
trying to find some token of salvation in
the star filled heavens
trying to find meanings in a grain of sand
as with any driftwood soul spend your days
searching for a shore to call your own
trying to find embers of hope in the
burning bridges of your life....
there in the imperfect silence of night
while you await sleep to overcome your busy busy mind
while you wait for the solace of letting go
drifting and dreaming
lost in the beautiful places that dreams take you
you find that the driftwood theology is a wonderful thing
carve your own inner beauty into the wood of the world
take the love i know you have in your heart
and give it as a gift to the world around you
and you will find that you are no longer driftwood
cast on the worlds stormy sea's
you will find you have always been home
right here in my heart
May 2016 · 646
a yearling heart
mark john junor May 2016
effortlessly we cut a rug in the beautiful moonlight
it was one of those perfect nights you never forget
among the starlight scattered and spinning on the dance floor
the sweet remains of our lovely night dancing
we wandered the soft side of night
in eachother's arms
it was like having a yearling heart all over again
it was like being in love for the first time all over again
with my head nestled on her bare shoulder
like discovering what it was
like being with a woman the first time
a long beautiful moment that lasted forever in my yearling heart
that wrote a lifetimes love affair just in
those precious moments in her arms
such is the intoxicating beauty that is my lover
such is the occult magic of womanhood
that i thirst so much for
that i adore so deeply
that is the root of all love poems
the beauty of a woman's heart
we wandered the soft side of night
in eachother's arms
dancing embraced  in eachother's love
forever more
May 2016 · 2.7k
darker inks
mark john junor May 2016
she is a rendering in darker inks of lighthearted subjects
the eloquently illustrated surrealistic seduction of the heart
demure yet ravishing sexualization
the ideal of beauty offering itself up like a sacrifice
at the alter of some wanton hedonistic temple to gods of lust
she looks up at me from her practiced good girl gone naughty dream
and tells me that she wants me
wants it all to be perfect
like in the paris magazines
wants it all to be crafted in perfumed perfection
near to goddess as human can be
she is rendered in darker inks
but i am captivated by the lovely
entranced by the beautiful
enraptured by the perfection
as only darker inks can be
mark john junor May 2016
a thirsty soul suspended over the
waters of this heartland like some kind of
symbolic sacrifice to the lesser demigods
she is wearing a hippy skirt and a fashionable hat
a swift sunrise gives her aspects of divinity

she tells me she came here to go shopping
but in the turbulent space between our hearts
something has changed
she tells me cloudy days make her sad
i tell her rain is a companion to no man
but the flowers love it just the same
she knows she loves it too

i pick up her thought and bounce it like a rubber ball
cause it keeps comin back to me'
just like that mysterious smile that
lingered on her face
long on my mind
i cant seem to shed the thought
that it all means something someplace
always somebody thirsty somewhere

the clock stopped at a quarter to four
and a shameful woman sits there fixing her face
with the wrenches and hammers of fashionable practice
seek to be the same as everybody else
someday your bound to get there
just to find yourself questioning why you
bothered once your there

her and the shameful woman put a
heated argument in the pocket of hunger
and giggling like schoolgirls walk away
to go find a mirror to get lost in
swap makeup and spit in some bathroom selfies
girls night out

i'm standing out here in the open air parking lot
watching the heartland of fiveashes sink slowly into the sea
walk on the puddles reflections of clouds
as they break apart to bring us a brand new day
rain is a companion to no man
but the flowers like it anyway
re-write of a piece i did a while back
May 2016 · 846
closer than touching
mark john junor May 2016
its a mystery to me
all the closer than touching with her
all the beauty in being with her
all the hopeful tomorrow dreamin' that keeps her warm
she is right here sleepin' next to me
she has always been here
always been breathing in the background of every thought i've had
in the background of every good thing iv ever done
sleepin' softly next to me all night long
i would wake her
tell her of my long night
tell her of many things great an' small
would hold her
just wrap her in my arms and never ever let go
she has always been the reason
she has always been the question
its a mystery to me
all the years and miles that got me here
lost and found so much seemed like a single wondrous day
beautiful because at the end of it all she is here next to me
always been breathing in the background of every thought iv had
in the background of every good thing iv ever done
sleeping softly
all the closer than touching
all the beauty of being here with her
is mine at long last
she is mine at long last
and i just want to be closer than touching with her
want to live the beauty of being with her
just want to hear her whisper love songs for me alone
mine at long last
Apr 2016 · 2.9k
a john lennon dream
mark john junor Apr 2016
grew up dreaming a john lennon dream
about peace and love happiness and hope
bout all the beautiful things that could be
if we could just agree to love one another
grew up believing that we could build a heaven right
here on earth if we could all just believe
that everything is possible with just a little bit of love
but as the years have passed by
as the song he imagined keeps playing
as we have all grown older
we realize that we dreamt a john lennon dream
and all the beautiful dreams like it
they are fragile dreams only a heart like his could put to song
but i think to myself
perhaps if we could all still try
perhaps if we could not just give up
maybe we could change the world just a little bit
maybe we could find john lennon's dream
here on earth
find the peace love happiness and hope
if we could believe like we used to
our own hearts could dream like john lennon
that our love expressed together as one
could change the world just a little bit
then just a little more
just a little more
what a beautiful world that dreamin' could build
if you could join us dreamin' a john lennon dream
dedicated to a very great man, john lennon, and his dream.
Apr 2016 · 704
mark john junor Apr 2016
falling falling
the balconies **** by as im falling
the lights of the city spread out below me
getting closer
getting closer to an answer
the balconies with startled faces watching me
the air is so still im moving so fast
its like a dream
its like flying
spread my wings
lung full of bright hot air
let loose a cry
like a warrior
screaming out loud at the ground i will now defeat
eyes wide open
getting closer to an answer
lights of the world blurry in my closing eyes
here comes the ground to greet me
soft grass to land on
green and wonderful full of summer scents
Apr 2016 · 663
talking lovin' dreaming
mark john junor Apr 2016
all things in my life
comes back to this love
comes back to this moment your hand in mine
warmth in your eyes
comes back to all the hours in
each other's arms talking lovin' dreaming
talking lovin' dreaming
so my love wont you tell me
tell me why would you worry 'bout that girl
tell me why she is even in our world
all things in my life are you
everything i know and love is you
i am sure that we have something that
nobody else will ever know
something the world will never be
i know that cause i see the way you look at me
i know how it is to be in your arms
all things in my life come back to this love
that we live everyday
so my love why would you worry about that girl
tell me why she is even in our world
in your arms talking lovin' dreaming
talking lovin' dreaming
Apr 2016 · 379
whimsical moments
mark john junor Apr 2016
she wondered at when her heart had become winterbound
when the lovely garden had been
overgrown by sorrow and anger
wondered at how long she could pine for a love lost before
it consumed her very soul
she strayed each day through sketches she had drawn
captured happiness expressions of soul
whimsical moments of those bright days
she had always held love as a hope
a perfect place when she could live forever
but love takes many hearts to many different places
love wares different masks for its pleasure and play
it is an intoxicating brew
which drives men mad
it is a beautiful thing that women cherish
that gives life meaning
that is the very essence of our souls
she wondered at when her heart had become winterbound
when the lovely garden had become a tangled web of tears
but as spring grows upon the days
so her heart grows bold
and she learns how to leave that darkness behind
she will still steal glances backwards
but she will learn to love again
she will learn to leave behind the memory
and walk once again in the summer sun
Apr 2016 · 485
forest avenue
mark john junor Apr 2016
late day sunshine
warmly scattered over us
and stirred imagination
revealed sweeter than summer  dreams
my heart lived a song for her alone
rising and flying on each note that
passed between us while we made love under the tree
shared between us without a word
lost in every sense of eachother
magically as one heart one dream
drowned and brought back to life again in the
beauty of touching with such
powerful passions and the heart's lusts
late day sunshine scattered warmly over us
weaving into our memories forever that moment shared
that beautiful place in ones life where we
touched life's perfect union body and soul
the matching heartbeats rhythm
two young lovers finding deep universes in eachothers eyes
laughing sweetly holding hands in that forever moment
that is cherished a lifetime later
late day sunshine slipping away
but the memory will stay with me forever my love
my sweet love
do adding tags to a poem have any real impact?
Apr 2016 · 533
we were in paris
mark john junor Apr 2016
we danced like we were in paris
danced like lovers under a summer moon
everyone saw us
everyone loved us
the beautiful songs played
while we breathed the romantic night air
wrapped in each others arms
entwined in each others hearts
we were the center of the beautiful world
we were swept away on a sea of love
forever in each heartbeat
forever in each others eyes
we danced like we were in paris
we danced like lovers do
we were the center of the beautiful world
the light shined all around us
everyone saw us
everyone loved us
a warm rain of smiles
a hot long kiss of tenderness
we danced like we were in paris
till the song faded away
we were the center of the beautiful world
till the song faded away
Apr 2016 · 502
faded roses
mark john junor Apr 2016
faded roses on the wallpaper
leaves bent back in an imagined wind
fingerprints of a thunderstorm cling to the wet image
she says it was a lovely thought that gave birth to such beautiful drawings
that any child could see many adventures to be
in such lovely daydreams
a place where the child of her heart could run free
decorated with faded roses
celebrated by teddy bears and tea sets
on long summer afternoons in the beautiful sunshine
while brothers and others chased firefly's
like days of old aeroplanes
dogfighting daredevils in the forever blaze of glory
swashbucklers that save the day and win the girl
ride off into the sunset
tv screen fades to black
faded roses on the wallpaper are all that remain
sunbaked in the passing years
a lovely thought that gave birth to our childhood
a swift dream
faded away
Apr 2016 · 433
transient light
mark john junor Apr 2016
transient light begins to fade from the winter sky
i reach up with all my strength
but i cannot hold back the failing daylight
cannot cease its awkward stumbling into night
but as its last vestiges slip away a song comes to my heart
its words inked in my very soul
all the joys and true beauty of togetherness shared
that all of these loves iv know and nurtured
have not been in vain
that as i stand alone in the gathering shadows
i will never really be alone
for there are hearts out there who still cherish me
i am not forgotten
a rich tapestry of images my heart brings back to me
the smiling faces of the people in my world who have shared
warmth and love with me
are with me always, forever
tonight i may sail a dark sea
but i am anchored in the safe haven of another's heart's dream
so as the transient light fades from the sky
i have no fear
i have only love
Apr 2016 · 396
winterbirds reprise
mark john junor Apr 2016
i unfolded the bright sunlight
unbound it from the winter sky
held it in my rough hands
and let it stream down upon me
wash away the night chill from my bones
let my soul drink its beautiful warmth
like a sweet wine...
my feet in puddles i walk an echo of images
the sky perfectly preserved in a watery vision
i look and see in the liquid world expressed at my feet
winterbirds flying slowly in formation southbound
moving from one puddle to the next unbroken and free
perfect reflections of beauty unleashed
each breath held for a moment
then released like a softly spoken prayer
a wish that like the winterbirds i could take to wing
be forever free on the open sky
be forever at peace...
i unfolded the bright sunlight
unbound it from the winter sky
and handed it to her
she smiled and said she would always cherish it
put it in a golden locket
that she would open in the furthest deep of night
giving birth to the beauty of dawn once again
to give my weary old heart life again
winterbirds float
unbroken and free
on the liquid sky
where i want to be
Apr 2016 · 814
return to dust
mark john junor Apr 2016
dust floats in the still air
otherworldly in the shafts of sunlight that
slip silently onto the floor from the
partially obscured window
the curtain rustles slightly in a dry gasp of breeze
spring is alive and bursting its bonds outside
one can almost taste how the ****** spring air returns life to
the windswept field below

the vacant room echoes my footsteps
its expanse of naked wood floorboards looks
beaten and weathered
rough against my bare feet
but its is the sparkling treasure  
laying in the surreal sunlight
a heart shaped necklace
a lament that appeals with a golden glow
the riches of a heart that once was abundant with sweet love
slowly buried in dust

in my mouth
my words once bold and bright
words that once carried and cared for
words that lovingly embraced the reader
now caked with layers of dust
as the room became the cage
locked away with only
the warmth of a surrendered heart
and the unspeakable sunlight that never cares
never embraces
never loves
and of course
the dust
slowly burying eyesight
obscuring the world in this grey room
the dust i live and breath
Apr 2016 · 455
each poet
mark john junor Apr 2016
each poet has a voice
and if we could all gather to speak with one voice
say one single message of hope
we could change the hearts of this world
we could tell the tale to the world so they would understand
so they could change
if we could only speak with one unified voice
gather us now
let us try
let us save this world
with our beautiful words
Apr 2016 · 616
the end of its rainbow
mark john junor Apr 2016
softly walked in beautiful sunshine
trying not to disturb the dream
wanting to find its comforting thought
at the end of its rainbow
wanting to know the lyrics to its heart's song
wanting to know at least once in this lifetime
its gentle kiss reassure that you are not abandon
by loves tender truth
softly walked on the pavement in a soft spring rain
felt as the long miles washed away
left me with only the sweetest part of the day
at the end of its rainbow
lay me down now
in the freshly mowed grass
summer taste to the air
lay me down with her memory
lay me down with a dream called hope
let me wander its beautiful day
at the end of its rainbow
with her tender kiss
reassuring that i have not been abandon
by loves sweet home in
her pretty heart
Apr 2016 · 671
steam engine
mark john junor Apr 2016
she set a polish to the brass pipes
with a careful hand she worried them
hours like a silent moving contemplation
she worked her way from one end of
the massive machine to the other
knowing every rivet
every dent and scratch
the hot steam leaving a sheen of sweat on her
the machines labored breathing filled her ears
alive to her she spoke to it
in a loving soft whisper
she felt the gauges and levers
with the familiarity of mother and child
knew its every creak and groan
with the heart of unconditional loving care
a steam engine is a living thing
a breathing feeling entity
a life of brass for bone
coal fire for a heart
it loved her as much as she loved it
Apr 2016 · 585
mark john junor Apr 2016
she unburdened her
her faraway daydreamer heart
fanciful and bright
where she treasured a beautiful home for
all the sweetness she had always carried around
as a book of poems she had been writing since she was
a little girl
far from the work-a-day life she lived
far from today's troubled clouds
a winter wonderland with a summer heart
a palace for a princess so lovely
and a prince charming made of paper-mache'
that she keeps with her teddy bears
she unburdened her beautiful heart onto the pages
poems tender poems bright
poems woven out of silly dreams and lollipops
shes a faraway heart girl
flying in beautiful starry skies
forever bright futures
and warm summer days
Mar 2016 · 641
a little sunshine
mark john junor Mar 2016
implications of nightfall creep in the broken window
i sit leaning against the graffiti strewn wall
the city lights spread out below me like a carpet
over the rolling hills
spiderweb of streetlights leads the mind on a merry chase
all those homes down there each containing love and warmth
all those places in the heart known as safe

an appealing silence haunts this place
leaves the listener with images of all that has transpired here
illustrates the meanings of the scrawled
words on the wall before me
two lovers had been here and left behind a casual love note
spraypainted  in a hue of green
tepid words of a quickly lived love affair
a passing summer romance
now abandon in the chill fall air

i can picture the girl lingering here
in a sullen twilight
retracing her past

there are abandon places in our world
where abandon people linger
places where they can let down the pretty face defense
where they can set aside the mask
and perchance to hope a little sunshine
will grace them for even a moment
will give them
a way to go on
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