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Sep 2024 · 497
The Man I Once Was
Kyle Fisher Sep 2024
All of a sudden, I'm cold.
The air tickles my nose as it cools my throat, and my knees quiver under the cotton knitting of my jeans.

All of a sudden, I'm tired.
Everyday. All day.
The pages turn, each with less vigor than the last.

All of a sudden I'm sore.
My hands creaking; back aching.
Time stomps its stone feet on my shoulders, as it should, without regret.

All of a sudden, I'm purposeless.
The passion I admire slips through my fingers and trickles onto the floor like water from a dish towel.

All of a sudden, I'm angry.
Sounds of hate escape my soul through pursed lips.
I curse myself by laying seige to those closest to me.

All of a sudden, I'm stagnant.
Sinking in life slowly until bedrock.
My troubles rise through my toes like chains locking me in.

All of a sudden, I'm lost.
Alone, Pulling at synapses to recover what was once my image.

The air tickles my nose as it cools my throat.
All of a sudden, the man I once was is forgotten.
Jun 2019 · 302
Kyle Fisher Jun 2019
I've never written of love, because until now, I've never been engulfed in its transcendence.
Enamored by the faint breath of a sleeping beauty.
Being assured without assurance.
Fire in the chest, and Ice on the toes.
Completely immobile, only jetting endlessly in the right direction.
Can this,
be real?
Dec 2018 · 849
Searching For Fire
Kyle Fisher Dec 2018
Bristles and branches come crashing down, spraying embers at your feet.
One by one they plummet, seeking solitude within your ability to cool them.
Twist and tweak, be silent and listen, for the ones worthwhile will instead, set your cool ablaze.
Aug 2017 · 536
Kyle Fisher Aug 2017
I try so hard to unfeel things..
Pushing against the walls of my past.
I invite the help of other hands to topple the monumental foundation that is "Kyle."
It never works..
"I'm responsible for my own happiness."
I'm so irresponsible sometimes..
Aug 2017 · 2.2k
Kyle Fisher Aug 2017
To be, or not, to be...
That is plagiarism.
Although, the rested see..
It's the only "ism"
Will I do?
Or, will I do not?
Will I place soulfully, the life before me?
Or, will I defy my end with bitter, confusion.
I doubt them both.
Within my heart,
I chase a rope.
About a time,
When rhyme and cope.
Are one, the same,
Rewrite my hope.
Can one remain,
While others greave?
Burn the bridge,
And meld the seam.
Amassed awake,
Your idle dream,
Don't mind the pain,
Rewrite and leave.
May 2017 · 508
It Was You...
Kyle Fisher May 2017
I feel a presence,
As if it tickles the back of my ear.
Subtle and warming, reaching and playcating.
Amassed by the sound, I walk forward, stumbling and dumbfounded.
Tripping over pebbles like mountains. It wasn't who I thought I was, it was you..
Something soft and sweet, about someone I now hold dear.
Jan 2017 · 593
Skip Ahead - part 1
Kyle Fisher Jan 2017
Skewed, and Angled.
Perception of time seems so vulnerable, at least able to be captured.. mangled.
Away it flies, yet draws closer by the second; quilted with its own set of rules and manners.. entangled.. in itself.
The ultimate healer, but kills all, besides itself, "In time." Dividing a fine line between happiness and misery..
Above rides the wind, and below, the waves.
Neither can go back, or skip ahead.
Nov 2016 · 281
Kyle Fisher Nov 2016
May the way you feel,
feel you..
The times you hold,
hold you.
Kyle Fisher Nov 2016
This side seems more fitting,
when strangled by piercing emotion.
It doesn't seem to fade well,
Wellness unacheived, only commotion.
Down, down we go,
Slight light opening.
Wake me up,
Keep me frozen thin.
Too much my friends,
to end, and pretend.
Keep hold of a life,
just starting to mend.
But long overdue for saturated intoxication..
The feels..
Until next time.
Aug 2016 · 586
Monday Morning
Kyle Fisher Aug 2016
Beyond spoken
This precious moment
Coat in loathing
My mind is closing
I'll be abrupt
I'm about to erupt
I'll drown this tear inside my cup
Folding up
Feeling stuck in a rut
Not giving up..
I cant.
A spark
A glance
I'm holding another chance
I can't wait to advance
In this life with you in my hands
I love you
May 2016 · 777
A Place To Hide
Kyle Fisher May 2016
Tripping over infinitesimal hurdles of past and present.
Silenced by the noxious screech of bioluminescence.
Etcetera, etcetera, the dull pound never ends.
The heart within my mind, it seems, is fated to pretend.

Insatiable and greedy, yet, comforting to some.
Arrival of this brooding thought, devours me to none.
What is this?
What am I?
Why can't I?
Apart from mortal boundaries is how i truly fantasize.

Your life to live?
Abide the script.
The past will never provide you with..

**A place to hide
Mar 2016 · 1.2k
Kyle Fisher Mar 2016
I'm trying to speak, with sealed lips.
What rolls off of the tongue, seems to stop at my teeth.
Vibrations in the throat, will never be heard; Only felt.
So I smile.
I find it difficult to express things through the spoken word at times.
So I smile.
Mar 2016 · 754
The Manikin Man
Kyle Fisher Mar 2016
Behind store front glass is where he resides,
as millions of people come strolling on by.
The man is affixed, cannot wave his goodbyes,
and he lusts for a glare through his frothy grey eyes.

His feet, they are bare. His hair stays the same.
Long days, and long nights, he watches in shame.
He dreams of the warm, supple touch of his dame.
As hes fitted again, "This months suit!" they exclaim.

So dapper he looks, and hollow his soul.
He gives them his best, in his suit made of gold.
Still they pass by him swift, never stop to behold,
The Manikin Man, in his glass front abode.
©Kyle Fisher 2016
Dec 2015 · 453
The Limit
Kyle Fisher Dec 2015
In what world should a mind be defined
by the parameters of others perceptions?
Limiting ones self by fear of abrasion from the populations conceptions.

Never setting true goals, only those that seem to fit into the faded puzzle.
Instead of extruding shapes that can't be confined.
I see wonderful beings, dazed, and imprisoned by bottling themselves, and their ideals because of anothers view.. of point of view,
And common sense.
A common consensus,
about what should effect us.
What to project.
And see.

Where others see fragile attempts,
I see unstructured trials.
Where others see inevitable failure,
I see limitless possibilities.
Oct 2015 · 1.2k
My Corner of Blue
Kyle Fisher Oct 2015
What to do..
What to do,
This silence of blue hues.
The soundless color intercedes,
and blocks my field of view.

Lonely eyes inverted and blind.
A coating worn so lightly.
Irradiated silence...
It seems to shine so brightly.

Slumbered in solitude, caged in sky.
For months I've been away.
I hear them bellow, a promise of yellow,
yet, regrettably I'll stay.

Submerged and drowning slowly.
Drip by drip inhaled.
Oxygen deprived,
and word wrapped stake impaled.

I'll trip and stumble my way out.
Eventually unleashed.
For now my silenced eyes take lead,
as I slip away from me.
©Kyle Fisher 2015
Oct 2015 · 700
For Reasons Unknown
Kyle Fisher Oct 2015
I awoke to the sound of your voice...

Images of your face etched in with your white hot,
steel fingernails.
Graciously placed in my vivid memories.

For weeks I've been clear of troublesome dreams,
your snake like self seems to trek throughout miles of synapses,
just to laugh in my face for a night.

It's very rude...
Still ranting.
Just go with it.
©Kyle Fisher
Oct 2015 · 586
False Advertisements
Kyle Fisher Oct 2015
Do you see her?
Yea, I'm sure you do.
She's the one with legs to her chin,
and sky blue eyes formed to whisk men away.
Her mind is like a city bus, receiving many different
styles of ideas, and taking them to new places.
She understands what she sees.
Oh, did I mention,
her love is strong and secure,
like concrete pillars underneath the longest bridges!
"The perfect package."
I said with certainty.

I fell in love with her...

She tore the very core of my heart into pieces.
Threw me out of her car window like a piece of
used, unwanted trash.
Lied and left as quickly as she so flawlessly arrived.
If I had fallen next to her, she would have stomped
on my face, and smeared in whatever happened
to be on the bottom of her shoe at that moment.

Do you see me?
I'm sure that you can't.
I hide my frail, broken emotions inside.
My hollow earth suit is all you see,
because, I won't be crushed again
by someones
false advertisements.
Something that I wrote this morning.
I caught a glimpse of the thing that pained me not very long ago.
So i had to rant a bit.
©Kyle Fisher
Oct 2015 · 1.0k
The Happy Days
Kyle Fisher Oct 2015
Tiny whispers,
soft and subtle.
Bed frames,
a warming cuddle.
Soul pieces,
nose kisses,
cold feet,
one love puddle.

dark secrets,
silent bracing.
Morning breath,
coffee grounds,
and carnal chasing.

Apple tarts,
Soft eyes,
and blunt smoke.
Crazy nights,
and tired days,
that is what I miss the most..
©Kyle Fisher
Oct 2015 · 720
Kyle Fisher Oct 2015
An admiration for abolition.
Close quarters conversation, and demolition.
Obstructive outbursts, constructive concerts,
and outraged rebellious rallies.
They preach round words, and mastered mortality catalysts,
soaked like dish towels.

Pen and paper,
barbed double edged razor wire,
and sharp teeth.
Hand tapered fine meats; an electrified man- reviver.
Perplexed attire,
liquor bottles and glass houses.
Insane models, fake **** in skin blouses.

Weaved baskets of silver trash,
and packed ground ashes.
The masses, pained by stained caskets,
and back lashes.
Oblivion shoves, and the brain passes.
The sadness.
Fertilized territories,
and athletes with vein madness.

Getting laid, and LED light brigades,
November no-shave, and long hair with viking braids.
Homeless, with no car and bike less.
Filling lungs up with nitrous.
Instantly flightless,
and magazines full of white ****** spiteness.
An officers flashlight kiss.
Nervousness, and ****** lips.
Love confusion, brought on by a ****** fist.

Lucrative ways to hang and sway.
Dangle from the chain of a rich gang banger,
as he fades to grey.
Rude assumptions, and high heeled country bumpkins.
Cracking the asphalt with their steel toes thumping.

What a great place to be.
©Kyle Fisher
Oct 2015 · 1.2k
Mental Dismemberment
Kyle Fisher Oct 2015
Carve out a chunk,
the happiness hunk.
The one that stays clear
of all of the junk.

Without this fine piece,
one is never in least,
content with ones self.
A man without peace.

Take out the side,
with ego and pride.
That part is the worst,
Just set that aside.

Believe when they tell us,
it too, makes us jealous.
When envy is stricken,
a man over-zealous.

Cut out a slice,
and anger's the price.
Lets get rid of that,
it's not very nice.

See, this ones a cage,
where bad memories age,
and morph into new forms.
A man full of rage.

Punch out the holes,
that sadness controls.
It can be so hard,
when charred into souls.

Aside from the rest,
but, nested in best.
the sadness takes hold,
and a soul is depressed.

The thing that most feel,
has taken the wheel,
is fear in itself.
Although, its not real.

Fear is insane,
it confuses the brain,
into thinking its there.
A mans shadow of pain.
©Kyle Fisher
Sep 2015 · 582
Iron pig tails
Kyle Fisher Sep 2015
Huddled in quasi-complexity,
my mind makes for itself shackles,
that bore their ends into brick walls.
Like iron pig tails, they restrict all movement.

Will these chains ever be discarded?
Or will they corrode from the longevity of bathing in saline tears?
©Kyle Fisher
Sep 2015 · 667
Glass eyes
Kyle Fisher Sep 2015
A splash of cool water runs down my face.
The droplets collide with dust
that is settled onto the backside of my callused hands.
I tighten my grasp on the edges of the pasty, beige colored sink,
and slowly tilt me head up.

My eyes open...

The room that was once well lit, is now darkened.
Revealing only my hazy silhouette in the mirror.
I stare into the glass for a moment.
Subconsciously criticizing the inadequate outline of the reflected shadow.

The door opens...

She steps in.
Her bare feet slightly sticking to the linoleum floor,
creating a small popping sound.
A single ray of light follows her,
like she was stepping onto a dark stage in a theatre full of thousands
glaring attentively.

My focus is pulled away from the cloudy pane of glass,
and is forced in her direction.
My entire being flutters with nervousness as she walks by.
Her silky blonde hair flowing as if an ocean breeze is passing over her.
A short lavender night gown is draped over her soft, pale skin.
Each passing second is highlighted by her perfect form,
as she glides by seemingly unaware of my presence.

Exiting without a second glance behind her,
she slowly shuts the rusty hinged, wooden door,
and the light diminishes.
I stand silently waiting; hoping the door will open again,
and the goddess enveloped in white will return.

Not a sound...

I turn again to the mirror.
One last chance to see myself clearly,
and hold on to that abruptly fleeting moment,
when I adjusted my worried and desperate eyes,
I could no longer see my dark wavy silhouette.
It was void.
An empty mirror looked through my solid outer shell,
and saw nothing.
I looked down at my hands,
attempting to unravel the puzzling circumstance.

I too, saw nothing...

The floor beneath my feet started to tremble,
raising an ear piercing screech.
The gold lined window casing stretched and morphed,
leaving the glass without holding edges.
The pane drops,
crashing into the sink below.
Broken glass raises into the air, pieces of the woman in the lavender dress appear in the separate shards,
and the entire room disintegrates.

I am left...

Surrounded by a blank, cold atmosphere of white.
Alone, and with nothing,
I walk.
© Kyle Fisher
Sep 2015 · 560
Haikus for the times
Kyle Fisher Sep 2015
Deprivation stings,
descending through the levels,
I have much to learn.

Worn like blood-soaked shoes,
On the land of misnomers,
All of this is wrong.

Attempting to see,
Inside darkness without light,
such tragic attempts.

The end I do see,
Is coming all too quickly,
I hope you all know.

Be where there is love,
All things here are absolute,
Reside in the light.
©Kyle Fisher
Sep 2015 · 803
Life Mastered
Kyle Fisher Sep 2015
It's keeping yourself on the alloted trail,
Like a group of spikes pertruding from your hiking shoes.
Hidden underneath bleak chances to run off course,
There is traction.

It's the higher sense of letting go,
Like a swell from the waters of slightly unsecured mentality.
Stationed right above the need for grounding.
There is ascension.

It's the spurt of clarity, intense maturity,
Like a smith of fine silver, molding his first ring.
Seeing what might be, and generating the material.
There is illumination.

Its understanding the material is but a spec of truth.
Like something without beginning,.. without end.
Immortal, appearing mortal,
But, sincerely niether
There is perfection.

That is what you are.
I am.
©Kyle Fisher
Sep 2015 · 678
Kyle Fisher Sep 2015
If I were where I wanted to be,
no one would go without.
The truth about this theory is,
there are blocks and I have doubt.

Like packaged deals I'll keep away,
and summoned tribulation.
It takes alot to muddle through,
and understand creation.

Emancipated life and love,
together bring destruction.
Although I need to rise above,
and settle on construction.

To get to where I need to be,
there can't be hesitation,
What's inside struggles to veil.
My core's incarceration.
©Kyle Fisher
Sep 2015 · 624
The Key
Kyle Fisher Sep 2015
Thoughts about loving,
They cross my mind often.
Oblivion shoving,
Encased in presumption.

The fullest of hearts,
In masked appearance.
Of the same parts,
They battle for clearance.

Down to the key,
One shutters in pain.
This one I see,
Is lost in the game.

The other takes point,
Revealing it's eyes.
A crease in the joint,
Between honest and lies.
©Kyle Fisher
Sep 2015 · 872
Morning Adventure
Kyle Fisher Sep 2015
Black and gray *** leaf tube socks
are stretched up to his kneecaps.
They cover the rugged
saw-like shin bones that nustle themselves underneath a layer of soft, pale skin.

Beige khaki shorts, tethered and worn.
A rip in the left pocket, a hole in the back;
Cigarrettes and a *****, empty, leather wallet reside in the other two.

A hint of a minty, floral perfume, emanating from the cotton fibers of his tattered, black, t-shirt, remind him of the long, arduous night that had past.

Clouded and confused, liqour infested, and hardly satisfied. He stumbles through the morning dew covered grass, etching a new path home.

He feels no regret, no remorse. Only an uninhabited, nugatory self.
©Kyle Fisher
Sep 2015 · 564
Kyle Fisher Sep 2015
Masterfully present in mind and spirit.
The days roll forward on a tactically drawn out chasm of
misguided thoughts, and uncharted feelings.

Misplaced emotions drive a long
continuous bludgeoning of my inner sanctioned light.
Its as if ones own being is held hostage by its clever attempt
to be whole again.

Too many edges to uncover,
a minefield of chopped sections of life,
waiting to be stepped upon; all driven towards one
harmonious ending, the need for love.
An outside influence to catch an unstoppable force
from self destruction.

I tread carefully, each step forward signaling
a bitter remediation of myself, crafted so that only
a significant soul can unearth that which one has
held blanketed for ages... eons.

Another wanderer is needed for the part with this man.
Walk wisely,
you may be his end.
©Kyle Fisher
Sep 2015 · 479
Here To Stay
Kyle Fisher Sep 2015
They batter my window.
With the severity of countless dreams,
They push me to let go.

and walking thin,
on constant drawn memories.
Ive learned to let them rest aside,
My internal calamities.
©Kyle Fisher
Sep 2015 · 810
The Match
Kyle Fisher Sep 2015
A stand off between concise,
introverted ends of the same masterpiece.

An alluring strategy that helps define
an existence based on love,
where both intervene in one another's
paths in life..
While still managing to slay imaginary creatures
in the full heat of conducted card games.

Between overly exhausted, endless "dad jokes," precious animal "poetry," and silently lounging in a confined abstract fortress of wood and steel, the time created in this atmosphere, is one that all time should be measured by.

With one in the others presence, yin is completed with its yang,
and a sense of divinity is forced into assembly.

One in the "same, same"

I am proud.
©Kyle Fisher
Sep 2015 · 823
A Crack Inside
Kyle Fisher Sep 2015
Soul shattering, self shocking aches of inner turmoil.
The triumphant shell has been torn open.
A magnificent essence of self loathing, is slowly drifting past, as if to say, "I'm of no use to you."
An end to a bitter chapter once held so dear.

An open mind is a lead to an open heart, which drives one to seek the same.
Its perception can be deceived, as that heart is pulled into a journey it has prepared for, although, inevitably unaware of...

The song was soft and comforting, yet abruptly shrewd, and misleading. A piece of ones seemingly gentle soul, is still warped by this loathing; still ravaged by entitlement seeping from all sides of an unsolvable panoramic puzzle.

Whats left in the final passing of selfish thought?..
Soul shattering, self shocking aches of life changing, moral moulding, gratuitous, inner revelatory..
©Kyle Fisher

— The End —