As human as you.
As real as you.
Just not so happy as you,
because of you...
Oh you and your **** belief!
Oh you and your huge cynicism!
Oh you and your small mind!
No form of love is wrong;
wrong is your prejudice, my friend.
Because on the inside we're like this:
no differences finally
Oh, go, Peter, go tell him!
Oh, go, Lucio, go own him!
Oh, go, Renato, go love him!
I don't see why so many worries:
the heart belongs to him, just to him.
Your hostility worries me
and your words scares me.
Oh understand him like a friend yours!
Oh, accept him like a brother yours!
Oh love him like a son yours!
They've been living in a nightmare.
They're always living in a nightmare.
It's always a nightmare in their minds.
Could that nightmare finish?
Oh, Peter, don't go; because loving is not fatal!
Oh, Lucio, don't hide; because you're not an animal!
Oh, Renato, don't be sad; because wrong is not being sentimental!