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653 · Apr 2016
Mental Block
Cup Noodles Apr 2016
In perspective,
I never needed you in my life
For me to write.
All I needed was
What happened to you and I
And long ago, I lost you,
Now I have lost us and
Nothing reminds me of you anymore
Except blank pieces of paper.
In need of new inspiration
627 · Sep 2019
im not a scientist
Cup Noodles Sep 2019
but i guess you can't really force chemistry
but for whatever reason
my heart just doesn't give a ****
619 · Feb 2016
The Biggest Question
Cup Noodles Feb 2016
I have is when I find out
that some people start to
Fall for me,
Though I did nothing,
Is why she never did
And I've done* *everything
602 · Jan 2016
Cup Noodles Jan 2016
I've always known that one day
That I would forget you
Forget us
Forget everything that never was
I can listen to songs
Without memory of the happiness
You've brought me
It soon would reach that day
That you'd come back
Asking for a second chance
I wouldn't even give a single glance
Then we both realized that we were not meant
We were never parts of the same puzzle
I loved you oh so much
But you chose to be who you are thus
I now am free from the chains
The chains you have restrained me
From moving ahead
I am able to walk a new path again
But somehow I'm still there
There on the fields struggling
On the grounds you have placed me in
I look back and see you smile
Then I realized
I was never bound by chains
Nor did you snare me with your grace
Oh no that was not the case
I look back once again
I was the one
Holding your hand
Not wanting
To let go
593 · Feb 2016
Cup Noodles Feb 2016
I pray
That you may never find out
How deep your knife went


I'd rather suffer the pain
Than let you think
You were the one
Who killed me
582 · Feb 2019
no where but here
Cup Noodles Feb 2019
the days have been silent
the nights grown longer
the mornings are murk
the afternoon sears
as days are as dragging as nights

out the window the colors are dull
but in this room no color appears
and in these thoughts are cages
the rooms sound way better than
where am i now

my own consciousness hinders me
my own consciousness hinders me
575 · Mar 2017
Cup Noodles Mar 2017
There were never any sad moments
when I'm with you
It's when I'm away from you
that skies start to dim
and the drowning sensation begins
573 · Mar 2019
by the sea
546 · May 2017
Cup Noodles May 2017
i guess
the universe
has no time
for us
Cup Noodles Feb 2016
My friend once told me that being attracted to a girl
Always starts by seeing how pretty she looks.
Eyes glued to curves like it was a math exam.
You won't get it till you've analyzed it.
Thoughts bursting with vivid images of someone
You hardly even know.
Already unraveling the endless possibilities or maybe just the clothes.
Imagining how you would spend time together or even forever.
All of that in just a couple of seconds each time a girl walks by.
I explain to him,
What I saw was how angelic her voice sounded like.
She sang endlessly as her melody repeats
Uncontrollably in my thoughts to my ears.
How caring she could be even of the slightest of troubles.
Constantly asking me how I was even though
She was starting to annoy me.  
How her kindness would render everyone happiness and comfort.
Her heart full of warmth similar to that of a
Hearth next to a fireplace blazing and flaring not wanting
Anyone to feel like frost icing
How she danced and ambled her way
Through the stage "literally" killing everyone.
How she made me feel joyous even with just her presence.
How she made me realize that the essence of falling in love was not Exactly a bad thing
And how she also made me realize that falling in love was a
Really bad thing,
But above all that, it was how she made me.
Me to who I am.
Only then did I realize,
Oh wow she's really pretty
514 · Jan 2016
Cup Noodles Jan 2016
The sly nature of cold winds,
Tonight casts winter breeze.
You sit and stare through the mist;
Covering the stars,
That used to brighten and every night.
Trying to remember
Why you have shrouded yourself
In dampening sheaths of light cotton.
You have forgotten how the stars looked like
But how bright it shone for you
Such thought was not forgotten
512 · Dec 2016
Cup Noodles Dec 2016

                                    *she just..

          *reminds me of someone."
510 · Jan 2016
Cup Noodles Jan 2016
Why must the leaves fall
When one is old and shallow
The wind takes it's course
506 · Jan 2016
Cup Noodles Jan 2016
"And I wonder
If you ever think of me
When I'm dying everyday,
Just thinking about you."
499 · Jan 2016
Cup Noodles Jan 2016
You'll never know
How much I've been through
From loving you
490 · Jun 2017
Only If We
Cup Noodles Jun 2017
can we forget about each other
leave our memories behind
and meet again
for the first time
478 · Feb 2017
Cup Noodles Feb 2017
I am a fragile person
a heart made of glass
and feelings that would forever last
constantly telling my self
to stay this-side-up but I
am more than a brittle'ol cup
I say with a rustled heart
I am far from ready
to pick up shards because
my hands are made of paper
and yours are made of fire
and sooner or later
you'd have turned me to ashes
into a lake or a river
but none of that matters
now that my heart
has been shattered
465 · Nov 2018
Infatuations etc.
Cup Noodles Nov 2018
when everything comes too quickly
gravity becomes overwhelming
it's infuriating

the beginning starts with an ending
creating stars covered by clouds
when dawn breaks with a shroud

contradictions only leads to doubt
what's needed now is a distraction
but so far my only distraction

is you
459 · Sep 2017
Prices And Taxes
Cup Noodles Sep 2017
am i not*       .                    ..
        .                         ....       .          
    ..                                ..­             ...
       to love    ..              ...
                     ...                 without
    ......             consequence?
458 · Jun 2015
Cup Noodles Jun 2015
I have difficulties sleeping

But I am certainly no insomniac

I'm awake but I'm always dreaming

Of what we could have become

If I was awake
457 · Apr 2016
Cup Noodles Apr 2016
I became the thing i feared most from the start-
I became the one who would break your heart.*
-S S.
455 · May 2015
I Thought
Cup Noodles May 2015
Wake up at dusk
Hazy and daze
You scroll through memories
Consider it twilight
You forgot about her
But you feel discomfort
You're hearts in agony
Because you left her there
438 · Jan 2016
Can I be yours?
Cup Noodles Jan 2016
Because for sure,
You are mine.
431 · Jan 2018
Cup Noodles Jan 2018
but you knew what I meant
when I said I love you
so why tell me parallel lines
will eventually meet
426 · Sep 2016
Cup Noodles Sep 2016
Little did I know
that angels
could also
release demons
410 · Jul 2017
The Grand Expedition
Cup Noodles Jul 2017
I pray that
We both find
What we're looking for
Even if
Our treasures
Are not each other
I say while my treasure looks for greater discoveries
365 · Sep 2017
The Worm Who Flew Too High
Cup Noodles Sep 2017
She was high in the clouds
I was down on the ground
out of reach

dreamt one night
She's here with me
next days comes

and I was right
she was out of sight
299 · May 2019
Cup Noodles May 2019
I could hold all this pain in my chest
for months on end
and deliberately do nothing about it
nothing at all
250 · Feb 2019
Cup Noodles Feb 2019
it's when overthinking
a reality
223 · Dec 2018
Moon >> <
Cup Noodles Dec 2018
never have I thought
that I would want
to see that side of you.
187 · Jun 2019
Cup Noodles Jun 2019
im so in love with her
but i don't know
what to do
183 · Feb 2019
Cup Noodles Feb 2019
you could only imagine
what sunrise feels like
after 30 days
of darkness
164 · Apr 2020
Cup Noodles Apr 2020
that i have you
some songs
to make sense
#happy #new #love #you #me #feelings #start #songs #beauty
151 · Dec 2018
Cup Noodles Dec 2018
I have never
even just for a second
believed when they said

you'll never know what you have
till it's gone

and in just a second
she was gone
and I had her

— The End —