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76.5k · Nov 2014
Why do they call crushes crush?

I walk by you and start to blush

You smile at me and I think I died inside

I realize you smiled at her and I start to cry

Meaning of crush is they crush your heart

They mess with your feelings, tear you apart
Carter..the guy I like
14.8k · Dec 2014
I saw you one day and never thought a thing
As we grew 3 years, I noticed
My heart decided to thump faster
I smiled shyly at you and you smiled back
So I asked you a question, over a note
You broke my heart...You won't ever know
I cried when you left, clutching your answer in my arms
Sobbing for days, broken inside
Last day of school, you gave me a hug

High school began and I saw you again
My heart betrayed me, no matter how much I trained it not to
You smiled at me, and I grimaced back
I wanted to hate you, and I let you know
You talked to me, asking why?
I can't tell you, I might cry
I keep a straight face, a bravado to cover my feelings
Yet somehow, I wish you could see a ***** through my armor

I have a class with you
I stare at you, hoping you stare back
When you do, I sneer at you and glare
I confuse myself
I have feelings
This is a true story on how I asked out a boy in 8th grade..and how I transgressed into 9th...I'm a freshman
4.2k · Mar 2015
I met you one day
You were dating my best friend
I never took a double take
When you broke up
I looked at you clearly for once
And this time, I couldn't look away
We talked a bit more
You made me smile and laugh
Then we shared that kiss...
If she ever found out
She would **** us both
But at least I would have you
She found out that day
Called us names
And you became distant
I spilled everything
I said I loved you
But all you said was, "I feel complicated"
Excuse after excuse
But I can't stop loving you
I can't stand this pain anymore
Tell me how you feel!
Don't push me away...
I can't stand....
Us feeling
This is the drama that has been going on with me for the past week...I need to talk to someone who understands
3.1k · Nov 2014
She smiles at the world
Everyone adores this girl
She radiates love
Like the Angels are giving her to us from above
Oh, how I watch her
Covered up in that faux fur
Oh, I want to be who she is
I watch her gracefulness as my soda starts to fizz
It explodes on me, drenching me head to toe
Everyone points and laughs and her smile starts to grow
I run away and start to cry
I feel a hand on me and he whispers, Hi
I blink up at him and see who it is
Why, its her boyfriend, Chris
Are you okay?
I'm fine, at least for today
He smiles at me and I die inside
He wipes off my face and I almost cried
Again, he kisses my cheek and says Let's hang out
She won't mind, we are breaking up. Don't pout
I smile and realize that me and you?
We are beautiful too
2.1k · Jan 2015
We are outcasts
Children born into dark
We listen to music that relates to us
We try to stand up and make our mark

Everyone thinks we cut
Or that we are depressed
They joke around and say mean things
Think we worship Satan and try to bless

But that's not who we are
That's not all we do
We cry, and laugh
We can love too

Yes, we may cut
And we may want to cry
But all you think we do is
Wish that we could die
Yea...this is inside our minds
1.5k · Apr 2015
When you **** me, kiss me
I know you won't miss me
1.4k · Feb 2015
My best friend
Was there till the end
And never let me down

Her silver eyes
Even six feet underground

With every slice, she whispered "More"
I bled so much, I collapsed on the floor
Becoming so very weak

People say beauty is on the inside
With every cut, I start to cry
Wishing the beauty could leak
I wrote this like 10 minutes ago, and showed it to my English teacher. She loved it and helped me name it. Thanks Mrs. Helseth
1.2k · Mar 2015
Not A Poem
Hey! I would just like to say thank you for the views on my poems. It means a lot. It's my birthday today! Whoo hoo! 3/29!
I know this isn't a poem but...thank you. It is the best present ever
1.1k · Jan 2015
I have a smile that can light up the world
People stare at me and sigh, Why can't I be that girl?
I laugh and it sounds like bells
But no one knows that I go through hell
My mother has a fear that she will grow old
My father hits me when he thinks I grow bold
I smile and show my teeth at school
But when I am home, I am no longer cool
I have the most perfect scars on my wrist
Because my family treats me like ****
They are so beautiful, so nice
They are will suffice
I cry each night
My tears blocking out the light
My dad comes in and raises his hand
Next day at school, *I fell down practicing with a band
1.1k · Mar 2015
A man does not hit a woman
Does not put her through that misery
Slaps, and beats them till they cry every night
Never makes her feel like inside, she is empty
Today, My friend Britty Bruce on here was slapped in the library because she was helping someone from being beat up. I was there and I say, HOW DARE HE?!
1.1k · May 2015
Why do people assume they know what I am feeling?
The only reason I am like this is because I am healing
1.0k · Oct 2016
What's the point of waiting by the phone?
If your messages are dry and you are alone.
The person that you want so much to message back,
Is ignoring you and you're about to crack.

All the bottled emotions in your head.
Are a step away from exploding, then you're dead.
There is just so much that you wanna say...
But so many obstacles all in your way.
1000 · Dec 2014
We talked one day, you made me smile
Every word was worth the while
I loved you with all my heart
Yet thrice you tore it apart
I took you back
But I am starting to crack
I don't feel the same anymore
So I broke your heart, now make it Four
Times we both broke up
You would give me your heart in a bowl, plate, or cup
I am so sorry, I can't lie
I just want to say, Heal and Goodbye
984 · Nov 2014
It crawls it's way to me
I don't see
It silently comes over
Whilst I am on the phone, talking to my lover
I suddenly feel a shiver up my spine
I look and see it's deep black eyes
It's fangs dripping saliva, I imagine venom
I scream, thinking It is a felon
Robbing me of my fate
I soon begin to hate
This thing that will tear me down, **** me
Its soulless eyes shall never see
The book I am about to hit it with
It jumps up and I scream, ****!
I jump around, terrified of this thing
I scream so shrilly, I begin to sing
It begins to bite
I start to fight
Evil demon must die
Spiders...made me cry
983 · Feb 2015
Maha Salman
She is the one who will listen to what you need
Her desires, in the future we will need
You don't seem to understand
She writes poems, they come out of her hand
Her eyes are the mysterious ones
Different colors, so many, TONS
She will hear you out to the very end
That's why Maha is one of my friends
She is one of the first people on here that I talked to <3
You should all follow here and The-Devil-Is-Real
961 · Apr 2015
For years, I was happy
Always smiling
Never really sad as I am now
The sun was always up, lights always shining

But now, I'm dying
Always depressed, found crying
The lights are out, the sun was destroyed
What's the point of living if the thing you lived for....was dead?
I am so depressed right now....
958 · Dec 2014
He loved Christmas
The cold, the sounds
How the smell of food passed
And trees weigh a thousand pounds

He smiled at the little children and the Santas
And waved at the moms
He paid his dues to the Church
And donated home made balms

He was a simple man
He loved to paint
He went home and smiled
His little home was very quaint

He went to the basement
Got out his brush and started to go
The body next to him was still
He loved the sight of blood on the snow
928 · Jan 2015
I tried to be that girl for you
Even though I didn't know what to do
Did everything I could to fit in
Even changed the friends I hung out with
But in the end, you broke my heart
Ripped me inside out, tore me apart
I cried for days and Oh, so many nights
My new friends dumped me, my old friends were right
I finally got over you, hung out with my friends
And you smiled at me, and then
The cycle started, but I changed some things
I hung out with my old friends and warily accepted your rings
My heart slowly started to love
Hell below to Heaven above
You shattered me to pieces, I couldn't be repaired
You went for that girl, the fair-haired
I cried again and this time, I knew
You couldn't love anyone, the way I loved you
I never dated boys and
Realized that love was a poison
It was something much of a mistake
Even vampires die, stabbed in the heart with a stake
Love is wrong
Love cannot belong
799 · Sep 2015
Everything in the world is Black and White, not Gray
Depression kills you on the inside in every single way
Parents don't hear their children cry in the middle of the night
Don't notice the scars and wounds from the battles that they try to fight
Teens are forced to attend prison, a personal hell
Zombies throughout the day, controlled by multiple bells
Going home to the drinking and the screams
Yelling that they're worthless, won't achieve their dreams
This is a rough edit...There will be more hopefully
782 · Jan 2015
How does it feel?
Having your heart being ripped out from your chest....then trying to put it back in with no prevail?
Does it sting?
Do you feel a thing?
I know its short...but I just wanted to post it
774 · Nov 2014
Self Harm
People look at me and call me all these names
Boys ******* use me and play all these games

I feel so alone, I can't take it anymore
I can't stand being called an ugly ******* *****

I go home and cry my eyes out
I don't know what to say, so I scream and shout

Walk into my room and open up a box
In there, are some treasures, and a few couple rocks

I dig a little deeper till I find what I'm looking for
It's the blade that wounds the thing deep inside my core

I take it out and stare at it for a while
I have so many reasons, they stretch out for a couple miles

I take my blade, walk to the bathroom, and lock the door
I look at myself in the mirror, and I am sure

What I am doing is of my own hand
These marks will leave their very own special brand

I hold the blade over my wrist
And when I bring it down, I feel pain and then bliss

The warm blood starts to trickle down
If anyone found out, they would do more than frown

I attack my wrist so vigorously
Scarring myself to **** the thing inside of me

Each and every time,  the feeling becomes addictive
For each cut becomes distinctive

This one is for the girl who told me I was full of crap
And this one is for the boy who called me fat

They didn't think I would take it to the heart
But actually, I am tearing myself apart

I do it once, twice, three dozen more times
I throw my ****** blade down and begin to cry

Why did I do this?
Even though I felt pain, I felt so much bliss

My troubles went away with each slice
The blood ran thicker down my arm, Jesus Christ

I start to sob and bury my head in my arms
When I look up, I feel the blood on my face, so warm

I get up and start to clean myself
I grab the towels that are on the shelf

After I see that there is no more blood
I go to my room and my emotions begin to flood

I lay in bed, hiding the scars buried deep in my wrist
I think about the hate, and my eyes begin to mist

The front door opens, and my mother come inside
She comes in my room, noticing that I have recently cried

She asks me what is wrong
I tell her in this world I don't belong

She sees my wrist and puts her hand up to her face
Oh, Allison, you belong here in this place

Please promise me you won't cut yourself ever again
One day you will hit a major vein

No one wants to lose you, your precious smile
The question is, do you want to stay with us for a little while?
This is about how I overcame cutting
756 · Aug 2015
Been A While
It's been a while
Since I last logged on
Seeing my poetry with a smile
And wondering if my subscribers are gone
I'm back!
732 · Dec 2014
Mental Asylum
Welcome to Men Tal's Asylum
Would you like a room?
Oh, you're here for a visit?
Don't keep your hopes up, soon will come your doom

You see that man in the rocking chair?
Why, that's Old Sir James
He was a devoted knight
Who loved to play horrid games

And that girl giggling to herself?
That's little Mary
She killed both her parents
Convinced she sacrificed them to a fairy

Those twins in the corner?
That's Tommy and Sue
They burned the town folk
And even ate a few

The regal woman in the straightjacket
Is Queen Opal Mead
She killed her son and husband
And crazily laughed her head

The boy being restrained over here?
That is Kendall Fair
He killed his sister an hour ago
And ate all of her hair

Our last and final stop is a room
A mirror and bad news, don't you see
Those patients you saw never existed
But your stay here is free!
685 · Feb 2015
A girl who understands who we are
Busy and renowned, here and far
She is another friend I have here
Perhaps the one that is sort of near
She is one of two
What did I do?
To deserve her as my friend?
We like the same things....until the very end
She is the second friend I talk to :D
660 · Nov 2014
You* held me tight through my nightmares
You helped me escape from these snares
You are- no *were
my knight
You gave me a fright
You got mad at me
You wouldn't leave me be
You hit me if I did something wrong
Yet You made me feel that I belonged
You saved me from myself, made me smile
I'll stay with You for a while
No, I won't leave You... you will get mad
Bruises on my face You made as a fad
I will cover for You, love
Lets hope God watches me and You from above
I promise not to make You mad anymore
You are angry, 1 hit, 2, 3, 4
I still love You
I know You love me too
643 · Nov 2014
My heart doesn't flutter when you walk by me

I guess we just weren't meant to be

I knew you would never give me a second look

Cause you're a preppy guy and I'm a stoner girl who's into books

Your girlfriend's pretty and I'm not

I am hideous and you're not

I've been dumped and been cheated on by different guys

She isn't worth it, they all realize

My friends all say that it's me that you like

But since you won't admit it, you can take a hike

Just lay it down, it's really simple

Your mixed emotions, are leaving my heart crippled

Just tell me the truth

Did you like me the way I liked you?
634 · Apr 2015
Untitled For Now
I can't take this anymore
I can't stay
Watch me walk out the door
Cuz my heart's not something you play
579 · Jan 2015
In my mind
I see the world
No one is kind
I am a just an only girl

Blinded by rage
Everything is red
In this age
People have bled

I want to strangle you
Gouge your eyes out
But what do I do?
Smile as bitterly as I can, and I don't even pout
530 · Nov 2014
They never listen

On my face, tears glisten

They act like everything is okay

But I feel like dying each and every single day

They don't hear my cries

Sick of all the lies

I am so tired, of them not giving a ****

To me, all of us students are sitting ducks
529 · Feb 2015
I have been through a lot
So much that I have nearly forgot
That my heart was tortured beyond repair
No one else's hearts can compare
The loss I have been through
With others and also you
I have died so many times
My hatred committed many crimes
I have a stone wall around my heart
One that can't be torn apart
By man nor love
Down to Hell and Heaven above
I am so cold
My heart ages, it's old
No one can save me
For I will always be...
516 · Mar 2015
What's the point of dying
If you only think of it when you're crying?
Life is hard, yes I know
And these thoughts and feelings will begin to grow
But these aren't the ways
You can't run for all your days
Life is beautiful, Death is comes for everyone
But in Death, you can't ever see the sun
For it should come naturally, too
Don't **** yourself if you don't love you for you
455 · Dec 2014
I need someone like you
To help me with my needs
To feel your touch
Your breath on my face
Our souls intertwined
I need to love you
435 · Nov 2014
Music saves me everyday

It gives me the strength

It sends me away

It's length

I move and sway to the song

Thinking... *I belong
332 · Nov 2014
277 · Mar 2020
The feeling of my fingers on the keys
Have me completely at ease

How I've missed you my friend, my home
I apologize for wanting to roam

I'm back now, I'll never leave you again
I promise you, this will never be the end.
After a couple years, I am finally back to writing poetry.

— The End —