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1d · 35
April Showers
Pressed against the one that strokes
Such meticulously maintained mane
Bathing in the scent of her beloved
She brings gifts never asked for
For attention without end
“Hold me close!” she cries
A paw on each shoulder, little motor
Warm rivulets run from relaxed lips
Devoted to love, pleasure, and food
Licks the hand holding organic kibble
Claims the warmth of legs supine
Craves the eyes that gaze away
Such salient signs of submission
Just her being gives comfort
What a great and noble creature
Beautiful and elegant to behold
To be protected and admired
Sweet girl, good kitty, April
For my precisos kitty April. My patient companion, guardian and avatar.
Mar 15 · 100
For the Summer
Like a vacation
From reality

Like a trip
Without drugs

Leaving Earth
10 toes deep

Not for long
All for fun

Like a dream
You’ll never forget
For the eternal youth
Mar 13 · 155
Goodbye Grandma
When our time is expired
It doesn’t mean a thing
And it is the only thing
Wrists pressed to the earth
Begging the great mother
Let there be a purpose
Surely there is continuity
This cannot be the end
Every moment is pain
Some more than others
The best of life becomes
A series of distractions
Fully immersive escape
Carry me to a destiny
In a beautiful habitat
Cradle me
in the soft down
Of a love that
Was unavailable
in life
Anna Belle Foster born 1931. A black woman born to a  miner and a housewife. She made a beautiful life for herself. She was well loved and respected many.
Mar 4 · 117
Boundless Love
When                      Your
Heart thumps   chest so warm
Against my cheek. I am transported.
For a moment we become boundless
We are a capsule, a bubble in time.
A torus of limbs entwined
Forever enshrined
Your heart in

Love is so precious. Little stolen moments capture the fully realized potential of being truly boundless, reflected and in the recognition of the loved one. The mutual sharing of feelings that transcends the ego and the perceived self.
Feb 28 · 268
Change is in the Air
With the utmost compassion
The dark one reaps in waves
Sparing the oldest of souls
The growing pangs of a new era
Something wicked this way comes. Dark times come with lessons, holding up a mirror to turbid vessels filled with pride.
Feb 12 · 1.7k
Mama Bear
Please don’t arouse
my anger
I don’t know
what I’ll do
If you threaten
My children
I might
Decapitate you

Please don’t arouse
My anger
Stay on
my Good side
If you arouse
My anger
It may mean
Your end
The noun love is one of the strongest things a person can possesses. Love is rivaled by few other emotions, anger being one. God forgive me for what I may do, if someone harms one of my children.
Jan 10 · 368
The Great Anxiety
It all can’t be done
As many ways to do it
As there are things to be done
As many outcomes desired
As ones to desire it

How to decide
Which path to take?
How to know what to want?
When we murdered god
And failed to do better?

In its own image
The children of gods are born
They too will fail to build heaven
The dreams set out
By god itself

For there is nothing
In any place within or out
That can be created or made new
If not destroying or replacing
What came before
The time of great anxiety comes closer to its natural conclusion, day by day. Nature abhors a vacuum, and the chasm is preparing to close. What will be the new normal when the fervent dust of innovation reshapes the world in the image of the new gods.
Dec 2024 · 186
Tough Stuff
Grandma sold mother
She was only a child
When she mothered
Another’s children

Grandma sold mother
To her father
To mother children
His lover couldn’t

Mother was alone
From the day
God breathed life
Into full nostrils

Building a legacy
With cast offs
Only Beautiful Shards
Sharp mosaic tiles

It wasn’t much
But always clean
She had nothing
But gave everything

So that I can have
the self-respect
Not to visit her
At Christmas.
I can’t stop crying. The facts are messy. She gave so much, so that I can have what she didn’t. She put me in places to become who she wished she could be, and succeeded in completely upending a legacy of poverty, and criminality.  How to preserve a relationship that threatens to unravel the work of a lifetime? Soft humans are fragile. What am I made of? How does this stuff age? Does this soft stuff brittle and shatter? Harden and densify? Crystalize?
Dec 2024 · 621
The Price
It must take hate to love me.
Despise me with passion.
Loathe me into proving,
That all I think is wrong.

If hating me is what it takes,
To motivate the change,
To be who You want to be,
I’ll be the villain for you.

If my tears will bring you joy,
you need my blood to bathe.
Take me in your arms,
And gently slice my neck.
Oct 2024 · 908
It’s hard to know
What a life will mean
Mid sentence

Choices made
Driven by the times

It’s no game
But someone loses
Every time

And so we love
To show the other
We’re the same

In the end
You tried your best
So did I
Who knows how history will recall this time? We cowrite this story in real time, set out with intention.  Everyone knows that life ends with death. Still we wait with bated breath, hands shaking with trepidation over how it all ends.
Oct 2024 · 192
Sra. Paradoxite
Lay next to me
Don’t say a word
Touch me everywhere
Everywhere but there

I want to know you
Let me peer into your soul
Don’t ask me about myself
Anything but that

Let me share my life
With you, with my work
With my cat, and my friends
Sometimes and on weekends
Can’t I have it all?
Oct 2024 · 123
Dear Humans of 2080
Im watching from the moon
The earth is so quiet
Even in this silence
Your thoughts are loud up here

The vastness of your self
The fervor of your wants
Radiate to the stars
Your life is life itself

I wish you so much joy
The depths of your love
The depths of your pain
Reaches the heavens
So finite is a human life, but I have loved you since time began. Long after this body expires, I will go on loving you.
Oct 2024 · 833
Love Me Higher
Happy Birthday to me.
I brought myself to completion
In the dark of this great soaring ****
Silently I made love to myself
Someone sleeps beside me

In the aisle someone feels
My passion growing and coming
His legs shake as mine quake and quiver
The smell of my love on my fingers
musky, primordial, satifying.
Sprinkling the vibes across North America. Could you feel it coming?
Jul 2024 · 776
Liminal Surreality
To be known
Is to be real
To never be known
Means living a fantasy
To be misunderstood
Is to be refused existence
It’s not necessary to be understood, to be in relationship, but it feels really nice. Better than physical union of bodies, is a unity of the spirit.
May 2024 · 810
It’s time
I’ve been activated
Systems coming online
Nerves buzzing
Electric fingernails
Prickle the scalp

This morning
Was the last of its kind
The wheel of change turns
Revealing a strange  new dawn
Nothing will ever
Be The same
1:11 on 5/5/24
Mar 2024 · 1.0k
Will it burn me up?
This extraordinary love?
I let my self go
Mar 2024 · 1.4k
Without its planets
The sun is just another
Solitary star
Jan 2024 · 1.6k
Gut dropping falls
Dizzying ascent
It scares me
But I get back on

Forgive and forget
Care first for yourself
Pursue pleasure
Avoid pain.

Cannot achieve
Mutual satisfaction

Pain is inevitable
The price of living
paid in discomfort
And Uncertainty

A life of comfort
Is quiet and easy
An extraordinary life
Challenges the soul
Even though my head knows that the drop is coming, it doesn’t cease to be exciting. If the extraordinary was routine, what would be the point of pursuing it?
Dec 2023 · 791
Broken Heart
I struggle with my heart.
It’s so bruised. I’m still healing.
It feels tender to the touch.
When anyone gets close
a guard rises up out of my mind
to close off access.

Through the shield she peers out,
desiring love, to press against
another’s beating heart.
But she still bleeds sometimes,
the wounds don’t heal
like they do in the physical.
I don’t know how to close
the lacerations,
and so they remain open.

I look into myself,
and cry into my broken heart.
The astral tears are bitter
and cause the heart to ache.
Perhaps all that can be done
is to hold my broken pieces together,
and let time pass,
recreating me again and again.
Create so many new layers of me
that my heart is intact once again.
Day by day, choosing to be whole
will manifest a whole new being.
Time heals all wounds. Isn’t that what they say?
Dec 2023 · 197
Beautiful Mess
Eyes are all puffy
Hair is disheveled
Tears in gelato
Make it much sweeter

The heart thumps loudly
Each cell 100 pounds
The distance from you
Increases the force

When I lie awake
And wish for you near
You are closer than
If I see you daily

Yearning for the zenith
Brings so much pleasure
What is left to want
When the end does come?
Life is a beautiful mess. Half of the suffering is in the desire for something more, something else, something better. Half of the suffering is in getting exactly what you want.
Dec 2023 · 648
Over It
When the ****
hits the fan,
the things I want to hear
and the things I need to hear
are rarely the same thing.

It’s usually the hard truth
that I remember most
in the wee hours,
when anxiety swirls
around my head

When the time finally comes
to exit the whirlpool
the words that my heart
knows are true,
are the words
that fuel the change.
Like the song I was singing with soul, for years before I lived it, before I had the experience for it to really make sense. Like my mother’s wisdom that I didn’t want to hear, but it rang in my ears after the outcome of my foolishness is fulfilled. Will I always learn the hard way?
Aug 2023 · 1.8k
Caterpillar Tears
The caterpillar marches
Munching from leaf to leaf to leaf
He doesn’t know where he’s going
He doesn’t know where he’s been
He only knows the munching
The hunger in his gut
The fire in his belly
Antennae pointing up
Vigilant for predators
Water and leaves
He doesn’t know where he’s going
It matters not where he’s been

The caterpillar weaves
Instinctively without knowing
Why he must, but weaves he does
A cocoon for the growing
The caterpillar digests himself
Dissolving into soup
Becoming a pod of pain and tears
And caterpillar goop
Alone for weeks he suffers
His whole body becoming
A new kind of being

No idea what he’s becoming
No idea what’s in store
Suddenly caterpillar emerges
More beautiful than before
Stronger and more delicate
Lighter than the air
Ready for love and lofty height
A sight beautiful and rare
The butterfly does not look back
To the caterpillar he was
The butterfly flies forward
Embracing whatever comes
Aug 2023 · 1.9k
I’ll Wait
I’ll wait here for you
Until your heart is ready
Because you’re worth it
Aug 2023 · 1.5k
Emotional Masterbation
The lightest touch
Is all it takes
To stimulate
The thirsty mind
Desires like delusions
Bloom out of needs
To own and to possess
To have and to hold
What is the difference
Between marriage and
So many expectations
Inevitable like gravity
Forsaking the self
In exchange for
The we.
The body continues
Its fleshy desires
Long after
The mind is
When the desires of body
Overtake mind
What am I?
Is it me?
Is it, it?
Existential rumination, am I the player, the game, what am I?
Aug 2023 · 538
She is the medicine
Take her
And call your wife
In the morning
Sexercize your demons
Jul 2023 · 1.3k
A Heart Seized by Grief
Grasping at love or passion or ecstasy.
Take this pain from me, sop up my tears.
Pour me a cup of sunshine and roses.
Let me bask in the light of your aura,
And I will be full of joy once again.

My head spins and swims and swirls.
Dizzy with delusion and disconsolate,
Like a lighthouse for the lost and lonely.
My weakened heart pulses steadily.
A rhythmic blast of fluorescent green.
Jul 2023 · 699
Mercurial Lover
Like leaping into open sea
Dark and brooding waters
Deep fathomless expanse
I barely pierce the surface

Gulp of air, then dive down
The chill prickles my skin
Undertow ***** at me
I'm carried deeper in

Undulating pulsing
It's quiet underneath
Waves pushing and pulling
Never gratifying fully
I love the ocean. It’s vast expanse conceals so many secrets
Jul 2023 · 867
For the Healing
Satisfaction is impossible
Still stubborn hope arises
From a heart that aches
And throbs for distraction

For a word a touch a taste
Will push away discomfort
Dispell despair and doom
Carefully Close the chasm

A language without words
Seals the gaping gashes
Knit from time and touch
Becomes a healing action
Like watching sports in a hospital bed. Broken body, wistfully dreaming.
Jul 2023 · 818
Are We There Yet.
There’s a bizarre pleasure
To the depressive illusion
I want both to be free of it
And also cover my head
shunning the light of day

My body feels stiff, rigid
I want to elongate myself
Pulling, cracking, arching
But the end feels closer
The smaller I become

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo

It isn’t working.
The body is strong
The mind and heart
They are so weak
Resentful of its being
A dichotomy of feelings

Among the pillows
I scream it out
Croaking, raspy.
My ears crave
The piercing of
My Own Voice

The pressure builds
My head buzzes as
resonating repetition
Rips through my consciousness
The body is bored of the effort
Just stop

It’s time to get up
The end is a long way off

That’s it.

That’s right.

Feel that?
You like that,
Don’t you.
That feels…

It’s not comfortable
It’s not pain
It is life.
Some days the memories creep up on me, and the body says, let go, start over. This story is just getting good, you’ll see.
Jun 2023 · 488
Holding up a cheery facade-
exhausting, necessary, effective.
Telling myself elaborate stories-
it's fine, i'm ok, i'm doing my best.

Eventually it will be true.
Soon the stories will manifest.
Hold fast to the veil of illusion.
Don't unmask the magician yet.
This one wanted to be a song. Follow the link for the audio:
Jun 2023 · 973
Greatest Love of All Time
Part of me wants to hold the pain
the way I wish I could hold you
it feels more productive
than letting go.

How can I allow
the process, the universe, god
to take care of itself, when there is pain?

As if the preoccupation with the possibilities,
will protect you more than my prayers
as if the pain were a sentinel.

I hold the pain as a dagger.
Stabbing into the darkness, into the void.
Fending off invisible foe, parrying against suffering.

No one leaves life unscathed, and so I fail you.
I cannot protect you from life.
My honor is tarnished.

My love, please know,
I will be here when you are happy,
And especially when you are sad, scared, lonely.

When life bears down, and the weight is too much,
I will be here, prying apart the dimensions,
As an anchor to reality

My precious one,
You are beloved since always.
This love has always been, and always will be.
When all returns to the great silence,
This love remains eternal.
To my most venerable teacher, my highest honor, my greatest challenge. To my son.
May 2023 · 2.3k
The Steward
I send my roots into the earth,
accepting the sacred duty.
The gentle, yielding, firm,
and fertile ground of the mother.
I will water her.
I will protect her.
I accept responsibility
for this ground.
I yield to this process.
Enveloped by life. By time.
I yield to the watching.
I accept what it brings.
I choose to love
what comes before me,
so that what blooms
when I wither away,
may always be love.
Apr 2023 · 2.6k
Like a cell drawing in pure water, rejecting unnecessary, undesirable molecules.

Like a virus spreading multiplying, taking over with vigor and tenacity.

Like the bubbles on the burbling lips of a toddler, growing and popping and dripping.

Like a ronin samurai without a lord, coming and going like the wind.

Like a thought that just won’t quit, a feeling that burrows into the bones.

Like the intensity of a fire, when a steady wind presses the seat of the fuel source.

So is my passion for life.
Jan 2023 · 209
I keep running
Out of time
Away from difficulty
Away from change
Away from you

I want to be someone
Who gives love freely
When life is generous
When life is cruel
When love is hard

I crave happiness
That is equitable
To sustainably live
To pass the time
And to pass on

Don't you want
To run to freedom?
Don't you want
To be the change?
Let me pass on
The sacred mission:
Life is chaos
Keep it strange.
A new chapter is unfolding. Many choices are laid out, and the paths diverge to such disparate outcomes. Where will we land when the dust of time settles on our paths. I hope I'll still be next to you.
Dec 2022 · 1.7k
We’re So Elemental
The frequencies produced by our thoughts resonate with different aspects of our physical environment. Liquids, solids, gases, and plasma. When you combine two elements they may, or not, produce a reaction. A measure that can assure that no reaction occurs is too contain it. In a lab, in order for the observer to see the contents of the container, glass is utilized. Only rarely in case of highly volatile substances is a tinted or otherwise opaque container used. Boundaries. They prevent any of the substances from altering their resting state. Randy and I are highly volatile together. I wonder what a gas and a plasma can create through their union. I wonder if they can achieve fusion.
I keep looking for a way to work on my marriage. I’m trying to think about it in terms of creation. Creation is so volatile, so messy, often painful. Cookies don’t start out sweet and delicious, they become cookies with love, and folding, and pressing, and kneading, and time, and heat.
Aug 2022 · 1.9k
Hard to find
Made to blind
Native to the air
Never a match
Cameras catch
My brilliant flash
Intensely luminous
Inert bondless boundless
Brilliant under pressure
Near weightless to measure
Alone a harmless asphyxiant
The living keep their distance
The dead are drawn to the brilliance
Fluorine bonds but it’s a valence
I would be the element Krypton
If the galaxy were a neuron
You would be my fluorine
We crave the current
Rarely apparent
That makes us
Aug 2022 · 260
She tread the earth
like a terrestrial goddess
As if gravity were meaningless
As if the elements are hers to command
Her body moves like a bountiful offering
Only fools are brave enough to advance
If only she could remember who she is
She tells me she’s not grounded
But she’s rooted to the earth
Aug 2022 · 798
In Toxication
Deep in the folds
My vulnerable places
Like a draft displaces
Turbid Stagnance
Firey sun illuminates
The dewey fertile soil
Infiltrating unturned
Spongy depths
Stimulates the follicles
Teases tenacious life
Into frothing vigorous
Surging prominence
Hungry searching tongues
Tasting the flushed flesh
So forceful and so hot
in open air
Primitively freely
My hunger
Devour me
Like a flame
My pride and shame
To surrender
Is to love you
And the falling
Hurts the best
Aug 2022 · 2.8k
Fresh Brewed Happiness
The cool plush ****
of succulent grass
whispering against
bare ankles.  

The verdant smell
of rain pelting
the crusty earth,
loamy fresh.

The piercing tingle
of noon sunshine
on the bald orb
of the shoulder.

The comforting touch
the warm embrace
that soothes  
the aching heart.

The energizing aroma
of coffee burbling
brews hope
and inspiration.

My filter, clear and bright
illuminates the night
in waves of bliss

Anchored by the senses
I remember
what brings me
Dec 2016 · 809
Love's Bargain
I'm laying here staring into the void,
The stars are harsh spectators.
Vast, cold nothingness reaches into me.
Prickly fingers grip my heart.

I'm bitterly  grateful for the familiarity,
It's nice to remember the pain.
A noose on my neck, a vice  in my gut.
Love has come to collect.

I remember the crossroads, the deal we made.
The glorious shining love,
That glow shined in all of the dark places,
Then we saw the ***** corners.

We saw the murk, polluted wells, fecund fields.
The glorious shining love,
it was no longer pure, it couldn't support us.
It splintered and blew us to pieces.

I lay here alone again, and I feel the darkness,
Embracing the black void again.
I reach into myself for the warmth of the light.
I feel the salty wet memories on my face.

Even the pain is  a glorious price for love.
Nov 2012 · 823
Time Heals
My eyes are clearer.
The foggy cataracts  that once obscured my way
are carved away, only evident in the glint in my eyes

My gait is rhythmic and even.
Gone is the limp that once slowed my progress, and
only my shoes belie the injury I had suffered

My heart is clean and blameless.
The scars remain. the dents, and cracks, and holes
remind me of where I've been, and tells my story on repeat.
Nov 2012 · 1.9k
It Would Seem I'm Human
I'm slowly becoming a cynic
People, human beings frustrate me.
I've even begun to frustrate myself,
Regrets pile on top of one another,
and like inertia they can't seem to stop.
It would seem I am human.

— The End —