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Oskar Erikson Nov 2020
slighted fingertips
withdrawing from a near-fatal embrace
how does it feel?
to brush precariously
at the edge of something
infinitely beautiful;
to find the void
greeting you instead.

curled at waist height
or tied
to the belt loops of jeans
or smushed into pockets,
balled up
waiting for  another
chance to extend again.

there in the throes of night
unclenching, reclenching fists lay,

will the next time will be different
how will it feel?
Oskar Erikson Oct 2020
body like a Hoplite,
raised from the dust to lay the land-
sent armed
ashen spear and heart,
trunks of armour clad legs
growing into the clay coloured Earth

these lyre-heartstrings taut with longing.
to see
a browbeaten Myrmidon,
in daylight.

watch, as the breath of Zeus escapes
Grecian chests,
concave with muscle
Olympus itself exists within those crevices.

i lay offerings,
ambrosia soaked spoken word
at the under-flesh of your calf
laying beside myself
in hope the whispers bestowed to you from the Fates
on the eve of Troy
mean less with your lips, pressed to wine, against mine.
Oct 2020 · 460
midday music
Oskar Erikson Oct 2020
spotify playlists
made for times of sadness,
sometimes bring
sweeter moments,
when listened to
in the sunlight.
Oskar Erikson Oct 2020
“have you ever felt love?” he asked

last one for the night
i replied,

like an atmosphere.
Oct 2020 · 354
personal history
Oskar Erikson Oct 2020

playing football
in the communal
pitched between
mountains of concrete
brown brick office blocks
blockaded high street shops
council housing kingdoms.


taking potshots at metal
goalposts slicked with
the rain and scabbed spray paint
till the olders kick us aside
basketballs in hand
for freethrows from the poverty line.


to think
love like marble
too cold and rich to touch
in fear that it’d turn out to be *****
like two boys
looking at each other for too long
can leave stains no amount of febreze can air out.


i still can’t sleep in your arms
but you never stop searching for me
in yours
all there is left to do
is let
myself be found.
I grew up in East London. This is how I want to commemorate my leaving it.
Sep 2020 · 281
Oskar Erikson Sep 2020
he who reaches into
the core of a heart
and makes
its cavities

Sep 2020 · 345
what it meant
Oskar Erikson Sep 2020
two people embracing
on the potholed curbside,
a car splash-zone
risking the ire of the overzealous
parking monitor
on the off chance-
they remember what it meant
to cling onto someone else
heart rooted firmly in another.
Aug 2020 · 213
Oskar Erikson Aug 2020
a book of poems
written by hands now holding  
someone new.
i ponder
whether the stanzas
still wreck havoc with your heart.
i wonder
can my lips can reach you through the useless pages.
ex lover
poetry written with ghosts
can only haunt who caused
the poet to suffer.
Aug 2020 · 137
confession {1}
Oskar Erikson Aug 2020
i learned
to navigate by
charting the dreams
i snatched from opposite side of the bedroom
like stars.
“The blue grass stuck to my skin-snakes like to pretend to be vines-I saw you writing-I was so happy-we lived together-you burnt the rice-i had to clean it up-you looked happy-couldn’t get to sleep-hurt my head-didn’t dream today-didn’t happen again-why do you ask-i can’t remember-don’t really care-they
don’t mean anything-

left on open waters
without a sky full of stars
drifting away from land
by the waves.
Aug 2020 · 261
Oskar Erikson Aug 2020
-you came back
to give rest to this fatigued relationship
in hope there was a chance to sleep
without the ghosts whispered into your side of the bed
running their fingers along somebody spineless-

i can stretch across the length of the bed now                                                    
and not feel guilt.                                                                  
like rescue has arrived
in the form of  a goodbye ~  

like it was worthwhile                                                              
suffering to better appreciate my own smile.
Aug 2020 · 286
Oskar Erikson Aug 2020
the ones who stray
are as important
as the ones who stay
Apr 2020 · 220
network tethering
Oskar Erikson Apr 2020
saw             a                smile
caught on the c h a n n e l s
of the WiFi
like      w a v e s                    goodbye
Oskar Erikson Jan 2020
i am yet to place
a name to a face,
the ripples of your voice
in any of my module choices
you're a deciding factor
and i'm going through them all
digging through lecture capture.
Dec 2019 · 286
Oskar Erikson Dec 2019
cutthroat bed-warmer
i warned you.
to underhandedly procure
the duvet
in a dubious midnight heist
is a violation
of the “Pillow-Talk Three Truce”.
there are no second chances
in this
quilted coalition you concocted.
by daybreak, after a night of unrepentant tickling, kissing, or any some such
sleep disturbancing,
perhaps my arms will be laid down
in a show of piety.

to be the
little spoon by the afternoon.
Dec 2019 · 233
im not coming anymore
Oskar Erikson Dec 2019
the name I’m calling in the night
is the ghost of yours.
an apparition
wraith-like, transparent
against my lips.
whispered in the witching hour
alone in the dark,
to summon something
or you.
Oskar Erikson Nov 2019
floor to ceiling windows
stacked two upon two
capillaries bursting with office work.

neon signs and patina streaked doors
opening up valves at lunch times
Pret A Manger bloodletting.

final call at The Angel
heralding the end of the work week
teams of cleaners flush the system
to restart for the following Monday.
Oct 2019 · 329
trial-period person
Oskar Erikson Oct 2019
heart grown over hard leather
still living on something dead,
hands extended out for holding
“im just hoping to be enough” you said.
Sep 2019 · 432
bedroom boarding gates
Oskar Erikson Sep 2019
calling a lost lover
to begin to head on over
this bedroom was only a boarding gate
and this bed your layover.
Sep 2019 · 444
Haiku from a Tower-block
Oskar Erikson Sep 2019
the window vibrates

overhead roar, unceasing rain

thunder oppressed sun.
My 500th Poem! Thanks for all your support x
Sep 2019 · 255
We asked why you stayed
Oskar Erikson Sep 2019
You replied you were afraid.

“i didn’t ask for all of this love-
-and yet it’s still not enough.”
Oskar Erikson Aug 2019
while scurrying in the underground
he walked like the caves connecting
the city was his birthright
like the current in the earth grounded him
the roaring trains
his adoring subjects

what a moment
brushing past a subterranean prince
glancing at granite jaw
his knowing smile
hands that could have carved a space
out of me.

i turned away as
to see the darkness of the tunnels
peering back at you on the platform
taunting you to jump
was not a commitment i could make.
Aug 2019 · 286
Oskar Erikson Aug 2019
kiss me so the vines in my veins can snake out to hold you
Aug 2019 · 451
Was it fair to let me go?
Oskar Erikson Aug 2019
i should have pleaded for a longer sentence
at least we’d be talking.
Aug 2019 · 180
e-boy lover
Oskar Erikson Aug 2019
slicing my tongue against your shades of pastel
in hopes of seeing what being instagram famous is like
finding that internal "like/subscribe/follow" spot
tasting influencer on your breath
painted nails trailing my cheekbones for something more tangible
wristbones that angels would have fallen for
my e-boy lover
whispering how you love to perform

your face afterwards dejected
as the camera
wasn't even
Aug 2019 · 464
Oskar Erikson Aug 2019
i saw your collarbone like a
drowning man see’s the surface.
i urged to break it.
Aug 2019 · 192
Oskar Erikson Aug 2019
This     gap
between out lips as the kisses become longer
that     vital
intake of air to keep the love/boredom/sympathy/pity
alive    until
this is snuffed out in the hope of something tangible
Aug 2019 · 675
like you were right
Oskar Erikson Aug 2019

1. We both knew this
2. I didn't care
3. You saw this ending
4. An end that wasn't even fair

so now i'm not speaking and yet you still fight

cause you know that means i would win,
i would be right.
Aug 2019 · 449
Oskar Erikson Aug 2019
"if i was still dating you, THAT would have been pity.
be grateful i left when i did."
Jul 2019 · 248
pop up
Oskar Erikson Jul 2019
i haven't seen you stay in one place for more than a few days,
like laying some roots will result in some catastrophic meltdown
like being noticed will cause sirens to scream out
"i want to be wanted, i want to be wanted, i want to be wanted".

isnt this the point, to pop up shop and take what little charity those
who know what being loveless is like can provide. in short bursts a heart can be mended, the wounds sewn up and put up for sale like a clean bill of emotional health.

till the view begins to stagnate and the bones of all the half-healed ex-lovers begin to ache inside, the embers of a burnt out husk in the chest smoulders with the promise of "it'll be better elsewhere."

"they might want me elsewhere." "someone will love you elsewhere."
Jul 2019 · 198
Oskar Erikson Jul 2019
time can lighten the crushing loss of another.
Jul 2019 · 305
Oskar Erikson Jul 2019
Two lovers standing
parallel on a street
late in Shorditch
graffiti came billowing
out from their ankles
spray painting their distance
in moments
like a gap in a kiss
could paint murals.
Oskar Erikson Jul 2019
Hey babe
I wanna do
anything you wanna do
like my god honestly
I want some more pics of us
Hi babe
how’s the day going?
I don’t know how you feel knowing
like christ
this love is one-sided and it’s
But babe i’ve done all i can
you have to tell me
what’s your plan
like my light
my lovely
my lad
our moment of time
is ending
everyone feels sorry for us
we’re both
Jul 2019 · 213
Oskar Erikson Jul 2019
it seems that all Love is,
is finding the snippets of those who once
we adored
in the bodies of strangers and hoping
this time it will be reciprocated.
Oskar Erikson Jul 2019
i understand the Greeks
When they wrote of boys
turning to men as
“in the flush of their strength”.
as if the tides of youth,
had burst it’s banks
flooding childhood, like the Mycenae
against Troy.
Jun 2019 · 183
not above surface level
Oskar Erikson Jun 2019
coulda let you hold me close,
love saw something deeper I suppose.
Jun 2019 · 242
Secondary School
Oskar Erikson Jun 2019
we measured the time
by what infatuation took us
that year.
Year 7 was flittering
8 was unfounded
9 was groundbreaking but
10 was changing
Year 11’s love might still be reigning.

you never forget those 5 years.
even if you'd like too.
Jun 2019 · 278
writing for the sake of it-
Jun 2019 · 266
retaliation (10w)
Oskar Erikson Jun 2019
Violence is the only answer when the question strikes first.
Jun 2019 · 208
climbing up lampposts
Oskar Erikson Jun 2019
ive been taking Tarot classes again
like card counting can provide some clarity.
number XII: hanged man: left me dangling
free as can be.
climbing up lampposts to look down at the light for once
for once like the fool, number I.
the kitchen has been turned into a hell hole there's Cups and knives sharp as Swords.
the garden ravished for sticks to turn into Wands,
broken and jagged twine tied together for Pentacles- I through X.
Kings and Queens and Knights and Pages.

like the fool
i am.
Jun 2019 · 1.9k
raindrop to raindrop
Oskar Erikson Jun 2019
downpours in june are expected in london
like the rushing to the tubelines at closing time
the warmth of the morning undone
raining in june is nothing short of a crime.

like children in suits the 9-5ers
leap from raindrop to raindrop
with umbrellas writhing against eachother like tethers
only for the briefest connections can we stop.

there's no point looking into a rain-battered soul

its only when we move apart can we truly be whole.
Jun 2019 · 420
Oskar Erikson Jun 2019
what happens to the pieces left over after healing?
i'll put them up to be sold.
maybe it's immoral to try reap a profit from feeling
but you'll cherish what i can no longer hold.
Oskar Erikson Jun 2019
force your words into my mouth
veins of vowels constricting around vocal chords
and the consonants crushing
my windpipe.

start to understand the violence alongside the language.
Jun 2019 · 535
Oskar Erikson Jun 2019
"i just thought the sky looked better behind you."
Jun 2019 · 270
all the shades of feeling
Oskar Erikson Jun 2019
black ink i've tried to turn into different colours- by painting you in shapes, lines, dragging and slicing and crossing.

Thank you for being what I needed
and only asking for time to dry.

Thank you for being what i could reach for
to let me see the all the shades of feeling.
Oskar Erikson Jun 2019
i spoke back into the echo
of an earlier cry
outburst of comfort
to heal the older me.
Jun 2019 · 643
motion blur
Oskar Erikson Jun 2019
sought solace for a high
running laps round infinity rings
it’s irony to chase after peace

a hazy face to lean towards
motion blur
let a unhinged heart cease.
Jun 2019 · 432
Oskar Erikson Jun 2019
i dug my patch of dirt
with my fingers in repentance

this formality before the hurt
this action my penance.

like these roots that roam
far beyond their means

this heart can't be home
to any semblance of honesty it seems.

with the soil                              a cradle
weighing me down
i see a vision of a mottled crown
the coldness seeping in
and for growth to start somewhere within.
Oskar Erikson Jun 2019
i sold my soul for redemption
to sign this pain away
the devil however forgot to mention
that all the guilt would stay.
Jun 2019 · 535
speaking blades
Oskar Erikson Jun 2019
my was tongue good at cutting into you.
i should have dulled it before we kissed.
cause everything we taste is blood now
and i can’t tell who’s it is.
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