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Seth Milliman Dec 2015
What am I?
Just a boat on the sea.
Sailing softly with the winds gentle breeze,
I have seen rough and calm.
Soft and chaotic,
With no rest in between.
What lighthouse guides me to its safe shores?
Am I destined to ride the waves with no light?
No, maybe not, but I cannot tell the future.
You who travels paths less taken,
Those who seek refuge from the rain.
Take haste and seek quickly,
For the storm comes without warning again.
And if you cannot see, will you hear?
I am not wise but foolish,
Destitute and foolhardy.
But I will seek the lighthouse,
In order to get in before the storm.
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
Day after day,
Not a moment too soon.
The place became empty,
Just a boy and his room.
Life's struggle is daily,
Sometimes hard to grasp.
More things to learn,
Again not much lasts.
But there again I will learn in life's gracious boon,
There will still be a place.
For a boy and his room.
Seth Milliman Feb 2016
I've taken a chance,
Was shaken down by the risks.
A bliss for bliss,
Self tormenting found in me.
But this is the way it goes,
Passerby's you come to know.
What's scary is the truth you see,
Touching upon feeling.
Knowing it will not last,
Self satisfied answers that may never pass.
Broken words given in order to shape a stance,
But it can't.
No longer shaped to be molded,
Scolded beyond ones self reasoning.
By this one keeps believing,
That the sun may shine at last.
Seth Milliman Jan 2016
There's a hole in my heart,
There's a problem with my head.
Giving a piece of my heart,
And I end up filled with dread.
Is this the end now?
Leaving me in silence with no word said,
I gave you a piece of myself.
And all that exists in between,
Am I to be time forgotten?
Or more or less a has been?
What can I say or do that'll make you hear me?
And hear in return a word back,
Or am I just a fool with brains to lack?
That hole of my heart how full of doubt and fear it is,
When all but love I wanted to give you.
And to receive in return,
But when no word is spoken from you.
What then am I supposed to think?
What then am I supposed to feel?
Was all that time spent with you pointless?
Or in the end so real?
Seth Milliman Jan 2016
It does not get better,
As the world gets wetter.
Crying and screaming for home,
In this triviality is where one roams.
When voice after voice,
Argues against the other.
No traction nor gain,
In this world gone insane.
Where cries of hope and peace are heard,
Only cries of death and blood remain.
Seth Milliman Jan 2016
A door in the wall,
A roof on the cellar.
Gone in the mind,
Like a pantheon pillar.
What voice can you have,
When you're no longer seen.
Your laughter your voice,
Like a midsummers dream.
Seth Milliman Apr 2016
I see a face I remember well,
It would cast glances upon me.
And cast me under its spell,
But now it's up and gone.
So it's time to move on,
Like fire that's died long into the night.
Time to find a new light,
I gave to the ungivable.
Loved the hard to love,
But now I learn.
Time to grow,
Hard to give up what one once perceived.
But life just moves on whether or not you agree.
I may or not fall and gain what I wish so much for,
Yet right now the fool in me must agree.
Goodbye to those who'd rather be forgotten or not,
You were already gone before you were free.
Seth Milliman Mar 2017
I owe you more than you know,
And yet I the fool do not show.
At what is hard pressed to be expressing.
With this fear,
That is very clear.
I play the caution of my lamenting,
Where my mind goes, there I reside.
But what then does that make me?
A lost soul out at sea?
My words scatter and fail me,
And all that will be left is my actions to prevail thee.
So I simply float on this brazen blue,
Still at times my mind wraps around you.
Thinking, dreaming, and trying to understand,
That I need to change.
To be more,
Than a foolish man.
Seth Milliman Mar 2017
We make fools of us all,
The treaded road we carry on with.
Detailed moments caught but not seen,
Important lines drawn but ignored.  
Will I ever see beyond my own horizon?
Detailed but not seen fully,
I wish to know the answer.
What road could be meant for me?
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
I'm fighting for a future that I don't deserve,
Because I'm lost in this land of misery.
What can it be?
Time has come to a halt,
More to question.
More to see,
I'm a lonely soul.
Lose control,
Is this all I'm meant to be?
Seth Milliman Jan 2016
Things return to the same,
Always as before.
Roads winding,
Insides grinding.
Putting too much touch,
In hopes galore.
I thought I saw signs,
But again I ignore.
That things will always be this way,
Always as before.
Seth Milliman Jan 2016
A master and his words,
Never sleep never rest.
They flow as the day is long,
Beating out the best.
The words are the master,
And the master is his word.
For both must flow together as one,
Or be gone.....gone.......gone.
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
Am I not enough?
A question left ringing in my ear,
To ask such a question is to show myself unsure.
But to not ask it,
Is to not know.
But how does one simply answer that,
When one does not know what enough is?
Or where the point of it begins or ends.
Seth Milliman Feb 2021
Give me a moment and I will make a lifetime,
Give me a lifetime and I will make something beyond recognition.
Beyond recognition is a desire aflame,
Aflame, born of dreams forward.
Yet dreams do not push beyond their scope,
A recognition held back by reality.
But reality is a dream in wait to come true,
To come true and be reality.
So what do you wish?
What is your desired reality?
In truth, maybe not much,
In truth, maybe it is.
Only you can weave the dreams of wanted reality to form,
And then, only then, will you create it.
Seth Milliman Jan 2016
So in conclusion of all those years ago,
Always dancing on the edge of yourself.
Returning to your yearning of what you long for,
Alas the scenery changes evermore.
Heart in heart believing more.
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
I need you to love me,
When I can't love myself.
I need you to love me,
When I'm all alone on this shelf.
Life can be hard sometimes,
And with you it's never easy.
But how could I love anyone else,
When you make me feel this way.
I get so tired sometimes,
As the world tries to bring me down.
It's simple but can become complex,
As craziness ensues.
But your love is like a drug,
And it leaves me with a smile.
So won't you please just sit by me,
And stay for a while?
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
A new wind,
A change in direction.
The past choices made that lead up to the now,
What will this new path bring?
A view?
A hope renewed?
Or something inbetween?
If I were to try and predict,
I would be wrong.
But I could be right as well,
Regardless, you have seen something different.
And the change upon your mind,
Has found its way in.
Be proud,
Be happy.
And eventually you'll win.
Seth Milliman Jan 2016
It's all a public stage,
On which you display your wares.
What talk of sweet joys,
Can be something to be compared.
What lies have you yet to spew?
When all is gone and bared,
I see no easy answer.
When all you give is words,
And never really care.
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
A rose by any other name,
To me that's what you are.
There is a beauty to you and all that is,
But as with all roses.
Your thorns protect your glowing glare,
There to ***** the fingers of whom don't belong.
I've been close enough to survive the ******,
With bleeding finger tips.
From where my blood doth flow,
But the blood is worth the ******.
For such a roses glow.
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
A sight,
A smell.
A memories glance,
What traces yesterday's today is at best a personal stance.
Anymore to learn?
Any to forget?
Crossroads and wide turns,
Can make one confused and upset.
But let us not forget lessons learned,
Of those of growth and regret.
For if not to remember what we learned,
Then it is better to forget.
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
As I see it,
Free days are long gone now.
No room for movement free,
The time for catch-up disappeared somehow.
No time left for breathing,
It's nice to know a try was made.
But ended up to be a lost treating,
This chance slipped by so long ago.
The chance for any sort of meeting,
But that's ok.
No need for a reason why,
Everything said like so.
What once a hope now an annoyance,
But it was as it was.
So many years ago.
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
A split girl of two sides,
A dilemma risen out of it achieved.
One of daring, brave, fearless adventuring,
The other quiet, hidden, with polite welcome gesturing.
The void of the person whole,
Of yet who she is.
Is yet to be consoled,
The irony of this venture.
Is a split of another,
Will either win?
Or be together whole?
Seth Milliman Apr 2016
So much is wrong with me,
I see no end in sight.
Though I walk in the path of freedom,
I stumble and lose my light.
The fire I seemingly showed to put out,
Now is nothing more than ashened snow.
I feel only the empty cold,
Long before the fire grows old.
Seth Milliman Jan 2016
There at the beginning,
That rising hour.
The sun shining beyond the morning dew,
Can all be lost in a sedated life.
Buried beneath the lost few,
I have felt the burden of this world.
Bearing heavily on this soft skull,
Bringing a point to this sleepy lull.
That I have left myself in to do,
Now after all this time I must awaken.
Or face a darkened end despaired,
For all the things I have mistaken.
A hard choice to make,
A grief to bear.
A piece of my heart given,
In hopes of something new.
But all the while in this waking,
I'm left in the night alone construed.
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
The backwaters of the world flow upstream,
They try to find their worth and all of what it means.
You can only go so far on what's real or fantasy,
I've lived and seen the ire of ones ways.
Dropped on point confused and dazed,
This the time of triumph for ones returning place.
Can you no longer see without rage?
Is all blinding fury your only attribute?
At this point lossless and sadness continue.
Seth Milliman Jan 2016
There is a beauty to the sound of you,
A beauty quite unlike the rest.
Yet when it comes to those moments of doubt,
I find myself second best.
I would say till the sun stops shining,
Of just what you mean to me.
But do I mean the same to you?
As you have always been to me?
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
Beauty and grace,
Sway from place to place.
As you walk down this unguided line,
Though signs are clear.
And quite charmingly here,
This choice of life's undying rhyme.
So what cradled hand that made you,
By the living breath that saved you.
Not always clear cut or on time,
But isn't quite clear?
That's why life is truly dear,
And cannot replace true love's chime.
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
I'm offering a brittle peace,
Waving my white flag.
So many days pass between us,
Seem to think nothing was had.
Why the roaring silence?
For such a small mistake.
Is there any grudges left on your end,
A time left to forsake.
I know your time is precious,
Always has been always will.
Is there anyway to meet in the middle?
To be called friend still.
Is there no hope left on this middle ground?
For good times that seemed to be once had,
In this as latent waters have receded.
Am I the good guy or bad?
Seth Milliman Jan 2016
A colored piece of glass,
On the ground in the grass.
Colored yellow, blue, green, and red,
Who broke it?
Are they dead?
No one knows,
Yet why should they care.
Circles and circles going in a infinite loop,
Round and round in and out of my head.
Burning with the question of who broke the glass,
Did I do it?
I can't remember,
The memories are blocked or gone,
The fear in the breath of not knowing.
The mind is slipping,
Is it going?
The glass in its broken state,
Can no longer be the one to commentate.
So I'll sadly say the point thats true,
I in a sense feel like that glass.
How about you?
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
Can you hear me?
The echo bouncing and traveling through your mind,
Have I lost stance within your graces?
Or like me,
Is there still more to find?
I know your soul,
Just not to its full extent this time.
Will I remain within your kind love?
Or be pushed out without a second rhyme?
Seth Milliman Jan 2016
You've issued a challenge,
Having it return back to you.
Of a love long ago,
With shelled memories of past youth.
But you struggle and fight,
For the reaction you wish for.
Being told in the end,
You want him even more.
You test to break,
But your challenge is beginning to fail.
For he's in for the long haul,
Your escape growing small and stale.
Seth Milliman Jan 2016
As death takes to sweep him off his feet,
In this will things be fully complete.
As Chaos soon begins to reign,
And darkness overpowering all.
The boy of light still remains tall,
A sacrifice given with no end to proclaim.
All to end the suffering against the chaotic stain,
Tears of fire from the girl of red.
The Phoenix arises to defend her loving dead,
The holy flames to protect a gracious life.
And for the boy of light,
Against chaotic strife.
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
Oh child of isolation,
Why do you hide?
Why in the womb of a tomb do you reside?
I know the world has its ways in bringing you down,
Abating your breath when no good can be found.
Is there no hope left within your very soul?
This here is the test you must console,
Turn and change from what you were before.
You cannot live in this past anymore,
The sobering sweetness you once had.
Cannot for what was be glad?
Only when you change will there be more chances down the road,
But first you must give up and bury your burdensome load.
Or otherwise what you seek will always slip your grasp,
So child of isolation what will you do?
Will you stay this way forever?
Or change and be anew?
Seth Milliman Feb 2016
Chocolate surprise,
Hidden in your eyes.
Wouldn't dare dream of taking that away,
What dream is this?
Sparkly sweetness of tomorrow,
Maybe sorrow.
Can't one stay?
To have fun and play,
Is it just a dream?
I don't know,
Only that of tomorrow.
This life is crazy,
But I'm not gonna laze back.
Gotta find my way through the haziness,
Of what I lack.
So be a part of or don't,
You choose your end.
Am I worth the recognition?
Or a forgotten friend?
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
And though love remains,
It stays where it is.
Where hugs are like an eternal bliss,
I remain on a fragile end.
Where I see both sides,
What once was is.
My feelings I cannot hide,
I'll try and keep my place.
In order to keep what I can,
And in that I see the value.
Never close again.
Seth Milliman Jan 2016
You're a soul of a soul,
A complication.
You do your own dance,
One mistakes in.
I don't think I can last,
When you obviously blow past, again.
Fools are fools until they know,
Kinda wanna makes you go see their show.
Whatcha know?
I feel as though I lost a race,
But hey at least I know my place.
I'm tired of running so fast,
This stupid world is going to crash, again.
What would you call it now?
In the end.
Like shadowed figures on the wall,
You've had your ball.
Games end and tears run dry,
Faded things that end in goodbyes.
No more hello's,
Breathless sigh.
No room to stand and say,
That things were better yesterday.
For all we know,
That's said and sung.
I lost the challenge,
I am done.
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
While my heart cries at one end,
I question at the other.
The swinging circuit of this revolving door,
Just gives nothing more than trouble.
I bear this sadness and it just doesn't easily go away,
Why is it so hard to give and turn from those memories?
What must I do to stop the reappearing tears that never end?
I am a fool and recklessly follow so,
Just in hope that one day I will no longer feel.
This broken-hearted syndrome.
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
Oh darling won't you stop hidin',
In the corner of your world.
You've got a face that shines like the sunlight,
So let your hair down and let it unfurl.
Times get hard and then get good,
But life's always been a mystery.
If truth is what you truly seek,
When found let it set you free.
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
So early in the morning,
When the sun in my eyes begins to rise.
The dawn of the new day begins,
Though what comes next is still in disguise.
The truth for the answers we seek,
Appear in places we least expect.
Drawn to those unknown spots within the deep,
Lost forever to forget.
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
In our days of troubled youth,
As we tried to reach for the stars.
When those who knew us told us no,
Trying to reach past the moon and Mars.
Now here we are as old as old can be,
With nothing but joy and laughter to see.
Far and wide as the days run,
Here and now we laugh in fun.
Seth Milliman Apr 2016
"You have to deal with it," he says,
"That's part of living on".
"Where things go,"
"This you know".
"We must be getting on,"
"You can erase and try to hide".
"But no matter what she lives on in your mind,"
"Once a door is opened it can be difficult to close".
"Especially those of us who are alike in kind,"
As I squinted and squared away.
The other self was right in this to say,
The heart once revealed cannot be returned on command.
It is given at high risk with just reward,
"So erasing and disappearing solves nothing now", he replied.
"With only your words left,"
"Would you rather feel more empty inside"?
"The emotional stability provided can soothe the soul,"
"But even love can sometimes be a fools game with loss of control".
"So now while you wait and see where the line goes,"
"Live and write for tomorrow".
"The future untold".
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
Death, where is your sting?
Has it been lost in thy suffering?
I in myself felt like I accepted you years ago,
But I pushed forward not knowing where it would go.
Now here I am at your door once again,
The empty swallowed pit of my soul.
Knowing and aching at your entrance,
I stand wishing to be free.
Free from the stresses and worries about tomorrow,
The ravenous worn torn heart holding and breaking.
It seems I'm done with it all, really,
A willing life for forsaking.
Seth Milliman Nov 2017
It's time to go,
Don't you know.
The insides rotting away,
I've done nothing.
To gain my spot,
Tearing holes inside my head.
This dread is full of no appeal,
Burning days for tomorrow.
A wish of better concealed,
Death is but a seldom advertisement.
The salesman with a better deal.
Fear life death self deal
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
Time to write a different proposition,
Leaving behind the one I know.
Spent a chunk of life focusing,
On one particular persons go.
Time spent,
Seeking new things more and more,
Still I'll keep believing.
Of one still left to know.
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
Disembodied voices,
Calling to reach the other side.
Only ending up as screeches,
No clear voice or real cry.
This the white noise,
The solemn dark voices forgotten.
What is left in the dark?
But a light left off quite often.
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
And though the day is gone and done,
Don't forget me,
Don't forget me.
Here lies a space left for one,
Don't forget me,
Don't forget me.
What is,
What isn't.
That's how it goes,
People come then leave me.
This is what I know,
Life brings them here and there.
What part do they play in my role?
Are they lessons for another stroll?
Talking to myself has grown old,
But what am I to do?
When they leave me cold.
Seth Milliman Dec 2015
Don't leave,
(Yet you're already gone).
Please stay,
(But you're too far on).
What voice will you hear?
Now that you're no longer here,
Will you even stop by again?
I guess I'll never know,
If you'll ever show.
And wind up crossing paths once again.
Seth Milliman Apr 2017
Don't live like a king,
For it can be taken away.
Lazy work,
Never fully pays.
Why then do we act like we'll exist forever?
When crowns can be taken,
Rules bent to our pleasure.
Kingdoms can be burned down,
A fools mind ignorant.
For their folly will be exposed,
As their noise is incoherent.
So don't live like a king,
With riches a plenty.
When you don't have any there,
Lest become a tragic setting.
We learn much is to be found,
From an experience to comprehend.
Living like a king,
Will hurt you in the end.
Seth Milliman Feb 2016
Don't live like a king,
Cause it can be taken away.
Lazy work,
Never fully pays.
Why do we then live like we'll live forever?
A crown can be taken,
A kingdom torn down.
Foolish are the ignorant,
For their folly will be found.
So don't live like a king,
With riches a plenty.
When you don't have any 'round,
In this tragic setting.
We learn lots to be found,
So don't live like you're a king.
And you might save yourself before you drown.
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
Power plays,
On different days.
Bringing irony to the tip top of this plateau,
I struggle with words beyond reach sometimes.
But never forget what's below,
Hellish work for sound minded journeymen.
When all wish to be as quite so,
Yet when one is corrupt.
The mind no longer sound or sane,
This is the beginning to what's down below.
And to what's never seen again.
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