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2.3k · Jul 2019
Will You Kiss My Cold Lips?
ALesiach Jul 2019
In silent dread
My weary steps slow and falter
On this winding path I tread
Sadness reflects upon the water
And on my soul, its shadow cast
Sadness comes, sadness goes
Life is bright, or dark with woe
Will you kiss my cold lips at last?

My heart grows faint and weary
Touched with deep grief
On this longest day dreary
A gift of sorrow without relief
And on my soul, its shadow cast
As daylight fades
Into deep night shades
Will you kiss my cold lips at last?

ALesiach © 06/25/2017
1.7k · Jul 2019
Animals and Me
ALesiach Jul 2019
All the animals have come to play,
before you gently rest your head.
They have been waiting all day,
to see you before you to go to bed.

The bunny excitedly jumps around,
wiggling his nose, not making a sound.
The teddy bear, a faithful friend,
hopes the friendship will never end.

The lion awakens from his slumber,
his growl as loud as thunder.
The panda eats his bamboo,
thinking he is lucky to have found you.

The frog with his body of green,
jumps on the bed with dangling feet.
Do not forget the elephant with floppy ears
for drying up your tiny tears.

ALesiach © 11/6/2014
1.7k · Jul 2019
In this Garden
ALesiach Jul 2019
In this garden
the roses have all withered
the sparrows no longer twitter
the day is dark and bitter

In this garden
a rusty gate swings in the wind
a faded pinwheel gently spins
a sad little girl swings within

In this garden
the trees are brown and rotten
the youthful dreams are forgotten
the little tears fall often

In this garden
the land lays in dark repose
the stream no longer flows
the little eyes bare pain untold

In this garden
once there was beauty here
once laughter flowed sweet and clear
once there was vigilance near

ALesiach © 05/22/2015
1.6k · Jul 2019
Louisiana Bayou
ALesiach Jul 2019
Wandering through the bayou,
wrapped in its eerie embrace.
Mysterious and strange,
a magical place.
Never seeming to change,
even as seasons come and go,
swampy waters ebb to and fro.

Like long-lost daughters,
gnarled courtly cypress trees,
rise from black murky waters.
Draped lovingly in Spanish moss,
swaying softly in the breeze.
Butterflies seem to float across,
as gentle winds ruffle their leaves.

Bouquets of wild hibiscus fill the air,
mingled with sweet azaleas blooming there.
Bullfrogs croak and crickets chirp,
the bayou is awash with soothing music.
As dragonflies flit the cattails, elusive,
water moccasins slithering at your feet
or lurk above you in the trees.

Just as, the sun begins to sink low,
comes the faint sound of a fiddle and bow.
The gator comes out of hiding,
rising from the dark waters below.
Looking for his meal and smiling,
with snapping jaws, a deer is caught,
then taken below where he will rot.

The moon rises high into the night,
as fireflies glow in the twilight.
A voodoo queen slips into sight,
with gnarled hands, she rolls the bones.
Whispering cryptic words, she softly moans.
Tenderly she caresses her snake,
wrapped around and about her neck.

A ****-hound whoops it up.
The gnarled trees cast spooky shadows.
Is that the ghostly apparition of Jean Lafitte?
Who managed to escape prison and gallows.
Did you bury your treasure in the water or weeds?
As the wind moans softly, time to turn home,
where you can fill your belly with spicy gumbo.

ALesiach © 10/12/2014
1.6k · Jul 2019
ALesiach Jul 2019
Listen to them very carefully.
Just listen to what they say.
Vile drips from their tongue so readily,
disguised in just the right way.

Now ponder for just a minute,
what do they speak of you?
When the crowd's without you in it,
do they mock you too?

Did you think you could escape,
their two-faced?

ALesiach © 08/04/2017
1.2k · Jul 2019
Bayou Lullaby
ALesiach Jul 2019
Honeysuckle scenting the warm summer night
Getting drunk on sweet old apple wine
Crickets chirping their melancholy tune
Rocking on the porch beneath the wandering moon

Soothing sounds of the bayou flowing
Warm breeze from the south winds blowing
Whispering through the leaves calming
Winking fireflies light up the night glowing

The tinkling of wind chimes off in the distance
Smell the moss from cypress trees, tall and twisted
Click-ety clack, click-ety clack
Faint sounds of a train coming down the track

Haunting strains of a Cajun lullaby fill the air
Splash in the bayou birds scatter everywhere
Slowly drifting in and out of sleep
While the long blue bayou shadows creep

ALesiach © 07/01/2017
1.1k · Jul 2019
Hot-Air Balloon
ALesiach Jul 2019
Up, up high into the sky
Warm winds blowing through misty clouds
Wandering, serene

ALesiach © 8/2016
1.0k · Jul 2019
ALesiach Jul 2019
Would you like to go to a land,
where the stories never end?
It rests on a golden bank of sand,
down where the river bends.

The sky turns suddenly pale,
while passing through the mysterious veil.
But what a magical, wonderful sight,
to see the fairies in flight.

To see the elves dancing two by two,
in the early morning dew.
To hear the sweet music from the leprechaun's lyre,
as the laughter trills through the air.

Skipping over a babbling brook,
down where the trees do sing.
The dragons give a dubious look,
to see the mermaids enchant the Unseelie King.

And while frolicking in the meadows,
watch as the gnomes gather rose petals.
But be ready to pay the toll,
if you pass over the Bridge of Trolls.

Night is nearly on the land,
time to greet the Sandman.
I hope you have had a happy day,
and do not forget to come back this way.

ALesiach © 10/01/2014
1.0k · Jul 2019
Broken Doll
ALesiach Jul 2019
A porcelain doll sweet and shy,
lives in a world of mistreatment and lies.
In the shadows and darkness he does come in,
leaving a doll broken, shattered within.

Tiny hands reach out, comfort they seek.
Only to be told, lies they speak.
Trembling and emotionally scarred,
a doll's heart is broken and flawed.

ALesiach © 10/05/2014
971 · Jul 2019
Will You Be Her Lover?
ALesiach Jul 2019
Gypsy sits under the twinkling starlight,
of a fierce love she sings into the night,
but never a lover is in sight.
Will you be her lover?

Gypsy fades to a gentle slumber.
Will her dreams be light or thunder?
Will they dwell on life's duress
or a lover's sweet caress?
Will you be her lover?

Gypsy can freeze you, put you on ice
or she can take you to paradise.
Do not forget to hold on tight
or into the abyss you will slip at twilight.
Will you be her lover?

Gypsy stirs in the morning light,
her dreams are gone like mist in sunlight.
Did you read the message in her eyes?
She will be waiting in the night.
Will you be her lover?

ALesiach © 09/19/2014
968 · Jul 2019
Music Man, Music Man
ALesiach Jul 2019
Music man, Music man
Your loving guitar in hand
Your music was my downfall
Taking my heart, taking my all

I fell in love with your words,
Grew addicted to your rhythm.
The sorrow in your burning chords,
Drew me in with them.

I felt your music flow through me
Getting lost, carried away
In your songs, in your dreams
As I listened to you play

Music man, Music man
Your loving guitar in hand
Your music was my downfall
Taking my heart, taking my all

Music man, Music man
Your loving guitar in hand
Your music was my downfall
Taking my heart, taking my all

ALesiach © 07/23/2017
896 · Jul 2019
Whiskey's Lullaby
ALesiach Jul 2019
I sit by sorrow's streams
Amidst wistful longing
Your first soft kiss that lingered
will forever haunt my dreams

How sad it seems
to be so slavishly in love
weary even of life,
such sorrowful extremes,

but I hear remnants of our song
and pine for your possession
to live without you is my bane
life has dealt a bitter wrong

lost in the loneliness
this bereft heart grieves
solace now I seek, in
whiskey's lullaby to forgetfulness

ALesiach © 07/27/2019
867 · Jul 2019
Sweet Illusion
ALesiach Jul 2019
As eventide awakens
Under our bower I lay
My pulse begins to quicken
The world vanishes away

As you slip into my dream tonight
Like a prearranged rendezvous
A sweet illusion to fill my sight
I close my eyes, it all comes true

To taste your lips is ecstasy
All worries are left behind
In this land of fantasy
Our movie plays in my mind

In our never-ending romance,
Our unique melody, crafted with love
Your touch so tender, full of finesse
'Neath the precarious moon above

Gallivanting forward in my dreaming
Eager to acquiesce to my heart's desire
How I long to stay sleeping
Of this dream I never tire

But he kisses me, nonchalant
As he gently fades away
Back in my memories to haunt
As night gives way to-day

ALesiach © 05/9/2018
831 · Jul 2019
Sleep My Love Sleep
ALesiach Jul 2019
Sleep my love, sleep.
Rest your head on my *******
and place yourself into my keep.
Then, dream us on a mighty quest.

To a land where dragons exist.
Where we can run through mystical forests,
as we chase unicorns through the mist.
Then, on pretty balloons will float, I promise.

As through the marsh we must flee.
Toward evil knights guarding the keep,
where the buried treasure is we seek.
Before we escape on the murmuring seas.

Sleep my love, sleep.
Close your eyes and spread your wings.
There is no reason for you to weep,
for in your dreams you are king.

ALesiach © 05/29/2014
ALesiach Jul 2019
Hush, my little one, sleep awhile,
Nestled 'neath my heart of love
I'll sing to you, sweet and low
'Til heaven streams, bright with gold

Hush, my little one, sleep awhile,
My love abounds to guard thy sleep
Drifting away 'neath silvery moon
While stars twinkle away your gloom

Hush, my little one, sleep awhile,
Tender kisses caress thy cheek
Hush'd by my gentle whispering
Lull'd in the land of dreaming

Hush, my little one, sleep awhile,
There is nothing to fear
While I am near
Hush, my little one, sleep awhile

ALesiach © 07/2018
797 · Jul 2019
ALesiach Jul 2019
The Sandman comes to her around seven,
she prays for dreams sweet as heaven.

But sometimes the dreams,
awaken her with screams.

Monster do not always come in closets,
monster sometimes seem quite modest.

Awakened in a cold sweat,
frightened near death.

Nightmares do not always come in dreams,
nightmares do not always make you scream.

ALesiach © 09/19/2014
775 · Jul 2019
ALesiach Jul 2019
She sits in silence upon the bed
hands folded neatly, but with drooping head.
Her gossamer chords, silvery and fair
float gently through the winter's evening air.

Slowly his music fills her hollow form
as she waits for him to strum her gossamer chords.
A dancing silhouette, bending to his will
spiraling, swirling, or capriciously still.

His fingers dance across those gossamer chords
as she silently floats across the floor.
Tirelessly she performs the night through
never once missing her cue.

As his haunting music begins to fade
and he slowly turns away.
She slumps back against the bed
hands folded neatly, but with drooping head.

ALesiach © 02/16/2015
719 · Jul 2019
You, My Little One
ALesiach Jul 2019
You were planned from the start
You, my little one
Treasured deep in our hearts

A precious gift from heaven above
You, my little one
Have our undying love

Feeling you move brings us great joy
You, my little one
Our precious baby boy

I pray every day God keeps you safe
You, my little one
I pray you find his grace

Be calm, my darling, it's time to rest
You, my little one
In my womb, your own tiny nest

My arms long to hold you, to feel you wiggle
You, my little one
To tickle your toes, to hear you giggle

I long to gaze into your newborn eyes
You, my little one
I would give my life

ALesiach © 07/25/218
713 · Jul 2019
My Wall, You Built
ALesiach Jul 2019
Broken trust,
is that how it starts,
when falling apart?

Now, we stand at the crossroads,
jealousy rumbles like the cold, black wind.
Who was the first to sin?

My pain, always your pleasure,
when things were rough,
I could never suffer enough.

The bitter tragedy,
your struggle with guilt.
My wall, you built.

ALesiach © 1/31/2017
690 · Jul 2019
August Daze
ALesiach Jul 2019
Warm days
Heavy nights
Mosquito bites

Dancing bees
Delicious honey
Sweet tea,
Yummy, yummy

Swimming pools
Shade trees
Staying cool
Ice cream

Summer showers
Juicy peaches
Budding flowers
Warm beaches

Vacation's over
School begins
Time's slower
Summer ends

ALesiach © 8/2016
681 · Jul 2019
ALesiach Jul 2019
Come on up, come inside!
Grab a cup, try to hide!

Hide behind your masquerade,
join the pretty masks on parade.

Eyes once bright no longer shine,
they flaunt the cracks you try to hide.

Skin as pale as alabaster,
gleams as you dance, twirling faster.

Sealed lips try to smile,
longing to taste joy for a little while.

Hands covered in spidery lace,
flutter with a subtle grace.

Soft brown hair spun with ribbons,
gently tilts, your sorrow a given.

What solemn secrets have you known,
dancing in your castle all alone?

ALesiach © 02/01/2017
670 · Jul 2019
Hidden Key
ALesiach Jul 2019
You know you hurt me
These tears flood the pain
My mind battles a raging sea
My heart, scared to love again
and still I hope in vain
for a love sweet and strong
to right the bitter wrong.

I look in the mirror
and see your smile once more
I whisper, "Come nearer"
you vanished like before
leaving my heart bruised and sore
My heart longs to be free
Is death the hidden key?

ALesiach © 05/2018
668 · Jul 2019
August Treasures
ALesiach Jul 2019
Under the humid air
I sit, on my lofty rock and stare
as warm summer heat rises
I look toward the burning horizon

Butterflies dance by together,
enjoying the sultry August weather.
While nearby sprinklers twirl
and pinwheels whirl.

A breeze gently wisps across my skin
as birds fly by, weaving out and in.
Settling on a limb to rest and sing
before ruffling feathers and taking wing.

Bright with summer's flowers
Adorn my garden bower
with intoxicating smells
of magnolia, wisteria and bluebells

Some of August's simple treasures
brings the most delightful pleasures.

ALesiach © 07/26/2019
657 · Jul 2019
Sometimes I Get Lost
ALesiach Jul 2019
Sometimes I get lost
Now that you have wandered far away
Remembering our love's sweet cost
Every moment of the day

I have danced inside your eyes
To your music, so sweet and clear
Surrendered to you in the heat of the night
My wanton cries filled your ears

Memories come on a midnight breeze
The taste of your sweet breath
Your gentle caress on my ivory keys
As we embrace the little death

You soothed away my restless feelings
Tasted my river of tears
Then left me grieving
Turning my hopes into fears

My heart is made of stone now
My dreams have faded away
Frozen beneath the garden bough
Where my love was buried, that day

ALesiach © 07/17/2017
657 · Jul 2019
Wait! What is that I Hear?
ALesiach Jul 2019
Cold and gloomy is the night,
not a single star in sight,
Even a haze is about the moon.
Surely something horrible will happen soon.
The radio has static,
I change the station.
Wait! What is that I hear?
Please let it be my imagination,
Justin Timberlake and Justin Bieber
in concert together.
Surely the end is near,
feel the world tremble in fear.
Wait! What is that I hear?
There has been a mistake,
you have been pranked.

ALesiach © 05/29/2014
652 · Jul 2019
A Morning Awakens
ALesiach Jul 2019
Awakened by the kiss of dawn
the softness of her morning light
gently nudges the night away

The dew drops twinkle on the lawn
a bird sings sweetly his delight,
his trilling, courteous and gay

The garden flowers seem to spring
amidst the green they gently sway
floral fragrance floats on the breeze

The bayou softly murmuring
wavering shadows still at play,
lost in the depths of cypress trees

A squirrel scampers to the ground
and across the yard he rushes
buries acorns without a sound

In the distance a baying hound
eager to hunt in the bushes
until fox or raccoon is found

A horse gallops over a hill
enjoying freedom and the sun,
he stops, grazing in grassy fields

I follow nature and be still
watching as the day has begun
and early morning beauty yields

ALesiach © 07/29/2019
635 · Jul 2019
Pirate's Life for Me
ALesiach Jul 2019
Sailing the briny seas,
the winds taking us where they please.

A parrot on my shoulder,
"Pieces of eight," it repeats over and over.

If there is mutiny in the ranks,
aye matey, they will walk the plank.

Other ships we will plunder for gold
and any prisoner we will stick in the hold.

A treasure map we have found,
X marks the spot on the ground.

And once we have found the treasure chest,
we will sail off into the sunset.

ALesiach © 11/08/2014
615 · Jul 2019
No More Tears to Weep
ALesiach Jul 2019
Deep in the night,
she emerges from the mist.
Clinging to a rose of white,
longing for the one that is missed.

She stands on a rocky peak,
the rose's thorns have dug in deep.
The wind howls and shrieks,
but her eyes have no more tears to weep.

Watching the moonlight dance with the sea,
before crashing on the rocks below.
Once more together they shall be,
as off the cliff she does go.

ALesiach © 10/17/2014
611 · Jul 2019
ALesiach Jul 2019
Somber days of autumn rain
my heart, a fading flower
corn whiskey drowns my endless pain
beneath my woodland bower

Shadows creep where night begins
as sunlight gently fades away
my sorrowful cries remain within
while restless mind keeps sleep at bay

Sanity takes its wingless flight
amid the hours that slowly turn
reality wanders in shades of night
in waking dreams, your ghost returns

ALesiach © 10/05/2017
587 · Jul 2019
These Walls
ALesiach Jul 2019
Beyond this door
and in this house.
If walls could speak,
these would weep.

There is no laughter,
there is no love,
There is only tears
and a young girl's fears.

She escapes to her room
and tries to be quiet.
If there is no sound,
he will not come around.

The moon watches
in the window near.
As she cowers in bed
and screams 'NO' in her head.

On the verge of madness,
she watches the **** turn.
His sweat fills the air,
all she can do is stare.

He draws her near,
more poison for her mind.
He drags her to hell
with no one to tell.

ALesiach © 01/01/2015
581 · Jul 2019
Beneath the Bower
ALesiach Jul 2019
I lay amidst scenes of deepest gloom,
beneath the garden's bower blooms.
Listening to the wind and rhythm of the rain,
weeping grief, my soul in pain.

The darkness deepens,
covering meadows, darker still the woodlands.
Gone the twinkling starry skies,
thunder drowns my soul-sick cries.

Wounded, weary
Sheltered in my fragile sanctuary.
The woeful heart sings,
the torments that life brings.

My heart has no desire to stay,
when my heart's desire has flown away.
I come to the garden alone now,
beneath the bower, our lover's vow.

ALesiach © 06/29/2017
559 · Jul 2019
ALesiach Jul 2019
Under a starless sky,
the sails billow in the wind
and across the deck surges the tide,
while the ship's wheel spins.

The wind carries with it a hypnotic melody,
luring sailors with a passionate plea.
Eyes captivated by their seductive beauty
and blind to ships broken on the reef.

Long, shiny hair in various hues,
green descending scales on their backs
and lustrous eyes, bewitching you,
leaving you oblivious to the trap.

Slowly sailors inch to the rail
and then they start to dive.
While others swept away by scaly tails,
but none will see another night.

They kiss you with honeyed lips,
letting you inhale their sweet breath.
Then, entrap you with their lovely limbs
and drag you into the deep and death.

ALesiach © 10/22/2014
530 · Jul 2019
Don't Cry
ALesiach Jul 2019
Mommy, Mommy
please don't cry.
Here I am
by your side.
You can't feel me,
you can't see,
but in your heart
I will always be.
Now dry your eyes
and rest awhile,
holding me
in your mind,
remembering me
with a smile.

ALesiach © 02/17/2015
526 · Aug 2019
Autumn Leaves
ALesiach Aug 2019
Hues of red and gold
Flame ablaze in autumn trees
A season so bold

ALesiach © 08/01/2019
519 · Jul 2019
Rocking Chair
ALesiach Jul 2019
Rocking on the front porch
Watching the stars in heaven play
Rocking back and forth
Sipping from my lemonade
Melting all my cares away

ALesiach © 08/05/2017
511 · Jul 2019
ALesiach Jul 2019
It leaves the station,
then it begins its acceleration.
Off to its new destination,
all the cars in formation.

The train goes rushing by.
Can you hear the whistle blow?
It zips along day or night,
in the rain and in the snow.

Over the hills and through the mountains,
through the square and pass the fountain.
With a screech, its journey is done,
Hop aboard we will have such fun.

ALesiach © 11/09/2014
505 · Jul 2019
ALesiach Jul 2019
Is love merely a dream
or a game that people play?
Does it shine in morning's beam
or cry, ruin and decay?

Do we lose ourselves in the end
or find a partner in life and death?
Will you be my lover and faithful friend
or turn away before I breathe my next breath?

ALesiach © 01/10/2018
498 · Jul 2019
Blackberry Brambles
ALesiach Jul 2019
One golden August day
Walking along the narrow lane

With ice cream pail in hand
Over the lush woodsy land

Looking for brambles of blackberries
Thirsting for their sweet juice in my belly

And nature's kindness does bestow
Along the lane unhindered they grow

Blackberries hang swollen on their vines
The first one a sweet addictive wine

Soon forgotten are the thorns
Each berry its own delectable reward

ALesiach © 07/26/2019
495 · Jul 2019
The Unicorn and Me
ALesiach Jul 2019
There he stands in mystic wonder,
white as snow and elegant splendor,
eyes as blue as the sky up yonder.

Silently he moves across the glade,
a silent breeze ruffling his mane,
before boldly glancing my way.

In his eyes there is no fear,
as he circles closer, ever near.
Is that a hunter we both hear?
There, see their spears.

Gracefully bowing before me,
Invited to join him on his journey.
To a land where he is free
and can slumber peacefully.

Through the forest we flee,
the unicorn and me.

ALesiach © 05/26/2014
495 · Jul 2019
ALesiach Jul 2019
Strolling along the white sandy beach
Aquamarine waves lapping over my feet

A gentle breeze brushing against my skin
Billowy clouds hide a cerulean sky within

So I took a dive into the aquamarine sea
It's dark silky depths enclosing me

Swimming fiercely into the tides
Through the chartreuse seaweed I glide

A tangerine octopus smiles up at me
As sea lemons hide in the coral reef

Sea horses spin pieces of sea lavender
Through my green and ruby watermelon hair

Fastening saffron flowers about my neck
As I hover above a woeful shipwreck

Lips are shined with pale lilac shells
As above a summer wind swells

Always returning to where I belong
Casting spells as I sing my song

ALesiach © 8/12/2017
476 · Jul 2019
Dragon's Breath
ALesiach Jul 2019
Essence of the dragon's breath
into the harbor creeps.
Gray, silent, with the chill of death
blankets the meadow while sunbeams sleep.

Wandering, lost within its drifting folds,
isolated from the world.
Cries of fears untold,
echo through its depths unfurl.

Distorted visions of illusions cast
tremor through the air.
Soulless victims on retributions task
beckon to their hidden snare.

Close your eyes, feel its cold fingers caress,
howls of anguish, to late,
your body shudders in distress,
bemoaning your impending fate.

ALesiach © 02/26/2015
471 · Jul 2019
Desires of the Heart
ALesiach Jul 2019
At the turning of twilight
Where whispers of the past linger
The shadows edge the moonlight
And desire's of the heart remember

The laughter has not been silenced
Roses do not darken and wither
A heart not wrenched with agony intense
And desire's of the heart do not shatter

In midnight pangs your music beckons
Twirling, arching to your sweet chords
A soul cries out to the heavens
As trembling lips whisper forgotten words

Longing to feel you wipe the tears from my eyes
And lovingly kiss me one last goodbye

ALesiach © 01/12/2018
462 · Jul 2019
In My Dreams
ALesiach Jul 2019
The winds are whispering low
As the night touches the sky
Where stars twinkle and glow
Behind clouds of ghostly white

Lying down between the pages
Lulled to sleep, in your own world
A book faded by ages
Where lost memories unfurl

To forget, for a moment
Awake, you'll never be
Our time lost, taken, stolen
Sweet death takes you from me

Let me stay for a while, in sleep
For tomorrow in sorrow, I shall weep

ALesiach © 01/13/2018
458 · Jul 2019
Butterfly Wishes
ALesiach Jul 2019
Today a butterfly
fluttered through the sky.

Swooping, drawing near,
floating close enough to hear,

the wish whispered softly,
through teardrops a little salty.

It landed on the little nose
and heard the giggle as it goes.

To the heavens it soared up high,
releasing the wish on a little sigh.

ALesiach © 02/16/2015
455 · Jul 2019
ALesiach Jul 2019
In winter's mist, the magic swirled,
as darkness descended on the earth,
reflected in water, a Dragon's birth.

His scales glistened of red and gold,
his eyes sparkled green and bold,
his mystical beauty touched my soul.

His mighty wings unfurled for flight,
'twas such a wondrous sight,
to watch his twist and turns in the night.

As his wings danced in silent waves,
his solitary stare captured my gaze,
his power and presence held absolute sway,
as I awaited my fate.

Then, down he swooped through the air,
seemingly without a care,
and I wonder how I would fare.

Towards me he came,
softly calling my name,
his snout ablaze with his flame.

As he landed on the snow,
He said I am friend not a foe,
Come, let us go.

Flapping his wings we did rise,
up, up into the sky,
eyes shining bright,
having never known such delight.

ALesiach © 09/26/2014
453 · Jul 2019
ALesiach Jul 2019
darkened sky rumbles
lightning strikes flashes deep
steady blue raindrops falling

ALesiach © 8/2016
452 · Jul 2019
ALesiach Jul 2019
Just beyond the sunset
the day's end paints the red horizon
radiance of orange, yellow, and purple light
what a brilliant sight.

Scent of wood fires burning
a coyote's howl fills the air
the day's song is at an end
and night's lullaby now begins.

ALesiach © 9/24/2016
446 · Aug 2019
Joys of Childhood
ALesiach Aug 2019
Pleasure in small things
Everything is possible
Playing in the sun

ALesiach © 08/1/2019
440 · Jul 2019
My Love Adieu
ALesiach Jul 2019
They say love blooms in the springtime
and love is always true,
but our love was just a moment in time
your life was fleeting, my love adieu

ALesiach © 02/03/2019
399 · Jul 2019
Seasons Memories
ALesiach Jul 2019
Dreams of you and I
Kissing under warm spring rain
Memories of love

Dreams of you and I
Warm embrace in summer fields
Memories of love

Dreams of you and I
Strolls on a cool autumn lane
Memories of love

Dreams of you and I
Snuggles on cold winter days
Memories of love

ALesiach © 07/30/2019
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