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7.5k · Apr 2014
The Sparkle Within Your Eyes
Wendell A Brown Apr 2014
The fire in my heart never seems to dim
Nor does the sparkle in your eyes go away
Neither will its radiance ever find itself replaced
By the sunshine which finds my face each day

So soothing are my dreams of your caring heart
When you leave for work going away from me
Yet, your image completely floods my mind today
As your smiling face is the only thing I now see

I feel your heart's loves call as you think of me
As each moment passes I also dream of you
Because I feel it’s alive within each breath I take
While my heart slowly sings a love-song so true  

And the truest treasure I have in my life
Can only be found alive each day in you,
As the most beautiful display of love in my day
Is found alive in everything you always do

And within my heart one will surely find
A soothing fire which never seems to die
For its always fed each moment which passes
By the alluring sparkle found in your eyes
A poem praising love
6.0k · Apr 2014
A Treasure
Wendell A Brown Apr 2014
A treasure is found in the sunrise
When my eyes open up to you
For the fiery sun in its brilliance
Shall be my golden jewel

And its beauty shall remind me always
Of how rich I am my Sweet Lord
When your love is such a part of me
That so daily I need you more

And even if many know you
I feel no one knows you better than me
What you bring so daily to each of our lives
With your love, your strength and integrity

For even if my flesh was to deny you
My spirit and soul will always be yours
And they shall always possess deep within
The sweet treasure you laid in store

Until the day of my real birth finally comes
When my spirit leaves this body and the battle is won.
A prayer
5.3k · Jan 2015
Your Smile
Wendell A Brown Jan 2015
Your smile always makes
The morning better, and
There is no medicine that
Can lift my soul as its
Pure essence.

For you need not speak to
Me with words, for your
Eyes show an embracing
Glow that lets me know
How you feel.

The life alive within
Them lets me know I
Am always loved by your
Heart, and treasured in
Your thoughts

You daily show no matter
What happens in my life
You are the only one who
Can make me whole.
4.3k · Dec 2014
Wendell A Brown Dec 2014
May the hand of our Lord always guide you
May His tender love daily anoint your heart
May the peace of His heaven fill your world
As this New Year's breath begins to start

May His grace in your mind be steadfast
May the light of His Spirit fill your face
May you never again feel any loneliness
As you live daily in His loving embrace

May your spirit be blessed very abundantly
Writing and sharing what He bequeaths to you
May you strive to inspire and touch another
In the wonderful way He also does for you

Be charitable and kind in your daily walk
Never finding hatred or prejudice within
Living your life each day in a humble way
As this new year in your life now begins

May each step you take this year resemble
The sharing life our Lord always displayed
And you will find His spirit blessing you
As His grace guides your life each new day.
4.3k · May 2015
The Light In Your Eyes
Wendell A Brown May 2015
When I saw a diamond
yesterday, I saw the fire
which lives in your eyes

I saw the deep blazing
beauty that often causes
grown men to cry

I felt the pains that
many in life endure,
who suddenly find a
very deep need…

To have that fire alive
within the diamonds heart
become the one to satisfy
their daily needs

For in that tiny window
I saw something precious
which might even compare
to you

Yet when I saw your
smile as the sun rose
this morning I could no
longer continued with
this sad ruse

For even though the
brilliant flame of a
diamond, will burn so
very bright…

Even its brilliance alone
can never compare to the
radiance that daily fills
your eyes with its exquisite
love, romance, radiance, exquisite, blessing
4.1k · Apr 2014
Will Always Make Me Stay
Wendell A Brown Apr 2014
The way you look at me sometimes
Often sweeps my mind away
Only leaving images of your beauty
To help my mind pass the time of day

The look which I see upon your face
Needs not words to let me know
What your look does express so vividly
For only my heart understands it so

This day has learned to decipher
All the precious looks you send my way
No longer leaving me to ponder
Why you wanted me in your life to stay

As I receive the loving gaze you send my way
Which becomes the best part of my day
I find myself eagerly waiting to return
A look of love to you in that same special way
A captivating love....
4.0k · Jul 2014
Your Brightness
Wendell A Brown Jul 2014
When I think of what you share daily
So bright my day is always made to be
For you are like the sun at its very best
Which God lovingly allows each day to be

For you are all the sweet happiness
Which my heart tightly holds within
And you are also the blissful ecstasy
Which each new day seeks to begin

And I always seem to find myself dreaming
Of many beautiful new ways each day
So I may never be without the brightness
Which I feel your heart sending my way

My Life finds each moment made pleasurable
As I find your soft radiance blessing me
And I find to be much more priceless
The embrace of your brightness I always need.

'Precious memories of love shall abound in
the dreams of many,  yet your love shall
be a true lasting reality to only me.'
a beautiful note
3.6k · Apr 2014
Enchanting Eyes
Wendell A Brown Apr 2014
Your beauty touches of a stars heavenly radiance
For in your face is captured their celestial glow
In blissful pools of endless starlight splashing
And I alone my love will always deeply know

The value of your beautifully enchanting eyes
Which securely hold in bond my heart each day
In a powerless confinement of cupids sweet adore
Where my love easily grows in an abounding way

For deep in my dreams I have always sought
Your heart's love which daily endears my mind
For it has always been my heart's fervent desire
To of your sweet love belong an infinite time

For to serve the daily needs of your lovely heart
Each day  leaves my face with an enthralling glow
Knowing I will never have a single desire to depart
Those beautifully enchanting eyes who love me so.
3.4k · Jan 2015
Wendell A Brown Jan 2015
I touched your hand and never knew
I would suddenly fall in love with you
I never realized in a single moment
My dream would finally come true

I did not anticipate the serenity
Which falling in love would bring
Yet when I embrace you in my arms
I felt the joy that makes one sing

Every moment when you are next to me
My heart feels it has found heaven  
I never thought I would feel this way
As many amazing feelings would begin

I never knew after kissing your lips
My heart would come to know such pain
I never thought I would be sad and happy
When my heart would speak your name

When I find myself waiting for you
So anxious are the times embracing me
But all is made to become much better
By the joy in your smile I always see

I never imagined when I embraced you
My heart would be quickly swept away
Yet I found that magic moment to happen
As I received your gift of love today.
3.3k · Apr 2014
Endless Grace
Wendell A Brown Apr 2014
I thought of you when
I was sad today, and you
Made a smile appear

Right on my face you
Have replaced, a lost
Moment’s unhappy tear

And within the thought
Of you came a brightness,
Shining as bright as the  
Newly risen sun.

As I quietly reflected upon
The goodness I received,
Realizing your outpouring
Of grace is never done.
A morning prayer
3.3k · Jan 2017
Wendell A Brown Jan 2017
Each day I am made very wealthy
By the embrace of your lovely smile
I find my heart becomes inspired
As my day becomes more worthwhile

Many will never have this chance
To love someone the likes of you
Feeling the taste of a genuine love
Whose daily goal is to love me true

Bringing to life a daily assurance
In times of sickness or good health
Your consistent and genuine love
Will be my heart's treasured wealth.
A thank you poem to my wife!
3.1k · Sep 2015
Wendell A Brown Sep 2015
Many invest their money in policies,
That will pay when one day they die
Some think by working hard each day
It will bring peace into their lives

Others place their trust in riches,
Worldly things which will only fade
But I have the greatest insurance policy,
For the LORD CHRIST, is with me today

And even though my body dies daily,
There is one thing which I can be sure
That when I leave this shell of flesh,
I will be with my LORD forever more

For He has given me His promise,
So that within I may rest assured
That imagination cannot comprehend,
What for me He does have in store

And though this world is troubling,
With many obstacles in our way
I know within the embrace of JESUS,
That my heart and soul will stay

For my faith will never allow me,
To depart the policy which pays true
And you can bank all on His promise,
That with Our LORD you will never lose.
3.0k · Mar 2017
Wendell A Brown Mar 2017
Kindred spirits sharing love from around the world,
Touching each other with their welcoming words
Having never seen another face to face at all
Embracing life pages as their words are now heard

We find great hope in the hearts and minds we meet
Eating from the same table of Gods creative delight
As are filled daily with amazing genuine words
Finding our great love for sharing helps us to unite

Daily together we lift up hungry spirits in this world
With our individual gifts trying not to leave one behind
As we all are part of the same beautiful sharing coverlet
Full of the real love which our God always had in mind

Even though we as humans in many ways are the same
We each are gifted specifically by His heavenly design
Being bound to the loving spirit of sharing our words
To shine radiantly through others His true love divine

United we become a real compelling power to others
When our written words genuinely carry true weight
Because the strength of our inner spirits great vigor
Over time helps many lives in this world be reshaped.
“You are all beautiful people, continue to help
change, and reshape the world.”
2.9k · Oct 2015
Wendell A Brown Oct 2015
What happens as love finds new life
Within ones heart in a genuine way
When a beautiful treasure blossoms
One which takes inner breath away

What happens when life given words
Refreshes a heart and deeply instills
The blessing of a Loves sweet reality
Whose spiritual touch is always real

What happens as moments are shared
When spoken words bring one to pray
Leaving such a spiritual loveliness
Which in a heart will forever stay

What happens as sweet joy comes alive
Making one to feel they are never alone
When in their heart and spirit is found
Seeds of a precious love finding a home

There is a genuine selfless love existing
When shared it continues to blossom more
Especially when it's bliss is heaven-sent
We find each day it refuses to be ignored

For my heart listens to Your smiles voice
Each morning Lord as Your love awakens me
Embracing me with Your precious happiness
As I praise You for the gift I received.
A psalm of love written to honor God!
2.5k · Apr 2014
Very Contented
Wendell A Brown Apr 2014
My God is a consuming fire
Who does meet my every need
He bounds my spirit in his pocket
As he quietly watches over me

Never again will I be alone
Or far from his eyes which see
For wherever it is I am in life
He will always be close to  me

He never forsakes me a moment
Of his blessed bread to eat
For my Lord provides my supper
And the spiritual drink I need

Though around me sin abounds
Each day pulling at my senses
His spirit allows my heart to see
Through all of sin’s pretenses

For my loving God, is pure life to me
Surrounding me with angelic fences
Holding me closely each and everyday
While keeping my heart very contented.
Being contented with Gods love
2.4k · Aug 2014
Your Soft Beautiful Smile
Wendell A Brown Aug 2014
Your soft beautiful smile embraces me
Whenever i find you to come so near
Inside my heart at that precious moment
I find when it happens I shed a quiet tear

Full of the deep and genuine happiness
I find my heart gives birth to each new day
It never leaves me ever to question or reason
Why so very near in my life I want you to stay

I find all of our moments we spend together
Seem to perfectly frame deep inside
A particular perfect and lovely treasure
That the love in my heart will never deny

I love sharing the daily softness of your smile
Which In my life I will always want to stay
Constantly embracing my world with its blessings
So its enchanting happiness I may enjoy each day

For I am made alive by its exquisite glow
And my life is refreshed by its energy
Making it always possible to love you so freely
While enjoying the precious love you bring to me
2.4k · Aug 2014
In A Special Way
Wendell A Brown Aug 2014
The sunset was oh' so beautiful
the memories of the day so fleet
And the nights became so lasting
for so many were without sleep

The midnight sky was so very beautiful
the heavenly stars above were so bright
The darkness was serene and tranquil
while all the moments just seem right

The thoughts alive within were lovely
and the dreams which were mine divine
While the minutes of this fine moment
seem right to pen some verse and rhyme

For in the air my ears heard the melodies
of a sweet love song riding upon the wind
Which friend cupid sent by two lovebirds
magically causing my head to gently spin

And the flooding colors of the new sunrise
diffused beautifully in the sky this day
As I finally realized what happened to me
I fell in love with you in a special way.
2.3k · Sep 2015
Wendell A Brown Sep 2015
Who will wipe away my many tears,
As for my dear love one I now weep
Who will be there to help me rest easy
While at night I try to fall fast asleep

Who will embrace me ever so tightly
Or who can ever take your place,
Who will say my name like you did
Placing a soft smile upon my face

Where are you now my sweet flower
When I need you most in my life
Where is the sound of your laughter
That always made each day so right

For my eyes grow tired from weeping
And my knees are weak from prayer
And I cannot let go of what I lost
When you were taken away from here

For every time the door bell rings
Or the telephone announces a call
I jump in expectation with a hope
That from my life you did not fall

And yet still my mind grows weary
As I once again try to fall asleep
And I can’t let go of your memory
When your image my heart still keeps

….until we meet again
Originally written for those who suffer loss on 9/11, but it is so relative to the many who suffer tragic loss around the world daily!
2.2k · Apr 2014
Deeper In Love
Wendell A Brown Apr 2014
As each day in my life passes by
I fall deeper in love with You
As the sun does rise and set
I find it always remains so true

There will never be a day I face
When You are not fully on my mind
For loneliness no longer dwells within
As my soul knows no lonesome times

My eyes shed tears of sweet happiness
Yet, in my heart I shine radiantly
As my smile daily shows it gladness
With words spoken so enchantingly

Of the One whom I love so deeply
With the passing of each new day
As each one brings me a blessing new
My love grows deeper in many ways.
A psalm for God
2.1k · Jan 2015
What Songs
Wendell A Brown Jan 2015
What songs shall find new life within me
When the darkness softly embraces the sky
As the sun runs it course into the ocean
While like a master painter he fills my eyes

With the beauty of another very lovely sunset
Whose spiritual rhythms softly soothe my soul
While massaging my heart with his tender caress
Leaving on its walls many sweet memories of gold

He brings my heart within to dance vibrantly  
Full of his love's most radiant lasting kiss
Joyfully reminding me when tomorrow comes
I will be filled once again with its loveliness

Which he spent the night away from me preparing
The most breathtaking scene one can ever find
So when I open my eyes to greet the new dawning
I will be embraced lovingly by a treasure divine.
Inspired by the sun fading into the sunset, but even more by the creator, who gives us such beauty at the end,and the new dawning another priceless gift to treasure!
2.1k · Mar 2017
Wendell A Brown Mar 2017
When I first saw your smiling face
That first time I felt its embrace
At that moment I began to believe
You would be the only one for me

Your image would daily enter my dreams
While filling my heart with pleasantries
Within came to life songs I would sing
About your loveliness, I would daily see

With each new awakening moment, I find
There is no place I would rather now be
Then living and enjoying life by your side
Thanking God for what He's made to be

And the whole of me joyfully surrenders
All of what I am now, and soon will be
For I know each day with you in my life
How spiritually lovely it will always be...

Each day I'm blessed by your precious love!
2.1k · Sep 2015
Wendell A Brown Sep 2015
Let loves harmonies flow together
From the deep river which lies within
Let The life given waters from above
Have their moment of peace to begin

Let the minds and hearts we possess
Meld together always joining as one
Let the light of his heaven up above
Shine forth with its fervent blessings

Let it embrace this deep love we feel
Which inside us each day will reside
Let the peace of Gods blissful tranquility
Shower us with life rains from the sky

Covering us and gently filling our hearts
With his perfect selfless love deep inside
For his heavenly peace is now ours to own
Daily giving birth where true love abides

God's touch of grace will keep us pleased
If this love we feel we now promise to keep
Especially since He brought us together as one
Filling our lives with his beautiful harmony.
2.0k · May 2017
Wendell A Brown May 2017
Each night when I am dreaming
I tenderly think of loving you
Embracing every joyful moment
For I love everything you do

My nightly dreams are very serene
As my heart drinks of tender bliss
Finding my mind easily swept away
During the times we share a kiss

It is such a very beautiful moment
Each night my mind begins to dream
Of your lovely image alive within
Reminding me you are my everything

And with the new day's dawning
I'm never sad as my dream fades
Because I know as I open my eyes
Your love's reality always stays.
A poem for my wife!
2.0k · Apr 2014
Filling Me With Your Glow
Wendell A Brown Apr 2014
Your smile reaches deep within me
And its radiance touches my soul
Its softness makes the moment tender
When you are filling me with its glow

My heart is made to shine brightly
As the sun above in the sky each day
In my eyes I am seen to smile happily
As your glow takes my breath away

When I feel the emotions you feel so deeply
Many times it brings my tears to softly cry
For never have I found love to be wonderful
Until I felt the warmth of your glow inside

For your smile has the magic to move my heart
With a beautiful passion which never lets me go
And its sweet loveliness makes my mind to sway
As your smile fills me with its lasting glow
moved by a smile
2.0k · May 2015
A Gift Of Heavenly Love
Wendell A Brown May 2015
My heart awakens each day with a psalm,
Which I will joyfully recite for my King.
A psalm of pure love, a psalm of praise,
Because the Lord means everything to me.

And on my knees I happily speak the words,
Bowing down before his heavenly throne.
Lovingly he accepts what is spoken by lips,
For he knows their melodies are never done.

He saved me from sin’s deep darkened pit,
And from sinking into its tormented hell.
He gave his life as a ransom for me,
And now my heart each day must now tell.

Of his goodness, his love, and tender mercies,
How his loving grace has set me forever free.
How he saved a lowly sinner from certain death,
Giving me his blessing of life I surely need.

And that is why my heart will tell the world
About the precious salvation he alone brings
For he is more valuable than even my own life
Because he means more than this world to me.
A poem for God
2.0k · Sep 2015
Wendell A Brown Sep 2015
Think about the brightest star
Ever to grace the midnight sky
Think about the softest glow
That can bring a smile alive

Think about the tranquil bliss
That each morning fills our hearts
Think about the softest touch
Which you never want to depart

Think about the tightest embrace
The one which takes breath away
Think about the most beautiful kiss
Which you found ever to grace your day

Then you will always be reminded of
The treasured glow which lives inside
Whenever I feel the magical touch
Which embraces me daily from your eyes.
Written for my wife
1.9k · Apr 2014
Simply Put
Wendell A Brown Apr 2014
My heart embraces you daily
As your smile sweeps me away
And I am now as always
Of your love a willing slave

It does not take much to please me
For its easy when it comes to you
You provide such simple pleasures
With everything you say and do

I try not to ever think about
How my life would surely be
If I spent it alone without your love
Right here so close to me

So I speak each day in silent prayer
To my God who has blessed me so
Who graces my life daily with your love
Making it a treasure I will never let go
A heart speaks of a genuine love
1.9k · Mar 2017
Wendell A Brown Mar 2017
A flower blossoms in
your shadow every
the moment you pass by

And the morning sun
becomes jealous of
the radiance gifted
to your eyes

The wind becomes envious
because there is never
a way he can cool the day

The way the sweet aroma
of your love soothes me
so easily when you come
my way

I am always lost in
your beauty which each
morning I am blessed
to see

Especially when I find
myself gazing into
your eyes whose loving
embrace never lets me be

Each moment with you
becomes more precious
when my heart cannot
escape your meaningful

And I am lifted by my
heart's flaming desire,
for you are the only one
it will ever think of

And the moments when
I am not with you this
daydream will surely
always begin

As my heart belongs to
you since that moment
when my heart your love
did win.

Photo Image Credit,
1.7k · Jan 2015
Love's Happiness
Wendell A Brown Jan 2015
Love’s happiness and laughter lives within me
It refreshes my body with precision and finesse
Bringing to my mind such exhilarating  beauties
Filling my heart daily with an exquisite bliss

This delight I find brings from within me
What young loves most times often find to be
For my love springs forth sweet joyous notes
Which form such enchanting pulsating melodies

So pleased am I with this new life I daily live
Sharing it with one in whom my heart believes
And I will place within her my wholesome trust
Knowing my heart she will never seek to deceive

I existed in my life as one before meeting her
Yet the whole of me will always now live as two
For she is the better half which God promised
Who in my life would help my dreams come true

For ever since the days when I was a young child
When on my knees to the Lord I would always pray
I knew He would surely answer my many prayers
Bringing forth special joys to bless all of my days

So the tender joy of loves happiness lives in me
Refreshing my heart with such precision and finesse
While adding to my life many  heavenly moments
Which will fill my heart daily with a perfect bliss.
thanking God for the blessings I receive from my wife!
1.7k · Apr 2014
A Smiles Symphony
Wendell A Brown Apr 2014
There is a genuine beauty found
Which is a great part of my day
And what makes it so very special
Is your love sent its smile my way

A genuine beauty is a rare prize
For one alone to solely possess
When endowed with awesome power
To bring alive lasting happiness

Yet I find myself to be the luckiest
When with each new day I am able to see
Another breathtaking beautiful morning
Embraced by your smiles sweet symphony

For what's found very deep in its spirit
Lovingly leaves its radiance upon my face
So if one could really see inside of me
They'll know your smile can never be erased.
Being thankful
1.7k · Apr 2017
Wendell A Brown Apr 2017
True love blossoms into forever pearls
Polished by eternity's lasting kiss
Moments that started within a tiny dream
Lay on a foundation that will always last

As separate hopes and dreams now become one
Never having to struggle alone again
Two inspired hearts both took a leap of faith
For a life of love that will never end

And as we reach for the others warm embrace
Our lips still meet sharing a tender kiss
We find that as time has gently passed
How our union has become so truly blessed

For we were always meant to be
Forever living by the others side
While our love has kept us so very close
Tied together where eternity lies.
Written for my 30th Wedding Anniversary
1.6k · May 2015
Because Of Only One
Wendell A Brown May 2015
I find my mind now begins to daydream
Each and every moment you come near
That even when my eyes begin to close
I see your smile in my mind so clear

All of my thoughts become like a mirror
As your beauty they capture and hold
Imprinting deep on the walls of my heart
The image which each day lights my soul

My heart and mind being easily captured
While each day new feelings begin to rise
In this lovely game as old as earth itself
As love finds a way to place its gift inside

So many moments I find myself to daydream
On the precious moments when you come near
In vain I try to arrest my feelings for you
As the reason for my falling becomes so clear

Deep within, my heart begins to shine brightly
Much more radiant than a thousand burning suns
As I quietly give in knowing I must remember
The joy I feel comes alive because of only one.
A beginning love
Wendell A Brown May 2014
I needed a warm and tender love
To share a dream for two
I needed a love to be my friend
And I found that love was you

I needed someone to become a part
Of a love so genuine and real
For what is love if never used
Or a heart that will never feel

I needed someone to make me
Open my heart so free
I needed someone who also
Had a genuine need for me

I needed someone who needs the love
That I alone can truly give
I needed a love who wanted the same
To share the life we both want to live

I needed a warm and tender love
To share this awesome dream for two
It was easy to determine as I kissed your lips
I knew the love I needed would be you.
A beginning when love is first embraced
1.6k · Jan 2015
His Sweet Name
Wendell A Brown Jan 2015
Within us there is a world unseen
Where a young spirit seeks to know
The voice he begins to hear each day
As His passion for life now grows

He will begin to make tough choices
As the voices within become so alive
Leaving him to seriously ponder daily
Which choice might be wrong or right

For everything he attempts each day
Alone with the choices his heart will make
Will deeply affect the life road he chooses
And within his spirit will now be at stake

Inside the voices strive for dominance
Like two hungry wolves over a tasty meal
And with the choices which are made in life
One gives a blessing while the other kills

We must always seek to be very cognizant
Of the choices each day which are made
So when the end time appears in our lives
By the Name of Jesus we are forever saved.
We should become more aware of what might happen because of the choices we make!
1.6k · Jan 2015
A Spiritual Richness
Wendell A Brown Jan 2015
A spiritual richness blossoms within
When love is shared in a spiritual way
The moment selfish lust is cast aside
Giving His spiritual love a home to stay

For His Living words are very priceless
They are the truest of jewels to hold
They make your spirit to shine radiantly
Much brighter than diamonds or gold

Begin your day within His perfect blessing
Always seek His spirits love to daily hold
And wherever  each day you might travel
Along side of you His spirit will also go

Remember love the Lord God with all your heart
With all your mind, and soul, and strength
And in keeping with that, love your neighbors
As yourself with the love within God did plant
A reminding message!
1.6k · Aug 2014
My Truest Treasure
Wendell A Brown Aug 2014
Shall my heart not look
to you always with each
waking breath

Shall my eyes not climb
upon the wings of the wind
hoping to daily reach your

Shall not my hunger be
greater for you than
anything which exists
in this world

Shall I not seek you out
each day in spiritual
places few have come to
really know

Yes I shall always seek
you Lord when I am blessed
to rise again from my bed

I shall seek out the great
spirit who empowers my life
each day to serve

Because of the priceless
gift you gave to me, when
I humbly gave my heart to

For you gave me life...
and the blessings of your
eternal grace and love.
Thanking the Lord
1.5k · Sep 2015
Wendell A Brown Sep 2015
To gaze upon your glowing beauty each day
Fills my heart with the true joy it needs
As happiness finds itself overwhelming me
Your sweet beauty my heart seeks to seize

And I look forward each day to our meeting
So that by chance you might look my way
While becoming the object of my affection
While chasing the loneliness in my heart away

For I find each night to be so lonely now
When in my dreams your face I always see
Knowing I cannot reach out and touch the beauty
Of the sweet love my heart silently needs

So I know I must find a way to be contented
Until the new day’s brightness comes my way
Allowing your smile to unlock the nightly bars
That each lonely night keeps us far away.
1.5k · Sep 2015
Wendell A Brown Sep 2015
A lifeless object I seem
To become at this moment as
You are nowhere near…

To those close-by who know me
They feel my happiness begin
To disappear

My inner sadness grips each
Passerby as they sense there's
Nothing they can do

They realize no one else at
Days end can bring a smile alive,
Because the only one is you.
1.5k · Jul 2014
Wendell A Brown Jul 2014
A red rose is only
a mirror image of
your beauty, which
each day unambiguously
shows its lovely face

Filling the world all
around me, with all of
its grandeur, its majesty
and superb grace

For what is found to be
alive and rare in a special
fashion, only you my love
surely possess

And it will never be
mirrored by any other
living thing, for none
but a rose can compare
to your loveliness.
a romantic poem
1.5k · Jun 2014
Father's Day
Wendell A Brown Jun 2014
I am not worthy to receive  your perfect love
Yet I have been blessed by your saving grace
As I was disfigured many times by worldly sin
I am thankful for the salvation I now taste

Not a perfect son who should receive favor
When for my many sins I should have died
I am made humble by this love I receive
That make tears fall freely deep inside

I am the example of what your kindness can do
To one who embraces the living word they need
In the past I would never drink of the water
Living in your Spirit which daily sets me free

Yet while still being a sinner, a prodigal son
Who by your grace and mercy was led to the path
I pushed forward, steadily until I came to your door
Finding a pure forgiveness which would always last

And now the only words I can express to You
Speaking from my lips in a very wholesome way
Is to tell you how blessed my world really is
To be counted your loving son each Father's day.
A Father's day poem for our Eternal Father!
1.4k · May 2015
What Beautiful Love
Wendell A Brown May 2015
I was swept away by that first special moment
That first time I gazed into your smiling eyes
Finding myself at that time surely determined
Not to let this special moment in life slip by

I choose never to be without your presence
Or the bliss in my heart you allowed to be
For I found the moment I embraced your smile
The thought of you will again never let me be

My heart and mind now became constant companions
While my thoughts and dreams were tied together too
And they all became so wholesomely blended this day
Seeking To make the reality of your love now come true

Finding my heart deeply touched by your amazing beauty
Also that true enchanting loveliness in your brown eyes
I knew today at this moment of our hearts first meeting
Without you in my life I would never again be satisfied.
1.4k · Apr 2014
So Many Different Ways
Wendell A Brown Apr 2014
I need to see your face each day
To keep my smile alive
I need to hear your gentle voice
To make my heart smile deep inside

For certain things always happen
While you are so close to me
My breath just seems to slip away
And I weaken in my knees

Why would this happen daily
At no particular time or place
Whenever your smile enters my world
Never wanting to be replaced

There is a deep need to see you
As I awaken to begin each day
For only you alone can move my heart
In so many inspiring ways
a romantic poem
1.3k · Jan 2015
Embracing A Dream
Wendell A Brown Jan 2015
I knew you were someone very special
When I embraced your lovely smile today
I knew because of its perfect beauty
I wanted more moments like this to stay

Filling my day with an enchanting beauty
Making my former thoughts easily replaced
For I found myself floating on air today
When I was swept away by your lovely face

I found my mind was easily captured
And my thoughts were no longer my own
My heart was beating very rapidly
As I began dreaming of making you my own

Like the leaves falling throughout Autumn
So I also found myself easily swept away
By a refreshing wind leaving me so helpless
Easily filled with a desire for you to stay

I knew I had to find new ways each day
So that you might for a moment notice me
For since the first moment I saw you
I found my heart would never again be free

I had to choose the perfect time and place
Where we might be able to sit side by side
So I might have the chance to let you know
How much I really wanted you to share my life

I found each night when I would try to sleep
The vision of your smile would keep me awake
And my many dreams would be so beautiful
As within each I would feel your embrace

I begin to realize what I had hoped for
Would one day soon become so very real
And the first moment your hand touched mine
That second for my heart and mind was ideal

That love had found a very lovely place
Within my wanting heart that special day
For the blessing of your genuine smile
I found days later in my life would stay

The blessing which really happened days later
As the soft beauty in your face embraced me
Was totally reaffirmed in a single instant
When you said, you also shared the same dream.
Beginning love
1.3k · Sep 2015
Wendell A Brown Sep 2015
The feelings sought
An outlet of total

They sought with
Bright torches of
Flame a path to

Through dark corridors
With walls tainted with
Loneliness, sadness, and
A heart’s inner misery

They sought bravely
A way to be able to
Freely say what was felt
At this very moment...

That would seem so
Unimportant to another

But to you it would have
The answer that the ears
Of your heart sought so
Desperately to hear

And the emotions found
An opening which came to
life in soft tears...

Forming letters that
Embraced this sheet of
Paper giving it life

And its message of words
Was soft-spoken and complete
In nature as you embraced
Them lovingly hearing the
Words...."I Miss You Always."
1.3k · May 2015
The Purest Treasure
Wendell A Brown May 2015
Hold on tightly to my treasured spirit
A very precious gem many cannot see
Cling to the pearl of great worth
And your faith will always increase

Simply believe in my many promises
Just accept my words as they are read
And my spirit will open up your mind
To help you understand all I have said

Embrace all of the commands I left you
From your heart never let them stray
And you will find each day in your life
They will bring abundant peace your way

Just hold onto what is really valuable
What many desire but cannot truly receive
Daily embracing my divine unblemished love
As the purest treasure there will ever be
A morning prayer
1.3k · Apr 2014
Wendell A Brown Apr 2014
Sometimes I feel so crazy now
Especially at night, so very alone
My heart and soul feel so empty
As my thoughts seem to roam

It seems entirely different these days
How my mistakes I seem to repeat
Whenever I lead with my emotions
Not really evaluating what my eyes see

It seems I become more uneasy now
No longer sure if I should take a chance
As it seems each time I lead with my heart
It always ends in another broken romance

So I think I’ll hold still for the present
Placing my faith in God that I will not slip
And the wife I have asked Him for
Will come into my life with a lasting bliss
Poem was about hoping for love to come
1.3k · Jan 2015
His Lasting Bond Of Love
Wendell A Brown Jan 2015
Your spoken words to my heart tonight were
Do not worry about what you daily face
For when you open your eyes to see the sun
My continuing love your heart will embrace

And When I opened my eyes this morning
My heart arose fervently seeking your love
For when I fell fast asleep in your embrace
I rested in your heavenly bliss from above

My heart felt the touch of your warm caress
Bringing to life in my heart a lasting smile,
I knew you had rewarded me this morning
With your eternal kiss of life worthwhile

I realized with your presence in my life
I would never need to ever worry again
About those things I might face each day
With your Spirit being alive deep within

I  have found the truest treasure of my life
Is your love which makes my heart always sing
Along with the many countless blessings I feel
Which your daily companionship with me brings

I shall write a psalm from my heart each day for You
A psalm of praise for this gift I heartily receive
A beautiful life-changing present of sustaining grace
Full of your continuing love which will never leave.
A psalm of thanks to Jesus
1.3k · Jun 2014
A Smiles Power
Wendell A Brown Jun 2014
You smiled at me
and my heart was
lifted, and you made
me smile in return…

In my moment of
lonely sadness,
a quiet lesson
my heart did learn

For I found there
is something magical
with an awesome
power to brighten
up a day…

Because at the moment
when you smiled at me,
you made the loneliness
In my world to fade.
The power of a smile changes the complexion of a day!
1.3k · Jan 2015
A Promise Of Love
Wendell A Brown Jan 2015
Effortlessly you entered into my world
Filling my life with your precious love
Lovingly you massage my heart deeply
As you become all I will ever dream of

Simple phrases are spoken together
With never a hidden agenda it seems
And one can notice within your smile
You are the love light of my dreams

I will follow you anywhere in this world
Yes, whatever it takes you know I’ll do
After all our shared moments together
I will never ever have enough of you

So I appreciate every minute with you
Within the embrace of those lovely eyes
And besides God only you can share me
In the beginning love promise of our lives.
1.3k · Jun 2014
My Two Loves
Wendell A Brown Jun 2014
As the light of the morning
awakens me, a sweet taste
of heaven touches my lips

And at that moment I think
of the tenderness which
is daily found in your kiss

Even though I was greeted
by the sun, dancing happily
while delighting my eyes

I found my heart entranced
by carefully placed kisses,
whose taste of bliss on my
lips now lie

My beginning this morning
was breathtaking as I was
I was greeted by my two
true loves

For your kisses greeted
me with embracing smiles
shining like the sun in the
sky above

My heart and mind were swept
into a natural high, where I
felt myself flying like a dove

And I found the sweet essence
of heavens bliss alive, within  
the graceful embrace of the two
I love

Inside of my heart I found
myself smiling because of
the sweetness my two loves

Finding my life will always  
be a priceless blessing, because
they give my heart a genuine
reason to sing.
In life to have one true love is so beautiful but with two its a dream come true, especially when one is your heavenly love and the other your earthly soul mate.
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