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519 · Mar 2017
Julie Grenness Mar 2017
This is an ode for a friend,
Her love for her family has no end,
It's playtime with Grandma for
Her grandsons, "Let's play dinosaurs!"
Good for her, let's clap,
Her living legacy, two little chaps,
I bet they love Grandma heaps,
In their hearts her they'll keep,
Likewise, her family love  has no end,
Here's an ode for you, my friend....
Feedback welcome.
517 · Feb 2017
Julie Grenness Feb 2017
Here is a twisted tale,
Snickers without fail,
Imagine if he loved me,
Like I love the person, he,
I guess we all have our fantasy,
Some are quite healthy,
Twist in the tale, indeed,
Imagine if he loved me,
Like I love the person, he......
Feedback welcome.
517 · Jan 2017
Julie Grenness Jan 2017
If I had of magic, a touch,
No task would be too much,
"Wish I were magic,"
Then I could do tricks!
I would make true happiness,
And give the Earth a bless,
With the magic of kindness,
A touch of magic no less!
Feedback welcome
515 · Jan 2017
Julie Grenness Jan 2017
Now this verse has begun,
Who does have the most fun,
*** addicts or tea ladies?
Who'd want to be your  tea lady?
*** addict have the best smiles,
Tell you why, if you listen for a while.......
Feedback welcome.
515 · Sep 2016
Julie Grenness Sep 2016
Was it worth it?
Or was it a load of blip?
Who is now in Afghanistan?
Why, of course, the Taliban,
Each week, we lost some fine young man,
Or, indeed, maimed a lovely woman,
Now there's reprisals galore,
But wait, there's even more,
The refugees are still waiting,
For discrimination to be abating,
Thoughts emanate, like an aside,
Was your trip worth the ride?
No doubt, great feats in Afghanistan,
Thank you, every fine young girl and man.....
Feedback welcome.
514 · Feb 2017
Julie Grenness Feb 2017
Can you really believe this?
Italian melons of steel got her kiss,
She latched on to the newsagent man,
Of Chinese culture, he was her fan,
They planned their weddings back to back,
Both bride and groom to wear basic black,
In multicultural Melbourne, anything's possible,
Buddhas as bombonieres, indeed quite probable,
Yes, melons of steel finally got her blip!
Can you really believe all this!!!!
Feedback welcome.
514 · Jan 2017
Julie Grenness Jan 2017
Once we were all young,
Bug catchers, supposed to be fun,
Was it for us? The bees stung!
Or for the bugs, poor insects,
They didn't learn much, I guess.........
Feedback welcome.
513 · Jan 2017
Julie Grenness Jan 2017
Mere mortals, that's what we all are,
No one is perfect, except for God afar,
"Tempus fugit" for every mortal,
Floating through time's open portals,
Humanity does not live forever,
We'll all be fossils, from the 12th of never,
Mere mortals, that's what we all are,
No one is perfect, except God afar........
Feedback welcome.
511 · May 2022
Scary Stuff!
Julie Grenness May 2022
Are you scared of ghosts?
Is one hiding under your toast?
What is that creaking sound?
Whoops, your poster just fell down!
From my book, More Verse on the Skids. Feedback welcome.
509 · Feb 2017
Julie Grenness Feb 2017
Where do they draw the line?
Things are not suitable for the times,
Some things so not funny, eh!
But acceptable norms do change,
As through the media we range........
Feedback welcome.
509 · Apr 2016
LYRIC POEM (for a contest).
Julie Grenness Apr 2016
"Outside the city where the pomegranates grow..."
In solitude, my soul bloomed alone,
A spiritual journey I pondered on,
For the world, I saw a giant pond,
I prayed for blessings, with a magic wand,
Deliverance from our virtual Armageddon,
From then on, I was not alone,
Collective blessings bloomed at home,
Outside the city where the pomegranates grow,
In solitude, my soul bloomed alone.........
Feedback welcome.
505 · Mar 2017
Julie Grenness Mar 2017
How do you forgive and forget?
What's been done to a woman yet,
Close chapters in your book of life,
Each day, start the rest of your life,
Maybe think no hard feelings, yes,
Each day, good intentions, no less,
How do you forgive and forget?
Go on, blame the woman, that's the best!
Feedback welcome.
504 · Jan 2017
Julie Grenness Jan 2017
This is a verse for the grey nomad,
An archetypal older lad,
What? Bored with watching TV?
Why can't you travel without her or me?
So, you wish to travel, "Off the beaten track!"?
Camping, "Back to the basics!" Alas, alack!
Are you camping alone tonight?
Sooky! Older ladies have seen the light,
Indoor plumbing is all the go,
We wave rolling stones, "Bye!" no woe......
Feedback welcome.
503 · Apr 2017
Julie Grenness Apr 2017
Here in my old lady's den,
I retreat and reflect, do you ken?
I can hide from everyone,
Introversion can be fun!
I scribble verse s I meditate,
I close the door and welcome faith,
Shhhh! Pray in silence, as our Bible sayeth!
Feedback welcome.
Julie Grenness Dec 2016
Right now, wish I was windsurfing,
Or maybe  even parasailing,
But, at my age, the flab is not so teeny,
Do not look good in a polka dot bikini,
We all want to change the status quo,
Why? Humans do not need to know,
Because we are all  humans, you know........
Feedback welcome.
494 · Feb 2017
Julie Grenness Feb 2017
Who really has world power?
Think on this while you shower,
If you own the coffee or tea,
You own the home, prithee,
That's molls' rules, you see,
"Do you want a cup of tea?"
Our magic word is 'please',
Be nice to tea ladies,
Or there's no more coffee or tea,
Is that power, or what?
Tea ladies rule, so what!
Feedback welcome.
493 · Mar 2017
Julie Grenness Mar 2017
Off to a distant planet,
In a spaceship with our best,
What would you take, Nasa?
What of our culture really matters?
Books of lit. and Maths,
Maybe faith, perhaps,
Music, art and maps,
Or a book of isms.
to start new religions,
or the history of the human race,
Send it all into outer space,
In a spaceship with our best,
Star trekkers one day, I guess,
Nasa's vast plan, no less......
Feedback welcome.
493 · Jan 2017
Julie Grenness Jan 2017
This is an ode to strangers,
As past my gaze you ranges,
Do you all have happier lives?
Or is that advertising jive?
No human is perfect, I guess,
Of has a  perfect life, no less,
Anyone can make a mistake, confess!
Pappas don't preach, I suggest,
Men just don't understand, be blessed!
Feedback welcome.
Julie Grenness Dec 2016
It's Parent/Teachers interviews today,
Come along and share the blame,
They're graduating just the same,
Kids have a teacher free day,
We gave them Standardised tests,
Their self-esteem needs a rest,
That's why this school has a fence,
Who's got the common sense?
Yes, the PT interviews are today,
Come along and share the blame!
Feedback welcome.
490 · Feb 2017
Julie Grenness Feb 2017
He left her in the lurch,
Standing at the door of the church,
Like a senior Miss Havisham,
She'd been ****** in by his spam,
She trailed off home,
Faced her life alone,
Unveiled her black wedding frock,
Thought, "'I'm  really better off,
I'll manage great, mates,
With him I shall not participate,
As in Chazza Dickens' literary creations,
A tale of dud expectations,
With senior passion--no relations!
Feedback welcome.
490 · Aug 2019
Julie Grenness Aug 2019
Really, there was no need to fuss,
I signed on with Yarn Anonymous,
Here I stand to confess,
I bought more wool, not less,
Then I did sign the pledge,
I took abstinence to the edge,
Here I stand and say,
I have not bought wool for ten whole days!
Feedback welcome, one for my craft group ladies.
489 · Jan 2017
Julie Grenness Jan 2017
Yes, it was shock therapy,
The power went out, you see,
No more internet for me and thee,
We were so addicted, totally,
One whole day, no electricity,
A day with no internet and no TV,
Yes, it was shock therapy......
Feedback welcome.
488 · Mar 2016
Julie Grenness Mar 2016
I heard Isaiah call to say,
Listen to me in silence today,
Let the sacred light guide our way,
Isaiah called to us to say,
Listen to me in silence today,
In quiet stillness in your hearts,
Listen to me, don't let us part,
One light of God to lead the way,
For Peace on Earth, let us pray,
Listen to me in silence today,
I heard Isaiah call to say.
A thought from the Bible. Feedback welcome.
488 · May 2016
Julie Grenness May 2016
We all dream of a soul mate,
Maybe it is never too late,
We give each other's love away,
Do we get more back this way?
A soul mate for symbiosis,
Even if I never meet this his,
Your cherished dreams can come true,
Who is a soul mate for a guy like you?
Feedback welcome.
487 · Jan 2017
Julie Grenness Jan 2017
Wakey! Wakey! Brrrrring!
My clock does start its ring,
That'd be quite a shock,
If into the bin, I threw the clock,
No, its wake up o'clock,
Do you all hate your clocks?
Feedback welcome.
487 · Jun 2015
Julie Grenness Jun 2015
The Interview.

My agenda today is an interview,
I'm looking forward to meeting you.
Come along, sit right down, have a beer,
Waiting for this chat, my dear,
I'm asking, "Can you make me happy?"
You look an intelligent chappy!
What does make women happy? Let's chat,
If you please women, they'll give you a clap.
Do you always wear a kind smile?
Grace for women, for a long while.
Do you aim to manipulate?
This women do not appreciate!
Do you yell and swear and bluster,
No, to women, you won't pass the muster,
Are you a man of peace?
Yes, that would really please!
Yes, that would make me happy!
A peaceful, loyal smiling chappy!

Now, let's conclude this interview,
I did so enjoy this chat with you!
Feedback welcome.
487 · Oct 2015
Julie Grenness Oct 2015
Come,  sit down beside me, and do tell,
Is a book on Agnosticism non-fiction, as well?
Let's choose a book of literary spells,
Let's go to the library to dwell,
Let's spread the word of literacy,
Billions of people need to read,
Thoughts, ideas and opinions for free,
Would you classify --isms as fiction?
Is a book of Agnosticism non-fiction?
Is Atheism a true creed?
Fabulous negativity, Kafkas, prithee,
Come sit down beside me, let's read.
Feedback welcome.
486 · Sep 2019
Julie Grenness Sep 2019
Yes, it was an incredible aroma,
I walked past a shop called, "Pizza of Roma",
In our little Oz suburbia,
I'm having pizza, not to disturb ya!
Tantalizing scent is this,
Yah, pizza, full of bliss,
Ah, aroma incredibilis!
Feedback welcome Have a laugh.
484 · Jan 2017
Julie Grenness Jan 2017
If we could rewrite time,
To change mists of time in rhymes,
If only's wreck your days,
If only we change this haze,
All drifted away, out of sight,
Blurred in these mists of mine,
If only we could all rewrite time.....
Feedback welcome.
Julie Grenness Apr 2016
I shall write a little verse this day,
What are the best words to say
In an introductory way?
"Are you doing okay?"
"I'm okay, how about you?"
"I'm okay, thank you!"
"I'm very well, thank you!"
Or, "Who do you barrack for today?"
Or, " I have alcohol, yah!"
Or, "I love you always!"
Did you know speech is evolving?
Every discourse improving,
Human languages progressing,
So, what are some words to say?
I ask in my verse today......
Feedback welcome.
480 · Jan 2016
Julie Grenness Jan 2016
This is Australia Day!
Home of the free,
Because of the brave,
Off to save democracy,
Because of the brave,
One big melting *** for thee,
Because of  the brave,
Home of the free,
Our personal fave,
Home of the free,
Because of the brave,
This is Australia Day!
Feedback welcome.
480 · Jan 2017
Julie Grenness Jan 2017
Yes, what tales of non romance,
In some stranger's dance,
Some women get love's short  shrift,
Not so lucky, get my drift,
It's called love and catastrophes,
Spare me the drama mamas, please!
(And they're supposed to be men, prithee!!)
Feedback welcome.
480 · Feb 2017
Julie Grenness Feb 2017
As the Bible did me told,
I was young, now I am old,
A message in words like whispers,
Old bags, in no immediate danger,
A peaceful heart is the trick,
Stay away from dipsticks!
Feedback welcome.
478 · Feb 2017
Julie Grenness Feb 2017
Do you use online prompts?
To create a poetic response,
Sometimes ideas come to me,
Like an interior visionary,
Is that what a muse is to thee?
Or do you use hokey online prompts,
To create your poetic response?
Feedback welcome.
476 · Dec 2016
Julie Grenness Dec 2016
Hats off to History!
Do we really change the story?
Are wars ever such glory?
Old men relishing the gory,
Hats off to History,
Can we change the past,
Each armed conflict is the last,
Change the future, indeed,
Thoughts for you to read!
Feedback welcome.
Julie Grenness Jan 2017
In my dreams, there is a new religion,
A tingle of life for all the pigeons,
It was named the "Holy Romans",
Sparkling Planet Earth's humans,
All  the plebs happy and smiling,
The "Holy Romans" is beguiling,
Peace, Kindness, all that's good,
One global worldwide brotherhood,
Maybe dreams come true, I say,
Let's have a "Holy Romans" day!
Feedback welcome.
473 · Mar 2017
Julie Grenness Mar 2017
Some Oz towns sound quite ill,
Yes, there is a town called Rooty Hill,
Where quims are  waiting for the quills,
And everyone forgot the pill,
Lots of babes in Rooty Hill,
Heaps of girls for boys to till,
Only in Oz, could there be Rooty Hill,
Guess what folks do in Rooty Hill...
Let's all raise a glass, like a pack of dills,
Yes, it's beer o'clock in Rooty Hill!!!!!!
Feedback welcome.
473 · Sep 2019
Julie Grenness Sep 2019
Ripples in a slow river, lazy,
Flowing down time for thee,
All the nostalgic memories,
Ghosts of the survivors, yes,
Living in our hearts to bless,
Then we'll all fade away into space,
Floating away in the ripples of grace.....
Feedback welcome
472 · Apr 2017
Julie Grenness Apr 2017
Look at this, on April the Fourth,
A man torched his Porsche in Ringwood North,
Now, that is a headline to read,
Why did he torch his Porsche, indeed?
Well, for insurance, obviously,
So, he's in the manure, prithee,
Poor fellow got sprung, you see,
I do admire rhymes in literacy!
Feedback welcome.
471 · Jan 2017
Julie Grenness Jan 2017
Reading before sleep is good,
To wind down is what we should,
But! This book is neverending,
Page after page I am bending,
Why is this book unending?
First chapter was so great,
I thought the book first rate,
But, by now, the story is ruined,
All the characters seem doomed,
Right, book, back to the library with you,
I'm off to the library lucky dip,
Try new authors, that's my tip,
No, indeed,  I shan't sook,
I'll return this unending book!
Feedback welcome.
469 · Nov 2015
Julie Grenness Nov 2015
We're really showing our age,
As we turn another page,
Life in the Magic Faraway Tree,
Gossamer floating fairy,
Translucent veil of Silky,
Ethereal and delicate,
Gauzy and so intricate,
Sheer and diaphanous,
Cobweb wings so vaporous,
Someone kind to take her hand,
Smiling face of the Saucepan Man,
Now I'm old, I've got a job,
I've turned into Dame Washalot,
Our imaginary friends have faded away......
Yes, we're all showing our age,
Let's turn another magical page.
Feedback welcome.
468 · Apr 2017
Julie Grenness Apr 2017
Today is the first day,
of the rest of your life,
So how are you going to spend your day?
As it is, indeed, Sunday funday,
And blessings on each of us, this way,
Plan things you enjoy, pastimes,
Relax, it's weekend time!
Feedback welcome.
467 · Apr 2017
Julie Grenness Apr 2017
Yes, it's true, Earthlings,
One of life's strangest things,
No one is alone,
God sent viruses to make us moan,
With influenza, no one is alone,
I'm full of germs a'breeding,
Cotton wool legs are a'pleading,
The virus is procreating,
Here I flake, incubating,
One of life's strangest things,
God sent us viruses to make us moan,
No one is alone, no?
Tongue kiss, anyone, no?????
Feedback welcome.
465 · Jan 2017
Julie Grenness Jan 2017
By mistake,  I joined the rat race,
A one off, felt so out of place,
All speeding at a hectic rate,
So, I was in the wrong lane, great!
When changing lanes was a risky business,
Home in one piece, that's all to say, I guess!
Feedback welcome.
465 · Feb 2021
Cool Cars!
Julie Grenness Feb 2021
In my burb, cool cars are superstars,
They never seem to travel far,
They drive off to the bottle shop,
Head off home, dodging the cops,
Maybe they seek lively young babes,
I think the **'s are giggling away,
Another trip to the bottle shop,
Your fun police, I am not,
I do not care where your mufflers are,
Cool cars here are superstars!
Feedback welcome.
464 · Feb 2017
Julie Grenness Feb 2017
If I had a cause,
I would work for the paws,
I'm for animal liberation,
End that experimentation,
Who made us gods of them?
Power corrupts, ahem,
Yes, if I had a cause,
I would work for the paws......
Feedback welcome.
464 · Dec 2015
Julie Grenness Dec 2015
A tribute in our golden years,
As  I recollect, no poignant tears,
I glimpsed him in my peripheral vision,
By now, we're both older editions,
A friend of a friend of  a friend,
Floating away like golden pollen,
I trust my thoughts to him do wend,
That was  once a quote, I sigh,
" I did but see him passing by,"
Crying and weeping is not for me,
Glancing at such distant memories,
Yes, a friend of a friend of a friend,
Floated away like stardust pollen,
I reminisce, such a dear,
A tribute in our golden years.
A whimsy, feedback welcome.
464 · Mar 2017
Julie Grenness Mar 2017
Here, this a noble book!
400 pages of total sook,
Let's turn the page and have a look,
Why the team did lose,
Didn't the supporters boo,
It's published by OUP,
Snivelling galore, read  and see,
"We was robbed!", we all got that,
"Did not pull the flag out of the hat!"
"We was too slow and small!"
We got that, is that all?
"No, the umpires are maggots and cheats!"
Got that! "Gee, the team played weak!"
Got that, any excuse for you,
"Our team are bunch of tools!"
Got that, "They had no skills!"
Got that, "They're a pack of dills!"
Any excuse, now blame the coach again,
"Another year of footy down the drain!"
You're supposed to be good losers, eh,
Any excuse for you, that's the way!
Feedback welcome.
460 · Apr 2017
Julie Grenness Apr 2017
Our lawn mowing man is called 'Flipper',
He does a great job, what a ripper!
He got the flu, we were a bit stiffer,
Our garden was full of triffids!
Then he returned, thank you, Flipper,
Now there are no triffids!
Feedback welcome.
458 · Feb 2017
Julie Grenness Feb 2017
I walked along the road one day,
Picked up a note along the way,
I unfolded it and read,
My heart filled with dread,
What did this little note say,
That I picked upon the way?
"You are going to be hit by a bus!"
So I walked off the road, no fuss,
Safe on first, walking one day,
Picked up a note along the way,
Everything changes, you might say,
Try not walking on  the road today!
Feedback welcome.
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