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586 · Aug 2015
Julie Grenness Aug 2015
Paradox in a poem,
No rhyme or rhythm,
Time Lord aboard,
Across space and time,
Crossing all the lines,
Deep cold eons,
Between galaxies,
Spiral nebulae,
Glittering stars,
Beyond and afar,
Time Lord aboard,
Across space and time,
No reason, no rhyme.
Is Dr Who really a myth?  Feedback welcome.
584 · Mar 2016
Julie Grenness Mar 2016
Once were fake friends,
Away, they did wend,
Phony smiles and paper hearts,
Who cares, as we part,
Plastic people all gone,
Bitter taste can linger on,
These days I am believing
It's better to say, "No hard feelings."
Feedback welcome.
583 · Apr 2017
Julie Grenness Apr 2017
What would be inspirational,
In a poem so devotional,
Imagine if humanity did trod,
To make a global City of God,
A world of reafforestation,
And lives of non-confrontation,
A whole new focus for every nation,
Brotherhood to be an illustration,
Yes, and planetary City of God,
Instead, onwards we all do plod....
Feedback welcome.
582 · Jun 2015
Julie Grenness Jun 2015
All futility...
Humans need to want to change their attitudes,
Tolerance taught to chicks and dudes,
Set daily peace intention,
No dumb arguments for attention,
Here's a job for your 'my sons',
On every building,  a roof top garden,
Their future is not too far on,
Instead of guns, grow oxygen.
Yes, a 'silent spring' indeed,
When humans destroy all plants and trees,
Why not use compacted plastic for building beams?
Think of your own creative solutions,
Nukes and munitions are mind pollutions!
How futile would be genocide museums?
With no one on Earth left to see 'em!
582 · Jan 2016
Julie Grenness Jan 2016
Showers are here,
Summer this year,
Here are the showers,
Drowning my flowers,
Lovely showers,
Full of power,
Wash away my flowers,
Supposed to be showers,
Not pouring rain!
Storms here again,
Summer's early this year,
I scoff,
The  showers are here!
Feedback welcome.
581 · Jul 2016
Julie Grenness Jul 2016
Look out, beware,
Watch it, take care!
Don't enter that church, dumb *******!
You'll end up right little witches,
Depends if you get a dud,
Don't accept such crud,
It's not your accountability,
For so called men's inadequacies,
Make it his problem, not yours,
Weddings can lead to divorce,
So don't go in that church, dumb *******!
You'll end up right little witches!
I feel cynical. Feedback welcome.
581 · May 2016
Julie Grenness May 2016
As we give free love away,
We'll get love back one day,
Like's God breath of feathers,
Our solace in stormy weather,
God's looks after each of us,
Serenely unconditional, no fuss,
God gives us all free love,
Not far away, shining above,
We dream, for what it's worth,
Perfect communion of souls on Earth,
Yes, boundless free love we all deserve,
As we give free love away,
We'll get free love back one day!
Feedback welcome.
580 · Jan 2017
Julie Grenness Jan 2017
Unschooling chicks and dudes,
Attitudes acquired in school,
No one is a perfect human, great,
Anyone can make dumb mistakes,
There's Darwin and evolution,
But ants and beavers---theory pollution,
And there's diverse ways of doing Maths,
Some teachers are pussycats,
So, from antediluvian schools,
We must unlearn some of those tools,
The attitudes acquired in schools,
Unschooling chicks and dudes.......
Feedback welcome.
578 · Jul 2021
Julie Grenness Jul 2021
You're so varicose vein,
Youth is gone again,
I suppose I'm still lucky,
I found my glasses, you see,
That's as good as it gets today,
Let's hear it for oldies, yah!
Feedback welcome.
576 · Jan 2017
Julie Grenness Jan 2017
All this phony propaganda,
Media only spake to annoy ya,
Total delusions of grandeur,
Switch off! It disappears!
Manipulating, muckraking propaganda,
Phony emotional blackmail to annoy ya!
Feedback welcome.
575 · Apr 2017
Julie Grenness Apr 2017
My computer rests on a desk,
This old desk is the best,
My mum bought it in 1965,
My dad painted it while he was alive,
Still wears the original paint,
Couldn't replace it, that would taint,
A family heirloom,
In my bedroom,
Yes, my old desk.
Is definitely the best!
Feedback welcome.
573 · Jan 2017
Julie Grenness Jan 2017
There's a pattern in our days,
Drifting through the stage,
Some women get mixed up
With all the wrong people, tough,
It's called ***** dancing,
So-called romancing,
Their credibility zero,
Don't know no urban hero.....l
Feedback welcome.
572 · Feb 2017
Julie Grenness Feb 2017
Teens of Telstra, teens of Telstra,
Staff of team Telstra, they are stars,
To me they all look like teens,
Cutest things you've ever seen,
Oh, teens of Telstra, teens of Telstra,
Now there's collective bulimia,
As greys with phones enter their shop,
Under the counters, the teens do hop,
Teens of Telstra groan and moan,
"Who gave grey old farts mobile phones?"
Feedback welcome.
Julie Grenness Dec 2016
We three Kings of Orient aren't,
Three queens, we travel from afar,
We arrived on time,
fed sheep and swine,
Delivered the afterbirth,
Cooked food, and then made Peace on Earth, Oh....
(Sing chorus),
Star of wonder, star of light,
Star of royal beauty bright,

We didn't get lost going home,
We didn't leave Mary all alone,
We swept the stable,
Gave her soup in a ladle,
After the afterbirth,
We then made Peace on Earth, Oh....
We three Kings of Orient aren't,
Really three Queens, we came from afar,
We arrived on time,
Fed sheep and swine,
Delivered the baby at the birth,
Then we made Peace on Earth...Oh...
(Sing chorus).....
Feedback welcome, bit of a giggle.
569 · Jan 2017
Julie Grenness Jan 2017
It was the Earth's dawning,
The beauty of nature forming,
No mankind has even yet been born,
And the wondrous nature formed,
All pristine, no footprints seen,
Time elapsed, no one to measure it,
Only natural wonders the globe to fit,
Then, there came the humans, that's that,
How to wreck our own habitats!
Sad, but true, now to rue,
What was our natural world to you?
Feedback welcome.
568 · Jan 2017
Julie Grenness Jan 2017
I'm a lit. addict, I guess,
I read and write, no less,
In my room where  I don't confess,
Read, and keep on scribbling, eh,
Hope you'll read my verse one day.....
Feedback welcome.
567 · Dec 2016
Julie Grenness Dec 2016
A sweet song to be heard,
The garden's morning blackbird,
Hear its cheery chirps,
Maybe blackbirds hit the turps!
Why on Earth are they so chirpy?
It's 5am! Dirges are more worthy!
Feedback welcome.
566 · Feb 2017
Julie Grenness Feb 2017
Let's unite in our origin story,
From way back when in history,
It's all for humans, but not obligatory,
The spirit behind all faiths, you see,
It's up to you what you believe,
Our psyches touched by grace, prithee,
None of us are one trick ponies,
All to do with our origin story......
Feedback welcome.
566 · Jan 2017
Julie Grenness Jan 2017
I turn the pages of this magazine,
Ah, a "Family Circle" to be seen,
Perfect pictures, like beauty queens,
Is there a real family like the magazines?
Every one I know has some dysfunction,
Twisted nuclear folk, crossing at junctions,
Is this magazine fact or fictional?"
All I think is, "Glossy dysfunctional"........
Feedback welcome.
563 · Sep 2016
Julie Grenness Sep 2016
Yes, it's the Spring Racing Carnival again,
What a glorious sunny Spring day!
All the frocks are gathered to the fray,
Should I wear my fascinator again?
Need  I really wear all  this lingerie?
Look, my dress trimmed in broderie anglaise,
Here we are at the races again,
What horses? They don't rate,
Good excuse for best champagne,
Party frocks are gathered to the fray!
Feedback welcome.
563 · Sep 2019
Julie Grenness Sep 2019
Once I was a teen,
That's when Mum got mean,
Dragged us off on long drives,
Her whinging did give me hives,
Maybe she could not hack us growing,
Autonomy we wanted knowing,
We tried not to be like our mother,
Turned each into totally another,
Nag, nag, nag and moan,
Not again,  I'd  sit at home,
With music and a fur pal,
A book, a pen, a suburban gal......
So, in half a century,
Not much changed for me,
I sit and scribble, solo,
But never alone, my muse, lo!
Feedback welcome.
562 · Mar 2017
Julie Grenness Mar 2017
Trick or treat, it's not Halloween,
Treats are days of peace, it seems,
Peace on Earth for the kids and teens,
They're the cutest things you've ever seen,
Treats of a reafforestation industry,
For our future generations to breathe,
We must lift our game, humanity,
Trick or treat, it's not Halloween.
Feedback welcome.
560 · Dec 2016
Julie Grenness Dec 2016
Whinging is contagious around here,
I just never met Mr. Right, my dears,
But I have met some right players,
Like loverat Mr. Liar,
or Mr. *******, too bad,
Then there is Mr. *******,
Yes, whinging is contagious here,
Too bad I never met  Mr. Right, my dears,
Never mind, that's enough,
Being bullied toughens you up!
Feedback welcome.
559 · Mar 2017
Julie Grenness Mar 2017
What is a writer's block?
It does come as a shock,
When epic lit. grinds to a halt,
It is not the writer's fault,
How to express yourself,
Barriers to books on the shelf,
It's called a writer's block,
It does come as a shock.....
Feedback welcome.
555 · Mar 2017
Julie Grenness Mar 2017
Once upon a lifetime,
An underage student in this rhyme,
I gazed at the cafeteria, great,
With thousands of folk, no one to relate,
It became a norm, I was never late,
Now such colleges are up to date,
Way back when, the good old days,
When carbohydrates were our fave,
Did all students get fat hips,
From eating hot pies and chips?
A land of confusion, so it appears,
An ivory tower of blue stockings, my dears.....
But chubby, let's face it, cheers!
Feedback welcome.
553 · Aug 2016
I HOPE.....
Julie Grenness Aug 2016
I hope you have a love like this,
It's like a lover's secret kiss,
More like an eternal bliss,
To feel like this, for you I wish,
In the quiet stillness of our hearts,
God's silent blessing, never apart,
A prayer on Earth, a faith,
Humble servants, as He sayeths,
A symbol of divine and vast,
Wishing for a Peace to last,
Praying for you, I wish.....
I hope you have a love like this!!
Feedback welcome.
552 · Jan 2017
Julie Grenness Jan 2017
One singular sensation, my dears,
Can change your life in a flash, cheers,
Your luck can change one day,
May good fortune come our way.......
Feedback welcome.
552 · May 2016
Julie Grenness May 2016
Waiting for nothing to happen, here,
That's the way I like it, dears,
Waiting for the status quo,
I really do not need to know,
I don't care why they carry on so,
Rivers of life, passing by,
Lovely day, I write and recline,
Waiting for nothing to happen here,
That's the way I like it, dears!
Feedback welcome.
548 · Aug 2016
Julie Grenness Aug 2016
An observer would ask quietly,
Why do we write poetry?
We use illusion, in words to dazzle,
Our muse flows words, no hassles,
Each poem a fragment of society,
Writers always luminaries,
Beacons of a torch, to dazzle,
We scribble each verse, no hassles............
Feedback welcome.
547 · Feb 2017
Julie Grenness Feb 2017
Back to school, no way!
After school, there's holidays,
Now we're old, sere and grey,
We're never going  to school dances again!
Feedback welcome.
546 · Dec 2016
Julie Grenness Dec 2016
A message to the beloved,
Divinity streams from above,
He holds our hand like a glove,
His heart with a love forever young,
As another Christmas Day has begun,
He shall never grow old,
As we on Earth He enfolds,
Different love, a love divine,
Be blessed, beloved, for all time,
Merry Christmas to yours and mine!
Feedback welcome.
545 · Apr 2017
Julie Grenness Apr 2017
Let's design  new schools,
Where amity is a teaching tool,
One big family of friends,
Where Peace is the means to an end,
No bigotry, racism, or intolerance,
Hands circling the globe in platonic dance,
We still need to learn our literacy,
Not to mention our numeracy,
But we could design new schools,
Where Peace is the learning tool.......
Feedback welcome.
544 · May 2016
Julie Grenness May 2016
A hypothesis of learning,
What, indeed, are we earning?
Knowledge is what we're gaining,
Answers to questions burning,
A quest to advance our learning,
For solutions we are searching,
In our soul's deep yearnings,
Our futures should be more deserving,
Pass the baton on to the young,
Their life on Earth has just begun,
An endless search for learning,
What, indeed are we earning?
Feedback welcome.
542 · Dec 2016
Julie Grenness Dec 2016
Cavalcade of companies,
Underpaying salaries,
Lucky country indeed,
Not good news to read,
So much for our economy,
Workers' entitlements, prithee,
Underpayment of salaries,
A dose of reality......
Feedback welcome.
542 · Jul 2021
Julie Grenness Jul 2021
Beam me up, she said,
Mary Poppins  I have read,
Pet advocate was she,
I'll feed my birds, signed me!
Feedback welcome.
539 · Mar 2017
Julie Grenness Mar 2017
Here's a news item story,
Cost of housing, not such glory,
We all strive for the Great Oz dream,
In suburbia, is it what it seems?
Connect the dots here, folks,
Is affordability a  joke?
Has Dystopia taken command?
Who owns what so grand,
In Oz, Great Southern Land..........
Feedback welcome.
539 · Jan 2017
Julie Grenness Jan 2017
Malnutrition does not live here,
It's not emaciation villa, my dears,
Yes, it's  'cellulite is us',
We got fat, no need to fuss,
Life in emaciation villa, my dears,
Malnutrition so does not live here.....
Feedback welcome. Bit of a giggle.
538 · Jan 2017
Julie Grenness Jan 2017
This is the world of the ATM at lunch,
It swallows your bankcard with a munch,
Then, when the money appears,
Yell, "I won, I won, my dears!"
Feedback welcome.
538 · Jan 2017
Julie Grenness Jan 2017
I opened an envelope, not so hard,
Within, from nicotine there was a greeting card,
"Hello, Earthling, how are you?
Did you notice I am missing you?
Do you ever miss your old pal too?
Do you ever yearn for a packet of friends?
But they're only friends till the packet ends,
Or, maybe, your lighter doesn't work,
So you get frantic, like a berk,
Do you ever miss old nicotine?
We were friends from when you were a teen,
What? You gave up smoking?
You're glad? You must be joking!
Well, I'll say goodbye to you,
Old nicotine is missing you,
I wondered if you missed me too...."
Feedback welcome.
536 · Jan 2017
Julie Grenness Jan 2017
Here is a nonsense thought,
A really silly new sport,
Not the sport we were taught,
What about underwater tennis?
Hitting a serve would be a menace!
Then you could volley and lob,
Underwater ,what a hard job!
It's only a nonsense thought,
Can you invent a silly sport?
Feedback welcome.
535 · Oct 2019
Julie Grenness Oct 2019
I, giraffe, stand long and tall,
Am I the tallest of you all?
I have such a long elegant neck,
I see above the crowds, by heck,
I can tower over you all,
I, giraffe, stand long and tall.
Feedback welcome.
532 · Apr 2016
Julie Grenness Apr 2016
Dear Youth of the Millenium, how are you?
What does our legacy mean to you?
We had ideals once, just like you,
Are you selling out to the system too?
Or maybe we just matured, you see,
Or was it the capitalistic economy?
We were the ones who stopped a war!
All ancient history, now times of yore,
Our ambitions we bequeath you, one day,
We hope the universe waits for you, on the way,
A letter to the future, over to you...
What does our legacy mean to you?
Feedback welcome.
531 · Jan 2017
Julie Grenness Jan 2017
If the world was run on barter,
Free trade would be our charter,
We could trade in hypocrisy,
Racism, cant and war's futility,
To barter off for a kindly face,
And peaceful ways for the human race,
Lay down all weapons, for grace,
Peace armies to take their place,
If we could run the world on barter,
Those trades would be our charter.......
Feedback welcome.
530 · Oct 2019
Julie Grenness Oct 2019
If only this dog could talk,
We'd chat as we went for walks,
Indeed, what would a dog say?
"Hello tree, how are you today?"
"Hello, each blade of grass,
Hope this walk's not my last."
"Hello, cute little poodle,
Puppies we could have oodles!"
But what would a poodle say?
"Just keep on walking, on your way!"
Feedback welcome. Feedback welcome.
528 · Aug 2016
Julie Grenness Aug 2016
To focus on things celestial,
Does include the twinkling stars, astral,
And a love divine, love eternal,
Then there's  guardian angels, ephemeral,
Before Infinity, universal,
We're only humanity, infinitesimal,
Did we come from the stars, historical?
Do we return to the stars, celestial?
Feedback welcome.
527 · Mar 2017
Julie Grenness Mar 2017
How to keep up with the Jones'?
Listen up for an old female's moans,
I'd love to have someone to trust and respect,
How did you get men like that, by heck?
I'd love to keep up with the Jones',
Listen up for more of my  moans,
I gaze at people hand in hand,
Wouldn't that be great and grand?
Listen up for an old female's moans,
How to keep up with the Jones'!
Feedback welcome.
527 · Apr 2017
Julie Grenness Apr 2017
***--spell it as you like, any way,
His team played again today,
How do they lose so consistently,
Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory,
Now there's melancholia and doom,
He sulks alone in his empty room,
Ritual disembowelment of male gloom,
"Off to drown yourself, dear,"
"Never mind, one week at a time, cheers!"
"Yes, another rebuilding year!"
I can talk football too, my dears!
Feedback welcome.
525 · Jan 2017
Julie Grenness Jan 2017
Is this what God meant for ya?
Feeding a geriatric dementia,
Along with no more agonising,
Over long gone wedding rings,
In life, I have learnt one thing,
Dementias say the darndest things!
Feedback welcome.
524 · Mar 2017
Julie Grenness Mar 2017
If I could appear,
Then disappear,
What would I do here?
I would disarm nukes,
In silence, with no rebuke,
I would appear,
Then disappear,
Disarm every bomb and gun,
Then appear, peace won,
Tacit Peace on Earth,
What's that worth?
If I could appear,
and disappear!!!!!
Feedback welcome.
521 · Mar 2017
Julie Grenness Mar 2017
If you could choose a superpower,
With what virtues would you be showered?
I would like to be balm to folk,
Lighten disputes with silly jokes,
No need for dumb arguments any day,
Smiling is permitted, let's say,
If I could choose a superpower,
Peace on Earth I would shower.......
Feedback welcome.
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