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Dec 2014 · 1.4k
Amanda Dec 2014
And he closed his eyes.
Drawers are shut gently, curtains drawn back.
Silence stilled heartbeats & pulses.

She refused to close her eyes nonetheless.
I am not sure about this one.
Good morning sunshine/Good Afternoon/Sweet dreams to you, you and you, wherever you are!
Nov 2014 · 581
Amanda Nov 2014
Weak & numb
fingertips and wrists, I know how my back curls inwards when I cry.

Tense muscles knotted terribly, nearly as terrible as the words I wish to whisper into the cupid's bow of your mouth.

I am not breaking like glass or porcelain dinner plates, that I am well aware of.
We are all soft curves of muscle, skin, fat, blood, salt & rust. With fine wrinkles and lines mapping everywhere.
You won't break. Not today, tonight or tomorrow.
Nov 2014 · 940
Construction Site
Amanda Nov 2014
Home is full of secrets.
The first laugh and all the laughs in between the last of a baby muffled itself into the bedroom walls. His mother sometimes sit in front of it, hoping, hoping it could live in her ears again.

The nervous movement of lip to lip, neck to neck, heart to heart in the wardrobe, in between jeans and cotton button-downs.
Getting dressed is still achingly difficult. And it is getting truly ridiculous now.

Those holding-too-tight-yet, you-are- still- not- close- enough sort of hugs under tired doorways.
You were enough, you are always enough.

Within swelled up throats, the unsaid words hid themselves in odd drawers, cabinets and a handful of knooks & crannies.
I opened a drawer today and I very nearly cried.

For I heard your voice, your breaths, then brushed again with the warmth and coldness of your wrists. All of which were in different dimensions of time and memories.

And I try and am still trying to keep my pen on the page. For, its to keep you alive, again.
A few words has already slipped and tip-toed off the page.
I'll find it someday.
(Putting something far, far, far off the horizon eyes can possibly see is the sort of thing, humans are terribly good at.)
Hello there lovely!
Hope you are well.
If you're feeling a little blue, here's a hug.
P.S It has already been 1 whole year since I joined this place. :")
I cannot quite believe it.
How about you, you and you? How long have you been here?
Nov 2014 · 1.4k
Amanda Nov 2014
Time is a very, very scary concept.
We can only live for how long it wishes to breathe in our veins.
Nov 2014 · 2.0k
Button-Down Shirts
Amanda Nov 2014
I was doing the laundry today.

For once in a few grey days; blotted with far too many ink stained hands and only blank pages, the sun finally peeked shyly.

I dug out my old jeans, emptying the cotton-lined pockets.
My fingertips are met with a navy blue button off one of your many dozen flannel shirts.

I miss you, I miss you, I miss you

And I cannot even sew.
But that button would have to wait, I need to sew myself up first.
Hugs for you, you and you!
Nov 2014 · 1.0k
Curious minds
Amanda Nov 2014
Blurry strangers in empty photographs are oddly infuriating.
Not for the reason you may think of.
I wonder far too much about their name, the exact colour of their eyes, the eleven.5 ways their lips shiver & twitch upwards right before a laugh.

Perhaps, because, I am falling in love with one.
Pixels.Carefully choreographed ink.
Enough blank spaces between for curiosity to make a home in.

*Who are you?
Hello hello there!
How are you today, lovely?
:') I am so tired from this week.
I hope you, you and you are well.
Nov 2014 · 1.4k
Amanda Nov 2014
The sunshine dabbles on my skin.

Pale with wistfulness. It somehow reminds me of bitten back lips and swallowed words. The sharp edges of each letter paper cut there and here.

I stay a little longer, motionless, in this hazy light.

I'll come back alive.
I will be living once more.
Just give me a pinch of time.
That will do.
Hey hey hey you brilliant soul! :')
How are you?
P.S Sweets, if you're reading this,
I love love you
Nov 2014 · 4.0k
Cellular Respiration
Amanda Nov 2014
It seems like the cells in the spine of my body ache for another to fit against it.

Perhaps not a mirror image or unflawed symmetry,
rather just a presence.
Something beyond the lilt of a shadow and shallow breaths.

My fingertips unconsciously linger & idle on the place on my collarbone. Left side, a kiss's width from my chin.

Notice, the word, 'place?' I felt a tad bigger of a human, a bigger piece of this starry starry universe with you.

Eyelashes still flutter, giving way to soft gravity. Hoping your eyes would be reflected against mine again.

I am so very human
with & without
Remember to breath deeply, sweets.
Then, you can only start living.

Hello darlings!
Nov 2014 · 2.6k
Pocket Watch
Amanda Nov 2014
I'll be your 4am dream.
Could you be my 7pm kiss on lipstick-faded lips?
And fingertips meeting yet again at 11pm?
Just one of those days.
I hope you, you and all of you are well!
Nov 2014 · 703
Tinsel House
Amanda Nov 2014
These thin walls offer nothing to my ears,
I can still hear each of the crinkling and splinterings of
your paper-like heart.
Hey you! Oh yes, you lovely soul!
How are you today?
Man, I am exhausted from school and such. *-*
THUS, I shall sleep early tonight.
Pfft. :') That is definitely not happening.
Sweet dreams, y'all!
Nov 2014 · 1.5k
Logical Reasoning
Amanda Nov 2014
Why is the ocean blue?
The ocean is blue because water absorbs colors in the red part of the light spectrum. Like a filter, this leaves behind colors in the blue part of the light spectrum for us to see.

Why do people you love get angry, till their fragile veins bleed out?
They care, sometimes, too much.

Why do I feel like this?
Perhaps, your eyes said a shy hello to his.
And both of your lips refuse to say Goodbye.
Hihihihi there!
How was your day, lovely soul?
I started learning how to play guitar! Eeek, it's definitely a little hard for my little hands and fingers to kind of move across the strings. :')
But, hey! Just gotta keep on trying.
Nov 2014 · 779
Amanda Nov 2014
I used to toss and turn in your arms, but now it's just a body lying lonely between barely warm sheets.

A heartbeat before,
now it is just the clock *ticking.
Hey hey hey lovely reader!
How are you today?
Oct 2014 · 1.6k
Amanda Oct 2014
Plastered wet t-shirts against bare skin, sun-shine evaporates H2O into transparent bubbles of ecstasy.

Bruised tailbones from

                                             f a
it­'s just your heart giving way to gravity.

Let it.
Hello there lovely!
Man, have I MISSED writing. I hope you all are well.
Whatever it is, chin up and go go go!
You can do this.
I got some news for you, you and you,
a) I just did my Biology Final today.
b) I got told that I attained the position of Vice-Captain in my high school!
c) Taylor Swift's 1989 album. Sigh. *fangirls*
Good morning, Good Afternoon or Good night & Sweet dreams, where-ever you are!
Oct 2014 · 618
Left side
Amanda Oct 2014
Why on earth are there creases, wrinkles and criss-crossing on the left side of the bed?
I thought you left with a goodbye stained into unfinished black coffee made before vocal cords woke up to say Good Morning.
And that was more than all the time (years, months?) ago, it's more than my fingers can ever count.
Hey hey hey!
I finally wrote in a new journal! Eeeeek! :') I am so excited as to what I'll fill the pages with.

I hope you, you and you have a lovely day/night! xo
Oct 2014 · 1.6k
Amanda Oct 2014
A deaf boy once wrote
"Mama, the silence is too loud."
Hello there lovely!
I haven't written in quite a bit, exams and study really leeches out time and moments to write.
Hope you, you and you are doing well!
Oct 2014 · 3.2k
Mirror On The Wall
Amanda Oct 2014
"You're a very selfish human being."
The mirror
word or breath back.
Sep 2014 · 4.5k
Amanda Sep 2014
As her fingertips brushed through the fragile pages;
familiar notes of handwriting flit onto her lips, then her ears. She could almost hear his voice again.
The thin, ribboned memories sweetly tie themselves into the hollow spaces. The one on the left side of her wrist, the little corner behind the eye socket.

And especially, the ones where she holds her breath, hoping her very heartbeat would be enough.

Enough rhyme & reason to stay here.
Please, stay.
This is for you.
Yes, you.
Sep 2014 · 928
Amanda Sep 2014

Just let this little thought meld into your mind; this labyrinth and zig-zags,
"S" in this word only, it's a half-infinity. It won't last quite as forever as you think.

Some infinities are smaller than infinities.
This one for you, sweet heart.
Sep 2014 · 1.9k
Metaphorical Metaphors
Amanda Sep 2014
Truth is, there is nothing poetic about sadness, anger or numbness.

It's your eyes looking at the faceless, and artificial sheen of objects around you. It is the sugar in cold coffee and tea settling at the bottom, as your thoughts flit in and out of your eye-lashes.

Hoping you can still be tied at the very jaggered edges of this universe.

& yet, we write anyway.
For the truth we hide, hide and never seek will be black, navy, blue on those blank pages.
Funny how we reinforce  our words by placing a synonym in front of it.
Hey hey lovely reader!
How are  you today?
Sep 2014 · 1.4k
Press Against
Amanda Sep 2014
I wish I was more than a blank-inked dent on your pages.
Hey -hi-hello, lovely reader!
How are you doing today? :")
I just finished watching Transformers: Age of Extinction! EEEEK.
It was great- not blow your mind good- BUT, still pretty   'woah'
Sep 2014 · 1.9k
Amanda Sep 2014
Every vein and exhausted cell in my brain, ankles and lower back- my body bleeds out I hate you.
Like broken record players.

I scream: "I hate you" for making me look like the kind of monsters I would run away from.
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you

I scream louder to punctuate a full stop.
Then my voice finally cracks, perhaps making empty escapes for oxygen to come into my burning lungs.

Broken everywhere and everything.
And behind me, the sunrise was the colour of bad blood.
Hey you, you and you!
Okay, this is completely and utterly different to anything I have posted on here. It is not about tea, coffee, sugar, sweet things and little kisses.

Again, an excerpt from my narrative I wrote a few days ago!
Take care, lovely. xo
Sep 2014 · 1.1k
Blue Pajama Sleeves
Amanda Sep 2014
I'll like to think that we are all glass figures, people, whatever.
We are fragile, delicate, malleable when heated, at times we can be coolly transparent.
But the undeniable truth that we always come back to is that we can all
Under pressure- the sort that splinters pieces of wide-eyed innocence and hope, the kind of disappointment so pale, you can see it in their skin- it results into little fissures of weaknesses spidering out into ugly cross-roads. Which I think we will inevitably walk on.
And suddenly, with those gaping cracks,
we are no longer quite so impervious to
the bad or the good.
Frankly, as sickeningly cliche this may sound, it is universally accepted that it is the very inside that will start to bleed into those crossroads.
So, yeah, it is the inside that counts.
And I wish I could have learnt that without cutting my hands
red and raw
on these broken shards of glass.
Hey you, isn't your soul looking gorgeous today?
How have y'all been doing? :')
The above is the beginning of my short narrative for my English assessment. It is by far one of my more gritty and raw stories.
Definitely more challenging and emotionally draining sort of writing.
Typed to: Poison & Wine- The Civil Wars
P.S My heart crumbles into little piece when I hear the beginning.
Take care, okay?
Sep 2014 · 1.1k
Newspaper Ink
Amanda Sep 2014
There is an inexplicable magic
- sweet & short; the bitten back lips sort of pain-
something imbued with time.

For it survived through the silent deafening tick-rocks.
Little silvers and wisps of yellowed newspaper ink tailor itself in your cold coat pockets.

Oh yes,
dust-motes, blood & teardrops lay between its spaces.
But, it is still there.
Right between your seemingly fragile fingertips.

You're here now, make it count.
Hey you, you and you!
How are you doing today?
I watched The Other Woman, again, today. :') Sigh, I love chick-flick comedies. Do you? ;)
Good morning sunshine/Good Afternoon/Good night & Sweet dreams, where-ever you are.
Sep 2014 · 1.1k
Chapter #1
Amanda Sep 2014
The way your voice sounded 357 pages ago,
a sweet cut across on wintry darkness; flitting out were all the stars.

The little husky notes living in the
b r e a t h i n g s p a c e s
your lungs and mouth to lips are like bookmarks.

I never quite lost the page I stopped at.
I dare not read on.
Hey you wonderful soul!
How are you doing today?
I just watched my school production, Grease. I am blown away. :")
This was typed to Breath Again- Sara Bareilles.
Oh, and if you are feeling a little blue, chin up, sending you a big hug.
Aug 2014 · 1.5k
End Credits
Amanda Aug 2014
I like how her eyelids slowly close ever so gently, as if those words could be forever inked into the pockets of her mind.

Oh, the way he breathes in at times, it's like he tries to inhale the words through his slightly chapped lips into the airways and then

into the staircases to *nowhere.
Hey hey hey, lovely reader!
I am in a state of high emotions.
I just finished watching The Fault In Our Stars for the first time.
Wrote this little piece whilst listening to the end credits.
I was not meant to cry this much.
Hugs a.s.a.p.
Aug 2014 · 1000
Wild Flower
Amanda Aug 2014
Oh look, there goes a little bit of my mind,

where is it off to now?
Hey you lovely soul!
How are we doing today?
Hope you have a brilliant day & night.
Aug 2014 · 816
Amanda Aug 2014
I like 7pm.

Lipstick is faded; it's color has bled through not only the infinite number of words she says,
it is seeped right into all on these lines and creases of her lips.

Hair is undone; wispy little messes out of braids.

Eyes are tired; sleep edging on eyelashes.

And yet he still wanted her *more.
Hey hey hey gorgeous soul!
Sigh. It's been difficult to find time for writing amidst one of my busiest EVER terms.
Take care you, you and you!

Sweets, if you are reading this, thank you for everything. *love heart love heart*
Aug 2014 · 658
Amanda Aug 2014
I only ever wanted you to taste the sweetness of a white lie.
I guess,
my mind hopelessly wanted it to become the truth.
Aug 2014 · 1.2k
Waiter, please?
Amanda Aug 2014
The little buttery feelings that slips between the corners of the heart you've carelessly painted red.

Could I have it Monday to  Sunday?
Breakfast fix, 7pm Kiss & at 12:00?
Hey hey lovely souls!
Aug 2014 · 1.5k
Amanda Aug 2014
Footsteps chasing after overly-small ones.
Little gaps of space between their lips & hearts;
flitting in between are voices like little notations on crumpled maps.

Carelessly inked shortcuts to a
dainty dabble of
yellow on
ones soul.
Hey hey hey gorgeous reader!
How are you doing?
I have an english essay to write tomorrow about the film Gattaca!
Have any of you seen it?
P.S The above is a little backstory of how Mister Him walked me home.
*nervous giggle*
Aug 2014 · 812
Garage Sale
Amanda Aug 2014
"For sale, baby shoes never worn."
For sale, eyes that never quite met the irises of hers again.
Sold, my heart & soul.
The very first line is by Ernest Hemingway.
It is utterly brilliant.
Hope you, you and you are having a wonderful day.
Aug 2014 · 4.6k
Wine Cellar
Amanda Aug 2014
I'll hold your hand through the wizened wrinkles; even if your beautiful mind will eventually crinkle.
Crinkled & crumpled into creases too deep for sunshine to peek through.
(My fingertips will still slowly but surely fix it.)

Even when the hair tickling my bare shoulders, collarbones & necks on lazy sunday morning is no longer quite the same.

I'll be right here.
Hey hey hey! :')
Whoo. I wrote this after I discovered a strand of white in my hair.
I MEAN, I am not even at the age to HAVE white hair.
Anyhoo, how have you been darling readers?
Jul 2014 · 960
X Cross Outs X
Amanda Jul 2014
Ink infuses into the depths of these blank, slightly creased pages.
Within it are little intangible but ever so omnipresent
pockets of bitter sweetness; just like fizzy,freshly squeezed lemonade
starry-eyed innocence x shy crimson cheeks

Dotted by moments of those cheeky upside down crescents; winks.
Strings of old time flit between dots and rusted locks.
As I read back old works in my notebook, I feel a wash of memories and forgotten memories. It's one of the most disorienting and rueful feelings.

Anyhoo, how are you doing today, lovely?
Do you have a little time?
If you do, could you please check out this link and possibly support me?
It would be absolutely brilliant if you do.
*Hugs to you, you and you, where-ever you are!*
Jul 2014 · 723
Amanda Jul 2014
Sunshine; this hazy thing that marks shadows of the hour hand, lingers on my cold, slightly lonely fingertips.

I made two cups of coffee, yet again
Only one met my lips.

The other one went
*cold & colder.
Hello there lovely soul! How are you doing today?
I attended a debutante ball yesterday, man, it was brilliant. My feet still hurt from the heels, my hair is in day-old curls, my eyes are tired.
Any prom/formal/ball memories, you, you and you wish to share?  
Good morning/ Good Afternoon/ Sweet dreams.
Jul 2014 · 1.3k
Amanda Jul 2014
I stand here with winter-bitten
fingers & bare ankles..

I never needed much
when you were aways just a quickened heartbeat away from my own.
This one is for you, sweets.
Jul 2014 · 2.4k
Blush of Rust
Amanda Jul 2014
There's always an
inexplicable something
about all things old.

Maybe, these yellowing, crinkled, slightly forgotten
-slipped off the inky azure of the mind's corners-
have felt the way a pair of lips
moves & crinkles
they make
wide-eyed wishes and closed mouth good-byes.
Hey lovely soul!
Jul 2014 · 1.2k
Roll the Dice
Amanda Jul 2014
Chance, a wise man's wizened lips would say it is the one terrible thing,
a slightly wide-eyed, a little dreamer of yet another wise man said

"This lovely celestial thing that lives in the pockets of those shy hopefuls.
Who are all pressed lips, closed hands.
It is all those cold e m p t y spaces
your warm soul
no-one has
lived in."
Hey there lovely!
It is a melding of excitement, happy smiles and stress.
The above nonsensical writing was inspired by my genetics topic in biology that I am currently studying right NOW. :')
Okey dokes, let's all take a chance tomorrow.
Let's be brave.
Take care, y'all.
Jul 2014 · 3.5k
Magic x Magic
Amanda Jul 2014
You are the most wondrous dizzying
mess of cells,
deoxyribonucleic acid,
thoughts & b
                                                 e a t h s.
Hey you, you and you!
Isn't your soul looking lovely?
can I just collapse into a puddle of sweetness & *hugs*?
Jul 2014 · 1.3k
Peeling Paint
Amanda Jul 2014
These bare walls whose peeling paint once felt the tremors, dips, quivers in your voice.

As my numb eyes and tired eyelids stare at them, they look
awfully lonely.

And this lull of loneliness seeps into these what I thought were  impervious pieces of myself.

Who knew lonely itself
could have such a
e m p t y spaces of my chest & mind.
So, I took down these postcards that adorned my door for a few years. And boom, I felt terribly x (stupidly) emotional
= Nonsensical writing
Hope you, you and you have an absolutely lovely day!
Jul 2014 · 979
Mind You
Amanda Jul 2014
The  tenderness of your words melded into my mind,

-I could pinky-swear that I heard jigsaw puzzle pieces fitting,
a rusty key into that untouched lock clicking softly.-

And frankly, I wish to think of it all over again, just like that first time.
Hey there lovely soul! x
Jul 2014 · 587
For now,
Amanda Jul 2014
Could you perhaps kiss the snippets of pain

Bye, please?

My soul cannot bear to let more pieces of itself to be lost.

So, let them get hopelessly tangled in the dips & cracks of your voice
My eyes burn when I close them. Goodness.
Do you guys get that?
Good morning sunshine/ Good Afternoon/ Sweet dreams to you, you and you.
Jul 2014 · 821
Amanda Jul 2014
Then, he kissed me.
And I still feel the syllables of
"I love you"
tickling the edges of my cupid's bow.
What can I say? I watched Bridget Jone's Diary for the first time in my 16 years. And  my goodness, that kiss under the snow.
:") I was positively giddy with smiles and giggles. Till the point, there is this dull ache in my head. Uh-oh.
I hope you lovelies had a brilliant day.
Have YOU watched that movie?! If you are up for a fangirl/fanboy session, that's entirely cool with me.
Jul 2014 · 628
Amanda Jul 2014
Tear this little piece on the dotted line or carelessly,
a shard of you.
Any part.

It will still be a piece of stardust; a wisp of the infinite universe anyway.

Nothing quite the same, never quite this close in our ten fingertips.

Give it to him,
to her,
half with all your heart.

Of course, with a pinch of apprehension, a tickle of doubt,
a sip of shyness.          

We will invariably be torn, broken, tugged at.
As, we are always guilty of doing more.

Never less.

You're imperfectly human.
Hey gorgeous soul!
Ooh, did I make you blush?
If I only I could be this brazenly cheeky in reality. :")
I hope you, you and you had a brilliant day!
Time to watch the Wimbledon now!
Jul 2014 · 884
Amanda Jul 2014
I keep spelling your name wrong.

Scribbles, cross-outs, dizzying cross-cross of ink adorn these pages.

The 'i,
the m's
double ss

y, o & u.

My mind and soul clearly does not want to forget the
linger of your lips and fingertips
on their
broken & bruised
Hihihi darling readers!
Hope you like this nonsensical writing!
Jul 2014 · 16.2k
Amanda Jul 2014
Honey seeps off the tips of our sugar-dotted, pastry flaked fingers.

oh, your lips are
your soul.
Hey you, you & you lovelys!
Fun-face: My favourite sort of cake is one..
shared with that special....
KIDDING. ;) Okay, tiny white lie.
Orange Butter Cake makes my taste buds sing.
What's your favourite cake/ pastry?
Jul 2014 · 1.2k
Amanda Jul 2014
Suddenly your mind; a piece of the intangible universe melds into
its first home.

Perhaps, that explains the
sleepy eyelids.
Hey darling readers!
I hope you had a brilliant day with a smile flickering on those lips.
Jun 2014 · 1.0k
Amanda Jun 2014
The distilled silence are like dusty mirror reflections of
my breaths
slow heart beats
in this terribly empty room.
It is 1:18am, 1st July here in Melbourne.
Where has all the time gone? :')
Have a lovely, lovely day & night to you, you and of course, you.
Jun 2014 · 662
Amanda Jun 2014
Blue seeps into the crystalline lines of broken windows,

then slowly but surely,
turning a shade far too dark.

And you can no longer see the difference between


Whole heart
                          or  broken, bruised heart

                                  or no you.
Hello there!
It is absolutely freezing here. My hands are so cold. Eeeep.
Take care you, you and you! x
Jun 2014 · 588
I know, He knows
Amanda Jun 2014
He knows all about the worst.

The snippets of the furrowed eyebrows from the very corner of eye-lashes,

bitten back bitterness in the creases of your lips.

The terrifying truths you wished with closed lids were lies painted white.

And yet, his wrist is against yours,
fingertips shly whispering "It's okay."

He never really says Good Night like Good bye.

My mind & heart- this seemingly empty; hollow thing
seamed by wispy threads of moments and time itself-
fallen and still is
        ing into the very gravity of

Hello there! How are you doing today?
I watched Olympus Has Fallen yet again. There's just something about Gerard Butler. :')
It's late here in Melbourne.
Sweet dreams to those who are sleepy// Get out of bed and conqure the world to you, you and you who have just woken up!
Jun 2014 · 1.4k
Amanda Jun 2014
pecks & kisses
bared collarbones whisper
"Good Morning"

those sundays.
Hey you!
Doesn't your soul look gorgeous?
It is the last day of Semester tomorrow for me!
I am so ready for Winter break.
Movies, mango sorbet, blankets, late nights, 5SOS, and everything lazily good,
Next page