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Feb 23 · 76
Ode to Clement
You walked through life with strength and grace,
A shining light in every space
Your smile, a beacon in the dark,
Left an imprint, a lasting mark

Though time has taken you from here,
Your memory lingers, crystal clear
In every play of "Favoured Soul",
Your voice resounds like Madridistas shouting, "Goal"

Clement, though you are gone,
Your presence lives, it lingers on
In every laugh, in every tear,
You are still hear, forever near
In memory of Naabil Yinpang Clement, a friend lost to the icy hands of death. It's an honour to have him give his voice to one of my favourite poems, "Favoured Soul."
Just as stated in the piece, he may be gone but his voice still plays on and reminds us of him as on audiomack:
Feb 23 · 78
Meet Me Halfway
Meet me halfway let's stroll, my love
Let's lay at the flower gardens
Let's play by the river side
Let our eyes behold the beauty of the sun on the river surface
And how the river meets the clouds at a distance

Meet me halfway lets stay, my love
Let's hold as the cloud darkens
Let's cry when the tears can't hide
Let our eyes realise the sorrow in each other's face
And how much we are enduring the instance
Nov 2024 · 91
We Will Overcome
The pain will go away and we will rejoice again
The dark cloud will fade and we will have a brighter day
With this hope in our hearts
With the believe intact
With the faith in God
We will overcome
We will overcome
To anyone in any kind of pain or problem
Oct 2024 · 206
The end
I saw the end before the end and it didn't end as intended
So I tried all I could but it still ended as it ended
We wished things will change for a better but fate had its way. A tribute to a brother.
May 2024 · 376
A Peaceful Rest
I passed by a piece of land
It was covered with weeds
Aside the trees, it has nothing else my eyes wanted to see
The same land before now saw different farm tools dress it
Season after season
Year after year
It was dressed and clothed with different crops
Crops in rows and and made of different colours
But this piece of land has lost its beauty today
The tools won't work it again
The rains may come
The sun isn't out of job
But the tools have all gone to bed
Because the farmer has gone home to rest
A rest from all this earthly stress
Mar 2024 · 759
I'm Blessed
Warmed up by the sun
Cooled down by the rain
Illuminated by the moon
Serenaded by the birds
Comforted by the breeze
Fed by the plants
Accompanied by the living
And reminded by the dead

Even if nothing else works
Looking at all these things
I know I'm so blessed
Mar 2024 · 250
Little Mary
Little Mary was a dreamer
A very sweet one of course

Though the chains of reality bound her to a myriad of troubles
In her dreams she was free

She was free to dream of a home
A home decorated with a loving husband and successful children

She was free to dream of grandchildren
Little ones sitting close and listening to her tell stories of old

She was free to dream of one day
The day her afflictions will finally go away

She actually had a lot of dreams
A lot she never had the chance to live

Dream on Little Mary
Dream on
Until we meet again dream on
Your dreams may see reality on the other side
So dream on
Dec 2023 · 166
Work on
When the flesh is tired, the spirit will move on
So, work young one
Work while you still have the strength
Today you can, tomorrow you may not
The spirit still abides
So work
Sep 2023 · 899
You are the one
When we first met
When we first spoke
When I said less but you said yes
You have been the one

When the clock stops
When my breath fades
When our kin cry til their tears dry
You will still be the one
Jul 2023 · 1.6k
Another day
Let's celebrate the success
And enjoy the moment
Let's recount the problems
And how we solved them
But let's live for another day to celebrate

Let's satisfy the hunger
And dance to that banger
Let's toast to the dangers
And how we survived them
But let's live for another day to celebrate

Another day to drink
Another day to sing
Another day to drive
Another day to thrive
Let's live for another day to celebrate
Jul 2023 · 827
Beyond the grave
Some focus on today's treasure to save
Others on the things their soul crave
But we focus on beyond the grave

Beyond the grave in our works
Beyond the grave in our words
Beyond the grave in our ways

Beyond the grave in melody
Beyond the grave in memory
Beyond the grave in history

Beethoven still lives in sheet musics
Einstein still lives in scientific works
We live on Hello Poetry

Let's live beyond the grave
A poet never dies
Jun 2023 · 1.6k
Ink it right
My soul spoke to me but I didn't write
I didn't cos I felt the time wasn't right
When I was ready, I couldn't write
Cos I couldn't remember what I was told to write

What a loss
I woke up from bed and the poet in me weaved some beautiful words of wisdom to me. I was so drunk with sleep that I went back to bed with the hope of writing in the morning only to wake up with just a fragment of those words. It's a shame I've lost the message.
Jun 2023 · 656
I'm alive
I went through hell
But I never fell
So I have a story to tell
That I'm alive

I fell from an expectation
And it ignited wild jubilation
Among a hating nation
But l'm alive

I crashed on a goal
It felt like walking on hot coal
But my Soul has a strong sole
So I'm alive

I was restrained by my fears
Drawning in my tears
But I changed those gears
Hence am alive

I'm alive for me
I'm alive for you
I guess you got the clue...
I'm alive
Mar 2023 · 953
I didnt race, I was chosen
The making of every man begins before the union of the cell of his mother with that of his father; one thing leading to another

This always lies on strings of varied decisions which needs to meet in one way or the other for destiny to balance on in order to get to her creating destination

Before mine, some ***** went down the drain with some pain; a sign of womanhood and fertility

Before mine, some sea of men only flowed in and out because there was none in the house to recieve any of those cells to grow and make it out alive
So they returned a waste

At all those times when pulses elevated beyond normal and hormones of the souls which brought about my existence went busily crisscrossing each other to get the job done,
Those fallen ones were expendable decoys sacrificed to achieve emotional satisfaction

It was so, many times but my time was not cos destiny had it all planned and that plan got my batch to come at the right time

Scientists say it's the fittest and quickest that makes it out as another human but my case was so different

On that day
In the council of those brothers and sisters
The floor was given to each of us to make a case on the reason to be the one to go out in flesh

We all had the opportunity and everyone made a case

Each one of them presented intellectually satisfying arguments backed by illustrations that made decision making a difficult one

Finally the platform was given me and the room was so quiet you could hear the even the humans outside at the time

"I don't have a thing I can say I'm going out there to do in particular", I said

"I'm representing you all"

"The educators, I will be there for you
The health enthusiasts ,your job will be done
The other humanitarians, am going out for you"

"The intellectuals, trust me
The musicians, your songs would be heard
The artists, I will be there to uncover your insights
The spiritual ones, the work is going to be done
The poet's  your works will definitely see the light of the days
The athletes and sports personalities, I will put in my best to represent you"

After everything, the applause said it all and the rest is history

Therefore when the going gets tough and giving up seem the easiest option, I remember I'm not here for myself
I'm a representative of a batch of brothers and sisters who never made it out alive

Though scientists say it was a race, mine wasn't

I didn't race, I was chosen
Mar 2023 · 2.8k
The unsaid
What people don't say is already in their words
You either caught it or they flew like birds

Hearing is for any functioning ear but listening is not
The aroma is not that important but what is in the cooking ***
If we can listen careful enough, we can tell who people truly are, how they feel, how they think and what they are going through.
Mar 2023 · 615
Praises and glory be unto the Lord of our praise by whose grace we also earn our little praise

The Lord who lords over every kind of lord such that he is referred to as the Lord of lords

He who puts sleep to sleep and stays awake to watch over men even while they sleep

He who is richer than our riches such that his riches are beyond where our imagination can ever reach

He whose plans overrides every plan such that our plans must align with His plans to have our days ending up as we've planned

Some doubt His existence but their existence is an evidence that there's a creator hence the creation got created

Knowing Him is a gain so I stick with and write about Him again and again because I know what I gain
I owe everything I know have and can do to God Almighty because every step was authored by him and I want to reflect that in my writings as much as I can.
Jan 2023 · 922
My First Love
Standing on the coast of the oceans
Enjoying the breeze yet lonely
Young Joseph, pushed into the pit of single self
An ochestration of fear
The fear of betrayal and unfaithfulness

Wait did I
Call did I
Calling out for a help out there
Calling out with the voice of afability
Then I saw a light flashed in the pit
Searchlight it seemed and that was it
It was your love
Exactly what I need

Reminiscing the night you took my number
It was satisfaction that suddenly killed my hunger
I'll keep it a memory lasting much longer

You gave me a clothe of friendship in the cold wearther of loneliness
Oh my God am rescued
The days of loneliness seemed like of yore

Your smile like the rising sun brought a whole differnt light of mood
The joy of your presence is of beggars belief
While your absence like a broken bridge on the highway

My goals seem very very far then
But with your intelligence they seem like at an arm's length
Your voice, a courage to my down soul
And your assurance, the fuel to my weak bold

Accomplished dreams I see with you
And the awareness of your love keeps me going in the days of trouble

Your sadness like a dark cloud covers my joy
And your sorrow penetrates my tough soul
It wounds it
That saddens me
It makes me feel restless and helpless
For this, I will always make you happy

No matter what
Do remember
The relation is only a ship
The ship may sink before we get to the coast
But the love will always stay afloat
From my archives. Though a lot of editing was done to this, it was a message to my first love. Every line is true.
Nov 2022 · 576
What Will People Say
"What will people say" killed some dreams

"What will people say" quenched some burning desires

The reason some turned down people they like's proposal only to later regret

"What will people say" is the reason some poeple are dying in slence

That four word sentence is mostly the reason some **** themselves

It is the scarecrow that draws shiver down the spine of even a pastor


Will what people say matter if it does not matter to the one who is in the middle of the matter?
Nov 2022 · 2.4k
Quiet like baby asleep

Quiet like a broken hearted done with crying

Quiet like a clock with no energy to move on

Quiet like the grave in which we will lie one day

So it is as we sleep

We learn most nights how to lie in there

No arguments

No talk

Just quiet
Sep 2022 · 928
State of Mind
My mind is full of questions
Questions that questions a lot of those questions even after they are done having me questioned

A lot of questions running through my mind till am feeling my state of mind is becoming questionable

Am I a fool called Wise or a wiseman who has just been fooled cos he thought his mind is full of wisdom while it is otherwise?

Still a lot of questions

Questions questioning some people's actions cos it seems my trust is now being questioned

But who said I can't be trusted?
If so, why put in my trust something which is in your trust but turn around to doubt my trust?

You asked how do I know?
No, why won't I know while I've got the spiritual nose to know this things long before it is physically known?

Still questions

Questions surfacing even while I write cos some parts I still wonder if they will be read right or if it is even right for me to have them written?

But why care about whether it is read right or wrong when I have the right to write what I wish to write?

Questions on what to title this piece with but my mind is not at peace with this questions so I won't give credit to questions till maybe when am totally at peace

So don't ask me why not "questions" but "state of mind", cos state of mind it is for now as that is my state of mind
Aug 2022 · 259
Work Hazards
Am drawning in my sweat yet no one can see my works
So stretched to a tear but none can see my marks
My eyes are red and dry but deep in my heart I cry
Jul 2022 · 1.5k
Weep No More
Awaiting us in the heavenly places is a joy like a river which knows no bounds

O what a peace it shall be to our souls cos tasting this we shall weep no more

Weep no more
We shall weep no more
Weep no more
We shall weep no more

Just keep this faith which can never fail
And weep no more
For we shall weep no more
A song in times of trials to keep the faith.
Apr 2022 · 1.4k
Just write
If you're right, write
Even if you're wrong, write
If you're free, write
Even if you're  busy, find time to write

Write cos it's your right
Write cos you need no rite to write
Write cos you have the ability to write
And that's enough to begin to write

Write when it's boring
Write when it's interesting
Write when it's indescribable
So in any situation, just write

Write the past
Write the future
Write the real
Write your imagination

What you write will remind you
What you write may inspire you

So I write...
Just write
Wrote this for a poet friend who waits for the right moment to write a piece though having a lot of beautiful ideas but a little number of pieces.
I say, just write any idea that comes to mind as far as it hurts no one or is criminal. At times, by that moment you call the "right time" comes, you may even forget what you wish to write about.
Mar 2022 · 452
The Plan
Till the day man goes to his eternal home,
Up and down this world he continues to roam
Frozen by the cold rain in the night
And warmed in a sunny day
Till the day air can no more seesaw in and out his lungs
He remains in the battlefield to make a way
A path his successors should find easier than he had
The bruises of a pathmaker must he incur because of a desirable future for his descendants he fights to secure

For the visionary man knows that
To make a better tomorrow
He must live like today is a borrow
A stuff not t spend on luxuries but to be invested in order to look back at and use as the foundation of his success storeys

Let the torn have her pound of flesh
Let the stones have their own next
As far as the skin is not taken away
The scars will only be the witness of the way

On and on he moves the success road till he sees that something improves

If our father's had remained in Babel till our days
The rest of the world would have been left a thick forest
A place crying to be discovered
So as life remains in the body of man
The task of getting the day's job done must he man
And that remains the plan
Actually wrote this some time ago but decided to unveil it now
Mar 2022 · 598
We Will Rebound
Where life exists, there hope is found
So we are down but still around
With enough strength, we're off the ground
Dennis Rodman; we will rebound
In solidarity with all who are cheated in one way or the other. It's frustrating knowing that you have passed yet you're told you have failed and the evidence to prove you're right is with the accuser.
But you're rebounding anyway come what may.
Feb 2022 · 1.1k
You Quitter
You quitter!
What have you achieved so far?
You bow out before the finishing line
You throw in the towel before the bell
What trophy have you to show now?

You quitter!
What have you left in your quiver?
Nothing more than excuses that makes you feel fine
The very reason you cannot gel
What achivement have you to show now?

You quitter!
When are you becoming a believer?
You have all the qualities to shine
It is like an overflowing well
Are you quitting or believing now?
Feb 2022 · 162
Broken beyond repairs
Been through tough times
Toughest I pray they ever will be.

They are not to compare with youthful years in Robben Island - Locked away
Yet the hearts that felt the pounding can measure it so.

Been broken beyond repairs.

Been rediculed far more than the storm which rides my disaster
But in all
I pursue at glory
Cos hope got me still sticking in there
Since the flesh that embodies the phoenix still holds.
In the street corners he lives,
Waiting for the next moment of 'feelgood'.

Watching the sun rise and fall,
He seeks comfort in the shadow of men.

His glory days play before his eyes;
His dreams in black and white.

His favourite wish written in past tense;
Tenses only time travel can change.

"I wish I rejected that substance that day."
Nov 2021 · 508
Backslider's Prayer
Let my hands still hold on You oh keeper of my soul.

My dreams hang around You but my will seems sold.

My heart is heavy for i'm reaping the setback I've sowed.

Please invigorate my being once again to lift up my soul,
For the battle is still and the reward is that crown of old.

How then lose I a portion I have for long wanted to hold?

Give me assistance anew oh loving Father.
Be it me among your children once again when there's a gather.

Oh mercy my Maker!
Let my prayer prompt peace within me.
For my heart war against my mind;
Feshly desires being the mastermind.

If my crave for You can't win me your presence,
Consider the blood because it cannot lose it's essence.

For am he who was bought with the ever valuable blood.
In it am forever clad.
When you feel far away from God, remember, His arms are still opened. If not anything at all to return to Him for, remember the crown of righteousness set for you at the end of it all.

(Wrote this about two years ago)
Nov 2021 · 888
A Story of Dilemma
Once I gave up twice.
As if that wasn't enough,
I threw two dice but kept no price.

Pessimism isn't my thing but I think optimism hasn't help very much either.

The good I see in people keep shifting between the real and the unreal.
And that left me no choice but the voice of exit each time.

So I compose songs but none has ever been of love so far.

It isn't about the luck of attraction but the reaction after my actions that quenched the fire.

Well, it is my story so you may not believe if I say I didn't do anything bad anyway.

Do I need more time?
I mean to better study this subject clearly before taking the test again?

Or maybe I need more patience;
To to endure the jolts which comes with putting my hands on that wheel?


Let me sip a wine of time of mine, then I'll tell you more of what happens later.
At times we go in for goals without purpose and some turn out positive. With love, it is a different world on it's own
Sep 2021 · 525
Let Them Be
Day in day out many are suffering
Many are struggling with things the mouth cannot utter

There are a lot that only their actions can say
Only to those who care to listen

Some say theirs with frequent anger at things which seem not annoying at all

Others say it through solitude and silence

The rest say theirs by hate on other people

Whatever way it maybe said
The truth is that...
A lot of people have their demons they are fighting

If you can't help fight, don't add more
Let them be
Sep 2021 · 246
Tears for a Tear
Dreams dashed
Hopes burned out
The future diminished into a casket

In your honour
Friend should lose the "i" and the "n"
Being a substitute for your sake then

I thought life has just began
Not knowing
It was going to an end

The struggles in recall lives my eyes Swimming in tears
And I wish to turn back time

It's Sad but your faith makes me glad
Because I believe it still will carry you
Most especially to where we pray for
Finally completed a poem in honour of a friend I lost during COVID 19 lockdown. It's sad considering his struggles in life to succeed only to die when it seems he has finally made it. It took me a year and a half to put this words together because of the emotions which keeps me abandoning it severally. Rest in Peace Fred.
Sep 2021 · 468
Hidden Letter
Many things I wish to tell you
Many I itch to expose you to
But you are not mature enough
Since the times are not yet right

So I hide my stories in my words
Cover my thoughts in my actions
And hope you will one day grow
To read the letters I write

I will it to you
Stored in time
Hidden clearly before your eyes
Waiting for your older self to sight

Actions speak louder than words
But my actions are wrapped in ambiguity
And my words leave prints on this shore
Hoping you don't follow one day with light
I wish I can explain this but it will only get things complicated and won't make sense till you are mature enough to understand. So I leave it as such. Thanks.
Sep 2021 · 581
To My Unborn Child
Love love, hate hatred and live your life.
Enjoy the good moments and endure the bad omens.

You will make enemies but don't let enemies make you.

There will come times when you will have to cut ties,
And times when you will have to consider even obvious lies.
Good friends will offend and bad enemies will come in to defend;
No matter how it goes, do not go with a cheap trend.

When your anger is at its peak, let your silence speak.

For choices, they will always come with those two opposing voices.
No matter what, let your tree of decision fall where it can improve your chances.

Do not give ears to that which feeds your fears,
But give attention to that which will prevent you from shedding tears.

Be the best, not the first
When enough is done,
Take a rest.

Serve those who need your service,
But remember, apart from God,
You are your own master.

In pain,
Allow the tears to rain,
They will with time be of marginal gain.
When the cold night is done,
The warm day shall come.

Live like a living lion,
Die a living legend.
Feb 2021 · 141
Heart of Glass
Through her I can see
She looks resilient
But she has a heart of glass

I'm thinking of my tomorrow
Yet being aware of her imminent sorrow
Because of the path I'm now to follow

Caught up in a catch 22;
A necessary evil
A broken dream or a broken heart

Life is unfair
But let me make this clear
That I am not a heartbreaker
Heartbreak Love
Feb 2021 · 831
A Beast in Chains
They say I cannot
That is because I do not
Not because I have done not
They know not
Because they've seen not
They don't know...
It's a beast in chains
Chains of experience
When people see you not doing the things they do, they conclude you're dull or you lack the energy to do. Little do they know that experience has changed you.
Jan 2021 · 1.7k
Wishes for Kindness
In the troposphere of your life are the ready clouds to precipitate
The clouds which are for days condensed of your acts
The acts of your kindness, selflessness, dedication and the lot given into other lives
And on the day of memory - a day worth celebrating
Let our wishes be the steams that melts those beautiful clouds
Let the rain soak your soul wet with joy
A joy that really make the day special
Special enough to preserve you even as you are to us forever.
In honour of kind brother in Christ  - Emmanuel Konlan ( on his birthday ).
Jan 2021 · 326
Love Her But Cant Tell
I met this beauty on duty.
An epitome of God's creativity.
A real deal.

For her, the whole barn of my gut fell.
The very cells of my being got drunk with her hypnotic self.

Guess where this is going is clear
But the reality is stronger than fear
Yeah it's true!

I love her but I can't say it...
Because she belongs to another.
The arms that gives her what she deserves.
Nov 2020 · 129
Raining Morning
Such a peace falling as the clouds melt in a wonderful nature.

The whole of the living creation of God is coolly enjoy the moment.

Piecing through the the drumming sounds of raindrops on the covering of our abode, the trees and floor of the earth is the sound produced by the activities of men.

How enjoyable the weather as some may say; expressing satisfaction in the situation which supports their rest from routine activities.

In the other hand, the heart of others ache at the risk the force of nature pose to their point of joy.

In either way, the Supreme Divine knows the perfection of His art.

Even somewhere, someone lies beneath sheets of cotton or wool instead of the four walls of a lecture hall.

How amazing the differences in reaction to the same fall?
Oct 2020 · 141
Finally, when all is said and done
When tomorrow can no more have us in her plan
Laid shall we be in the catacombs of living memory,
Waiting to be exhumed in a clash of relative fate
While our solid remains are shared by the closer companions;
If heat does not completely turn us into ashes,
Then our flesh shall bid farewell to the bones
What is man that he boasts of what he owns?
©Wise Makafui Afun
Oct 2020 · 354
You Two Look Good Together
You two look good together
Never imagined you'll look this better
Though a little jealous,
Wishing you the best

With your smiles now broader
And your laughter a bit louder,
Can't help it being jealous
But still wishing you the best
Sep 2020 · 108
That's what poems do.
That's what poems do... tell
Designed to tell a story
A story which is not
A story which was
Which should be
A story which is
Which could be
Of a being
A thing
Who is
Who was
Who has been
Who has never been
In this particular existence

That's what poems do... speak
Generally speak of an issue
An issue of keen interest
Issue being spoken of
Dare to be spoken of
An issue which was
Issue which is
Should be
Would be
Could be
Of a thing
Of a being
Of itself, poem
Of its writer, poet
Of another, the subject
In this particular existence
Aug 2020 · 169
Together But Far Apart
In the beginning we were strangers
Because we came from different places
From homes both far and near our new home
But with time we grew a bond
A bond that makes us a family
A family with many differences
Differences in religion, beliefs, political ideas and so on
But our bond transcends all

The common goal and the familiarity spirit joins our umbilicus to one mother
At times we fight for each other
Other times, we fight each other
That is the beauty of a family
Isn't it?

Today, we're not gathered under the same roof but we're still together
Our beloveds are close to our hearts than to our arms
We long to once again meet and laugh our loneliness and troubles away
Then tell the stories of our lives during the unexpected break to each other in flesh

We pray to once again have the chance to chase academic success again, hand in hand because our exit is at hand
But till then, we're far apart even though together

By technology we still see each other
Hear one another's voice and at times feel the emotion in our individual lives regardless the distance

We know we have a lot to achieve
So we do no relent on our efforts to advance
That is why we still connect to learn

Some are taking the opportunity during the break to develop their talents and expand their knowledge in other fields
Fields including music, agriculture, marketing, technology and the arts.

A few took the opportunity to legally unite with their life partners and we did nothing less than to celebrate in happiness
Because that is what families do
Isn't it?

One day, we would go our separate ways
But for now, we're together even though far apart
Aug 2020 · 584
The Day Of The Maiden
My people!
A wind got into my ears,
I turned and discovered that it was a bird singing a morning song
The melody was beautiful but the lyrics literally were words of gossip
Paying closer attention out of curiosity I heard her say,

Years a ago today,
A maiden was sent down by Ɔbɔadeɛ (the creator) to this land;
The land of gold
She would be adorned in many colours of wishes from dawn;
A day of memory

On this,
I can not watch we the kinsmen and kinswomen miss
We must never be left out on this all important durbar,
The durbar of honour and merrymaking

So I say,
Join me in paying homage to the dark skinned maiden among the lots in our land
Let the few and the many words of love, sound on the fontomfrom to the lass

My self, I precede with the dancing steps of the lizard,
Nodding to the sounds produced by the drops of palmwine from the beards of the old men in the calash of theirs

Let men, women and children celebrate
Let's keep brightness on the cheeks of the celebrant
Bring out gifts let's present
Our fathers say,
The knee wears not the cap in the presence of the head

Till the sun goes back to rest,
Continuously we offer thanks to him who sits on high
The man who gave us this damsel full of value years ago today

To the maiden we say,
Enjoy your day
Let joy fill you full
In strength we pray to see you in yet another year
In honour of a mate
Aug 2020 · 282
Just One Wish
This thing , that thing
We're never satisfied
When shall we ever let it go?

More this, more that
We never get enough
Why can't we ever let it go?

You've got just one life
Learn to enjoy it
Worry about nothing

I just have one wish
Just one wish
Knowing what you have is more than gold

Jealousy and envy
Choking our daily lives
Why give it the way to be so?

Want what your friend have
Neglecting what you have
Why don't you value what's your own?

We all have something
Be content with yours
And worry about nothing

I just have one wish
Just one wish
That you know what you have is more than gold

Be content with what you have
Jul 2020 · 1.0k
Strong Soul
Am not sure when again to soar,
but to soar again, definitely am sure.
A wound to the chest but not enough to prevent my best.
The heart I still have, I shall again chest the open air and pull up my best cos my best yet is to step its foot on the last stair.
Though the wound is living behind a scar, the ground I won't stay because I am a star.
Deriving motivation from the vibration in and around, I'll have to put luggage of the past in the thrash very fast.
Yes, It is impossible to wash away the leopards spots, yet it has nothing to do with its hunting course.
This is staying around for long
but am assuring the world am strong.
Am still the eagle,
refusing to be depressed and forever remain single.
If a story is to be told of a broken person, it wont be of me, cos mine is going to be a courageous lesson.
Jul 2020 · 315
I know only one person very well
One person I can describe very well
So I write mostly about him

I write my own story
Put the emotions where they need to be
Take a break when things get too fast
And stop where I believe I should

I paint my own portrait
Place the dark colours where I deem fit
Brightening where the need be
Living the brush strokes in desired directions

I give not my canvas to any other
No matter how good they may be
Cos they may never present the true me
For this is what remains when am gone.
Listen to advice and learn but you are who you are. Never live the life as someone desires.
Jul 2020 · 269
She is gone again
Gone living him all alone
Alone with his thoughts and pain

She gave convincing reasons to leave
But he has convincing doubts
Doubts many enough not to believe

But he cannot keep her
He cannot
Because be has not enough to feed her

On a cold breezy night
With misses of her warmth
He has nothing else but his bottle of liquor to hold on tight

Thoughts of her kills him inside
He can only have her in his mind
But not by his side

Who is she with this time
That is the question seesawing on his mind
And he wonders if loving her is a crime

Why can't he leave her for another
Another one maybe better
But only he knows how hard it was to find him a lover
Poverty! Hmmm
Jul 2020 · 163
Rage lover ( Lost Love )
Lashing out at the rage,
The cause of the breakup but it is too late to wake up
Because she is already a goner breath.
The bid for resurrecting a carcass united with the sand to feed on a plant is a ruin.
So let it be.
Let it be.
Someway somehow when the inner waters begins to boil in any season
This shall be the soil to visit for lesson in history.
Let not the rings of its trees remind you years spent cooking stones because of your urge to boil.
Let this be awakening, wounded lion.
Control your temper and let it nor ruin your beautiful relationship.
Jun 2020 · 243
Love on the wait
Touch my heart
Let me melt into your arms
Am a singerbird waiting for someone to listen to my sweet melodies
Chirp chirp chirp my lyrics go
And sweet they sound in the ears of the one who loves me
Soften your hands
Then I can feel your touch better
Allow me in
Then enjoy my rhythm
The sweetness which is reserved for you
For you and you alone
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