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Lavender Menace Mar 2020
I hate hamburgers. The meat seems purpluent and frankly, the whole entourage is terribly disdaining.
Although I know it's wrong of me to choose my slimey, unhealthy version of the food mixture, I adore it so. The beautiful, white thick and firm yet light and fluffy vanilla waffle bun, with holes that could tear your very soul out (and your drive to lose weight) and lead it to a creamfilled neverland of euphoric bliss.
The raspberries and they're very mucilaginous texture, ever tempting me alike sweet filled ***** tempts up your stomach and out of your mouth because the habit and this strangely erodic hamburger that you can't seem to keep away from yourself.
Under those sticky temptations that humans named raspberries. Lies an evil not to be released unto this innocently skinny world. The gluttonous rice, the red bean paste. And. the. Unholy amount of S U G A R… yes, my fellow small waist golden cricket. For the good of hell and heaven I will warn you of the gluttonous evil called the mochi patty. We've all heard of mochi. That beautiful ice cream filled tragedy. Only my vividly destructive hell that i call an imagination could conjure this terrible fat producer as a patty in this baneful “hamburger” this mochi patty creates an all ailing armageddon in your calorie count. And a suburb genesis for your tastebuds, for the smooth, powdered sweet beauty is the bane of all. The fall of man was brought by mochi, because mochigome is an angelic harm.
The next ingredient in this burger of allure is a safe ingredient. F i n a l l y.
It's but in normal food and it's not too sweet, there must be SOME health benefits of it surely? That small amount of spice in the creamy oasis. Mixes gracefully with the rest of its poisonous peers.
Now back to my torture of pain and of chocolate *****, next is something hard to save you from all this soft. But don't be fooled just yet, this slab of hard is N O T a salvation. For a slab of hershey's milk chocolate is not ideal for hale. The brits can't even handle how much sugar is in this bar of pure D I S A S T E R. your immune system can't take this angelic evil, eat a carrot instead.
Strawberry ice cream is next made with sugar, vanilla, strawberry flavoring, and E V I L.
Filling your large intestine with sin, strawberry ice creams smooth, creamy flavor. With tiny chunks of cheesecake that squish between your teeth and travel down your throat like columbus, come to enslave the naitive americans that is your pride. Be warned strawberry ice cream might smell like the top of a baby's head going in, but going out it smells like artificial strawberry ***** and shame.
Popped like little tuberculosis bubbles in the saten ice cream. Is what people call bursting boba. I call them orbs of joy, the smooth surface in your mouth is always a surprise, it feels like a cyanide pill. Until it goes P O P in your mouth releasing sweet calcium lactate and artificial flavoring into your soul. They never fail to make you happy. But of course, as all happiness seems to do it eventually makes you want to throw your fat self off a cliffside and that bursting boba will be the cause of your head B U R S T I N G. on the sement.
And last but certainly not least you get to taste the savory evil that is the vanilla waffle bun, once again. And O H H this old friend is not very fun to see once again. The thick bun might be expansive on its own, but i promise it will E X P A N D in your poor stomach. And tasting all of this heinous resplendent horror together will probably **** you from an aneurysm or obesity, or diabetes, or disappointment. But all together it's perfect. And a disaster.
A perfect disaster.
Soooo, funny story actually. This was not meant to be a poem, my seminar professor assigned me to write something about the Perfact hamburger using "evocitive words" and I procrastinated untill the day it was due so I wrote this whole thing like an hour before I was sopposed to turn it in and my friend read over it and told me it kinda sounded like poetry, she then proceeded to force me to post it on here. I went a bit overboard on everything so I'm very sorry for that.
2.2k · Dec 2020
Run From Me
Lavender Menace Dec 2020
Run from me.
Did you run from me?
No baby runs faster into my arms, i'll cause you no harm.
I can softly soothe my icelace fingers into the sockets of your eyes, my hands may shake but it's only from love as I move your veiny white eyes to my palms, let them melt like your voice let them drip like your bottom half on my ***.
And now you just can't look away, i'll stare into your eyes forevermore, forevermore.
Oh darling, you're trying so hard to get away, Its so ******* cute that you cant tell that i'll make you stay.
My lips on your lips, my teeth bite your tongue, harder harder hurting hurting, copper ink spills through our kiss, and your tongue dripps so lonely from your cold purple lips.
You have my heart so i can take you apart until you give me yours.
Brush your hair with my fingers, dear you'll stay with me forever.
Your soft large thighs, so easy to cut, fingernails, fingernails, fingernails in the ruts. Pull the muscle, bone and flesh apart, make art my lovely canvas. Now i can taste what you really are, my beautiful work of art. we fill your legs with our wedding cake, oh baby aren't we so cute?
Can't run from me now, your mine and you love me but you don't say it enough so I bit off your tongue.
And Im Here smoking cigarettes yet still i want a kiss, burns at the back of your mouth.
Every strand of hair burns just like candle wick, your skin, it cracks moaning like a house full of poisen.
You only moan when I hurt you, but hey, it's sexyer this way aint it?
Bealive it or not i can be a terrible ***** **** somtimes cant i? jesus christ if you have dated or will date me please for the love of god dont read this also if your a police dont read this anyway, yeah this is a poem i think i wrote this **** for school but had second thoughts on presenting it
1.8k · Oct 2020
Lavender Menace Oct 2020
the pope asked me what i really belived in, behind the lies and masks and the effect of saten.
you know what i told him?
wanna know what i said on that dry summer evenin?
i said that my holy book is read by the perfact way your hair looks messy when you just get out of bed,
when you call me late at night because our songs stuck inside your head.
i worship the way you always say that i know just what you think,
ill pray to the way your voice goes low as hell when you talk about true love.
the way your eyes make stars appear in all that dreary darkness of...all the rhods we take and lines we cross just to hold echother near. and at the end of this congregation i promise ill see you soon my dear.
you give new colors to every flower. evey lemon, every tree. and the colors sparkle only when i hold you close to me,
on the red platos of navajo, honey bees makeing a song so much better than the radio, your voice the lead singer and my spirit feels the flow.
so yeah i know its a little bit melo-dramadic, a bit manic, co dependent on the way you look at me, whatever you see thats just what i wanna be. babe.
and so my soul is saved with every touch from you.
preach in the pew about all the times we had at midnight solitary dances running from our taxes living life and death theres nothin left
but all that holy love we share.

so i told the prest the, minister the bishop and the father and the son and evry single holy ghost who was there, that im in love with this girl and i dont give a ****, what you think force me to drink that holy water to set me on that straigh and narrow bath, and i would laugh at all the **** that they belive will work on somone such as me.
and THATS how i got excommunicated
oh my god, ANOTHER poem that makes no sense? bro lit!!
1.4k · Oct 2020
Whats your name?
Lavender Menace Oct 2020
whats your name my dear the sickly scented voice asks my right ear
i dont know stop asking
you have a name sprinkled as snow so please my dear tell us so
P L E A S E stop asking
and who am i to stop asking this question that unnerves you yet?
its keslee
is that the truth? or a word you regret?
im mckay
and the last of your names that your father has stored
that comes last and it never lasts
yes but whats the name you use to move forward?
names oh sweet givent to the kin, yet all are disgraced in years of sin
stop asking im trying to listan
mendoza seems fitting for you my dear, wount you please say it im dying to hear?
no thats over now
then quintana, less vile it slides off the tounge a lovely mistress to whom you would run.
its at its end
are you afraid? hungered or shallow? what is the reason to live in such mallow?
stop it
stay up every night till the dusk turns to day screaming in lemons only to be not okay
stop it
burst your head against the wall till all the words stain the halls
stop it
whats your name?
stop it
whats your name?
whats your name
just stop.
umm yeah.
1.1k · Sep 2020
These Are The Days!!
Lavender Menace Sep 2020
silky soft lemon honey under my tip tapping feet, jaywalking like a rebel and singing off beat.

**** these are the days, the darling, feather collecting, breathing in that melody of what your all telling me.

these are the days biyatch!

setting fires in the street , living just for that beat, scars on my feet, oh yeah baby hope these days never end.

( just don't consider the creeping feeling of time ticking, stealing all the youth all the time the beauty of life just take some flakka to forget that your soon going to die why w h y W H Y?)

oh yeah hon these are the days getting down with those gays living life just for praise, yeah we'll live never sleep feel like the wind run until you can't feel your legs skip math class, **** in the bathroom, watching your laugh. Oh god I hope to hell this never ends oh sugar this **** aint gonna end!

(ignore those little whispers in your head don't let your eyes betray you or you may end up dead) ****!!

these days are never gonna end when we're screaming in the halls about broken amends. cherry stained fingertips, sour candy, lovely lips. yeah thease are the days living just for the plays drinking 1600 grams of caffeine a second.

we smoke that grass on the stairs, getting 16 cigarette burns and trying to cut each others hair.

and all the dead cells we seemingly earn is another lesson we refuse to learn.

oh baby these are the days that we live forever burning paper men like witches baby these are the days!!

(oh please just forget about those crying nights, when I hit you with the belt. smokeing our lungs out, oh this ******* H U R T S. you havent escaped this yet with every breath of nigotine 22 seconds disspear)

yeah lets live forever darling, together on this rooftop loving, smootching with the vynl playing, speeding high as god down the abandoned freeway givin society zero leeway. let's be together and i'll never leave you behind, sneaking down the fire escape and running far far away, from this old ***** tonky town to a forest by the sea, broken quartz in the ground and spiders cobwebs tumble down, loving all alone together just you and I. sleeping in flower fields and staring at the sky.

(until we're hunted down by blue men with guns, shot like a deer burned at the stake. for freedom is punishable by death, stay afraid and hollow until you have literally nothing left, but the free realise of death)

we're gonna live forever and never be alone. dewdrops on my eyelids, stained glass on your toes. stay with me please don't be scared there's nothing looming over our sweet heads together we can take on the nothing we face, together face to face. and no matter how bleak the world seems to get lets live in the moment and love our regrets, don't think just live!

I love you

(I love you)
liveliveliveliveliveLiveLiveLiveLiveLIVELIVELIVELIVEL I V E L I V E L I V E L I V EliveliveliveliveliveLiveLiveLiveLiveLIVELIVELIVELIVEL I V E L I V E L I V E L I V EliveliveliveliveliveLiveLiveLiveLiveLIVELIVELIVELIVEL I V E L I V E L I V E L I V E.liveliveliveliveliveLiveLiveLiveLiveLIVELIVELIVELIVEL I V E L I V E L I V E L I V E.

1.1k · Mar 2021
French lullabies
Lavender Menace Mar 2021
Oh, Baby let me sing you french lullabies. I swear I can make them come out in clouds of lilac smoke.

because darling I love you and I'll hide it if your scared, just please remember that I'm always right here by your side, forever waiting for you to be alright.

my jolie fleur I'll always care so just know that a thousand suicides will never drive me from your side.

And lovely I will sit mute for you on this floor,

with open or closed door I don't care I'll never tell you that I want more. but sweetness if I could speak I'd tell you that I want to hold you Kate. your my universe tho so I'm down to give you space. now I'll leave you alone, I wont see you, hug you, kiss you, love you, not for a week or forever if that what you really want. and **** I know I've been selfish when your going through a lot, yet it spills from my head when your gone, like blood on the white carpet you left me to stain. how on earth did I do this without you here to make me laugh?

you're not laughing anymore

now it's only ticking, ticking do you miss me? because i really ******* miss you. I don't even know what I'm supposed to do, with these thoughts spilling from my mouth on to a page staining it like you stained my ******* hands when you touched me.


please come back to me.

these thoughts are eating echother like lowly leaves on a thinking tree and it just keeps on thinking, thinking, why won't you speak to me?

im sitting right here outside the door we built together. and I listen to you scream those french lullabies we used to sing.

and if you let me dear, we can scream together.

so baby.

let me scream you french lullabies, I swear I can make them come out in clouds of lilac smoke.
i wrote this poem after a hard breakup, it took me a long time to finally relese it to other people, i geuss its sentemental.anyway tell me what yall think in the comments
921 · Mar 2020
Lavender Menace Mar 2020
Stimulate me.
The serotonin pops like bubbles in my head.
Instagram, Snapchat, Tumblr.
I 'M in need of more happy chemicals
To bring me higher than my follow count.
I can't live happy with just one
L O N E L Y like
So please stimulate me. I need more attention in my life.
Okie lil update, so life officially *****. I'm extremely isolated due to quarantine. And don't have the motivation to get out of bed or eat so I think I'm just really depressed? Coronaviris is high key killing my throat rn and I'm really really tired of having no friends, geuss being a terrible person who distances herself from all of her friends every time they get too close to her kinda has its downsides, huh.
879 · Dec 2020
Lavender Menace Dec 2020
yes i know theyre older messagas that im crying so hard to veiw but im not down to jump to preasant cuz it ***** but thank you?
i miss all those mushroom pancakes we named online but thats fine you need a break from all the sugar intake that i seem to give, and ill live without you for now or forever i geuss, if living makes you happy that thats what ill do?
i miss you
828 · Sep 2020
Lavender Menace Sep 2020
I get up, I get down
yelling nothing, soundless sound.
say it wrong, try again
who is she? that's my friend
**** the spider, no remorse.
say i love you till my voice is horse.
cats that bite, autumn joy.
living life like a toy.
uninspired, not okay.
brightroom sings, end of day.
im bored, and tired i just wanna go home but i dont know where it is i want to go home.
718 · Feb 2020
Stories In The Cemetery
Lavender Menace Feb 2020
A nun rests her head against the broken headstone, wishing to transfer all cracks in this headstone to her own small heaven clad head.
She prays "darling I wish you could belong in this world of glass water and walk among the land that looks of spilled grains, I wish I could have prayed away your pain, but alas your golden lights gone and it's all in pure vain, the gold frames kept me in the stone house as you roamed the glass cave just out of my silver gaze, Now you swim in butter lakes and live among the crimson dolls" The nun pulled out of what was left in her small pocket, an item of love and fear "I had to borrow this, my dear. I apologize" the nun said with a voice made from an ugly green As the nun walked from the broken headstone, tearing up a porclin doll. She kissed goodbye to the no longer beating heart of her colbat blue daughter and never looked back.
My first story poem, high key tho I mentioned like all the colors in this poem lol, sorry abt that
Lavender Menace Mar 2020
I'm crying in my room at 2 AM.
Don't take frizzy hair and midnight cuddles for granted, they leave when you least expect.
When I'm not thinking I get lost in your sweet cottin candy eyes.
And I know it's not for me, those cottin candy eyes and midnight curls.
Still I'll wish for starry kisses and porkipine nights.
Still I'll miss the Cold soda filled drinking from the hose and laughing till Sunday.
Im not the religion filled lightshow, that you said I was one day. I can't help but wish I could be me how you see me.
You have a strawberry swirl sundae and I'm happy you can keep it.
My mint chocolate chip still breaks my teeth every night I try to lick it off the floor
I'm happy for you and him
For him and you.
So don't look back at my flickering lights just walk away with your strawberry banana sundae, I'll be okay.
This poem is about my best friend with midnight curls and Cotten candy Eyes. I might not see her again for awhile, but it's okay, I'm okay I'm happy for her. I just wish I didn't feel this hurt about it. I really ******* hope it doesn't show, but I'm happy for her and i will be okay without her. Sorry I'm rambling, lol this is dumb. Anyway hope y'all are having an amazing incubation period! Feel free to give me some feedback in comments or pm me if you want I always try to make a point to respond.
658 · Aug 2019
Lavender Menace Aug 2019
Please stop talking to me your breath smells like death, your creeping me out and without a doubt if you come any closer to my face I swear untill next year you'll be in a brace.
Srsly tho guys, if you don't want to do something or you know your too young, don't do it, because that could mess with your entire life, don't be afraid to hit the dude. That goes for guys too, it's uncommon but I know it happens to everyone, consent is important
641 · Dec 2020
Lavender Menace Dec 2020
sleeping sad and looking back at those 1 pictures of you and i, wondering where you learned to smile like that. I remember takeing that picture, you touched my hand and my blood ******* fluttered. you let it go and my skin broke like glass.

what the hell had happened to us? I miss you like a bottle misses wine.

finding and figuring just what I meant I really wish I could make myself understand why.

and that there are people you just can't trust who say they wont lie, that everyone suffers from a broken heart from here to their, and not even rain can forget all those times when you made me laugh and you took my hand the notes the feeling ill never feel that again. I miss you

you're not coming back, and I know that I should just let you go and leave on break, break up break my heart like a vinyl record when you first touch it, everyone gets yelled at when they first touch a vinyl

that's something you said, words of yours tend to do loops in my head, but you never did yell.

whats that really good or bad because i cant really tell you never seemed to cry.
Heres a stuipd ******* break up poem thats just like all the others, i hope everyone on this site has a nice day and remembers that being cliche is ok
548 · Dec 2020
Miri Made Me Write This
Lavender Menace Dec 2020
I am a princess
With a dress made of flowers
I'm going to dance in the rain till the whole world decays
And even after i'll dance for hours in my dress made of flowers

I am a princess
With a dress made from gold,
The women who melt at my touch have all their names in a jar
I sleep in the clouds and never have to awaken until my princess charming wakes me with a single honeydew kiss

I am a princess
With music in my dress
I hide from the king while making love with the jest
Thinking about pretty animals and love when i ride to the ball
To sing songs about the beginning and end of it all

I am a princess
With a dress made with love
With my steed rushing past lighting warm fires in the grass
Hooves click clacking on the ground that we run
Oh being a princess is such fun

So yes, I am a princess drinking lovely gold flowers in my room, cleopatra and i will be together again soon.
this is a weird poem and i hate it, my friend miri told me i have to write it and name it as shown anyway, if this aint your thing move along its not mine ether
Lavender Menace Dec 2020
Dancing and jiving to the sound of the heart monitor in the back
Your seizing like a seizure and im beating like a heart attack
Grandma's dead
Dad shot her in the head and we’re
Drinkin and dancin tonight
I feel FINE
And we can slide through the slick halls
Flirtin with the white walls
and sign that everythings always alrigh
****** all up in her feeding tube,
Take a shot of anesthesia every time she makes a Cadaveric move
Yeah grandmas livin it up tonight
Now we’ll moonwalk into a birthing center just to step to those jarring screams
You've got syringe glass in your hair. I'm sitting in the doctor's chair. Yeah, I'm dancing with the girl of my fever dreams!!!
spike the ceyline bags with laughing gas, its so funny. not knee slapping funny just so funny.
We’ll have a disco party in the medicare
Weave some new bath towel from fallen cancer hair
Yeah this ***** getting crazy and i'm with you
**** who are you?
i promise ill finish it im just looking for feedback for now sorry if its triggering or insensitive
472 · Jan 2020
Lavender Menace Jan 2020
Is it wrong?
To be so sad
About something so happy?
Why can't I understand?
That things end
That I'm less and she's more
Welp oof I wish I wasn't such an emotional ***** geuss I'll die than
444 · Feb 2021
The Bright Forest
Lavender Menace Feb 2021
Let's go into the forest and play together in the end
A subterranean Wonderland to race afar to land
We’ll walk right past the gates, the signs and pleading in my head
And run right into the forest and dance without a flow,
Alone in all obscurity without our head and weave a twisting garland to hang upon our neck
Let's sing about non fiction words we play, I want to tear your hair out and prance around the trees.
Let's go into the forest with oil and a match,
let's sing a song so silent that everyone will hear, they think that we’re in pearl, chase us around the forest but you'll never catch me.
Let's write our songs on paper and blow them far away
and shudder on the pavement with oil in our hair. And oil slickens skin and it tastes like hay and statics round our tongue until there's nothing we can't say
Let's go into the forest, play hide and seek. I can't really hide from what's inside of me.
Lets dance and sing and fiddle and pull apart our ears until we hear the shanty everyone will hear.
And when it's dark  and cold let's strike a single match and whali about the colors as we watch our fingers catch.
Let's sing about the boiling bubbling on our skalp, and when the skin it cracks then you'll finally let me out.
Let's sing of all the birds that are trying to escape, racing from the forest out to seal our fate.
Let's sing about the smell of burning fur and oil and whatever's left of what I hurt looking for my morals,
Let's dance and fit around and try to listen to the glow, a miracle that creeps about your face and sharply trickles nettles that craze amongst your skin.
Lets **** about and croon out and feel my pretty eyes burst apart like a firework and even when they shush us never will we stop.
Let's sing about the simmer we feel upon our skin and about my hair as it burns oh so thin,
And all can hear the fissures that blaze along our neck.
Let's sing about the scars that render down to black and blaze and hop and boil like a bunny's pelt.
And even as our body shakes and jumps about we will still be buzzing until the fires out.
Let's sing about our heart as it ruptures with the flame, and as it withers up I will cry in joy and pain.
With the tears that never come, we can sing our song but when your eyes are melting and your cheeks are cracked that last thing left to warble is a joyous song.
And even when the heat folds and cracks apart our voice, we will keep on singing loud enough to hear the noise, and by the time they douse me with the holy water my song will be too low to reach the son and father.
Let's go into the forest and lie awake and think of the thinking things to do and the thinking things to make, and even if you miss me, I know that it's nor fair. I love you friend and even when you helped I never cared, please walk away alone and afraid and find someone who never wills to go away. And I will stay in the forest fighting through the night lying on my back and hoping you won't cry.  
Im sorry.
intrusive thoghts be finna realistic tho
415 · Feb 2020
Poisen & Champagne
Lavender Menace Feb 2020
She's champagne.
She's pretty.
And she makes you feel good, but she's just temporary.
It's a temporary high, you can't stay drunk forever, sooner or later you wake up with a hangover and no money on the streets of LA.
What im saying is that she won't last I, however.
Im poisen.
Poisen that tastes like blackberries.
And once you drink my blackberry poison there is no going back, it goes down and takes you with it  The effects are a permanent sleep, a vacation away from your body that you can't come back from. The only hurt you feel when you have me feels like magic champagne is pretty but poisen is beautiful.
Champagne is overrated, wouldn't you prefer to live in a dangerous beauty and die in a dangerous beauty. Champagne will make your mind fuzzy and dull, how do you stay alert with all that achohol? Poison makes your mind shap enough to understand the beauty in everything. But... You look happy with your champagne. For now. But soon the high will end and you will come crawling back to me. Until then... I'll be waiting dear
385 · Feb 2021
Purple Fingertips
Lavender Menace Feb 2021
If passion was injectable would you stay in this purple stuck cavern without saints or pain, left alone with only feeling together you and I, and as apache tears fall and cut my knees, will you take my hands and let me taint your skin with golden spikes? To run away with blinded lovers and gouged out eyes, will you silently yell my pure white lies like a pope to his god?
Don't be afraid, I won't let you leave. Not until i die in every breath you breathe
After all, all’s never fair in love and war
378 · Jun 2019
Lavender Menace Jun 2019
Love = addiction.
There is no such thing as real love. If someone says that they love you, they're lying. Please remember that they would always take you for granted, they'd always sacrifice you for someone or something else in just a second.
No one really loves anyone.
This trap that I'm in is eternal torture.
Please God in heaven, end this suffering!
Free me

                           ­      I

If I could end this all or restart the earth and change just one small action in one small drop of time and death, alter this world that I have been trapped in, maby things wouldn't be like they are now.
Can emotions dissapear?
Can you please stop this fear?
Can heaven hear my tears?
Does love really last for years?
Emotions stay forever.
Even god can't end your fear.
Heaven hates your tears.
Love is fake.
Deal with it.
Welp, I've finally managed to rip my own heart out. If I die this week it's okay, I managed in the same situation, so can you.
378 · Mar 2020
Broken Glass & Honey
Lavender Menace Mar 2020
My bones are hollow, others have bones filled with honey and feather. Im afraid of dying. But I'm not afraid of not living. Thinking is harder than being, for a fool can only be but an artist learns to think. These are all things that she said, spilling syrupy honey in my broken glass head.
She broke that glass. That night when the sky looked like painted on wax and she asked me if I was really there. We had alot of alcohol that night and the ***** felt just not quite right. I wish I drank apple juice instead of whiskey. Inhaled incense instead of ****.
Many things would look different when I looked in the mirror only to see those stiches on glass that only cause more to shatter. Not that the stiches ever really matter.
It's like she's trapped in my head. And she'll scream and dream her doubt. But all she has to do is say let me out and she's free. How hard can that be? At least stop filling up my fragile head with memories of things that happened on a beach at midnight in this dark new moon moonlight. That night those pictures flew away into a sea to never see her or me, that night is over so get out of my head, please. I'm begging you, I'll break it open and let blood and hope spill out if you'd just leave me too, please. Stop yelling things that break my feet and fights we had about things I dont eat and just please leave. I need to get out and fly as far as heaven flys then wait until the sun goodbyes and watch the banks and borders by that midnight dark new moonlight sea. With champagne flutes full on honey, no alcohol because after all I asked her to stay sober.
This slam kinda *****, but give me opinions and criticism if you got any. Anyway lil update, I'm really sick (yes, COVID19) and I might have lots of time to write more. So that's fun my life is declining and everything is getting worse but i can't help but smile anymore, I don't know why I'm so happy lately but let's hope I keep this mentality and don't die! Have a great incubation period guys!! Wish me luck on quarantine! (There is a big difference between incubation and quarantine, stop using that word like you understand what it is)
369 · Mar 2019
The Terrible Miss Sinister.
Lavender Menace Mar 2019
knock on the door; an ominous visitor. Oh god, it must be terrible miss sinister, the villainous shadowy creepy dark figure. Deceitful girl, you dare not let trigger. the devilishly cunning miss terrible sinister.
353 · Mar 2019
Star paved
Lavender Menace Mar 2019
Walking down the star paved walkway, still wondering if the stars are just the wrong way.
352 · Aug 2019
Lavender Menace Aug 2019
All of you ****, get your own life and stop commenting on mine
I really don't care about poetry at this point thank you very much
351 · Mar 2019
Lavender Menace Mar 2019
I can see you.
I can see the heavy way you breathe,
the stumbling way you
I can feel the blood running              running, down your injured head.
I can see the fe
in your eyes. You
yet closer I get.
fear steals across your face as I op
my cracked unused mouth
oh the monster I seem to have become.
324 · Mar 2019
Singing in 3s
Lavender Menace Mar 2019
Oh blood blood blood blood the beautiful beautiful blood. Blood Blood Blood singing singing singing singing SINGING. song of pain pain. PAIN PAIN oh the plainpainpainpain the plain tortuous pain
**** **** **** crush BLOOD
soothing the last of my head left me insane.
322 · May 2020
The Monster in My Closet
Lavender Menace May 2020
there is a monster in my closet, she speaks with two mouths and keeps dents on her wrists and feet.
The monster is terrifying, she uses needle teeth to tear through the skin of lovers. Her eyes brim with tears made from glass.
And sometimes The monster gets really really sad......
The monster uses her needles and blades to rip tears of copper into snow white skin and she whispers her sweet nothings into her closet full of sin.
Now my carpet is stained with copper and static, I can't walk in my closet or The monster goes manic.
this is unfineshed but im going to wait to fines it until im ready, feedback is always welcome
320 · Dec 2020
Get Me The Hell Outta Here
Lavender Menace Dec 2020
the pope asked me what i really believed in, behind the lies and masks and the effect of saten.
you know what i told him?
wanna know what i said on that dry summer evenin?
i said that my holy book is read by the perfect way your hair looks messy when you just get out of bed,
when you call me late at night because our songs stuck inside your head.
i worship the way you always say that i know just what you think,
I'll pray to the way your voice goes low as hell when you talk about true love.
the way your eyes make stars appear in all that dreary darkness of...all the roads we take and lines we cross just to hold each other near. and at the end of this congregation i promise i'll see you soon my dear.
you give new colors to every flower. evey lemon, every tree. and the colors sparkle only when i hold you close to me,
on the red platos of navajo, honey bees making a song so much better than the radio, your voice the lead singer and my spirit feels the flow.
so yeah i know it's a little bit melo-dramadic, a bit manic, co dependent on the way you look at me, whatever you see that's just what i wanna be. babe.
and so my soul is saved with every touch from you.
preach in the pew about all the times we had at midnight solitary dances running from our taxes living life and death there's nothing left
but all that holy love we share.

so i told the priest the, minister the bishop and the father and the son and every single holy ghost who was there, that i'm in love with this girl and i dont give a ****, what you think force me to drink that holy water to set me on that straight and narrow bath, and i would laugh at all the **** that they believe will work on someone such as me.
and THAT'S how i got excommunicated
church ****
301 · Oct 2020
Self Destructive
Lavender Menace Oct 2020
I love it.
I love biteing my bold red, silent white fingertips till they snap off like hot glass, and baby this might scare the **** outta you but I love the feeling of my blood when it melts into the floor, I'm not gonna stop just because your pounding on my door.
The feeling of my heart tearing it apart is the only thing that I feel to live and live to feel.
And no, I don't love you, but I love the feeling you give me when I'm forced to cut my hair because you think it's ******* ugly.
Yeah baby tell me I'm ugly!!
Let's go to the store and i'll walk into the street, to get that half smoked cigarette I saw thrown out of a car window. And you can pull me away but that won't do ****, i'll fall into you and we'll both tumble off a bridge.... right into the snow, you saved me you know?
I'll tear out my eyes so I don't have to watch you go.
i love this feeling of sinking in sorrow, as **** spews from my mouth to make Room for tomorrow.
Sit in bed late at night, get bored, start a fight.
Break a window punch a wall just say **** it to it all.
I'll hit my head on the stone till I'm hella ******.
When someone tries to help make them hate you till they leave you alone.
I hate me too, yeah its self destructive, but that ***** just what I love so who gives a ****?
Oh look, now I'm alone, in the pool at my home, I made of glass on the floor, whail ghosts are pounding on my fuking door
**** it all, my family,my friends, my school, my love i dont care just **** it all
I JUST WANNA BE ALONE, LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE. IN A room full of static that I call my home.
Just leave me alone, I deserve to be alone.
oof yeah
299 · Nov 2019
Lavender Menace Nov 2019
A lie,
A look,
That's all it took.
Moved on,
And what did you expect?
The rope
Lost hope
The scars on my neck.
Ouch! that hurts....*still* hurts
295 · Mar 2019
Lavender Menace Mar 2019
I'm done.
I'm done with lying friends, I'm tired of making amends.
I'm done with every wrong choice, I choose just to have some kind of voice.
I'm done with due dates and roommates and "too late"s and all the useless new hate.
I'm leaving, I'm never coming back.
to a world were, fake smiles are nothing but a useless attack.
so goodbye,
I hope things are better in hell.
Because of this strange new life (that I don't remember signing up for) I cannot seem to  dream dreams anymore.
272 · Dec 2020
Fuck You
Lavender Menace Dec 2020
floaters in my eyes move and groove to the sound of my speeding heartbeat
until they form into the form of my perfect nightmare although, i really dont care.
and the lover of all life just learned to hate death.
so i will stare at the red and yellow colors hugging cracks in my cealing, what is this feeling?
i dont want to wake up and leave my light fairlylight tree.
ringing phones call me from every side.
but i wont rise from the sleep that ive worked so hard to disign.
not until static ***** my ears and froces me to cry.
putting on that polyester mask that they all call my pretty smile.
walking through the lions den i call home.
i feel like ****
262 · Apr 2020
Earthquakes At Night
Lavender Menace Apr 2020
Earth has a broken family,
Mother nature left to drink and play in Vegas.
Father Earth couldn't take the life he was left with. He hung himself with lilac vines.
Earth is all alone, even with the millions of bad people living on her skin she feels like she doesn't really fit in.
Earth smokes with the stars and sleeps with the moon.
What a lonely existence with the rain in the room.
Honestly I just felt like I had to write something
257 · Feb 2022
Bunny In Winter
Lavender Menace Feb 2022
I'm still waiting
In the snow
To be the one you love again
You’re different but, O’ the same
I want to hear you breathe my name
But it ended, didn't it?
I did this
I just want to restart
Stop doing drugs and give you my healthy heart
I think it hurt you before
Pericardial and falling apart
And Celine
Your eyes are a work of art,
What's left of fall, someone I could give my all.
And I still love you…
Which is to say
Something of a start
This is my Thousandth stage of grief and I wont get a break
Until I can finally admit i'm in a constant state of mistake
A stagnating intake
A self that I can't shake

You’re so different
But oh so same
Still the girl i fell in love with
I’m still stuck on that night,
I forget the verse, perhaps it was the fifth.
When they sang the flames into the night,
And lit a sacrificial light.
Leaning against you, against the wall
That night, that night,
I changed your mind
With O’
But a “Want”
255 · Oct 2021
surely this is the end
Lavender Menace Oct 2021
surely, my love, this is the end
may the hope of orion look back upon us, and tell our lovers tales
a choice, so simple yet love so gone and,
surely, my love, this is the end
the cups are empty when blood hath pooled
words whirlwind in my ears like memories
a song
surely, my love, this is the end
worries for curls and worries for girls, breaking knuckles in the mall
bang my head against a wall
then perhaps an answer will stall from the halls the cracks in the walls the blood as it falls perhaps and answer will finally ******* stall
make me known oh beautiful angel of love and decay
bury me in analog, under white ash and the cracks in your laugh
surely this, my love, is the end
so now im just laying here the cold ones only stare
whisper me truths of us when we died in youth
doubts consume our merry heads and take us to the floor
starved for connection i only plead harder and ask the doubt for more
and with all but a shiver,
doubt nods his head
surely, my love, for this is the end.
255 · May 2019
Hate VS Love
Lavender Menace May 2019


There both dead.
siht dear t'noD .evol laer dnif reven lliw ohw gnihton ytpme sseltraeh a m'I ?traeh tahW .nekorb traeh ym dah reven I
255 · Apr 2020
Flying With Her
Lavender Menace Apr 2020
my heart is
you make me see gold when things are black,
when you talk like that I freak O U T because, wow! how do you do that to me?
so I don't care if i have to cross a sea O F vulnerabilities and emotion,
ill do it all for that time you said M Y smile made you happy, when your happy i can fly to the stars an back.
My C H E ST feels all fluttery whenever our eyes meet and jeeze I'm just a frikity frakin mess
update: suprise!!! i have a girlfriend now!! and shes amazing and i just cant even anything shes just so cute! anyway yeah that happened and i dont think ive been this happy for a loooong time! i was kinda freaking out after i asked her to be my girlfriend so i wrote this poem, i know its bad i wrote it in like five minutes whilst re reading our conversations and dying, sorry im so whimsical right now but im just in a really really good mood today because yay
254 · Mar 2019
lieing lyers?
Lavender Menace Mar 2019
Angels in celestial light, become nefarious by the sinister dark of night.
252 · Oct 2020
Lovely Flowers.
Lavender Menace Oct 2020
Lovely flowers shall wither much too soon for you my darling! I can sing in only runes near your broken corpse sewn effigy and I will steal the energy from that place that I was meant to burn.
So please my love do not rest for me.
And i will sew a  t h o u s a n d dolls only to bring to me your last lilac smile,
Yet only you whisper those ever dreaded words.
“Ars longa, vita brevis”
So i can fake a dandy laugh
At least I can give you that.
Oh! The last of my fears lie stainless and dormant, with the tears that would stain your neck
Yet “ad astra aspera”
And no matter how much your body will crack your sage blue lips, forever you'll be with your coal black eyes until our lullabye turns to a cry.
So I shall wait with deprived rest.
Dripping heads,
Frozen fingers,
P u r p l e l i p s!!
All the singing monitors and drippings bags turn pale and silent next to what your hands had told me by nightfall, oh baby hold me before i sleep despite all the holes in my feet. With faces and fingers that drip with salt
With jarring moans that echo not but
L I V E!!
And oh if it could be that these four walls could speak. They would stay in such mournful silence for all the death that they've been borne to hold.
OH! So I weep for these four battered walls!!
And i can still hear your cursed breaths jumping through the halls
And every single inhale delves in fear of being last.
I wonder if darling witch breath will halt to an end.
And dancing darling to your deathbed, I ask that slowly witch you dread.
For what are to be letters you'll sing when at last you are to end.
Then you breathe my name! You hold my hand and oh!!how it feels until i look at you with melting zeal! see I was your last.

For darling, now that you are dead.
Poem. Boom. Ur welcome
245 · May 2019
The Heart Shaped Charm
Lavender Menace May 2019
dead hearts restart.
your bloods on the floor aka art.
you tear your life apart,
just for a distant broken heart.
?tsrow eht em truh dluow tsrif tsol i taht eno eht wenk ohw ,yteicos pu dessem siht ni evila neeb evi emit eht revo elpoep fo tola tsol evi
241 · Mar 2019
Lavender Menace Mar 2019
Can you see it?         The blood.
                                 The blood.
                                 The blood.
                                         dripping                through
                                 ­      the                                  white
I'm running through the bleeding ****** blood.
                                           Can I leave?
                                   I don't want to get in the way.
                                                                     the way of you.
                                    living your lifetime                                        
               you don't need me.
               you don't need me to keep living your lifetime.
                                          And live your lifetime.
                                   I'm at the end of my **** lifeline.

239 · Jan 2020
Lavender Menace Jan 2020
Im back
Eating chocolate cheetos on your couch
I'm here
To invade
Your happy ending like the villan I've always been
But what
Are you gonna do
Cuz I'm never leaving you alone again
I'm here
I'm hurt
Get ready to sin
I'm trying so hard to be confident and cool and blah blah blah but FRIKIN FRIK that hurt
236 · Mar 2019
Error 404
Lavender Menace Mar 2019
today has been canceled.
Lavender Menace Feb 2020
Hi, I'm really lonely and kinda sad...again. and I really miss you... again. Wow, jeeze I sound so desperate for attention I wish I had attention. I wish I wasn't so lonely all the time. Did you leave me? Did you finally decide the best way to get rid of me was to ignore me all together?Did you finally get out of the pit and decided to walk away and leave me all alone with no way of coming out of the pit myself? I'm all alone now. Staring at the spot you used to sit shamelessly wishing you were there. We're you ever there tho? Did you ever love me? Or was it just another game? Is that why you left? Because I became boring? Were you lying every single time? It broke me you know, tore me to shreds, do you know what the worst part is? I have hope. False hope that I gave myself.
"Remember when we carved are name in the stars, it was special. I hope you feel that way too" cute, huh? It's probably for another girl, another game, another dream. I'm dramatic, I'm in love, without you, it kinda *****. I wish more than anything that you would call me right now. Or text. Or email. Or signal. Or write. Summon? But you won't. Because your gone. You left and I have to deal with it, you got over me and I sat there helping you leave It's so funny to me how you would always try so hard to get out of love, I would help you but you never noticed that I was still there I just stayed there and would not move I still don't want to get out of love with you because once im out it's only a matter of time before I fall in love with someone else and my heart gets broken again, I can handle a little bit of pain and lonelyness and heartache and everything that comes with it but I really can't handle more hope and more love and then losing it again just like that. Being hopeless is the best way to stay okay
its still not poetry but now im brave enough to put it in the public section of hello poetry
199 · Jan 2020
Forever dream
Lavender Menace Jan 2020
Its quiet here, the only sound is my footsteps tap tap tapping on a narrow silver path, I can look up and see stars falling like tears but look down and see a nothing that goes on for years. I run for miles on the narrow silver path the silver reflects my desperation I need to get out. I'm running and running memories chase me like dogs I can't get away my feet just sound wrong. Silver turns green, I'm in a sad grotto blond hair, blind eyes sit by a gold tree she's silent and screaming I know she sees me. I sit and awake in a wave of dark clouds in a blood red liquid that serves as a ground I walk and walk my feet splashing Scarlet until I see her dancing, a crying blind harlott short black hair streaming to nowhere beautifully tradgic she dances like magic. I close my eyes and i dance aside, waiting hopefully for the moment we die.
Jesus Christ! This poam *****! I just really needed to write something
198 · Dec 2020
The End Of All Things
Lavender Menace Dec 2020
surely this is the end
the hope of orion look back upon us, and tell the lovers tales
a choice, so simple a love so gone, surely this is the end
the cups are empty the tears have pooled
words whirlwind like memories
surely this is the end
if it is the end, why must it end this way the questions question the way we way
why are you ***
worries for curls and worries for girls, cracking knuckles in the mall
bang my head against a wall
then perhaps an answer will stall from the halls the cracks in the walls the blood as it falls perhaps and answer will stall
make me known oh beautiful love
this surely is the end
sitting here in my dwindling stock the cold ones stare at my eyes
they tell so many truths to us when we were still alive
doubts consume my very head and drop me to the floor
starved for connection i only plead and ask the doubt for more
yeah btw did i say i hate the world
Lavender Menace May 2019
friendship can burn like an old picture on the wall. it tries so hard to stay, just like its always been, nostalgic screaming soon wears thin. it tries so hard to not fall apart, destined to burn from the very start. it tries so hard to pretend that everything´s okay, yet the edges start to fray. it tries and tries and tries and tries. but, the edges are crumbling in on the plummeting colors, that was once me, once you once her, once friends. the flames are licking the back of the paper ripping a beautiful hole between the three of us, my friends. and that´s when it had to come to an end.
camp kallie and hope pools are dead.
189 · Jan 2020
A Ghost Of Pure Heaven
Lavender Menace Jan 2020
So naive, so whole
She smiles as fireworks burst in her eyes soon to sizzle out surely to die, because her smile will then turn to a cry.
Eternally happy
Eternally in love
She's lost in the moment
This poem is stupid but I've got nothing else rn, sorry
187 · Jan 2020
A Moment In Time
Lavender Menace Jan 2020
Muted colors dancing in the rain
Bring memories
But memories bring pain
Oof I am not a poet person but I can be sad too lol
185 · Nov 2019
Wow This Poem Sucks!
Lavender Menace Nov 2019
I didn't ask for stars,
I never wanted the sky.
I got that and more anyway,
You never said why?
You loved me,
I tried
To warn you.
Do do do do do do do do, Elmo's woooorld
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