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Death-throws Aug 2015
Where does this zero go?
when is it o.k to say yes or no?
my transactions arent lining up
and my expenses have run amuck
and i think my buisness has  gone to ****
i think that i am out of luck
Jul 2015 · 8.1k
I have become death
Death-throws Jul 2015
I have become death eater of words
I have become death, destroyer of books
I have become death, Savager of pages
I have become death
neglect at my side
And with no pride
Destroying all that once aided man kind
bringing suffering to all that was written in lines
and hummed in rhymes
and sung in time
knowledge ignored is knowledge consumed in dust
so sit with me and watch the world turn to rust
and they told me ignorance is bliss
Death-throws Jul 2015
Lack of communication
is an accurate definition of my miss representation

Lack of medication
redirects my mass infection reaping the nation

lack of effective meditation
re infects my self designed disease facing annihilation

lack of representation
forcing myself to find a new nation

barriers affect communication
part of a series im writing while studying buisness,
most of these are inspired from the pure ignorance my teachers present to their students,
hoorah to the student loan
hoorah to the job not needed
hoorah to a life time of debt
Jul 2015 · 460
And they thought i was dead
Death-throws Jul 2015
To be dead is to be cold
I am not dead
Full of motion
I am a pen
on a screen
filled with words
made to sheen
it doesnt matter
  if my words lean
   it doesnt matter
    if my words  scream
     i am only dead
when i admit it
Jul 2015 · 4.4k
Debits and credits
Death-throws Jul 2015
Debits on the left credits on the right
balancing such wastefull transactions
debits on the left credits on  the right
hating myself for youthful actions
debits on the left credits on the right
Who told you about job satisfaction?
Jul 2015 · 831
Dance little firefly,
Death-throws Jul 2015
Dancing little firefly round and round and round you fly
up through the sky so high
so little fear and no reason to lie
dancing little firefly round and round and round you fly
drawn up to the stars so high,
not a single reason to cry
my dancling little firefly
no longer will i stand so high
no longer will the world spill lies
because i am here to sheild your eyes
Jul 2015 · 829
Swing me to a lullaby
Death-throws Jul 2015
Swing me to a lullaby
so  soft and soothing i wont wonder why
the world stings so much
and why everyone is in a rush

so swing me to  a lullaby
to cold and dark to work out why
i find myself in  a rush
i wonder when this will become too much

Swing me to a lullaby
so old and cold, and ive found out why
i was in  a rush
to end this life, its far to much
Death-throws Jul 2015
uncurl from your ball child
wipe away those soot laden tears
welcome to the new world
where all is here to fear
sons of the apocalypse she wailed
bow down to your fears
welcome to the new world she wailed
welcome to the fear
welcome to the chaos that i have brought so near
uncurl from your ***** you men
bastars filled with shame
bring forth your sins,
and i shall give them names
Crawl out of your festering holes,
and bring out the young
for a man will say anything,
when he stares down the barrel of a gun

so we came in great swavs
and brought forwards all our rot
and smiled as she told us
that the world would forget us not
Jul 2015 · 466
Death-throws Jul 2015
to my life
and to my soul
to my heart
and in my bowls
welcome to my breakfast
and my dinners too
welcome to my love
and its scary to think
in little more then a blink
youve come from face pacing by
to the reason im alive,
so welcome <3
Death-throws Jun 2015
This morning i had to wake up.
curled right next to you
bottoms gone tops my legs twisted around yours like red vines
the feeling sweeter then anything
you woke me with kisses,
soft as hershies
and i giggled bubbly like lemonade
i hope this feeling never fades
waking up
every morning
in sweet sweet love with you
Jun 2015 · 823
Crippled men must walk
Death-throws Jun 2015
you dont understand
its not in your mind
ive picked my angle
I truely cant rewind
my past lives have died
along with my pride
to choose you
is to choose a side

and though you think i dance
with grass burning freely
i am not a man, not without you, clearly,

i have made my choice, i made it long ago
to dance with you free, in sun wind or snow

but  i will pay my price
and taking my feet bare, walking camly without a care
my life has never been easy, nor soft, nor breezy,
i have never needed or wanted,
but still i have tried,
to crutch my problems, with a joint at my side,
pull away my crutch, and trip me up ,
i will fall
but i wont give up
because the love you give me is like none ive seen before,
and tho i get tired, and riled , and sore,
I find my self falling so softly
needing more
dont go,
please dont
but my crutch will be gone soon,
and my ailments still their,
so please would you help me get from here
to there
Jun 2015 · 598
I admit it,
Death-throws Jun 2015
Make it stop
oh how nieve you are
free as a bird
inside a cage
with wings made to fly
from page to page
sure ive burnt papers galore
but my soul, my spirit is no more,
you dont know now,
but you will
the effect you have on me,
no frills
youve made me realize,  that i am two sizes to big for this skin
and my kin ,
im scared
so scared you see,
of this demon lurking beneath me
caged birds dont get to fly to often
its so difficult when without my vice my bones soften
and to be with you is to brake both my legs
and even when my soul pleads and begs.
understand that  to scream at you is to show affection
because i have chosen my direction
to loose myself in you, is to find my way home
and never again,
shall i feel so alone
Im an addict
Jun 2015 · 334
So strange
Death-throws Jun 2015
Its strange. That in a place where I can have my anominity
I choose to show face
Jun 2015 · 542
She did
Death-throws Jun 2015
She made me ,you know.
Remove blades from their housings
And sheath my soul.
Drive knifes and daggers into her back.
Part the flesh from bone.
Coward she cried. But gritting her teath for more
Shed lie here on on my bed. Or sprawled across the floor
Shed block my paths out.
My routes through the doors
She would make me harm herself
When she couldn't any more
Jun 2015 · 670
No good dead
Death-throws Jun 2015
No good dead

I'm no good dead

Rotten meat doesn't sell well

And tainted souls less so.

So chin up boy. Soldier on ,

To long thinking this way,

And you will miss the day

You finnaly get paid
Jun 2015 · 388
Do you ?
Death-throws Jun 2015
Do you know how scared I am?
Do you know what looms?
Do you know the fear I have
For all the dark and gloom?
Do you know the knives and blades
Hidden in my room.?
Do you know the smell of fear.?
Do you know who holds you near?
Or is it all just dull and doom.
Do you know who loves you more?
Or are you so unsure...
That the thought is truely nothing new
Do you know who soothes my sleep?
And softly, kindly coos
" all the things i know so well
Are nothing  when
I'm with you"
Jun 2015 · 703
Dont dance
Death-throws Jun 2015
I don't dance
Not to this tune.
I won't prance.
Not with this gloom
Two left feet drag like cement bags
Across the room
Old bags with scabs.
Scoweling laughter , certain of my doom
Broken knees like jack knifed trees
I'm threw
So I will pick up my bags.
Lace my cement shoes
And tell the old hags with their scowls
And their gloom

That still I dance.
Across the room
Jun 2015 · 815
Death-throws Jun 2015
Don't be afraid
the man says in tears

Its perfectly normal
the doctor winces

You'll feel better in no time
*the therapist smirks
Jun 2015 · 790
Dont let them see
Death-throws Jun 2015
Please don't
Broken bits don't get to go home,
Shatterd skulls no longer yaw
Skin cut and flayed does not fall.
Mearly drips,
The essence of my life flows.
I am in less control of this.
Then a river controls its bends
May 2015 · 472
Death-throws May 2015
I love you.
Not your frills that could ****.
Or poka dot bullet holes color cordinated with skill

I love you
Not for your heart of gold or skin of silk
Not for your eye lashes or peircings, real or fake

I love you
Not because of who you are
But because of what you are.
Is that so wrong? X
May 2015 · 541
motion sickness
Death-throws May 2015
My eyes are red like a sunset,
Devils dance.
my end of the bargin has been met.
Welcome to my rainy day
Forces and darkness come out to play
My life ebbs again
At the end of a ball point pen
May 2015 · 320
hang it out to dry
Death-throws May 2015
If I shall grow old.
And my clothes hang like ghosts
Just know that once apon a time
I could fit inside my skin
May 2015 · 370
silenced thoughts
Death-throws May 2015
Dream me comatose
I am abandoned In my mind,
Spirits dance around  mans soul
bringing fire to his eyes.
And yet I dream here,
With not a diamond in my eye,

Floating away from here
with not a thought apon my mind,
I was told I was to hold my post
but apon the sword I  shall die,

Take my mind from here,
Like an albatross
Floating through the skies
Dont let me die here,
alone with all but my mind
Brain dead is a hell of a way to go
May 2015 · 316
Death-throws May 2015
without sleep

I am without sleep

but today

no more
May 2015 · 807
opposites attract
Death-throws May 2015
Your top lip is like the bottom
just upside down
But your heart is just like mine
only the other way around
Death-throws May 2015
Who else finds a pause an irritating absence of speech?
like  every single Fullstop. is an area that is to far away to reach?
that every single absence of sound is a wall so high its impenatrable to breach
dependable scenarios are ones which are riddled with noise
chaotic and invaluable noise
because without noise and sound,
songs from lips and barks from hounds
our lives are cut too short,
because no longer am i able to retort
May 2015 · 6.3k
Glass ass.
Death-throws May 2015
doth hate yourself ***,
for an *** with mind is still an ***
flaunting about the property of knowlege,
like every little gasp, saves you from laughing stock

doth Bring yourself justification
for beeing such an ***'
and though you seem a *****,
my lady your still a lass

So bring to me the right kind,
of liquid, intoxicating
and sit back and smile, as i lie here,
May 2015 · 988
desposing of the past
Death-throws May 2015
how likely am i, to be what i am
then how likely you are to be  but a scar
I am Not A steryotype,
i am archaic in my design, so fail me not in my attempts to justify myself
but allow me to traverse the insantity of my delusion ,

delinquint similarities rattle us to the core, yes.
but thou hast taken to devouring my being
i know i prolong my suffering with intermitten relapses
but my storm in a tea cup is just chaos incarnate,
dont devour my soul , but take my heart, let me love you like only i know how
in a fashion that only you shall recieve

my dear you are not one of thousands, or hundreds or dozens akin
you are only one, and one only for me
dont despise my loss of time, or addiction to the unsavoury,
but take me to a place i have not seen, to see a part of myself
yet unseen
you think i am disposed and discovered, traversed by all manner of explorers,
not true,
you are the first to try unravel how i have formed, geographic mountainscapes carved from a violent and reactive past can be cut down to feilds
just pull me a part one pebble at a time
May 2015 · 1.1k
Im in lesbians with you
Death-throws May 2015
I haz only one favorite water bottle;
May 2015 · 412
Without you ill have :
Death-throws May 2015
An Empty tank of gas
An Empty heart of glass
Empty thoughts
An Empty cranium now filled,with last resorts
An Empty spine, im a coward it seems
Empty skin, Im  too stuck to move forward, bursting with a lack of ambition at the seems.
An Empty tone,
An Empty phone,
An Empty house
An Empty home
Without you ill have:
how else can i say those three words,
but to say what i will be without you
Im in love with you
May 2015 · 267
Death-throws May 2015
Dont go
Im used to running away,
from my problems and pains
when I just wanted to stay..
Id crawl into your arms right now
across the mile of broken glass between our bedrooms
If you took the effort to say
Please dont tell me to go
Death-throws May 2015
Lost has become an expression to me,
not a sensation of unknowing
more of a sensation of loss of myself
im lost without you,
without it i might be dull
but without you, Im nothing but a shell
your the scrap i have left,
silk that weighs more then gold,
you have a heart of fire ive been told,
i want it, wrapped in ice and dipped in sugar,
I belive i am the one who can take you there
but we went from 80 to 0 real fast..
and  I wasnt wearing a seatbelt
but christ i still have whip lash
because  my unconditional love for you coaxed me into safety,
i took of my harness and let myself be me,
and now your saying i should take me away from me,
that i should just simply stop beeing what i am
its not so easy when all you have to fix a concret wall is craft paper
I get that you think im a lady killer
and i despise the fact you think i enjoy it,
but i understand your misconceptions, i know what its like to be stuck in your head without a lock for the broken key around your neck
but unlike you think, my tounge is dull as butter knife on any other median but paper,
my skull is as emptier of lust for another woman
then a gay priest married to Christ, '
you have nothing to fear  sweet heart, i dont want to go anywhere,
I know you think im a brick wall,
of problems and cracks and faults
and your mad your out of mortor to fix me
just understand knocking me back down doesnt get  me any further foreward..
be declicate when you build me back up...
your building yourself a future..
this broken fence,
this unshapped clay,
is yours now to ply and toy with. No one elses,
just say you love me one more time so i can sleep..
and understand im trying as hard as i can,
to be the man you want me to be
May 2015 · 366
Apologys come in many forms
Death-throws May 2015
Your an addict
                   I know
do you know what your doing to her?
                             I am reminded with every wheezed breath
do you know how much you mean to her?
                                            not a clue
do you think you can ever love her the way she loves you?
                                                            ­ *from the way things are going,
                                                          ­     I think im going to die trying
I love you, no matter what you think, no matter what your told, i do
thats from my mouth, my lips my mind my heart,
its undistorted,
i realise i have failings,
please dont pick on the one im trying to fix,
and decide im no longer worth your time...
May 2015 · 3.4k
Mad love, mad, mad love'
Death-throws May 2015
I usually write about pain because of the absence of happiness
now im going to write about pain because of the absence of you

suffering through negligible tasks like floating through a school day
both feet in the air gliding past my peers without a care
I'm numb you know, from the excruciating agony of knowing your not here with me,
I'm crippled with the guilt of knowing that you  feel the same because of me
you should let me love you more, you have no idea what affects you have on me,
glee rolled in ecstasy
fun double dipped in happiness
joy twice fried  in cute and once in trust
you have changed me, I never thought I could love anyone like you
and now look,
I'm loving you,
hearts thumping
like a good remix two songs merge into one
Mad love'

Most of the time I write about pain,
but right now
I want to write about you
mad love...
what a thing to behold
Death-throws May 2015
Burn through me like gold dust
salute my bruised heart,
through the window of my chest
Beating so slowly  
you'd be surprised that it can move at all,
Muscles contracting so tense
Im a trooper, battery powered assault class fighter
Punching above my weight so carelessly
you ******* alive
arrogant ecstasy  unravels in me ,
twirling pirouettes spit in spats  of profanity,  
give me a little more,  your not just some little *****
your a cowboy on a pirate ship whos plunging into war
head of the armada charge strait for my heart
your ambition is not lost in the fight
and though your overwhelmed with all the might  of my baggage
you spin next to me in fits of glee,
as i carry you to our carrige
fall in love with me my dear
no longer will you have to fear
your skin isnt so tight when you wear it loosely,
come hold me closer
So i can slip you out of your comfort zone
May 2015 · 311
the pen without a hand
Death-throws May 2015
I wish I could write myself into your life
Erase the suffering, the strife.
Maybe when I learn to write
with an eraser,
I won't have to scratch out my mistakes
May 2015 · 1.1k
Come home
Death-throws May 2015
Yell a  little louder, I dare you
Your heart is a megaphone set to loud let it bleat its message
to  the crows and crowds alike

Your mind is a violin, sitting like porcelain  in a satin palace
Singing a somber tone to its audience of no one,
so alone.

Your spirit is a caged stalion
ready to rare, flash its teeth, grip its hind legs and stare

But in my arms you are  a puppet
so warm and soft
I have trouble believing how much you must cost

because the wears you fetch and sell have amassed no fortune
and the hearts you keep in jars have long since stopped beating

move on with me,
skip town, come dance around
free as yetis,
and just as likely to exist,

my presence unkown to you now
will be the dowry on which our lives will finnally start
And in your eyes, I might finnaly exist
May 2015 · 468
Death-throws May 2015
Broken poets and Broken pens never think to scribble again
May 2015 · 495
Death-throws May 2015
Let's be sensible
Where all going to die
No lies!
I say it with either quiver nor tremble
You are free.
And sentient.
Touched with beauty
Rolled in spice
Were cracked. Fragmented
Caress me
May 2015 · 713
on, terrified:
Death-throws May 2015
I am terrified,
beyond all exemption
lost my bones
there shall be no redemption
I've favored a ghost
and lost all that was me
and now I fade
so effortlessly
I tried too hard
to be what was right
and now I loose myself
to the blade of a *knife
May 2015 · 1.0k
Im confused
Death-throws May 2015
Im starting to write less and less
and Its scaring me
because I either have no sufferings to write about
or Its all become to much
which one?
how will I know?
whats wrong with my head
Its all twisted up inside
knotted guts struggling to chew through knowledge
am I maturing?
or am I finally turning to dust
I'm sorry if I'm not so sweet to hold,
its difficult when you slip through gaps
like the ones in your fingers
and the holes in your heart
May 2015 · 618
12 word
Death-throws May 2015
You just try and stop me from loving  you, I dare you.
May 2015 · 792
Death-throws May 2015
And she said
I don't think I love you any more
You never seem to call me lately
Girl I don't think you know me at all
Because I never thought I'd have to say this
But I don't love you
And I never did look at us
Burning down in flames for kicks
Ripping up roads for licks
But just know
I'm not Writing for your xo
I'm just Writing because it's over
Death-throws Apr 2015
Every day He lies
To himself and the world around him
He dons clothing too dark for his skin,
He closes his eyes because when they open
He only sees whats inside
You could say hes so blind to it, that he leans on it
Every morning when he gets out of bed Like a crutch
Hes the kind of broken that can never heal
Hes the bundle of sin that will never be forgotten
Hes the ball of problems that forgot how to roll
Hes dead inside
for you my dear,
Apr 2015 · 2.2k
Headphones are narcotics too
Death-throws Apr 2015
Slipping in my ear-buds,
To get my daily dose
Feeling so close to the sound that doesn't affect me
Flying over clouds only my mind can see
Bass wobbles, no duds

I'm addicted to the ripples,
My head lulls with a vengeance
"don't bother him man, hes gone"
Passers-by call to  me
So drunk on sound...
My cranium has better acoustics then the great theater
Rhythm's projected with shock waves and powered by hand grenades
I am a supernova charged by AUX
Watch anxiety writhe and burn in my wake
Apr 2015 · 539
Death-throws Apr 2015
I like to walk on tight ropes made of rainbow bacon in my mind
Because deep below me, is everything I left behind
And through I creep through time, so slowly and surely
I rely so wholly on my insecurities
Because they excuse me,  
The absent quarters in my brain are filled and drained daily
Like ***** , abused in the onset of the tide
With hopes and ambitions and new dreams and ideas
That are briskly
And surely crushed in my sleep
Aghast i gasp in the horror of my anatomy
How poorly my blood vessles are fueled
So I shall bleed them dry
With out a doubt in my mind I am in the right
Yet my heart beats so sourly when I fight
For love

Why am I so wrong
Why is it that nothing goes to plan
And they say failing to plan is planning to fail
So I plan to fail so spectacularly they thought id planned it in the First Place

Loosing grip on reality has its drawbacks,
Mostly though
The drawbacks stand,
That their is no drawbacks
Not one at hand
So clasp me right, and rig me for full sail
I've caught a gale my dear,
And to the heart of the storm i shall sail
Apr 2015 · 484
Death-throws Apr 2015
I despise my  shallow, fickle existence,
no more, no more.
Apr 2015 · 4.7k
deaths warm embrace
Death-throws Apr 2015
We all die alone
when the time comes
We will all be far from home
the sticks and stones,
didnt brake our bones
yet still I die,
Apr 2015 · 519
Death-throws Apr 2015
Time to write
No time to fight
dancing with rain drops on my tongue
acid rain couldn't sting as much
as the rain on my window pain
of flesh and lungs
smoke evaporates with a passion
and I feel
that i am no longer in fasion
Apr 2015 · 881
Death-throws Apr 2015
falling from the inside
like an old building
tho my facade has not changed, nor weatherd with age,
my foundations are cracked like used sand paper
the wallpaper is peeling of the bindings
support me
dont let me colapse apon the ground we have have soiled
dont tell me now the dirt i stood proudly apon  
*has been turned to dust
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