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sweet ridicule Oct 2015
happy happy one more year
11:01 hello life
it seems sacrilegious to cry tonight
spinning is okay.
thank you for being you

--with titanium in your brain and blood
of your innocence on your hands
the ultimate sacrifice
I thank you for your intense genius

--with faithful diligence in your back
pocket and continuous
I thank you for your patient impatience

--with peace under your tongue
and understanding in
your breath
I thank you for your acceptance

this is the love song
of yet another
bruising and healing year
sweet ridicule Oct 2015
secret lingo of nothingness
rings on my fingers
my someone is playing with them.
I should remove one but
it is silver and stands for an ironic
10:12 this is the aggregation
of heartbreak and self-love
the desperation of my unforgivable
humanity pushed away
buried under my high-top clad feet
for 35 minutes
I want to cement in you
a love for your idiosyncrasies
repetitive and consuming
craving the word crave
is redundant but
there is nothing I would
hide from you
sweet ridicule Oct 2016
i Keep rubbing my wrists and my forearms nervously anxiously and can
feel the tendons ache and the muscles on my left forearm snap back and forth: a (broken) guitar string slapping the frets every
time it is
strummed.  If i push on the muscles --or the string, perhaps there is no difference-- too hard my hand (goes numb) and the cord (chord)-like muscles seep exhaustion into my skin --forgive me for this. there is little i can do and big i can do but all i remember is everything
it starts small a little bit of pain but i know I will willingly take it for just

( a little bit of you )

infiltrating me I don't know why my legs ache and my skin fights against me I am grateful for You fighting for me grateful for me fighting for You

this has been full of change full of upside down i am proud of my START AGAIN abilities of my explore: drive anywhere you want GO GO mindset
but sometimes I ache. calling you nightly is
not enough but I promise to make it enough
to try to make everything you do
feel like more than enough

                                             i love when the sun is warm and it is cloudy and i get the opportunity to trip over you Accidentally or (not so accidentally). falling into tears every time I hear a symphony play-- perhaps there is no love in the world comparable to a
symphony or perhaps I am
sinfully biased due to my
experiences with symphonic beings

i Intend to live my life Running or dancinG with symphonies blossoming between my tender and temporarily not calloused
fingers and
with you and we
Constantly reinventing what it means to be Alive  
I will try my best ( for you and for Me) but
there is not
enough time
sweet ridicule Feb 2018
Blue Snoopy mugs and dark black coffee. You smile and I sip. I fling windows open to clean the inside air. It is negative degrees outside but in my bed we wake up sweaty. Bananas and pomegranate green tea, we read late into the night. Not unusually, I am alternating between euphoria and crises every few hours; the weight of existence is immeasurable. You explain the biology of monkeys and how we choose who our children become. I wonder about who I have become. We lay on the pink and the blue rugs and your body lowers slowly onto mine. You say you want a life centered around this; I say I agree. My head is too full of you to say anything more. I rub lavender and chamomile oil over my chest. I think of it when I walk outside and wonder if I am as much a part of the earth as I want to be. You kiss my neck from behind and bring me back. I am always coming and going.
I need to write more prose.
sweet ridicule Nov 2017
(not a word in Spanish)
te quiero
with earth and arms
spinning like the words
mumbles in my head
poetry is inherently egotistical
as if reading what hurts
my heart.yourheart.hisheart.
will cure anything
sweet ridicule Dec 2015
transferring songs and
lemon drops from under my tongue
to the inside of my gums
until they reach the lines of your
soft palms
my beautiful Nihilist
sugar and heavy whipping cream and berries
shedding the skin
of my cherished pedagogues
incompetence catching
violently in my
Alto-voiced throat
feeling too much
is dangerous.
sweet ridicule Mar 2015
litter my body
with art
ornate drawings paintings mixed colors
silver gold clay copper jewelry
I don't mind bruises
(any kind)
thud thud thud through my heart
litter my ears heart throat
with songs that shake my aorta
unbalancing my Eustachian tube
deafen me to everything else
and I will breathe in until my lungs ache
(pulmonary artery backed up--too much oxygen)
the air full of wrong lust love hope rain sun speed disease panic difference bodies hate sky and infinite space
I must know what it feels like
to be
fully fully fully

(I won't miss a thing)
focus focus focus
sweet ridicule Oct 2015
sitting in plastic blue seats
ignoring the catastrophic poisonous
element they’re breathing in and out
(oxygen takes an average of 80 years to
**** you)
it slowly sets you on fire
all of your molecules exhausting themselves
slowly burning up
in waves of passionate indifference
sweet ridicule May 2015
but first coffee
and spilled chia seeds
down my shirt
an empty bag of
chocolate covered espresso beans
on my dusty computer desk
with a picture of Love
in a doggy bone frame --I don't know why--
stained with time
mom took a picture of me last
writing Christmas cards to
a dozen faces I know
but don't care for
she said --send it to Love--
--you're beautiful--
Love said I was beautiful
in an over-sized cotton candy pink
orchestra shirt
so I believed it
now a little too arrogant
daring the massive population
to disapprove of my naked
make-up free face
because Love said I was beautiful
and I believed it
they said it all
sweet ridicule Aug 2015
so cold such purple toes I've never seen
smoke from your mouth but
I've seen other things and now
I see nothing at all not even your
bland brown eyes I only write
about beautiful people
turns out beauty lives temporarily in
crooked cursive letters
not half as long as I expected
abstaining from eye contact that dreadful 10
there are needles in my eyes
like the tips of silver icicles in winter dripping slowly down my spine
I love winter like gold
full on cleansing
running in the snow in a tank-top and snow boots and jeans
I believe there there is life hiding in me
sometimes I am ridiculously empty but

wasting time has never been my thing
sweet ridicule Mar 2015
blue hair skinny black lipstick million cheap bracelets
girl stands in front of a mirror
and I swallow myself

"you pull blue hair off beautifully"

because she does
and who says what beauty is

you are art

shining eyes and imperfect skin
choose your addiction

life is mine
sweet ridicule Dec 2017
I ask her if she saw your eyes
She said she did that they are the
“boy eyes” but tripled and then
says but “have you seen your own eyes”
I said I hadn’t so I ran to the mirror
to see and started crying
at the way my dark eyes are full of peace
(giant wet pools of love) melting against my skin
through my pores
all because of
sweet ridicule Dec 2015
lying for freedom
is it acceptable to walk
my bare feet across the floor
is it acceptable to walk
my bare self up to you?

my pathetic mortality
etched into every groove of
my delicately built body
opiates dance around
my mind
take take take
choose your ****** I choose bare hands
on chests and
violin strings
for u
sweet ridicule Mar 2015
welcome to this dream
I will spin you in c
                        es        ir
                          ­    cl
with me trying to fall asleep
melatonin completely absent from my veins
voices blur in messy paintings
(Goya total sense does make
compared to cinnamon gum
the bitter sweet taste of someone away)
sirens scream too loudly
mesmerizing half of me
slowly spinning
(little me with a top on the porch in the summer sun)
except there's no sun
and this spinning cannot be stopped
too tangible now
and I suddenly need
cinnamon gum again.
well...we're all spinning right?
sweet ridicule Nov 2017
a subject of amusement
( the come and go of laughter pinches )
buried under fabric
I resent it all (no more)
pineapples and honeycomb
finding love in the pit
of my stomach
(for trees and cream and earth)
                             /   /
                          /     /
                        /      /
sweet ridicule Nov 2017
cookie dust and giggling
again again again
soft soft skin little hands and sour breath for
a moment we are the same and you
little and young and whole run to me and
I am also whole occasionally
Especially with little arms around my
still in shock at the way love and
selfishness coincide and simultaneously
we survive. I strive to be kind out I am selfish for
wanting more time with little you (and also) so
full of love
giving you all (everything) I can spare.
little loves
sweet ridicule Feb 2015
sometimes I can feel my heart
     (when I drink
too much steaming black coffee) in
my chest
    and sometimes I feel it in the pit
of my stomach as my heart runs away
and sometimes I can't feel it at all
     (except that it's walking away and so are you so I'm beginning to see a correlation)
does this make sense ¿
sweet ridicule Mar 2015
judgement is futile
as are ibuprofen and car-keys
when walking thinking talking
means breathing out poetry in the dark dark
corners of every inch
of the cranium

inundated people
high on drugs or life or love
lumber by me
dream-like                                                           i'm not here
(most of the time)
sweet ridicule Apr 2016
Dancesong soul your
gentle yet competent –oh so competent—
fingers are mesmerizing with
chipped baby blue nail polish
adorning the clear keratin
you often forget exists.

you also quickly cease to remember that
You Exist.  kaleidoscopic and symphonious
tremors of life can break
you in violent waves or soft
eucalyptus scented embraces
oscillating between ecstasy and
euphonious melancholy
is Okay.

raging with life
stay vivacious and full of
sweet scented oils and soft yet strong
--oh so strong—
for my dearest friend
sweet ridicule Jan 2015
I sweep myself
into a puddle
and I evaporate
into the dirt

and I drown in
the sand
and I freeze
under blankets

and I hunger
for water
and I thirst
for words

and I taste
the anger
and I breathe
the impossible

and I cry
in sheer happiness  
and laugh
from a broken heart

but I still live.
sweet ridicule Oct 2015
it is 9:24
and the
insecurities of you haunt me
like gray skied-snowflakes
I wish I could crush them
in my yellow-white teeth
till they are powdery
turned into a powerless narcotic
diet soda tastes sweeter
than regular
spilling onto the seat of the car
I ordered it anyway
it's raining and there are
diet coke kisses on my
cloudy raindrops on
my forehead
dandelions in
my eyes
I really would crush them
sweet ridicule Oct 2015
freak of nature
"selfish" screaming in my ears
I digress violently now
Whitman bleeding out of
my ears
I cannot bow
seventeen and furious
I am the poet of the
human skin; of violins
and softly fingered clarinets
singing of the dirt under
my fingernails
self-loathing--the evil twin
of guilt--is blinding
I cannot read graphing
calculators or the
but both seem empty
like the box under my bed
that used to hold pieces of my
soul (or I thought it did)
now I am scattered
I would like to
hold onto your hand
(I will be less abrasive this way)
instead of purging myself
of every doubt that
has rudely accosted me
in the marrow of
my simple human
i wrote this in math :/
sweet ridicule Feb 2018
giggling I am not being
facetious but the sight of you
flying towards me is exhilarating
and quite honestly I can say that
you are the happiest thing I have
ever witnessed.
sweet ridicule Feb 2015
Filing robotically
Smiling like a million
Mona Lisas
In a portrait that
has violently painted them
violently painted us
decided our landscape
painted violently
smile smile smile
Mona Lisa smile
It demands that we smile
This is not art
Smile smile smile
But are you happy
Smile smile smile
But are you happy
Fall fall fall
crack the smile
serene Mona Lisa
is cursed
like us.
how much of this is real?
sweet ridicule Mar 2015
salty H2O i think
drains bitterness from
the thick-lashed shutters called eyes
girl collapsing
clutching your hands together
begging for
a purpose
new smelly carpet uncomfortable
sun rays in the ***** window
liberate yourself
hands that aren't yours --hands of people
and peers and indoctrination--
are choking you
but you can run
run away from this
you don't have to live
like this.
sweet ridicule Sep 2015
do you remember sitting in the ER at 3 AM and seeing an x-ray of a head and a big white blank space in it and the warm white blankets on your 11 year old legs felt cold all of a sudden.  you were given a stuffed Beanie Baby frog and you ran around the hospital courtyard nervously taking the frog to Animal World with your 8 year old sister and her rainbow colored bear. and then you sat up and helped the nurse take your mom's blood pressure and he smiled at how clear her lungs were even with the asthma and told you that you could be a doctor if you wanted to because doctors save people they fix people.  

people can't be fixed.

there are so many different levels of mastery.  I have counted all of my fingers in rhythm backwards and forwards and I think I have mastered that there are 10 and only 10.  there are only 7 notes with little half steps increments in between them in the musical alphabet but the mastery of those? next to impossible.  who knew playing a violin could make you sweat down the nape of your neck while lining the rim of your forehead with frustration.  fingers become red and warm stop trying to play so quickly so much.  however, self-loathing is not healthy so maybe we should keep playing until I am red in the face and the loathing is cured.  

will it ever be?

you should stop doing the friggin peace sign at everyone you see but you won't and that's okay I suppose. I hope it's not true that people say what they really feel when they're angry...if it is I'm lost in contempt some of the time.

I am the most oblivious of the aware I hope salt skin is accepted here.
hahah idk
sweet ridicule Apr 2015
turns out that the more water you drink
the dryer your mouth is when
a pool of it runs down your throat
leaving your tongue sardonically parched

and writing poetry in classes filled with numbers
doesn't make them any clearer
      (however it does make you clearer)

people self-sooth all the time
playing with lips
squeezing arms
clicking pens

and wearing dresses results
in legs sticking to chairs
eating a lot
makes your abs hide

stay away away away
you won't for long

the more water you drink
the more parched you become
read read read
sweet ridicule Jun 2015
I learned once again
the stars are infinite
humanity so minuscule
the dissolving of our race would not even
scratch the universe
with a hint of emptiness
I'd love to fill a satellite
with music and throw it into space
to carry my
restless being somewhere beyond
my dust covered desk -- frantic typing cleans very little
but space is too big
nothing for music to bounce off of
Respighi whispering through
the stars it made me cry
like I matter
you can stop caking
black stuff on your eyelashes
breathe and forgive yourself
for the despicable humanity
in your veins
music lives in them too
my desk is dusty
sweet ridicule Oct 2015
first of all I would like to apologize for my
loving demands of utter complicated simplicity
the extent of my complacent attitude can only
last a few minutes before it is over and there are veins in my brain coursing with salt water

apathetic towards nothing

after the rain fell
and all I could focus on were
my legs intertwined with magic
--funny isn't it, where you can find magic these days--
there were clouds behind my
telltale eyes (not rain clouds
but thunder)
in the purest form

secrets enveloped in my throat
bound to my fragile
but the tips of my fingers are tingling
like I am standing
on the wing of an airplane
and heights
don't scare me as much anymore
things  are happening
sweet ridicule Apr 2015
I have no filter
raw naked bare authentic exposed heart emotions
constantly pouring into the open
humans are desperate for fidelity
and I know nothing but that

let's play a game
I'll hold up your pride
keep the walls
and stand alone to watch
you do your dance
and dissipate
from mainstream
even more than you already have

I know what I want
let's play a game
let's go
sweet ridicule Feb 2018
you smell sweaty (and honeyed,
like the Burt’s Bees soap you just
started using) I rest my
nose in the crook of your neck
and shoulder. I should like to
stay here while you do physics
(watching you write is
mesmerizing) but it is 1 AM
and my eyes hurt. I will
wake up eager at 3 AM when you
stumble into bed; pull you close
and mumble that I love you because
I do.
(the sweetest procrastinator)
i love the new soap
sweet ridicule Nov 2015
I am feeling gold
tactless Mozart: sacrilege
religious thunder
sweet ridicule Dec 2015
happy ridiculous day to you and all of humankind.  I am confused at times to a level that I cannot always bear.  Death itself is mortifying.  Irony.  Laugh if you will but a full casket is emptier than a finished glass of water. I walked to the casket and I thanked her for her life.  "I'm sorry I never saw you.  But you never saw me either."

             sad that this death thing has ruined the us
funny: there is no god.  Goddess should capitalize automatically as well, but this male dominated society of humanity is ruled my a single perfect male.  Hey god hope your day is going well.

*an energy
you sing it wrong every time

I would like to give you a bouquet of flowers that I myself have created.         Drawn from the earth and filled with intense reasoning and reluctance, I would kiss myself into them.  Wrapped in a ribbon of black and left on your doorstep.  My mom shoveled dirt and was the only female THIS IS THE DIFFERENCE MAKING.  I was too weak this type of self-loathing is healthy. handing myself over to everything and nothing I know I will shatter.

    shattering for death unto death away from death.  stop writing about dying I'm still alive.  but how alive is alive?  

correct my grammar draw on my skin touch my bones until I am alive.  until the page is heavy with ink.
sweet ridicule Mar 2015
I like the thin blond hair on the back of your neck
in the light
and the way you touch your lips when you're nervous
(yes I know you don't know you do that)

these 16 years (square root of 256 with a root of 4 8x2)
spinning anxiously excitedly
baby jeep happiest thing independence is sweeeeeet

raindrops are euphoric thank you spring
please bring a storm to shake
my bones

my ****** control
growing ravenously
frick this shoot
I can control my mouth too
summary of a day I suppose
sweet ridicule Apr 2015
I love honey
on my tongue with butter
until it grows in my stomach
multiplying into gallons of
honey (sickly sweet)
suffocating me with a sweetness
I can breathe through
slowly steadily
all your pretty skin
and eyes that haven't lit up
nearly enough lately

so many pretty boys
(dark eyes thick eyebrows carved arms full lips Adams apple)
and I am mesmerized
by your furrowed brow
even as the chocolate eyed boy
touches my arm
sweet ridicule Nov 2017
Drops of red drip down my hand it
(looks like blood)
sweet red juice
the cold water is numbing my tingling
hands as I separate arils from peel
one popping bright red jewel at a time
I am learning to be patient with
(traffic and fruit peeling and anger)
this sink room smells like burnt
ramen and popcorn and my socks
stick to the ***** floor
sitting on the ground
against the wall
If this is all there is I swear
I will be happy
sweet ridicule Dec 2017
swimming behind porcelain eyes
(I have always hated porcelain)
you are hard like ice
a cold arrangement of confusion
permeating the things you touch like
poison (ivy)
I am helpless when it comes
to this
an inside out a promise
clawing for something (but what is it)
sweet ridicule Jan 2015
if I love you
you will know because
I am all consuming
I will adore ever inch of you

(the bones in your elbow
the creases by your eyes
the space above your lips beneath your nose
the strand of hair behind
your ear
the way you blink
the shape of your toes
the way your
eyelashes flutter
and then fast
beating of your heart)
sweet ridicule Apr 2015
lips become cherry red when I cry
and chasing cars hurts from my ears
                                                 down to my toes
because it was never wasting time

   I almost killed my jeep battery
(forgot to turn the lights off)
             drinking coffee to Iowa cornfields and a resurrected yearning
maybe I'll leave (I want to)
            --LA, Paris, Austria, Versailles, Rio, Carmel, Amsterdam, Mumbai--
I'm audacious and arrogant--much too proud of
                               my flaws
leaving would be easy: intoxicating
like caffeine
       laughing kisses
but staying means home and English and standing out like a sore thumb (a beautiful one) in public
            and the people I deeply love
                                      (and need) I can admit that now
so I'll watch the Capri Sun orange sunset
once again tonight
and try to intoxicate myself with
               cornfields, sassy 8th graders, my beautiful examples of true love, ADD, bashful boy,
                       and pieces of the world
                                                        ­              on my body
read read read
sweet ridicule Sep 2017
I have been taught to remember everything to be scared of every man.

Riding the bus I was harassed six times today.
Six times.
The way men look at you before they make a comment you just look down like you’re bowing to them it feels like some sort of respect when really I am just terrified

Every time a man says
“well hey sweetie **** sweetie smile sweetie **** those legs sweetie”

I have visions of reaching through their putrid abdomens and ripping their guts from their bodies

their blood dripping from my hands I know I would sob but

I would like them to fall to their knees in pain so that I could scream that this is for the women this is for all the women and I would leave them to bleed and bleed and bleed

like all the women have for generations


instead of that I look down and they laugh because I am vulnerable and small


inside I am angry and big and the hair on my body and the knowledge in my brain are the biggest acts of rebellion I can give them
sweet ridicule Mar 2015
how could I ever explain
the hiccups in my brain
(what was i just thinking)
writing 'bubblegum tongue '
the act of kissing

and I am full of carbohydrates caffeine almond milk
(vegetarian yes)
unmotivated to go vegan alone
sitting against a wall
with pink pig headphones in--my sister's I swear
reading grand hopeful endless infinite
oblivious to everything
around me--I'm too preoccupied with
finding my alter-ego

                                                      ­                   was machst mich so glucklich

you can kiss
all the boys you want
pretty girl
but naproxen sodium doesn't
numb my pain
anymore than empty touch
will numb yours
but maybe you shouldn't want to feel numb?
sweet ridicule Apr 2017
I have not left her behind.

there is a way...etched within me I cannot separate myself. again
and again and again. the way you fall in love
with a step and a smell and a sandwich  
I am easily deterred from people

a good bye a leave me alone...placed gracefully between us.

it is almost May and there is snow on the ground
dusting the trees and baby leaves rebelliously
I dare myself to forget the warmth of
summer skin..again and again...
sweet ridicule Dec 2017
you are splitting me open like
a ripe pomegranate
my back arching beneath you
I am nothing but you
(and come and go and here and upside down)
you say your chest feels like it is exploding
and smile at me half naked in a sweatshirt
sinking into nothingness (everything)
you are garganta do diabo
(my eight year old self feeling a breath of
endlessness for the first time)
and Utah Beach and Mumbai at night
where I am breathless (breathless)
(I am raw here)
twisting my throat splitting
me open like I have never closed up.
sweet ridicule Mar 2015
I drink coffee every morning
spicy black coffee thick whole cream no sugar
cramps often fill my stomach  after
the concoction is swallowed but
it feels good
when my heart picks up and goes faster
jumping and throbbing a little precocious (for so early)

socorro socorro I am buzzing

you are hiccups
not going away
Pini de Roma 4th movement cannot numb me
like you do

I am thin and small (very small)
---anyone can hurt me but not really
tickle my feet and I'll kick harder than
if you cut my heart in half-ness

best friend soulmate unforgettable
your clothes smell like me (not you)
now --less intoxicating i sleep better--
but I love them terribly much because
you taught me to love myself so
best friend soulmate unforgettable
they still smell like you
through me
in me

i wish for her infinity
and our infinity
sweet ridicule Aug 2015
monochromatic is me
blowing in circles like cupcake sprinkles and iron clad feathers
my pores are leaking midnight drives (driving 52 in a 45) and salty salami like a
low-carb diet could heal the humans of eternal despair
I still feel ***** every bite of meat
I take this is too much of a (betrayal)
baby 16 dancing in the mirror like
the universe isn't slowly dying like the art of star gazing and my bitten fingernails aren't already
sweet ridicule Sep 2017
I am angry that you took everything I gave you
I wish you had told me to stop and wash the love off of my hands
you could have told me to stop to stop putting my thoughts into your self
to stop painting you over my body over every curve every corner of my brain
maybe I could have been more prepared more empty of you by the time you decided to make me leave
sweet ridicule Jan 2015
Dance around me
Kiss me like a flame to paper
Consume me entirely
And then let me fall apart
And get carried by the wind
Until I am nothing more than an echo

Sing to me
Embrace me like a tree to earth
Hold me tightly
And then speak to me calmly
Until I realize that I am not frozen
In this simple place forever

Play inside me
Flow through me like blood to the body
Fill me relentlessly
And let life carry me up
And be a storm that sustains me
Because the storm is the purpose to live

Whisper the truth
Free me like a caged animal
Engrain me with reason
And unchain me from the rules
So that I can finally breathe
Because freedom you tempt me
Dance, sing, play, whisper to my soul
Show me how to live.
sweet ridicule Nov 2017
furrowed eyebrows, dark brown like 80% dark chocolate
(and arching wind-blown tree trunks)
these songs are guttural
branching through my trachea like
sugar snap pea vines
erupting into my mouth
in the most untarnished manner you are
the grand canyon/the great barrier reef/mount everest
(natural wonders) and
nothing short of
sweet ridicule Apr 2015
nirvana me
how did I get here
soporific no more
this story
is spinning me into hurricanes
salty skin lustrating itself
and I shake when
people open to me
raw raw raw
like an onion
draw tears
out of me
they come very easily
like secrets
I have
zealously for life
defines the dreamers
I will never be Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
or Frida Kahlo
but I am art
I will inhale from Lethe
every day of my life
I will create a new earth
every gasp I take
and vulnerability is my power
consistently unabated
I'll strip down naked
before the world
before I give up my
this woe
this cataclysm
does not belong in me
power power earth
sweet ridicule Dec 2017
you don’t realize how much it hurts you when he
touches you for a moment and then begs for more
you say “no I don’t want to” and he pushes
(more) (more)
---says you are annoying and dramatic--
but you love him (so)
you grasp for straws you
gasp when he smiles and yet
your love is rotting and it is
filling your bones. All of the no no
I don’t want to” turns into
come back why are you leaving and then
you are clawing for air on the ground
calling your mom trying to tell her
how much you hurt without telling her why
because it might split her open
And that is the last thing you want to do.
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