i tried to see my muse all i got was a past full of words and a definite feeling that if the blue alien ships do not land on my head the green ones will
Choices have come to us Vital, alarming, deadly, painful. It is time! It is time!! To choose the new way With free will and foresight And love holding together The one race which exists.
i went to the narrow bridge it was not that narrow scaled the cliffs of death i lived went to the cavern of sorrow cried and cried and cried walked to the very end it did not end pondered the greatest riddle the keeper gave up first
Here i turn and look outward A practiced eye seeking more To see to sing sweetly To lark and to crow and to sparrow To twitter whatever appears To imbibe and regurgitate life
Somalia taxi drivers Mexican store owners Black cashiers policemen lawyers in suits White nobody's with hard bodies White somebody's with soft bodies Computer mind buddha mind angry mind Is an angry mind red angry haze mind Red army massing hoard ******* car horn out the window Crashed air planes into buildings White paper fluttering down from heaven Black boiling smoke *** smoke Crack puff cloud smoke cigarette death Rage against the machine failure As the raging machine rages on Expensive cars poor people buying expensive cars Hot humid days cool nights Sticky cummmmmmm thighs Whale cry baby sigh New confusing war cry