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the time of peace is
in my mind only and i
Mark Wanless Jul 15
the tribute to
mankind is that war
has not defeated us
Jul 10 · 109
the sky 24/7/9a
Mark Wanless Jul 10
the journey started long ago
or now i really don't remember

i fell down in icy snow
crawled up to higher ground

felt a sleep of memories
oh so comfortable

the sky touched me
Jun 28 · 91
haiku 24/6/28a
Mark Wanless Jun 28
i was ignorant
of knowing that train of thought
living the empty
Jun 28 · 100
haiku 24/6/25a
Mark Wanless Jun 28
creation in form
is infinite creation
in mind infinite
Jun 23 · 144
haiku 24/6/22a
Mark Wanless Jun 23
religion is like
a rock is used many ways
to do what you want
Jun 23 · 109
Mark Wanless Jun 23
i lived all the worlds
that have been present in mind
understood not one
Jun 17 · 101
haiku 24/6/15a
Mark Wanless Jun 17
artist hard work is
internal external not
relevant the now
Jun 17 · 214
haiku 24/6/13a
Mark Wanless Jun 17
the devil sleeps in
a mind and awakes sometimes
Jun 11 · 114
haiku 24/6/10a
Mark Wanless Jun 11
i see i saw i
thought of a cold winter storm
deer tracks in fresh snow
Jun 7 · 104
haiku 24/6/7a
Mark Wanless Jun 7
no awareness time
is meaningless as i think
random perceptions
May 31 · 106
haiku 24/5/27
Mark Wanless May 31
i know it exists
in a realm beyond our time
and teaches us now
May 31 · 168
haiku 24/5/30a
Mark Wanless May 31
tearing of paper
tearing of flesh difference
such sad thing to know
May 25 · 103
haiku 24/5/23c
Mark Wanless May 25
i have been before
in the mind of now yet i
exist in future
May 25 · 127
haiku 24/5/25a
Mark Wanless May 25
my mind was just stuck
thinking of you again so
i happily dreamed
May 23 · 120
haiku 25/5/22a
Mark Wanless May 23
the demon dog is
vengeful with it's teeth biting
malevolent now
May 21 · 194
haiku 24/5/19a
Mark Wanless May 21
i do not know what
day it is is that good or
bad i do not know
May 18 · 261
haiku 24/5/18a
Mark Wanless May 18
fine gold horizons
to destinations unknown
all is just as is
May 17 · 153
haiku 25/5/16b
Mark Wanless May 17
saw discharge papers
of life happy occurrence
getting ready now
May 13 · 264
haiku 25/5/13b
Mark Wanless May 13
i saw a vision
or reality squirrel
sitting still on grass
May 13 · 651
haiku 25/5/13a
Mark Wanless May 13
i am hard gladdened
warm calm wind flows through my soul
my eye see's it's last
May 6 · 375
haiku 24/5/5a
Mark Wanless May 6
empty black beans can
full of cigarette butts the
smell is unnoticed
May 4 · 287
haiku 24/5/4a
Mark Wanless May 4
white pettles on ground
heavy trees with rain present
path i now do walk
May 3 · 125
haiku 24/4/29c
Mark Wanless May 3
im dreaming of the
future past present and a
nother dimension
May 3 · 172
haiku 24/5/2b
Mark Wanless May 3
my opinion i
don't care what you think i could
be wrong hahaha
May 3 · 319
haiku 24/5/2a
Mark Wanless May 3
ignorance teacher
of humanity pain and
suffering a tool
Apr 30 · 131
haiku 24/4/29b
Mark Wanless Apr 30
the brain perceives by
habituation unless
we choose consciousness
in the moment
Apr 30 · 249
Mark Wanless Apr 30
i am not thinking
clearly no more drinking does
a toll on my mind
Apr 29 · 380
all there is 22/6/7a
Mark Wanless Apr 29
i aint afraid of nothing
   but myself
myself is all there is

i can see me sometimes clearly
   but mostly
cloud of doubt

called the ghosts of heaven
   to fill me
with all blessings

sometimes see the the devil
   in a fog
of make believe

myself is all there is
Apr 28 · 109
haiku 24/4/24d
Mark Wanless Apr 28
what has ever been
that cannot always be known
meaningless questions
Apr 27 · 101
haiku 24/4/24c
Mark Wanless Apr 27
something refracts off
of a surface is perceived
by brain equals thought
Apr 26 · 207
haiku 24/4/24b
Mark Wanless Apr 26
my blinding fault is
ego i am the greatest
maker of mistakes
Apr 17 · 197
haiku 24/4/17a
Mark Wanless Apr 17
math opinion
mind opinion yet is
opinion is
created by one
Apr 2 · 102
Mark Wanless Apr 2
haiku 24/4/1b

you responsible
for random people or not
Apr 2 · 152
haiku 24/4/1a
Mark Wanless Apr 2
here i am wanting
poetry waiting for light
please gently touch me
Mar 29 · 136
haiku 24/3/28b
Mark Wanless Mar 29
maths reality
concept of human minds that
reaches imagines
einstein not
Mar 28 · 261
haiku 24/3/28a
Mark Wanless Mar 28
source infinity
in your minds mental construct
as real as color
Mar 26 · 197
haiku 24/4/25a
Mark Wanless Mar 26
how does the poem
write itself in human mind
Mar 25 · 192
haiku 24/3/24a
Mark Wanless Mar 25
if a pleasant thought
enters your mind do not sell
it for excitement
Mar 22 · 135
haiku 24/3/16
Mark Wanless Mar 22
the processe of the
manufacture of thought is
unknown to us all
Mar 17 · 158
haiku 24/3/14c
Mark Wanless Mar 17
brain electromagnetic
wires figure it out
Mar 17 · 359
haiku 24/3/14b
Mark Wanless Mar 17
universe of thought
unconscious known
world is
Mar 14 · 180
what 24/3/14
Mark Wanless Mar 14
hello I see you not
we are here
walking somewhere
my imagination
Mar 11 · 452
Mark Wanless Mar 11
i play rufly for
a minute gently as you
wish touch me softly
Mar 11 · 113
haiku 24/3/8c
Mar 9 · 215
haiku 24/3/6b
Mark Wanless Mar 9
dog is mans best friend
tries to teach us but we do
not listen wisely
Mar 9 · 253
haiku 24/3/6a
Mark Wanless Mar 9
there is an answer
foretold to all you are the
question and the mind
Mar 6 · 371
haiku 24/3/5a
Mark Wanless Mar 6
obscure and abstract
memories of love so soft
i just walk to you
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