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Apollo Hayden Dec 2016
The hands of time rewind then
tears roll up our face and back inside the eyes.
Frowns turn back to smiles
and dark clouds roll back as the sun comes back out to shine. We're left there;
into each other's eyes we stare, becoming frozen in time
as thoughts of choices to make and consequences that'll come still roll around in my mind.

Words are felt but never spoken, still I knew it would change the future.
She couldn't put a finger on it but felt the same, as we stared we seen goodbye in both of our eyes.
it's so crazy; life is strange.
Apollo Hayden Nov 2016
You could say I kept most beliefs inside,
held them till it killed me.
What was kept did not cause suicide,
most of y'all just didnt feel me.
Yes I've entertained the possibilities of what could be wrong in this life of ours;
how generational curses could be holding us back, from stretching our life so far.
Or if there's a spiritual world surrounding us by demons, creating a fear too tough to conquer,
gaining access inside of our lives,
making us become the monsters.
These are psychological things and we can be seen as a devil; who roams, seeking whomever he may devour.
May eyes believe more than they see,
before that final hour..
May your thoughts rearrange, scaring you half to death...where you finally believe in a higher power.
Harder to explain the occurrences,
easier to understand, if you do your research and finally realize your not the only one occupying this land.
I wont be ridiculed, I'll be gone before they do.
Though many came before me, many still haven't changed their point of view.
Whether we choose not to see, we still live amongst the unseen;
angelic and demonic forces that will never leave us be.
Come out of hiding, great minds
yes, awake from your slumber.
I'm appalled at the time that wasn't taken to just sit around and wonder..
about yourself and others,
and how the souls that dwell within could be filled with heavenly light or darkened by worldly sin.
Apollo Hayden Feb 2017
Like a thick mist that just won't pass I'm getting caught up in the haze.
Heart on its knees fighting to beat, still confused and questioning things in my brain.
I still have puzzle pieces but not enough remnants to make sense of anything.
Love lingers still, while I wake up every day out of a dream that I thought I was wide awake in.
So in the words of Sade,
I've got to wash you off my skin.
Apollo Hayden Jul 2012
I don't know what this is but I can't feel what this isn't
Maybe the false is hidden, caused by the illusions of the heart
O what battles I face in these affairs, and when it comes to you!
Illusions can make it feel so real..
What felt so deep could turn out to be a surface of lust that's frail
So I keep my distance to guard the heart but I grow weak in my resistance
Cold feet in concrete decisions leave me froze
I act as if you should give a ****. How could you if you don't know?
I feel you never will..
'Cause we took it too far way too fast which brought on the chills..
Now occasionally you get mad at me and I've hid this secret anxiety; now I'm sure it shows.
A familiar feeling starts to arise
This situation hangs by an old rope.
Apollo Hayden Jan 2017
When the dream breaks, so much has changed, as if time has been manipulated.
I look for you in photos with me for proof, but it seems that you have faded.
I must be crazy to speak and have memories of things that may have never happened, but I swore someone else was there.
I guess I'm really losing it, maybe it was just a voice in the air.

Should I go back to these places and look for four footprints in the mud, or are these photos telling me all I need to know?
Could I have been roaming around in the woods for three years by myself, conversing with a ghost?
Apollo Hayden Sep 2018
Are we infatuated,
falling in love or lust?
Blinded from not testing the waters, we jump in not giving a f**k.
So warm it feels, swimming in deceit.
Are we truly tying our souls to those we don't really need?
Oh, these days it's all for the thrill; worried more about the ****** and less bout falling down the hill.
And I ain't new in this so it'll be foolish to seek out emptiness...
Cuz there ain't no forever in temporary bliss.
We feel nothing in their kiss, hit the switch and turned it all off.
Even the lights begin to dim to keep from seeing the truth within our eyes; dead to a stranger because in someone else's heart we're still alive.
Still alive,
Still alive,
In another place when they're by our side.
Heart carried away the brain just to seek satisfaction,
only way to pretend is to remain in a state of detachment.
Are we moving towards love or slowly sinking in lust, losing all motion, getting knocked out of focus because temptation can be tough.
These days the temporary thrills are all that we need, because we don't know who to trust.
Already knowing what it was;
still calling lust love...
Apollo Hayden Aug 2017
Like neo in the matrix-
hand up, palm out to stop the bullets being sent my way.
In mid air, inspecting and reconfirming with self, seeing this for what it truly is.
Some stay comfortably asleep, always revealing their true selves when you're seeking knowledge of self;
the agents of the matrix tryna sabotage and block the progress.
Still plugged in, believing the lies of this manufactured world.
Speaking through harmonic tones from one of the four chambers of the heart,
planting seeds in the ears of those who choose to hear, always hitting the mark.
It's the
poetic mystic,
swimming in the subconscious whirlpool created by two fishes;
two eyes closed and one open in triple black darkness, letting intuition lead,
In tune with the feminine energy, listening attentively.
With the Oracle I speak deep within my dreams,
fighting to recover forgotten history while they wishing that I would just shutup and go back to sleep,
but this soul burns with a desire to seek truth and so I continue to seek.
Apollo Hayden Sep 2016
When you're ready to receive it you won't ever have to believe.
Once you're hit with the vibrations, you'll come to know it instantly.
Wavelengths hitting more and more as you head for the top floor; out of your windows it gets clearer, lots more to see, lots more to explore. Mind be the key desiring to seek what's behind these locked doors.
Apollo Hayden Dec 2016
These scales always tipping,
this mind always spinning...
Oh slow me down, slow me down;
insane, yet I am sound.
Momma never knew how deep it could get when she placed her son right near the sun;
the kids used to call me a rocketship.
"Apollo 13! Apollo 13!" Now I'm beginning to figure out what all of this means.
I'm light years away suspended in space, wondering if they'll ever come and meet with me.

Oh, but it's much more than that. With this lyre attached to my back and music in my heart, I give you songs of poetry straight from the stars of Libra.
Can you see the constellation?
This October soul gets in touch through the element but I'm no prince of the air;
learning to use discernment with these gifts I've been given, I am very much aware.
Nobody can tell me who I am, only experience can wake me up to searching...
That's why I have gone beyond the sky a long time ago and haven't come down yet.
Way over their heads I am floating...
Apollo Hayden Jan 2017
Mother Earth

May this skin I'm in always remind me of the air and what's underneath my feet. I am one with the soil and wind that blows the blades of grass on the ground and branches on the trees.
Keep me planted, with wisdom and understanding I pray that I can always speak creatively of my experiences in life, from the he(art) of poetry.
Always learning from the trials of what my actions in this universe brings, and never ever forgetting to express my love organically.  

Father sky

Renew my heart,
cleanse my spirit and keep open my eyes.
Lead me more to thee, as I fall at your feet I pray that you free me from all lies.
Break these chains of doubt so that I may gain my wings and fly,
rising to a higher vibration, continuing to expand my mind.
Apollo Hayden Sep 2018
Trace these lines with your fingers and close your eyes,
and feel this map that'll lead you to treasures deeply hidden inside.
A challenging trek but nevertheless, valleys are worth the journeys through, and mountains are worth the climb
to find me patiently waiting here at the seat of my soul, I'll know that you've traveled far and wide.
If you make it here I know you've been sent by the heavenly divine
spirit that resides inside of you, and inside of I.
Remember the soul contract we signed at the beginning of time,
and lets move these constellations out the way until we feel our stars align.
Yeah, we're still living our lives but just know that I'll be waiting, until you find me here inside.
Apollo Hayden Jan 2017
I'm just a stranger...
even a ghost I could be.
Lingering around, hoping that the sound of my voice can bring back memories of me.
Not even a whisper sounds familiar, and my touch that used to reach becomes frozen, then my heart shatters to the ground.
They should call you Mrs. Freeze.
Apollo Hayden Sep 2018
Warm me in winter
If you can remember who and where I am
For we're just like Peter
Longing for neverland
Love may not come till summer
but it doesn't hurt to sit and wonder
if you'll return or fall in love with another
I've got my head filled with you
and I've got these fingers crossed too
It's all superstitious but I will wait to see what it does
Cuz if the mind creates our thoughts
Then maybe I can resurrect the love we lost
Till then there'll be no one in this bed where you have laid
No ones hands will touch this skin
Afraid that you'll feel it on your end
and never come back this way again
You are my soul
So hard to let go
I wondered how we ever went so long without each other before
Cuz when I ment you I
felt like I knew you'd always coming walking through that door
The one in my heart that can never be closed again
Until you return
I'll be missing you my sweet love
My dearest friend...
Apollo Hayden Jan 2017
let me flow like water,
let me be free like the birds,
respecting mother earth and the laws of the universe.
Don't try to contain me for I can be like the wind,
blowing warm and calmly or cold enough to reach the bones under your skin.
A natural living man I am, don't ever try and chain me down
with your rules, expectations and perceptions of me, for I will not be bound.
let me live, step aside and let the spirit of I thrive, don't try and imprison me with your doctrine full of lies.
Freely I should live without your prying eyes, for I'm no enemy of the state but a mighty man of Yah.
With humbleness I come and these are the words that I must say, before I take what's rightfully mine, knowing it won't be given anyway.
This is an outcry, in every line take heed or prepare for war.
If not, we are coming to take back what has never ever been yours.
Apollo Hayden Nov 2015
As Summer struggles to hold on I can smell Autumn in the air, bringing the feeling of tranquility.
Reminiscing, I fall back in time to a moment that will never leave my mind.
She was there with me, or maybe she was inside my eyes with hands pressed up against the windows of my soul, left in awe of what we saw, or maybe I was inside hers.
Whatever it was, we were one.
Standing there, surrounded by the forrest as the light of the sun flickered  through the leaves, we kept still.
The wind spoke to the trees, the leaves danced in the spotlight from the sun as the birds sung, and we, we were one.
Hand in hand, no, soul upon soul we stared down the path of where we stood as she heard my thoughts wonder if we'd always be, and in thought she stopped my wondering by saying that we would.
The path said "I am your love," the wind said "I am your emotions," the birds became our soundtrack in that moment as the leaves continued to dance without saying nothing.
I thought of Fall approaching and of how the colors of the earth will change, then I began to worry but my worrying was interrupted with a whisper of her voice.
She said "though we will go through many seasons, the authenticity of my love will never change."
Apollo Hayden Feb 2016
Like ocean waves that hit the shore line
I come back to you every time
No I'm never really gone for long...
This space creates the muscles to our love.
Organically we've come to be; communicating with a high voltage of electricity. Even tho I know the telepathy's strong, it still shock everytime.
Always on my mind, yes you are always in my head,
I hear the whisper of your voice, and frequently smell your sweet aroma.
There's days I wish you closer, and I know there's days you wish that I was close to you,
but let our voices be the bridge to always brings us face to face.
Only just for a little while longer will you have to play the shore
And I will play the waves; coming back to you soon...
Apollo Hayden Feb 2017
I don't want no mediocre love,
give me more of a 1 corinthians 13.
I need to know you'll draw nearer when heavy or small storms come,
not lose your sh*t, get scared of the thunder and leave.
See, love is a learning thing and we'll need water for it to grow,
we can't just plant our seed, walk away and expect it to grow on its own.
We've gotta clear the pathways, rewire and connect inside our domes, because without communication we'll both feel as if we're all alone.
But if forever can be seen within the roots, then no storm will ever be hard to get through.
I said it's all about forever, it's all about the roots.
If they're deep enough then there's no storm that will be too rough, and love will not be moved.
So give me that 1 corinthians 13 and we'll till the ground and build from a strong foundation.
Any other type just won't feel right, and will only be wasting our time.
Apollo Hayden Jan 2017
There's nothing left to say that hasn't already been said.
This love is growing cold,
eventually it'll be dead.
So I'm letting go before it kills me,
before I can never love again,
and to you I say goodbye my lover, goodbye my best friend...
Apollo Hayden May 2017
Till the day I die
I'll be getting high off life
tightrope walking way up high on every line that I write
Balancing these emotions with the energies of Autumn
Apollo Hayden May 2019
I may seem like I'm lost
but only because you're searching for something you'll never find.
I may no longer be able to hear your voice but I can still feel your eyes.
Life is love and I'm so in love with life.
Still dancing with poetry because she never leaves long after those who were here are no longer in sight-
Insight has shown me a whole new world like I'm on a carpet that flys
and my head is the genie so I rub it twice to let out the light.
Shining from the inside out and learning how to move,
leaving you wondering about things you have no business wondering about and so it just leaves you even more confused.
I'm a ravens feather in the wind,
I'm a muses muse,
catching fire whenever writing from the depths,
redirecting my energy to things that make it easier to breathe, instead of feeling spent because I'm up to my chest in spiritual debt.
Nothing to prove...
Nothing to see even though you think I show it all,
but you'll need a few oxygen tanks to dive deep enough to understand just how I breathe.
Till then, with this pen I'll cause inception and use it to get through the layers of your dreams.
To search out your true intentions and see if you really came to love or just to hurt me.
Well this time around my shields much bigger and my sword is sharper too,
so I'm blocking everything and anything that doesn't serve my highest good and cutting into the marrow to look for truth.
I'll be invisible so the things you think you know, you really have no clue.
Though you think you see, your eyes deceive
as I write quietly I silently move.
Apollo Hayden Dec 2015
Turn the ears of your heart to these words that I have found in mine.
Though I am far, feel my presence draw nearer as you read each and every line.
Hear my voice speak these words; written down for only your heart to take, and as we fall deeper within each others, know that I will do all I can to keep you safe.
Though this world's on fire I pray that we don't disintegrate, for our love burns too; full of passion and each day it is renewed by hope and thoughts in prayer.
Wherever you are I am there. I place my words on a light wind and they are carried straight to your ears. If ever you need me look deep and see that I have always been there.
I am the twitch in your eyelid, I live in the circle of your iris; I'm in the wind that blows your hair.
In your silence, close your eyelids and open the ears of your heart. Know that we were seeds watered by experience that has now came to be one flower, and though the flesh will fade, this love will never part.
Apollo Hayden Jan 2017
I'll be sending my thoughts on the waves of wind, to get to you.
Letting my tongue rest and silence do what my voice can't seem to do.
Apollo Hayden Dec 2016
How can there be any real inner vision if you're afraid to be in the dark to let your mind shine like a prism?
Apollo Hayden Jan 2017
The marriage of pen to paper gives birth to poetic imagery.
So full of life that its authentic nature can be felt every time you read.
My heart nurtured in its soil so deep that my mind thinks poetically. Aligned with the body and soul, I become poetically whole.
Apollo Hayden Aug 2018
Everyday is a day to inspire
To light a flame so my words be the fire
igniting the wick deep within your soul
I could hold all of this in
but it'd feel like the worse sin
Having a spirit of self expression, how could I ever hold onto all this gold?
No one can put money on this, and what Yah bless no man curse
as long as my thoughts are high and these feet are planted upon the soil of mother's green earth
Hitting you with electrical nouns and verbs
Creating a chain reaction
Praying you receive these words, meditate on 'em and keep on passing
Spreading your fire to those in need
For I don't just write but breathe poetry
From today until the day I die
I'll be writing to your heart because I'm
forever on a poetic high
Apollo Hayden May 2017
Someone said we had time
but it has always been slipping.
Saturn plays tricks on the mind, making things seem as if they've changed but it has never been any different.
Still we're here, under the same sun repeating old things as if they're brand new, feeling as if they've never been done.
Stuck in a prison of illusion; holographic in every way, trying to set fire to this merkaba so that my spirit can levitate.
And turn this cage into a spaceship to reach worlds I never could reach,
to steal the sands of time out of the illusionist's mind is exactly what I seek.
But I'll still be living, cautiously walking without haste across quicksand with a light heart, because a heavy one will just cause me to sink.
Someone said that we have time, but time has us and it is not what we think.
Destroy the barriers created to cause these illusions, and you'll find that they have always been man made.
Apollo Hayden Aug 2018
Take your time beloved,
remember all that we spoke of.
If your heart isn't in it, get out because it isn't love.
We're more than our flesh but when it gets weak it'll start to speak,
tempting us to satisfy it's desires as if it's something we really need.
But you've gotta protect your energy and mind your aura.
For all are not in it to give but only to receive,
leaving you in a lower state which makes it harder to breathe.
That which you possess, keep it high
because not everyone who comes can surf the waves on which you vibe.
Apollo Hayden May 2019
Things are changing as they always do.
5G on the rise messing with people's moods till they get confused.
Chips in the skin got 'em permanently plugged in,
summer draws nigh but winter is coming soon.
The wind speaks,
The earth shakes even if you can't feel what time it is.
Your guards low,
creeping in the soul is dark energy from false enlightenment.
All the yoga in the world won't save for when it's time to be stretched out,
to unravel your secrets to see if you really bout what you've been talking bout.
No fruits or greens can ever thoroughly clean you out.
For the most high says it's not what goes in that defiles but what comes out the mouth.
I caught this on the wind so I had to grab a pen and write it down,
even though I know my heart ain't the tidiest, I'll still speak from it while I clean it out.
I see it coming...
people are running and it's even happening now,
while some worship the creator in spirit and in truth, others admire creation more and still have their doubts.
Just look at your hands and the spirals of your finger prints and how it's in the flowers and the stars.
The universe isn't outside of you; the universe is what you are.
Created from an unfathomable mind so divine and full of love,
that he sacrificed his magnificent light so that sin would die and his spirit can live on through us.
The prophets say we haven't got much time and I'm trying to straighten up,
so that I may die just to live in his everlasting love.
Apollo Hayden Aug 2018
It was never love,
lust causes illusions.
Pulls your heart deep into the sunken place, till all that you're in is a state of confusion.
Building on nothing real,
sacrificing how you feel for the sake of the happiness of someone else, with no reciprocity.
As if they're ashamed of the real you, they try molding you into who they want you to be, just so others can be pleased.
The westernized mind, microwaved and fried, indoctrinated till its living the "American dream," based off of lies.
Always asking "What do you do?" so they know what level of respect to show,
never concerned with your soul, and how bright it must glow.
We need money to survive in this three dimensional life, always taught the ups and downs, left and rights, but never touch on the importance of what's inside.
Always worried about how we look in other people's eyes,
we hold onto nothing except a false reality and relationships built on lies.
But I refuse to pretend to act like this is what life should look and feel like, so I reclaim my heart, climb out of the sunken place and live life with both eyes open wide.
Guarding the heart and protecting my mind.
Apollo Hayden Feb 2017
Thought I was swimming in high levels of emotions
Till I stood up to find it wasn't even knee high
How deceptive the heart can be to throw such illusions
Can't even trust it sometimes
Even my own mind plays tricks on me
Only when I stood still In the emotions I used to swim in
was I able to let the truth in by letting it reflect back at me
So shallow they were that I was able to see my own two feet
Oh no, I guess it really wasn't that deep...

The mud has settled and I can see myself again, shining, still with ravens in my eyes
I guard my heart, balancing the light and the dark
Trying not to tilt for too long on one side
Apollo Hayden Dec 2016
One to twelve, one to twelve,
clocks on the wall, one to twelve.
Circle circles, cycle cycles,
chains of time on the mind, stuck in this hell.
Back into the light, you've came here so many times;
deja vu flashes clues yet you still can't tell,
how we used to be able to reach thirteen but they've got us stuck in this cycle of one to twelve.
Apollo Hayden Mar 2017
I was right behind that mountain,
now I'm just above its peak,
able to see things for what they truly are and not how I wanted them to be.
In hindsight the sun has shined its light on life's mysteries.
Out of the darkness we must rise; with resilience we will shine.
Apollo Hayden Nov 2016
Must've been a glitch in the matrix
Cuz all of these faces are all starting to look the same to me.
Caught up in their fears of tomorrow, lowering their vibrations,
How will you ever make it to 5D?
It'll take more than a board to surf these waves,
more than fog lights to clear all this haze,
from the heart and the head is where it all vibrates so become aware of what's in front of you to see what your subconscious mind is trying to say.
From head we project what we see, just like a movie screen, we are the directors unaware of the rolls we play; thoughts creating our realities everyday.
Hearing echoes from Obama saying we need to believe in change; listening to Micheal as I stare at the man in the mirror, remembering where it starts first.
It can't be done if it ain't from the heart first,
the war can't be won if you don't put God first because there's a shift on the horizon.
As I write these lines time is speeding up while some still on the dark side of their mind hiding from self.
We can build heaven here on earth, or we can choose to remain in a hell.
The trumpets are blowing, in this age of knowing
Jacob's finally breaking out of his sleeping spell.
Read the signs and know that it is high time to rise up and rebel.
Apollo Hayden Feb 2019
Into the universe we place our trust.
Closing our eyes, holding each others hands and falling backwards into us.
Flowing through the milky way,
unbothered and bathing in love...
All of this happening so quickly just from one simple touch.
A sacred act...
An electric attack that crept up our spines.
Bonded through water and air sealed you and I for all of time.
A trust fall into the universe, we're flowing now...
Using our minds more than our mouths.
Getting in touch through telepathy,
even now I know you're hearing me...
I had no time for love,
and you had no time for men.
After one laid his hands on you and you said you'd never place your faith in any again.
But the universe laughed cuz it had other plans
and it's that exact energy that placed you right where I am.
And here we are easily swimming through stars and oh how I wish I could slow it all down...
A love story for the angels to marvel developed at the speed of light,
so beautiful and so profound.
I write into existence stories that'll last until the end of time.
Speaking of someone and no one, causing confusion in the minds of those who find it hard to enter into mine.
It's all about energy and I try vibrating high, so that I bring to life just what I write upon these lines.
The co-creator of my own life, diving deep into my pool of imagination just to keep my world a little more colorful and bright.
So I closed my eyes and wrote exactly what I seen inside.
A love story about someone and no one, all at the same time.
And what's left are crumpled up papers and rough drafts of deleted scenes...
Apollo Hayden Dec 2015
Watch the dimming of the light in the midnight sky.
Watch it flicker, watch it fade above
as a life grabs at his chest from an attack on the heart below.
A star that's burned for eons has felt the experiences of many seasons; new days in the body always come and go.
Yet they're never guaranteed, only change and death be the surest thing; stars are born while others lose their glow.
Though the heart has failed, the sails of the soul will prevail and bring it safely home.
Apollo Hayden Dec 2016
**** it's been so long since last I  seen your face; days can feel like months.
Now we sit here face to face, in the dead of winter you've become something like a warm front.
A few people sitting around but they've quickly disappeared from the sound of your voice; it can make my head feel so clear.
So much to say in this small café, I know I'll never say all that I wanted to,
so I rest my tongue more and listen as we sip on hot tea that sooths.
Warm already from your presence, it just satisfies my buds, and as I keep my eyes upon yours I realize that I've grown more in love.
From being apart, my heart sits inside barely beating, wondering when the next time it'll feel you near, or feel the vibration from when you're speaking.
You have covered up your heart so well it's hard to keep the connection, so well you've even guarded your head it's hard to get reception.
Just trying to stay on the same frequency so tell me where to dial in
so that I don't lose you through all the static in life, and we can surf on the same wave once again...
Apollo Hayden Jan 2017
There are times I fall so deep in dreams, I have to break my own heart just to open my eyes.
Upon return, the world feels so different to me, as if someone has sped up time.
As I journey through the mazzaroth, I learn more about the signs, all while learning how to balance mine at the same time.
Apollo Hayden Sep 2018
Have you ever felt the pain
from the sting of a scorpion?
It burns and sets in so quickly then eventually leaves you numb.
Takes away your breath and makes it hard for you to breathe.
May cause illusions and confusion till you're left sinking deeper into the sunken place.
Oh, mind your steps and protect your heart cuz if you're ever caught slipping,
they'll wait for the perfect time then pierce you right where the tenderness is.
Beautiful and magnificent, yet dangerous and unpredictabl...
They pull you in till you've become one of them, then leave you searching for your soul.
Every now and then run your fingers across your scars;
They're there to remind you of what's been done and exactly who they are.
If ever you come across a scorpion just admire from afar, take care and take heed in making sure that you're protecting your own heart.
Cuz ain't no pain like the sting from a scorpion.
It'll leave you lost, dazed and confused.
Have you trying your best to not become numb.
Apollo Hayden Dec 2016
Forgive me for these words that pour,
turn not your eyes this way,
for I am stuck in a season of the heart, and all it does here is rain.
If you must look this way I assure you that the rawest to come out of pain is poetry for the senses that'll never leave you numb;
I know you can relate.
Can you hear it as it storms inside?
Will you stand with me in it as words continue to pour, and we'll wait here together for the sun to shine?
Apollo Hayden Oct 2016
Since all things are inside,
I am the miner of my own mind.
Digging through not just to dig but searching to find-
by traveling through the dark night of the soul, and rediscovering truths that were covered up by lies from His-story that's been told.
Oh of all the things one could desire, let it be to shine a light on the dark places within that have been neglected for some time.
I can sense heaven through the mist as I try understanding it all, yet I won't get too high; just enough to see where I am to draw my lines.
Connecting dots just too escape out of boxes that have been made,
looking back and realizing that it's been me this whole time.
The deeper you go, the darker it gets; have no fear and turn on your light.
Holding onto what we be(lie)ve without the wisdom to seek knowledge, can slowly corrupt the spirit and confuse the mind.
Apollo Hayden Mar 2017
Mind the skin you touch,
for there's no glove that could ever protect you from the worst of enemies.
Though the flesh is all you may see, you're not that.
But temptation gets so strong till we can't take it, and our bodies are open and bare, left with a heart that's naked.
There's eyes in the dark.
They've been waiting for you, to poke holes at your aura and like a snake they'll slide on through.
Passing from one to another, unaware of what we carry;
If we saw our true selves in the mirror, would the sight not change, or would it be of something scary?
It's hard to tell, even if you know them well their energy can deceive,
till they detach off them and onto your spirit they'll cling.
Sexually transmitted demons, relentlessly scheming to find away to stay alive, waiting for a sleeper to slip by not using their spiritual eyes.
How many souls you got clinging; from the merging of DNA can you still say you feel like yourself? Or is there so many thoughts inside your mind that aren't yours that you can no longer tell?
It's the exchanging of energies that can strengthen us or make us weak,  so mind the skin and if ever you should choose to miss the mark, be aware of the preying eyes,
waiting to cling to you in the dark...
Apollo Hayden Dec 2016
We were laying there,
into the air I stared with eyes wide open
but I could never speak on what I had seen.
To do so would mean that I disturbed her soul, and woke her up out of her fantasies.
Why question, or penetrate to provoke the mind to critically think
when even the blink of her eyes wouldn't  change things?
So should I continue to lie there with my eyes open and stare, not saying a thing, or should I quietly get up, pack up my stuff and just leave her be?
Apollo Hayden Feb 2017
It's the balance that keeps.
One way of perceiving just won't do,
so slow it all down to get a different point of view.
I know that things won't stay the same because this world is always changing; the joy inside this pain will assist the growth.
So I draw close to the most high and meditate on his word and cope,
healing in time by widening the scope.
Apollo Hayden Feb 2017
She always had dilated pupils but never did drugs like that.
Only now I realize that her body's been trying to get its soul back.
She's got a calcified third eye with a drawn on one on her forehead for
the fools who don't think deep enough to know she isn't spiritual, because her soul has left her body a long long time ago.
Eventually truth comes to light, and truth is she had no eyes to see that we are so much more than body and bones, and the blood that we bleed.
She fools you with the things she eats, even the sound of her voice can be so sweet, but nothing could be further from the truth;
her eyes always proved that she's hollow through and through.
She still wins though, because only I know, only I felt, only I could see the truth of the real person who lied deep underneath the skin.
She's hollow through and through, having no soul within.
Apollo Hayden Jan 2016
How can the stars shine without darkness?
How can a mind glow without being enlightened?
Open up your EYElid, or forever remain in your ignorance of who I am. This is soul upon flesh; black gold with an African drum inside my chest. Pumping and thumping loud enough for you to hear; whenever the ancestors speak, be prepared to learn.
As for those insecurities, dig 'em up and let 'em burn, sending the ashes into the sky.
Even then you may not be willing to open up your EYE, but every time you look into the darkness I know you're in fear of what you would find.
A truth that'll hit so hard it'll destroy those beliefs and prove they were only lies.

With tough love I speak to the soul, and so it is with tough love that I write.
Apollo Hayden Feb 2016
You can hear a lot in silence.
The truth so loud, like sirens striking the ears of the heart
at light speed, love speaks.
Apollo Hayden Mar 2017
I've gotta get you out my heart in time for spring
I Know I said that I've moved on but I've just been faking to make it honestly
Its a mess in here, shattered pieces everywhere that needs to get cleaned
Unwanted memories cover these walls of you and me
Causing more bad than good feelings from what used to be
I've been lying and taking my sweet time with reodering everything...
So many memories that need to go, to keep a healthy soul but it's so hard when the heart just won't let go, I think I'm turning cold...
It's not that I want to because I want to be ready for when love comes around again
It's just that I thought you and I would always remain the best of friends
It's such a strange thing, these feelings of you I've been hoarding, leaving no room for something new
and spring is right around the corner so I've got to rid myself of you
It's not something I want to do but it something I have to
Though I've already lost you I don't want to lose my mind too
I've gotta get you out my heart in time for spring...
Apollo Hayden Feb 2017
Wash me off your skin before you sin.
For your face will tell it all if ever you should lie down with him.
Wolves will morn as the blackened sky is torn, and pour out a warth if you should ever let him pass.
Pleasurable things can sting and hearts can deceive the mind, making it believe that we need a stranger in our beds to keep us warm at night.
And I'll be the one with chills on my skin if ever you let him in.
Even your body will reject, knowing that we were more than just our flesh.
You'd be causing the cracks if you're ever in the act, they'll appear on my heart just to know that you gave up all hope and our souls will drift apart.
I'm not one for collecting so I'll keep this vessel clean, in hopes that one day you'll wake up and feel and know how you're the only one for me.
A curse you'll put upon whomever you look in the eyes that isn't me, and time will tell the truth, that you let him in only to realize you're still so empty.
But if you still choose to proceed, first, wash me off of your skin.
So that the heavens do not cry from such an abominable sin.
Apollo Hayden Sep 2018
When the silence gets to you
Hold on just a little while longer, you'll get through
Stillness is better than being  anxious when we know we shouldn't move
Place your mind in the darkness
Close your eyes inside your room
Breathe out and then breathe in to find a calmer you
Sometimes a resting tongue is all we need, to our temples we must always find a way to retreat
Away from the world that can become so busy
We get lost in all the rush
Return to the center and remember peace can be found in the stillness
Oh, yes you will find your way in the darkness
if you're ready and you're willing
There's much to be heard
There's so much to be settled within those emotions
that can create a storm unfit for sailing, or calm the waters for your ship to go floating
Upon the sea of your thoughts
cast your net of introspection
For it is only in times of stillness that we
can find answers to our most difficult questions
Be still...
Apollo Hayden Mar 2017
No bridge will ever be built.
No passion could ever feel as real without love;
there's no stronger force that could ever bind us so, to the point where we're no longer separate but completely whole.
So death to mediocrity, give me that which comes straight from the soul.
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