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Apollo Hayden Oct 2017
Forgive them if they ever shamed your tears.
These days most people can't even feel out here.
Their hearts have grown cold, turning folks to stone from such evil stares.
Then there's you. Swimming freely in the deep pool of your emotions,
questioning yourself on the low, but I assure you there's nothing wrong.
Others wish they could feel as deep as you do.
Instead they laugh to make you feel bad, but don't let that ever hurt you.
I was a young boy once and they laughed at me;
so hard for their hearts to understand why these waters flow so deep.
My tears weren't from fears or sadness but from being misunderstood,
I grew into a man and acquired a tougher skin,
now most of my tears are turned into words but from them you can still feel the depth within.
So even if you don't understand yourself, I do...
because I've been there, and so I'm still here swimming in those same waters, just know you've got nothing to prove.
If they can't understand your depth, they just weren't meant to.
Just know that your heart is golden and your beautiful mind shines just like a Jewel.
Swim freely...
Apollo Hayden Apr 2016
It's too deep for you to swim here, yet
a shallow mind isn't necessarily sleeping, still one must begin to use it if ever they wanna come to the deep end
Apollo Hayden Dec 2018
Fire inside
like an uncontrollable flame
Emotions like Kerosene
The more I poured out it continues to rage
Started to rise till you could see it in my eyes and it brought on an irreversible change
Now look at me
Covered in ashes, tongue blackened with soot all over my face
I'm a wild fire when you push me
A sensitive soul but I ain't no p*y
If only you knew what you'd be getting into when you test me, maybe you'd tread a bit more softly
Even so, I know I still have much to learn as I stare at bridges that didn't have to burn...
Rummaging through ashes searching for anything left of any worth but its all just consequences in my hands
But I'm a loving man whose waters reach depth that one could never perceive, and so I'm misunderstood...
Just know I'm working on taming this flame inside
If you don't believe me, I wish you would...
Oh yeah, I'm cleaning up the inside
See the flames burn out in my eyes and the smoke begin to clear
IGNORance is ignoring the flames when knowing it needs tending to
but it's getting hot for even me so there's something I've got to do
So I quit fanning the flames and became the change by directing my energy to creative things
The fire is still lit but look what I've created with it
Words so powerful that they can rebuild a bridge
because the past is the past but this is the only way I can get over it...
Apollo Hayden Jan 2016
She placed her hand over my scare last night
Kissed me upon my #thirdeye
Told me without speaking she would be here till the end of time

You and me, yeah...
We were like this from the beginning
Lets stay like this till the ending of all time
We can read each other's minds... -AKH
Apollo Hayden Jun 2016
Can you see two world?
I am the air between 'em.
Apollo Hayden Jan 2017
Thinking of your artic heart as I watch this winter wind blow over the water.
Emotions open leading me to sparks that I can build up to flames.
When silence is key and the heart is heavy, I leave what's in my head on the page, written in paint.
Writing through easy and hard times upon this canvas of a life;
still learning through living artistically.
Apollo Hayden Dec 2016
Calm was the bluest of waters held back behind her glass.
With just a few words spoken that glass began to crack.
As if the highest note was reached from the lungs of a singer of opera,
the glass broke completely and I couldn't even stop her.
The water rushed and I held her close,
becoming the destroyer and her comforter; somehow I still mean the most.
Apollo Hayden May 2016
I say the most when my mind is turning and my mouth is closed.
Speaking with those who swim and dive deeper into the sea of collective consciousness.
To drown, one would have to live above the surface in a backwards world such as this.
Truth is the only oxygen.
Apollo Hayden Jan 2017
She was pinched in stature.
Radiated with such confidence,
yet she was nothing like a preacher, still we opened up and listened from within.
She scanned my energy from front to back, and told me that self forgiveness was thing in which I lacked.
I gave her a smile along with a nod letting her know it was well received, then I sat down, poured out the clutter and met her in the stillness, and listened to her speak.
It was all about forgiveness and walls we build that limits our beliefs.
It was there I was told to let go, piercing my skin her voice spoke to my soul, saying "and this you already know," but I forgot.
Oh the things that can be brought back into the light, when we're able to be still, slow down our thoughts and close our eyes, the answers will come.
I opened my eyes and to my surprise I stood alone in a room, and remembered that we all are one.
Apollo Hayden Oct 2016
And still you're more concerned  with who's in front of the curtain than who's behind it.
The puppets are being controlled by the puppeteers.
The strings are there, even though they're thin and clear; if you're searching for truth you'll find it.
Apollo Hayden Jul 2017
Oceans of thought provoking reads
sends his mind sailing as he drifts off and dreams.
Words come to life, creating abstract scenes, activating DNA.
Dimensions stretch, never again be(lie)ving in the same things.
Rose colored glasses cracked, hit by the truth, leaving such a painful sting.
When it all subsides, night vision eyes will be what will assist him in his dreams.
It's the desire to seek out these mysteries that keeps him intrigued by intricate things.
Apollo Hayden Oct 2016
Come, return to who you were before they fooled you.
Before they grabbed and pulled and took away the inner child.
Before they changed the frequencies making it hard to hear the whisper in the wind that spoke to your inner ear.
Before your heart stopped then restarted, now it doesn't beat the same,
before you let misery take you over the second it would rain.
Forgetting you are the droplets; skin like soil soaking it in,
don't you know to forget and lie in ignorance is a terrible sin?
You must come back and let go of these robotic ways...
step out of line to see ahead of those you're following, because they may be leading you the wrong way.
Yes, even the best of friends could be leading you astray;
unaware of the daze their living in, keeping 'em in a hypnotic state.
Connect yourself to a high #Yah love, to shield yourself from all the hate.
Oh remember, remember
for this is the hour that you should awaken.
Return to mother nature and take back what was taken...
Apollo Hayden Nov 2017
Misery disappears the more one becomes aware.
Tell me, are you willing to go deep past where the arrow has pierced
and sit within the storm long enough to understand the pain, to realize those tears you've cried helped you grow through the rain?
Before this, life was simple, quiet and easy, you were living without a care,
till an arrow hit your heart and flipped your whole world upside down, woke you up and made you more alert, so learn through the hurt now.
It is in our sorrows where we can be transformed.
Just don't give up even though your heart feels like its had enough; hold on because a new you will be born.
Apollo Hayden Oct 2018
See the waves rush in
to grasp a bottle in its hands;
a letter written perfectly protected enclosed by glass
Fire could not do
what this bottle is hoped to do
Sail aimlessly, never to reach the shores again of me or you
Words that were never said have ran out of time and expired
So they are just messages in a bottle lowering and rising with the tides
Never again to reach the shores of you or I
Apollo Hayden Mar 2017
I was gonna come back love, I swear it
I was gonna show and give 110%
but I never knew you were only 75 and hiding it, way behind that smile and those beautiful ocean blue eyes
Instead of speaking up you faked your love for the public, they only saw us in pictures that froze our smiles; they had no clue...
Neither did I but there's something I held without you knowing, because my loves the type to go through hell and high water just to fight for you
Yeah I finally left but I was coming right back
but the way you switched up after nearly gave me a heart attack
but in the end I guess the truth matters more than the pain
Silly of me to think the roots were deep and as thick as the blood in these veins
Titanium walls is what I've built now, around this heart there is no door there is no key
To bring them down you've gotta bring a feeling I've never felt before and show me something that I've never seen
but I was gonna come back love, I swear it
You used to listen when I spoke but you went deaf
So it's time to bury the memories, and burn to ashes whatever's left...
Apollo Hayden Jan 2017
As long as I'm still alive
I am a work in progress,
trying to remember the contract signed before I reincarnated into this flesh.
Who I agreed to meet, the people that would make life a little light, yet still keep enough space in between to be able to hear the spirit speak and guide.
These chapters of my life are written down to show that I am living and have lived them, so I have to write even if eyes never take the time to read, or ears never listen.
Just trying to live and connect the dots with every written line, to remember why it is I agreed to this and signed upon the dotted line.
Apollo Hayden Jan 2017
To my windows you've never came close
to understand that these tears are just mystic rain
running down and off the pane to let you know that this is true and living
Apollo Hayden Nov 2016
Allegories of euphoria drip from pen, triggering deja vu.
Spiraling down holes where white rabbits go with a clock around my neck; don't wanna be to late to open up and look through a different point of view.
Spitting out bones as I chew; infinite elasticity makes room for truth when the fear of searching has faded. Becoming aware of the bluescreen and the avatar of which I exist in, I'm breaking through the cages.
There's so many checkered floors and doors that lead to more doors. Huge ones you can walk on through and small ones only built for the willing to crawl.
What's a life lived without seeking for truth and knowledge?
What's life like beyond Truman's wall.
Apollo Hayden Mar 2018
Within turbulent reflections the sun can still be seen by an altered perception; the storm has already ceased.
In the mist we calmly drift to higher frequencies.

-Apollo Hayden
Apollo Hayden Jan 2016
Like fluid you flow through me.
Starting right from the heart, floating in the brain streams of life-is what I paint for you from the EYE on the inside, diving deeper inside the ocean of love eternal.
Can you feel me swimming through?
Apollo Hayden Jan 2017
To those with ears to hear, lift your heads up high.
Let the truth be the truth and it'll open up your eyes.
******* lines fill the sky, expanding till the blue heavens are covered in a vast ocean of white; weakening the sun, dimming beneficial light.
Keep your wits about ya and keep covered your king(dome) whenever you go outside,
It's a spiritual warfare and them lower forces are headed straight for your mind.
Straight for your mind to sabotage the divine that's been within you since the beginning of time.
It is there where you must stand on your square and be a warrior on the front lines.
Apollo Hayden Sep 2018
We're still drifting
Headed towards oblivion
Feeling the effects of our past regrets, but not saying nothing
Would love to start over again but its so hard to repair broken things
If we stare at it long enough maybe it'll fix itself magically
but we're in a space of darkness and silence, all it'll take is for someone to speak
and I have said all that I could, spoke so much that it got hard to breathe
So I'm suspended, floating, roaming 'round on my own and I feel you searching to find but there's nobody here with me
Just me, myself and I getting on with life, with a weak reception in telepathy
Traveling through the astral realm, I could've swore that was you in my dreams
Still, there was nothing but silence as I felt your thighs and hips as we made love so passionately
but even in the act I knew I'd have to wake up eventually
So we're still in this dark and silent ocean, wondering and assuming but not saying one thing...
I guess its what happens when you let go of attachments, and stop trying to control and just let the universe speak
And even though it's so silent, I can still hear because I feel everything
Apollo Hayden Jan 2017
In your courtrooms and on your dollar bills it says In God we Trust,
but the only god they serve is (G)uns (O)il and (D)rugs.
Peep game, or forever keep being played by the system put in place to play games upon your brain.
It's an energy exchange to gain control, to steal your soul when your spirit's vibrating at an all time low;
so sniff these lines I write to get you high-enough to become aware of the other side.
We always see the bright side of the moon but if you close your eyes and use your intuition then you'll be able to get in tune-
with the owls and the wolves that howl at midnight, and the black ocean waves that rise.
It'll pull you in where the veil is thin, and you'll see beyond the lies of this holographic universe; to get in touch with the great spirit you don't need a church.
There's only one God that lives and sits on the throne, and that's the most high who resides inside of your holy temple.
Apollo Hayden Jan 2017
I'm not tired but it's dark outside so I guess I'll close my eyes,
but that don't ever mean I'm sleeping.
I've gone off beyond this reality,
forever awake while I'm  dreaming.
Apollo Hayden Feb 2016
While she is sleeping
I send these words,
silent to her eyes but to the ears I pray they be heard.
I send them straight to her universe. My eyes gaze upon a starry night while she lay in darkness with eyes shut tight; I am there, though I cannot touch with my hands, I know she will feel these words hit her ears. While streaks of light flicker in her eyes, I am watching stars shoot across the midnight sky, thinking of which words to write,  knowing they will reach you.
Then I feel a slight grin appear on her face; falling deeper into her space, I could have sworn I heard her say, "I can hear you."
Apollo Hayden Oct 2016
From the last life we were like this,
so meeting you here and now we're just reuniting.
Trying to remember all that we forgotten.
Did love stay fresh, or did it go rotten?

I guess only time will tell.
From the first time we met, I felt I already knew you so well.

I just hope even when we ain't in heaven, you'll still stand by my side through hell.

Who were we?
Apollo Hayden Nov 2016
You'll be asleep but I'll be spending my nights howling at the moon.
But if you've ever wondered if wolves cry baby, well they do...
I'm known by many, yet understood by a few.
A mystery but I tell my story through simple words,
turning pain to gold, the alchemist unfolds his truths from the philosophers stone.
I am a paradox because I enjoy your presence, yet I would rather be left alone.
With a few books in a sack full of pencils and paper; watch this poet as he continues to roam...
Apollo Hayden Dec 2015
Tell me how long it's been?
Tell me how many times you've spent staying up late nights
Just trying to get right, and get your mind off of him?
Can you tell me if it's bringing you peace to hold onto nothing like you do?
There's so much you've been blessed with but you can't see it cuz you're confused.
You need to wake up and make up your mind because it's always been up to you.
See that even when others win, you don't necessarily lose, so go choose-
to be happy or continue to remain in your gloom.
You choose...
Apollo Hayden Nov 2016
You smell like spring
You look like heaven
You speak like angels sing
You're such a blessing...

— The End —